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The gobiid assemblage of the Venice Lagoon shallow waters was investigated by means of a semi‐quantitative standardized sampling (using a small beach seine), stratified into five main types of shallow subtidal habitats and conducted on a seasonal basis during 1 year. The degree of overlap in resource utilization among six coexisting goby species was assessed, along both the time axis, by analysing the seasonal variation in abundance and reproductive status (as revealed by the gonado‐somatic index) and the habitat axis, by comparing species abundance across different habitat types and controlling for the effects of some abiotic factors. Smaller species, and especially the marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus , dominated the local assemblage. Although the cycle of shallow water colonization and seasonal variation in total abundance were basically similar, species showed differences in timing of reproduction and recruitment, as well as in habitat preference. The larger species belonging to the genera Gobius and Zosterisessor tended to overlap their habitat use, being more abundant in seagrass habitats than in the unvegetated habitats, whereas the smaller species belonging to the genera Knipowitschia and Pomatoschistus avoided seagrasses, preferring in most cases mud flats and salt marsh creeks. Within these two groups of species some further slight differences in species habitat preference, relationship with abiotic factors and reproductive ecology could be detected. Results are discussed in the light of both ecological mechanisms underlying coexistence of closely related species and the current knowledge of the phylogeny of Mediterranean gobies.  相似文献   

Direct underwater observation of micro‐habitat use by 1838 young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar [mean LT 7·9 ± 3.1(s.d.) cm, range 3·19] and 1227 brown trout Salmo trutta (LT 10·9 ± 5·0 cm, range 3·56) showed both species were selective in habitat use, with differences between species and fish size. Atlantic salmon and brown trout selected relatively narrow ranges for the two micro‐habitat variables snout water velocity and height above bottom, but with differences between size‐classes. The smaller fishes <7 cm held positions in slower water closer to the bottom. On a larger scale, the Atlantic salmon more often used shallower stream areas, compared with brown trout. The larger parr preferred the deeper stream areas. Atlantic salmon used higher and slightly more variable mean water velocities than brown trout. Substrata used by the two species were similar. Finer substrata, although variable, were selected at the snout position, and differences were pronounced between size‐classes. On a meso‐habitat scale, brown trout were more frequently observed in slow pool‐glide habitats, while young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster high‐gradient meso‐habitats. Small juveniles <7 cm of both species were observed most frequently in riffle‐chute habitats. Atlantic salmon and brown trout segregated with respect to use of habitat, but considerable niche overlap between species indicated competitive interactions. In particular, for small fishes <7 cm of the two species, there was almost complete niche overlap for use of water depth, while they segregated with respect to water velocity. Habitat suitability indices developed for both species for mean water velocity and water depth, tended to have their optimum at lower values compared with previous studies in larger streams, with Atlantic salmon parr in the small streams occupying the same habitat as favoured by brown trout in larger streams. The data indicate both species may be flexible in their habitat selection depending on habitat availability. Species‐specific habitat overlap between streams may be complete. However, between‐species habitat partitioning remains similar.  相似文献   

We defined patterns of habitat use and selection by female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Besa-Prophet watershed of northern British Columbia. We fitted 13 adult females with Geographic Positioning System (GPS) radio-collars and monitored them between 2001 and 2004. We examined patterns of habitat selection by grizzly bears relative to topographical attributes and 3 potential surrogates of food availability: land-cover class, vegetation biomass or quality (as measured by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), and selection value for prey species themselves (moose [Alces alces], elk [Cervus elaphus], woodland caribou [Rangifer tarandus], Stone's sheep [Ovis dalli stonei]). Although vegetation biomass and quality, and selection values for prey were important in seasonal selection by some individual bears, land-cover class, elevation, aspect, and vegetation diversity most influenced patterns of habitat selection across grizzly bears, which rely on availability of plant foods and encounters with ungulate prey. Grizzly bears as a group avoided conifer stands and areas of low vegetation diversity, and selected for burned land-cover classes and high vegetation diversity across seasons. They also selected mid elevations from what was available within seasonal ranges. Quantifying relative use of different attributes helped place selection patterns within the context of the landscape. Grizzly bears used higher elevations (1,595 ± 31 m SE) in spring and lower elevations (1,436 ± 27 m) in fall; the range of average elevations used among individuals was highest (500 m) during the summer. During all seasons, grizzly bears most frequented aspects with high solar gain. Use was distributed across 10 land-cover classes and depended on season. Management and conservation actions must maintain a diverse habitat matrix distributed across a large elevational gradient to ensure persistence of grizzly bears as levels of human access increase in the northern Rocky Mountains. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

  1. Dietary specialization is common in animals and has important implications for individual fitness, inter‐ and intraspecific competition, and the adaptive potential of a species. Diet composition can be influenced by age‐ and sex‐related factors including an individual''s morphology, social status, and acquired skills; however, specialization may only be necessary when competition is intensified by high population densities or increased energetic demands.
  2. To better understand the role of age‐ and sex‐related dietary specialization in facilitating seasonal resource partitioning, we inferred the contribution of biofilm, microphytobenthos, and benthic invertebrates to the diets of western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) from different demographic groups during mid‐winter (January/February) and at the onset of the breeding migration (April) using stable isotope mixing models. Western sandpipers are sexually dimorphic with females having significantly greater body mass and bill length than males.
  3. Diet composition differed between seasons and among demographic groups. In winter, prey consumption was similar among demographic groups, but, in spring, diet composition differed with bill length and body mass explaining 31% of the total variation in diet composition. Epifaunal invertebrates made up a greater proportion of the diet in males which had lesser mass and shorter bills than females. Consumption of Polychaeta increased with increasing bill length and was greatest in adult females. In contrast, consumption of microphytobenthos, thought to be an important food source for migrating sandpipers, increased with decreasing bill length and was greatest in juvenile males.
  4. Our results provide the first evidence that age‐ and sex‐related dietary specialization in western sandpipers facilitate seasonal resource partitioning that could reduce competition during spring at the onset of the breeding migration.
  5. Our study underscores the importance of examining resource partitioning throughout the annual cycle to inform fitness and demographic models and facilitate conservation efforts.

Utilisation by fish of different estuarine habitats is known to vary at many different temporal scales, however no study to date has examined how utilisation varies at all the relevant times scales simultaneously. Here, we compare the utilisation by fish of sandy, intertidal foreshore habitats in a subtropical estuary at four temporal scales: between major spawning periods (spring/summer and winter), among months within spawning periods, between the full and new moon each month, and between night and day within those lunar phases. Comparisons of assemblage composition, abundance of individuals and of fish in seven different ‘ecological guilds’ were used to identify the temporal scales at which fish varied their use of unvegetated sandy habitats in the lower Noosa Estuary, Queensland, Australia. Fish assemblages were sampled with a seine net at three different regions. The most numerically dominant species caught were southern herring (Herklotsichthys castelnaui: Clupeidae), sand whiting (Sillago ciliata: Sillaginidae), weeping toadfish (Torquigener pleurogramma: Tetraodontidae), and silver biddy (Gerres subfasciatus: Gerreidae). Considerable variation at a range of temporal scales from short term (day versus night) to longer term (spawning periods) was detected for all but one of the variables examined. The clearest patterns were observed for diurnal effects, where generally abundance was greater at night than during the day. There were also strong lunar effects, although there were no consistent patterns between full moon and new moon periods. Significant differences among months within spawning periods were more common than differences between the actual spawning periods. The results clearly indicate that utilisation of sandy, unvegetated estuarine habitats is very dynamic and highly variable in space and time.  相似文献   

Habitat use by birds may be related to single or interacting effects of habitat characteristics, food resources and predators, but little is known about factors affecting habitat use by wetland species in boreal ecosystems. We surveyed brood‐rearing females and ducklings of four common boreal duck species to assess the effects of habitat structure and food resources on the use of wetlands by brood‐rearing ducks. Although wetland use by duck broods was related to habitat structure and food abundance, their relative importance varied among duck species. For the Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a diving duck, aquatic invertebrates and large emerging insects were the most important factors associated with wetland use. Common Teal Anas crecca broods were observed more often on wetlands with greater Dipteran emergence, whereas in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos both habitat structure and large emerging insects were important. The occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope broods was related to emerging Diptera and habitat structure but the associations were not strong. The varying habitat and food requirements of common duck species could influence the success of wetland management programmes, and consideration of these factors may be particularly important for initiatives aimed at harvested species or species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

We investigate resource and habitat use by apex predators through stable isotope analysis at two Spanish Late Miocene localities: Los Valles de Fuentidueña (~9.6 Ma, LVF) and Cerro de los Batallones (~9.1 Ma, BAT). The temporal window represented by LVF and BAT was crucial in the shaping of the current Iberian mammalian structure because it corresponds to the initial stages of a faunal turnover episode and regional environmental change at ~9.5–8.5 Ma (Vallesian–Turolian transition), associated with an increase in the seasonality of precipitation. Herbivore and carnivore δ13C and δ18O values do not point to significant changes in either the vegetation cover (a woodland to mesic C3 grassland) or the hydrological regime during the time lapse represented between LVF and BAT. This suggests that the environmental shift recorded around the Vallesian–Turolian boundary may have occurred later in time, since LVF and BAT ages are synchronic with the onset of the turnover event. From the standpoint of predator–prey evaluation by means of stable isotope analysis, statistical post hoc tests, mixing model output, and the assessment of niche occupation by LVF and BAT carnivores point to high levels of interspecific competition among large active carnivores, albeit some genera, such as the amphicyonid Magericyon and specially the hyaenid Lycyaena, seemed to avoid competition by taking prey from a more open habitat. Despite the drop in diversity and change in faunal components observed between the LVF and BAT assemblages, a high degree of resource and habitat competition is evident from stable isotope data.  相似文献   

This paper outlines population trends (with confidence intervals) for 49 species in woodland habitats in Britain as monitored by the British Trust for Ornithology's (BTO) Common Bird Census (CBC) between 1967 and 1999. Additionally, the possible causes of these population trends are investigated by relating the ecological characteristics of species to the degree of population change they have undergone over different time periods. Over the whole period, 17 species showed significant decreases in abundance and 12 species showed significant increases. Whilst population trajectories were diverse, long-distance migrants showed more negative trends than other species and the timing of the changes in their populations was related to their wintering latitude, suggesting that these species may be suffering from environmental changes in the non-breeding season. There was also support for habitat specializations being related to population changes, with species classified as scrub and understorey specialists declining on average, but this was only evident across the entire study period. Additionally, species eating seeds in summer declined and those eating vegetation and making use of the agricultural landscape matrix increased. Therefore wide-scale factors such as landscape-scale processes or processes operating outside of Britain appear to be important in addition to local habitat change, especially for long-distance migrants.  相似文献   

1. Habitat loss is a major driver of biodiversity decline worldwide. Temporary waterbodies are especially vulnerable because they are sensitive both to human impact and to climatic variations. Pond‐breeding amphibians are often dependent on temporary waterbodies for their reproduction, and hence are sensitive to loss of temporary ponds. 2. Here we present the results of a 5‐year study regarding the use of temporary aquatic habitats by amphibians in a hydrologically modified area of Eastern Europe (Romania). The annual number of aquatic habitats varied between 30 and ~120. Each aquatic habitat was characterised by a number of variables such as: ‘type’ (pond, drainage ditch and archaeological ditch), ‘hydroperiod’ (number of weeks the ponds were filled in a given year), ‘depth’ (cm), ‘area’ (m2) and the density of predatory insects (‘predation’). The turnover rate for each amphibian species for each wetland was calculated based on the pond occupancy. 3. Eight amphibian species were recorded from the aquatic habitats. Hydroperiod was the most important variable, positively influencing wetland use by amphibians and their reproductive success. Most species preferred drainage ditches for reproduction, and the reproductive success was highest in this habitat type every year. For most of the species, the local extinction rate was higher than the colonisation rate in the first 4 years, but the situation reversed in the last year of the study when wetland use by amphibians sharply increased because of high rainfall. 4. This study confirms the importance for amphibians of maintaining and managing aquatic habitat diversity at small spatial scales. Man‐made aquatic habitats such as drainage ditches may be important habitats for amphibians, and this should be considered in restoration activities.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on seasonally dry tropical forest herpetofauna are scarce and those focused on interspecific relations of lizards in this endangered ecosystem are even fewer. This study evaluates general and seasonal patterns in time and habitat use among four lizard species (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis, and Urosaurus bicarinatus) in a protected area of dry tropical forest in western Mexico. Data were gathered by visual surveys along 12 linear parallel transects located in an undisturbed habitat. Anolis nebulosus showed a bimodal pattern in daily activity whereas the other species exhibited unimodal patterns of activity. Seasonality only affected the general activity patterns of S. melanorhinus and U. bicarinatus. With the exception of A. nebulosus and S. melanorhinus, statistical differences were found for all pairwise comparisons of general and seasonal patterns of habitat use. The use of leaf‐litter and low perches in arboreal species was higher during the dry season, probably in response to higher food availability in these habitats. As expected, environmental seasonality affects both activity time and habitat use by lizards. Results suggest greater differences in habitat use than in time of activity among species. The data also indicate complementary use of time and space by these lizard species: species showing similar activity patterns exhibit greater differences in their habitat use. Predation could be an important factor affecting the use of habitat and time by the four lizard species.

Los estudios ecológicos de la herpetofauna de los bosques tropicales secos son escasos y aquellos enfocados a las relaciones ínterespecíficas en lagartijas de este ecosistema fuertemente amenazado son aún más raros. Este estudio evalúa el uso del tiempo y del hábitat de cuatro especies de lagartijas (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis y, Urosaurus bicarinatus) en un área protegida en el occidente de México al comparar los patrones generales y estacionales. La información se obtuvo basándose en 12 transectos visuales ubicados en bosque intacto. Anolis nebulosus registró un patrón bimodal de actividad diaria mientras que en el resto fue unimodal, pero aparentemente, la estacionalidad solo afecto los patrones generales de S. melanorhinus y U. bicarinatus. A excepción de A. nebulosus y S. melanorhinus, todas las comparaciones intraespecificas de los patrones generales y estacionales del uso del hábitat mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El uso de la hojarasca y perchas mas bajas, en las especies arborícolas, fue mayor durante la época de sequía probablemente en respuesta a una mayor disponibilidad de alimento en esos hábitats durante ese tiempo. Como se esperaba, la estacionalidad puede afectar el uso del tiempo y hábitat en lagartijas. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de un mayor uso diferencial del hábitat que del tiempo y la ocurrencia de un uso complementario de ellos: las especies con patrones de actividad más similares difieren más en su uso del hábitat. La depredación puede tener un efecto importante en el uso del tiempo y hábitat de estas especies de lagartijas.  相似文献   

1. Return of large‐bodied zooplankton populations is of key importance for creating a shift from a turbid to a clear‐water state in shallow lakes after a nutrient loading reduction. In temperate lakes, recovery is promoted by submerged macrophytes which function as a daytime refuge for large zooplankton. However, recovery of macrophytes is often delayed and use of artificial plant beds (APB) has been suggested as a tool to enhance zooplankton refuges, thereby reinforcing the shift to a clear‐water state and, eventually, colonisation of natural plants. 2. To further evaluate the potential of APB in lake restoration, we followed the day–night habitat choices of zooplankton throughout summer in a clear and a turbid lake. Observations were made in the pelagic and littoral zones and in APB in the littoral representing three different plant densities (coverage 0%, 40% and 80%). 3. In the clear lake, the zooplankton (primarily Daphnia) were mainly found in the pelagic area in spring, but from mid‐May they were particularly abundant in the APB and almost exclusively so in mid‐June and July, where they appeared in extremely high densities during day (up to 2600 ind. L−1). During night Daphnia densities were overall more equally distributed between the five habitats. Ceriodaphnia was proportionally more abundant in the APB during most of the season. Cyclopoids were more abundant in the high APB during day but were equally distributed between the five habitats during night. 4. In the turbid lake, however, no clear aggregation was observed in the APB for either of the pelagic genera (Daphnia and Bosmina). This may reflect a higher refuge effect in the open water due to the higher turbidity, reduced ability to orient to plant beds and a significantly higher fish density (mainly of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and perch, Perca fluviatilis) in the plant beds than in the clear lake. Chydorus was found in much higher proportions among the plants, while cyclopoids, particularly the pelagic Cyclops vicinus, dominated in the pelagic during day and in the pelagic and high density plants during night. 5. Our results suggest that water clarity is decisive for the habitat choice of large‐bodied zooplankton and that introduction of APB as a restoration measure to enhance zooplankton survival is only a useful tool when water clarity increases following loading reduction. Our results indicate that dense APB will be the most efficient.  相似文献   

欧维新  甘玉婷婷 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2996-3004
选择盐城珍禽国家级自然保护区,以丹顶鹤越冬生境景观与种群动态这一格局-过程关系为切入点,尝试从丹顶鹤最小存活面积特征与种群动态视角探讨一下最佳粒度、景观格局变化分析的指数遴选方法。结果发现:根据丹顶鹤最小生存面积确定200m为最大转换粒度,综合景观指数随空间粒度变化的规律和粒度转换精度损失评价的结果,确定最佳分析粒度为70m。在众多景观因子中,运用Spearman秩相关分析,再利用逐步回归分析建立起景观与丹顶鹤数量指标间的联系,最终筛选出反映景观面积(CA)和空间格局(IJI,ENN_MN)的3种影响显著景观因子,其解释贡献率(累计R2)达到70.5%,且其所代表的生境景观的组成和结构信息较为客观地反映出研究区丹顶鹤种群动态分布的显示状态。与纯粹的景观指数分析相比,这种方法更能反应景观格局演变特征的特定生态学意义。  相似文献   

Geoffroy's cat Oncifelis geoffroyi is a little-known South American small felid. We report data on the spatial ecology of four adults (two males and two females) that were radiotracked in an area of wet grassland of the Argentine Pampas from February 2000 to April 2001. The mean home range size varied from 248 ha [90% minimum convex polygon (MCP)] to 342 ha (100% MCP), with male home ranges c . 2.5 larger than those of females. Home range overlap averaged 44.7%, and was more extensive between males than between females but it decreased markedly when outliers were excluded. Forest patches were used more than expected by their availability within home ranges. These patches hosted many large defecation sites, possibly acting as 'communication centres' where information was exchanged among individuals in the form of scent marks. Despite the lack of a clear preference for tall grasslands, this was the most frequently used habitat. We argue that natural grasslands in the Pampas ecoregion are important for O. geoffroyi and that their alteration can affect the conservation status of this cat. The comparison of our data with those reported previously suggests that Geoffroy's cat can show a certain degree of flexibility in its spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

Although shade coffee plantations are potentially valuable habitats for wildlife conservation, little information exists on the extent to which they provide resident wildlife populations with resources necessary for survival and reproduction. A 14-month study of the ecology of mantled howling monkeys Alouatta palliata living in a Nicaraguan shade coffee plantation was therefore conducted. Trees were surveyed at randomly located enumeration points in the coffee plantation and monitored for phenophase production to characterize resource availability. Day-long focal animal follows were used to characterize the ranging and habitat preferences of the howlers. The study site had a diverse canopy, with over 60 tree species providing shade for coffee cultivation; high tree diversity ensured year-round availability of the howlers' preferred foods. Howlers did not avoid feeding or ranging in areas of shade coffee cultivation. However, when foraging in coffee they favored large shade trees for feeding and were less likely to use areas of shade coffee with small trees and fewer arboreal pathways. Results suggest, in conjunction with controls on hunting and protection of nearby forests, that shade coffee can serve as alternate wildlife habitat and corridors between forest fragments for howling monkeys and possibly other forest mammals. Specific management recommendations to improve the conservation value of shade coffee for primates are made and the potential role of coffee plantations in primate conservation at a regional scale are discussed.  相似文献   

Poleward range shifts under climate change involve the colonization of new sites and hence the foundation of new populations at the expanding edge. We studied oviposition site selection in a butterfly under range expansion (Lycaena dispar), a key process for the establishment of new populations. We described and compared the microhabitats used by the species for egg laying with those available across the study sites both in edge and in core populations. We carried out an ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) to estimate (1) the variety of microhabitats used by the butterfly for egg laying (tolerance) and (2) the extent to which these selected microhabitats deviated from those available (marginality). Microhabitat availability was similar in edge and core populations. Ambient temperature recorded at the site level above the vegetation was on average lower at core populations. In contrast with what is often assumed, edge populations did not have narrower microhabitat use compared to core populations. Females in edge populations even showed a higher degree of generalism: They laid eggs under a wider range of microhabitats. We suggest that this pattern could be related to an overrepresentation of fast deciding personalities in edge populations. We also showed that the thermal time window for active female behavior was reduced in edge populations, which could significantly decrease the time budget for oviposition and decrease the threshold of acceptance during microhabitat selection for oviposition in recently established populations.  相似文献   

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