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Lexer C  Stölting KN 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(18):3701-3704
Hybrid speciation has long fascinated evolutionary biologists and laymen alike, presumably because it challenges our classical view of evolution as a ‘one‐way street’ leading to strictly tree‐like patterns of ancestry and descent. Homoploid hybrid speciation (HHS) has been a particularly interesting puzzle, as it appears to occur extremely rapidly, perhaps within less than 50 generations ( McCarthy et al. 1995 ; Buerkle et al. 2000 ). Nevertheless, HHS may sometimes involve extended or repeated periods of recombination and gene exchange between populations subject to strong divergent natural selection ( Buerkle & Rieseberg 2008 ). Thus, HHS provides a highly interesting setting for understanding the drivers and tempo of adaptive divergence and speciation in the face of gene flow ( Arnold 2006 ; Rieseberg & Willis 2007 ; Nolte & Tautz 2009). In the present issue of Molecular Ecology, Wang et al. (2011) explore a particularly challenging issue connected to HHS: they attempt to trace the colonization and recombination history of an ancient (several MYA) hybrid species, from admixture and recombination in the ancestral hybrid zone to subsequent range shifts triggered by tectonic events (uplift of the Tibetan plateau) and climatic shifts (Pleistocene ice ages). This work is important because it addresses key issues related to the origin of the standing genetic variation available for adaptive responses (e.g. to climate change) and speciation in temperate species, which are topics of great current interest ( Rieseberg et al. 2003 ; Barrett & Schluter 2008 ; de Carvalho et al. 2010 ).  相似文献   

Global climate is rapidly changing, and the ability for tree species to adapt is dependent on standing genomic variation; however, the distribution and abundance of functional and adaptive variants are poorly understood in natural systems. We test key hypotheses regarding the genetics of adaptive variation in a foundation tree: genomic variation is associated with climate, and genomic variation is more likely to be associated with temperature than precipitation or aridity. To test these hypotheses, we used 9,593 independent, genomic single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 270 individuals sampled from Corymbia calophylla's entire distribution in south‐western Western Australia, spanning orthogonal temperature and precipitation gradients. Environmental association analyses returned 537 unique SNPs putatively adaptive to climate. We identified SNPs associated with climatic variation (i.e., temperature [458], precipitation [75] and aridity [78]) across the landscape. Of these, 78 SNPs were nonsynonymous (NS), while 26 SNPs were found within gene regulatory regions. The NS and regulatory candidate SNPs associated with temperature explained more deviance (27.35%) than precipitation (5.93%) and aridity (4.77%), suggesting that temperature provides stronger adaptive signals than precipitation. Genes associated with adaptive variants include functions important in stress responses to temperature and precipitation. Patterns of allelic turnover of NS and regulatory SNPs show small patterns of change through climate space with the exception of an aldehyde dehydrogenase gene variant with 80% allelic turnover with temperature. Together, these findings provide evidence for the presence of adaptive variation to climate in a foundation species and provide critical information to guide adaptive management practices.  相似文献   

Avian wing length is an important trait that covaries with the ecology and migratory behaviour of a species and tends to change rapidly when the conditions are altered. Long-distance migrants typically have longer wings than short-distance migrants and sedentary species, and long-winged species also tend to be more dispersive. Although the substantial heritability of avian wing length is well established, the identification of causal genes has remained elusive. Based on large-scale genotyping of 1404 informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in a captive population of 1067 zebra finches, we here show that the within-population variation of relative wing length (h(2) = 0.74 ± 0.05) is associated with standing genetic variation in at least six genomic regions (one genome-wide significant and five suggestive). The variance explained by these six quantitative trait loci (QTL) sums to 36.8% of the phenotypic variance (half of the additive genetic variance), although this likely is an overestimate attributable to the Beavis effect. As avian wing length is primarily determined by the length of the primary feathers, we then searched for candidate genes that are related to feather growth. Interestingly, all of the QTL signals co-locate with Wnt growth factors and closely interacting genes (Wnt3a, Wnt5a, Wnt6, Wnt7a, Wnt9a, RhoU and RhoV). Our findings therefore suggest that standing genetic variation in the Wnt genes might be linked to avian wing morphology, although there are many other genes that also fall within the confidence regions.  相似文献   

Adaptation to novel environments arises either from new beneficial mutations or by utilizing pre‐existing genetic variation. When standing variation is used as the source of new adaptation, fitness effects of alleles may be altered through an environmental change. Alternatively, changes in epistatic genetic backgrounds may convert formerly neutral mutations into beneficial alleles in the new genetic background. By extending the coalescent theory to describe the genealogical histories of two interacting loci, I here investigated the hitchhiking effect of epistatic selection on the amount and pattern of sequence diversity at the linked neutral regions. Assuming a specific form of epistasis between two new mutations that are independently neutral, but together form a coadapted haplotype, I demonstrate that the footprints of epistatic selection differ markedly between the interacting loci depending on the order and relative timing of the two mutational events, even though both mutations are equally essential for the formation of an adaptive gene combination. Our results imply that even when neutrality tests could detect just a single instance of adaptive substitution, there may, in fact, be numerous other hidden mutations that are left undetected, but still play indispensable roles in the evolution of a new adaptation. We expect that the integration of the coalescent framework into the general theory of polygenic inheritance would clarify the connection between factors driving phenotypic evolution and their consequences on underlying DNA sequence changes, which should further illuminate the evolutionary foundation of coadapted systems.  相似文献   

Detecting genetic variants under selection using FST outlier analysis (OA) and environmental association analyses (EAAs) are popular approaches that provide insight into the genetic basis of local adaptation. Despite the frequent use of OA and EAA approaches and their increasing attractiveness for detecting signatures of selection, their application to field‐based empirical data have not been synthesized. Here, we review 66 empirical studies that use Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in OA and EAA. We report trends and biases across biological systems, sequencing methods, approaches, parameters, environmental variables and their influence on detecting signatures of selection. We found striking variability in both the use and reporting of environmental data and statistical parameters. For example, linkage disequilibrium among SNPs and numbers of unique SNP associations identified with EAA were rarely reported. The proportion of putatively adaptive SNPs detected varied widely among studies, and decreased with the number of SNPs analysed. We found that genomic sampling effort had a greater impact than biological sampling effort on the proportion of identified SNPs under selection. OA identified a higher proportion of outliers when more individuals were sampled, but this was not the case for EAA. To facilitate repeatability, interpretation and synthesis of studies detecting selection, we recommend that future studies consistently report geographical coordinates, environmental data, model parameters, linkage disequilibrium, and measures of genetic structure. Identifying standards for how OA and EAA studies are designed and reported will aid future transparency and comparability of SNP‐based selection studies and help to progress landscape and evolutionary genomics.  相似文献   

Abstract .The nested clade analysis can be extremely useful in testing for an association between genetic variation and geography and in explaining these observed patterns in terms of historical or contemporary population processes. The strength of this method lies in its ability to test a variety of processes simultaneously under a rigorous statistical framework. Indeed, many recent studies have used the nested analysis in a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic taxa. However, it has been suggested that riverine, riparian, or coastal species may be better examined using river (or coastal) distances rather than the standard geographic (great circle) distances among populations. It is thought that the standard geographic distances may not adequately describe the actual distances involved between populations of species inhabiting these one-dimensional (riverine) habitats. Therefore, we analyzed population data from an Ozark crayfish, Orconectes luteus , to examine the effects on the results of a nested clade analysis using river distances. In most cases, the haplotypes detected in this crayfish were unique to a particular drainage or a group of neighboring drainages, indicating very little movement of individuals among drainages. Five major population groups were detected, corresponding to many of the major river drainages sampled in this study. The two types of distance analyses obtain similar results for higher-level (older) clades, but differ in many of the inferences made for lower-level (younger) clades. However, we suggest that the comparison of both types of analyses for riverine species may enhance the process of elucidating historical and contemporary population processes, especially in cases where the transfer of individuals among different drainages are involved.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is essential for population survival and adaptation to changing environments. Demographic processes (e.g., bottleneck and expansion) and spatial structure (e.g., migration, number, and size of populations) are known to shape the patterns of the genetic diversity of populations. However, the impact of temporal changes in migration on genetic diversity has seldom been considered, although such events might be the norm. Indeed, during the millions of years of a species’ lifetime, repeated isolation and reconnection of populations occur. Geological and climatic events alternately isolate and reconnect habitats. We analytically document the dynamics of genetic diversity after an abrupt change in migration given the mutation rate and the number and sizes of the populations. We demonstrate that during transient dynamics, genetic diversity can reach unexpectedly high values that can be maintained over thousands of generations. We discuss the consequences of such processes for the evolution of species based on standing genetic variation and how they can affect the reconstruction of a population’s demographic and evolutionary history from genetic data. Our results also provide guidelines for the use of genetic data for the conservation of natural populations.  相似文献   

Lichens are symbioses between fungi (mycobionts) and photoautotrophic green algae or cyanobacteria (photobionts). Many lichens occupy large distributional ranges covering several climatic zones. So far, little is known about the large‐scale phylogeography of lichen photobionts and their role in shaping the distributional ranges of lichens. We studied south polar, temperate and north polar populations of the widely distributed fruticose lichen Cetraria aculeata. Based on the DNA sequences from three loci for each symbiont, we compared the genetic structure of mycobionts and photobionts. Phylogenetic reconstructions and Bayesian clustering methods divided the mycobiont and photobiont data sets into three groups. An amova shows that the genetic variance of the photobiont is best explained by differentiation between temperate and polar regions and that of the mycobiont by an interaction of climatic and geographical factors. By partialling out the relative contribution of climate, geography and codispersal, we found that the most relevant factors shaping the genetic structure of the photobiont are climate and a history of codispersal. Mycobionts in the temperate region are consistently associated with a specific photobiont lineage. We therefore conclude that a photobiont switch in the past enabled C. aculeata to colonize temperate as well as polar habitats. Rare photobiont switches may increase the geographical range and ecological niche of lichen mycobionts by associating them with locally adapted photobionts in climatically different regions and, together with isolation by distance, may lead to genetic isolation between populations and thus drive the evolution of lichens.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the evolutionary outcome of and interplay between historic isolation and current selection pressures on traits more or less closely connected to fitness in the Pearly Heath butterfly (Coenonympha arcania) across its range in Europe. We hypothesized that a trait mean is more related to historic events if it has low connection to fitness, while a trait more closely connected with fitness is expected to have a mean that relates more to current selection pressures. In order to test this, we collected 322 butterflies from across the species range in Europe and measured five wing traits relating to size and color patterns. To infer a phylogeographic history for each individual, we sequenced a 594 bp fragment of the COI gene. The morphological data were then analyzed in relation to selected climatic variables and the history of individuals to disentangle which factors best correlated with morphological variation. The results supported our hypothesis in that wing sizes correlated with summer precipitation but not with its inferred location during the last glaciation. Eyespot position, on the other hand, correlated with the history of individuals but not with the analyzed climatic indicators. The sizes of the black spot and the white band, two traits that were expected to have intermediate selection pressure, were associated with both history and current conditions. Thus, this study illustrates the fascinating interplay between events and processes that lead to a specific evolutionary outcome.  相似文献   

New genomic resources and genetic tools of the past few years have advanced the nematode genus Caenorhabditis as a model for comparative biology. However, understanding of natural genetic variation at molecular and phenotypic levels remains rudimentary for most species in this genus, and for C. briggsae in particular. Here we characterize phenotypic variation in C. briggsae’s sensitivity to the potentially important and variable environmental toxin, ethanol, for globally diverse strains. We also quantify nucleotide variation in a new sample of 32 strains from four continents, including small islands, and for the closest‐known relative of this species (C. sp. 9). We demonstrate that C. briggsae exhibits little heritable variation for the effects of ethanol on the norm of reaction for survival and reproduction. Moreover, C. briggsae does not differ significantly from C. elegans in our assays of its response to this substance that both species likely encounter regularly in habitats of rotting fruit and vegetation. However, we uncover drastically more molecular genetic variation than was known previously for this species, despite most strains, including all island strains, conforming to the broad biogeographic patterns described previously. Using patterns of sequence divergence between populations and between species, we estimate that the self‐fertilizing mode of reproduction by hermaphrodites in C. briggsae likely evolved sometime between 0.9 and 10 million generations ago. These insights into C. briggsae’s natural history and natural genetic variation greatly expand the potential of this organism as an emerging model for studies in molecular and quantitative genetics, the evolution of development, and ecological genetics.  相似文献   

We assessed the variability of chloroplast DNA sequences in populations of the dipterocarp forest tree, Shorea curtisii. This species is widely distributed in hill and coastal hill dipterocarp forests of the Malay Peninsula, whereas isolated populations are found in the coastal hills of north Borneo. Two chloroplast DNA regions (1555 bp of trnHpsbAtrnK and 925 bp of trnLtrnF) were sequenced from 123 individuals collected from six Malay Peninsula and two Bornean populations. There were 15 chloroplast haplotypes derived from 16 polymorphic sites. A haplotype network revealed two distinct haplogroups that correlate with two geographic regions, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo. These two haplogroups differed by a number of mutations, and no haplotypes were shared between populations from the different geographic regions. This suggests an ancient diversification of these haplogroups, and that long‐distance seed dispersal was unlikely to have occurred during the Pleistocene when the Sunda Shelf was a contiguous landmass. Phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes together with those found in other Shorea species showed that two haplogroups in S. curtisii appear in different positions of the phylogenetic tree. This could be explained by the persistence of ancestral polymorphisms or by ancient chloroplast capture. Low levels of genetic differentiation were found between populations within each geographic region. Signature of a bottleneck followed by demographic expansion was detected in the Malay Peninsula haplogroup. The presence of two distinct evolutionary lineages in the different regions suggests that they should be managed independently to conserve the major sources of genetic diversity in S. curtisii.  相似文献   

Gammarus minus is an important component of surface spring and cave ecosystems throughout Appalachia, and is a useful indicator of the hydrology and gene flow in freshwater communities. Gammarus minus populations occupying large cave passages (> 2 km) are usually troglomorphic, having reduced eyes, fewer ommatidia, larger body size, longer antennae, and reduced pigmentation relative to surface populations. We surveyed five cave stream and 10 surface spring populations for DNA sequence variation in the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) genes with an aim towards characterizing phylogeographical structure and comparing the nature of genetic variation in cave vs. surface populations. Although standing variation at both loci was rather low within populations, a significant degree of divergence and spatial structuring of populations was observed. Levels of genetic variation within cave and spring populations differed substantially, with caves harbouring significantly less variation at the COI locus than surface springs. Codon usage bias was significantly lower in caves, indicating that cave streams harbour smaller and/or more recently colonized populations. Overall these data indicate limited gene flow among populations and suggest that the cave populations sampled in this study are prone to bottlenecks, possibly due to larger temperature fluctuations and more frequent incidence of drought conditions associated with these particular cave habitats.  相似文献   

In this research, we aimed to study the genetic variation and phylogeographic pattern of Ligularia tongolensis, a perennial herb endemic to the Hengduan Mountains region of China. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) intergenic spacers (trnQ-5 rps16, trnL-rpl32) in 140 individuals from 14 populations of three groups (Jinshajiang vs. Yalongjiang vs. Wumeng) within this species range. High levels of haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.814) and total genetic diversity (Ht = 0.862) were detected at the species leve...  相似文献   

Identifying causal genetic variants underlying heritable phenotypic variation is a long‐standing goal in evolutionary genetics. We previously identified several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for five morphological traits in a captive population of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) by whole‐genome linkage mapping. We here follow up on these studies with the aim to narrow down on the quantitative trait variants (QTN) in one wild and three captive populations. First, we performed an association study using 672 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within candidate genes located in the previously identified QTL regions in a sample of 939 wild‐caught zebra finches. Then, we validated the most promising SNP–phenotype associations (n = 25 SNPs) in 5228 birds from four populations. Genotype–phenotype associations were generally weak in the wild population, where linkage disequilibrium (LD) spans only short genomic distances. In contrast, in captive populations, where LD blocks are large, apparent SNP effects on morphological traits (i.e. associations) were highly repeatable with independent data from the same population. Most of those SNPs also showed significant associations with the same trait in other captive populations, but the direction and magnitude of these effects varied among populations. This suggests that the tested SNPs are not the causal QTN but rather physically linked to them, and that LD between SNPs and causal variants differs between populations due to founder effects. While the identification of QTN remains challenging in nonmodel organisms, we illustrate that it is indeed possible to confirm the location and magnitude of QTL in a population with stable linkage between markers and causal variants.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a glass house experiment, we investigated the effect of both the frequency of water pulses and the total amount of water supplied on individual performance in the absence and presence of neighbors. We used monocultures and all combinations of pairs of seedlings of three species of perennial grasses, characteristic of different points along a soil moisture gradient within a semi‐arid grassland in New Mexico, USA. In the absence of neighbors, higher total water or more frequent (but smaller) pulses significantly increased growth of all three species. The species with the fastest intrinsic growth rate, and from the most productive habitat, exhibited the largest increase in absolute and relative growth in response to higher total water quantity. Competitive effects were highly significant overall and there were significant hierarchies of competitive ability. Under frequent pulses, the fast‐growing species from the most productive environment was the best competitor in terms of both ability to suppress other plants and ability to tolerate the presence of neighbors. However, under infrequent pulses, the slowest growing species from the least productive environment became a much stronger competitor, again in terms of both suppression and tolerance of neighbors. While differences in total water availability had greater effects than differences in pulsing regime on individual plant performance in the absence of competition, pulsing regime had much stronger effects on relative competitive abilities and thus may be more likely to influence field distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and ecological niche models (ENMs) suggest that late Quaternary glacial cycles have played a prominent role in shaping present population genetic structure and diversity, but have not applied quantitative methods to dissect the relative contribution of past and present climate vs. other forces. We integrate multilocus phylogeography, climate‐based ENMs and multivariate statistical approaches to infer the effects of late Quaternary climate change on contemporary genetic variation of valley oak (Quercus lobata Née). ENMs indicated that valley oak maintained a stable distribution with local migration from the last interglacial period (~120 ka) to the Last Glacial Maximum (~21 ka, LGM) to the present compared with large‐scale range shifts for an eastern North American white oak (Quercus alba L.). Coast Range and Sierra Nevada foothill populations diverged in the late Pleistocene before the LGM [104 ka (28–1622)] and have occupied somewhat distinct climate niches, according to ENMs and coalescent analyses of divergence time. In accordance with neutral expectations for stable populations, nuclear microsatellite diversity positively correlated with niche stability from the LGM to present. Most strikingly, nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite variation significantly correlated with LGM climate, even after controlling for associations with geographic location and present climate using partial redundancy analyses. Variance partitioning showed that LGM climate uniquely explains a similar proportion of genetic variance as present climate (16% vs. 11–18%), and together, past and present climate explains more than geography (19%). Climate can influence local expansion–contraction dynamics, flowering phenology and thus gene flow, and/or impose selective pressures. These results highlight the lingering effect of past climate on genetic variation in species with stable distributions.  相似文献   

Mutations create novel genetic variants, but their contribution to variation in fitness and other phenotypes may depend on environmental conditions. Furthermore, natural environments may be highly heterogeneous. We assessed phenotypes associated with survival and reproductive success in over 30,000 plants representing 100 mutation accumulation lines of Arabidopsis thaliana across four temporal environments at a single field site. In each of the four assays, environmental variance was substantially larger than mutational variance. For some traits, whether mutational variance was significantly varied between seasons. The founder genotype had mean trait values near the mean of the distribution of the mutation accumulation lines in all field experiments. New mutations also contributed more phenotypic variation than would be predicted, given phenotypic and sequence‐level divergence among natural populations of A. thaliana. The combination of large environmental variance with a mean effect of mutation near zero suggests that mutations could contribute substantially to standing genetic variation.  相似文献   

Aim and location To study the patterns of genetic variation and geographical structure of five forest‐dwelling didelphid species distributed throughout the Guiana Region (Marmosops parvidens, M. pinheiroi, Monodelphis brevicaudata, Marmosa murina, Micoureus demerarae) and place the results for wide‐ranging species (M. murina, M. demerarae) in the broader geographical context of the rest of the taxon ranges based on published data. Methods Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were analysed in order to assess intra‐specific sequence divergence as well as haplotypic and nucleotide diversity among populations. Relationships between haplotypes were inferred by cladistic (maximum parsimony) and probabilistic (maximum likelihood) approaches, allowing comparisons between tree topologies and patterns of populations geographical distribution. Results Phylogenetic analysis of the Guiana Region populations suggest the lack of common patterns of geographical structure among mouse‐sized opossums except for both Marmosops species. Marmosops parvidens and M. pinheiroi showed individuals from Surinam strongly related with those from Guyana, and haplotypes from French Guiana having a basal position. Concerning Micoureus demerarae, haplotypes from Venezuela were positioned as ancestral, in contrast with Monodelphis brevicaudata, whose French Guiana haplotypes were clustered in a basal position. No evidence of geographical structure was observed for Marmosa murina. Genetic variation within Guiana Region populations fluctuated between 1% for M. murina and 7% in the case of M. brevicaudata. Regarding the widely distributed species, phylogeographical structure at the scale of the Amazon Basin suggests that Guiana Region populations are the sister group of south‐eastern Amazonian and Atlantic Forest populations, thus resulting in an eastern clade well separated from the western Amazonian regions. Main conclusions Monophyly of mouse‐sized opossums haplotypes over the Guiana Region confirms the presence of a well‐differentiated zoogeographical area relative to other Amazonia bioregions. Low genetic diversity among Guiana Region samples suggests a relatively recent origin of populations dating from later Miocene and Pleistocene periods. Moreover, nucleotide and haplotypic diversity values suggest an evolutionary scenario of rapid population growth and dispersal over the Guiana territory, from an ancestral population with small effective size. Dispersal events – rather than vicariance – seem to be responsible for the present genetic and phylogeographical patterns observed in the Guiana Region.  相似文献   

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