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Resource allocation trade-offs arise when developing organs are in competition for a limited pool of resources to sustain growth and differentiation. Such competition may constrain the maximal size to which structures can grow and may force a situation in which the evolutionary elaboration of one structure may only be possible at the expense of another. However, recent studies have called into question both the consistency and evolutionary importance of resource allocation trade-offs. This study focuses on a well-described trade-off between the horns and eyes of Onthophagus beetles and assesses the degree to which it is influenced by genetic, developmental and ecological conditions. Contrary to expectations, we observed that trade-off signatures (i) were mostly absent within natural populations, (ii) mostly failed to match naturally evolved divergences in horn investment among populations, (iii) were subject to differential changes in F1 populations derived from divergent field populations and (iv) remained largely unaffected by developmental genetic manipulations of horn investment. Collectively, our results demonstrate that populations subject to different ecological conditions exhibit different patterns of, and differential plasticity in, resource allocation. Further, variation in ecological conditions, rather than canalized developmental mechanisms, may determine whether and to what degree morphological structures engage in resource allocation trade-offs.  相似文献   

In a wide range of taxa, individuals are able to express strikinglydifferent morphologies in response to environmental conditionsencountered during development. Such polyphenisms have receivedparticular attention from evolutionary biologists because thecondition-dependent expression of alternative morphologies isbelieved to reflect the existence of discrete sets of adaptationsto heterogeneous ecological or social conditions, which precludethe evolution of a single, optimal phenotype. Correct interpretationof the adaptive significance, if any, of facultative trait developmentrequires a solid understanding of the determinative regime governingmorph expression. Here I explore the environmental variablesdetermining male morphology in the horn-dimorphic beetle Onthophagustaurus. I demonstrate that natural variation in both the quantityand quality of food that larvae receive from their parents determinesbody size in males and females, and, by means of a thresholdresponse, the presence or absence of horns in males. In addition,results suggest that parent beetles adjust the amount of foodthey provision for their offspring according to diet quality,which may help to compensate for environmental variation inducedby differential resource quality in the wild. I use these resultsto further characterize the selective regime responsible forthe evolution of male polyphenism in onthophagine beetles anddiscuss its significance for understanding the origin and maintenanceof morphological variation in the genus Onthophagus.  相似文献   

We examine the condition-dependence of male genitalia in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus by manipulating the quality of dung provided for larval growth and development. We show that the influence of larval nutrition differed considerably across three different trait classes (sexual, nonsexual and genital). The size of all nonsexual traits varied with dung quality but their allometric slopes remained unchanged. Relative horn length and allometry, but not absolute horn length, showed a high degree of plasticity with differences in dung quality. In contrast, both absolute size and allometry of genitalia were largely unresponsive to changes in dung quality. Male genitalia exhibited intermediate levels of phenotypic variation and lower allometric slopes than both horns and nonsexual traits. Thus, our findings provide little support for good genes hypotheses of genital evolution. We use our findings to discuss a developmental mechanism and selection pressures that may prevent the condition-dependent expression of genitalia.  相似文献   

Members of a population often differ significantly in theirparental investment. Such variation is generally believed tohave important consequences for mating system evolution andhas been suggested to play an important role in the evolutionof some secondary sexual traits and displays. Recent studiessuggest that individuals are able to adjust the intensity and kindof parental investment they provide according to the breedingconditions they encounter. As a consequence, between-individualvariation in parental investment may depend more on externalconditions than previously thought for these taxa. This mayhave important implications for current perspectives on therole of differential parental investment in the evolution andmaintenance of certain mating systems and sexual selection regimes.Here I quantify patterns of variation in paternal investmentas a function of social conditions in a species of beetle thatis dimorphic for male horn morphology. I demonstrate that undercertain conditions (namely, the absence of other males), paternalassistance covaries with male morphology, with horned males investingsubstantially more time in assisting females than hornless males.I also show that the magnitude of differences in paternal investmentbetween male morphs varies in response to external conditions.In the presence of other males, paternal assistance was negligiblefor both male morphs, who instead invested substantially andequally in mate-securing behaviors. I use my findings to discussthe significance of variation in paternal assistance for onthophaginemating systems and evaluate ideas proposed to explain the evolutionof alternative morphologies in the genus Onthophagus.  相似文献   

Horns of Onthophagus beetles are typical examples of phenotypically plastic traits: they are expressed as a function of environmental (nutritional) stimuli, and their reaction norm (i.e. the full set of horn lengths expressed as a response to different degrees of nutritional states) can be either linear or threshold-dependent. Horned males of Onthophagus ( Palaeonthophagus ) fracticornis (Preyssler, 1790) bear a single triangular cephalic protrusion of vertex carina, which has received phylogenetic support as the most primitive horn shape in the genus. Inter- and intra-sexual patterns of horn expression were studied in O. fracticornis by means of static allometries while associated variations in head shape were assessed using geometric morphometric techniques. The relation between log-transformed measurements of body size and vertex carina supported an isometric scaling in females. On the contrary, a sigmoidal model described better the horn length-body size allometry in males, with a switch point between alternative morphs at a pronotum width of 3.88 mm. Sigmoidal static allometries of horns in Onthophagus populations arise from a threshold-dependent developmental process of horn growth. This process underlies the expression of both plesiomorphic and apomorphic horn shapes in the genus. Given that the single-horn model has been identified as primitive, we propose that such a developmental process giving rise to it may be evolutionarily ancient as well. Horn expression was accompanied by a deformation of the head which makes minor and major morphs appear even more different. Therefore, in this species both horn and head shape expression contribute to male dimorphism.  相似文献   

In temperate climates, the recurring seasonal exigencies of winter represent a fundamental physiological challenge for a wide range of organisms. In response, many temperate insects enter diapause, an alternative developmental program, including developmental arrest, that allows organisms to synchronize their life cycle with seasonal environmental variation. Geographic variation in diapause phenology contributing to local climatic adaptation is well documented. However, few studies have examined how the rapid evolution of a suite of traits expressed across the diapause program may contribute to climatic adaptation on a contemporary timescale. Here, we investigate the evolution of the diapause program over the past 35 years by leveraging a “natural experiment” presented by the recent invasion of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, across the eastern United States. We sampled populations from two distinct climatic regions separated by 6° of latitude (∼700 km). Using common-garden experiments, we identified regional genetic divergence in diapause-associated cold tolerance, diapause duration, and postdiapause starvation tolerance. We also found regional divergence in nondiapause thermal performance. In contrast, we observed minimal regional divergence in nondiapause larval growth traits and at neutral molecular marker loci. Our results demonstrate rapid evolution of the diapause program and imply strong selection caused by differences in winter conditions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the morphological and genetic differentiation pattern between two sympatric dung beetle sister species, Onthophagus taurus and Onthophagus illyricus . The geometric morphometric approach coupled with the use of molecular markers allowed examination of the nature of interspecific relationships and an outline of the evolutionary and geographical processes that might have led to interspecific differentiation and the present-day partial sympatric and syntopic pattern of distribution. Geometric morphometrics failed to discrimininate the two species on the ground of external morphological traits, but revealed interspecific differences when the shape of the primary sexual traits was taken into account. The use of two different molecular markers (cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene and amplified fragment-length polymorphism) demonstrates that the two species are genetically well differentiated, forming two distinguishable lineages probably diverged during the Pliocene by allopatric speciation. No evidence of past or recent introgression and no support for hybridization were found, suggesting that sympatry was established subsequently, when speciation was accomplished. Both molecular markers and genital shape indicate that phenotypically intermediate individuals, despite their ambiguous appearance, are members of O. illyricus species rather than hybrids.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 197–211.  相似文献   

An ongoing new synthesis in evolutionary theory is expanding our view of the sources of heritable variation beyond point mutations of fixed phenotypic effects to include environmentally sensitive changes in gene regulation. This expansion of the paradigm is necessary given ample evidence for a heritable ability to alter gene expression in response to environmental cues. In consequence, single genotypes are often capable of adaptively expressing different phenotypes in different environments, i.e. are adaptively plastic. We present an individual-based heuristic model to compare the adaptive dynamics of populations composed of plastic or non-plastic genotypes under a wide range of scenarios where we modify environmental variation, mutation rate and costs of plasticity. The model shows that adaptive plasticity contributes to the maintenance of genetic variation within populations, reduces bottlenecks when facing rapid environmental changes and confers an overall faster rate of adaptation. In fluctuating environments, plasticity is favoured by selection and maintained in the population. However, if the environment stabilizes and costs of plasticity are high, plasticity is reduced by selection, leading to genetic assimilation, which could result in species diversification. More broadly, our model shows that adaptive plasticity is a common consequence of selection under environmental heterogeneity, and hence a potentially common phenomenon in nature. Thus, taking adaptive plasticity into account substantially extends our view of adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection, adaptive divergence and gene flow may interact in a number of ways. Recent studies have focused on the balance between selection and gene flow in natural populations, and empirical work has shown that gene flow can constrain adaptive divergence, and that divergent selection can constrain gene flow. A caveat is that phenotypic diversification may be under the direct influence of environmental factors (i.e. it may be due to phenotypic plasticity), in addition to partial genetic influence. In this case, phenotypic divergence may occur between populations despite high gene flow that imposes a constraint on genetic divergence. Plasticity may dampen the effects of natural selection by allowing individuals to rapidly adapt phenotypically to new conditions, thus slowing adaptive genetic divergence. On the other hand, plasticity may promote future adaptive divergence by allowing populations to persist in novel environments. Plasticity may promote gene flow between selective regimes by allowing dispersers to adapt to alternate conditions, or high gene flow may result in the selection for increased plasticity. Here I expand frameworks for understanding relationships among selection, adaptation and gene flow to include the effects of phenotypic plasticity in natural populations, and highlight its importance in evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

An important step in diagnosing local adaptation is the demonstration that phenotypic variation among populations is at least in part genetically based. To do this, many methods experimentally minimize the environmental effect on the phenotype to elucidate the genetic effect. Minimizing the environmental effect often includes reducing possible environmental maternal effects. However, maternal effects can be an important factor in patterns of local adaptation as well as adaptive plasticity. Here, we report the results of an experiment with males from two populations of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, designed to examine the relative influence of environmental maternal effects and environmental effects experienced during growth and development on body morphology, and, in addition, whether the balance among those effects is unique to each population. We used a factorial design that varied thermal environment and water chemistry experienced by mothers and thermal environment and water chemistry experienced by offspring. We found substantial differences between the two populations in their maternal and offspring norms of reaction of male body morphology to differences in thermal environment and water chemistry. We also found that the balance between maternal effects and postparturition environmental effects differed from one thermal regime to another and among traits. These results indicate that environmental maternal effects can be decidedly population‐specific and, as a result, might either contribute to the appearance of or blur evidence for local adaptation. These results also suggest that local adaptation might also occur through the evolution of maternal norms of reaction to important, and varying, environmental factors.  相似文献   

Males and females differ in their phenotypic optima for many traits, and as the majority of genes are expressed in both sexes, some alleles can be beneficial to one sex but harmful to the other (intralocus sexual conflict; ISC). ISC theory has recently been extended to intrasexual dimorphisms, where certain alleles may have opposite effects on the fitness of males of different morphs that employ alternative reproductive tactics (intralocus tactical conflict; ITC). Here, we use a half‐sib breeding design to investigate the genetic basis for ISC and ITC in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus. We found positive heritabilities and intersexual genetic correlations for almost all traits investigated. Next, we calculated the intrasexual genetic correlation between males of different morphs for horn length, a sexually selected trait, and compared it to intrasexual correlations for naturally selected traits in both sexes. Intrasexual genetic correlations did not differ significantly between the sexes or between naturally and sexually selected traits, failing to support the hypothesis that horns present a reduction of intrasexual genetic correlations due to ITC. We discuss the implications for the idea of developmental reprogramming between male morphs and emphasize the importance of genetic correlations as constraints for the evolution of dimorphisms.  相似文献   

Species are the unit of analysis in many global change and conservation biology studies; however, species are not uniform entities but are composed of different, sometimes locally adapted, populations differing in plasticity. We examined how intraspecific variation in thermal niches and phenotypic plasticity will affect species distributions in a warming climate. We first developed a conceptual model linking plasticity and niche breadth, providing five alternative intraspecific scenarios that are consistent with existing literature. Secondly, we used ecological niche‐modeling techniques to quantify the impact of each intraspecific scenario on the distribution of a virtual species across a geographically realistic setting. Finally, we performed an analogous modeling exercise using real data on the climatic niches of different tree provenances. We show that when population differentiation is accounted for and dispersal is restricted, forecasts of species range shifts under climate change are even more pessimistic than those using the conventional assumption of homogeneously high plasticity across a species' range. Suitable population‐level data are not available for most species so identifying general patterns of population differentiation could fill this gap. However, the literature review revealed contrasting patterns among species, urging greater levels of integration among empirical, modeling and theoretical research on intraspecific phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement is considered crucial in promoting diversification, yet relatively little is known of its underlying mechanisms. We examined whether evolutionary shifts in gene expression plasticity (‘genetic accommodation’) mediate character displacement in spadefoot toads. Where Spea bombifrons and S. multiplicata occur separately in allopatry (the ancestral condition), each produces alternative, diet‐induced, larval ecomorphs: omnivores, which eat detritus, and carnivores, which specialize on shrimp. By contrast, where these two species occur together in sympatry (the derived condition), selection to minimize competition for detritus has caused S. bombifrons to become nearly fixed for producing only carnivores, suggesting that character displacement might have arisen through an extreme form of genetic accommodation (‘genetic assimilation’) in which plasticity is lost. Here, we asked whether we could infer a signature of this process in regulatory changes of specific genes. In particular, we investigated whether genes that are normally expressed more highly in one morph (‘biased’ genes) have evolved reduced plasticity in expression levels among S. bombifrons from sympatry compared to S. bombifrons from allopatry. We reared individuals from sympatry vs. allopatry on detritus or shrimp and measured the reaction norms of nine biased genes. Although different genes displayed different patterns of gene regulatory evolution, the combined gene expression profiles revealed that sympatric individuals had indeed lost the diet‐induced gene expression plasticity present in allopatric individuals. Our data therefore provide one of the few examples from natural populations in which genetic accommodation/assimilation can be traced to regulatory changes of specific genes. Such genetic accommodation might mediate character displacement in many systems.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, variation in life history traits among populations is common and suggests local adaptation. However, geographic variation itself is not a proof for local adaptation, as genetic drift and gene flow may also shape patterns of quantitative variation. We studied local and regional variation in means and phenotypic plasticity of larval life history traits in the common frog Rana temporaria using six populations from central Sweden, breeding in either open‐canopy or partially closed‐canopy ponds. To separate local adaptation from genetic drift, we compared differentiation in quantitative genetic traits (QST) obtained from a common garden experiment with differentiation in presumably neutral microsatellite markers (FST). We found that R. temporaria populations differ in means and plasticities of life history traits in different temperatures at local, and in FST at regional scale. Comparisons of differentiation in quantitative traits and in molecular markers suggested that natural selection was responsible for the divergence in growth and development rates as well as in temperature‐induced plasticity, indicating local adaptation. However, at low temperature, the role of genetic drift could not be separated from selection. Phenotypes were correlated with forest canopy closure, but not with geographical or genetic distance. These results indicate that local adaptation can evolve in the presence of ongoing gene flow among the populations, and that natural selection is strong in this system.  相似文献   

Cyperus esculentus is an exotic clonal (or pseudoannual) weed in Japan, and its range is steadily increasing. To investigate its interclonal variation and phenotypic plasticity in response to water availability, five clones of C. esculentus , collected from different sites in Japan, were grown singly in pots placed outdoors under dry and wet conditions. All the traits examined showed considerable variation among the five clones. However, two clones from Tochigi were similar to each other; thus, they might have originated from the same founder population. The clone from Ibaraki was quite different from the others. Therefore, it is suggested that the Japanese populations of C. esculentus might have resulted from multiple introductions of genotypes from geographically separated and, hence, genetically differentiated, source populations. All the clones also showed considerable plasticity in response to water availability. Clones with a larger ramet number had a greater plasticity, whereas tuber size was invariant across water treatments. Highly plastic traits had generally low interclonal variation in plasticity. All the clones had high productivity and produced more ramets and tubers under wet conditions than under dry conditions. Moreover, water availability could partially regulate the mode of its reproduction; wet conditions favored tuber production (vegetative propagation) while dry conditions favored sexual reproduction. A number of trade-offs occurred between the traits of clonal growth, storage and sexual reproduction, indicating that allocation among the competing functions/organs is mutually exclusive in plants. The results obtained here suggest that C. esculentus is more likely to invade wet habitats than dry habitats.  相似文献   

Through niche construction, organisms modify their environments in ways that can alter how selection acts on themselves and their offspring. However, the role of niche construction in shaping developmental and evolutionary trajectories, and its importance for population divergences and local adaptation, remains largely unclear. In this study, we manipulated both maternal and larval niche construction and measured the effects on fitness‐relevant traits in two rapidly diverging populations of the bull‐headed dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus. We find that both types of niche construction enhance adult size, peak larval mass, and pupal mass, which when compromised lead to a synergistic decrease in survival. Furthermore, for one measure, duration of larval development, we find that the two populations have diverged in their reliance on niche construction: larval niche construction appears to buffer against compromised maternal niche construction only in beetles from Western Australia, but not in beetles from the Eastern United States. We discuss our results in the context of rapid adaptation to novel conditions and the role of niche construction therein.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the primary mechanism of organismal resilience to abiotic and biotic stress, and genetic differentiation in plasticity can evolve if stresses differ among populations. Inducible defence is a common form of adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and long‐standing theory predicts that its evolution is shaped by costs of the defensive traits, costs of plasticity and a trade‐off in allocation to constitutive versus induced traits. We used a common garden to study the evolution of defence in two native populations of wild arugula Eruca sativa (Brassicaceae) from contrasting desert and Mediterranean habitats that differ in attack by caterpillars and aphids. We report genetic differentiation and additive genetic variance for phenology, growth and three defensive traits (toxic glucosinolates, anti‐nutritive protease inhibitors and physical trichome barriers) as well their inducibility in response to the plant hormone jasmonic acid. The two populations were strongly differentiated for plasticity in nearly all traits. There was little evidence for costs of defence or plasticity, but constitutive and induced traits showed a consistent additive genetic trade‐off within each population for the three defensive traits. We conclude that these populations have evolutionarily diverged in inducible defence and retain ample potential for the future evolution of phenotypic plasticity in defence.  相似文献   

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