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The trends in the occurrence of climatic disturbances in the ChineseFagus range are described, and the relationship between woody species diversity and climatic factors in eight old-growth Chinese beech forests is characterized. In the ChineseFagus range that lies in the humid mountains of southern China, wind storms and heavy rain frequency increase towards the eastern coast. Thunderstorm frequency increases southwards. Snowfall frequency increases northwards. Glaze storm frequency peaks in the center near Lake Dongtian, but much higher in the east than in the west. Hailstorm frequency also peaks in the center. The forests sampled in this study are widely separated. Their canopies consist of either deciduous broad-leaved trees or a mixture of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees. Their species diversity increases towards warmer sites and towards the east. The importance of the evergreen trees in relation to warmth and minimum temperature increases southwards. Our analysis suggests that wind storms and heavy rains enhance the species diversity of Chinese beech forests. Cold disturbances such as glaze and snow diminish the diversity and canopy dominance of evergreen broad-leaved trees but favor deciduous broad-leaved trees, especially beech. The annual precipitation received by the forests in this study varies from 1400–2550 mm. This is not correlated with diversity, however, probably because all of these forests grow in humid conditions with sufficient water being supplied by precipitation throughout the year.  相似文献   

Insect communities of mammal dung have been known as excellent model ecosystems for scientific study. Ecological surveys of diversity and seasonal patterns of coprophilous rove beetles in relation to wild mammals have rarely been conducted, although the high potential species diversity and abundance of the rove beetles are known. In order to investigate biodiversity of these beetles, we analyzed species composition, abundance, feeding guild and seasonality of rove beetles that were attracted to sika deer Cervus nippon dung by using dung‐baited pitfall traps for a 1.5‐year study in two plantations (cypress, cedar) and one secondary natural forest (pine) in Fukuoka Prefecture, southwest Japan. Consequently, saprophagous Anotylus sp. (Oxytelinae) was dominant in all forests. Analyses of feeding guild structure showed the number of individuals were dominated by saprophagous beetles, but the number of species were dominated by predatory beetles. Seasonal effects suggested that the species richness and abundance of rove beetles are possibly regulated by scarabaeoid dung beetles. These findings feature one example of a coprophilous rove beetle community.  相似文献   

Ants are used as indicators of environmental change in disturbed landscapes, often without adequate understanding of their response to disturbance. Ant communities in the southeastern United States displayed a hump-backed species richness curve against an index of landscape disturbance. Forty sites at Fort Benning, in west-central Georgia, covered a spectrum of habitat disturbance (military training and fire) in upland forest. Sites disturbed by military training had fewer trees, less canopy cover, more bare ground, and warmer, more compact soils with shallower A-horizons. We sampled ground-dwelling ants with pitfall traps, and measured 15 habitat variables related to vegetation and soil. Ant species richness was greatest with a relative disturbance of 43%, but equitability was greatest with no disturbance. Ant abundance was greatest with a relative disturbance of 85%. High species richness at intermediate disturbance was associated with greater within-site spatial heterogeneity. Species richness was also associated with intermediate values of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), a correlate of net primary productivity (NPP). Available NPP (the product of NDVI and the fraction of days that soil temperature exceeded 25 °C), however, was positively correlated with species richness, though not with ant abundance. Species richness was unrelated to soil texture, total ground cover, and fire frequency. Ant species richness and equitability are potential state indicators of the soil arthropod community. Moreover, equitability can be used to monitor ecosystem change.  相似文献   

The East Usambara Mountain forests constitute what is probably one of the richest biological communities in Africa in terms of plant and animal species numbers and endemic taxa. This review presents brief accounts of the flora and of three invertebrate and four vertebrate groups and shows the percentage endemic taxa to vary from 2% (mammals) to 95% (millipedes) as a proportion of the true forest species.
Notes are given on the geology, soils, climate and present land use of the Usambaras. Biological richness is considered to be due to long periods of isolation and geological stability coupled with periods of species immigration during times of re-establishment of a continuous forest cover. The nature of the endemic elements is briefly discussed.
Evidence is given to show that the forests are subject to increasing pressure from legal and illegal encroachment due to agriculture (tea, cardamon, subsistence) and forestry timber operations. Air photograph analysis shows a forest decrease of some 50% in the vicinity of Amani from 1954 to 1976.
The low conservation status of most forest reserves and the lack of detailed knowledge on the distribution, status and biology of the endemic species means present conservation efforts are poor and haphazard. This review calls for greatly increased research inputs and a complete halt to all exploitation of natural forest areas until a long term conservation land use plan can be implemented.  相似文献   

Using a generalized linear mixed model approach, we determined the most important risk factors affecting the probability of damage by sika deer in a forest plantation in Japan. Candidate risk factors included tree species, stand age, peripheral dwarf bamboo community, topographical factors, snow depth, and human disturbance factors. Based on this model, we developed a risk map of forest damage. The model indicated that the most important risk factor was stand age, followed by tree species and maximum snow depth. Our predictive model has practical use due to its high classification accuracy (83.9%). To decrease damage from sika deer, an afforestation plan that incorporates these factors should be implemented. Because it is based on common, forest GIS data that have recently been compiled by several local governments in Japan, our modeling method of deer damage can easily be adapted to other areas.  相似文献   



Observations in permanent forest vegetation plots in Norway and elsewhere indicate that complex changes have taken place over the period 1988–2020. These observations are summarised in the “climate-induced understorey change (CIUC)” hypothesis, i.e. that the understorey vegetation of old-growth boreal forests in Norway undergoes significant long-term changes and that these changes are consistent with the ongoing climate change as an important driver. Seven testable predictions were derived from the CIUC hypothesis.




Vegetation has been monitored in a total of 458 permanently marked plots, each 1 m2, in nine old-growth forest sites dominated by Picea abies at intervals of 5–8 years over the 32-year study period. For each of the 52 combinations of site and year, we obtained response variables for the abundance of single species, abundance and species density of taxonomic–ecological species groups and two size classes of cryptogams, and site species richness. All of these variables were subjected to linear regression modelling with site and year as predictors.


Mean annual temperature, growing-season length and the number of days with precipitation were higher in the study period than in the preceding ca. 30-year period, resulting in increasingly favourable conditions for bryophyte growth. Site species richness decreased by 13% over the 32-year study period. On average, group abundance of vascular plants decreased by 24% (decrease in forbs: 38%). Patterns of group abundance change differed among cryptogam groups: although peat-moss abundance increased by 39%, the abundance of mosses, hepatics and lichens decreased by 13%, 49% and 67%, respectively. Group abundance of small cryptogams decreased by 61%, whereas a 13% increase was found for large cryptogams. Of 61 single species tested for abundance change, a significant decrease was found for 43 species, whereas a significant increase was found only for 6 species.


The major patterns of change in species richness, group species density and group abundance observed over the 32-year study period accord with most predictions from the CIUC hypothesis and are interpreted as direct and indirect responses to climate change, partly mediated through changes in the population dynamics of microtine rodents. The more favourable climate for bryophyte growth explains the observed increase for a few large bryophyte species, whereas the decrease observed for small mosses and hepatics is interpreted as an indirect amensalistic effect, brought about by shading and burial in mats of larger species and accelerated by reduced fine-scale disturbance by microtine rodents. Indirect effects of a thicker moss mat most likely drive the vascular plant decline although long-term effects of tree-stand dynamics and former logging cannot be completely ruled out. Our results suggest that the ongoing climate change has extensive, cascading effects on boreal forest ecosystems. The importance of long time-series of permanent vegetation plots for detecting and understanding the effects of climate change on boreal forests is emphasised.  相似文献   

Mount Kenya is of ecological importance in tropical east Africa due to the dramatic gradient in vegetation types that can be observed from low to high elevation zones. However, species richness and phylogenetic diversity of this mountain have not been well studied. Here, we surveyed distribution patterns for a total of 1,335 seed plants of this mountain and calculated species richness and phylogenetic diversity across seven vegetation zones. We also measured phylogenetic structure using the net relatedness index (NRI) and the nearest species index (NTI). Our results show that lower montane wet forest has the highest level of species richness, density, and phylogenetic diversity of woody plants, while lower montane dry forest has the highest level of species richness, density, and phylogenetic diversity in herbaceous plants. In total plants, NRI and NTI of four forest zones were smaller than three alpine zones. In woody plants, lower montane wet forest and upper montane forest have overdispersed phylogenetic structures. In herbaceous plants, NRI of Afro‐alpine zone and nival zone are smaller than those of bamboo zone, upper montane forest, and heath zone. We suggest that compared to open dry forest, humid forest has fewer herbaceous plants because of the closed canopy of woody plants. Woody plants may have climate‐dominated niches, whereas herbaceous plants may have edaphic and microhabitat‐dominated niches. We also proposed lower and upper montane forests with high species richness or overdispersed phylogenetic structures as the priority areas in conservation of Mount Kenya and other high mountains in the Eastern Afro‐montane biodiversity hotspot regions.  相似文献   

Rumen content analysis and field observations were used to investigate the food habits and diet quality of sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis Heude) from 1991 to 1993 in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Diets varied seasonally, with deer consuming graminoids and browse in winter, forbs and agricultural crops in spring and summer and all of these plant foods in autumn. Eighty-four plant species with sika deer bite marks were identified and their use also varied seasonally. The diversity of food resources available provided both critical protein and digestible energy, allowing for physiological maintenance and seasonal growth. With these high-quality diets, deer maintained good body condition in eastern Hokkaido, where the population density was relatively low.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Parasitoids were reared from four species of lepidopteran stem borer collected in maize in southern coastal Kenya from 1992 to 1999. The stem borers included three native species, Sesamia calamistis Hampson, Busseola fusca Fuller, and Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand), and one exotic borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). A total of 174 663 caterpillars was collected, of which 12 645 were parasitised.
2. Twenty-six primary parasitoid species were reared from the exotic borer, C. partellus , indicating a rapid accumulation of native parasitoids on the alien borer.
3. The three most abundant parasitoids were the larval parasitoids Cotesia sesamiae Cameron, Cotesia flavipes (Cameron), and the pupal parasitoid Pediobius furvus Gahan. The pupal parasitoid Dentichasmias busseolae Heinrich and the larval parasitoid Goniozus indicus Ashmead were also common. All used an ingress-and-sting method of attack.
4. Cotesia flavipes , introduced into Kenya in 1993, was found in all seasons from 1997 onwards, and has become the most abundant stem borer larval parasitoid in the area. A native congener, Cotesia sesamiae , appeared in all seasons from 1992 to 1999. Together, these two parasitoids accounted for 83.3% of the parasitised borers.
5. Thirty parasitoid species were recovered in Kilifi district, 27 in Kwale, and 15 in Taita Taveta. Parasitism was much greater in Taita Taveta district than in Kilifi or Kwale districts.  相似文献   

Coastal barrens in Nova Scotia are heathlands characterised by short, predominantly ericaceous vegetation, sparse tree cover, exposed bedrock, pockets of Sphagnum bog, and stressful climatic conditions. Although coastal barrens are prominent in the physical and cultural landscape, they are largely unprotected. We selected six barrens along the Atlantic coast, and surveyed 20 1-m2 plots at each barren for vascular plants, macrolichens, mosses and environmental factors. We recorded 173 species (105 vascular, 41 macrolichen, 27 moss), including six provincially rare vascular species found predominantly in nearshore areas with high levels of substrate salt and nutrients, variable substrate depth, and short vegetation. Although vascular plant and moss richness were similarly correlated with vegetation height, substrate depth, organic matter content, and rock exposure, there were no clear correlations between vascular plant, macrolichen and moss richness across all sites. Vascular plant rarity and species richness were not correlated, but had inverse relationships with key environmental gradients. Tailoring conservation efforts to protect areas of high richness may thus mean that rare species are missed, and vice versa. Ordination and ANOSIM show that barrens vegetation differs widely among sites; therefore, protecting any singular coastal barren will not protect the entire range of vegetation communities and species in this heathland type. Conservation planning should emphasize protecting environmental gradients correlated with richness, rarity and plant community structure, including substrate depth and moisture, and vegetation height. Additionally, protected areas should include a coastal-inland gradient and a diversity of substrate types, including exposed rock and trees.  相似文献   

Most parasites and parasitoids are adapted to overcome defense mechanisms of their specific hosts and hence colonize a narrow range of host species. Accordingly, an increase in host functional or phylogenetic dissimilarity is expected to increase the species diversity of parasitoids. However, the local diversity of parasitoids may be driven by the accessibility and detectability of hosts, both increasing with increasing host abundance. Yet, the relative importance of these two mechanisms remains unclear. We parallelly reared communities of saproxylic beetle as potential hosts and associated parasitoid Hymenoptera from experimentally felled trees. The dissimilarity of beetle communities was inferred from distances in seven functional traits and from their evolutionary ancestry. We tested the effect of host abundance, species richness, functional, and phylogenetic dissimilarities on the abundance, species richness, and Shannon diversity of parasitoids. Our results showed an increase of abundance, species richness, and Shannon diversity of parasitoids with increasing beetle abundance. Additionally, abundance of parasitoids increased with increasing species richness of beetles. However, functional and phylogenetic dissimilarity showed no effect on the diversity of parasitoids. Our results suggest that the local diversity of parasitoids, of ephemeral and hidden resources like saproxylic beetles, is highest when resources are abundant and thereby detectable and accessible. Hence, in some cases, resources do not need to be diverse to promote parasitoid diversity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories predict that natural selection favors inducible defense when the risk of predation is unpredictable. In this context, the magnitude of the induced defense in populations experiencing intermittent herbivory is predicted to be larger than that in populations experiencing constant herbivory when there is genetic differentiation between populations. To test this prediction, we conducted a clipping experiment to investigate induced response to shoot damage by the stinging hair traits of Japanese nettle (Urtica thunbergiana) seedlings. For this purpose, we studied two nettle subpopulations, one under constant browsing and another under intermittent browsing by sika deer in Nara Park, central Japan. The clipping experiment demonstrates that both subpopulations exhibited induced defenses in response to the clipping of the shoot apex as the number and length of stinging hairs increased after clipping. The subpopulation experiencing intermittent browsing exhibited smaller trait values and larger induced defenses, indicated by the number of stinging hairs on the upper leaf surface and the length of stinging hairs on both leaf surfaces compared with the subpopulation experiencing constant browsing. These results are consistent with the prediction and suggest that genetic differentiation of the induced defense between subpopulations is caused by adaptation to the herbivory regime. We discuss other plausible factors affecting the magnitude of the induced defense of the nettle subpopulations.  相似文献   

The Ohdaigahara subalpine plateau in Japan has recently suffered a reduction in primary forest land caused by an increasing population of sika deer (Cervus nippon). Deer have debarked many trees, causing dieback, gradually changing the primary forest first to light forest with a floor that is densely covered with sasa grass (Sasa nipponica) and then to S. nipponica grassland. To examine the effects of vegetative transformation on the dung-beetle community, we compared the diversity and abundance of dung-beetle assemblages in the primary forest, transition forest, and S. nipponica grassland using dung-baited pitfall traps. The species richness and species diversity (Shannon-Wiener index) were significantly highest in the primary forest and lowest in the S. nipponica grassland. The evenness (Smith-Wilson index) was highest in the primary forest and nearly equal in the transition forest and S. nipponica grassland. The abundance was apparently greater in the transition forest than in the primary forest and S. nipponica grassland. These results suggest that loss of primary forest resulting from an increasing deer population decreases the diversity of the dung-beetle community while increasing the abundance of dung beetles in the transition forest. Sika deer use transition forests and grasslands more frequently than primary forests as habitat, but an increase in dung supply there does not necessarily increase the diversity or abundance of dung-beetle assemblages.  相似文献   

Larch forests are important for species diversity, as well as soil and water conservation in mountain regions. In this study, we determined large-scale patterns of species richness in larch forests and identified the factors that drive these patterns. We found that larch forest species richness was high in southern China and low in northern China, and that patterns of species richness along an elevational gradient depend on larch forest type. In addition, we found that patterns of species richness in larch forests are best explained by contemporary climatic factors. Specifically, mean annual temperature and annual potential evapotranspiration were the most important factors for species richness of tree and shrub layers, while mean temperature of the coldest quarter and anomaly of annual precipitation from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present were the most important for that of herb layer and the whole community. Community structural factors, especially stand density, are also associated with the species richness of larch forests. Our findings that species richness in China''s larch forests is mainly affected by energy availability and cold conditions support the ambient energy hypothesis and the freezing tolerance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Yuan  Chun-ming  Liu  Wen-yao  Tang  Cindy Q.  Li  Xiao-shuang 《Ecological Research》2009,24(6):1361-1370
The species composition, diversity, and abundance of lianas were studied in four secondary forests (a 100-year-old forest, a middle-aged forest, and two younger secondary forests), and compared with an undisturbed primary forest in the Ailao Mountains of subtropical SW China. The results showed that the species composition of lianas differed greatly from the secondary forests to the primary forest, which exhibit early and late-successional species. The abundance of lianas was relatively higher in the two younger and middle-aged secondary forests than in the old-growth secondary and primary forests. However, liana species richness was very limited in the four secondary forests as compared to the primary forest. Root climbers mainly grew in the primary forest, whereas tendril and hook climbers predominated in the four secondary forests, while stem twiners were common in both. The majority of lianas recorded in this study reproduced by animal dispersal, and there was no variation in dispersal modes across the five forest types. A step-wise regression showed that the abundance of small lianas (dbh <4 cm) was positively correlated with the abundance of small- and medium-sized tree stems and negatively correlated with the abundance of large-sized tree stems, whereas there is a strong positive correlation between the abundance of large lianas (dbh ≥4 cm) and large tree stems. Results from the CCA indicate that canopy openness, soil moisture, and average canopy height were the most important factors that influenced the abundance and distribution of lianas.  相似文献   

The conversion of natural, or seminatural, habitats to agricultural land and changes in agricultural land use are significant drivers of biodiversity loss. Within the context of land‐sharing versus land‐sparing debates, large‐scale commercial agriculture is known to be detrimental to biodiversity, but the effects of small‐scale subsistence farming on biodiversity are disputed. This poses a problem for sustainable land‐use management in the Global South, where approximately 30% of farmland is small‐scale. Following a rapid land redistribution program in Zimbabwe, we evaluated changes in avian biodiversity by examining richness, abundance, and functional diversity. Rapid land redistribution has, in the near term, resulted in increased avian abundance in newly farmed areas containing miombo woodland and open habitat. Conversion of seminatural ranched land to small‐scale farms had a negative impact on larger‐bodied birds, but species richness increased, and birds in some feeding guilds maintained or increased abundance. We found evidence that land‐use change caused a shift in the functional traits of the communities present. However, functional analyses may not have adequately reflected the trait filtering effect of land redistribution on large species. Whether newly farmed landscapes in Zimbabwe can deliver multiple benefits in terms of food production and habitat for biodiversity in the longer term is an open question. When managing agricultural land transitions, relying on taxonomic measures of diversity, or abundance‐weighted measures of function diversity, may obscure important information. If the value of smallholder‐farmed land for birds is to be maintained or improved, it will be essential to ensure that a wide array of habitat types is retained alongside efforts to reduce hunting and persecution of large bird species.  相似文献   

Summary A factorial field experiment was designed to test the effects of small mammals and above- and below-ground invertebrates on plant species richness and composition in native tallgrass prairie at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, northeast Kansas. Over a 4-year period, Microtus ochrogaster densities were maintained by live-trapping in fenced plots, and invertebrate levels were reduced using the pesticides carbaryl for above-ground invertebrates and an organophosphate (isofenphos) for belowground invertebrates. ANOVA according to a split-plot design of plant species biomass data harvested in 1984 and 1986 revealed few significant effects of either small mammal densities or pesticide application. Of 54 species harvested from both sample dates, only 10 were significantly affected by either treatment. Analysis of species richness according to 8 life-form classes provided a clearer pattern of response than did biomass either by species or life-form class. For example, numbers of C4 grasses were reduced by increasing small mammal densities, whereas numbers of C4 annual forbs were lowest when above-ground herbivory was reduced. While consumers have been shown to have strong effects on successional communities, the few significant results observed in this study suggests that the manipulated levels of small mammals and insects had few effects on a mature tallgrass prairie.Deceased May, 1986  相似文献   

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