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海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物的生物有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪飞  黄小平 《生态学杂志》2012,31(1):207-214
海洋沉积物是重金属的重要贮库,而海洋底栖无脊椎动物主要从沉积物中摄取重金属,这些被摄取的重金属能够通过食物链进行传递,进而影响到人类健康。本文总结了近些年来在海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物生物有效性方面的研究进展,包括海洋底栖无脊椎动物对重金属的吸收途径、沉积物地球化学性质和底栖无脊椎动物生理等生物因素对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响。在此基础上,展望了未来研究重点,主要包括近海富营养化对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物消化道中的物理消化过程对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物整个生活史过程中沉积物中重金属生物有效性的变化等。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inbreeding depression is thought to play a central role in the evolution and maintenance of cross-fertilization. Theory indicates that inbreeding depression can be purged with self-fertilization, resulting in positive feedback for the selection of selfing. Variation among populations of Leptosiphon jepsonii in the timing and rate of self-fertilization provides an opportunity to study the evolution of inbreeding depression and mating systems. In addition, the hypothesis that differences in inbreeding depression for male and female fitness can stabilize mixed mating in L. jepsonii is tested. METHODS: In a growth room experiment, inbreeding depression was measured in three populations with mean outcrossing rates ranging from 0.06 to 0.69. The performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny is compared at five life history stages. To distinguish between self-incompatibility and early inbreeding depression, aborted seeds and unfertilized ovules were counted in selfed and outcrossed fruits. In one population, pollen and ovule production was quantified to estimate inbreeding depression for male and female fitness. KEY RESULTS: Both prezygotic barriers and inbreeding depression limited self seed set in the most outcrossing population. Cumulative inbreeding depression ranged from 0.297 to 0.501, with the lowest value found in the most selfing population. Significant inbreeding depression for early life stages was found only in the more outcrossing populations. Inbreeding depression was not significant for pollen or ovule production. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide modest support for the hypothesized relationship between inbreeding depression and mating systems. The absence of early inbreeding depression in the more selfing populations is consistent with theory on purging. Differences in male and female expression of inbreeding depression do not appear to stabilize mixed mating in L. jepsonii. The current estimates of inbreeding depression for L. jepsonii differ from those of previous studies, underscoring the effects of environmental variation on its expression.  相似文献   

The concept of 'metabolic cold adaptation', namely that polar marine ectotherms are adapted in having an elevated basal metabolic rate, has been examined in the light of recent biochemical, physiological and ecological data for Antarctic marine organisms. It is now clear that marine invertebrates from Antarctic waters are characterized by slow growth rates, low basal metabolism and reduced annual reproductive effort, and there is thus no clear evidence of the traditional view of an elevated metabolic rate. By analogy with fish, protein synthesis rates are probably also low. This suggests that the major feature of cold adaptation is a reduction in the individual total annual energy intake in comparison with ecologically similar organisms from warm water. This allows a high standing crop of suspension feeders to develop, and low temperature is thus a significant factor in the successful widespread adoption of typical K-strategies in Antarctic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of four Lychnis flos-cuculi populations, varying in size and degree of isolation, was studied by comparing the fitness of offspring resulting from self-pollination and pollinations by neighbouring plants, plants within the same population, and plants from other populations. Selfed offspring had the lowest fitness of the four offspring groups. No significant difference was found between the performance of offspring from pollinations by neighbouring plants and offspring pollinated by plants further apart but within the same population. A lower fitness of offspring from pollinations between neighbours would be expected if these matings, on average, yielded inbred offspring which suffered from inbreeding depression. These results imply that either a tight neighbourhood structuring is not present, or that the inbreeding depression for offspring by neighbours is too low to detect, although these are inbred. Crossings between populations produced offspring with a significantly higher fitness than offspring sired within populations. There were no significant differences in response to inbreeding among the populations, and differences in mean fitness among populations had no clear relation to the population size or degree of isolation. A reduced fitness of small populations due to inbreeding depression or a less severe response to experimental inbreeding due to purging of deleterious alleles is therefore not supported by our results.  相似文献   

A method for predicting response to selection and inbreeding coefficient under the continuous use of assortative mating was derived. Using the method, numerical computation was carried out, and the utility of assortative mating in the selection programmes was evaluated. It was shown that the continuous use of assortative mating could not produce an appreciable additional increase in intermediate- or long-term selection response.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-binding proteins of marine invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information on the carbohydrate specificity and molecular organization of some carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) of marine invertebrates is reported. Antiviral activity of some of the lectins against human immunodeficiency virus has been studied. Lectins of marine invertebrates are promising tools for studying natural glycoconjugates and cell effectors in vitro.  相似文献   

Offspring born to related parents may show reduced fitness due to inbreeding depression. Although evidence of inbreeding depression has accumulated for a variety of taxa during the past two decades, such analyses remain rare for primate species, probably because of their long generation time. However, inbreeding can have important fitness costs and is likely to shape life-history traits in all living species. As a consequence, selection should have favored inbreeding avoidance via sex-biased dispersal, extra-group paternity, or kin discrimination. In this paper, we review empirical studies on the effects of inbreeding on fitness traits or fitness correlates in primate species. In addition, we report the methods that have been used to detect inbreeding in primate populations, and their development with the improvement of laboratory techniques. We focus particularly on the advantages and disadvantages using microsatellite loci to detect inbreeding. Although the genetic data that are typically available (partial pedigrees, use of microsatellite heterozygosity as an estimate of genomewide inbreeding) tend to impose constraints on analyses, we encourage primatologists to explore the potential effects of inbreeding if they have access to even partial pedigrees or genetic information. Such studies are important because of both the value of basic research in inbreeding depression in the wild and the conservation issues associated with inbreeding, particularly in threatened species, which include more than half of the currently living primate species.  相似文献   

How females establish in populations of cosexuals is central to understanding the evolution of gender dimorphism in angiosperms. Inbreeding avoidance hypotheses propose that females can establish and be maintained if cosexual fitness is reduced because they self-fertilize, and their progeny express inbreeding depression. Here we assess the role of inbreeding avoidance in maintaining sexual system variation in Wurmbea biglandulosa. We estimated costs of self-pollination, mating patterns, and inbreeding depression in gender monomorphic (cosexuals only) and dimorphic (males and females) populations. Costs of selfing, estimated from seed set of experimentally self- and cross-pollinated flowers, were severe in both males and cosexuals (inbreeding depression, sigma = 0.86). In a field experiment, intact males that could self produced fewer seeds than both emasculated males and females, whereas seed set of intact and emasculated cosexuals did not differ. Thus, pollinator-mediated selfing reduces fitness of males but not cosexuals under natural conditions. Outcrossing rates of males revealed substantial selfing (t = 0.68), whereas females and cosexuals were outcrossed (0.92 and 0.97). For males, progeny inbreeding coefficients exceeded parental coefficients (0.220 vs. 0.009), whereas for females and cosexuals these coefficients did not differ and approached zero. Differences in coefficients between males and their progeny indicate that selfed progeny express severe inbreeding depression (sigma = 0.93). Combined with inbreeding depression for seed set, cumulative sigma = 0.99, indicating that most or all selfed zygotes fail to reach reproductive maturity. We propose that present sexual system variation in W. biglandulosa is maintained by high inbreeding depression coupled with differences in selfing rates among monomorphic and dimorphic populations.  相似文献   

The activities of enzymes involved in the consecutive phosphorylation of thymidine were revealed in the gonad extracts of marine invertebrates. Along with thymidine kinase activity, thymidilate kinase activity was revealed in all the studied species; however, the specific activities of nucleoside and nucleotide kinases varied in different species of mollusks, sea stars and sea urchins. Thymidine and thymidilate kinases were isolated from the gonads of the scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis and some of their enzymat properties were studied. The thymidine kinase of M. yessoensis catalyzed the phosphorylation of thymidine and deoxycytidine at a lesser rate, but didn’s use purine ribo-and deoxyribonucleosides or pyrimidine ribonucleosides as phosphate acceptors. The thymidilate kinase carried out both TMP and dCMP phosphorylation. As well as ATP, the enzymes of M. yessoensis were also able to use dATP, dGTP, GTP, UTP and CTP as donors of phosphate groups. The thymidine kinase activity was inhibited by TMP, TTP and dCTP.  相似文献   

Summary It is well known that truncation selection is the most efficient form of directional selection in terms of changing gene frequency. In this paper we show circumstances where truncation selection followed by a balanced mating generates inbreeding effective population size smaller than that generated by a selection that assigns mating frequencies to individuals according to their breeding values, where both selection schemes give the same expected performance of selected individuals (selection differential). Breeding values of selected individuals and the weight used to determine mating frequencies are assumed to be linearly distributed on a performance scales, x. To assign mating frequencies to the individuals in the weighting system, the selected individuals are grouped using a constant , and ith group in the interval xi, xi + . With small number of groups, say 2 or 3, the weighting system in general generates inbreeding effective population size that is larger than that generated by a truncation selection. As the number of the groups increases, truncation selection generates larger effective numbers.  相似文献   

Many aquatic invertebrates are associated with surfaces, using adhesives to attach to the substratum for locomotion, prey capture, reproduction, building or defence. Their intriguing and sophisticated biological glues have been the focus of study for decades. In all but a couple of specific taxa, however, the precise mechanisms by which the bioadhesives stick to surfaces underwater and (in many cases) harden have proved to be elusive. Since the bulk components are known to be based on proteins in most organisms, the opportunities provided by advancing ‘omics technologies have revolutionised bioadhesion research. Time-consuming isolation and analysis of single molecules has been either replaced or augmented by the generation of massive data sets that describe the organism's translated genes and proteins. While these new approaches have provided resources and opportunities that have enabled physiological insights and taxonomic comparisons that were not previously possible, they do not provide the complete picture and continued multi-disciplinarity is essential. This review covers the various ways in which ‘omics have contributed to our understanding of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates, with new data to illustrate key points. The associated challenges are highlighted and priorities are suggested for future research.  相似文献   

Endemism in Hawaiian marine invertebrates is strikingly lower than that in Hawaiian terrestrial organisms. Although marine speciation has been widespread, there have been no major radiations or species swarms comparable with those commonly reported for terrestrial animals and plants; the marine fauna of the Hawaiian islands is differentiated from its Indo-west Pacific roots but has not diversified. The marked differences between marine and terrestrial endemism provide broad support for several models in which speciation depends on dispersal, colonization rate, or effective population size. Distinguishing among these models will require detailed information on the genetic structure and phylogenies of marine species both in the Hawaiian archipelago and throughout the Pacific.  相似文献   

We have shown that inbreeding allows maternally transmitted organelles to respond to selection on male-specific fitness effects (Wade and Brandvain 2009, see also Unckless and Herren 2009). Hedrick (2011) confirms our results, but takes issue with our characterization of "inbreeding" at mitochondrial loci. The reason for this disagreement is straightforward-we define inbreeding as the process of mating between relatives, whereas Hedrick (2011) defines inbreeding as increased homozygosity at autosomal loci genome-wide, which occurs because of mating between relatives. Here, we insist that our definition is not incorrect, and highlight some benefits of our view.  相似文献   

The responses of marine invertebrates to changes in hydrostatic pressure within the + 1000 mbar range are reviewed and some response parameters are considered in an attempt to set the phenomenon of barosensitivity in the more general context of animal irritability. Possible mechanisms of transduction are discussed and, in the absence of any identifiable baroreceptor, a comparative psychophysical approach is advocated as a possible means of elucidating further the fundamental properties of such pressure-sensitive systems.  相似文献   

Bilateral correlations are higher and bilateral variances within individuals smaller in the samples of inbred individuals than in matched control groups of the same sex for pattern intensities on fingers in four series of data and also for pattern intensities on palms, toes, and soles and the palmer main line indices in the data collected from a Muslin population of West Bengal. This trend is not apparent in two series of data from the Yanadi tribe, in which the inbred and noninbred samples are not controlled for random variation of genes and environment. Increased variances between individuals and changes in means and distributions of the traits in the inbred samples of the matched data indicate some influence of homozygosity of genes for the traits on their asymmetry. The reduced variability of asymmetry of the traits in the inbred cannot be explained by homozygosity of genes for either directional or absolute asymmetry. One possible explanation is that heterozygotes for these dermatoglyphic triats are more responsive to environmental stress than homozygotes and/or increased selection in the homozygotes against genetic disorders associated with dermatoglyphic asymmetry may reduce the variability of such asymmetry.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide in invertebrates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nitric oxide (NO) is considered an important signaling molecule implied in different physiological processes, including nervous transmission, vascular regulation, immune defense, and in the pathogenesis of several diseases. The presence of NO is well demonstrated in all vertebrates. The recent data on the presence and roles of NO in the main invertebrate groups are reviewed here, showing the widespread diffusion of this signaling molecule throughout the animal kingdom, from higher invertebrates down to coelenterates and even to prokaryotic cells. In invertebrates, the main functional roles described for mammals have been demonstrated, whereas experimental evidence suggests the presence of new NOS isoforms different from those known for higher organisms. Noteworthy is the early appearance of NO throughout evolution and striking is the role played by the nitrergic pathway in the sensorial functions, from coelenterates up to mammals, mainly in olfactory-like systems. All literature data here reported suggest that future research on the biological roles of early signaling molecules in lower living forms could be important for the understanding of the nervous-system evolution.  相似文献   

Developmental mode varies widely in most animal phyla. These differences in developmental strategy exert a profound influence on the ecology and evolution of closely related species. The mechanistic alterations in ontogeny that lead to switches in developmental mode are coming under increasing scrutiny. Echinoids are one of the best-understood groups in this regard. Parallel modifications in direct-developing echinoids point to some of the key changes in oogenesis and embryogenesis that produce switches in developmental mode.  相似文献   

Specificities of actions of fucoidanases from the marine microorganism Pseudoalteromonas citrea KMM 3296 and the marine mollusk Littorina kurila were studied. The enzymes possess similar specificities and catalyze the cleavage of accessible α-(1→3)-fucoside bonds in fucoidans with highly sulfated α-(1→4; 1→3)-L-fucooligosaccharides. A high degree of sulfation of the fucose residues in fucoidans makes α-(1→3)-L-fucoside bonds inaccessible for the action of the studied enzymes. The maximum degree of cleavage of fucoidan was achieved by the fucoidanase from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas citrea KMM 3296.  相似文献   

A method for predicting response to selection and inbreeding depression in a dynamic population for amount of inbreeding was derived and illustrated with an example of selection under full-sib mating.  相似文献   

F. X. Pic  T. Koubek 《Acta Oecologica》2003,24(5-6):289-294
Heterocarpic plants are characterized by the production of distinct types of fruits that usually differ in their ecological behavior. In the Asteraceae, differences are mainly found between peripheral non-dispersal and central dispersal achenes (single-seeded fruits). Inbreeding depression is considered as an evolutionary force as it may reduce several fitness traits, and in the case of heterocarpic plants, it could influence fitness traits (e.g., seed set, germination rate, growth rate) of each fruit morph, which may have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. In particular, differential effects on fitness traits and dispersal of selfed and outcrossed progeny can strongly determine the viability of extant populations and the potential to colonize new habitats. We conducted a hand-pollination experiment in greenhouse conditions to test whether inbreeding affects the fitness of achene morphs in the heterocarpic herb Leontodon autumnalis (Asteraceae). Results show that achene morphs significantly differ in their ecological behavior, peripheral achenes germinating more and faster than central achenes. The significant interaction between pollination treatment and achene morph for germination probability might indicate a link between dormancy and mating system in L. autumnalis: germination was higher for outcrossed achenes in central achenes whereas the opposite pattern was exhibited by peripheral achenes. Selfing dramatically reduced seed set, probably as a consequence of strong self-incompatibility mechanisms rather than inbreeding effects. Inbreeding depression significantly affected late life-cycle traits, such as growth rate and biomass at flowering. Overall, results suggest that inbreeding depression seems to be an important selective force maintaining outcrossing in L. autumnalis.  相似文献   

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