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Gene-environment correlation (rGE) occurs when an individual's genotype determines its choice of environment, generating a correlation between environment and genotype frequency. In particular, social rGE, caused by genetic variation in social environment choice, can critically determine both individual development and the course of social selection. Despite its foundational role in social evolution and developmental psychology theory, natural genetic variation in social environment choice has scarcely been examined empirically. Drosophila melanogaster provides an ideal system for investigating social rGE. Flies live socially in nature and have many opportunities to make social decisions; and natural, heterozygous genotypes may be replicated, enabling comparisons between genotypes across environments. Using this approach, I show that all aspects of social environment choice vary among natural genotypes, demonstrating pervasive social rGE. Surprisingly, genetic variation in group-size preference was density dependent, indicating that the behavioral and evolutionary consequences of rGE may depend on the context in which social decisions are made. These results provide the first detailed investigation of social rGE, and illustrate that that genetic variation may influence organismal performance by specifying the environment in which traits are expressed.  相似文献   

Using a set of nine effectively isogenic lines collected from nature in 1998, we observed unperturbed behaviors of mixed-sex groups of Drosophila melanogaster. We repeatedly scanned replicated groups of genetically identical individuals, five females and five males, and recorded the behavior of each individual (i.e., walking, feeding, grooming, flying, courting, mating, fighting, or resting). From these behaviors, we made a composite variable of activity for our quantitative genetic analysis. Genotypes differed in activity, explaining 14.41% of the variation in activity; 8.60% of the variation was explained by a significant genotype x sex interaction, which signifies genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in behavior. Phenotypic plasticity explained 11.13% of the variation in activity. Different genotypes and sexes within genotypes had different rank orders of the component behaviors that contribute to activity. We found no effect of common rearing environment. Instead, differences between replicate groups within genotype accounted for 19.47% variation in activity, and activity was significantly repeatable across scans. This emergent group behavior is likely caused by differences between groups of interacting individuals, even though individuals were genetically identical across groups. Thus, emergent group behavior explained almost as much variation in activity as the combined sources of genetic variation (23.01%), and this is an additional level on which selection could operate: individuals and groups. We discuss how differences among groups could change patterns of additive genetic variation available for evolution. Furthermore, because the behavior of an individual is influenced by conspecifics, genotype interactions between individuals could contribute to indirect selection. Finally, if we consider activity as a syndrome governing all component behaviors with strong genetic correlations among behaviors within an individual, then these component behaviors cannot evolve independently. These results suggest that reductionist approaches of molecular behavior genetics may be incomplete and/or misleading when considering similar phenotypes at the population level or when trying to understand how behaviors evolve.  相似文献   

Social niche construction (SNC) occurs when animals actively shape their social environments. Currently the fitness consequences of SNC are poorly understood, and no study has examined whether variation in SNC has a genetic basis. Here we report the first instance of genetic variation in SNC by showing that Drosophila male aggression shapes the social environment. We allowed flies of different genotypes to interact in complex arenas; we measured the number and sex of individuals in the groups that formed and counted instances of mating. Arenas containing more aggressive male genotypes formed groups with fewer males, demonstrating that aggressive male genotypes experienced different social environments than nonaggressive genotypes. Further, genotypes with highest mating success were those whose SNC behavior generated the social environment in which they were most adept at mating: genotypes who mate most often after winning aggressive encounters benefit from aggressive SNC, while genotypes who mate most often after losing achieve high mating rates by forgoing aggression. The presence of these alternative strategies-which were robust across eight population densities-revealed that selection on aggression and context-dependent mating was disruptive, consistent with the hypothesis that SNC can maintain genetic variation in multiple behaviors.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A necessary condition for the maintenance of genetic variation in heterogenous environments is that the relative fitnesses of a collection of genotypes vary as conditions of growth change. This can be detected by estimating the amount of gene-by-environment interaction (G X E) when a range of types are tested across a range of conditions. However it is the sign and magnitude of the genetic correlation, which is a component of G X E, that governs the ultimate fate of variation. Whether genetic variation will be preserved, then, depends on how the genetic correlation changes as a function of the ecological differences among environments and the genetic differences among genotypes. To evaluate this, we assayed the performance of 15 chlorophyte species of known genetic relation in 20 environments. We found that the quantity of G X E increased as both the environmental variance across environments and the genetic distance increased. Moreover the genetic correlation declined as the environmental variance between pairs of environments and the genetic distance between pairs of genotypes increased. These results suggest that divergent selection will be more likely to maintain genetic variation when environments are strongly contrasted and genotypes widely divergent.  相似文献   

Despite strong purifying or directional selection, variation is ubiquitous in populations. One mechanism for the maintenance of variation is indirect genetic effects (IGEs), as the fitness of a given genotype will depend somewhat on the genes of its social partners. IGEs describe the effect of genes in social partners on the expression of the phenotype of a focal individual. Here, we ask what effect IGEs, and variation in IGEs between abiotic environments, has on locomotion in Drosophila. This trait is known to be subject to intralocus sexually antagonistic selection. We estimate the coefficient of interaction, Ψ, using six inbred lines of Drosophila. We found that Ψ varied between abiotic environments, and that it may vary across among male genotypes in an abiotic environment specific manner. We also found evidence that social effects of males alter the value of a sexually dimorphic trait in females, highlighting an interesting avenue for future research into sexual antagonism. We conclude that IGEs are an important component of social and sexual interactions and that they vary between individuals and abiotic environments in complex ways, with the potential to promote the maintenance of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Poa ligularis is a dioecious species and a valuable forage plant which is widespread in the arid steppe of northern Patagonia (Argentina). The vegetation in these areas consists of a system of perennial plant patches alternating with bare soil areas defining contrasting micro‐environments. We hypothesized that (1) male and female individuals of P. ligularis are spatially segregated in different micro‐environments, (2) the intensity of spatial segregation of sexes depends on plant structure and (3) spatial segregation of sexes is enhanced by competitive interactions between the sexes within the vegetation patches. We analysed the spatial distribution of female and male individuals in relation to the spatial pattern of vegetation in two areas differing in their vegetation structure. The location of P. ligularis within patches where either male, female or both sexes occurred was also analysed. The results indicate that different patterns of spatial distribution of sexes of P. ligularis may be found at the community level depending on the dominant life forms and geometric structure of plant patches. Where patches are of a lower height, with a high internal patch cover, individuals of both sexes are concentrated within patch canopies. In sites characterized by large, tall patches and less internal patch cover suitable microsites for female and male P. ligularis occur both within and outside the patch with males located at further distances from the patch edge. Where the patch is large and tall enough to allow the establishment of males and females at relatively high numbers, males occupy the patch periphery or even colonize the interpatch bare soil. These spatial patterns are consistent with selective traits in which females better tolerate intraspecific competition than males, while males tolerate wider fluctuations in the physical environment (soil moisture, nitrogen availability, wind intensity, etc.).  相似文献   

Dispersal moves individuals from patches where their immediate ancestors were successful to sites where their genotypes are untested. As a result, dispersal generally reduces fitness, a phenomenon known as “migration load.” The strength of migration load depends on the pattern of dispersal and can be dramatically lessened or reversed when individuals move preferentially toward patches conferring higher fitness. Evolutionary ecologists have long modeled nonrandom dispersal, focusing primarily on its effects on population density over space, the maintenance of genetic variation, and reproductive isolation. Here, we build upon previous work by calculating how the extent of local adaptation and the migration load are affected when individuals differ in their dispersal rate in a genotype‐dependent manner that alters their match to their environment. Examining a one‐locus, two‐patch model, we show that local adaptation occurs through a combination of natural selection and adaptive dispersal. For a substantial portion of parameter space, adaptive dispersal can be the predominant force generating local adaptation. Furthermore, genetic load may be largely averted with adaptive dispersal whenever individuals move before selective deaths occur. Thus, to understand the mechanisms driving local adaptation, biologists must account for the extent and nature of nonrandom, genotype‐dependent dispersal, and the potential for adaptation via spatial sorting of genotypes.  相似文献   

Once thought to be dominated by a few genets, clonal plant populations can contain high levels of genetic diversity. Sexual reproduction and vegetative growth strategy affect the amount and distribution of genetic diversity within clonal plant populations. We determined the scale of genetic diversity in a population of Vaccinium stamineum, a clonal shrub that forms discrete patches. Using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, we surveyed the genetic diversity of V. stamineum within and among patches from a 1-ha site. We found 67 unique RAPD profiles among the 99 sampled individuals from 22 patches. In two patches, all the sampled individuals had the same RAPD profile. In seven patches, every individual sampled had a different RAPD profile. The remaining patches showed mixed RAPD profiles which suggested both clonal and sexual reproduction. Each unique RAPD profile was restricted to one patch (with one exception), which suggests that clonal growth occurs at the patch scale. High levels of genetic variation within some patches may be explained by somatic mutation; however, seedling recruitment is a more likely explanation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is the raw material upon which selection acts. The majority of environmental conditions change over time and therefore may result in variable selective effects. How temporally fluctuating environments impact the distribution of fitness effects and in turn population diversity is an unresolved question in evolutionary biology. Here, we employed continuous culturing using chemostats to establish environments that switch periodically between different nutrient limitations and compared the dynamics of selection to static conditions. We used the pooled Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid gene deletion collection as a synthetic model for populations comprising thousands of unique genotypes. Using barcode sequencing, we find that static environments are uniquely characterized by a small number of high-fitness genotypes that rapidly dominate the population leading to dramatic decreases in genetic diversity. By contrast, fluctuating environments are enriched in genotypes with neutral fitness effects and an absence of extreme fitness genotypes contributing to the maintenance of genetic diversity. We also identified a unique class of genotypes whose frequencies oscillate sinusoidally with a period matching the environmental fluctuation. Oscillatory behavior corresponds to large differences in short-term fitness that are not observed across long timescales pointing to the importance of balancing selection in maintaining genetic diversity in fluctuating environments. Our results are consistent with a high degree of environmental specificity in the distribution of fitness effects and the combined effects of reduced and balancing selection in maintaining genetic diversity in the presence of variable selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection acting on small initial differences in mating signals and mate preferences can enhance signal–preference codivergence and reproductive isolation during speciation. However, the origin of initial differences in sexual traits remains unclear. We asked whether biotic environments, a source of variation in sexual traits, may provide a general solution to this problem. Specifically, we asked whether genetic variation in biotic environments provided by host plants can result in signal–preference phenotypic covariance in a host‐specific, plant‐feeding insect. We used a member of the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) to assess patterns of variation in male mating signals and female mate preferences induced by genetic variation in host plants. We employed a novel implementation of a quantitative genetics method, rearing field‐collected treehoppers on a sample of naturally occurring replicated host plant clone lines. We found remarkably high signal–preference covariance among host plant genotypes. Thus, genetic variation in biotic environments influences the sexual phenotypes of organisms living on those environments in a way that promotes assortative mating among environments. This consequence arises from conditions likely to be common in nature (phenotypic plasticity and variation in biotic environments). It therefore offers a general answer to how divergent sexual selection may begin.  相似文献   

While it is universally recognised that environmental factors can cause phenotypic trait variation via phenotypic plasticity, the extent to which causal processes operate in the reverse direction has received less consideration. In fact individuals are often active agents in determining the environments, and hence the selective regimes, they experience. There are several important mechanisms by which this can occur, including habitat selection and niche construction, that are expected to result in phenotype–environment correlations (i.e. non-random assortment of phenotypes across heterogeneous environments). Here we highlight an additional mechanism – intraspecific competition for preferred environments – that may be widespread, and has implications for phenotypic evolution that are currently underappreciated. Under this mechanism, variation among individuals in traits determining their competitive ability leads to phenotype–environment correlation; more competitive phenotypes are able to acquire better patches. Based on a concise review of the empirical evidence we argue that competition-induced phenotype–environment correlations are likely to be common in natural populations before highlighting the major implications of this for studies of natural selection and microevolution. We focus particularly on two central issues. First, competition-induced phenotype–environment correlation leads to the expectation that positive feedback loops will amplify phenotypic and fitness variation among competing individuals. As a result of being able to acquire a better environment, winners gain more resources and even better phenotypes – at the expense of losers. The distinction between individual quality and environmental quality that is commonly made by researchers in evolutionary ecology thus becomes untenable. Second, if differences among individuals in competitive ability are underpinned by heritable traits, competition results in both genotype–environment correlations and an expectation of indirect genetic effects (IGEs) on resource-dependent life-history traits. Theory tells us that these IGEs will act as (partial) constraints, reducing the amount of genetic variance available to facilitate evolutionary adaptation. Failure to recognise this will lead to systematic overestimation of the adaptive potential of populations. To understand the importance of these issues for ecological and evolutionary processes in natural populations we therefore need to identify and quantify competition-induced phenotype–environment correlations in our study systems. We conclude that both fundamental and applied research will benefit from an improved understanding of when and how social competition causes non-random distribution of phenotypes, and genotypes, across heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

1. Considerable evidence suggests that the diversity within plant communities may strongly affect the strength of species interactions, but the majority of studies only considered interspecific diversity. 2. This paper examines the effect of intraspecific genetic diversity within Brassica fields on two Brassica specialists, cabbage root fly, and diamondback moth, and on a parasitoid attacking diamondback moths. Genetic diversity was manipulated both in a replacement and an additive design. 3. Both herbivore densities and parasitism rates were higher in smaller plots, with limited responses to increased within‐plot diversity. All species showed variable densities across genotypes, and preference hierarchies were species specific. 4. Responses to plot size in root flies scaled with the diameter‐to‐area ratio, suggesting that patch detectability affected local density, whereas responses by diamondback moths and parasitoids deviated from this ratio. These species differences could be traced to differences in the residence time within patches, where diamondback moths typically spend longer and more variable time periods in patches than root flies. 5. The lack of response to genetic diversity by both herbivores suggests that egg‐laying rates are affected by decisions on the plant and not by attraction from a distance, neither to the plant itself nor the patch. Patterns of differential attack may then be due to different acceptability for studied genotypes. 6. Future theories on insect responses to spatial heterogeneity should focus on species traits and how traits interact with information landscapes in the field.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is responsible for many of the most spectacular displays in nature, and female preference for certain males is central to much of this. However, female preference is relatively poorly understood, particularly the relative importance of a female's genes, the environment and their interaction on her preference. We investigated preference in a no-choice design using Drosophila melanogaster iso-female lines and find that there are genotype-by-environment interactions for female preference. Whereas the choosiness of some female genotypes differed little across environments, that of others differed greatly, so that the choosiness rank of females in one environment did not necessarily predict their rank in another. Furthermore, the genetic variance underlying preference also varied across environments. These findings have important consequences for the evolution of female preference and the male sexual traits preference targets.  相似文献   

Animals use social information in a wide variety of contexts. Its extensive use by individuals to locate food patches has been documented in a number of species, and various mechanisms of discovery have been identified. However, less is known about whether individuals differ in their access to, and use of, social information to find food. We measured the social network of a wild population of three sympatric tit species (family Paridae) and then recorded individual discovery of novel food patches. By using recently developed methods for network-based diffusion analysis, we show that order of arrival at new food patches was predicted by social associations. Models based only on group searching did not explain this relationship. Furthermore, network position was correlated with likelihood of patch discovery, with central individuals more likely to locate and use novel foraging patches than those with limited social connections. These results demonstrate the utility of social network analysis as a method to investigate social information use, and suggest that the greater probability of receiving social information about new foraging patches confers a benefit on more socially connected individuals.  相似文献   

海草克隆性及其种群遗传效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗苑  徐娜娜  于硕  耿艳  陈小勇 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3846-3853
海草是适应在海洋环境中生存和繁殖的单子叶植物,由于所处环境常存在潮汐、风暴等的干扰,海草形成了一系列适应特征,克隆性是其中突出的一个.所有的海草都具有水平根状茎,许多海草也具有垂直根状茎,在一些海草中,也观察到无性生殖(无融合生殖).与克隆生长有关的参数(如节间长度、间隔子长度、分枝角度以及延伸速率和分枝率等)对于海草的克隆生长有着决定性影响,但繁育系统对克隆斑块大小也有较大影响.强烈的克隆性影响着海草的遗传变异.总体来看,海草种群内遗传多样性比陆生植物低,也低于另一类海洋高等植物-红树植物,利用DNA标记观察到的多样性高于等位酶标记.在一些海草植物种群中观察到较高的克隆多样性,但也有一些种群由单一基因型或少量基因型组成,其原因主要是由于奠基者效应和克隆生长.通常克隆植物中基因流有限,但是海草的克隆片段可能远距离扩散,从而提高种群间的基因流.就克隆生长对种群空间结构和交配系统的影响进行了综述.  相似文献   

Social groups are often composed of individuals who differ in many respects. Theoretical studies on the evolution of helping and harming behaviors have largely focused upon genetic differences between individuals. However, nongenetic variation between group members is widespread in natural populations, and may mediate differences in individuals’ social behavior. Here, we develop a framework to study how variation in individual quality mediates the evolution of unconditional and conditional social traits. We investigate the scope for the evolution of social traits that are conditional on the quality of the actor and/or recipients. We find that asymmetries in individual quality can lead to the evolution of plastic traits with different individuals expressing helping and harming traits within the same group. In this context, population viscosity can mediate the evolution of social traits, and local competition can promote both helping and harming behaviors. Furthermore, asymmetries in individual quality can lead to the evolution of competition‐like traits between clonal individuals. Overall, we highlight the importance of asymmetries in individual quality, including differences in reproductive value and the ability to engage in successful social interactions, in mediating the evolution of helping and harming behaviors.  相似文献   

Response of predators to herbivore-induced plant volatiles can affect the length of time a predator spends in a prey patch and the probability of a predator finding a new prey patch. Variation in response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles may lead to different foraging decisions among individuals, thereby affecting both within-patch dynamics and between-patch dispersal. We found significant phenotypic and additive genetic variation in two behavioral assays of response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles among inbred isofemale lines of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis. In wind-tunnel tests to measure patch residence time, adult female predators from certain lines left prey patches sooner than others when a distant source of herbivore-induced plant volatiles was presented; whereas such variation disappeared when no distant volatiles were presented. In a measure of patch location, certain lines were more likely than others to locate a prey-infested leaf disc; again there was no difference when uninfested leaf discs were used. Patch location was negatively correlated with patch residence. That is, lines that were more likely to leave a prey patch in the presence of distant volatiles were also more likely to find an odor source (ie, prey patch) from a distance of 20 cm. These two foraging-related behaviors are heritable. A continuous distribution of both behaviors indicated that several to many loci may be responsible for these behavioral traits. Our line-crossing experiments suggested that maternal influence could be excluded. Substantial phenotypic variation in two other foraging-related traits, consumption and oviposition, were also detected among inbred lines. Consumption and oviposition were positively correlated; however, the relationship (slope) varied among inbred lines, suggesting that predatory mites vary in food conversion efficiency. A relationship was detected between patch residence and consumption. Patch location, as one important foraging trait, appeared to be negatively related to consumption, suggesting a trade-off between searching for patches and reproduction.  相似文献   

Connectivity is central to ecology and evolution as it focuses on the movement of individuals or genes across landscapes. Genetic connectivity approaches aim to understand gene flow but often estimate it indirectly based on metrics of genetic differentiation, which can also be affected by other evolutionary forces such as genetic drift. Gene flow and genetic drift are driven by separate ecological mechanisms with potentially differing effects on genetic differentiation and interpretations of genetic connectivity. The ecological mechanisms contributing to gene flow and genetic drift are primarily effective dispersal, or movement followed by successful reproduction, and the number of breeders in a local population, Nb, respectively. Yet, rarely are these ecological mechanisms and genetic connectivity measured simultaneously across landscapes. We examine the roles of effective dispersal and Nb on genetic connectivity across the entire range of the endangered snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus), between 2006–2015. We find that both Nb and effective dispersal are important predictors of genetic connectivity across this landscape, but that Nb has a 3 × stronger effect on genetic connectivity. Furthermore, Nb is positively correlated with heterozygosity and allelic richness within patches, suggesting a potentially important role of genetic drift, in addition to gene flow, on genetic connectivity. These results emphasize that conservation efforts should focus on not only between‐patch processes of movement but also within‐patch processes regarding habitat quality and local population size for increasing genetic connectivity.  相似文献   

The role of genetic architecture in adaptation to novel environments has received considerable attention when the source of adaptive variation is de novo mutation. Relatively less is known when the source of adaptive variation is inter- or intraspecific hybridization. We model hybridization between divergent source populations and subsequent colonization of an unoccupied novel environment using individual-based simulations to understand the influence of genetic architecture on the timing of colonization and the mode of adaptation. We find that two distinct categories of genetic architecture facilitate rapid colonization but that they do so in qualitatively different ways. For few and/or tightly linked loci, the mode of adaptation is via the recovery of adaptive parental genotypes. With many unlinked loci, the mode of adaptation is via the generation of novel hybrid genotypes. The first category results in the shortest colonization lag phases across the widest range of parameter space, but further adaptation is mutation limited. The second category takes longer and is more sensitive to genetic variance and dispersal rate, but can facilitate adaptation to environmental conditions that exceed the tolerance of parental populations. These findings have implications for understanding the origins of biological invasions and the success of hybrid populations.  相似文献   

The influence of progesterone on sexual and aggressive behaviors during aggressive encounters was investigated in pairs of TP-treated male and female rats. Gonadectomized females, chronically injected with testosterone propionate (TP), showed low but consistent levels of feminine sexual behavior which alternated with aggression. Progesterone when given in addition to TP facilitated receptive and proceptive behaviors, but reduced levels of aggression. In TP-treated males, levels of aggression were the same as observed in TP-treated females. However, TP-treated males seldomly showed sexual behavior during aggressive encounters and additional treatment with progesterone did not affect their behavior. After the aggression tests, animals were tested in a social preference test in which an ovariectomized female cage mate and the opponent from the aggressive encounter served as incentives. Positive correlations between levels of aggression and social preference for an opponent were found in both sexes, although correlations only reached statistical significance when progesterone was given in addition to TP. These correlations were found in both sexes, despite the fact that group analysis revealed pronounced sex differences in social preference: males preferred to spend their time near ovariectomized female cage mates, whereas females divided their time equally among female cage mates and opponents.  相似文献   

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