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Ecological communities are comprised of species that interact with each other and those interactions ultimately generate community structure. Network theory provides a useful framework to study communities, by simultaneously considering species composition and the interactions among species. In this study, I use mixed-species flocks as model systems to gain insights on community and network structure. Specifically, I use co-occurrence network analyses to explore if avian mixed-species flocks change in richness and composition and/or in network structure and pair-wise associations, across elevations in the tropical Andes of Bolivia. Networks of flocking species changed both in composition and in the frequency and realization of pair-wise interactions across elevations, but changes in pair-wise associations explained most of network turnover along elevation. Pair-wise interactions changed rapidly, with shared species changing in position and importance within the network. Network dissimilarity was mostly explained by changes in the nature of associations rather than by differences in composition. Altogether, results show that montane mixed-species flocks are composed of loosely connected species and that most species have the potential of switching associations, often increasing in association strength at high elevations (up to 3150 m). Networks increased in connectivity and cohesion with elevation; flocks in lower elevations had more connections and these were less even. Above 3150 m a.s.l., there was rapid decay suggesting that flocks above this critical point are less connected and cohesive. This study exemplifies how combining community, network and pair-wise analyses can provide a more holistic view on the responses of species and assemblages to environmental gradients.  相似文献   

We tested for seasonal plasticity of the peripheral auditory system of three North American members of the Sylvioidea: Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis), tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor), and white-breasted nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis). We measured three classes of auditory evoked responses (AER) to tone stimuli: sustained receptor/neural responses to pure-tone condensation waveforms, the frequency-following response (FFR), and the earliest peak of the AER to stimulus onset (tone onset response). Seasonal changes were detected in all classes of AERs in chickadees and nuthatches. Seasonal changes in titmice were restricted to the tone onset response. Interestingly, changes detected in chickadees (and to a lesser extent in titmice) were generally in an opposite direction to changes seen in nuthatches, with chickadees exhibiting greater amplitude AER responses in the spring than in winter, and nuthatches exhibiting greater amplitude AER responses in winter than in spring. In addition, the seasonal differences in the sustained responses tended to be broad-band in the chickadees but restricted to a narrower frequency range in nuthatches. In contrast, seasonal differences in the onset response were over a broader frequency range in titmice than in chickadees and nuthatches. We discuss some possible mechanistic and functional explanations for these seasonal changes.  相似文献   

Acoustic noise from automobile traffic impedes communication between signaling animals. To overcome the acoustic interference imposed by anthropogenic noise, species across taxa adjust their signaling behavior to increase signal saliency. As most of the spectral energy of anthropogenic noise is concentrated at low acoustic frequencies, species with lower frequency signals are expected to be more affected. Thus, species with low-frequency signals are under stronger pressure to adjust their signaling behaviors to avoid auditory masking than species with higher frequency signals. Similarly, for a species with multiple types of signals that differ in spectral characteristics, different signal types are expected to be differentially masked. We investigate how the different call types of a Japanese stream breeding treefrog (Buergeria japonica) are affected by automobile traffic noise. Male B. japonica produce two call types that differ in their spectral elements, a Type I call with lower dominant frequency and a Type II call with higher dominant frequency. In response to acoustic playbacks of traffic noise, B. japonica reduced the duration of their Type I calls, but not Type II calls. In addition, B. japonica increased the call effort of their Type I calls and decreased the call effort of their Type II calls. This result contrasts with prior studies in other taxa, which suggest that signalers may switch to higher frequency signal types in response to traffic noise. Furthermore, the increase in Type I call effort was only a short-term response to noise, while reduced Type II call effort persisted after the playbacks had ended. Overall, such differential effects on signal types suggest that some social functions will be disrupted more than others. By considering the effects of anthropogenic noise across multiple signal types, these results provide a more in-depth understanding of the behavioral impacts of anthropogenic noise within a species.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise is prevalent across the globe and can exclude birds from otherwise suitable habitat and negatively influence fitness; however, the mechanisms responsible for species' responses to noise are not always clear. One effect of noise is a reduction in effective acoustic communication through acoustic masking, yet some urban songbirds may compensate for masking by noise through altering their songs. Whether this vocal flexibility accounts for species persistence in noisy areas is unknown. Here, we investigated the influence of noise on habitat use and vocal frequency in two suboscine flycatchers using a natural experiment that isolated effects of noise from confounding stimuli common to urban habitats. With increased noise exposure, grey flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) occupancy declined, but vocal frequency did not change. By contrast, ash-throated flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) occupancy was uninfluenced by noise, but individuals in areas with greater noise amplitudes vocalized at a higher frequency, although the increase (≈200 kHz) may only marginally improve communication and may represent a secondary effect from increased vocal amplitude. Even so, the different flycatcher behavioural responses suggest that signal change may help some species persist in noisy areas and prompt important questions regarding which species will cope with an increasingly noisy world.  相似文献   

Søren Toft  David H. Wise 《Oecologia》1999,119(2):198-207
Prey of different quality can be distinguished by their effects on fitness parameters (e.g., survival, growth, development) of the predator. This paper describes a series of experiments with wolf spiders, Schizocosa sp., designed to analyze the behavioral and physiological mechanisms by which these effects are brought about. Schizocosa responded to prey of inferior quality by developing an aversion. The number of prey encounters needed for the aversion to develop depended on the prey type and the quality of alternative prey available. As expected, fewer low-quality prey were accepted if prey of higher quality were available; however, acceptance was also reduced if alternative prey were of even lower quality. An aversion disappeared within a few hours to about 1 day. Consumption by Schizocosa of even small amounts of some “toxic” prey species reduced growth by inhibiting feeding rate and impairing utilization of food derived from prey of higher quality. These results have implications for understanding the interactions of generalist predators in community food webs. Received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Predator presence can create a “landscape of fear,” which is defined as the spatially explicit distribution of perceived predation risk as seen by prey. Prey species can alter their behavior and space use as a response to increased predation risk, which might be traded off with energetic requirements. Thus, whether or not an anti-predator behavior is performed might depend on the perceived risk. In this study, we investigated the behavioral and spatial response of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) toward the presence of a predator scent, using red fox (Vulpes vulpes) scat, an unfamiliar control scent (butyric acid), and a true control (no scent). We collected data on hare activity times and behavior using 50 camera trap locations and spatial data using GPS telemetry (30,481 GPS positions of 12 hares). Hares showed spatial anti-predator behaviors within their home range, for example, the local avoidance of areas treated with scent and remaining further from field edges, in response to sympatric predator scent and partly also in response to unfamiliar butyric acid. Conversely, more costly anti-predator behaviors, that is, increased vigilance at the expense of foraging, were only shown in response to the predator scent. Our results suggest that prey species respond flexibly toward scent cues, utilizing less costly anti-predator behaviors independent of the perceived threat, whereas costly anti-predator responses are only used in the presence of “real” threat. Further, our findings emphasize that a combination of camera trap and GPS data can provide detailed information on animal behavior and space use, and caution that interpretation of one data source alone might lead to incomplete conclusions.  相似文献   

A method to include in lca road traffic noise and its health effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background, Aims and Scope  Transport noise represents an environmental problem that is perceived by humans more directly than the usual chemical emissions or resource uses. In spite of this, traditional LCA applications still exclude noise — probably due to the unavailability of an appropriate assessment method. In order to fill the gap, this article presents a study proposing a new computational procedure for the determination of health impairment resulting from noise emissions of road vehicles. Main Features  The magnitude of health impairment due to noise is determined separately for each vehicle class (cars, trucks,..) and is calculated per vehicle-kilometre driven during the day or at nighttime on the Swiss road network. This health impairment is expressed in cases of sleep disturbance or communication disturbance, and furthermore aggregated in DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years) units representing the number, duration and severity of the health cases. The method is modelling the full cause-effect chain from the noise emissions of a single vehicle up to the health damage. As in some other modern concepts of environmental damage assessment, the analysis is subdivided into the four modules of fate analysis, exposure analysis, effect analysis and damage analysis. The fate analysis yielding the noise level increment due to an additional road transport over a given distance is conducted for transports with known or with unknown routing, the latter case being more important in LCA practice. The current number of persons subject to specific background levels of noise is determined on the basis of the road traffic noise model, LUK, developed by the Swiss canton of Zurich. The number of additional cases of health impairment due to incremental noise is calculated with data out of the Swiss Noise Study 90. An assessment of the severity of sleep disturbance and communication disturbance, in comparison to other types of health impairment, was performed by a panel consisting of physicians experienced in the field of severity weighting of disabilities. Results and Discussion  The quantities of health cases and of DALY units are given per 1′000 truck or car kilometres on Swiss roads, and the range of the confidence interval is estimated. A plausibility check is made by a quantitative comparison of the results with health damage due to traffic accidents in Switzerland, and with health damage due to traffic noise in the Netherlands. Conclusions and Oudook  The method is ready for use in LCA practice. However, the temporary solution for transports outside of Switzerland should be replaced by feeding country specific data into the fate and exposure model. Further, a comparable assessment for rail transport would facilitate decisions on road or rail transport. A decisive element of transport noise assessment is the availability of robust links between noise level and medical conditions. Whilst the number of the corresponding studies is sufficiendy large, a design for better pooling of study results is desirable.  相似文献   

Understanding the roles of ecological drivers in shaping biodiversity is fundamental for conservation practice. In this study, we explored the effects of elevation, conservation status, primary productivity, habitat diversity and anthropogenic disturbance (represented by human population density and birding history) on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional avian diversity in a subtropical landscape in southeastern China. We conducted bird surveys using 1‐km transects across a total of 30 sites, of which 10 sites were located within a natural reserve. Metrics of functional diversity were calculated based on six functional traits (body mass, clutch size, dispersal ratio, sociality, diet and foraging stratum). We built simultaneous autoregression models to assess the association between the ecological factors and diversity of the local avian communities. Local avian diversity generally increased with increasing habitat diversity, human population density and primary productivity. We also detected phylogenetic and functional clustering in these communities, suggesting that the avian assemblages were structured mainly by environmental filtering, rather than interspecific competition. Compared with sites outside the natural reserve, sites within the natural reserve had relatively lower avian diversity but a higher level of phylogenetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Distinct numerical responses of predators to fluctuations in the abundance of their prey are often observed in northern regions but occur more rarely in temperate latitudes. This statement is, however, mostly based on observations of breeding populations, while in some predators, for example in raptors, numerous non-breeding floaters can occur. I estimated the breeding density and reproductive performance (nest survey) as well as the density of entire population (transects with distance sampling) of the common buzzard Buteo buteo in western Poland (52°N) in the years 2005–2014 to test the hypotheses that in temperate latitudes: (1) the breeding population of these birds does not show any numerical response, understood as annual changes in their abundance; (2) its reproductive success, however, changes with the abundance of main prey, the common vole Microtus arvalis; and (3) hence the entire buzzard population (including potential immature floaters) present in a given area during the nesting period responds numerically with some time delay. The reproductive success of buzzards was positively correlated with their prey abundance. Contrary to my predictions, however, the breeding population of buzzards showed a slight numerical response with a 3-year lag and the entire population tracked vole fluctuations without any time delay. The immediate numerical response of the entire buzzard population was probably caused by large-scale movements of floaters. Such rapid numerical responses of some predators may contribute to the relative stability of prey populations in temperate latitudes compared to northern regions.  相似文献   

Invasive species and anthropogenic habitat alteration are major drivers of biodiversity loss. When multiple invasive species occupy different trophic levels, removing an invasive predator might cause unexpected outcomes owing to complex interactions among native and non-native prey. Moreover, external factors such as habitat alteration and resource availability can affect such dynamics. We hypothesized that native and non-native prey respond differently to an invasive predator, habitat alteration and bottom-up effects. To test the hypothesis, we used Bayesian state-space modelling to analyse 8-year data on the spatio-temporal patterns of two endemic rat species and the non-native black rat in response to the continual removal of the invasive small Indian mongoose on Amami Island, Japan. Despite low reproductive potentials, the endemic rats recovered better after mongoose removal than did the black rat. The endemic species appeared to be vulnerable to predation by mongooses, whose eradication increased the abundances of the endemic rats, but not of the black rat. Habitat alteration increased the black rat''s carrying capacity, but decreased those of the endemic species. We propose that spatio-temporal monitoring data from eradication programmes will clarify the underlying ecological impacts of land-use change and invasive species, and will be useful for future habitat management.  相似文献   

Two plataspid hemipteran species proliferated on Bridelia micrantha(Euphorbiaceae). Colonies of Libyaspis sp., never attendedby ants, developed on branches, while Caternaultiella rugosa lived at the base of the trunks, mostly in association withCamponotus brutus that attends them in carton shelters. Bothplataspid species are prey of the coccinellid beetle Anisolemniatetrasticta, whose larvae always detected them by contact.When attacked the Libyaspis nymphs cowered, so that the hypertrophiedlateral sides of their tergits made contact with the substrate,but the ladybirds slid their long forelegs under these nymphs,lifted them, and bit them on the ventral face. The Caternaultiellanymphs, which do not have hypertrophied extremities of thetergits, tried to escape at contact with the ladybirds, butwere rarely successful. To capture them, the ladybirds eitheradopted the previous behavior or directly grasped then bitthem. We noted a graded aggressiveness in the ants toward theladybirds according to the situation: no aggressiveness onthe tree branches; stopping the ladybirds that approached theshelters where the ants attended Caternaultiella; and fullattack of ladybirds that tried to capture Caternaultiella nymphssituated outside shelters. The latter behavior can emit analarm pheromone that triggers the dispersion of their congenerswhile attracting attending C. brutus workers. Naive workersare not attracted, so we deduce that this behavior is the resultof a kind of learning.  相似文献   

Winter recreation is a widely popular activity and is expected to increase due to changes in recreation technology and human population growth. Wildlife are frequently negatively impacted by winter recreation, however, through displacement from habitat, alteration of activity patterns, or changes in movement behavior. We studied impacts of dispersed and developed winter recreation on Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) at their southwestern range periphery in Colorado, USA. We used GPS collars to track movements of 18 adult lynx over 4 years, coupled with GPS devices that logged 2,839 unique recreation tracks to provide a detailed spatial estimate of recreation intensity. We assessed changes in lynx spatial and temporal patterns in response to motorized and nonmotorized recreation, as well as differences in movement rate and path tortuosity. We found that lynx decreased their movement rate in areas with high‐intensity back‐country skiing and snowmobiling, and adjusted their temporal patterns so that they were more active at night in areas with high‐intensity recreation. We did not find consistent evidence of spatial avoidance of recreation: lynx exhibited some avoidance of areas with motorized recreation, but selected areas in close proximity to nonmotorized recreation trails. Lynx appeared to avoid high‐intensity developed ski resorts, however, especially when recreation was most intense. We conclude that lynx in our study areas did not exhibit strong negative responses to dispersed recreation, but instead altered their behavior and temporal patterns in a nuanced response to recreation, perhaps to decrease direct interactions with recreationists. However, based on observed avoidance of developed recreation, there may be a threshold of human disturbance above which lynx cannot coexist with winter recreation.  相似文献   

Most studies have concluded that liana diversity and structure increase with disturbance. However, a contradictory pattern has emerged recently calling for more research in the area. Liana diversity and structure were investigated in three forest types that differ in disturbance intensity (nondisturbed, moderately disturbed and heavily disturbed forest: NDF, MDF and HDF, respectively) in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Ghana. In each forest type, 10 square plots of 0.25 ha were demarcated. Lianas with diameter ≥1 cm located on trees with diameter ≥10 cm were enumerated. A total of 429 individuals representing 40 species, 29 genera and seventeen families were identified in the study. Shannon diversity and species richness of lianas were significantly lower in the HDF (P < 0.05). Liana density and basal area differed significantly across all forest types (P < 0.0001). The importance value index (IVI) of most liana species varied greatly across the forest types. The current study has provided evidence to support the pattern of decreasing liana diversity and structure with disturbance in some tropical forests. Further studies are recommended to gain more understanding of the factors that are responsible for the divergent liana responses to disturbance in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Knowledge of vegetation dynamics associated with human land-use change and environmental variables is crucial for sustainable watershed management. The objective of this study was to analyse woody plant diversity in response to the effects of anthropogenic disturbances, and topographic variables in different land-cover types. Woody plants ≥5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were recorded from 20-by-20 m plots, those <5 cm DBH were recorded from 10-by-10 m plots, and tree seedlings were recorded in 3-by-3 m plots. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling with Bray–Curtis distance was employed to analyse woody species composition. Woody species richness was analysed using generalised linear modelling. Tree diameter-class distributions were examined for population structure. The study identified 104 woody plants belonging to 52 families, where 74.5% were indigenous and 16.7% were endemic to Ethiopia. Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Rosaceae were the most species-rich families. There was evidence for the effect of anthropogenic disturbance and elevation on woody species composition. Wetlands contained the highest woody species richness, while woody species richness declined with increasing elevation and disturbance. Evidence of good regeneration was observed in wetlands. To sustain the ecological functions and services provided by the watershed, rehabilitation of the forest and shrub-cover should be a high priority for local management authorities.  相似文献   

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