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Interspecific territoriality may play an important role in structuring ecological communities, but the causes of this widespread form of interference competition remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the phenotypic, ecological and phylogenetic correlates of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (Parulidae). Interspecifically territorial species have more recent common ancestors and are more similar phenotypically, and are more likely to hybridise, than sympatric, non‐interspecifically territorial species. After phylogenetic corrections, however, similarity in plumage and territorial song are the only significant predictors of interspecific territoriality besides syntopy (fine‐scale geographic overlap). Our results do not support the long‐standing hypothesis that interspecific territoriality occurs only under circumstances in which niche divergence is restricted, which combined with the high incidence of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (39% of species), suggests that this interspecific interaction is more stable, ecologically and evolutionarily, than commonly assumed.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecology and interspecific interactions of the two gibbon species (Hylobates lar and H. pileatus) that overlap in distribution within a narrow zone of contact in the headwaters of the Takhong River at Khao Yai National Park in central Thailand. The zone is about 10-km wide, with phenotypic hybrids comprising 6.5% of the adult population. We compared species with respect to diet, territory size, intra- and interspecific group encounters, and territory quality. The two gibbon species exploited the same types of resources within their territories despite variation in the relative abundance of food-plant species between territories. The gibbons were interspecifically territorial, and males of both species displayed aggressive behaviors at both intraspecific and interspecific territorial boundaries. There was no marked difference in the amount of overlap between territories of conspecific and heterospecific pairs of groups. Although the habitat was not homogeneous, territory quality did not vary significantly between species. The species have not diverged in habitat preference or in diet. Neither species dominated in interspecific encounters, and both were reproducing well in the contact zone. We analyzed the potential consequences of several types of interspecific interactions on individual dispersal options and on the structure of the contact zone. Interference competition through interspecific territoriality affects the dispersal of individuals into the range of the other species. In general, territorial competition coupled with limited hybridization leads to predictions of a narrow contact zone or parapatry between species; thus, behavioral and ecological interactions between species need to be considered as potential factors in explaining range borders of primate species.  相似文献   

Does competition influence patterns of coexistence between closely related taxa? Here we address this question by analyzing patterns of range overlap between related species of birds (‘sister pairs’) co‐occurring on a tropical elevational gradient. We explicitly contrast the behavioral dimension of interspecific competition (interference competition) with similarity in resource acquisition traits (exploitative competition). Specifically, we ask whether elevational range overlap in 118 sister pairs that live along the Manu Transect in southeastern Peru is predicted by proxies for competition (intraspecific territorial behavior) or niche divergence (beak divergence and divergence times, an estimate of evolutionary age). We find that close relatives that defend year‐round territories tend to live in non‐overlapping elevational distributions, while close relatives that do not defend territories tend to broadly overlap in elevational distribution. In contrast, neither beak divergence nor evolutionary age was associated with patterns of range limitation. We interpret these findings as evidence that behavioral interactions – particularly direct territorial aggression – can be important in setting elevational range limits and preventing coexistence of closely related species, though this depends upon the extent to which intraspecific territorial behavior can be extended to territorial interactions between species. Our results suggest that interference competition can be an important driver of species range limits in diverse assemblages, and thus highlight the importance of considering behavioral dimensions of the niche in macroecological studies.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality occurs when individuals of different species fight over space, and may arise spontaneously when populations of closely related territorial species first come into contact. But defence of space is costly, and unless the benefits of excluding heterospecifics exceed the costs, natural selection should favour divergence in competitor recognition until the species no longer interact aggressively. Ordinarily males of different species do not compete for mates, but when males cannot distinguish females of sympatric species, females may effectively become a shared resource. We model how reproductive interference caused by undiscriminating males can prevent interspecific divergence, or even cause convergence, in traits used to recognize competitors. We then test the model in a genus of visually orienting insects and show that, as predicted by the model, differences between species pairs in the level of reproductive interference, which is causally related to species differences in female coloration, are strongly predictive of the current level of interspecific aggression. Interspecific reproductive interference is very common and we discuss how it may account for the persistence of interspecific aggression in many taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

In this paper interspecific aggression is related to ecological relationships between bird species. Three kinds of relationships are distinguished according to the presence or absence of aggression and the degree to which resources are exclusively utilized: interspecific territoriality (aggression, exclusive use), partial exclusion (aggression, no exclusive use), and tolerance (no aggression, no exclusive use). Aggression by long-toed lapwings (Vanellus crassirostris) is examined within this framework, using quantitative data gathered through observational sampling. Lapwings were interspecifically territorial with one species, partially excluded five species, and tolerated four species. The results indicate that the function of interspecific aggressive behaviour may be related to competition, predation, or both.  相似文献   

Resource control by territorial male cichlid fish in Lake Malawi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The rocky habitat communities of Lake Malawi contain a high diversity of ecologically similar, predominantly herbivorous, cichlid fish species. How so many species can coexist is still unknown.
2. Adult males of the majority of these species hold permanent territories which form dense multispecies mosaics across the shores.
3. The study examined six coexisting species of cichlids from the rocky habitat where males are known to control access to the algal food resources within their territorial space. These included four sibling species of the Pseudotropheus ( Tropheops ) species complex, which are specialized epilithic algal herbivores, and two sibling species of the trophically more generalist P . ( Maylandia ) species complex which feed upon both epilithic algae and plankton.
4. The hypotheses that both intraspecific and interspecific territoriality occur in these communities and that interspecific aggression initiated by territorial males is preferentially directed at species with the most similar diets to their own were tested.
5. It was found that males preferred to exclude conspecific intruders, while they tolerated intruders with different diets to their own. Also, male P . ( Tropheops ) preferentially excluded similar heterospecific dietary specialists, while male P. ( Maylandia ) tolerated similar heterospecific dietary generalists.
6. Based on this study, it is proposed that interspecific territoriality may be reducing competition between species with different diets and promoting their coexistence, while it may be enhancing competition between species with the same diet. Furthermore, it suggests that ecological generalism may be reducing the intensity of interspecific competition, while specializations for the same resources may be increasing competition.  相似文献   

A common pattern in tropical avifaunas is for closely related species to inhabit largely parapatric elevational distributions such that they replace one another along the elevational gradient. A long‐standing hypothesis for this pattern is that parapatry is maintained by interspecific interference competition mediated by interspecific aggression. However, empirical tests of this hypothesis remain scarce. We used reciprocal playback experiments to measure interspecific aggression in five species‐pairs of New Guinean passerine elevational replacements. We found evidence of interspecific aggression in three species‐pairs. In these three cases, interspecific aggression was asymmetric, with the lower elevation species more aggressive towards the upper elevation species than vice versa. Two patterns suggest that this interspecific aggression is a learned response to the presence of a heterospecific competitor rather than misdirected intraspecific aggression or an evolved response to a competitor. First, when present, interspecific aggression was always strongest at the upper elevation range margin of the lower elevation species (i.e. in the elevational zone in which the two species were found in close proximity and thus interacted with each other), and diminished over very short distances away from this zone. Secondly, the two species‐pairs that did not exhibit interspecific aggression had narrow ‘no man's land’ gaps between their elevational distributions such that heterospecifics did not encounter one another, possibly explaining the lack of interspecific aggression in these examples. Our results support the hypothesis that interspecific aggression is one factor influencing elevational limits in species‐pairs of New Guinean elevational replacements.  相似文献   

A review of behavioural studies of hybridization and mixed pairing in birds led to the following conclusions. (1) Hybridization is more common where one of two hybridizing species is rare. (2) There is no tendency in mixed pairs or in interspecific copulations for females to belong to a rarer species than males, as would be predicted by theory based on female choice. (3) There is no evidence that females prefer males of a larger species when hybridizing, in sympatric or in parapatric species. I propose three hypotheses to account for these findings. (1) Scarcity of conspecifics facilitates hybridization in general, no matter which sex is the rare one. (2) Mistakes in mate recognition cause hybridization, especially when females choose wrongly. (3) Supernormal stimuli may sometimes cause hybridization. It is not possible to judge which of these hypotheses is the best supported, and hybridization is likely to have multiple causes.  相似文献   

While Anartia butterflies have served as model organisms for research on the genetics of speciation, no phylogeny has been published to describe interspecific relationships. Here, we present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Anartia species relationships, using both mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Analyses of both data sets confirm earlier predictions of sister species pairings based primarily on genital morphology. Yet both the mitochondrial and nuclear gene phylogenies demonstrate that Anartia jatrophae is not sister to all other Anartia species, but rather that it is sister to the Anartia fatima-Anartia amathea lineage. Traditional biogeographic explanations for speciation across the genus relied on A. jatrophae being sister to its congeners. These explanations invoked allopatric divergence of sister species pairs and multiple sympatric speciation events to explain why A. jatrophae flies alongside all its congeners. The molecular phylogenies are more consistent with lineage divergence due to vicariance, and range expansion of A. jatrophae to explain its sympatry with congeners. Further interpretations of the tree topologies also suggest how morphological evolution and eco-geographic adaptation may have set species range boundaries.  相似文献   

Evolution of male care is still poorly understood. Using phylogenetically matched-pairs comparisons we tested for effects of territoriality and mating system on male care evolution in fish. All origins of male care were found in pair-spawning species (with or without additional males such as sneakers) and none were found in group-spawning species. However, excluding group spawners, male care originated equally often in pair-spawning species with additional males as in strict pair-spawning species. Evolution of male care was also significantly related to territoriality. Yet, most pair-spawning taxa with male care are also territorial, making their relative influence difficult to separate. Furthermore, territoriality also occurs in group-spawning species. Hence, territoriality is not sufficient for male care to evolve. Rather, we argue that it is the combination of territoriality and pair spawning with sequential polygyny that favours the evolution of male care, and we discuss our results in relation to paternity assurance and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Abstract The traditional explanation for interspecific plumage colour variation in birds is that colour differences between species are adaptations to minimize the risk of hybridization. Under this explanation, colour differences between closely related species of birds represent reproductive character displacement. An alternative explanation is that interspecific variation in plumage colour is an adaptive response to variation in light environments across habitats. Under this explanation, differences in colour between closely related species are a product of selection on signal efficiency. We use a comparative approach to examine these two hypotheses, testing the effects of sympatry and habitat use, respectively, on divergence in male plumage colour. Contrary to the prediction of the Species Isolation Hypothesis, we find no evidence that sympatric pairs of species are consistently more divergent in coloration than are allopatric pairs of species. However, in agreement with the Light Environment Hypothesis, we find significant associations between plumage coloration and habitat use. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the statistical methodology used to compare reflectance spectra, the body regions used in the analyses, or the exclusion of areas of plumage not used in sexual displays. Our results suggest that, in general, interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds is more strongly influenced by the signalling environment than by the risk of hybridization.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of social parasitism are very unevenly distributed among ants, bees and wasps, but social parasite lineages are frequently close relatives of their host lineages. Two explanations for these relationships have been proposed: (1) initially, social species are more likely to become parasitic on relatively closely related social species, because they share life history, physiological and behavioural traits that allow successful integration within the host colony; and (2) social parasites have evolved directly from their host lineage via sympatric speciation. Comparative approaches, covering multiple origins and intermediate evolutionary stages, are needed to determine which of these possibilities is more likely. We use molecular phylogenetics to examine multiple origins of parasitism in the bee tribe Allodapini. We identify seven origins resulting in obligate social parasitism (inquilinism), one origin of facultative social parasitism, which was followed by subsequent speciation and where both daughter species remained facultatively parasitic, and one case of frequent facultative heterospecific co‐nesting that probably represents incipient social parasitism. All host–parasite lineage pairs show strong phylogenetic affinities, but only the case of facultative heterospecific nesting involves true sister species relationships. Our results are consistent with the range of parasitic relationships that are expected under an allopatric model for the origin of social parasitism, but are highly problematic for a sympatric speciation model. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 320–331.  相似文献   

Many interspecifically territorial species interfere with each other reproductively, and in some cases, aggression towards heterospecifics may be an adaptive response to interspecific mate competition. This hypothesis was recently formalised in an agonistic character displacement (ACD) model which predicts that species should evolve to defend territories against heterospecific rivals above a threshold level of reproductive interference. To test this prediction, we parameterised the model with field estimates of reproductive interference for 32 sympatric damselfly populations and ran evolutionary simulations. Asymmetries in reproductive interference made the outcome inherently unpredictable in some cases, but 80% of the model’s stable outcomes matched levels of heterospecific aggression in the field, significantly exceeding chance expectations. In addition to bolstering the evidence for ACD, this paper introduces a new, predictive approach to testing character displacement theory that, if applied to other systems, could help in resolving long‐standing questions about the importance of character displacement processes in nature.  相似文献   

The integrity of species is not fixed and may vary geographically. Here we investigate the geographic distributions and interactions of species in the Tegenaria atrica group (Araneae: Agelenidae). Detailed mapping of T. saeva and T. gigantea in England and Wales shows them to be broadly allopatric in southern England with a tightly defined, and possibly long-standing, narrow zone of parapatry in central southern England. In the north of England (Yorkshire), by contrast, the species are broadly sympatric as a result of recent range expansions. GIS techniques are used to map the species distributions and to quantify, we believe for the first time, the intimacy of interspecific interactions. The extent and nature of hybridization in these two areas is examined through regression and multivariate analyses of morphology. We show that the relative incidence of hybridization is much greater in Yorkshire than within the parapatric zone in the south. Clear patterns of asymmetric introgression are observed in both northern and southern England, with a greater impact of T. gigantea on T. saeva than vice versa. We find no sign of morphological reproductive character displacement at the zone of parapatry that might indicate reinforcement, although we cannot exclude more subtle effects, for example via cuticular pheromones. The integrity of these two species seems to be breaking down in northern England, a process that might gain momentum as the gene pools become more similar.  相似文献   

Evolutionists have long recognized the role of reproductive isolation in speciation, but the relative contributions of different reproductive barriers are poorly understood. We examined the nature of isolation between Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis, sister species of monkeyflowers. Studied reproductive barriers include: ecogeographic isolation; pollinator isolation (pollinator fidelity in a natural mixed population); pollen competition (seed set and hybrid production from experimental interspecific, intraspecific, and mixed pollinations in the greenhouse); and relative hybrid fitness (germination, survivorship, percent flowering, biomass, pollen viability, and seed mass in the greenhouse). Additionally, the rate of hybridization in nature was estimated from seed collections in a sympatric population. We found substantial reproductive barriers at multiple stages in the life history of M. lewisii and M. cardinalis. Using range maps constructed from herbarium collections, we estimated that the different ecogeographic distributions of the species result in 58.7% reproductive isolation. Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis are visited by different pollinators, and in a region of sympatry 97.6% of pollinator foraging bouts were specific to one species or the other. In the greenhouse, interspecific pollinations generated nearly 50% fewer seeds than intraspecific controls. Mixed pollinations of M. cardinalis flowers yielded >75% parentals even when only one-quarter of the pollen treatment consisted of M. cardinalis pollen. In contrast, both species had similar siring success on M. lewisii flowers. The observed 99.915% occurrence of parental M. lewisii and M. cardinalis in seeds collected from a sympatric population is nearly identical to that expected, based upon our field observations of pollinator behavior and our laboratory experiments of pollen competition. F1 hybrids exhibited reduced germination rates, high survivorship and reproduction, and low pollen and ovule fertility. In aggregate, the studied reproductive barriers prevent, on average, 99.87% of gene flow, with most reproductive isolation occurring prior to hybrid formation. Our results suggest that ecological factors resulting from adaptive divergence are the primary isolating barriers in this system. Additional studies of taxa at varying degrees of evolutionary divergence are needed to identify the relative importance of pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms in speciation.  相似文献   

Divergence in reproductive traits between closely related species that co‐occur contributes to speciation by reducing interspecific gene flow. In flowering plants, greater floral divergence in sympatry than allopatry may reflect reproductive character displacement (RCD) by means of divergent pollinator‐mediated selection or mating system evolution. However, environmental filtering (EF) would prevail for floral traits under stronger selection by abiotic factors than pollination, and lead to sympatric taxa being more phenotypically similar. We determine whether floral UV pigmentation and size show signatures of RCD or EF using a biogeographically informed sister taxa comparison. We determine whether 35 sister pairs in the Potentilleae tribe (Rosaceae) are allopatric or sympatric and confirm that sympatric sisters experience more similar bioclimatic conditions, an assumption of the EF hypothesis. We test whether interspecific differences are greater in allopatry or sympatry while accounting for divergence time. For UV pigmentation, sympatric sisters are more phenotypically similar than allopatric ones. For flower size, sympatric sisters show increased divergence with time since speciation but allopatric ones do not. We conclude that floral UV pigmentation shows a signature of EF, whereas flower size shows a signature of RCD. Discordant results between the traits suggest that the dominant selective agent differs between them.  相似文献   

The two European species of treecreepers, the short-toed treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla and the common treecreeper C. familiaris, occupy different habitats, but are sympatric to a certain extent. The response to specific and heterospecific song was studied both in a sympatric and in an allopatric population of short-toed treecreeper in the Iberian Mountains (Burgos, Castilla-León, Spain). Short-toed treecreepers in sympatry showed a more aggressive response towards the song of the common treecreeper than those in allopatry. Although strict interspecific territoriality was not found, the experimental data suggest that the altitudinal distribution pattern of the two species may be a consequence of the increased aggression. This interspecific aggression may be advantageous for the short-toed treecreeper, as it may achieve a loose interspecific territoriality resulting in some spacing. However, a non-adaptive hypothesis for this behaviour cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Calcrete aquifers in the arid Yilgarn region of central Western Australia are a biodiversity hotspot for stygofauna. A distinct pattern of interspecific size class variation among subterranean dytiscid beetle species has been observed in 29 of these aquifers where either two or three small, medium and/or large sympatric species are found that are in some cases sister species. We used a 3.5 km2 grid of bores to sample dytiscids on a fine-scale and employed a comparative phylogeographical and population genetic approach to investigate the origins of a sympatric sister species triplet of diving beetles from a single aquifer. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the Cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene revealed that all three species have high levels of haplotype diversity with ancient (∼1 million years ago) intra-specific coalescence of haplotypes, but low levels of nucleotide diversity. Population analyses provide evidence for multiple expansion events within each species. There was spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of genetic variation and abundance both within and among the three taxa. Population analyses revealed significant fine-scale differentiation with isolation by distance for Paroster macrosturtensis and P. mesosturtensis , but not the smallest species P. microsturtensis . Haplotype network analyses provided limited or no evidence for past population fragmentation within the large and small species, but substantial historical divergence was observed in P. mesosturtensis that was not spatially structured. A patchy population structure with contemporaneous and historical isolation by distance in the three species is likely to have been a significant isolating and diversifying force, preventing us from ruling out a potential role for allopatric divergence during speciation of this beetle sister triplet.  相似文献   

Summary Ecological and temporal aspects of the occurrence and dispersion patterns in three reed warbler species were examined. This provided insight into their intra-and interspecific territoriality. Seasonal changes in the occurrence of territorial males in a reed bed along a gradient from the shore landward were studied. The results demonstrate that intra- and interspecific spacing depends on interspecific dominance and/or ecological constraints. In this case it was shown that there is competition for common habitats between reed warblers and great reed warblers, whereas the moustached warbler is ecologically segregated. The reasons for these dispersal patterns are discussed. They do not appear to enhance the availability of food resources. It seems more likely that territorial spacing might function to reduce nest predation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) are among the best studied of coral reef fishes. Feeding ecology and some aspects of behaviour have been firmly established. However, spacing behaviour remains controversial. Two major studies made in the 1970s concluded that the majority of species were not territorial. We suggest that these and other studies which have concluded that territories are not held have generally suffered from short observation periods, and have not mapped the ranges occupied by individuals. Further, low frequencies of agonistic behaviour have been interpreted as evidence of non-territoriality. By contrast, studies which have proven territoriality have had long observation periods and have mapped ranges. These have shown that territories are usually maintained with very little overt aggression. Spacing behaviour and feeding behaviour are clearly linked, with territoriality common among benthic-feeding species, especially obligate corallivores. Species with broad dietary flexibility tend to have flexible social systems, while plankton feeders are usually gregarious. The widespread occurrence of monogamy in butterflyfishes appears linked to territoriality, the majority of territorial species identified to date occurring predominantly as pairs. Data currently available suggest that this is because pair defence of the territory is more efficient than by individuals. However, several alternative hypotheses for the evolution of monogamy based on spawning constraints and predation risk cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

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