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In recent decades, the link between the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and ejaculate quality has received much attention. When males with conspicuous sexual ornaments have high-quality ejaculate, females are believed to obtain benefits, such as high fertilization success and offspring with good genes, by choosing mates on the basis of male ornamentation. In this study, we examined the relationships among male body coloration, female mate preference, and sperm longevity in the sexually dichromatic fish Puntius titteya. Males of this species assume a bright red coloration over the entire body, and neither sex invests in the parental care of eggs. In the female preference test, females preferred males with redder body coloration over their counterpart males with duller coloration. In addition, the sperm longevity test indicated that redder males had sperm with greater longevity. These results suggest that the red coloration of males in this species may signal sperm longevity and that females can mate with males with higher quality sperm by choosing redder males.  相似文献   

Positive assortative mating occurs when individuals with similar phenotypes mate more frequently with each other than is expected by chance. In species in which both the males and females are ornamented, assortative pairings could arise from mutual mate choice on the same trait. We test this mechanism of mate choice and assortative pairing in the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), an Australian estrildid finch in which both sexes are ornamented with red bills, red rumps and white flank spots. We have previously shown sex differences in the degree of ornamentation as females have more flank spots than males. These white flank spots are used during sexual display, being fully displayed by courting males and by females when approaching a displaying male. Here, we experimentally test whether mutual mate preference is based on the number of flank spots. There was no evidence for a direct mutual preference for spot number. Given a choice of potential mates with a natural or experimentally manipulated number of flank spots, males preferred females with more spots, while female preference was not solely based on flank spots. Intriguingly, in both wild and captive Diamond Firetails, we found the number of flank spots in pairs was correlated suggesting a basis for positive assortative pairing. Nevertheless, we conclude that assortative pairing in Diamond Firetails is not due to mutual choice of mates based on the number of flank spots. We discuss different selection pathways for this trait in each sex.  相似文献   

By preferring mates with increasingly costly ornaments or courtship displays, females cause an escalation of male reproductive costs. Such increased costs should promote male selectivity based on fecundity‐linked female attributes, leading to female ornamentation in species with traditional sex roles. Consequently, female ornamentation should evolve more frequently in taxa where male reproduction is costly than in comparable taxa where it is cheaper. We assessed the prevalence of female ornamental colouration in two clades of viviparous cyprinodontid fish: the Goodeinae, where stringent female choice imposes male mating costs, and the Poeciliinae, whose males can circumvent female mate choice. We found that although in the Poeciliinae female ornamental colour is a correlated, but paler version of male coloration, females of the Goodeinae often display vivid ornamental colours that are distinct from those of males. Thus, male and female ornaments are not (phylo)genetically correlated in the Goodeinae. Furthermore, phylogenetic signal on male and female colour is clearly detectable in the Poeciliinae, but absent in the Goodeinae, suggesting that ornamental colour of males and females in the latter may be the consequence of selection. Given that enforceable female choice has promoted male ornaments, we propose that evolutionary retribution has promoted distinct female ornaments in the Goodeinae.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is often based on exaggerated sexual traits, signals of male qualities that females cannot assess directly. Two such key qualities are male immune and/or sexual competence, whereby honesty in signalling could be maintained by physiological trade-offs. Carotenoid-based ornaments likely constitute such honest signals, as there is direct competition for (limited) carotenoids between ornament deposition and anti-oxidant support of immune or sperm functioning. Using spectrometry, we assessed the potential signalling function of the yellow, carotenoid-based colour of the bill of male mallards, a target of female mate choice. Here we demonstrate that bill reflectance varied with plasma carotenoid level, indicating antioxidant reserves. Moreover, lower relative UV reflectance during autumn pairing predicted immune responsiveness and correlated positively with sperm velocity during breeding, a trait that affects fertility. Our data provide support for current theories that females could use carotenoid-based sexual signals to detect immune vigour and fertilizing ability of prospective mates.  相似文献   

Male traits that signal health and vigour are used by females to choose better quality mates, but in some cases the male trait selected by females differs among populations. Multiple male traits can be maintained through female mate choice if both traits are equally honest indicators of male quality, but tests of this prediction are rare. By choosing males based on such traits, females could gain direct benefits from males (assistance with parental care), but when females choose extra‐pair mates based on these traits, females gain only male sperm, and potentially indirect genetic benefits for their offspring. In common yellowthroats (Geothylpis trichas), female choice of extra‐pair mates targets two different plumage ornaments: the black mask in a Wisconsin population and the yellow bib in a New York population. Previously, we found that the black mask in Wisconsin is related to greater major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II variation, which in turn signals better survival and disease resistance. In this study, we examined the signalling function of the yellow bib in New York to test whether it signals the same aspects of male quality as the black mask in Wisconsin. As predicted, we found that the yellow bib in New York is most closely associated with MHC variation, which also signals survival and resistance to blood parasites. Thus, the ornament preferred by females differs between the two populations, but the different ornaments signal similar aspects of male health and genetic quality, specifically information regarding MHC variation and potential indirect genetic benefits to females.  相似文献   

Although females in numerous species generally prefer males with larger, brighter and more elaborate sexual traits, there is nonetheless considerable intra‐ and interpopulation variation in mating preferences amongst females that requires explanation. Such variation exists in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, an important model organism for the study of sexual selection and mate choice. While female guppies tend to prefer more ornamented males as mates, particularly those with greater amounts of orange coloration, there remains variation both in male traits and female mating preferences within and between populations. Male body size is another trait that is sexually selected through female mate choice in some species, but has not been examined as extensively as body coloration in the guppy despite known intra‐ and interpopulation variation in this trait among adult males and its importance for survivorship in this species. In this study, we used a dichotomous‐choice test to quantify the mating preferences of female guppies, originating from a low‐predation population in Trinidad, for two male traits, body length and area of the body covered with orange and black pigmentation, independently of each other. We expected strong female mating preferences for both male body length and coloration in this population, given relaxation from predation and presumably relatively low cost of choice. Females indeed exhibited a strong preference for larger males as expected, but surprisingly a weaker (but nonetheless significant) preference for orange and black coloration. Interestingly, larger females demonstrated stronger preferences for larger males than did smaller females, which could potentially lead to size‐assortative mating in nature.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable controversy in evolutionary ecology revolving around whether social familiarity brings attraction when a female chooses a mate. The topic of familiarity is significant because by avoiding or preferring familiar individuals as mates, the potential for local adaptation may be reduced or favoured. The topic becomes even more interesting if we simultaneously analyse preferences for familiarity and sexual ornaments, because when familiarity influences female mating preferences, this could very significantly affect the strength of sexual selection on male ornamentation. Here, we have used mate-choice experiments in siskins Carduelis spinus to analyse how familiarity and patterns of ornamentation (i.e. the size of wing patches) interact to influence mating success. Our results show that females clearly prefer familiar individuals when choosing between familiar and unfamiliar males with similar-sized wing patches. Furthermore, when females were given the choice between a highly ornamented unfamiliar male and a less ornamented familiar male, half of the females still preferred the socially familiar birds as mates. Our finding suggests that male familiarity may be as important as sexual ornaments in affecting female behaviour in mate choice. Given that the potential for local adaptation may be favoured by preferring familiar individuals as mates, social familiarity as a mate-choice criterion may become a potential area of fruitful research on sympatric speciation processes.  相似文献   

Dichromatism in songbirds is often associated with polygyny and dimorphic parental investment, and is thought to arise via sexual selection. Northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are not only dichromatic but also monogamous and biparental, suggesting that plumage coloration in this species may serve different functions than in more typical dichromatic species. In order to explore the role of sexual selection in the evolution of plumage coloration in cardinals, we used reflectance spectrophotometry to investigate whether two carotenoid‐based ornaments, the male’s red breast and the female’s underwing coverts, contain information that potential mates or competitors could use to assess condition. We found that whereas coloration was not related to body condition (measured as the residual body mass from a regression of body mass on wing chord), more saturated carotenoid coloration was associated with higher heterophil to lymphocyte ratios in males, and with higher white blood cell counts in females. Thus, in both sexes, carotenoid coloration was positively linked to immune measures normally associated with higher levels of stress and infection. These results do not indicate that carotenoid‐based coloration functions as a signal of low levels of stress or disease in this species. We propose instead that because plumage coloration may be related to competitiveness, the more saturated individuals increase their risk of injury, stress, and infection by engaging in more competitive behavior or by secreting more testosterone, or both. Our finding that carotenoid pigmentation is positively associated in males with the size of the cloacal protuberance, an androgen‐sensitive sex character, supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Under the indicator models of mate choice, female preferences evolve to exploit the condition-dependence or "indicator value" of male traits, which in turn may cause these traits to evolve to elaborate extremes. If the indicator value of a male trait changes, the payoff function of the female preference for that trait should change and the preference should evolve to a new optimum. I tested this prediction in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a species in which the indicator value of a sexually selected male trait, carotenoid coloration, varies geographically. Carotenoid coloration is thought to be an indicator of foraging ability and health because animals must obtain carotenoid pigments from their diet. The primary dietary source of carotenoids for guppies is unicellular algae, the abundance of which varies among natural streams because of variation in forest canopy cover. Carotenoid availability limits male coloration to a greater extent in streams with greater forest canopy cover. Thus, the indicator value of male coloration covaries positively with canopy cover. To test the indicator model prediction, I measured genetic divergence in the strength of female preferences for carotenoid coloration between high- and low-carotenoid availability streams in each of three river drainages. Second-generation laboratory-born females were given a choice between full-sib males raised on three different dietary levels of carotenoids. For all six populations, male attractiveness (as determined from the responses of females to male courtship displays) increased with dietary carotenoid levels. However, the strength of female preferences differed between populations in the predicted direction in only one of three river drainages. These results fail to support a crucial prediction of the indicator model. More studies taking an interpopulation approach to studying mate preference evolution are needed before the explanatory value of the indicator models can be rigorously assessed.  相似文献   

Mate preference for well‐adapted individuals may strengthen divergent selection and thereby facilitate adaptive divergence. We performed mate choice experiments in which we manipulated male red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra complex) feeding rates. Using association time as a proxy for preference, we found that females preferred faster foragers, which reinforces natural selection because poorly adapted males would be less likely to obtain a mate as well as less likely to survive. Although theoretical models predict direct preference for adaptation and performance, to the best of our knowledge this experiment provides the first evidence of individuals directly assessing feeding performance in mate choice. In species where assessing the ecological adaptation of potential mates is possible, females may gain fitness benefits from choosing a well‐adapted mate directly or indirectly, promoting the use of information about ecological adaptation in mate choice.  相似文献   

Color ornaments are often viewed as products of countervailing sexual and natural selection, because more colorful, more attractive individuals may also be more conspicuous to predators. However, while evidence for such countervailing selection exists for vertebrate color ornaments (e.g., Trinidadian guppies), similar studies have yet to be reported in invertebrates. Indeed, evidence for female mate choice based on extant variation in male coloration is limited in invertebrates, and researchers have not explicitly asked whether more attractive males are also more conspicuous to predators. Here we provide evidence that more chromatic male cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) are more attractive to females but should also be more conspicuous to predators. Female P. rapae preferentially mate with more chromatic males when choosing from populations of males with naturally occurring or commensurate, experimentally induced color variation. Mathematical models of female color vision confirm that females should be able to discriminate color differences between prospective mates. Further, chromatic and luminance contrast scores from female visual system models better predicted male mating success than did measures of male color derived more directly from color spectra. Last, models of avian color vision suggest that preferred males should be more conspicuous to known avian predators.  相似文献   

Cryptic female choice (CFC) refers to female-mediated processes occurring during or after copulation that result in biased sperm use in favor of preferred or compatible males. Despite recent empirical support for this hypothesis, evidence that CFC contributes towards the evolution of male body ornaments, in the same way that precopulatory female choice does, is currently lacking. Here, we tested the possibility that CFC selects for increased male attractiveness in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a freshwater fish exhibiting internal fertilization. Specifically, we examined whether females are able to manipulate the number of sperm transferred or retained at copulation in favor of relatively attractive males. In support of this prediction, we found that following solicited copulations the number of sperm inseminated is influenced exclusively by the female's perception of relative male coloration, independent of any direct manipulation of males themselves. Because females prefer brightly colored males during precopulatory mate choice, our finding that colorful males are also favored as a consequence of enhanced insemination success indicates that cryptic female choice can reinforce precopulatory preferences for extravagant male ornaments.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, the red‐winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus has served as a model species for studies of sexual selection and the evolution of ornamental traits. Particular attention has been paid to the role of the colorful red‐and‐yellow epaulets that are striking in males but reduced in females and juveniles. It has been assumed that carotenoid pigments bestow the brilliant red and yellow colors on epaulet feathers, but this has never been tested biochemically. Here, we use high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to describe the pigments present in these colorful feathers. Two red ketocarotenoids (astaxanthin and canthaxanthin) are responsible for the bright red hue of epaulets. Two yellow dietary precursors pigments (lutein and zeaxanthin) are also present in moderately high concentrations in red feathers. After extracting carotenoids, however, red feathers remained deep brown in color. HPLC tests show that melanin pigments (primarily eumelanin) are also found in the red‐pigmented barbules of epaulet feathers, at an approximately equal concentration to carotenoids. This appears to be an uncommon feature of carotenoid‐based ornamental plumage in birds, as was shown by comparable analyses of melanin in the yellow feathers of male American goldfinches Carduelis tristis and the red feathers of northern cardinals Cardinalis cardinalis, in which we detected virtually no melanins. Furthermore, the yellow bordering feathers of male epaulets are devoid of carotenoids (except when tinged with a carotenoid‐derived pink coloration on occasion) and instead are comprised of a high concentration of primarily phaeomelanin pigments. The dual pigment composition of red epaulet feathers and the melanin‐only basis for yellow coloration may have important implications for the honesty‐reinforcing mechanisms underlying ornamental epaulets in red‐winged blackbirds, and shed light on the difficulties researchers have had to date in characterizing the signaling function of this trait. As in several other birds, the melanic nature of feathers may explain why epaulets are used largely to settle aggressive contests rather than to attract mates.  相似文献   

The house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is a sexually dichromatic passerine in which males display colorful plumage and females are generally drab brown. Some females, however, have a subdued version of the same pattern of ornamental coloration seen in males. In previous research, I found that female house finches use male coloration as an important criterion when choosing mates and that the plumage brightness of males is a reliable indicator of male nest attentiveness. Male house finches invest substantially in the care of young and, like females, stand to gain by choosing high-quality mates. I therefore hypothesized that a female's plumage brightness might be correlated with her quality and be the basis for male mate choice. In laboratory mate choice experiments, male house finches showed a significant preference for the most brightly plumaged females presented. Observations of a wild population of house finches, however, suggest that female age is the primary criterion in male choice and that female plumage coloration is a secondary criterion. In addition, yearling females tended to have more brightly colored plumage than older females, and there was no relationship between female plumage coloration and overwinter survival, reproductive success, or condition. These observations fail to support the idea that female plumage coloration is an indicator of individual quality. Male mate choice for brightly plumaged females may have evolved as a correlated response to selection on females to choose brightly colored males.  相似文献   

Sexual selection     
Competition over mates takes many forms and has far-reaching consequences for many organisms. Recent work suggests that relative reproductive rates of males and females, sperm competition and quality variation among mates affect the strength of sexual selection. Song, other display, body size, visual ornaments and material resource offerings are often sexually selected. There is much empirical evidence of mate choice, and its evolution is clarified by mathematical models. Recent advances in theory also consider costs of choice, effects of deleterious mutations, fast and slow evolution of preferences and preferred traits, and simultaneous preferences for several traits. Contests over mates are important; so is sperm competition, scrambles, endurance rivalry, and coercion. The latter mechanisms have received less attention than mate choice. Sexual selection may explain puzzling aspects of plant pollination biology.  相似文献   

Vertebrates commonly use carotenoid‐based traits as social signals. These can reliably advertise current nutritional status and health because carotenoids must be acquired through the diet and their allocation to ornaments is traded‐off against other self‐maintenance needs. We propose that the coloration more generally reveals an individual’s ability to cope with stressful conditions. We tested this idea by manipulating the nematode parasite infection in free‐living red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) and examining the effects on body mass, carotenoid‐based coloration of a main social signal and the amount of corticosterone deposited in feathers grown during the experiment. We show that parasites increase stress and reduce carotenoid‐based coloration, and that the impact of parasites on coloration was associated with changes in corticosterone, more than changes in body mass. Carotenoid‐based coloration appears linked to physiological stress and could therefore reveal an individual’s ability to cope with stressors.  相似文献   

In positive assortative mating, individuals of similar phenotypemate together more frequently than expected by chance. Assortativemating by a variety of qualities, including ornamentation, iswell documented in birds. Studies of assortative mating by ornamentshave focused on single, highly conspicuous ornaments, but manyspecies of birds possess multiple ornaments in both sexes. Wecompared ornament expressions between mates of northern cardinals(Cardinalis cardinalis) to determine if assortative mating occurredby one or more of the four ornaments displayed by both sexes.All cardinals possess tall head crests and red-orange bills.In addition, males have black face masks and entirely red bodyplumage, whereas females have blackish face masks and red underwingcoverts. We predicted that cardinals mate assortatively by plumagecolor because red plumage expression has been shown to indicatequality in both sexes. We found that cardinals mate assortativelyby plumage and bill color, the two ornaments colored by carotenoidpigments, but not by mask expression or crest length. Whetherthis mating pattern arises by mutual mate choice or intrasexualselection is not known.  相似文献   

Ornament magnitude often reflects a local balance between sexual selection and other sources of natural selection opposing their elaboration. Human activity may disrupt this balance if it modifies the costs of producing, maintaining or displaying the ornaments. When costs are increased, a shortage of acceptable partners may ensue, with consequences commensurate with how stringent (and effective) the process of mate choice is. Here, we show that the expression of ornaments in the viviparous amarillo fish (Girardinichthys multiradiatus) is influenced by embryonic exposure to low concentrations of an organophosphorus insecticide. Male ornamental fin size, dimorphic yellow coloration and display rates were all compromised in exposed fish, but unaffected in their paternal half-sibling controls and in their sisters (morphology and colour). Exposure resulted in smaller fish of both sexes, thus the differential effect by sex was restricted to attributes such as fin size only above the naturally selected magnitude shown by females. Father phenotype predicted offspring morphology of controls, but not of exposed males, which were discriminated against by both control and exposed females. Since stringent female mate choice can result in females refusing to mate with suboptimal mates, this sub-lethal developmental effect can reduce the effective population size of amarillo fish populations.  相似文献   

Male animals of many species use conspicuous coloration to attract mates. Among mammals, primates possess the most brilliant secondary sexual coloration. However, whether colour plays a part in primate female mate choice remains unknown. Adult male rhesus macaques undergo a hormonally regulated increased reddening of facial and anogenital skin during their mating season. We experimentally investigated whether red male facial coloration is preferred by simultaneously presenting female rhesus macaques (n = 6) with computer-manipulated pale and red versions of 24 different male faces. The duration and direction of gaze were measured to discern visual preferences. Females exhibited preferences for the red versions of male faces. It is proposed that male coloration might provide a cue to male quality.  相似文献   

Avian plumage represents some of the greatest diversity in integument coloration of all animals. Plumage signals are diverse in function, including those that allow for assessing potential mates or the mitigation of agonistic interactions between rivals. Many bird species possess multiple ornamental traits that have the potential to serve as multiple or redundant signals. For example, male golden‐winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) have brilliant carotenoid‐based yellow crowns, melanin‐based black throats, and structurally based white patches on their outer tail feathers. Using a correlative approach, we investigated whether plumage ornaments have the potential to reliably signal ability to acquire higher quality territory, aggressive response to simulated territorial intrusions, and reproductive success. We found that both crown chroma and tail brightness were significantly related to habitat quality and aggression; more ornamented birds held territories with higher quality habitat and were less aggressive toward simulated conspecific stimuli. Older birds sang less threatening songs than younger birds and were more likely to sing their mate attraction song type (type 1) rather than songs typically reserved for agonistic interactions (type 2). Finally, despite our previous research demonstrating that habitat strongly predicts reproductive success in this warbler population, we found no evidence of a direct link between ornamentation and reproductive success. Overall, these data suggest that younger males, and those with lower quality ornaments, compensate with more aggressive behaviors. Additional research is needed to investigate the dynamics between behavioral traits and ornaments to better understand complex signaling and how golden wing signals function in conspecific interactions (male–male interactions and mate‐choice).  相似文献   

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