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Data on the ecology and diet of buffy sakis (Pithecia albicans) were obtained during a 20-month study in an entirely undisturbed terra firme forest in the upper Urucu river, Amazonas, Brazil. Groups of 3–7 sakis found in a 900-ha study plot used large home ranges (147–204 ha), which overlapped extensively with those of neighboring groups. Similar to other pitheciines, buffy sakis were primarily seed predators, relying heavily on young seeds of certain key plant families, such as the Sapotaceae and Leguminosae. Ripe fruits, ripe seeds, young leaves, flowers, and nectar were eaten to a lesser extent. Whether or not feeding, sakis spent most of their time in the canopy and subcanopy, a pattern similar to that of other southwestern Amazonian saki species, but sharply different from that of Guianan sakis (Pithecia pithecia), which use considerably lower levels of the forest. Comparisons are made between different Pithecia species to show whether and how P. albicans diverges ecologically from its congeners. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two plataspid hemipteran species proliferated on Bridelia micrantha(Euphorbiaceae). Colonies of Libyaspis sp., never attendedby ants, developed on branches, while Caternaultiella rugosa lived at the base of the trunks, mostly in association withCamponotus brutus that attends them in carton shelters. Bothplataspid species are prey of the coccinellid beetle Anisolemniatetrasticta, whose larvae always detected them by contact.When attacked the Libyaspis nymphs cowered, so that the hypertrophiedlateral sides of their tergits made contact with the substrate,but the ladybirds slid their long forelegs under these nymphs,lifted them, and bit them on the ventral face. The Caternaultiellanymphs, which do not have hypertrophied extremities of thetergits, tried to escape at contact with the ladybirds, butwere rarely successful. To capture them, the ladybirds eitheradopted the previous behavior or directly grasped then bitthem. We noted a graded aggressiveness in the ants toward theladybirds according to the situation: no aggressiveness onthe tree branches; stopping the ladybirds that approached theshelters where the ants attended Caternaultiella; and fullattack of ladybirds that tried to capture Caternaultiella nymphssituated outside shelters. The latter behavior can emit analarm pheromone that triggers the dispersion of their congenerswhile attracting attending C. brutus workers. Naive workersare not attracted, so we deduce that this behavior is the resultof a kind of learning.  相似文献   

By comparing the relative sizes of anatomical structures among phenotypes, selective pressures that shape species' morphologies can be evaluated. Aphids emit droplets containing an alarm pheromone/defensive secretion from unique anatomical structures called cornicles, upon being attacked. As aphids live in colonies of high relatedness, it is uncertain whether direct or inclusive fitness benefits have chiefly promoted cornicle evolution. Morphological measurements for apterous parthenogen, alate parthenogen, female sexual and male sexual morphs of 43 species (21 genera, one subfamily) were assessed to distinguish between the hypotheses that: (1) cornicles evolved for mechanical defence against natural enemies (direct fitness); (2) cornicles evolved for alarm signalling (inclusive fitness); or (3) cornicle length has been largely constrained by flight aerodynamics. Our results generally support the inclusive fitness hypothesis; cornicle length decreases as the relative number and relatedness of offspring decreases. As cornicle length is greatest in apterous parthenogenetic morphs, inclusive fitness benefits of protecting highly related kin may have been a key factor selecting for cornicles, and increased cornicle length, in aphids.  相似文献   

Inducible defences against predators evolve because they reduce the rate of direct predation, but this benefit is offset by the cost (if any) of defence. If antipredator responses carry costs, the effect of predators on their prey is partitioned into two components, direct killing and risk effects. There is considerable uncertainty about the strength of risk effects, the factors that affect their strength, and the mechanisms that underlie them. In some cases, antipredator responses are associated with a glucocorticoid stress response, and in other cases they are associated with trade‐offs between food and safety, but there is no general theory to explain this variation. Here, I develop the control of risk (COR) hypothesis, predicting that proactive responses to predictable and controllable aspects of risk will generally have food‐mediated costs, while reactive responses to unpredictable or uncontrollable aspects of predation risk will generally have stress‐mediated costs. The hypothesis is grounded in laboratory studies of neuroendocrine stressors and field studies of food‐safety trade‐offs. Strong tests of the COR hypothesis will require more studies of responses to natural variation in predation risk and the physiological consequences of these responses, but its explanatory power can be illustrated with existing case studies.  相似文献   

Numerous zoologists who study diurnal lemurs on Madagascar have noted that they react strongly to the presence of birds of prey. For two of the most intensively studied lemurs, Propithecus verreauxiand Lemur catta,there are few documented cases of raptor predation. Thus, the maintenance of this stereotypic response is enigmatic. Bird bones recovered from cave surface deposits in southwestern Madagascar include the remains of an eagle (Aquila),a genus that has disappeared from Madagascar and that would have been capable of hunting animals the size of adult P. verreauxi and L. catta.The stereotypic response of these two lemurs toward raptors may have been retained from the period when this extinct eagle inhabited the island and is reinforced by rare acts of predation by extant birds of prey.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to determine the effect of interspecific differences on prey defensive behavior on the susceptibility of two aphid species (Acyrthosiphon pisum and A. kondoi) to a ground-foraging predator, Harpalus pennsylvanicus, and a foliar-foraging predator, Coccinella septempunctata. These organisms are representative of a biologically and economically important predator/prey system in alfalfa. The primary defensive behavior of both aphid species toward C. septempunctata was to “drop” from the plant. Both aphid species were significantly more likely to drop from the plant in the presence of C. septempunctata. However, when C. septempunctata was present, a significantly lower proportion of A. kondoi individuals dropped (0.42 ± 0.07) compared to A. pisum (0.73 ± 0.08). As a result of their lower propensity to drop from the plant A. kondoi individuals are significantly more likely to be consumed by C. septempunctata. Conversely, the higher propensity of A. pisum individuals to drop increased their susceptibility to ground-foraging predators. When A. pisum was the prey species, ground-foraging predators made a significant contribution to overall aphid suppression and there was a significant synergistic interaction between ground and foliar-foraging predators. When A. kondoi was the prey there was no interaction between the predator species. As either a cause or consequence of its higher propensity to drop, A. pisum seems to be more adapted for survival and dispersal off the plant. In comparison to A. kondoi individuals, A. pisum individuals relocate plants more quickly (63 ± 41 s vs. 164 ± 39 s), disperse farther (18 ± 1.7 cm vs. 13 ± 0.66 cm), and survive longer (37 ± 2.0 h vs. 25 ± 2.0) off the plant. This study demonstrates the importance of prey defensive behavior in determining the susceptibility of a prey species to a multiple-predator complex. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted:17 December 1997  相似文献   

1. A knowledge of how individual behaviour affects populations in nature is needed to understand many ecologically important processes, such as the dispersal of larval insects in streams. The influence of chemical cues from drift‐feeding fish on the drift dispersal of mayflies has been documented in small experimental channels (i.e. < 3 m), but their influence on dispersal in natural systems (e.g. 30 m stream reaches) is unclear. 2. Using surveys in 10 Rocky Mountain streams in Western Colorado we examined whether the effects of predatory brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) on mayfly drift, that were apparent in stream‐side channels, could also be detected in natural streams. 3. In channel experiments, the drift of Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae) was more responsive to variation in the concentration of chemical cues from brook trout than that of another mayfly, Epeorus deceptivus (Heptageniidae). The rate of brook trout predation on drifting mayflies of both species in a 2‐m long observation tank was higher during the day (60–75%) but still measurable at night (5–10%). Epeorus individuals released into the water column were more vulnerable to trout predation by both day and night than were Baetis larvae treated similarly. 4. Drift of all mayfly taxa in five fishless streams was aperiodic, whereas their drift was nocturnal in five trout streams. The propensity of mayflies to drift was decreased during the day and increased during the night in trout streams compared with fishless streams. In contrast to the channel experiments, fish biomass and density did not alter the nocturnal nature nor magnitude of mayfly drift in natural streams. 5. In combination, these results indicate that mayflies respond to subtle differences in concentration of fish cues in experimental channels. However, temporal and spatial variation in fish cues available to mayflies in natural streams may have obscured our ability to detect responses at larger scales.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the effects of brown trout on boreal stream food webs using field surveys and enclosure/exclosure experiments. Experimental results were related to prey preference of uncaged trout in the same stream, as well as to a survey of macroinvertebrate densities in streams with vs. without trout. Finally, we assessed the generality of our findings by examining salmonid predation on three groups of macroinvertebrate prey (chironomid midges, epibenthic grazers, invertebrate predators) in a meta-analysis. 2. In a preliminary experiment, invertebrate predators showed a strong negative response to trout, whereas chironomids benefited from trout presence. In the main experiment, trout impact increased with prey size. Trout had the strongest effect on invertebrate predators and cased caddis larvae, whereas Baetis mayfly and chironomid larvae were unaffected. Trout impact on the largest prey seemed mainly consumptive, because prey emigration rates were low and independent of fish presence. Despite strong effects on macroinvertebrates, trout did not induce a trophic cascade on periphyton. Uncaged trout showed a strong preference for the largest prey items (predatory invertebrates and aerial prey), whereas Baetis mayflies and chironomids were avoided by trout. 3. Densities of invertebrate predators were significantly higher in troutless streams. Baetis mayflies also were less abundant in trout streams, whereas densities of chironomids were positively, although non-significantly, related to trout presence. Meta-analysis showed a strong negative impact of trout on invertebrate predators, a negative but variable impact on mobile grazers (mainly mayfly larvae) and a slightly positive impact on chironomid larvae. 4. Being size-selective predators, salmonid fishes have a strong impact on the largest prey types available, and this effect spans several domains of scale. Discrepancies between our experimental findings and those from the field survey and meta-analysis show, however, that for most lotic prey, small-scale experiments do not reflect fish impact reliably at stream-wide scales. 5. Our findings suggest that small-scale experiments will be useful only if the experimental results are evaluated carefully against natural history information about the experimental system and interacting species across a wide array of spatial scales.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension to previously published work which studied encounter rates of planktonic predators with restricted perception fields, to examine the related problems of prey capture and predation rates. Small-scale turbulence influences planktonic predation in two ways: the extra energy of the flow enhances the number of encounter events between individual predator and prey meso/micro-zooplankton, but it lowers the capture probability (because the time spent by the predator and prey in close proximity is reduced). Typically, an 'encounter' has usually been defined as an event when a potential prey swims (or is advected) to within a distance R of the predator in any direction. However, there is a considerable body of experimental evidence showing that predators perception fields are far from spherical; often they are wedge shaped (e.g. fish larvae), or strongly aligned with the directions of sensory antennae (e.g. copepods); and this is certain to influence optimal predation strategies. This paper presents a theoretical model which for the first time examines the combined problems of both encounter and capture for a predator with a restricted perception field swimming in a turbulent flow. If such a predator adopts a cruising strategy (continuous swimming, possibly with direction changes) the model predictions suggest that predation rates actually vary little with swimming speed, in contrast to predictions made for spherical perception fields. Consequently, cruising predators are predicted to swim at relatively low speeds whilst foraging. However, application of the model to examine the net energy gain of a typical pause-travel predator (the Atlantic cod larva), does predict the existence of an optimal ratio of the length of pauses to time spent swimming (specifically one pause phase to every two travel phases), in line with experimental observations. Kinematic simulations are presented which support these findings.  相似文献   

Sixty-one instances of vertebrate predation have been directly observed or inferred from remains in a captive colony of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus)over a 6-year period. Vertebrate prey included 33 rodents,27 birds, and 1 frog. Prey capturing was performed predominantly by juvenile males and females, independent of rank. Avian prey were highly preferred: all 27 birds were eaten completely, while only 1 of 33 rodents was consumed completely and 5 others partially. Prey consumption was related to age-sex class, rank, and kinship. All age-sex classes were observed to consume avian prey, but juvenile males and females predominated. Seventy-six percent of all animals noted consuming avian prey were members of the alpha matriline in their group. When two or more animals were observed cofeeding on the same preferred prey item, they were generally members of the same kinship group.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Studies of floral scent evolution often attribute variation in floral scent to differences in pollinator behaviour, ignoring the potential for shared biochemistry between floral scent and floral colour to dictate patterns of phenotypic variation in scent production. To determine the relative effects of shared biochemistry and/or localized population-level phenomena on floral scent phenotype, floral scent composition and emission rate were examined in five wild populations of colour polymorphic Hesperis matronalis (Brassicaceae).


Floral scent was collected by in situ dynamic headspace extraction on purple and white colour morphs in each of five wild populations. Gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy of extracts allowed determination of floral scent composition and emission rate for all individuals, which were examined by non-metric multidimensional scaling and analysis of variance (ANOVA), respectively, to determine the contributions of floral colour and population membership to scent profile variation.

Key Results

Despite the fact that colour morph means were very similar in some populations and quite different in other populations, colour morphs within populations did not differ from each other in terms of scent composition or emission rate. Populations differed significantly from one another in terms of both floral scent composition and emission rate.


Shared biochemistry alone cannot explain the variation in floral scent phenotype found for H. matronalis. Such a result may suggest that the biochemical association between floral scent and floral colour is complex or dependent on genetic background. Floral scent does vary significantly with population membership; several factors, including environmental conditions, founder effects and genetics, may account for this differentiation and should be considered in future studies.Key words: Hesperis matronalis, floral scent, floral colour, plant volatiles, population differentiation, scent composition, scent emission rate, terpenoids, aromatics  相似文献   

Captive small felids frequently pace repetitively and/or spend large amounts of time inactive. Presenting a fishing cat with live-fish resulted in more activity (60% less sleeping), increased behavioral diversity, including previously unobserved hunting behaviors, and greater enclosure utilization. Effects persisted for at least 48 h after presentation of live fish, and up to 8 days. In a second study, four leopard cats were fed: (1) once per day, (2) four times per day and, (3) four times per day with food hidden in small piles of brush. Multiple feedings of hidden food increased daily exploratory behavior from 5.5% to over 14%, and increased the diversity of behaviors observed. It also reduced the total duration, and bout length of stereotyped pacing. These studies suggest that providing food to small cats in a way that minimizes predictability of food availability, while maximizing the functional consequences of foraging behavior, can be an effective enrichment technique. These results are discussed in relation to two models of behavioral motivation, one that focuses on the issue of behavioral needs, and the other that emphasizes the importance of information acquisition. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gravitropic responses of dark grown oat coleoptiles were measured in weightlessness and under clinorotation on earth. The tests in microgravity were conducted in Spacelab during the IML-1 mission and those on clinostats were conducted in laboratories on earth. The same apparatus was used for both kinds of tests. In both cases autotropism and gravitropic responsiveness were determined. This allowed a quantitative comparison between the plants' responses after receiving the same tropistic stimulations either in weightlessness or on clinostats.
Autotropism was observed with oat coleoptiles responding in weightlessness but it did not occur on clinostats. Gravitropic responsiveness was measured as the ratio between the incremental bending response (degrees curvature) and the corresponding incremental g-dose (stimulus intensity times duration for which it was applied). Plants were tested at either of two stages of coleoptile development (i.e. different coleoptile lengths). From a total of six different kinds of critical comparisons that could be made from our tests that provided data for clinorotated vs weightless plants, three showed no significant difference between responses in simulated vs authentic weightlessness. Three other comparisons showed highly significant differences. Therefore, the validity of clinorotation as a general substitute for space flight was not supported by these results.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pyridoxine (Vitamine B6) deficiency on the immunological response of BALB/c mice infected with the parasite T. spiralis. Specific anti-parasite IgM and IgG immunoglobulins were detected by ELISA method in the serum of treated animals at different periods for 60 days post infection.Vitamin B6-deficiency was induced in two separate groups of mice by either (1) maintaining the mice on a Vitamin B6-deficient synthetic pellet diet for 40 days before infection, or (2) by daily intraperitoneal injection of 8 ×105 M/100 g of 4-Deoxypyridoxine (4-DPD), a potent antagonist of Vitamin B6 for 20 days prior to infection. These two groups of mice were then injected with 100 larvae (L1-T. spiralis) per os.Parasite burdens in the mice were observed by light microscopy. Cysts were present in the diaphragms of the mice after 60 days post-infection. Parasite specific IgG, as well as IgG. levels were determined in the sera of infected mice fed a normal diet. These levels were found to be lower in the 4-DPD-treated mice compared to the untreated mice. The inhibition started from the 10th day and continued to the 60th day, and in the 4-DPD treated group the inhibition initiated after 24 h to 60 days. IgM level also was depressed by 4-DPD, starting from 24 h after injection of the compound. In mice fed Vitamin B6-deficient diets the levels of IgG were lower than in mice fed normal diets.These results show that BALB/c mice infected with T. spiralis and fed either a Vitamin B6-deficient diet or a diet which included the Vitamin B6-antagonist, 4-DPD, both influence the course of IgG, IgGI and IgM production.  相似文献   

Abstract Global homogenization of biota is underway through worldwide introduction and establishment of nonindigenous (exotic) species. Freshwater ecologists should devote more attention to exotic species for two reasons. First, exotics provide an opportunity to test hypotheses about what characteristics of species or habitats are related to successful establishment or invasibility, respectively. Second, predicting which species will cause large ecological change is an important challenge for natural resource managers. Rigorous statistical relationships linking species characteristics to probability of establishment or of causing ecological impacts are needed. In addition, it is important to know how reliable different sorts of experiments are in guiding predictions. We address this issue with different spatial scales of experiments testing the impact of two predators on native snail assemblages in northern Wisconsin USA lakes: an exotic crayfish, the rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus); and a native fish predator, the pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibossus). For the crayfish, laboratory experiments, a field cage experiment, and a snapshot survey of 21 lakes gave consistent results: the crayfish reduced abundance and species richness of native snails. Laboratory and field experiments suggested that pumpkinseed sunfish should have a similar impact, but the lake survey suggested little impact. Unfortunately, no algorithms exist to guide scaling up from small-scale experiments to the whole-lake, long-term management scale. To protect native biodiversity, management of freshwater exotic species should be targeted on lakes or drainages that are both vulnerable to colonization by an exotic, and that harbour endemic species. Management should focus on preventing introduction because eradication after establishment is usually not possible.  相似文献   

Assessing the diet of wild animals reveals valuable information about their ecology and trophic relationships that may help elucidate dynamic interactions in ecosystems and forecast responses to environmental changes. Advances in molecular biology provide valuable research tools in this field. However, comparative empirical research is still required to highlight strengths and potential biases of different approaches. Therefore, this study compares environmental DNA and observational methods for the same study population and sampling duration. We employed DNA metabarcoding assays targeting plant and arthropod diet items in 823 fecal samples collected over 12 months in a wild population of an omnivorous primate, the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). DNA metabarcoding data were subsequently compared to direct observations. We observed the same seasonal patterns of plant consumption with both methods; however, DNA metabarcoding showed considerably greater taxonomic coverage and resolution compared to observations, mostly due to the construction of a local plant DNA database. We found a strong effect of season on variation in plant consumption largely shaped by the dry and wet seasons. The seasonal effect on arthropod consumption was weaker, but feeding on arthropods was more frequent in spring and summer, showing overall that vervets adapt their diet according to available resources. The DNA metabarcoding assay outperformed also direct observations of arthropod consumption in both taxonomic coverage and resolution. Combining traditional techniques and DNA metabarcoding data can therefore not only provide enhanced assessments of complex diets and trophic interactions to the benefit of wildlife conservationists and managers but also opens new perspectives for behavioral ecologists studying whether diet variation in social species is induced by environmental differences or might reflect selective foraging behaviors.  相似文献   

One of the effects of warming is earlier retreat of the ice cover or a complete lack of ice cover on water bodies in the winter. However, there is still no information on how climate warming affects the 24-hour dynamics of the planktonic microbial loop in winter. The aim of this investigation was to assess the diurnal dynamics of the taxonomic composition and abundance of microbial communities in experimentally reproduced conditions (samples from under the ice, +2, +4 and +8 °C) and to analyse the relationships between components of the microbial loop in relation to physical and chemical parameters. Samples were taken in winter from three dystrophic reservoir. The biological and physicochemical parameters in the water were analysed at the start (day 0), 15 and end of the experiment (day 30) over a 24-hour cycle. The increase in temperature caused an increase in the numbers of predators (particularly testate amoebae and ciliates) and a reduction in the body size of individual populations. During the period with ice cover, marked dominance of mixotrophic testate amoeba (Hyalosphenia papilio) and ciliates (Paramecium bursaria) was observed, while the increase in temperature caused an increase in the proportion of bacterivorous ciliates (Cinetochilum margaritaceum).  相似文献   

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