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To date, most habitat models of cetaceans have relied on static and oceanographic covariates, and very few have related cetaceans directly to the distribution of their prey, as a result of the limited availability of prey data. By simulating the distribution of six functional micronekton groups between the surface and ≃1,000 m deep, the SEAPODYM model provides valuable insights into prey distributions. We used SEAPODYM outputs to investigate the habitat of three cetacean guilds with increasing energy requirements: sperm and beaked whales, Globicephalinae and Delphininae. We expected High Energy Requirements cetaceans to preferentially forage in habitats of high prey biomass and/or production, where they might easily meet their high energetic needs, and Low Energy Requirements cetaceans to forage in habitats of either high or low prey biomass and/or production. Cetacean sightings were collected from dedicated aerial surveys in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) and French Polynesia (FP). We examined cetacean densities in relation to simulated distributions of their potential prey using Generalised Additive Models and predicted their habitats in both regions. Results supported their known diving abilities, with Delphininae mostly related to prey present in the upper layers of the water column, and Globicephalinae and sperm and beaked whales also related to prey present in deeper layers. Explained deviances ranged from 9% for sperm and beaked whales in the SWIO to 47% for Globicephalinae in FP. Delphininae and Globicephalinae appeared to select areas where high prey biomass and/or production were available at shallow depths. In contrast, sperm and beaked whales showed less clear habitat selection. Using simulated prey distributions as predictors in cetacean habitat models is crucial to understand their strategies of habitat selection in the three dimensions of the ocean.  相似文献   

A total of 1,715 km of boat-based surveys and 1,521 km of aircraft-based surveys was conducted from 1986–1989 to assess the distribution, relative abundance, and ecological relationships of cetaceans in the northern Gulf of California. Seven cetacean species were seen; in decreasing frequency of groups encountered they were: bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus ; vaquitas, Phocoena sinus ; common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ; fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus ; Bryde's whales, B. edeni ; gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus , and killer whales, Orcinus orca. Common dolphins were numerically dominant and bottlenose dolphins were seen most often. Bryde's whales and vaquitas had the smallest group sizes. In general, the odontocete cetaceans were separated spatially, whereas the distribution of Bryde's and fin whales overlapped considerably.  相似文献   

综述了近年来分子生物学标记技术在鲸类系统学研究中的进展。分子生物学证据支持鲸目与有蹄类之间有较近的亲缘关系,并支持鲸类的单系起源,但鲸类不同类群(须鲸类、抹香鲸类及不包括抹香鲸类的齿鲸类)之间的系统发生关系仍存在争议。抹香鲸类到底与须鲸类还是与其它齿鲸类有更近的亲缘关系,不同的分子生物学家所得到的结果并不一致。此外,分子生物学技术还被用于解决须鲸亚目和齿鲸亚目内科间以及科内种间的系统发生关系,特别是齿鲸亚目的海豚科、鼠豚科和淡水豚类。通过分子标记技术来研究鲸类种下的遗传结构是鲸类分子系统学研究中的一个新热点,使用的标记主要是mtDNA控制区、核DNA微卫星和主要组织相容性复合体(major histo-compatibilitv complex,MHC)等。  相似文献   

The establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) for cetaceans is an important strategy to mitigate human disturbance and protect biodiversity. Despite abundant cetacean species, there are only a few MPAs dedicated to cetacean conservation in China, all of which are for inshore dolphins. Bryde's whales, the only nearshore baleen whale population in mainland China, are conflicting with intensive human activities, yet an effective conservation strategy is lacking. This study used species distribution models to analyze distribution patterns and suitable habitats of Bryde's whales in the Beibu Gulf and proposes the first baleen whale MPA in China. Our results showed Bryde's whales have a seasonal distribution pattern in the Beibu Gulf, and that the waters around Weizhou Island and the southeastern coast of Vietnam were their core habitats. The seasonal nighttime light data indicated a negative relationship between the number of ship lights and Bryde's whale sightings and suggest that Bryde's whales might be threatened by fisheries. We proposed an MPA based on the results, suggesting that the waters within 20 km around Weizhou Island should be declared a protected area. Furthermore, we recommend that anthropogenic activities in the waters around Weizhou Island are better managed to reduce negative impacts on marine life.  相似文献   

This study examines the allometric scaling relationships of the cetacean humerus, radius, and ulna. Bone lengths and diameters were measured for 20 species of odontocete and three species of mysticete cetaceans, representing eight of the nine extant cetacean families. The scaling of individual bone proportions (bone length vs. cranio-caudal diameter, bone length vs. dorso-ventral diameter), and of individual bone dimensions against estimated body mass, are compared to models of geometric and elastic similarity. The geometric similarity model describes the scaling relationship of bone length vs. cranio-caudal diameter and body mass vs. cranio-caudal diameter for the humerus only; geometric similarity also describes the scaling relationship of body mass vs. bone length for all three bones. None of the scaling relationships fits the elastic similarity model. The scaling relationships of bone length vs. dorso-ventral diameter for all three bones, and bone length vs. cranio-caudal diameter for the radius and ulna, exhibit negative allometry, indicating that large bones are less robust than small bones. Negative allometry of structural support elements has not been previously described for terrestrial mammals or plants. The high relative swimming speeds of small delphinids may generate sufficient stresses to require more robust bones relative to those of larger whales. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic, economic losses have been reported from shark, swordfish and tuna longline fisheries due to depredation by cetaceans. We examined interactions of odontocete cetaceans with commercial longliners operating in waters off Brazil and the Azores archipelago during 2006–2007, analysing relationships between catches, depredation on hooked fish, cetacean sightings, acoustic records of cetacean presence and environmental variables. Data were provided by skippers of six vessels and by on-board observers for two vessels. The percentage of longline sets depredated by cetaceans was low (ranging from 1% to 9% of total sets per ship) but the proportion of fish damaged was high (up to 100%) when depredation occurred. Catches were related to the phase of the moon, cloud cover, sea surface temperature and water depth whereas cetacean sightings were primarily related to catches. In particular there was a positive association between Delphinus delphis sightings and catches of swordfish, and between Stenella frontalis sightings and mako catches. Acoustic detection was low when depredation by false killer whales occurred although high rates of clicks were detected when delphinids were sighted and false killer whales were by-caught. This may indicate that false killer whales are not echolocating when feeding on fish hooked on a longline. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

本研究阐述了委内瑞拉沿海最常见的海洋鲸类的潜在地理分布情况。通过GIS分析,鲸类分布与地形和深度是相反的,以此可以获得鲸类潜在的分布图。已报告确认了16个物种(有402个目击报告),其中小布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)、座头鲸(Megaptera novaeangliae)、海豚(Delphinus spp.)、圭亚那侏型豚(Sotalia guianensis)、花斑原海豚(Stenella frontalis)、长吻原海豚(Stenella longirostris)和宽吻海海豚(Tursiops truncatus)是最常见的。小布氏鲸和宽吻海海豚有可能分布于整个海岸,包括江河区域。座头鲸则可能季节性地集中分布在大陆架上的海岛沿岸和浅水区域。海豚(Delphinus spp.)有可能分布于高边坡区或沿海上升流区。花斑原海豚可能分布在东北区的西部,中部沿海以及与委内瑞拉海岸平行的岛屿周围。长吻原海豚则分布于浅海和远海区域。在一些高产的生态系统内新的物种可能正在形成,而这些潜在可能的分布图可以作为在高产生态系统内确立关键栖息地的标准,由此我们可以在委内瑞拉水域为鲸类建立新的保护区。  相似文献   

Cetaceans in British waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most information on the distribution, movements and ecology of cetaceans in the N.E. Atlantic have come from whale catches mainly in the early part of this century, and from strandings records collected by the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). With the formation of the Cetacean Group in 1973, a scheme for recording live cetaceans at sea was started. This paper summarizes the results of about two thousand sightings involving nearly 25,000 individual animals between the years 1958– 1978 (but mainly from the last 10 years), and relates them to existing information collected from other sources. Difficulties of identification and potential sources of bias are discussed. Most large cetaceans are present in British waters as part of a latitudinal feeding migration whereas smaller species may be present in the N.E. Atlantic throughout the year with movements being mainly of an offshore-inshore nature. Some species are clearly very rare probably as a result of over-exploitation in the last century and early part of this century. These include the Right whale, Blue whale and probably Humpback whale. Other species are rarely recorded because their usual range is some distance from British waters. These include narwhal and White whale (from Arctic waters), Pygmy sperm whale, smaller beaked whales and Euphrosyne dolphin (from warm temperate to tropical waters). The Harbour porpoise is by far the most common and widespread species in British waters, occurring mainly in inshore waters, although it has apparently declined in certain regions (e.g. Southern North Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea) in recent years probably as a result of pollution, disturbance and/or over-exploitation of food resources. Bottle-nosed and Risso's dolphins are also widely distributed close to the coast, although the latter is restricted to the west and south coasts and the former is associated particularly with some large estuaries. Common dolphins are relatively abundant and widespread, and are more pelagic than the previous three species. White-sided dolphins have a mainly pelagic distribution centred on the Northern North Sea whilst the White-sided dolphin has a wider distribution which includes all the western seaboard. Of larger cetaceans, the Killer whale is relatively common particularly on the west coasts and the Pilot whale is locally and seasonally abundant at the north and south ends of Britain and Ireland where they probably represent distinct populations. The Bottlenose whale, Minke, Fin and Sei whales are confined to the west and north coasts, all but the Minke whale having a primarily pelagic distribution. Sperm whales although increasingly commonly stranded on British coasts, are rarely sighted in inshore waters. The west coast of Britain and Ireland are the most important regions for cetaceans whereas the Southern North Sea has the smallest number although in previous decades numbers were probably higher. Most cetacean species occur mainly in the summer months, particularly August and September, although some species, e.g. White-sided Dolphin, Pilot whale and Minke whale show peaks later in the year. A number of species show secondary spring peaks, e.g. Bottle-nosed and Common dolphins, Risso's dolphins, and Pilot whales. Present evidence suggests that only the large whales exhibit definite latitudinal migrations, all other species being resident at high latitudes although they may show offshore-inshore or possibly small latitudinal movements. Many of the movements indicated from the present analysis can be linked to the seasonal changes in food availability and to the timing and geographical location of breeding, and these are described in detail. Many concentrations of a particular cetacean species occur regularly in the same area year after year and these may often be related to spawning concentrations of a particular fish species. Variations in herd size are noted between species and within species at different times of the year. These are related to aggregations associated with feeding, breeding, and long-distance movements winch will vary according to the biology and ecology of different cetacean species.  相似文献   

Relationships among and within baleen and toothed whales were examined using the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Based on parsimony analyses of conservative nucleotide substitutions, five primary evolutionary lineages of extant cetaceans were identified, one represented by baleen whales (Mysticeti) and four represented by odontocetes (toothed whales). Based on the most comprehensive representation of taxa, both cetaceans and artiodactyls, the most parsimonious relationship among the five lineages is (Mysticeti, Odontoceti (Platanistoidea (Physeteroidea (Ziphioidea (Delphinida))))). This relationship, however, is labile and sensitive to ingroup representation and the choice of outgroup. The short nodes among the five cetacean lineages suggest that the divergence among these lineages occurred over a narrow time period, a finding consistent with the limited fossil evidence that indicates a major cetacean radiation 30-34 Mya. The level of divergence among the five cetacean lineages, and that seen between cetaceans and artiodactyls, suggests that cetaceans and artiodactyls had a common ancestor approximately 60 Mya.   相似文献   

Modern whales are frequently described as an adaptive radiation spurred by either the evolution of various key innovations (such as baleen or echolocation) or ecological opportunity following the demise of archaic whales. Recent analyses of diversification rate shifts on molecular phylogenies raise doubts about this interpretation since they find no evidence of increased speciation rates during the early evolution of modern taxa. However, one of the central predictions of ecological adaptive radiation is rapid phenotypic diversification, and the tempo of phenotypic evolution has yet to be quantified in cetaceans. Using a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of extant cetaceans and a morphological dataset on size, we find evidence that cetacean lineages partitioned size niches early in the evolutionary history of neocetes and that changes in cetacean size are consistent with shifts in dietary strategy. We conclude that the signature of adaptive radiations may be retained within morphological traits even after equilibrium diversity has been reached and high extinction or fluctuations in net diversification have erased any signature of an early burst of diversification in the structure of the phylogeny.  相似文献   

We report serologic evidence of cetacean morbillivirus (CMV) infection in five of eight cetacean species found live stranded, injured, or trapped along the coast of southeastern Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia between December 2005 and January 2011. Antibody to CMV was detected in 13 of 27 (48%) wild cetaceans sampled. Antibody prevalence was significantly higher in clinically diseased (69%) compared to nondiseased (18%) animals (P=0.018). There was high antibody prevalence (83%, n=6) in melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra). Two of 13 (15%) captive cetaceans sampled between November 2005 and January 2011 had CMV antibodies and, as infection was unlikely to have occurred while in captivity, CMV infection appears to have been present in Australian wild cetaceans since at least 1985. These results indicate that morbillivirus infection is occurring without widespread cetacean mortality in this region. However, as the deaths of two immature Australian offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were attributed to CMV infection, morbillivirus infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of disease in cetaceans in Australia. Captive cetacean populations may be prone to significant mortality as a result of CMV introduction, so strict quarantine procedures should be enforced when injured or stranded cetaceans are hospitalized and rehabilitated at Australian zoos and marine parks.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are becoming increasingly important tools in the conservation of cetaceans. This has led to an interest in the use of species distribution models to predict where cetacean species are likely to occur based on the distribution of environmental variables. However, relationships between cetacean distribution and environmental variables are generally assumed to reflect the environmental preferences of their prey. Thus, understanding the distribution of prey may increase our ability to identify important areas for cetaceans. Here, we describe the diet of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) by analysing stomach contents of individuals stranded in Scotland over the last twenty years. Next, we use habitat modelling to test whether Rissos’s dolphin distribution in Scottish waters, as inferred from sightings, is related to the distribution of its main prey, the octopus Eledone cirrhosa. While good models of the relationship between the distribution of E. cirrhosa and environmental variables were obtained, there was no evidence of a relationship between modelled octopus distribution and the occurrence of Risso’s dolphins. These results suggest that identifying key areas for its main prey species is unlikely to help identify potential MPAs for Risso’s dolphin, at least at the spatial resolution used in this study.  相似文献   

A recent total evidence analysis of the position of cetaceans(whales, dolphins and porpoises and extinct relatives) amongmammals indicated that the phylogeny of these taxa remains poorlyresolved. Molecular data show that 1) the order Artiodactyla(even-toed ungulates) is paraphyletic unless whales are includedwithin it and 2) that the traditional relationships of cladeswithin Artiodactyla are not supported. This controversy alsoaffects the position of a wholly extinct clade, Mesonychia,which has been argued to be the group of terrestrial mammalsmost closely related to whales. Here I update a previous totalevidence analysis by adding several hundred new informativemolecular characters from the literature. Even with the additionof these characters the phylogeny remains unresolved. All mostparsimonious trees, however, indicate a paraphyletic Artiodactylawith conflict existing over the exact sister taxon of Cetacea.Congruence between different equally parsimonious cladogramsand the stratigraphic record as measured using the modifiedManhattan Stratigraphic Measure shows that all of the competingtopologies, including those with a paraphyletic Artiodactyla,are significantly congruent with the stratigraphic record. Infossil taxa cladistic optimization can be used as an alternativeto "argument from design" (Lauder, 1996) to reconstruct behaviorand soft tissues that do not fossilize or osteological charactersthat have not preserved. In certain scenarios of cetacean phylogeny,optimization indicates that taxa such as the archaic whalesAmbulocetus and Pakicetus, and possibly mesonychians, are morecorrectly reconstructed without hair.  相似文献   

In cetaceans’ communities, interactions between individuals of different species are often observed in the wild. Yet, due to methodological and technical challenges very little is known about the mediation of these interactions and their effect on cetaceans’ behavior. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are a highly vocal species and can be both food competitors and potential predators of many other cetaceans. Thus, the interception of their vocalizations by unintended cetacean receivers may be particularly important in mediating interspecific interactions. To address this hypothesis, we conducted playbacks of killer whale vocalizations recorded during herring-feeding activity to free-ranging long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas). Using a multi-sensor tag, we were able to track the whales and to monitor changes of their movements and social behavior in response to the playbacks. We demonstrated that the playback of killer whale sounds to pilot whales induced a clear increase in group size and a strong attraction of the animals towards the sound source. These findings provide the first experimental evidence that the interception of heterospecific vocalizations can mediate interactions between different cetacean species in previously unrecognized ways.  相似文献   

Evolution of the cetacean mitochondrial D-loop region.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We sequenced the mitochondrial DNA D-loop regions from two cetacean species and compared these with the published D-loop sequences of several other mammalian species, including one other cetacean. Nucleotide substitution rates, DNA sequence simplicity, possible open reading frames (ORFs), and potential RNA secondary structure were investigated. The substitution rate is an order of magnitude lower than would be expected on the basis of reports on human sequence variation in this region but are consistent with interspecific primate and rodent D-loop sequence variation and with estimates of substitution rates from whole mitochondrial genomes. Deletions/insertions are less common in the cetacean D-loop than in other vertebrate species. Areas of high sequence simplicity (clusters of short repetitive motifs) across the region correspond to areas of high sequence divergence. Three regions predicted to form secondary structures are homologous to such putative structures in other species; however, the presumptive structures most conserved in cetaceans are different from those reported for other taxa. While all three species have possible long ORFs, only a short sequence of seven amino acids is shared with other mammalian species, and those changes that had occurred within it are all nonsynonymous. We conclude that DNA slippage, in addition to point mutation, contributes to the evolution of the D-loop and that regions of conserved secondary structure in cetaceans and an ORF are unlikely to contribute significantly to the conservation of the central region.  相似文献   

心率即心脏跳动的速度,不仅反映了心脏的功能,还与寿命的长短及能量代谢有关。与大多数陆生哺乳动物相比,鲸类心率显著降低。降低的心率有助于鲸类寿命的延长及能量的高效利用,便于其适应极端的海洋环境,而这一适应的分子机制尚不清楚。鉴于此,本研究采用基于最大似然法的枝模型、枝位点模型结合蛋白质功能差异分析等方法,对控制心率的环状腺苷酸结合蛋白(Epac1 和Epac2)基因进行适应性探究。分析结果表明,Epac1在长寿鲸类即须鲸类和抹香鲸(Physeter macrocephalus)组合进化支中检测到加速进化过程,且枝位点模型在须鲸类祖先支中检测到的强烈的正选择位点均位于功能重要的催化区;另外,该蛋白质在鲸类中还发生了显著的功能修饰(θ=0.5296 ± 0.1300;P<0.001)。对Epac2进行相同的分析发现,该基因在寿命长达200年之久的弓头鲸(Balaena mysticetus)中检测到的正选择位点同样位于功能重要的催化区。上述结果提示Epac1和Epac2在鲸类中均产生了适应性进化,这一方面可能有助于鲸类心率降低,另一方面也可能与其较长的寿命及高效的能量利用有关。  相似文献   

Since the early 20th century, Japanese cetacean biology relied heavily on fisheries for their materials. The work environment was challenging because research activities were controlled by industries and the fishery administration. I became a cetacean scientist in 1961 and worked mainly in the western North Pacific. There I witnessed the collapse of coastal populations of striped dolphins and sperm whales as a result of over‐hunting. Nonetheless, my research revealed fascinating aspects of cetacean biology, which still await explanation, such as the following: neighboring populations of the same species having different breeding seasons, the role of reproductively senescent females in some toothed whales, the role of “social sex” in short‐finned pilot whales, and the selective benefit of male Baird's beaked whales living longer than the females. New methodologies are required to address these questions. I propose to include the following aims for the conservation biology of cetaceans: to identify a community as a conservation unit, and to focus on conserving the cultural diversity and variability of such communities, and henceforth to focus increased research on understanding the contribution of individuals within a community. Today, marine mammal biologists of all fields need to pay more attention to conservation.  相似文献   

For researchers studying mysticere whales few methods for determining gender or for collecting biochemical and genetic information from unrestrained animals are available. The objective of this study was to develop a reliable method for collecting viable tissue samples for establishing continuous cell cultures from skin biopsies of free-ranging whales. A method to collect and process these samples is presented. Six of seven skin biopsies from gray whales were established in cell culture. Our results suggest that the viability of the samples is improved by (1) sterile processing in the field, (2) minimizing the time between collection and delivery to the cell culture facility, (3) reducing the concentration of antifungal agent, and (4) placing tissue explants under a coverslip. While the results reported in this paper are based on a small sample size, we believe that if the procedures are followed, they will increase the probability of successfully culturing cetacean tissue. Established cell lines can supply replenishable material from identified whales still living in the wild. These cultures can then be used for determination of sex from karyotypes, and for assessing genetic relationships of cetaceans from inherited protein, chromosomal and DNA polymorphisms. These much needed analytical tools can be used to determine familial and populational relationships, leading to a better understanding of mating systems, stock identification and effective population sizes of wild cetaceans.  相似文献   

Habitat prediction models were developed for 13 cetacean species of the mid-western North Atlantic Ocean: beaked whale, fin whale, humpback whale, minke whale, pilot whale, sperm whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Risso's dolphin, spotted dolphin, whitesided dolphin, and harbor porpoise. Using the multiple logistic regression, sightings of cetaceans during the 1990–1996 summer (June-September) surveys were modeled with oceanographic (sea surface temperature, monthly probability of front occurrence) and topographic (depth, slope) variables for the same period. Predicted habitat maps for June and August were created for each species using a Geographical Information System. The predicted habitat locations matched with current and historic cetacean sighting locations. The model also predicted habitat shifts for some species associated with oceanographic changes. The correct classification rate of the prediction models with 1997–1998 summer survey data ranged from 44% to 70%, of which most of the misclassifications were caused by false positives ( i.e. , absence of sightings at locations where the models predicted).  相似文献   

From an evolutionary perspective, the ancestors of cetaceans first lived in terrestrial environments prior to adapting to aquatic environments. Whereas anatomical and morphological adaptations to aquatic environments have been well studied, few studies have focused on physiological changes. We focused on plasma amino acid concentrations (aminograms) since they show distinct patterns under various physiological conditions. Plasma and urine aminograms were obtained from bottlenose dolphins, pacific white-sided dolphins, Risso's dolphins, false-killer whales and C57BL/6J and ICR mice. Hierarchical cluster analyses were employed to uncover a multitude of amino acid relationships among different species, which can help us understand the complex interrelations comprising metabolic adaptations. The cetacean aminograms formed a cluster that was markedly distinguishable from the mouse cluster, indicating that cetaceans and terrestrial mammals have quite different metabolic machinery for amino acids. Levels of carnosine and 3-methylhistidine, both of which are antioxidants, were substantially higher in cetaceans. Urea was markedly elevated in cetaceans, whereas the level of urea cycle-related amino acids was lower. Because diving mammals must cope with high rates of reactive oxygen species generation due to alterations in apnea/reoxygenation and ischemia-reperfusion processes, high concentrations of antioxidative amino acids are advantageous. Moreover, shifting the set point of urea cycle may be an adaptation used for body water conservation in the hyperosmotic sea water environment, because urea functions as a major blood osmolyte. Furthermore, since dolphins are kept in many aquariums for observation, the evaluation of these aminograms may provide useful diagnostic indices for the assessment of cetacean health in artificial environments in the future.  相似文献   

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