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The effect of a new saliva substitute. Salinum®, was tested in 37 patients with severe symptoms of reduced salivation. The majority of the patients had suffered from hyposalivation and dry mouth for more than 8 years. The saliva substitute consisted of a water soluble extract of linseed. The physical properties of this extract are similar to those of the glycoproteins of the salivary secretions. The patients used the saliva substitute for a seven days period. Prior to the use of the extract the patients reported that the most severe symptoms of decreased salivation were a feeling of dryness in the mouth and burning sensations in the tongue, pharynx and oesophagus, The majority of the patients reported that the use of Salinum reduced the symptoms of hyposalivation. Great variation in effect occurred from patient to patient. Generally the patients with the most severe symptoms experienced the greatest relief of the symptoms when they used Salinum. Although of short duration the results of this pilot study indicate that an extract of linseeds may compensate for some aspects of the consequences of reduced salivation. Further studies are needed to elucidate the feasibility of the extract as saliva replacement.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, much remains unanswered about the epidemiology of dry mouth. This review aims to provide an overview of the condition's epidemiology and the issues to consider when planning an epidemiological study of dry mouth. The latter can be broadly grouped into: study design; sampling and statistical power considerations; the measurement of dry mouth; and the selection, nature and measurement of relevant exposure measures, including medications and potential confounding variables. Each of these is discussed, in order to provide guidance for prospective researchers based on experience with past research. Finally, an agenda for further epidemiological research into dry mouth is proposed.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00619.x Relationship of serum and saliva calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase with dry mouth feeling in menopause Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare serum and saliva calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase of menopausal women with/without dry mouth (DM) feeling. Background: The composition of saliva in menopause women with/without DM feeling is different. Some of these differences are in hormones that are related to bone turnover. Methods: A case–control study was carried out on 60 selected menopausal women aged 45–79 years with or without DM feeling (30 as case, 30 as control), conducted at the Clinic of Oral Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The phosphorus concentration was measured by photometrical measurement of the blue colour formed after the addition of ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride; calcium was measured by Arsenazo reaction; and alkaline phosphatase by the pNPP‐AMP method. Statistical analysis of Student’s t‐test was used. Results: The mean serum phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase, stimulated and unstimulated saliva calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels were significantly higher in the menopausal women suffering from DM. There were no significant differences between groups regarding saliva phosphorus and serum calcium concentration. Conclusion: Calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase appear associated with DM feeling in menopause.  相似文献   

Sjögren's Syndrome (SS) is a common autoimmune disorder characterised by generalised desiccation, exocrine hypofunction and serologic abnormalities, More than 90% of the patients are women. Objective : to determine if whole saliva could be used to diagnose this disease. Setting: The study was conducted at the School of Dental Medicine, SUNY, at Stony Brook. Patients : There were 49 subjects (48F; 1M), the mean age was 54 ± 13 years. In order to be admitted into the study, they had to complain of dry mouth and dry eyes. Tests : Whole saliva was collected by the spitting method. “Screening Tests'” were employed to measure the salivary flow rate, pH, buffer capacity; lactobacillus and yeast concentrations. Chemical tests were performed to determine protein, albumin, sodium and amylase activity. Lacrimal dryness was assessed by the Schirmer and Rose-Bengal methods. Results: Based on the sialometric findings, the patients were divided into 3 groups: Group 1: those with abnormally low resting (RFR) and stimulated (SFR) flow rates; Group 2: those with a low RFR but normal SFR; and Group 3: those with normal salivary flow rates. The group 1 patients were unique: their saliva demonstrated a low pH and buffer capacity, high lactobacillus and yeast concentrations, decreased protein output and amylase activity, and elevated albumin and sodium. Moreover, virtually all of them had abnormally low lacrimal flow rates. Conclusions : The findings suggested that whole saliva could be used to provisionally diagnose SS. Critical to this diagnosis was an abnormally low stimulated whole saliva flow rate. Other requisites included a low resting flow rate, the presence of dry mouth and dry eyes and evidence of lacrimal hypofunction. All of these attributes can easily be obtained by dentists in their clinics.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify factors influencing attitudes of partially dentate adults towards dental treatment in Ireland. Background: People are retaining more teeth later in life than ever before. Management of partially dentate older adults will be a major requirement for the future and it is important to determine factors which may influence patients’ attitudes to care. Methods: Subjects: A purposive sample of 22 partially dentate patients was recruited; 12 women and 12 men, ranging in age from 45 to 75 years. Data Collection: Semi‐structured individual interviews. Results: Dental patients have increasing expectations in relation to (i) a more sophisticated approach to the management of missing teeth and (ii) their right to actively participate in decision making regarding the management of their tooth loss. There is some evidence of a cohort effect with younger patients (45–64 years) having higher expectations. Conclusions: The evidence of a cohort effect within this study in relation to higher patient expectations indicates that both contemporary and future patients are likely to seek a service based on conservation and restoration of missing teeth by fixed prostheses.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00420.x Self‐reported dry mouth in Swedish population samples aged 50, 65 and 75 years Background: Reduced salivary flow may have a negative impact on general well‐being, quality of life and oral health. Objectives: To examine xerostomia in 50‐, 65‐ and 75‐year‐olds, background factors and effect on Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP). Methods: In 1992, a questionnaire was sent to all 50‐year‐old persons (n = 8888) in two Swedish counties. In 2007, the same questionnaire was sent to all 65‐year‐olds (n = 8313) in the two counties and to all 75‐year‐olds (n = 5195). Response rate was for the 50, 65 and 75 year olds 71.4, 73.1 and 71.9%, respectively. Results: Xerostomia was higher in women than in men in all age groups. There was higher prevalence of xerostomia with increasing age in both sexes and it was more frequent at night than during daytime. ‘Often mouth dryness’ was 2.6–3.4 times more prevalent in those who reported an impact from OIDP. The highest odd ratios were for daytime xerostomia and for the variables burning mouth (17.1), not feeling healthy (4.5), daily smoking (4.4), and medication (4.1). Conclusions: The dramatic increase of xerostomia between age 50 and 75, especially amongst women, needs to be considered in the management of this age group.  相似文献   

Investigations into the oral health-related beliefs and behaviour of old people are complex and fraught with methodological difficulties. They have employed to a large extent structured interviews or questionnaires based on the Sickness Impact Profile to explain the impact of oral disorder in old age. However, despite sophisticated statistical techniques, the results have failed to explain much of the variance in the responses of the elderly subjects. This paper reviews the results of several investigations conducted in a structured and quantitative manner, and contrasts them with an alternative method of inductive investigation using a more qualitative interpretation of open-ended interviews. The alternative method of exploration with a small but intensely involved group of elderly participants revealed a view of oral health that reflects a willingness of elders to adapt constructively to changes in the mouth with advancing age. Moreover, the construction of a framework of oral health-related beliefs and behaviours that emerged from the qualitative analysis of open-ended interviews, has widened our understanding of the significance of the mouth in old age beyond the framework of biophysical, functional and disabling variables that dominated previous research on this field  相似文献   

BackgroundAdult cancer survivors (ACS) are at increased risk for developing various comorbid conditions and having poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL) when compared to adults with no history of cancer. The effect of social and emotional support on HRQOL among ACS is not fully elucidated. The purpose of this study was to understand the role of social and emotional support on HRQOL in ACS and to examine if the association between social and emotional support and HRQOL is modified by gender, time since cancer diagnosis, or marital status.MethodsData for this study were obtained from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Statistical analysis was based on ACS with complete data (n = 23,939) on all variables considered. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to model the association between social and emotional support and indicators of HRQOL (i.e., general health, physical health, mental health, and activity limitation). To examine if gender, marital status, or the number of years since cancer diagnosis modify the association, separate stratified analyses were conducted.ResultsWhen compared to ACS who reported that they Rarely/Never received social and emotional support, those who reported that they Always received were 32 % less likely to report Fair/Poor General health, 23 % less likely to report frequent unhealthy days of Physical health, 73 % less likely to report frequent unhealthy days of Mental health and 38 % less likely to report frequent unhealthy days of Activity limitation. Social and emotional support was positively associated with all four domains of HRQOL among ACS who were female, unmarried, or greater than 5 years since cancer diagnosis, while this positive association was evident only with one or two domains of HRQOL among their corresponding counterparts (i.e., male, married, less than 5 years since diagnosis).ConclusionsSocial and emotional support is an important factor directly related to a better HRQOL, but it is modified by gender, marital status, and time since diagnosis. Findings from this study should inform health care providers about the importance of a support system for ACS in improving their overall quality of life.  相似文献   

Exfoliative cytology of the oral mucosa in burning mouth syndrome: a cytomorphological and cytomorphometric analysis Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate oral epithelial cells by exfoliative cytology in burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Material and methods: Oral smears were collected from clinically normal‐appearing mucosa by liquid‐based exfoliative cytology in 40 individuals (20 BMS patients and 20 healthy controls matched for age and gender) and analysed for cytological and cytomorphometric techniques. Results: Mean values of nuclear area (NA) for experimental and control groups were, respectively, 67.52 and 55.64 μm2 (p < 0.05). Cytoplasmic area (CA) showed the following mean values: 1258.0 (experimental) and 2069.0 μm2 (control). Nucleus‐to‐cytoplasm area ratio for the experimental group was 0.07, besides the control group was 0.03 (p < 0.05). Morphologically, oral smears exhibited normal epithelial cells in both experimental and control groups. There was a significant predominance of nucleated cells of the superficial layer in the smears of BMS patients (p = 0.00001). Conclusion: This study revealed that oral mucosa of BMS patients exhibited significant cytomorphometric changes in the oral epithelial cells. These changes probably are associated with epithelial atrophy and a deregulated maturation process that may contribute to the oral symptoms of pain and discomfort in BMS.  相似文献   

为了解金沙江上游奔子栏到羊拉约130 km河段范围内干旱河谷的植被特征, 作者采用样带与典型样方相结合的方法, 对该河段进行了植物群落调查。结果显示: (1)研究区域记录到野生维管植物51科95属111种(含种下等级), 其中, 蕨类植物4科4属6种; 无裸子植物; 被子植物中双子叶植物40科71属84种; 单子叶植物7科20属21种。(2)群落物种以草本为主, 达67种, 占总物种数的60.36%; 生活型以地面芽植物为主, 占总物种数的32.43%, 矮高位芽次之, 占27.93%; 叶型以微型和小型叶为主, 微型叶有30种, 占统计总数(50种)的60%, 小型叶有11种, 占总数的22%。(3)用双向指示种分析方法可将93个样方分为5个群系。分布最广、物种丰富度最高的是小叶荆 + 小叶野丁香(Form. Vitex microphylla + Leptodermis pilosa var. microphylla)群系。(4)根据对该河谷区域的气候特点、干旱程度、植被特征(植株矮化、叶片小、植物毛被发达、植株具刺、部分植物有吸湿反应性特征等)的分析, 综合植物群落的外貌、结构、物种构成和植物形态, 可以确认金沙江上游干旱河谷植被具有亚热带荒漠植被类型的 特征。  相似文献   

Success in conservation depends on our ability to reduce human pressures in areas that harbour biological diversity and ecosystem services. Legally protecting some of these areas through the creation of protected areas is a key component of conservation efforts globally. To develop effective protected area networks, practitioners need credible, scientific evidence about the degree to which protected areas affect environmental and social outcomes, and how these effects vary with context. Such evidence has been lacking, but the situation is changing as conservation scientists adopt more sophisticated research designs for evaluating protected areas'' past impacts and for predicting their future impacts. Complementing these scientific advances, conservation funders and practitioners are paying increasing attention to evaluating their investments with more scientifically rigorous evaluation designs. This theme issue highlights recent advances in the science of protected area evaluations and explores the challenges to developing a more credible evidence base that can help societies achieve their goals of protecting nature while enhancing human welfare.  相似文献   

Studies on the diurnal sleep–wake rhythm of patients with lung cancer have mostly examined patients cross-sectionally, whereas the effects of lung cancer treatment over time have rarely been considered. Through long-term longitudinal tracking of patients with lung cancer, this study examined changes in their sleep–wake rhythm, sleep quality, anxiety, depressive symptoms, fatigue and quality of life (QoL) at various treatment stages. In addition, factors affecting their QoL were explored. Hierarchical linear modeling was adopted to analyze a convenience sample of 82 patients with lung cancer. The changes in their sleep–wake rhythm, sleep, mood (anxiety, depressive symptoms and fatigue) and QoL were observed at five time points: prior to treatment and at weeks 6, 12, 24 and 48 after the start of the treatment. The effects of sex, age, cancer stage, treatment type, comorbidities and time were controlled to determine the predictors of patients’ QoL. The results showed that patients’ sleep–wake rhythms were poor before treatments. Compared with baseline, the sleep–wake rhythms of the patients significantly improved at week 48, and anxiety significantly improved at weeks 6, 12, 24 and 48. By contrast, their fatigue became exacerbated at weeks 8 and 48. Moreover, QoL improved significantly from week 6 until the end of the treatment period. QoL was negatively affected by poor sleep quality (β = ?0.69, p = 0.00) and depressive symptoms (β = ?2.59, p < 0.001) and positively affected by regular sleep–wake rhythms (β = 0.23, p = 0.001). Therefore, clinical health-care professionals should focus more attention to the fatigue levels of patients with lung cancer before, during and after treatment. Health-care professionals may also need to provide such patients with health education regarding sleep hygiene and with emotional support to assist them in maintaining regular sleep–wake rhythms in order to improve their QoL.  相似文献   

Objective We explored the experiences of patients who received treatment for depression during a 'phase II' platform trial of collaborative care in the UK.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information from 13 patients receiving collaborative care. Patients from a range of general practitioner (GP) practices within the trial were purposively sampled. The constant comparative approach within a framework analysis was used to identify emerging concepts and key themes.Results Three distinct themes in people's experience of collaborative care were identified: (1) the process of collaborative care; (2) the content of collaborative care; and (3) staying well. These themes were set against a backdrop in which patients described how they had been struggling with lowmood. Our central therapeutic ingredients of information giving, behavioural activation and medication management were supported by patients. Patients expressed reservations about the rigid inflexibility of telephone-based treatment.Conclusions While most of the protocol elements were supported by patients, we have been able to amend our protocol to allow for greater delivery flexibility and more attention to the therapeutic alliance and relapse prevention. We are now testing this in a multicentre randomised controlled trial.  相似文献   

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