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The freshwater resources of India are currently experiencing an alarming decline in fish biodiversity due to several factors and as a result, a sizeable portion of fresh water fishes have been categorized as threatened. This emphasizes an immediate need for initiating research and actions for alternative management techniques to protect these aquatic systems. One such option that has potential to protect freshwater ecosystem from numerous threats is the creation of freshwater aquatic sanctuary (FAS) within protected area network. Though similar conservation practices are well established in the terrestrial and marine ecosystem, however, the work on freshwater systems has been very slow and negligible. In the present communication we conceptualized the need and approach for developing FAS within the protected area network based on our observations in the water bodies of the selected wildlife sanctuaries in Northern India as well as success stories of some other countries. In this study we assessed the fish diversity in the selected protected areas of Northern India. The assessment indicated that these sanctuaries harbor 28.26–31.13% of freshwater fishes, which are threatened in other areas. Apart from Indian Major Carps, Tor putitora, Chitala chitala, Pangasius pangasius, Clupisoma gerua, Ailia coila, Aorichthys aor, Wallago attu, Rhinomugil corsula, Ompok pabda, Ombok pabo etc. were the important species encountered in the protected waters. The various issues related to FAS including objectives, approach, potential tools, implementation and management are discussed towards saving endangered fish germplasm resources. Approaches, tools and modus operandi proposed in this communication could be utilized by other developing countries in the region.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,China,has an area of1095km2and is located at the edge of thenorthern tropical zone.The landscape is dominated byhills and ravines withflat landrestrictedtothe lowflood-plains and coastal regions.Inthis hilly domain,the smallrocky streams are typically fast flowing at their uplandsources,and graduallyreduceinspeed asthey wind alonghill cuttings to reach the lowlands.While streams arecommonlyfound,rivers are very limited in number.Thefewlong and meanderi…  相似文献   

不同来源株香港海鸥形菌药敏试验结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对分离自社区获得性胃肠炎患者及淡水鱼肠道内的香港海鸥形菌(Laribacter hongkongensis,LH)进行药敏试验,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供依据。方法2005年至2006年杭州市第一人民医院肠道门诊从社区获得性胃肠炎患者中分离到4株及2种淡水鱼体内10株LH菌株,计14株,按美国CLSI推荐的纸片扩散法进行药敏试验。结果药敏结果显示,14株LH菌株对24种常用抗菌药物中的15种药物,分别表现出不同程度的耐药性,耐药率达62.5%;尤其对青霉素、头孢唑啉和头孢哌酮等3种药物,14株LH菌株均为耐药,耐药率为100.0%;其中人体株LHHZ26,对12种药物耐药、1种为中介。LH对3代头孢表现为较高的耐药性,3种头孢药物的耐药率为71.43%~100%;14株LH株对头孢吡肟及头孢哌酮/舒巴坦均为敏感。对氨曲南(14.29%)、庆大霉素(7.14%)、复方新诺明(7.14%)的耐药率较低;喹诺酮类、氯霉素、阿米卡星、美罗培南、亚胺培南等药物均敏感。结论LH菌株对β-内酰胺类药物表现出耐药性,对青霉素类、头孢菌素类药物广泛耐药。建议对LH感染患者喹诺酮类为首选治疗用药。  相似文献   

Over the years, indiscriminate usage of pesticides has resulted in situations which are not conducive for a good environment. In aquatic toxicology, fishes have been developed as established models for studying toxic responses of xenobiotics including pesticides. Pendimethalin (PD), an herbicide, is widely present in the aquatic environment, but little is known regarding its potential neurotoxicity in fish. The present study was conducted on Channa punctata Bloch exposed to sub-lethal doses of PD (0.5 and 0.8 ppb) for 96 h. The exposure resulted in alterations in epinephrine levels in the fish brain. Epinephrine levels decreased significantly in a dose dependent manner with increase in the PD exposure. A marked decrease in the activity of acetylcholinesterase along with reduction in Na+-K+-ATPase and monoamine oxidase activity was also observed. In comparison with the corresponding controls, the sub-lethal doses of PD also caused significant changes in the oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxidation and carbonyl derivatives of protein oxidative destruction levels) and antioxidant defenses (reduced glutathione levels, catalase, glutathione-s-transferase activity) in brain tissue. Our results reflect that a detailed investigation is warranted regarding the toxicity potential of PD.  相似文献   

Assessment of fish biodiversity in freshwater environments is challenging, especially when rare species or species with low population densities exist. Environmental DNA is becoming a common tool in molecular ecology to detect target species found in the environment. Moreover, eDNA metabarcoding is now used to determine a complete list of target organisms without any prior knowledge on the species inhabiting the environment. This study is the first environmental DNA study designed to assess complete ichthyofauna of the largest lake in Marmara Region of Turkey. For this purpose, an eDNA metabarcoding approach enhanced with tagged primers according to sampling stations for a station specific species listing was used to revise the ichthyofauna of Lake Iznik. Results of pyrosequencing data indicate the presence of 23 species in the lake, five of which are reported for the first time. Short fragment of cytochrome b gene sequences amplified in this study were able to make identifications at species level and the eDNA metabarcoding approach was more cost effective and precise compared to conventional surveys. More molecular data from further studies will enhance the reference databases and eDNA metabarcoding could be used more efficiently as an important molecular tool in biodiversity assessment studies.  相似文献   

Namibia is an arid country but has a diverse array of wetland habitats ranging from ephemeral water bodies and rain-pools, artesian springs supporting small perennial pools and streams, to the large perennial rivers of the north-east with their associated floodplains. These rivers drain wetter areas north of Namibia and contribute many tropical species to Namibia's wetlands. There are 778 described species of macro-invertebrates representing eight phyla with 81 endemics. Many invertebrates still have to be identified or described but presently the greatest endemism occurs among the Ostracoda (18 species), Coleoptera (17), Diptera (14), Anostraca (six) and Amphipoda (five species). In total, Namibia has 50 species of frog with three endemics. No caecilians or salamanders occur in Namibia. There are 114 species of freshwater fish with five endemics. Most Namibian wetlands occur outside protected areas. Over-exploitation of wetland resources and flow regulation are currently major threats, but new environmental legislation being formulated is based on the goal of sustainable use.  相似文献   

Ten indigenous freshwater fish species belonging to nine genera and seven families were collected from Gandak River, Bihar, India during December, 2014 to September, 2016. Fishes were caught using Cast nets, Gill nets, Drag nets with mesh size of 15–20 mm, 25–30 mm and 5–10 mm respectively along with Traps. Sampling was done during dry and wet seasons and a total of 682 fish were collected for analysis of their Length–Weight Relationships (LWRs). Analyses included seven species for which no previous LWRs information were available in FishBase, and new maximum lengths were recorded for three species.  相似文献   

The present study reports on length-weight relationships (LWRs) for 37 of the most abundant fish species in the Lefini River basin, one of the largest right bank tributaries of the Congo River in the Republic of the Congo. The study area comprised 12 stations along 103 km of the river. Each station was sampled during March 2007 to August 2008 following standardized methods utilizing five monofilament gill nets of 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 mm mesh size. Sample size, lengths, weights, LWRs, 95% confidence intervals of a and b, coefficient of correlation r2 and growth type are provided for each species. Values of allometric coefficient b of the LWRs (W = aSLb) ranged from 2.556 for Synodontis nigriventris to 3.363 for Brycinus poptae. These results represent the first study of length-weight relationships for fish species in a large affluent of the Congo basin as a whole.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty-five fish species occurring in freshwaters in the South of Vietnam are listed. Their geographical distribution is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The toxicity of the carbamate insecticide carbaryl (Seven√) and its metabolite, 1-naphthol, to four species of fish was studied. The calculated 96 h LC 60 values of carbaryl forCatla catla (Ham.), Anabas testudineus (Bloch),Mystus cavasius (Ham.) andMystus vittatus (Bloch) are 6.4, 6.6, 4.6 and 2.4 ppm respectively and that of 1-naphthol are 4.3,3, 0.33 and 1.1 ppm respectively. The degradation product of the insecticide was found to be more toxic than the parent compound, to all the four species studied.  相似文献   

The Guadiana River basin’s freshwater fish species richness, endemicity and threatened status (92% of native species are threatened) highlight the need for a large-scale study to identify priority areas for their conservation. One of the most common problems in conservation planning is the assessment of a site’s relative value for the conservation of regional biodiversity. Here we used a two-tiered approach, which integrates an assessment of biodiversity loss and the evaluation of conservation value through site-specific measures. These measures based on the reference condition approach introduce the ability to make objective comparisons throughout the Guadiana River basin, thus avoiding a priori target areas. We identified a set of biodiversity priority areas of special conservation significance—which contain rare taxa as well as intact fish communities—because of their outstanding contribution to the basin’s biodiversity. The inclusion of complete sub-basins in these priority areas might guarantee an optimal solution in terms of spatial aggregation and connectivity. However, the high spatial fragmentation to which the Guadiana River basin is submitted due to river regulation highlights the necessity of a systematic approach to evaluate the capability of the identified priority areas to maintain the Guadiana’s freshwater fish biodiversity. Handling editor: R. H. Norris  相似文献   

Myxobolus desaequalis n. sp. is described from the gill lamellae of the freshwater fish Apteronotus albifrons, collected in the Amazon River, near the city of Salvaterra, Brazil. Large spherical plasmodia filled with disporic pansporoblasts and spores were observed. Ellipsoidal to pyriform spores are 18.3 microm length x 11.2 microm width x 4.4 microm thickness. The anterior end of the spores contain two extremely unequal pyriform polar capsules measuring: (larger): 11.2 microm length, 4.9 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 11 to 12 turns obliquely to the longitudinal axis; (smaller): 4.6 microm length, 2.8 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 4 to 5 turns, obliquely to the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of a freshwater medusa from a laboratory aquarium in Ranchi, Bihar, India. The consistent emergence of these medussae coincided with sunny days after heavy and prolonged rainfall in the months of August to October. The material showed similarity with Limnocnide indica Annandale and L. nepalensis Dumont but differed in many respects, and is given the status of a distinct species, Limnocnida biharensis n.sp.Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Larvae feeding selectivity of Iheringichthys labrosus , Hypophthalmus edentatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus was assessed, examining the role of mouth gape in prey selection. Fish larvae were sampled in the Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil–Paraguay). Iheringichthys labrosus and H. edentatus larvae, with small and similar gape sizes, exhibited slightly different diets; I. labrosus preferred cladocerans ( Bosmina hagmanni , Bosmina huauriensis and Bosminopsis deitersi ) and the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus . Hypophthalmus edentatus , however, primarily ingested the cladocerans B. hagmanni , Ceriodaphnia cornuta , Daphnia gessneri and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Plagioscion squamosissimus , with a greater gape size, preferred Calanoida. The mechanistic processes that determine food selectivity of fish larvae in temperate aquatic systems were similar in the Neotropical system. The trophic spectrum of these species is characterized by small- to intermediate-sized prey. Plagioscion squamosissimus larvae, which have larger mouths, exploit primarily larger prey differing from the most abundant species or size classes; consequently, their diet is quite different from I. labrosus larvae and modestly similar to H. edentatus larvae, opportunistic feeders that they eat more abundant prey.  相似文献   

Mai Dinh Yen 《Hydrobiologia》1985,121(3):281-286
Two hundred and three fish species and subspecies occurring in fresh water in the North of Vietnam are listed. The geographical and ecological problems connected with these fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Cloud point extraction (CPE) was used to simultaneously preconcentrate trace-level cadmium, nickel and zinc for determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). 1-(2-Pyridilazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) was used as a complexing agent, and the metal complexes were extracted from the aqueous phase by the surfactant Triton X-114 ((1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl-polyethylene glycol). Under optimized complexation and extraction conditions, the limits of detection were 0.37 μg L−1 (Cd), 2.6 μg L−1 (Ni) and 2.3 μg L−1 (Zn). This extraction was quantitative with a preconcentration factor of 30 and enrichment factor estimated to be 42, 40 and 43, respectively. The method was applied to different complex samples, and the accuracy was evaluated by analyzing a water standard reference material (NIST SRM 1643e), yielding results in agreement with the certified values.  相似文献   

As one of the largest Southeast Asian rivers, flowing through China, Myanmar, and Thailand, the Nujiang (Salween) River contains a unique and rich diversity of fish species. In the present study, we investigated the length–weight relationships (LWRs) of four fish species (Pteronemacheilus meridionalis, Devario shanensis, Exostoma gaoligongense, and Glyptothorax granosus) collected from the lower reaches of the Nujiang River and its tributaries (24.175N~25.842N, 98.861E~98.903E), including the Mengboluo, Kungong, Luomingba and Laowo rivers in southwest China. Specimens were collected by using drift gill nets (100 m length × 1.5 m depth or 3 m depth, mesh-size: 1 cm-5 cm), cast nets (6.5 m, mouth opening: 35 × 45 cm2, mesh-size: 4 mm) , and an electric shocker apparatus (12 V, 200 Hz) from different regions in the Nujiang River basin in September and October 2019 and June and September 2020. Before the collected fishes were placed in formalin, standard length (SL) and net weight (W) were measured respectively to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1g, respectively. Based on searches of the FishBase database and other relevant scientific literature, this study provides a new record of maximum size for P. meridionalis and LWRs for the four fish species.  相似文献   

Biological invasion is now considered one of the three major environmental issues worldwide. Freshwater fish invasion becomes more serious with globalization of the world economy. We reviewed the current status of global freshwater fish invasions and discussed the definitions, distributions, introduction pathways, mechanisms, ecological and economic impacts, and risk assessments of freshwater fish invasions. Non-native fish are mainly introduced through food aquaculture (51%), as ornamental fish (21%), or for sport fishing (12%) and fisheries (7%). The number of introduced fish has reached 624 species, doubled the number found thirty years ago. Successful invasions may bring many negative ecological consequences, such as predation, hybridization, structure and function alteration of local freshwater ecosystems, as well as diseases transmission. However, it also brings positive biological and economic values. The number of fish invasion studies has increased eight times over the last 20 years, with studies mainly focusing on biology and the biological impact of invasive fish species. Risk assessments of freshwater fish invasions were studied over the last 10 years, and fish invasiveness screening models have been applied in countries of five continents. The number of non-native freshwater fish in China totaled 439. However, research papers on freshwater fish invasions in China was only 3.7% of the global total, and these researches were mainly on the distribution and biology of invasive fish species, and very few studies included risk assessments. Therefore, we suggest investigating the history, distribution, and mechanisms of invasive species at the national level, evaluating both the positive and negative effects of freshwater fish invasions, and also reinforcing studies of risk assessments in China.  相似文献   

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