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Objective: To compare oral health in nursing home (NH) residents with different cognitive statuses. Background: Oral health is a significant issue for NH residents because of its relationships to quality of life, systemic health and well‐being. It is known that oral health is poor in NH residents. However, how oral health differs in NH residents with different cognitive statuses remains unclear. Materials and methods: Nine hundred and two NH residents were retrospectively recruited from a community‐based geriatric dental clinic in Minnesota, USA. Comprehensive medical, dental, cognitive and functional assessments were completed for the participants. On the basis of medical history and cognitive status, participants were categorized into three groups: without cognitive impairment (non‐impaired group), with cognitive impairment but no dementia (impaired group) and with dementia (demented group). ANOVA, Chi‐square and Fisher’s exact tests were used to compare medical, dental and functional statuses between groups. Results: Oral hygiene was poor in NH residents. Forty per cent of participants in the impaired group were edentulous, significantly higher than the edentulism rate in the demented group (29%, p = 0.01). More than 60% of the participants lost 16 or more teeth prior to examination. Depending on their cognitive status, 82–92% of the participants arrived with one or more caries or retained root. Dentate participants in the impaired and demented groups averaged about six caries or retained roots, significantly more than 4.7 caries or retained roots in the non‐impaired group (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Oral health was poor but slightly different in NH residents with different cognitive and functional statuses.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess oral health status and oral health‐related quality of life (OHRQoL) of residents in an extended care facility and to assess the care providers’ oral health attitudes and knowledge. Methods: Participants included 137 residents (58.1% female, age range 32–94 years, 91% African–American) and 22 care providers. Residents received an oral examination and completed the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP‐14), an OHRQoL questionnaire. Care providers completed an oral health knowledge (OHK) questionnaire before and after the on‐site geriatric oral health education and training programme. Results: Oral examinations showed that 58% of the residents had extensive oral health needs. On the OHIP‐14, the mean severity was 9.2 (SD = 12.0), extent (number of items rated as ‘fairly often’ or ‘often’) was 1.2 (SD = 2.6) and prevalence (participants rating at least one item at least ‘fairly often’) was 37.8%. Most prevalent negative impact items were about ‘oral pain’, ‘appearance’ and ‘self‐consciousness’. Regarding OHK, caregivers’ knowledge improved following instruction from 65% correct on the pre‐test to 90% correct on the post‐test (p < 0.05). Subsequent to the eight in‐service workshops, providers reported that physical limitations, fear of getting bitten and time constraints were barriers to providing oral hygiene to their residents. Conclusion: Examination data showed a high level of dental needs among the majority of residents, accompanied by significantly reduced OHRQoL. Although care providers’ OHK improved following the geriatric service programme, they reported specific barriers regarding their provision of oral hygiene care to the residents.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop an index to measure oral health care priority among nursing staff. Background: Nursing staff, working on hospital wards, at nursing homes and at other facilities, have to deal with oral health care and there are many reports about the low priority that is given to oral health care by nursing staff. It is difficult to measure oral health care priority among nursing staff. A Dental Coping Beliefs Scale (DCBS) index was used in an intervention study and was found to be easy to handle but did not have the ability to reveal significant differences in small study samples. A development process consisting of added items and item numbering by chance was carried out. During this process, different nursing staff test groups were used. The aim was to develop an oral health care priority index that can be used both on hospital wards and at special facilities to measure oral health care priority among nursing staff over time and between groups. Material and methods: Nursing staff at both special facilities and hospital wards and nursing students. Results: It was found that the index, the nursing DCBS, was more stable compared with the version that was used in the initial intervention study. It was also noted that its ability to discriminate between the items was improved. Conclusion: The nursing DCBS index is a suitable tool for use in further studies where the aim is to measure how different nursing staff groups give priority to and allocate responsibility for oral health care, even where study samples are small.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the oral health status and treatment needs of elderly residents of a residential home in Ankara, Turkey. Background: Little is known about oral health problems of elderly living in the institutions. Methods: Among 216 elderly, 193 of them were interviewed and were clinically examined according to WHO criteria. Age, gender, educational and occupational status, oral hygiene practices, dental insurance, access to dental care and systemic diseases were recorded using a structured questionnaire. Coronal and root caries, periodontal disease, dental status and related treatment needs were assessed by two calibrated dentists. Results: The mean age of the subjects were 75.2 ± 8.3 in males, 79.1 ± 7.9 in females; 32.6% of subjects were dentate and the mean number of teeth was 3.7 ± 7.0 (median = 0). A functional dentition was present in 7.3% of subjects (≥20). The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) was 29.3 ± 5.8 (median = 32) and mean root caries was 2.2 ± 3.1 (median = 1.0). The major reason for tooth extraction was dental caries. Of the subjects, 20.7% had at least one untreated coronal caries and 18.1% root caries. The assessment of periodontal status according to CPI revealed that only four persons had nine healthy sextants with the score of ‘0’. Edentulousness was 67.4% while 11.9% of them lacked denture in both jaws. Conclusion: The results illustrated poor dental health and showed extremely high demand for the dental health services programmes for the elderly living in these institutions.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00562.x
Attitudes to and knowledge about oral health care among nursing home personnel – an area in need of improvement Background: In 1999, a dental reform became law in Sweden that regulated both dental care to dependent individuals and training in oral health care for nursing home personnel. Substantial resources have been channelled into these efforts, but the outcome of these efforts has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to explore attitudes to and knowledge about oral health care among nursing home personnel more than 5 years after the law was adopted, that being 2005. Methods: A total of 454 individuals employed at nursing homes answered a questionnaire of 16 multiple‐choice items concerning attitudes to and knowledge about oral health care. Results: Eighty‐nine per cent considered oral health care to be an important part of good nursing. The answers indicated problems, however, when it came to its implementation and knowledge, and 35% stated that they had had no formal education in oral health care. Conclusions: Despite generally positive oral health care attitudes, it is important that oral health care education is available to and made of interest for all nursing home personnel, especially in light of the increase in number of natural teeth and frequency of crowns and bridges among dependent elderly.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study aimed to review the effectiveness of oral health promotion studies conducted among elderly people between 1997 and 2007. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched and papers were rated for level of evidence and scientific quality. Key findings of the papers were summarised. Results: Thirteen thousand nine hundred and four papers were retrieved and 17 studies (18 papers) met the criteria for the review: 13 were randomised controlled studies, three were quasi‐experimental studies and one was a pre‐/post‐single group intervention study. According to the Levels of Evidence, 11 studies could be categorised as 1b and six studies could be categorised as 2b. The quality of the evidence of the 17 studies ranged from 12 to 19; 13 of the studies had a score of 15 or above; four of the studies ranged from 12 to 14. Evidence from oral health promotion activities aimed at preventing caries, improving periodontal health and altering oral health behaviours were reviewed. The use of fluoride, antimicrobial agents and health‐care provider education has important roles within oral health promotion activities for elderly people. Studies have tended to be of short‐term duration and rely on surrogate outcome measures of oral health. Conclusion: In the last 10 years, increasing attention has been paid to oral health promotion activities among the elderly population and high quality evidence has emerged. However, there is a need for even higher‐quality research to provide more definitive guidelines on oral health promotion practices for elderly people.  相似文献   

Adam H  Preston AJ 《Gerodontology》2006,23(2):99-105
Objective: To determine if moderate to severe dementia has an effect on the oral health of individuals resident in nursing homes. Background: A significant proportion of the elderly population lives in nursing homes and suffers from varying degrees of dementia. Dementia might affect an individual's ability to implement oral care. Previous work in this area has focused on individuals with mild dementia living in the community setting. Material and methods: Two matched cohorts of subjects resident in four nursing homes in Cheshire were recruited (n = 135). One cohort's subjects were deemed to have no or mild dementia, whereas the other cohort's subjects were deemed to have moderate to severe dementia. Oral parameters were scored, including Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) scoring, dental deposit scoring, denture assessment and the noting of any other pathology. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the relative level of dementia of the subjects between the two cohorts (p < 0.01, Student's t‐test). The DMFT scores were similar for both groups. The mean number (±SD) of decayed and missing teeth for the no/mild dementia group was 1.11 (±3.42) and 28.22 (±6.64), whilst that of the moderate/severe dementia cohort was 0.80 (±1.87) and 27.28 (±7.73), respectively. Eleven per cent of the moderate/severe dementia cohort wore an upper denture alone as compared with 16% in the no/mild dementia group. Conclusion: For individuals resident in nursing homes, moderate to severe dementia might have a deleterious effect on oral health. Further work in this area is required.  相似文献   

Oral status among seniors in nine nursing homes in Styria, Austria Objective: To investigate the oral state in participants cared for in residences for senior citizens in Styria, Austria. Materials and methods: Four hundred and nine participants in Styria from nine homes for senior citizens were examined employing parameters in accordance with those of Folstein’s Mini Mental Status (MMS), DMFT, basic periodontal examination, the modified oral hygiene index, pain experienced during the preceding year, the subjective and objective need for treatment, and also requirements involving surgical and prosthetic treatment. Furthermore, the habitual methods of maintaining oral hygiene were examined establishing by whom this was carried out – whether by the patient, the nurse, or by patient and nurse together. Results: Four hundred and nine participants were examined, 48.3% were found to have retained on average 4.9 of their own teeth while 69% were fitted with dentures; however, 81% of the participants required prosthetic treatment. 28.9% of the participants had experienced acute dental pain during the preceding year and surgical treatment was found to be necessary in 47.7% of those with original teeth. Eighty‐four per cent of the participants showed acute inflammation of the periodontium while the state of oral hygiene, measured on a scale of 0–4, reached an average of 2.43. Oral hygiene was carried out by the nurses in only 7.46% of the cases which showed an average MMS measurement of 18. Conclusion: The results compared with those reported in other recent surveys and our data show an urgent need in Austria to improve the standards in dental care for the hospitalised elderly. Regular dental checks, carried out in the actual home by a dental surgeon should be introduced, whilst the nursing staff should be made fully aware of the problems caused by insufficient oral care and receive regular support from specialised oral hygiene assistants. The results of this survey also suggest that nursing staff should be equipped with simple instruments in order to judge to the extent to which the patient is capable of carrying out oral care independently and then according to the results to supplement this with additional care.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the recall of oral health knowledge and confidence by nursing personnel in special housing facilities for the elderly, three years after an education programme. Design: A cross sectional design using a questionnaire. Sample: All nursing personnel, a total of 2,901 subjects, in five municipalities in south‐western Sweden; of whom 950 had attended the programme. The response rate was 67% (1930 subjects). Intervention: An oral health education programme consisting of four one‐hour lessons. Results: The oral health education programme still had an effect on the participants' attitudes towards oral health three years later. When comparing the trained group (OHEP+) which attended the programme with those who did not have training (OHEP‐), the perceived ability, opportunity and the knowledge of oral health were significantly better in the former group, p<0.01 Eurther, within the OHEP‐ group who did not attend the programme there was a significant difference in the perceived ability, opportunity and the knowledge of oral health between those with a higher level of health care education, p<0.01. Conclusions: The effect of an oral health education programme on the participants' attitudes towards oral health persists at least for three years. The data indicate that trainees with a low level of health care education benefit most.  相似文献   

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