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Using museum specimens, we studied recent changes in skull size of the American marten Martes americana , in continental Alaska. In Alaska, global warming has resulted in milder winters that may contribute to an improved food supply in the wild. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that body size of the marten had increased during the second half of the 20th century, in response to global warming. We found that skull size, and by implication body size, increased significantly during the second half of the 20th century, possibly due to an improved food supply and/or lower metabolic demands in winter. Improved food availability in winter may result from the improved nutritional conditions for prey, and/or from increased access to prey resulting from a longer snow-free season. Longitude had a significant positive effect on skull size and a significant negative effect on teeth size. In Alaska, the climate is milder along the western coast and becomes harsher inland. Hence, the milder climate was associated with larger body size providing further support for our prediction that body size of the American marten was influenced by food availability and reduced energy expenditure. The negative relationship between longitude and teeth size may indicate a trend towards a larger prey in inland marten populations, but we have no data to support or refute this hypothesis.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 701–707.  相似文献   

Climate change, species range limits and body size in marine bivalves   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
We use data on the Pleistocene and modern range limits of Californian marine bivalves to show that species that shifted their geographical ranges in response to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations were preferentially drawn from the large end of the regional body size–frequency distributions. This difference is not due to phylogenetic effects (i.e. dominance of extralimital species by a few large-bodied clades), differences among major ecological categories (burrowing versus surface-dwelling, or suspension feeding versus non-suspension feeding), or differences in modes of reproduction and larval development. In addition, we show that successful invasive species of bivalves in present-day marine habitats also tend to be large-bodied, despite the difference in mechanisms between present-day and Pleistocene range expansions. These results indicate that range limits of large-bodied bivalve species are more unstable than small-bodied ones, and that body size and its correlates need to be considered when attempting to predict the responses of marine communities to climate change, biotic interchanges and human-mediated invasions.  相似文献   

1. Annual insects are predicted to grow larger where the growing season is longer. However, transitions from one to two generations per year can occur when the season becomes sufficiently long, and are predicted to result in a sharp decrease in body size because available development time is halved. The potential for resulting saw‐tooth clines has been investigated only in solitary taxa with free‐living larvae. 2. Size clines were investigated in two socially polymorphic sweat bees (Halictidae): transitions between solitary and social nesting occur along gradients of increasing season length, characterised by the absence or presence of workers and offspring that are individually mass provisioned by adults. How the body size changes with season length was examined, and whether transitions in social phenotype generate saw‐tooth size clines. We measured Lasioglossum calceatum and Halictus rubicundus nest foundresses originating from more than 1000 km of latitude, encompassing the transition between social and solitary nesting. 3. Using satellite‐collected temperature data to estimate season length, it was shown that both species were largest where the season was longest. Body size increased linearly with season length in L. calceatum and non‐linearly in H. rubicundus but the existence of saw‐tooth clines was not supported. 4. The present results suggest that because the amount of food consumed by offspring during development is determined by adults, environmental and social influences on the provisioning strategies of adult bees may be more important factors than available feeding time in determining offspring body size in socially polymorphic sweat bees.  相似文献   

The body size of an animal is probably its most important functional trait. For arthropods, environmental drivers of body size variation are still poorly documented and understood, especially in tropical regions. We use a unique dataset for two species‐rich, phylogenetically independent moth taxa (Lepidoptera: Geometridae; Arctiinae), collected along an extensive tropical elevational gradient in Costa Rica, to investigate the correlates and possible causes of body‐size variation. We studied 15 047 specimens (794 species) of Geometridae and 4167 specimens (308 species) of Arctiinae to test the following hypotheses: 1) body size increases with decreasing ambient temperature, as predicted by the temperature–size rule; 2) body size increases with increasing rainfall and primary productivity, as predicted from considerations of starvation resistance; and 3) body size scales allometrically with wing area, as elevation increases, such that wing loading (the ratio of body size to wing area) decreases with increasing elevation to compensate for lower air density. To test these hypotheses, we examined forewing length as a proxy for body size in relation to ambient temperature, rainfall, vegetation index and elevation as explanatory variables in linear and polynomial spatial regression models. We analysed our data separately for males and females using two principal approaches: mean forewing length of species at each site, and mean forewing length of complete local assemblages, weighted by abundance. Body size consistently increased with elevation in both taxa, both approaches, both sexes, and also within species. Temperature was the best predictor for this pattern (–0.98 < r < –0.74), whereas body size was uncorrelated or weakly correlated with rainfall and enhanced vegetation index. Wing loading increased with elevation. Our results support the temperature–size rule as an important mechanism for body size variation in arthropods along tropical elevational gradients, whereas starvation resistance and optimization of flight mechanics seem to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

Aim  Global warming and other anthropogenic changes to the environment affect many aspects of biology and have often been invoked as causing body size changes in vertebrates. Here we examine a diverse set of carnivore populations in search of patterns in body size change that could reflect global warming (in accord with Bergmann's rule).
Location  Global.
Methods  We used > 4400 specimens representing 22 carnivore species in 52 populations collected over the last few decades to examine whether size changed with collection date when geography and sex are accounted for. We then examined several factors related to global warming, body mass, diet, and the attributes of the different datasets, to see whether they affect the standardized slope (β) of the size versus time regression.
Results  Six of 52 populations we examined show a significant effect of year of collection on body size at the 0.05 probability level. The response of size to global warming does not reflect spatial patterns of size variation, nor do diet or body mass affect tendency of populations to change in body size. Size changes are no more pronounced in populations that have been sampled more recently. However, change, where it occurs, is rapid.
Main conclusions  There may be a tendency in the literature to report only cases where recent changes are prevalent. Although in our data only a minority of populations show body size changes, we may see changes accelerating in the future in response to more drastic climatic changes and other anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   

We compared the average body size (wing span) of Finnish geometrid moth species in relation to their degree of polyphagy and quality of food. The first hypothesis, originally constructed for mammals and birds, states that smaller species should more often be specialists than large species, because of the different relationships between body size and home range size, and body size and daily energy requirements. According to the second hypothesis, smaller species should feed more often on herbs than do larger species, because of the different defence mechanisms of herbs and woody plants. The results support both of these hypotheses. Specialist species are smaller than oligophagous or polyphagous species, and small species concentrate on herbs. We conclude that quality and quantity of food resources may explain the pattern.  相似文献   

A model relating relative size of the posterior teeth to diet is suggested for forest and savanna primates and Homo. Relative tooth size is calculated for the South African gracile australopithecine sample using posterior maxillary area sums and size estimates based on four limb bones. A number of limbs were shown to be non-hominid. Comparisons show the South African gracile sample apparently adapted to a very heavily masticated diet with relative tooth size significantly greater than any living hominoid. Periodic intensive utilization of grains and roots combined with scavenged animal protein are suggested as the most likely dietary reconstruction.  相似文献   

The current distribution of climatic conditions will be rearranged on the globe. To survive, species will have to keep pace with climates as they move. Mountains are among the most affected regions owing to both climate and land-use change. Here, we explore the effects of climate change in the vertebrate food web of the Pyrenees. We investigate elevation range expansions between two time-periods illustrative of warming conditions, to assess: (i) the taxonomic composition of range expanders; (ii) changes in food web properties such as the distribution of links per species and community size-structure; and (iii) what are the specific traits of range expanders that set them apart from the other species in the community—in particular, body mass, diet generalism, vulnerability and trophic position within the food web. We found an upward expansion of species at all elevations, which was not even for all taxonomic groups and trophic positions. At low and intermediate elevations, predator : prey mass ratios were significantly reduced. Expanders were larger, had fewer predators and were, in general, more specialists. Our study shows that elevation range expansions as climate warms have important and predictable impacts on the structure and size distribution of food webs across space.  相似文献   

Second molar length and body weight are used to test the correlation between tooth size and body size in living Hominoidea. These variates are highly correlated (r= 0.942, p less than 0.001), indicating that tooth size can be used in dentally unspecialized fossil hominoids as one method of predicting the average body weight of species. Based on tooth size, the average body weight of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is estimated to have been beteen 4.5 and 7.5 kg, which is corroborated by known cranial and postcranial elements. Using Radinsky's estimates of brain size, the encephalization quotient (EQ) for Aegyptopithecus was between 0.65 and 1.04. A similar analysis for Proconsul africanus yields a body weight between 16 and 34 kg, and an EQ between 1.19 and 1.96.  相似文献   

Productivity in a social wasp: per capita output increases with swarm size   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
We measured the productivity of newly-founded colonies of Polybiaocddentalis, a Neotropical swarm-founding social wasp, overtheir first 25 days. By both of the measures we used, numberof nest cells built by the swarm and dry weight of brood produced,colony-level productivity was a significant positive quadraticfunction of the number of adults in the swarm, indicating thatper capita output increased with swarm size. Subdividing adultsinto queens and workers did not improve significantly on thesemodels, but the proportion of queens was a significant factorexplaining brood production in one of two sampling years. Earlierwork on P. ocddentalis suggests that the mechanism behind thepattern is that workers transferring materials to one anotherexperience increasing queuing delays as group size decreases.The largest colony in each of the two years produced unusuallylow outputs of brood. One interpretation is that the curve ofgroup-size related brood productivity peaks at intermediategroup size and that these colonies are on the downward partof the curve. That these same two colonies also had the lowestproportions of queens suggests a second interpretation: thesecolonies were constrained to low brood production by a low colony-leveloviposition rate. A third possibility is diat these were maturecolonies, and mature colonies may allocate a smaller fractionof resources to brood rearing than do younger colonies. Ourresult contradicts earlier findings for a variety of socialand subsocial Hymenoptera that per capita productivity declinesas group size increases. We suspect that Michener's result forswarm-founding wasps is an artifact of his having to lump coloniesof different species and different stages of development toobtain adequate sample sizes to plot. If our result for P. ocddentaliscan be generalized to other swarm-founders, then these waspshave evolved a mode of colony organization fundamentally differentfrom that of other wasps. Thus, our result places new significanceon the role of group dynamics as a factor affecting group sizein different taxa.  相似文献   

Climate,body condition and spleen size in birds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Møller AP  Erritzøe J 《Oecologia》2003,137(4):621-626
Climatic conditions may impact on the body condition of animals and thereby affect their survival prospects. However, climate may also impact directly on the survival prospects of animals by affecting the size of immune defence organs that are used for defence against parasites. We used a large long-term database on body condition and size of the spleen in birds to test for immediate and delayed relationships between climatic conditions as indexed by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and body condition and spleen mass, respectively. Across 14 species of birds, spleen mass was significantly positively correlated with the NAO index, while the delayed effect of NAO on spleen mass was not significant. Spleen mass was positively related to body condition, but body condition did not depend significantly on NAO or delayed NAO effects. Bird species with a strong positive effect of NAO on spleen mass tended to have small spleens for their body size, while species with a strong negative effect of NAO on spleen mass tended to have relatively large spleens. Since bird species with relatively large spleen have been shown to suffer more from the negative effects of parasites, we can infer that the effects of climate as indexed by NAO on the size of the spleen depends on the importance of parasite-mediated natural selection.Due to an error in the citation line, this revised PDF (published in December 2003) deviates from the printed version, and is the correct and authoritative version of the paper.  相似文献   

1. Like avian brood parasites, obligate insect social parasites exploit the parental care of a host species to rear their brood, causing an evident loss of host reproductive success. This fitness cost imposes selective pressure on the host to reduce the parasite effect. A possible outcome of an evolutionary arms race is the selection of host morphological counter‐adaptations to resist parasite attacks. 2. We studied host–parasite pairs of Polistes wasps in which the fighting equipment of the parasite's body allows it to enter the host colony. 3. We searched for host morphological traits related to fighting ability that could be considered counter‐adaptations. As a host–parasite co‐evolutionary arms race can only occur where the two lineages co‐exist, we compared morphological traits of hosts belonging to populations with or without parasite pressure. We report that host foundresses belonging to populations under strong parasite pressure have a larger body size than those belonging to populations without parasite pressure. 4. Behavioural experiments carried out to test if an increase in host body size is useful to oppose parasite usurpation show that large body size foundresses exhibit a greater ability of nest defence.  相似文献   

The frequency of multiple births, life history parameters, body size, and diet characteristics were obtained from the literature for 70 primate species. The general pattern within the primate order is to have single infant litters, yet multiple births regularly occur in a number of species in specific phylogenetic groups. Primates which have large litters tend to be small, have short gestation periods and give birth to small infants, which are weaned quickly, and mature rapidly. Species in which multiple births are common also have short interbirth intervals and in the Callitrichidae have males which exhibit paternal care. In addition, they are commonly insectivorous. Although it is difficult to isolate the effects of diet on litter size, independent of body size, analyses suggest that after the influence of body size is statistically removed, as the proportion of insects in the diet increases, animals have larger litters. We suggest that by adopting a mixed diet of insects and fruit primates may be able to ensure access to a seasonally stable food resource that is not greatly restricted by the presence of toxins. This diet would allow a relatively high metabolism and facilitate large litters.  相似文献   

Svensson  Jan-Erik 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):155-161
An enclosure experiment was performed to test for direct predationeffects on fecundity and adult body size of the copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis in the field. By introducing a high densityof fish (15 underyearling roach, Rutilus rutilus, per 350litre enclosure) and documenting the short-term effects on traitsin a rapidly decreasing prey population, responses to changes inthe phytoplankton community were minimized. After 68 hours ofpredation, clutch size and frequency of females carrying eggs weresignificantly lower in fish enclosures. Female density was moreaffected than male density. Predation selected against large bodysize in both sexes but less so in females, leading to an increasedsexual size dimorphism. The results agree with predictions based onprey selectivity in fish. Predation risk should increase withclutch size and body size since these traits increase theconspicuousness of prey. The size of the highly visible egg-clutchmay be more important than body size. Female body size wasuncorrelated to clutch size, which may explain the weaker sizeeffect among females and the changed sexual sizedimorphism.  相似文献   

In most animal species, brood size and body size exhibit some variation within and between populations. This is also true for burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus), a group in which the body size of offspring depends critically on the number of offspring competing for food due to the discrete nature of resource used for larval nutrition (vertebrate carcasses). In one species, brood size and body size are correlated with population density, and appear to be phenotypically plastic. We investigated potential proximate causes of between-population variation in brood size and body size in two species, Nicrophorus vespilloides and Nicrophorus defodiens. Our first experiment supported the notion that brood size is phenotypically plastic, because it was affected by environmental variation in adult nutritional condition. We found that the pre-breeding nutritional status of female N. vespilloides affected the number of eggs they laid, the number of surviving larvae in their broods, and the body size of their offspring. We do not know whether this plasticity is adaptive because greater offspring body size confers an advantage in contests over breeding resources, or whether starved females are constrained to produce smaller clutches because they cannot fully compensate for their poor pre-breeding nutritional status by feeding from the carcass. Our second experiment documents that brood size, specifically the infanticidal brood-size adjustment behavior, has undergone genetic differentiation between two populations of N. defodiens. Even under identical breeding conditions with identical numbers of first-instar larvae, females descended from the two populations produced broods of different size with corresponding differences in offspring body size.  相似文献   

Correlations of size of teeth, chin, bone and body were investigated in 118 males and 102 females of the Burlington Growth Centre. In the males, the mesiodistal widths of the mandibular lateral incisors and canines were independently related to the thickness of the cortex of the second metacarpal and to body weight. Bone cortex thickness was significantly related to metacarpal width in males and to body weight in females. Chin depth of the males was significantly related to bone width and to body height, and negatively related to tooth width when bone width or body weight was held constant in partial correlations. Bone width and length were significantly related to body height in both sexes.  相似文献   

The alula is a small structure present on the leading edge of bird wings and is known to enhance lift by creating a small vortex at its tip. Alula size vary among birds, but how this variation is associated with the function of the alula remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the size and shape of the alula and the features of the wing in the Laridae and Sternidae. Laridae birds have generally longer wings and greater loadings than Sternidae birds. The two families differed in the relationships between body size or wing length and the size or shape of the alula. In the Laridae, the aspect ratio of the alula was smaller in the species that have relatively longer wings, but the pattern was opposite in the Sternidae. The aspect ratio of the alula was greater in the species that are relatively heavier in the Sternidae but not in the Laridae. Combined, these results suggest that the species with high loading potential and long wings exhibit long alula. We hypothesize that heavier species may benefit from having longer alula if they perform flights with higher attack angles than lighter species, as longer alula would better suppress flow separation at higher attack angles. Our results suggest that the size and shape of the alula can be explained in one allometric landscape defined by wing length and loading in these two closely related families of birds with similar wing shapes.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have demonstrated relationships between climate trends and body size change of organisms. In many cases, climate might be expected to influence body size by altering thermoregulation, energetics or food availability. However, observed body size change can result from a variety of ecological processes (e.g. growth, selection, population dynamics) or imperfect observation of biological systems. We used two extensive datasets to evaluate alternative mechanisms for recently reported changes in the observed body size of plethodontid salamanders. We found that mean adult body size of salamanders can be highly sensitive to survey conditions, particularly rainfall. This systematic bias in the detection of larger or smaller individuals could result in a signature of body size change in relation to reported climate trends when it is simply observation error. We also identify considerable variability in body size distributions among years and find that individual growth rates can be strongly influenced by weather. Finally, our study demonstrates that measures of mean adult body size can be highly variable among surveys and that large sample sizes may be required to make reliable inferences. Identifying the effects of climate change is a critical area of research in ecology and conservation. Researchers should be aware that observed changes in certain organisms can result from multiple ecological processes or systematic bias due to nonrandom sampling of populations.  相似文献   

The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), a forest-living Old World monkey, is highly sexually dimorphic, with males exhibiting extreme secondary sexual characteristics, including growth of paranasal swellings on the muzzle. In this study, the size of the secondary bone that forms the paranasal swellings on the muzzles of drills was assessed in relation to body mass proxies. The relationship between the overall size of the muzzle and surrogate measures of body mass was also examined. In female drills, muzzle breadth was positively correlated with two proxies of overall body mass, greatest skull length and upper M1 area. However, there was no such correlation in males. Paranasal swellings in males also appeared to have no significant relationship to body mass proxies. This suggests that secondary bone growth on the muzzles of male drills is independent of overall body size. Furthermore, this secondary bone appears to be vermiculate, probably developing rapidly and in an irregular manner, with no correlation in the sizes of paranasal swelling height and breadth. However, various paranasal swelling dimensions were related to the size of the muzzle. It is suggested that the growth of the paranasal swellings and possibly the muzzle could be influenced by androgen production and reflect testes size and sperm motility. The size and appearance of the paranasal swellings may thus be an indicator of reproductive quality both to potential mates and male competitors. Further work is required to investigate the importance of the paranasal swellings as secondary sexual characteristics in Mandrillus and the relationship between body size and secondary sexual characteristics. Attention should also be paid to the mechanisms and trajectories of facial growth in Mandrillus.  相似文献   

Optimal colony size in eusocial insects likely reflects a balance between ecological factors and factors intrinsic to the social group. In a seminal paper Michener (1964) showed for some species of social Hymenoptera that colony production of immature stages (productivity), when transformed to a per-female basis, was inversely related to colony size. He concluded that social patterns exist in the social insects that cause smaller groups to be more efficient than larger groups. This result has come to be known as “Michener’s paradox” because it suggests that selection on efficiency would oppose the evolution of the large and complex societies that are common in the social insects. Michener suggested that large colony size has other advantages, such as improved defense and homeostasis, that are favored by selection. For his analysis of swarm-founding wasps, Michener combined data from colonies of different species and different developmental stages in order to obtain adequate sample sizes; therefore, his study did not make a strong case that efficiency decreases with increasing colony size (across colonies) in these wasps. We tested Michener’s hypothesis on the Neotropical swarm-founding wasp Parachartergus fraternus, while controlling for stage of colony development. We found that small colonies were more variable in percapita productivity relative to larger colonies, but found no evidence for a negative relationship between efficiency and size across colonies. Received 1 February 2006; revised 5 May 2006; accepted 11 May 2006.  相似文献   

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