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城市化对河流大型底栖动物群落的影响研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
城市化可以引发一系列"城市溪流综合症",对河流健康造成巨大胁迫。大型底栖动物是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,对环境因子敏感,能够较好的反映流域环境的变化。城市化后,流域人口增加,建设用地比例上升,入河污染物浓度和总量增多,底栖动物中敏感物种比例降低甚至消失,寡毛类、摇蚊等耐污物种成为优势类群;群落多样性显著降低,并且一般与城市化强度成负指数关系;底栖动物总密度普遍大幅度增加,收集者为主要摄食功能群;不透水地表面积比例的增加改变了流域自然的水文过程,群落组成的季节波动减弱,但密度的波动增大;次级生产力明显增加,食物网趋于简化。初步分析了城市化过程中水质污染、水文、生境破坏、流域土地利用等因素影响底栖动物群落的规律和机制,并且根据国内外研究现状提出了进一步研究的方向,以期为我国城市河流生态学研究、流域生态管控和河流生态系统修复提供科学依据。 相似文献
Laboratory microcosms were used to assess whether tadpole shrimp, Triops sp., affect community structure of other native macroinvertebrates in playa lakes of the Southern High Plains of Texas. Removal of tadpole shrimp shortly after hatching reduced abundances of many taxa, and decreased subsequent taxonomic richness and diversity. For many invertebrates, the presence of tadpole shrimp in low numbers had a positive effect on mean abundance. Direct effects of tadpole shrimp include the reduction of prey species abundance, which in turn may alter biotic interactions among other taxa. Indirect effects include physical modification of the environment during foraging through surface sediments. Results suggest that tadpole shrimp may be a key species controlling structure of macroinvertebrate communities in playa lakes. 相似文献
通过包埋人工基质法研究大型无脊椎动物在山地河流潜流层中的拓殖过程。结果表明:群落个体密度在7—29 d呈"J"型增长,在29 d后骤然降低,55 d后呈波动趋势;物种丰富度在1—29 d呈增加趋势,29 d后呈波动状态;群落的生物量总体呈增加趋势。群落的物种丰富度、密度和生物量在第29、71和83天时没有显著性差异(P0.05),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在第55、71、83天没有显著性差异(P0.05),综合不同拓殖时间段物种的主成分分析,表明潜流层大型无脊椎动物群落在55 d后趋于稳定。群落优势种为摇蚊(Camptochironomus sp.)、河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)、四节蜉(Baetis sp.)、动蜉(Cinygmina sp.)、纹石蛾(Hydropsyche sp.)和扁泥甲科的一种(Psephenidae)。滤食者和收集者在整个拓殖过程中均是优势功能摄食群。群落拓殖过程是一个群落自身恢复能力和外部环境影响相互作用的过程,拓殖初期潜流层的结构是影响着无脊椎动物迁入的主要因素,中期动物的生活史特征起主要作用,稳定期之后群落可能受到各因素的综合影响。 相似文献
ABSTRACT Beavers (Castor canadensis) are important in ecosystems and to humans. Although beavers are increasingly protected from harvest, relatively few studies of unexploited beaver populations have been reported. Furthermore, few radiotelemetry studies exist for beavers because no practical method of attaching a radiotransmitter to beavers was available until recently. We used radiotelemetry, remote videography, and trapping data to quantify survival, dispersal, and natality of unexploited beavers in southern Illinois, USA, during 2004 to 2006. Beaver colony density was one of the highest reported in the wildlife literature at 3.27 colonies/km2. We monitored 62 beavers for survival; all mortalities (n = 15) occurred during the fall and winter seasons. The pooled annual survival rate for adult and juvenile females was (x̄±SE) 0.76±0.05. Annual survival rates for adult and juvenile males were 0.87±0.04 and 0.55±0.07, respectively. Seasonal survival only differed among sex classes and age classes during the fall. Dispersal rates for juvenile beavers ranged from 0.38±0.13 to 0.59±0.13 and did not vary by sex or age. To quantify natality and recruitment, we captured and euthanized 79 beavers adjacent to our live-capture area; we found a low pregnancy rate of adult females (36%), and no juveniles were bred. Natality of bred females was 3.6 offspring per adult female, and 0.36 kits were recruited per adult female. Apparent kit survival was 28%. Our research provides information to wildlife managers about beaver demographics for a high-density population, based on relatively large sample sizes and novel research techniques for the species. 相似文献
- 1 Twenty‐five pairs of North American beavers Castor canadensis Kuhl were introduced to Tierra del Fuego Island in 1946. The population has expanded across the archipelago, arriving at the Chilean mainland by the mid‐1990s. Densities range principally between 0.5–2.05 colonies/km. They have an impact on between 30–50% of stream length and occupy 2–15% of landscape area with impoundments and meadows. Beaver impacts constitute the largest landscape‐level alteration in subantarctic forests since the last ice age.
- 2 The colonization pattern, colony densities and impacted area indicate that habitat in the austral archipelago is optimal for beaver invasion, due to low predator pressure and suitable food resources. Nothofagus pumilio forests are particularly appropriate habitat, but a more recent invasion is occurring in adjacent steppe ecosystems. Nonetheless, Nothofagus reproductive strategies are not well adapted to sustain high beaver population levels.
- 3 Our assessment shows that at the patch‐scale in stream and riparian ecosystems, the direction and magnitude of exotic beaver impacts are predictable from expectations derived from North American studies, relating ecosystem engineering with underlying ecological mechanisms such as the relationships of habitat heterogeneity and productivity on species richness and ecosystem function.
- 4 Based on data from the species' native and exotic range, our ability to predict the effects of beavers is based on: (i) understanding the ecological relationships of its engineering effects on habitat, trophic dynamics and disturbance regimes, and (ii) having an adequate comprehension of the landscape context and natural history of the ecosystem being engineered.
- 5 We conclude that beaver eradication strategies and subsequent ecosystem restoration efforts, currently being considered in southern Chile and Argentina, should focus on the ecology of native ecosystems rather than the biology of this invasive species per se. Furthermore, given the nature of the subantarctic landscape, streams will probably respond to restoration efforts more quickly than riparian ecosystems.
- 1 The genus Castor comprises two species: the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber, and the North American beaver Castor canadensis. Both species suffered from overexploitation, but have seen a revival since the 1920s due to increased protection and reintroduction programmes. Increases in the populations and distributions of species that are able to modify ecosystems have generated much scientific interest. Here we review the available literature concerning the possible ecological impact of beaver species in the Old and New World.
- 2 Beavers, being ecosystem engineers, are among the few species besides humans that can significantly change the geomorphology, and consequently the hydrological characteristics and biotic properties of the landscape. In so doing, beavers increase heterogeneity, and habitat and species diversity at the landscape scale. Beaver foraging also has a considerable impact on the course of ecological succession, species composition and structure of plant communities, making them a good example of ecologically dominant species (e.g. keystone species).
- 3 Nevertheless, the strength of beavers’ impact varies from site to site, depending on the geographical location, relief and the impounded habitat type. Consequently, they may not be significant controlling agents of the ecosystem in all parts of their distribution, but have strong interactions only under certain circumstances. We suggest that beavers can create important management opportunities in the Holarctic, and this review will help land managers determine the likely outcome of beaver activity.
Our ability to detect patterns of variation of communities depends on the spatial scale of observation. I examined the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate community structure: abundance, richness, evenness, percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), and taxonomic composition across a wide range of spatial scales in two mountain streams. In a nested design, three segments were selected within each basin, three riffles within each segment, three sections within each riffle, and three samples within each section. Significant variation of communities occurred mainly at sample and riffle scales, although different community characteristics may vary at different scales. Environmental factors were strongly related to communities, but these relationships depended on spatial scale in many cases, suggesting that the influence of the environment is ultimately regulated by the grain and extent of organisms. This study highlights the importance of multiscale studies to obtain a complete understanding of the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate communities and their relationship with the environment. 相似文献
1. We asked whether unionid mussels influence the distribution and abundance of co‐occurring benthic algae and invertebrates. In a yearlong field enclosure experiment in a south‐central U.S. river, we examined the effects of living mussels versus sham mussels (shells filled with sand) on periphyton and invertebrates in both the surrounding sediment and on mussel shells. We also examined differences between two common unionid species, Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck 1819) and Amblema plicata (Say 1817). 2. Organic matter concentrations and invertebrate densities in the sediment surrounding mussels were significantly higher in treatments with live mussels than treatments with sham mussels or sediment alone. Organic matter was significantly higher in the sediment surrounding Actinonaias than that surrounding Amblema. Actinonaias was more active than Amblema and may have increased benthic organic matter through bioturbation. 3. Living mussels increased the abundance of periphyton on shells and the abundance and richness of invertebrates on shells, whereas effects of sham mussels were similar to sediment alone. Differences in the amount of periphyton growing on the shells of the two mussel species reflected differences in mussel activity and shell morphology. 4. Differences between living and sham mussel treatments indicate that biological activities of mussels provide ecosystem services to the benthic community beyond the physical habitat provided by shells alone. In treatments containing live mussels we found significant correlations between organic matter and chlorophyll a concentrations in the sediment, organic matter concentrations and invertebrate abundance in the sediment and the amount of chlorophyll a on the sediment and invertebrate abundance. There were no significant correlations among these response variables in control treatments. Thus, in addition to providing biogenic structure as habitat, mussels likely facilitate benthic invertebrates by altering the availability of resources (algae and organic matter) through nutrient excretion and biodeposition. 5. Effects of mussels on sediment and shell periphyton concentrations, organic matter concentrations and invertebrate abundance, varied seasonally, and were strongest in late summer during periods of low water volume, low flow, and high water temperature. 6. Our study demonstrates that freshwater mussels can strongly influence the co‐occurring benthic community, but that effects of mussels are context‐dependent and may vary among species. 相似文献
梯级水坝运行对漫湾库区底栖动物群落结构及分布格局的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
底栖动物是对水生态系统退化和生境条件改变最为敏感的生物类群之一,同时也是开展梯级水坝水生态系统变化和演替研究的指示生物.本研究以国际生物多样性保护及水电梯级开发生态影响研究的热点地区澜沧江中下游为例,以澜沧江干流兴建的第一座水坝漫湾库区为研究区域,分别于2011和2016年开展底栖动物定点采样,并结合其蓄水前(自然河段,1996年)和单级水坝蓄水初期(1997年)的历史调研数据,全面分析了梯级水坝运行前后漫湾库区底栖动物群落的结构、分布格局及演变趋势.结果表明: 漫湾库区底栖动物群落的优势种组成逐渐由寡毛纲和昆虫纲种类演变为软体动物门类占绝对优势;沿库区生境的纵向梯度变化,底栖动物密度和生物量均表现为升高的趋势,而静水区增加更为显著;对底栖动物功能摄食群的分析表明,静水区由掠食者和收集者占优势演变为滤食者类占绝对优势;梯级水坝运行后,采用生物指数评价结果表明,2016年库区综合水质指标明显优于2011年.漫湾库区底栖动物群落的演变与上游梯级小湾水坝的调度运行及库区的水文状况和泥沙淤积情况密切相关,并随着梯级水坝的运行处于动态变化之中. 相似文献
David L. McCulloch 《Hydrobiologia》1986,135(1-2):61-70
The benthic macroinvertebrate riffle-pool communities of two east Texas streams were sampled monthly for a period of one year. In contrast to previous studies in primarily upland areas, pools in Alazan Creek and Bernaldo Bayou contained significantly higher densities and biomass, as well as a significantly higher diversity and number of taxa. The majority of taxa collected could be characterized as pool adapted organisms, with the Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, and Odonata having greater numbers in pools. Perlesta, Baetis, and Cheumatopsyche were the only genera to have significant numbers in riffles at both sampling sites. A greater number of taxa were restricted to pools at both sampling locations, and although an unstable, sandy substrate was a factor in limiting colonization of riffles, riffles were not as productive as pools even in the presence of suitable substrate conditions. A cluster analysis based on similarity indices indicated that like habitats between streams were more similar to each other, than were adjacent riffle-pool complexes within streams. 相似文献
1. The complex effects of disturbances on ecological communities can be further complicated by subsequent perturbations within an ecosystem. We investigated how wildfire interacts with annual variations in peak streamflow to affect the stability of stream macroinvertebrate communities in a central Idaho wilderness, USA. We conducted a 4‐year retrospective analysis of unburned (n = 7) and burned (n = 6) catchments, using changes in reflectance values (Δ NBR) from satellite imagery to quantify the percentage of each catchment’s riparian and upland vegetation that burned at high and low severity. 2. For this wildland fire complex, increasing riparian burn severity and extent were associated with greater year‐to‐year variation, rather than a perennial increase, in sediment loads, organic debris, large woody debris (LWD) and undercut bank structure. Temporal changes in these variables were correlated with yearly peak flow in burned catchments but not in unburned reference catchments, indicating that an interaction between fire and flow can result in decreased habitat stability in burned catchments. 3. Streams in more severely burned catchments exhibited increasingly dynamic macroinvertebrate communities and did not show increased similarity to reference streams over time. Annual variability in macroinvertebrates was attributed, predominantly, to the changing influence of sediment, LWD, riparian cover and organic debris, as quantities of these habitat components fluctuated annually depending on burn severity and annual peak streamflows. 4. These analyses suggest that interactions among fire, flow and stream habitat may increase inter‐annual habitat variability and macroinvertebrate community dynamics for a duration approaching the length of the historic fire return interval of the study area. 相似文献
Development of an Index of Trophic Completeness for benthic macroinvertebrate communities in flowing waters 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3
The analysis of the trophic structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities can be used in biological assessments of the condition of river ecosystems. Using the trophic, or functional approach, the Index of Trophic Completeness (ITC) was developed. The goal was to overcome the problems and drawbacks of using conventional diversity or biotic indices in biological assessments of rivers, such as limitation to distinct geographical regions or focus on species richness without regard for ecosystem functioning. Following an extensive review of the literature on the trophic characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates, a large number of species (±300) were characterized according to a number of trophic criteria: plant:animal ratio in the diet, feeding mechanism, food size, food acquisition behaviour, and energy and substance transfers. On the basis of their trophic characteristics, the species could be divided into 12 trophic groups. After examination of data from geographically diverse rivers, it was concluded that any undisturbed riverine benthic macroinvertebrate community should be represented by members of each of these 12 trophic groups, with each group fulfilling a function in the benthic community. Being a community which plays a central role in the functioning of the aquatic ecosystem, the benthic invertebrates are expected to respond to disturbances to the hydrobiocoenose. The outcome of an ITC assessment is clearly presentable in the form of a pie graph with 12 wedges, each representing one of the 12 defined trophic groups. Functionally complete communities are represented by 12 wedges; a blank wedge indicates that a trophic group is not represented. This paper describes the preliminary developments in the ITC method, its potential as a biological assessment method in rivers in different geographical zones, and presents examples of trial mappings of Russian and European rivers. The application of the ITC to these rivers demonstrated the absence of ITC trophic groups at sites under the influence of anthropogenic activity. 相似文献
A year-long study of a second-order stream in Southwestern Virginia was carried out from 1979–80. One of the objectives of the study was to evaluate the effects of sewage and electroplating plant effluent stress on the trophic response of aquatic invertebrate assemblages and microbial communities in the stream. Quantitative benthic samples were collected periodically at three reference stations and four stressed stations below the outfalls. Invertebrates were counted, identified taxonomically, and classified into functional groups based on their feeding strategies. Ash-free dry weights were obtained for each functional group by date and station, and the number and density of different taxa were calculated as well. Reference stations had diverse invertebrate assemblages; scrapers were well represented and all functional groups were present in reasonably equivalent proportions. Stressed stations were dominated by collector gatherers and filterers to the virtual exclusion of scrapers. The trophic status of the microbial community was determined by suspending artificial substrates in the stream for 1-week periods. The community that colonized the substrates was assayed for ATP and chlorophyll a, and an autotrophy index (AI) was calculated using these values. The autotrophic component of the microbial community was greatest at the reference stations, and the community became primarily heterotrophic below the outfalls. The AI correlated well with the proportion of scrapers. Aquatic invertebrate assemblages and microbial communities responded to stress by changing their trophic structure to fit best the available energy sources. Where heterotrophic microbes dominated, gathering and filtering invertebrates utilized the abundant organic matter. In areas where a mainly autotrophic microbial community existed, scrapers, gatherers, and filterers were all present in balanced proportions. 相似文献
RYAN A. SPONSELLER NANCY B. GRIMM ANDREW J. BOULTON JOHN L. SABO 《Global Change Biology》2010,16(10):2891-2900
Current global models predict a hotter and drier climate in the southwestern United States with anticipated increases in drought frequency and severity coupled with changes in flash flood regimes. Such changes would likely have important ecological consequences, particularly for stream and riparian ecosystems already subject to frequent hydrologic disturbance. This study assessed the potential response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to interannual variation in hydrology in a spatially intermittent desert stream (Sycamore Creek, AZ). We compiled data on the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities following spring floods, with successional sequences captured 11 times over a 16‐year period (1983–1999). This period encompassed a transition from perennial to intermittent flow in this system, and included a record drought in 1989–1990. Results show that while the size of floods initiating sequences had little explanatory power, changes in macroinvertebrate community structure during postflood succession were closely associated with antecedent flooding and drought. Year‐to‐year differences in benthic communities integrated taxon‐specific responses to antecedent disturbance, including differential resistance to channel drying, use of hyporheic refugia, and variable rates of recovery once stream flow resumed. The long‐term consequences of drying on community structure were only evident during later stages of postflood succession, illustrating an interaction between flood and drought recovery processes in this system. Our observations highlight the potential for predicted climate changes in this region to have marked and long‐lasting consequences for benthic communities in desert streams. 相似文献
- Drying intermittent stream networks often have permanent water refuges that are important for recolonisation. These habitats may be hotspots for interactions between fishes and invertebrates as they become isolated, but densities and diversity of fishes in these refuges can be highly variable across time and space.
- Insect emergence from streams provides energy and nutrient subsidies to riparian habitats. The magnitude of such subsidies may be influenced by in-stream predators such as fishes.
- We examined whether benthic macroinvertebrate communities, emerging adult insects, and algal biomass in permanent grassland stream pools differed among sites with naturally varying densities of fishes. We also manipulated fish densities in a mesocosm experiment to address how fishes might affect colonisation during recovery from hydrologic disturbance.
- Fish biomass had a negative impact on invertebrate abundance, but not biomass or taxa richness, in natural pools. Total fish biomass was not correlated with total insect emergence in natural pools, but orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) biomass was inversely correlated with emerging Chironomidae biomass and individual midge body size. The interaction in our models between predatory fish biomass and date suggested that fishes may also delay insect emergence from natural pools, altering the timing of aquatic–terrestrial subsidies.
- There was an increase over time in algal biomass (chlorophyll-a) in mesocosms, but this did not differ among fish density treatments. Regardless, fish presence in mesocosms reduced the abundance of colonising insects and total invertebrate biomass. Mesocosm invertebrate communities in treatments without fishes were characterised by more Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Corduliidae.
- Results suggest that fishes influence invertebrates in habitats that represent important refuges during hydrologic disturbance, hot spots for subsidy exports to riparian food webs, and source areas for colonists during recovery from hydrologic disturbance. Fish effects in these systems include decreasing invertebrate abundance, shifting community structure, and altering patterns of invertebrate emergence and colonisation.
溪流潜流层大型无脊椎动物生态学研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
溪流潜流层是溪流表层水和地下水相互作用的群落交错区,生物多样性丰富,是溪流生态系统的重要组成部分.大型无脊椎动物位于潜流层食物网的顶层,直接影响着潜流层物质和能量动态,是河流健康潜在的指示生物,调节着潜流层的环境净化和生态缓冲功能,对溪流生态系统发挥着至关重要的作用.潜流层大型无脊椎动物类群按生活史划分为偶入动物、非典型潜流层动物和典型潜流层动物.潜流层孔隙大小、孔隙水流速、溶解氧、温度、可利用的食物源、渗透系数和水力停留时间是影响大型无脊椎动物在潜流层分布的主要因素.对于潜流层这样一个特殊的生态界面,针对不同的研究目的应该选择合适的取样和调查方法.潜流层大型无脊椎动物的生活史和生活史对策,在溪流生态系统物质循环和能量流动中作用的定量化分析,基于潜流层大型无脊椎动物的河流健康评价体系,以及潜流层作为“庇护地”对于大型无脊椎动物分布和进化的生态学意义,都值得进一步关注和深入研究. 相似文献
典型河床底质组成中底栖动物群落及多样性 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
底栖动物是河流生态系统中食物链的重要环节。通过对长江、黄河、东江和拒马河等河流野外调查和采样分析研究了河床底质组成对底栖动物群落结构的影响规律。研究结果发现,不同河床底质组成中的底栖动物结构差别很大,不同地理位置而相同底质条件和水力条件的河流底栖动物群落组成相似,说明河床底质是影响河流底栖动物群落结构的关键因素,受地理位置和大气候的影响不大;利用多项生物指标分析了不同河床底质组成中底栖动物群落的多样性,卵石河床且有水生植物生长的河流底栖动物物种组成最丰富,大河中沙质河床不稳定,未采集到底栖动物;不同底质类型河床中的优势种群亦不同。并分析了采样所得底栖动物物种数与采样面积之间的关系,符合前者随后者呈幂指数增加的规律,当实测采样面积为1~2m^2时物种数变化不大,建议一般情况下最小采样面积应为1m^2。 相似文献
胶州湾位于山东半岛南岸, 是黄海深入内陆的半封闭天然海湾, 底栖动物种类丰富。本文根据2014年2、5、8和11月4个航次(冬、春、夏、秋)的调查资料, 采用优势度指数, 物种多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数, Bray-Curtis相似性聚类和非参数多维标度排序(NMDS)方法, 分析了胶州湾大型底栖动物群落的季节变化特点。各航次共采集大型底栖动物199种, 其中多毛类79种, 甲壳动物47种, 软体动物40种, 棘皮动物17种, 其他类群16种。各季度优势种有变化亦有重叠, 以多毛类为主。2014年度胶州湾大型底栖动物的年平均丰度为209.85 ind./m2, 最高丰度出现在秋季, 最低出现在春季; 年平均生物量为79.22 g/m2, 最高生物量出现在夏季, 最低出现在春季。物种多样性指数(H')变化范围为2.16-2.86, 物种丰富度指数(D)变化范围为2.79-3.72, 物种均匀度指数(J)变化范围为0.58-0.82。聚类分析结果显示, 4个航次的群落相似性系数均较低, 分布格局存在季节性变化。近年来, 伴随海岸带开发及人类活动的持续影响, 胶州湾底栖生境的稳定性受到一定的威胁, 建议继续开展长期连续的监测, 探索有效的综合治理措施, 使胶州湾海洋生态系统能够持续健康的发展。 相似文献