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1. Fish community characteristics, resource availability and resource use were assessed in three headwater urban streams in Piedmont North Carolina, U.S.A. Three site types were examined on each stream; two urban (restored and unrestored) and a forested site downstream of urbanisation, which was impacted by effluent from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Stream basal resources, aquatic macroinvertebrates, terrestrial macroinvertebrates and fish were collected at each site. 2. The WWTPs affected isotope signatures in the biota. Basal resource, aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish δ15N showed significant enrichments in the downstream sites, although δ13C signatures were not greatly influenced by the WWTP. Fish were clearly deriving a significant part of their nutrition from sewage effluent‐derived sources. There was a trend towards lower richness and abundance of fish at sewage‐influenced sites compared with urban restored sites, although the difference was not significant. 3. Restored stream sites had significantly higher fish richness and a trend towards greater abundance compared with unrestored sites. Although significant differences did not exist between urban restored and unrestored areas for aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrate abundances and biotic indices of stream health, there appeared to be a trend towards improvements in restored sites for these parameters. Additional surveys of these sites on a regular basis, along with maintenance of restored features are vital to understanding and maximising restoration effectiveness. 4. A pattern of enriched δ13C in fish in restored and unrestored streams in conjunction with enriched δ13C of terrestrial invertebrates at these sites suggests that these terrestrial subsidies are important to the fish, a conclusion also supported by isotope cross plots. Furthermore, enriched δ13C observed for terrestrial invertebrates is consistent with some utilisation of the invasive C4 plants that occur in the urban riparian areas.  相似文献   

Estuarine habitats, and the fish assemblages associated with them, are potentially impacted upon by many anthropogenic influences which can have a direct influence on the food resources, distribution, diversity, breeding, abundance, growth, survival and behaviour of both resident and migrant fish species. The direct and indirect coupling between ichthyofaunal communities and human impacts on estuaries reinforces the choice of this taxonomic group as a biological indicator that can assist in the formulation of environmental and ecological quality objectives, and in the setting of environmental and ecological quality standards for these systems. This review examines the rationale and value of selecting fishes as bio-indicators of human induced changes within estuaries, using examples from both the northern and southern hemispheres. The monitoring of estuarine 'health' using fish studies at the individual and community level is discussed, with an emphasis on the potential use of estuarine fishes and their monitoring and surveillance in national and international management programmes. In illustrating the above concept, examples are presented of the way in which fishes are threatened by anthropogenic impacts and of the way in which teleosts can contribute to a monitoring of estuarine ecosystem health.  相似文献   

Under the dual pressure of environmental constraints and increasingly thin profit margins, the cement industry in China is in a predicament. To alleviate the environmental and the economic pressure of the cement industry and to tackle the problem of delayed environmental infrastructure construction, this article introduced an urban ecosystem in which the cement industry was transformed into an effective complement to environmental infrastructure. The Xinfeng Cement Industrial Park in China, which has a production capacity of 5 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) of clinker, was chosen as a case study. Our methodology involved proposing technologies to develop an efficient cement plant‐centered urban ecosystem; evaluating its environmental and economic performance; identifying barriers in its promotion; and proposing supportive policies. Results showed that the city's waste recycling ratio rose from about 50% to 70%, saving 0.6 Mt/a of coal equivalent and reducing about 3.0 Mt/a of resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The life span of the city's landfill site was extended by about 30 years. The total investment was 3.2 billion yuan (about US$480 million), 1 with an average payback period of 3 years. The Xinfeng Cement Industrial Park was transformed from an energy‐intensive consumer and a significant CO2 emitter to a key industrial waste recycler, a crucial municipal waste co‐processor, an important new building material supplier, and a potential energy producer. Last, the “not‐in‐my‐back‐yard” (NIMBY) effect from constructing new environmental infrastructure was also avoided.  相似文献   

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