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Colour polymorphisms are known to influence receiver behaviour, but how they affect a receiver's ability to detect and recognize individuals in nature is usually unknown. I hypothesized that polymorphic female damselflies represent an evolutionary stable strategy, maintained by trade‐offs between the relative apparency of morphs to male receivers. Using field experiments on Enallagma hageni and focal studies of E. hageni and Enallagma boreale, I tested for the first time the predictions that (i) green heteromorphs and blue andromorphs gain differential protection from sexual harassment via background crypsis and sexual mimicry, respectively, and (ii) female morphs behaviourally optimize their signal apparency to mate‐searching males. First, based on male reactions elicited by females, against a high‐contrast background, the two morphs did not differ in being detected by males, and once detected, they did not differ in being recognized (eliciting sexual reactions). However, on green ferns, heteromorphs were less likely to be detected (elicited only fly‐bys) than andromorphs, but once detected, the morphs did not differ in being recognized. In contrast, when perched on a dowel with two male signal distractors, andromorphs were detected less often, and once detected, they were recognized less often than heteromorphs. Second, in fields where females foraged, andromorphs perched higher on vegetation than heteromorphs and were more often in the vicinity of males. Neither harassment rates nor evasive behaviours differed between morphs. Males aggregated in high density near shore where solitary females were rare. Equilibrium frequencies of these and other colour morphs should reflect the relative ease with which receivers detect and recognize them in the context where they are encountered.  相似文献   

In many coenagrionid damselflies, sexually mature females exhibit color polymorphisms, with some females resembling conspecific males. Although it has been suggested that the latter function as male mimics, this does not appear to be the case for those in the genus Enallagma. We found that sexually dimorphic coloration of the female abdomen and thorax are important cues for sexual recognition by males. We demonstrate for the first time in the Odonata, that males learn to recognize andromorphs as potential mates. After 2 days in an enclosure, sexually mature males exposed to only andromorphic females initiated more sexual interactions with tethered andromorphs than with heteromorphs, the majority morph in the natural population. Exposure to only heteromorphic females tended to decrease males' sexual responses to andromorphs, but not significantly so. Because the frequency of female morphs often varies within a population, learned mate recognition would be advantageous for males that search for mates. Our results lead to a novel, frequency-dependent hypothesis for the occurrence and maintenance of female-limited color polymorphisms.  相似文献   

While male mate choice behaviour has been reported in many taxa, little is known about its plasticity and evolutionary consequences. In the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis, females exhibit colour dimorphism (gynomorph and andromorph). The body colour of gynomorphs changed ontogenetically in accordance with sexual maturation, while little change occurred in andromorphs. To test the male mate choice between sexually immature and mature females of both morphs, binary choice experiments were conducted. Virgin males that were reared separately from females after emergence did not show significant preference between sexually immature and mature females for both morphs, indicating that virgin males were unable to discriminate female reproductive status. On the other hand, males that had experienced copulation with gynomorphs preferred sexually mature gynomorphs to sexually immature ones. However, males that had experienced copulation with andromorphs could not discriminate between sexually immature and mature andromorphs, probably due to the absence of significant ontogenetic change in their thoracic colour. Therefore, female body colour is an important cue for males in discriminating between sexual maturation stages. Learned mate discrimination depending on copulation experience might help males to detect potential mates effectively and avoid sexually unreceptive immature female. We finally discuss the adaptive significance of the ontogenetic colour change in females.  相似文献   

Females of the damselfly Ischnura ramburi exhibit a simple genetic colour dimorphism in which one form is cryptic (heteromorph), and the other closely resembles the more conspicuously colourful males (andromorph). Andromorphs also mimic male behaviour in interactions with males. Consequently they copulate half as often as do heteromorphs, which may give them a frequency-dependent selective advantage. Assuming that females need only mate once, excessive copulations, which average 3 h in duration, waste time for heteromorphs and may expose them to increased predation. The peculiar biology and mating behaviour of ischnurans provides a possible evolutionary context for this mimicry. The polymorphism is probably balanced by a frequency-independent selective disadvantage suffered by the more conspicuous andromorphs, through increased predation.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments on adult I. elegans provide correction techniques for the estimation of population parameters based only on capture-recapture data. Thus it is demonstrated that male and female longevities are identical and that their sex ratio is 0.5 (= Male fraction). Longevity, measured at the water, erroneously appears to differ between sexes, and sex ratio is also biased. This bias is a function of population density, which causes a different distribution of males and females, matures and immatures, andro- and heteromorphic females, and is regulated by aggressive, territorial and mating behaviour of individuals. The female maturation period exceeds that of the male. Female polymorphism is an adaptation to population density, high density favouring andromorphs. This polymorphism is determined by single allelic autosomal inheritance with a sex-linked expression. In crowded populations, visual interactions between individuals cause their juvenile hormone titer to rise. This shortens maturation time, the period of morphological colour changes, and life span. This mechanism counteracts crowding, and synchronises maturation and development of sexual behaviour. In the course of their life, individuals undergo a number of colour changes. The development of the colours after eclosion coincides with spermato- and oogenesis. The morphological colour change at sexual maturity is due to neutralisation of waste products of the protein metabolism. The colour changes at old age are partly due to dehydration.  相似文献   

Whether premating isolation is achieved by male‐specific, female‐specific or sex‐independent assortative preferences often depends on the underlying evolutionary processes. Here we test mate preferences of males presented with females of different allopatric colour variants of the cichlid fish Tropheus sp., a Lake Tanganyika endemic with rich geographical colour pattern variation, in which the strength of sexual isolation varies between populations. We conducted two‐way mate choice experiments to compare behaviour of males of a red‐bodied morph (population Moliro) towards females from their own population with behaviour towards females from four allopatric populations at different stages of phylogenetic and phenotypic divergence. Males courted same‐population females significantly more intensely than females of other populations, and reduced their heteromorphic courtship efforts both with increasing genetic and increasing phenotypic distinctness of the females. In particular, females of a closely related red‐bodied population received significantly more courtship than either genetically distinct, similarly coloured females (‘Kirschfleck’ morph) or genetically related, differently coloured females (‘yellow‐blotch’ morph), both of which were courted similarly. Genetically and phenotypically distinct females (Tropheus polli) were not courted at all. Consistent with previous female‐choice experiments, female courtship activity also decreased with increasing genetic distance from the males’ population. Given successful experimental and natural introgression between colour morphs and the pervasive allopatry of related variants, we consider it unlikely that assortative preferences of both sexes were driven by direct selection during periods of secondary contact or, in turn, drove colour pattern differentiation in allopatry. Rather, we suggest that sexual isolation evolved as by‐product of allopatric divergence.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration increases male reproductive success through female preferences and/or male–male competition. Despite the advantages of conspicuous colouration, inconspicuous male morphs can exist simultaneously in a population due to genetic diversity, condition dependence or developmental constraints. We are interested in explaining the male dichromatism in Xanthagrion erythroneurum damselflies. We reared these damselflies in outdoor insectaries under natural conditions and showed that this species undergoes ontogenetic colour changes. The younger males are yellow and change colour to red 6–7 days after their emergence. We took red and yellow male reflectance spectra and found that red males are brighter than yellow males. Next, we aimed to determine whether ontogenetic colour change signals sexual maturity with field observations and laboratory experiments. Our field observational data showed that red males are in higher abundance in the breeding territory, and they have a higher mating frequency than yellow males. We confirmed these field observations by enclosing a red and a yellow male with two females and found that yellow males do not mate in presence of red males. To determine whether colour change signals sexual maturity, we measured mating success of males before and after colour changes by enclosing a single male at different age (day 3-day 7) and colour (yellow, intermediate and red) with a single female in a mating cage. Males did not mate when yellow but the same male mated after it changed colour to red, suggesting the ontogenetic colour change signals sexual maturity in this species. Our study shows that male dichromatism can be age-dependent and ontogenetic colour change can signal age and sexual readiness in non-territorial insects.  相似文献   

In many haplochromine cichlid fish, male nuptial coloration is subject to female mate choice and plays a central role in the evolution of reproductive isolation between incipient species. Intraspecific variation in male coloration may serve as a target for diversifying sexual selection and provide a starting point for species divergence. Here, we investigated a polychromatism in Neochromis omnicaeruleus, a haplochromine from Lake Victoria, East-Africa. In this species, male coloration ranges from skyblue to yellow-red and females are grey-blue to yellow. We found that both genetic and environmental factors influence the expression of these colours during individual development. In a natural population, we found that male colour was associated with size and sexual maturity: yellow males were smaller than blue males and tended to be sexually immature. In females, size and maturity did not differ between colour types. Laboratory crosses revealed that there is a heritable component to the observed colour variation: yellow parents produced more yellow offspring than blue parents. Together with repeated aquarium observations of yellow individuals that gradually become blue, these data suggest that yellow males change to blue as they approach sexual maturity, and that the occurrence and timing of this transition is influenced by both environmental and genetic effects. The significance of this mechanism of colour expression as a possible target for divergent selection remains to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Female‐limited intraspecific colour variation is a widely distributed trait within damselflies. Typically, one morph resembles the male (the andromorph) whereas one, or sometimes more, do not [the heteromorph(s)]. While several selective explanations have been offered, such as decreased harassment by males balanced by predation or lack of mating success, field data indicate that andromorphs and heteromorphs mate at equal frequencies in the field, and survive equally well. In this paper, I use a signal detection model to characterize the properties of a new male‐mimicry hypothesis, in which andromorphs are not only more similar to males, but are also encountered more by males. I show that this combination of frequency‐dependent and frequency‐independent factors readily combine to generate a balanced polymorphism. The model explains why morphs have similar mean mating frequencies, why the experimentally observed mating preferences of males vary between ponds, and why the frequency of andromorphs tends to rise with sex ratio.  相似文献   

In nonterritorial damselflies, females often come in multiple color morphs, perhaps because females with rare colors experience reduced sexual harassment, and thus have a frequency‐dependent fitness advantage, compared to females of the most common color morph, but such polymorphisms are rare in territorial species. We consider three hypotheses to explain the rarity of female color polymorphisms in territorial species: (a) misdirected male aggression, (b) poor male mate recognition, and (c) low mating harassment rates. The first hypothesis has some empirical support, and can account for the absence of andromorphs (i.e., females that resemble males), but does not explain the absence of multiple heteromorphs. We tested the second hypothesis by presenting females of two novel color morphs (green‐ or red‐banded abdomens) to territorial male Hetaerina capitalis. Females of both novel color morphs elicited fewer sexual responses than control females, and the red morph occasionally elicited aggressive responses. These results indicate that novel female color morphs would experience reduced mating harassment in this species, contradicting the hypothesis that male mate recognition is too poorly developed to reduce harassment of novel female morphs. By process of elimination, the third hypothesis, that harassment rates are too low in territorial species to provide rare female morphs a fitness advantage, is favored, but remains untested. Our findings also suggest that the common practice of color‐marking odonates for behavioral research is likely to interfere with mate choice, as has long been known to be the case in birds.  相似文献   

Mate choosiness by males has been documented in many taxa but we still do not know how it varies with age even though such variation can be important for our understanding of sexual selection on females. Theory provides conflicting predictions: young males, who are less attractive to females than older males, may be less choosy, or older males, who face fewer expected future mating opportunities, may be less choosy. In our experiments with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), young (1‐d‐old) males spent relatively less time courting recently mated females than did mature (4‐d‐old) males. Overall, there was a gradual decline in male mate choosiness from age 1–7 d. As male age was correlated with the duration of deprivation from females, we tested for the effect of deprivation and found that same‐age males previously exposed to females were choosier than female‐deprived males. We also assessed key male parameters that could affect choosiness and found that, compared to mature males, young males were less attractive to females, less competitive in intramale interactions and less fertile. Although the lesser attractiveness and competitiveness should select for lesser mate choosiness in young males, their limited fertility and more expected future mating opportunities seem to override the other factors and lead to high mate choosiness in young males. Overall, our data indicate that young males just after reaching sexual maturity are choosy and that subsequent exposure to females can maintain high levels of male mate choosiness with age. Hence, males can contribute much more to sexual selection than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Coexistence of female colour morphs in animal populations is often considered the result of sexual conflict, where polymorphic females benefit from reduced male sexual harassment. Mate-searching males easily detect suitable partners when only one type of female is present, but become challenged when multiple female morphs coexist, which may result in frequency-dependent mate preferences. Intriguingly, in damselflies, one female morph often closely resembles the conspecific male in body coloration, which has lead to hypotheses regarding intra-specific male-mimicry. However, few studies have quantitatively evaluated the correspondence between colour reflectance spectra from males and male-like females, relying instead on qualitative visual assessments of coloration. Using colour analyses of reflectance spectra, we compared characteristics of the body coloration of ontogenetic male and female colour morphs of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. In addition, we evaluated whether males appear to (1) discriminate between immature and mature female colour morphs, and (2) whether male-like females experience reduced male mating attention and low mating frequencies as predicted from male-mimicry. Spectral reflectance data show that immature female morphs differ substantially in coloration from mature individuals. Mating frequencies were much lower for immature than mature female morphs. For the male-like female morph, measures of colour were statistically indistinguishable from that of both immature and mature conspecific males. Mating frequencies of male-like females were lower than those of other mature female morphs under field and experimental conditions. Together, our results indicate that males may use the observed spectral differences in mate choice decisions. Furthermore, male-like females may be regarded as functional mimics that have reduced attractiveness and lowered rates of sexual harassment by mate-searching males.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the three independent components of mating behaviour, sexual selection in females, sexual selection in males and mating pattern, we studied the distribution of shell colour morphs among mating pairs and between copulating and non-copulating snails in four subsamples of a natural population ofL. mariae. The colour of the shell, the sex and a qualitative estimate of age was recorded for every snail. We found sexual selection acting against one of the two commonest colours (yellow) among the young females. However, in males none of the eight shell colour morphs was favoured during matings. Male sexual choice or differences in female sexual activity may cause the sexual fitness disadvantage of yellow females. Moreover, individuals of different colour morphs did not mate at random, rather dissasortatively. A behavioural choice among shell colour morphs or a non-random microdistribution of the morphs may cause the departure from random mating in this population.  相似文献   

Observations and several types of field experiments on the mating behavior of wood frogs have revealed the proximate mechanisms for a size-related reproductive advantage in both males and females. For females, larger individuals produce larger clutches; for males, larger individuals can better remain clasped to females when contested by rival males and can better depose males clasped to other females. No results obtained support of the existence of mate choice in either males or females. Males were estimated to be 4.74 times as variable as females in the number of zygotes produced per individual per season; however, much of the variation in male RS resulted from a male-biased sex ratio at the breeding site rather than from sexual selection. After taking sex ratio effects into consideration, males were estimated to be only 1.63 times as variable as females. Patterns of variation in RS in males and females are associated with numerous sex-specific differences in life history and morphology. Life history differences include differential growth rates, ages at sexual maturity, and rates of mortality. Interpretation of how the body size dimorphism (females larger than males) in this species relates to sexual selection is consistent with information on how similar variations in body size influence RS for each sex, and how males and females differ in the functional relationship between body size and RS. Average RS increases more with body size in females than in males. Although body size directly influences RS for females, the possibility exists that, for males, other anatomical features correlated with body size more directly affect RS. Preliminary evidence suggests that sexual selection influences male arm length and that the male body size : RS relationship results as an incidental correlation.  相似文献   

Sexual signals are important for intraspecific communication and mate selection, but their evolution may be driven by both natural and sexual selection, and stochastic processes. Strawberry poison frogs (Oophaga pumilio) show strong color divergence among populations, but coloration also varies among individuals of the same population. The importance of coloration for female mate choice has been studied intensely, and sexual selection seems to affect color divergence in strawberry poison frogs. However, the effect of coloration on mating success under field conditions has received very little attention. Furthermore, few studies examined how phenotypic variation among individuals of the same color morph affects mate selection under natural conditions. We measured the spectral reflectance of courting and noncourting individuals and their background substrates in three geographically separated populations. In one population (Sarapiquí, Costa Rica), we found that naturally occurring courting pairs of males and females had significantly brighter dorsal coloration than individual males and females not engaged in courtship interactions. Our field observations suggest that, in the wild, females prefer brighter males while the reason for the higher courtship activity of brighter females remains unclear. Overall our results imply that brightness differences among individuals of the same color morph may actually affect reproductive success in some populations of strawberry poison frogs.  相似文献   

Pigmentation patterns, ultraviolet reflection and fluorescent emission are often involved in mate recognition and mate quality functions in many animal taxa. We investigated the role of wing ultra-violet reflection, fluorescence emission, and pigmentation on age and sexual signals in the damselfly Mnesarete pudica. In this species, wings are sexually dimorphic in colour and exhibit age dependency: males and females show a smoky black colouration when young, turning red in mature males while it turns brown in females. First, we investigated wing UV patterns through reflectance and emission spectra. Second, behavioural experiments were undertaken to show male and female responses to manipulated wing pigmentation and experimentally reduced UV (UV-). Reflectance spectra of the wings of juvenile and mature males and females were used to show the differences between controls and individuals with manipulated colouration used in the behavioural experiment. UV-reduced, females with wings painted red, and control males and females were tethered and presented to conspecific males and females, and their behavioral responses were recorded. The male red wing pigmentation and females with red wings elicited an aggressive response in territorial males and a sexual response in females. Both males and females showed neutral responses towards individuals with reduced UV. Wing signals of juvenile individuals also provoked neutral responses. These results suggest that UV, together with pigmentation, plays a role during mate recognition in males and females. Other than butterflies and spiders, it seems that fluorescence signals and UV reflectance can also be part of communication in odonates.  相似文献   

Animal personalities (e.g. consistent across‐context behavioural differences between individuals) can lead to differences in mate choice. However, evidence for this link remains limited. Pre‐mating sexual cannibalism can be a behavioural syndrome (i.e. a suboptimal personality) in which adaptive female aggression towards heterospecific prey spills over on non‐adaptive aggression towards courting males, independently of the female mating or feeding status (i.e. the ‘aggressive spillover hypothesis’, ASH). On the other hand, sexual cannibalism can also be a form of mate choice by which females selectively kill or mate with males depending on the male phenotype. We introduce the hypothesis that the most aggressive females in the population will not only attack males more frequently, but will be less likely to impose sexual selection on males through sexual cannibalism. Assuming that in a field common garden experiment in which females were fed ad libitum the rate of weight gain by a female may reflect her voracity or aggressiveness, we show that in the cannibalistic burrowing wolf spider Lycosa hispanica (formerly L. tarantula), voracity towards heterospecific prey predicts a female's tendency towards sexual cannibalism. Unmated females with higher weight gains were more cannibalistic and attacked males regardless of the male phenotype. On the other hand, females that were less voracious tended to be less cannibalistic, and when they did kill a male, they were selective, killing males in poorer condition and mating with those in better condition. Our results demonstrate that females with different phenotypes (growth rates) differently imposed selection on male condition, tentatively supporting the hypothesis that female aggression levels can spill over on sexual selection through sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   

Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) have conspicuous red beak spots, the function of which is currently unknown. We hypothesized that beak spots might be sexual ornaments and investigated sexual dichromatism, assortative mating and the possible relationship between beak spot colouration and body condition. Beak colouration was measured with a portable spectroradiometer in 19 breeding pairs of gentoo penguin. Body mass and body mass relative to structural body size were used as estimates of body condition. We found that beak spots were sexually dichromatic, as they were more UV in males and more violet in females, but males and females did not mate assortatively in relation to beak spot colouration. Body condition was strongly related to red colouration in males, with individuals in good condition having redder beaks and individuals in poor condition more orange beaks. The beaks of males in good condition were also brighter. Body condition was not significantly related to beak spot colouration in females, so females might show red beak spots because of genetic correlation with the male trait. These results suggest that the red colour of the beak spot has the potential to be a secondary sexual character in males. Interpretation of the sexual dichromatism in the UV colour will require further knowledge of the capability of gentoo penguins to discriminate small differences in UV wavelengths. In any case, experimental manipulation of beak colouration will be needed to ascertain the role of this trait.  相似文献   

In a pilot test, individuals of two colour morphs of Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum showed colour preferences in their schooling behaviour according to previous experience. Two further experiments were undertaken to investigate if such experientially induced preferences could reflect on the choice of mate. In one experiment white males who had been reared differently with regard to the colour morph of parents and siblings were given females of the different colour morphs (white and normal) to choose from, the females being successively removed after pairing to induce further choices. In this test, however, the males predominantly chose normal females, probably because of dominance relationships among the females, which masked a possible colour preference. Instead, a free choice test was devised, where 74 white and 74 normal fishes were allowed to pair off freely in a large tank. Here, a statistically significant sexual preference for the previously experienced colour morph was found. These results, as well as the possible evolutionary consequences, are discussed.  相似文献   

Direct sexual selection via mutual mate choice can result in both sexes showing conspicuous traits. We experimentally tested whether this hypothesis can explain tail length in the bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus). In this species, both sexes have a long, graduated tail. Males have, however, a longer tail than females, suggesting perhaps that females are choosier than males in selecting mates. We used two choice set‐ups for each sex: shortened vs. control tail individuals and elongated vs. control tail individuals. We found that direct sexual selection seems to operate differently in the two sexes. In both set‐ups, females spent more time with the male with the longest tail, and they also showed sexual display behaviour only towards these males. Males spent more time with control than with short‐tailed females, but they did not discriminate between control and long‐tailed females. Moreover, males displayed preference towards both short‐ and long‐tailed females. Thus, females preferred long‐tailed males, whereas males did not always prefer long‐tailed females. Our study suggests that mutual mate choice has played a role in the evolution of long tails in bearded tits. It also suggests that the sexual dimorphism in tail length has evolved because mate choice exerts a stronger sexual selection pressure on males than on females.  相似文献   

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