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为研究人工鱼礁对产卵鱼类的诱集效果和庇护效应,2014—2015年对青岛崂山青山湾海域人工鱼礁区及附近海域鱼卵和仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布进行了水平和垂直拖网调查. 2014年春、夏、秋3个季节的7个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵7306粒、仔稚鱼52尾,隶属于4目9科11属12种;2015年同期进行的13个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵10373粒、仔稚鱼159尾,隶属于6目11科14属15种.2年间鱼卵和仔稚鱼样品均以鲈形目数量最多,鲽形目次之,其中鱼卵样品中仅有少鳞鱚和短吻红舌鳎构成优势种;仔稚鱼样品以少鳞鱚优势度最高,但不存在仔稚鱼优势种.鱼卵和稚鱼的高优势度物种的季节间演替明显.春、夏、秋季鱼类浮游生物群落Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数平均值均较低,说明该海域鱼类浮游生物群落结构稳定性较低.2年间所采集物种对应的成鱼平均营养级分别为3.71和3.78,均属第三营养级中的低级肉食性鱼类,绝大多数为暖温种,无冷温性种类,表现出明显的暖温带特点.综合分析认为,人工鱼礁区鱼类浮游生物群落的多样性相对较高,这与鱼礁区流速和流场特征及复杂的空间异质性有关.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in larval fish species composition and abundance compared with other components of the seston are described in four estuarine habitats in the Atrato Delta, Colombia. In comparison with zooplankton, fish larvae and egg density and anthropogenic debris abundance were low in the South Atrato Delta. Transparency, water temperature and chlorophyll a were the major factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton in the delta. The most abundant fish larvae were Astyanax sp. 1, Anchovia clupeoides, Cetengraulis edentulus, Anchoa sp., Bathygbius curacao, Dormitator maculatus, Hyporhamphus sp., Atherinella blackburni, Gobiosoma sp. 1 and Menticirrhus americanus (92·8% of total abundance). Spatial temporal analysis shows that in this delta, shrub (arracachal) and grass (eneal) habitats are important for freshwater and estuarine species, whilst mudflat and mangrove are important for estuarine species and estuarine–marine species, since most flexion and post‐flexion stages of these species were found there. Anthropogenic debris density never surpassed the total ichthyoplankton density, but was ubiquitous. Shrub and mangrove habitats had higher densities of anthropogenic debris, since these are flood‐stem habitats that trap solids.  相似文献   

The species composition and assemblage structure of the ichthyoplankton from the Mar Menor Lagoon in south‐east Spain are given. The fish larvae were sorted from zooplankton samples collected at 20 stations with a plankton net (50 cm mouth diameter and 500 μm mesh) during 36 surveys between February and December 1997. A total of 39 575 fish larvae representing 14 families, 22 genera and 36 species were identified. Gobiidae was the most dominant family (77·0%) followed by Blenniidae (19·4%) and Atherinidae (1·3%). The most abundant species were Gobius niger and Gobius paganellus , which accounted for 42·7 and 19·3% of the total respectively. These species were followed in order of relative abundance by Pomatoschistus marmoratus (13·9%), Parablennius pilicornis (9·4%), Lipophrys pavo (7·7%), Atherina boyeri (1·3%) and Parablennius tentacularis (1·3%). The high species diversity (2·0–2·8 bits individual−1 for the annual diversity spectra at each sampling station) reflected a diverse assemblage of species. The main commercial species in the lagoon (Sparidae and Mugilidae) were poorly represented among the ichthyoplankton and they probably enter the lagoon on the bottom as recruits. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was the main factor explaining the seasonal variation in larval abundance. Spatial distribution of larvae was related to hydrographical circulation patterns in the lagoon and the movement of marine‐spawned larvae through the channels connecting the lagoon with the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

樊紫薇  蒋日进  李哲  李鹏飞  梁君  张琳琳  印瑞 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4392-4403
为了解中街山列岛海域鱼卵仔稚鱼空间分布、种类组成及与环境因子的关系,于2010年5月—2012年2月在中街山列岛海域利用水平和垂直拖网开展了8个航次的鱼卵、仔稚鱼调查。运用非度量多维标度排序、聚类分析和典范对应分析(CCA)等方法对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的空间分布进行了综合分析。结果表明:两年水平拖网共采集到鱼卵1783粒,仔稚鱼67尾;垂直拖网共采集到鱼卵576粒,仔稚鱼59尾。2010年平拖优势种为短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri),垂拖重要种为鲉形目未定种(Scorpaeniformes sp.)和扁舵鰹(Auxis thazard)。2011年平拖重要种为短吻红舌鳎、鰏属未定种(Leiognathuss sp.)、龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)和鳀(Engraulis japonicus);垂拖重要种为短吻红舌鳎、龙头鱼和中华小公鱼(Stolephorus chinensis)。经单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM),鱼卵仔稚鱼的优势种和重要种群落物种组成存在显著差异(P<0.01)。研究结果表明,温度和盐度对鱼卵仔稚鱼的影响较大,夏季是中街山列岛...  相似文献   

Diel distribution patterns of fishes in a temperate large lowland river   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
During the day, juveniles and typical inshore species in the lower Oder River, Germany, inhabited the littoral (0·05–1·50 m deep) while potamal species inhabited the mid‐channel (40–100 m from the banks). During the night, two behavioural groups were distinguished: 1) potamal species and large individuals of other species, moved from offshore to the littoral, and 2) nocturnal foraging species, became active and increased in inshore and offshore habitats. Inshore, the most significant differences at night was the increasing density of silver bream Blicca bjoerkna increasing both total biomass and total length of fishes caught. Offshore, the increasing density of whitefin gudgeon Gobio albipinnatus at night was most significant. Additional night electrofishing improved the assessment of the abundance, age and size structure of typical potamal fish species. It should be incorporated in large river fish monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Upstream range shifts of freshwater fishes have been documented in recent years due to ongoing climate change. River fragmentation by dams, presenting physical barriers, can limit the climatically induced spatial redistribution of fishes. Andean freshwater ecosystems in the Neotropical region are expected to be highly affected by these future disturbances. However, proper evaluations are still missing. Combining species distribution models and functional traits of Andean Amazon fishes, coupled with dam locations and climatic projections (2070s), we (a) evaluated the potential impacts of future climate on species ranges, (b) investigated the combined impact of river fragmentation and climate change and (c) tested the relationships between these impacts and species functional traits. Results show that climate change will induce range contraction for most of the Andean Amazon fish species, particularly those inhabiting highlands. Dams are not predicted to greatly limit future range shifts for most species (i.e., the Barrier effect). However, some of these barriers should prevent upstream shifts for a considerable number of species, reducing future potential diversity in some basins. River fragmentation is predicted to act jointly with climate change in promoting a considerable decrease in the probability of species to persist in the long‐term because of splitting species ranges in smaller fragments (i.e., the Isolation effect). Benthic and fast‐flowing water adapted species with hydrodynamic bodies are significantly associated with severe range contractions from climate change.  相似文献   

黄海中部近岸春夏季鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落结构特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2013年4月下旬至7月上旬,采用浅水I型网垂直拖网的调查方式对黄海中部20m以浅海域(34°30'—35°30'N,119°20'—120°20'E)的鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成与数量分布进行了6个航次的综合调查。春夏季共采集鱼卵21种(未定种3种),共计2247粒,隶属于9科15属。仔稚鱼22种(未定种1种),共计286尾,隶属于13科17属。鱼卵优势种为日本鳀Engraulis japonicus、赤鼻棱鳀Thryssa kammalensis、江口小公鱼Stolephorus commersonnii、皮氏叫姑鱼Johnius belengerii和属Callionymus spp.。仔稚鱼优势种为大银鱼Protosalanx chinensis、白姑鱼Argyrosomus argentatus、日本鳀、赤鼻棱鳀和皮氏叫姑鱼。鱼卵丰度和分布与经度呈负相关、与SST呈正相关,但与其他环境因子如纬度、表层盐度(SSS)和水深等无显著相关性。仔稚鱼丰度和分布与上述环境因子均未表现出显著相关性。基于Bray-Curtis指数的聚类分析表明,鱼卵优势种包括集中分布于研究水域34°48'N以南海域(江口小公鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼和青鳞小沙丁Sardinella zunasi)、10m等深线以内(赤鼻棱鳀),以及北部水域(日本鳀和属)3种主要聚集类型;仔稚鱼优势种包括集中分布于34°48'N—35°12'N海域(赤鼻棱鳀和日本鳀)、连云港外海浅水区(白姑鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼和梭鱼Liza haematocheilus,以及南部水域(褐菖鲉Sebastiscus marmoratus和鲬Platycephalus indicus)3种主要聚集类型。研究结果揭示了黄海中部近岸海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落的时空分布格局动态,为科学认识环境变动下该海区渔业种群数量动态和资源变化提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Comparison of the results of ichthyoplankton surveys conducted at 97 stations in the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan, in June–July 2007 with the similar research data of the 1950s shows that at present, as was the case 50 years ago, flatfish eggs belonging mainly to the yellowfin sole Limanda aspera and brown sole Pleuronectes herzensteini prevail in the local ichthyoplankton (up to 86%). The highest concentrations of these species’ eggs were recorded in the Vostok Bay and Strelok Bay. The spawning activity of flatfish in 2007 is found to be lower than in the mid 1900s, but the significance of the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay for flatfish reproduction remains large. The importance of long-term monitoring in this area, which is being subjected to steadily growing anthropogenic impacts, is also proven.  相似文献   

布哈河青海湖裸鲤鱼苗鱼卵的时空分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年7月1日到10月7日,使用水文过河缆道及圆锥网接滤过式集苗器进行采样,对青海湖布哈河鱼类早期资源的时空分布进行了研究,以期了解青海湖裸鲤的自然繁殖状况,为其资源监测及生态保护提供基础性资料。结果表明:布哈河中鱼类早期资源种类单一,主要为青海湖裸鲤,采样期间有多次苗汛,主要苗汛出现于7月份,9月上旬仅有小规模苗汛;鱼苗平均密度3.17ind.·m-3,最高达54ind.·m-3;晚上鱼苗密度(22:00-22:10)与下午鱼苗密度(14:00-14:10)有显著性差异(df=98,P<0.05);青海湖裸鲤的鱼卵在上层平均密度为0.075ind.·m-3,下层平均密度0.175ind.·m-3,两者亦存在显著性差异(df=10,P<0.05);鱼苗的漂流运动主要集中在晚上;总体上看,鱼苗主要分布在河流上层,有近岸分布的趋势,而鱼卵则主要分布在河流下层,接近河流中央位置;鱼苗断面系数为0.43,鱼卵断面系数为2.32。  相似文献   

Eggs of Konosirus punctatus in early developmental stages were collected from the eastern part of the mouth of Sagami Bay on the Pacific coast of central Japan. Advanced‐stage eggs and early larvae with notochord length ( L N) of <7·5 mm were collected from the inner bay near the mouth of the Sagami River. Feeding larvae of >8·4 mm L N were distributed in the mouth of the river, and juveniles of 24–90 mm standard length ( L S) were collected from the lower reaches of the river between the river mouth and c . 3 km upstream of the river mouth. Hatch dates of larvae and juveniles collected in 2001 ( n  = 158) and in 2002 ( n  = 109) extended from late March to late July. The relationship between the otolith radius ( R O) and L N or L S changed during the metamorphosis stage as characterized by 320 μm R O and 22 mm L S. Otolith growth rate, as an index of somatic growth rates in larval and early juvenile stages, was higher in cohorts that hatched later in the spawning season, i.e . from March to July. Konosirus punctatus that were spawned in the bay mouth area survived with different growth histories in the bay and lower reaches of the river, and recruited to the young‐of‐year population in the Pacific coastal waters of central Japan.  相似文献   

The relationship between vertical migration, estuarine retention and species-specific patterns of longitudinal distribution of the pelagic larvae of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax , and tomcod, Microgadus tomcod , was investigated in the upper section of the St Lawrence Middle Estuary. We hypothesized that the species-specific use of the vertical pattern of current exhibited by the two species results in the partitioning of the estuarine habitat in the longitudinal plane while assuring retention. Important differences in the longitudinal distribution of tomcod and smelt larvae were related to the ontogeny of their vertical distribution in the water column. In June, small tomcod and smelt larvae are generally associated with waters of salinities less than 5%o. As the larvae grow, their vertical distribution patterns change, leading to a horizontal separation of the two species. Tomcod juveniles migrate downstream into colder, more saline waters, whereas larger smelt larvae migrate upstream into warmer, tidal fresh waters. Ontogenetic changes in vertical distribution serve to concentrate larvae in specific conditions that may optimize physiological conditions and also permit population persistence.  相似文献   

豫东平原聚落景观格局变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
杨慧敏  娄帆  李小建  白燕飞 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5313-5323
中国的快速城镇化必然导致聚落景观格局的变化,但目前相关研究对平原地区关注相对较少。文中选取豫东平原地区的开封、商丘、周口市,运用GIS空间分析方法和ENVI遥感影像处理技术,对该地区1972、2015年市域中观尺度上的聚落规模、聚落景观空间变化特征进行分析。结果显示:(1)在聚落发展过程中,1972—2015年聚落斑块数量有所减少,聚落规模逐渐扩张,市域内最大聚落斑块扩张相对更为明显;对聚落斑块扩张强度的分析发现,城市市辖区及周边乡镇聚落扩张强度相对较高。(2)地区内聚落斑块空间分布表现出聚集分布特征,但该时期聚集程度有所减弱;两个年份聚落核密度分布格局大致相似,局部地区存在多核扩散现象,市域尺度上的核密度分布存在地区差异。(3)对斑块形状指数的分析发现,研究区狭长或曲折聚落斑块在空间上分散布局,整体上区域内聚落形状趋于规则。(4)随着距河流、道路距离的增加,聚落斑块总面积和数量有所减少,且道路对聚落分布仅在一定范围内存在较大影响,距中心城市0—6km范围内聚落受中心城区发展辐射影响较大。本文的分析可为平原地区聚落景观的优化布局和聚落用地的集约化发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The effects of reduced‐impact logging (RIL) on the regeneration of commercial tree species were investigated, as long‐term timber yields depend partly on the availability of seedlings in a managed forest. On four occasions during a 20‐month period in the Tapajós National Forest (Eastern Amazon, Brazil), seven commercial tree species were assessed as follows: the long‐lived pioneers Bagassa guianensis and Jacaranda copaia; the partially shade‐tolerant Hymenaea courbaril, Dipteryx odorata, and Carapa guianensis; and the totally shade‐tolerant Symphonia globulifera and Manilkara huberi. In 2439 10 × 10 m plots, all individuals < 20 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were assessed over three intervals, before, during, and after the forest being logged. Before logging, the density of seedlings and saplings of the seven species did not change. Logged trees were spatially aggregated, with 9.2 percent of the plots being heavily impacted by logging. After logging, the recruitment rate increased more than the mortality rate, so that post‐harvesting densities of seedlings and saplings increased. The increase in density was concentrated in logged plots with more disturbances. It is concluded that post‐harvesting heterogeneity of micro‐environments created by RIL may be an important component to be taken into account for sustainable forest management and conservation of commercial species.  相似文献   

中国黑戈壁植物多样性分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国西北地区内陆分布着近20万km~2的黑戈壁,由于其环境的特殊性,使其具有独特的生态系统,境内分布着多样的植被,蕴藏着大量特有的自然资源。但由于自然环境苛刻与交通条件不便,目前我国关于黑戈壁区系统的植被与物种多样性的研究还很缺乏。针对黑戈壁区植物多样性组成与分布特点,基于遥感及实地调查,采用DCCA排序和半变异函数模型等分析方法,对黑戈壁区植物群落组成,植物多样性特点及影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明:研究区植物以藜科和蒺藜科灌木或半灌木为主,群落物种生活型具有逐渐趋于简单甚至单一的特性,重要值0.1的植物主要有梭梭、红砂、白刺等13种;群落物种多样性呈现区域性的斑块化分布,结构性因子引起的物种多样性空间异质性占主导地位;作为极端干旱区,该区植物群落类型具有贫乏化及单一化的趋势,群落结构简单,植被覆盖度低,植物生长随环境的变化具有明显的可塑性,群落空间分异明显,群落空间演变具有明显的水分及土壤结构梯度;DCCA结果显示气候、土壤、地形是群落物种及类型变化的主要原因,海拔、坡位、土壤机械组成、降水、温度等环境因子对群落有着显著的影响,水土条件的空间异质性是戈壁植物多样性维持的关键因素。  相似文献   

珠江水系鱼类群落多样性空间分布格局   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
珠江是我国南方第一大河,是我国重要淡水渔业生产基地和水生生物资源基因库。珠江鱼类在维持生物多样性、提供鱼类种质资源方面举足轻重。但是到目前为止,关于其鱼类空间分布格局的研究甚少。特别是近几十年来各种水工建设和过度捕捞使得渔业资源急剧衰退,鱼类空间分布的研究显得尤为重要。2015年对珠江全流域13个站位进行了全面调查,共采集渔获物10119尾,隶属于94种72属17科。鲤科鱼类占显著优势,其次种类较多的依次为鲿科、鳅科。采用非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)方法对鱼类群落空间分布特征进行了分析,结果表明珠江鱼类被划分为3个类群,即以餐、南方拟餐、黄颡鱼等小型鱼类为主的中上游类群、以赤眼鳟、鲮鱼、广东鲂等中型鱼类为主的中下游类群和以罗非鱼为主的重要支流类群。同时发现中下游物种多样性高,上游及河口江段多样性低的格局。采用冗余分析方法(RDA)分析了鱼类多样性与环境因子的关系,发现年均气温、降雨量、年均径流量、河流宽度与透明度是珠江水系河流鱼类群落结构差异的主要影响因子,其中年均气温是影响鱼类群落分布的最关键因子之一。与历史资料对比后发现,珠江鱼类种类明显减少、空间分布也发生了巨大改变。研究是珠江水系野生渔业资源长期调查的一部分,研究结果将对渔业资源的多样性保护和可持续利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

以秦岭皇冠暖温性落叶阔叶林25 hm2森林样地中的优势灌木苦糖果为对象,研究了苦糖果不同径级个体的空间分布格局以及种内种间关系。结果表明: 苦糖果径级结构呈现出下宽上窄的金字塔型,小径级植株数量最多,更新状态较好,处于稳定增长阶段,有利于群落更新和演替。以Ripley's K函数为基础,采用单变量和双变量成对相关函数,在3个零模型(完全空间随机模型、异质泊松模型和先决条件模型)的处理下,树种整体和不同径级以聚集分布为主,且聚集程度随研究尺度的加大而逐渐减小,逐渐趋向随机分布。受到生境异质性、扩散限制、负密度制约等影响,种内不同径级个体之间以正关联为主,但也有一定程度的无关联,未出现负关联的情况。种间关系较为复杂,既有无关联,也有正关联和负关联,但以负关联和无关联为主。  相似文献   

丹江口水库水滨带植物群落空间分布及环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑞雪  陈龙清  史志华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1208-1216
探讨了环境因素对丹江口水库(南水北调中线水源地)水滨带植物群落空间分布的影响。通过对水滨带植物群落和环境因素的实地调查,用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)对201个水滨带植物群落进行分类;结合地形、土壤和水文因素用除趋势典范对应分析法(DCCA)分析环境因素对水滨带植物群落的影响;并对环境因素的解释能力进行定量分离。结果表明:(1)水滨带植物群落包括7种类型,分别是萹蓄群落、苘麻群落、细叶水芹+狗牙根群落、狗牙根群落、响叶杨-狗牙根群落、杜梨-白刺花-狗牙根群落和侧柏-牡荆-三穗苔草群落;(2)海拔和水淹影响对水滨带植物群落空间分布具有主导作用。海拔升高,水淹影响减弱,植物群落呈现由草本植物群落向木本植物群落变化的格局;(3)土壤因素的解释能力大于地形因素,水文因素的解释能力最小。各类环境因素之间存在交互作用,地形、水文和土壤因素三者间的交互作用最大,地形和土壤因素之间的交互作用最小。环境因素共解释水滨带植物群落空间分布的21.99%,未解释部分为78.01%。结果证明环境对植被的解释能力是由植被的复杂程度决定的,植被越复杂,环境的解释能力越低。  相似文献   

水坝拆除引起河流连通性、水动力、河流地貌等一系列变化,直接影响了鱼类群落结构和空间分布。黑水河为金沙江左岸一级支流,其上共建四级电站,出于支流生境恢复需求,第四级水坝老木河水坝于2018年12月实行拆除。为探明低水头坝拆除对鱼类群落的影响,结合2018年6月和2019年6月黑水河下游60.4km河段10个点位的渔获物调查,对拆坝前后鱼类群落结构和生态类型变化、优势物种与单位捕捞努力量以及不同河段间的群落相似性进行了分析。结果表明,水坝拆除半年后优势物种仍以鲤科和鳅科为主,但物种数和丰度整体上增加;生态类型上以杂食、喜急流和产微粘性卵鱼为主;拆坝后鱼类群落空间分布变化明显,靠近河口的自然河段鱼类上溯洄游到原坝址的上下游,部分长江上游特有鱼类在原坝址附近发生定殖行为,且拆坝后各河段的鱼类组成结构有同质化趋势。总体上,老木河水坝的拆除对黑水河下游的鱼类群落结构和空间分布产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

Enumeration of nitrogen fixing bacterial population in water and sediment samples of six fish farming ponds (polyculture, monoculture and traditional systems) over a period of two and a half years revealed significant differences between the culture systems with maximal and lowest counts in the monoculture and traditional systems, respectively. Polynomial equations of the 2nd to 4th degree were used to represent the observed seasonal data in these ponds. The bacterial populations peaked in summer, while the lowest count was observed in winter. The environmental factors such as pH, different species of nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon were responsible for the seasonal changes in nitrogen fixing bacteria.  相似文献   

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