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In seasonally breeding male birds that show paternal care, plasma testosterone (T) peaks in the early spring coincident with territory establishment and pair bonding. Once nests are initiated, T declines precipitously and remains low as nestlings hatch and males become parental. A growing body of evidence suggests there is a trade-off between a male's level of T and his expression of paternal care: high T enhances sexual behaviour but reduces paternal care. Male chestnut-collared longspurs show high levels of paternal care. They feed and brood young, act as nest sentries and aggressively defend the nest against predators. We experimentally altered males' plasma levels of T such that the early spring T peak was extended through the parental phase. T enhanced song behaviour typical of the sexual phase and decreased nest sentry behaviour during incubation, but did not reduce brooding or feeding of nestlings. Thus, males responded behaviourally to T during incubation, but, unlike most other temperate-breeding birds studied, did not respond to T after eggs hatched. Based on these data and similar results in an Arctic passerine, we suggest that the pattern of males' reduced responsiveness to T during the nestling phase may reflect the relative importance of male care to nest success in this species, or a phylogenetic constraint common to the genusCalcarius . Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Natural variation in circulating testosterone is thought to play a role in creating inter- and intraspecific variation in paternal care in birds. Experimental elevation of plasma testosterone in males has reduced rates of male care in many species. However, a small number of studies suggest that male care is not inhibited by testosterone when there appears to be strong selection for male care. Both genetic monogamy and male incubation are thought to be the result of selection for biparental care, yet the sensitivity of male care to inhibition by T had not been examined in a species with both characteristics. Male blue-headed vireos have been shown to be strictly monogamous and provide extensive parental care, including incubation. Males received subcutaneous implants of testosterone, flutamide (an anti-androgen), or empty controls. Consistent with previous studies, testosterone treatment decreased the relative contribution to incubation by males and increased the average duration that the nest was left unattended during incubation, relative to control and flutamide treatments. The relative and absolute rates of feeding offspring and nest sanitation by T-treated males also decreased relative to controls. Flutamide-treated males incubated eggs and brooded young more than testosterone-treated males, with control males performing at intermediate values. Testosterone-treated males sang more often and at higher rates, and flutamide-treated males sang less often, than controls. These results demonstrate that even in a strictly monogamous songbird with biparental incubation, all forms of paternal care remain sensitive to elevated plasma testosterone, suggesting a shift from parental effort to mating effort.  相似文献   

Androgens are known to mediate aggressive and defensive behaviour in many vertebrate species. However, high concentrations of androgens might also conflict with the expression of nurturing behaviours and therefore a trade‐off can exist between aggressive and nurturing behaviours during parental care. We explored the role of testosterone in paternal care in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), where males provide both sole defence of the young from predators and sole nurturing behaviour such as fanning of the eggs. At the onset of parental care, we manipulated testosterone levels in males using testosterone propionate implants. We then observed the frequency of nurturing and aggressive behaviours displayed by the males over 6 d of parental care. Testosterone‐implanted fish were more aggressive when presented with a brood predator, performing more bites, opercular flares and lateral displays than control males. Testosterone‐implanted males, however, were not less nurturing than control fish, performing similar levels of fanning and nest‐cleaning behaviours. Thus, our results support a positive relationship between testosterone and paternal aggression but no testosterone‐mediated trade‐off between paternal nurturing and aggression.  相似文献   

The first studies that correlated mammalian paternal behavior and testosterone levels indicated that the concentration of this steroid hormone decreases when males exhibit paternal care. However, recent studies have also shown that testosterone levels do not decrease when males display paternal behavior. In this study, we measured testosterone levels in plasma throughout the reproductive cycle of the Mongolian gerbil. Testosterone concentrations were correlated with paternal care as well as aggression. We also examined whether there is a trade-off between paternal behavior and aggression in this mammal. Our results show that Mongolian gerbil testosterone levels do not decrease when the males give paternal care. Likewise, male Mongolian gerbils exhibit high levels of aggression while displaying paternal behavior, indicating that there is no trade-off between aggression and paternal behavior. More studies are needed to determine whether testosterone is involved in the regulation of paternal behavior in this rodent.  相似文献   

While social interactions influence vertebrate endocrine regulation, the dynamics of regulation in relation to specific behaviors have not been clearly elucidated. In the current study, we investigated whether androgens (testosterone) or glucocorticoids (cortisol) play a functional role in aggressive offspring defense behavior in wild smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), a teleost fish with sole paternal care. We measured circulating testosterone and cortisol concentrations in plasma samples taken from parental males following a simulated nest intrusion by a common nest predator, the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). To understand whether endocrine regulation changes across the parental care period, we looked both at males guarding fresh eggs and at males guarding hatched embryos. Plasma testosterone levels increased in males subjected to a simulated nest intrusion when compared to sham controls. Testosterone concentrations in males guarding embryos were lower than in males guarding fresh eggs, but circulating testosterone was positively correlated with the level of aggression towards the nest predator at both offspring development stages. However, there was no increase in cortisol levels following a simulated nest intrusion, and no relationship between cortisol and any measured parameter. These results suggest that androgens play an important role in promoting aggressive nest defense behavior in teleost fish.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):519-526
Paternal care in microtines has been studied infrequently and few studies have compared patterns of direct and indirect paternal investment. The paternal behaviour of three vole species, the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), the pine vole (M. pinetorum) and the prairie vole (M. ochrogaster) was examined in a semi-natural setting. Prairie and pine voles were found to exhibit high levels of paternal care. Prairie vole males contributed the most direct care by remaining in the natal nest for long periods of time in contact with the pups. Pine voles contributed less direct care than prairie voles as they spent less time in the natal nest with their offspring. In addition, both prairie and pine vole males were observed to groom their pups and retrieve them back to the nest area. Prairie vole males also engaged in such indirect forms of care as nest construction and maintenance, while pine voles provided indirect care in the form of tunnel construction and food caching. Meadow vole males were the least paternal of the three species and rarely engaged in either direct or indirect care. These findings support predictions that M. pennsylvanicus is promiscuous and that male and female meadow voles occupy separate territories. They are also consistent with studies which indicate that prairie and pine voles are monogamous and have a structured social organization with members interacting closely with one another.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that species differences in paternal care in birds may result from differences in concentrations of circulating testosterone (T) and prolactin (PRL). Concentrations of plasma T and PRL were compared in breeding Blue-headed Vireos (Vireo solitarius) and Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus), passerine congeners with biparental and maternal incubation, respectively. In male Blue-headed Vireos, plasma T remained low from prenesting to fledgling stages; whereas in male Red-eyed Vireos, plasma T was highest during prenesting and progressively decreased during incubation, nestling, and fledgling stages. In male Blue-headed Vireos, plasma PRL was similar to that in female Blue-headed Vireos and was higher than in male Red-eyed Vireos at all breeding stages. Plasma PRL increased in male Red-eyed Vireos at the incubation stage and remained moderately elevated through the nestling and fledgling stages. In male Blue-headed Vireos, the combination of high PRL and low T during the prenesting stage may promote brood patch formation and nest building, and, at later stages, incubation and feeding of young. In male Red-eyed Vireos, high PRL and low T during incubation and nestling stages may facilitate the feeding of young, as seen in males of other species. Our observations support the hypothesis that differences in paternal care reflect differences in circulating T and PRL.  相似文献   

Although high testosterone (T) levels inhibit paternal behaviour in birds breeding in temperate zones many paternal mammals have a very different breeding biology, characterized by a post-partum oestrus. In species with post-partum oestrus, males may engage in T-dependent behaviours such as aggression and copulation simultaneously with paternal behaviour. We previously found that T promotes paternal behaviour in the California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. We examine whether this effect is mediated by the conversion of T to oestradiol (E(2)) by aromatase. In the first experiment, gonadectomized males treated with T or E(2) implants showed higher levels of huddling and pup grooming behaviour than gonadectomized males treated with dihydrotestosterone or empty implants. In the second experiment, we used an aromatase inhibitor (fadrozole) (FAD) to confirm these results. Gonadectomized males treated with T + vehicle or E(2) + FAD showed higher levels of huddling and pup grooming behaviour than gonadectomized males treated with T + FAD or empty implants. Although E(2) is known to promote the onset of maternal behaviour to our knowledge our results are the first to demonstrate that E(2) can promote paternal behaviour in a paternal mammal. These results may explain how mammals express paternal behaviour while T levels are elevated.  相似文献   

The Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans is monogamous with bi-parental incubation. In this study, the effects of high levels of plasma testosterone in male Yellow-legged Gulls during the incubation period were analysed. Free-living male gulls were implanted with testosterone (T-males), and their sexual behaviour within the pair was observed and compared with that of control pairs. Egg temperatures, length of incubation and hatching success were also analysed. T-males and their mates displayed more sexual behaviour than the controls. T-males engaged in mounting behaviour with their mates, whereas control males did not. Proportionally less time was spent incubating (in relation to time present in the colony) by T-males than control males. However, the mates of T-males did not spend more time incubating than control females to compensate for male neglect, although they did spend more time on the territory. Egg temperature in T-male nests was significantly lower than in control nests, but no significant difference in the length of incubation or hatching success between the two groups was found. In birds, the effects of high testosterone levels on male behaviour during incubation have only been analysed in a polyandrous species whose females usually do not contribute to incubation. The present results thus suggest that those males of a monogamous species with bi-parental incubation that sustain high testosterone levels after laying, thus reducing their contributions to incubation, will be confronted with a lack of compensation from their mates during incubation. Finally, this lack of female compensation seems to be mediated by behavioural interactions with the male rather than by her absence from the colony.  相似文献   

Plasma 11‐Ketotestosterone (11 KT) and testosterone (T) levels and spiggin‐mRNA levels, as well as the kidney‐somatic index ( I K) were measured in sexual males and in paternal males at the middle (5 days paternal) and at the end (8 days paternal with hatched eggs) of the nesting cycle in three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus from two populations. Glueing (using threads of 11 KT induced kidney‐protein spiggin) and fanning behaviour was measured daily. Fanning increased in paternal fish and remained low in sexual males. Plasma 11 KT and T levels, on the other hand, declined significantly in parental compared to sexual males as did spiggin expression, I K and glueing behaviour. Thus, the drastic decrease in circulating 11 KT levels during the later parental phase may have resulted in an energy‐saving decrease in spiggin‐production and glueing, when this was no longer needed for nest maintenance. In addition, the mRNA levels of the β‐subunits of both gonadotropins, luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured. The expression of both gonadotropins declined in the parental phase (not significant for β‐FSH in one of the populations) which was consistent with a decline in androgen levels possibly controlled via decreased gonadotropin secretion.  相似文献   

Crested penguins Eudyptes spp. have evolved a unique form of breeding in which the first of two eggs laid is much smaller than the second and has a higher likelihood of being lost during egg laying and incubation. In this study, we quantified aggressive behaviour in nesting Snares penguins and undertook an egg survival analysis to examine which factors influence egg loss. During 120 h of observation of 50 nests, we recorded a total of 300 aggressive events in which females were repeatedly pecked, bitten and beaten. Aggressive events lasted from less than a minute to up to 55 min (mean 4.6 ± 7.4 min). Single males were the aggressor in 75% of aggressive events and in 50.7% of aggressive events the aggressor was identified as a neighbouring, breeding male. A greater percentage of the small first eggs (34%) were lost than the large second eggs (4%). We found that egg mortality was influenced by 1) whether the other egg within a nest had hatched, 2) who was present at the nest (father, mother or both) and 3) the average duration of aggressive events on the nest. When one egg within a nest had hatched, the other egg had a vastly increased mortality risk irrespective of aggression. However, long, aggressive events directed towards females after their partners had gone foraging, also increased the probability of egg loss. We suggest that the prolonged nest attendance by breeding males well beyond egg laying is in response to the high frequency of aggressive behaviour during this time. Our data show that A‐egg losses occur due to intraspecific aggression in this species. Further research is needed to clarify whether aggressive behaviour in breeding crested penguins is modulated by elevated testosterone levels in the males and whether any reproductive benefits accrue to the aggressors.  相似文献   

Previous studies of sex roles in the polygynous Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus have shown that males incubate less than females, perhaps suggesting that sexual selection is important in shaping the parental behaviour of this species. The purpose of this study was to (1) examine for the first time the possibility that males compensate for low diurnal nest attentiveness by increasing their nocturnal assistance and (2) evaluate the hypotheses that sexual selection and individual breeding quality determines incubation behaviour in lapwings. Males were never found incubating at night in 19 nests, although median diurnal male attentiveness was 15.3% in 16 of the same pairs. Nor were there any differences among monogamous and polygynous males in the time spent in four categories of behaviour (incubation, guarding, maintenance and mating activities). The time males spent in mating and incubation behaviours was weakly negatively correlated, and the time spent incubating varied considerably among males (0–74%). Further, female body condition was positively related with male nest attentiveness and there was a negative relationship between nest attentiveness and date of arrival to the study area in monogamous, but not in polygynous, males. We argue that sexual selection could not alone explain all sides of Northern Lapwing incubation, and suggest that individual differences in breeding quality may also be important.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of female ornamentation has attracted increasing attention, because the previous explanation, that is a non‐functional copy of functional male ornamentation, seems insufficient to explain female ornamentation. A post‐mating sexual selection, differential allocation, may be more common than pre‐mating sexual selection, but few studies have investigated differential allocation by males. Here, we studied differential allocation of incubation investment by male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a model species for the study of sexual selection, because our previous correlative study demonstrated a positive relationship between female tail length and male incubation investment. We manipulated the length of the outermost tail feathers in females after clutch completion and examined whether males adjust incubation investment according to female ornamentation. Because extra‐pair paternity is virtually absent in the study population, we were able to study differential allocation based on the tradeoff between current and future reproductive investments, rather than the tradeoff between current paternal investment and additional mating effort. The experimental treatment had no significant effect on male nest attentiveness, whereas female tail length before manipulation predicted male nest attentiveness. The observed pattern is consistent with differential access; that is, well‐ornamented individuals have greater access to mates with high reproductive (parental) ability, rather than differential allocation during incubation. Alternatively, males can directly assess eggs in their nests, and thus, as seen in other species, males might adjust their incubation investment based on the egg characteristics of long‐tailed females.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of males and females to incubation, and the diel schedules by which incubation is shared, are important breeding system traits. We used infra-red sensitive cameras to record incubation patterns at 13 nests of the Two-banded Plover Charadrius falklandicus in the Falkland Islands during both day and night. Because predation risk can affect incubation behaviour, we also recorded the diel pattern of nest predation in the wider study population. We found high nest attendance, female-biased incubation, and strong diel sex-roles, with females incubating during the day and males at night. We also found that incubation intermissions tended to be short but frequent, and were correlated strongly with the diel pattern of nest predations which occurred exclusively in the daylight hours (probably due to the absence of terrestrial mammals from the study site). Our results suggest that sex-roles are unusually strict in the Two-banded Plover, and that these strict sex-roles lead to inequality in incubation sharing and the level of exposure to sources of energetic cost such as disturbance by nest predators.  相似文献   

Because of finite resources, organisms face conflict between their own self‐care and reproduction. This conflict is especially apparent in avian species with female‐only incubation, where females face a trade‐off between time allocated to their own self‐maintenance and the thermal requirements of developing embryos. We recorded incubation behaviour of the New Zealand robin (Petroica longipes), a species with female‐only incubation, male incubation feeding and high nest predation rates. We examined how male incubation feeding, ambient temperature and food availability (invertebrate biomass) affected the different components of females’ incubation behaviour and whether incubation behaviour explained variation in nest survival. Our results suggest that male incubation feeding rates of 2.8 per hour affect the female’s incubation rhythm by reducing both on‐ and off‐bout duration, resulting in no effect on female nest attentiveness, thus no support for the female‐nutritional hypothesis. The incubation behaviours that we measured did not explain nest survival, despite high nest predation rates. Increased ambient temperature caused an increase in off‐bout duration, whereas increased food availability increased on‐bout duration. While males play a vital role in influencing incubation behaviour, female robins attempt to resolve the trade‐off between their own foraging needs and the thermal requirements of their developing embryos via alternating their incubation rhythm in relation to both food and temperature.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the effect of nest-building behaviour, courtship behaviour, and male–male interactions on male reproductive performance of the red bishop (Euplectes orix), a highly polygynous, colonially breeding weaverbird species. Previous studies on red bishops have revealed that male reproductive success is mainly determined by the number of nests built in a territory, and that reproductive success and the number of nests both vary substantially among males. Here we test whether the high variation observed in reproductive performance is related to male behavioural patterns (as assessed by time-budget analysis) and/or nest-building efficiency (as assessed by the number of fibres incorporated in the nest in unit time). We collected data on male time budgets and analysed behavioural patterns for three breeding seasons. A greater number of nests built was positively related to both the amount of time allocated to nest-building behaviour and the efficiency of nest building. Neither the amount of time spent in courtship behaviour nor the amount of time spent in male–male interactions was related to reproductive success. Male reproductive success, irrespective of the number of nests built, was partly determined by the number of fibres incorporated, suggesting some importance of nest quality in terms of nest chamber density to male reproductive success. There were no trade-offs with regard to time allocated to different behaviour. Instead, males differed with regard to their territory attendance and activity levels, which might be because of differences in energy resources and may thus reflect inherent differences in male body condition and, ultimately, male genetic quality.  相似文献   

Common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) males are bi-parental non-human primates that show extensive paternal behaviour. Fathers are in direct sensory contact with their infants during the natal period. We found that fathers exposed to isolated scents of their infant displayed a significant drop in serum testosterone levels within 20min after exposure, whereas parentally naive males did not. These data suggest that infant's scent may have a causal role in regulating paternal testosterone in their fathers. This is the first study to demonstrate that olfactory cues have an acute effect on paternal care.  相似文献   

To explore whether selection for testosterone-mediated traits in males might be constrained by costs of higher testosterone to females, we examined the effects of experimental elevation of plasma testosterone on physiological, reproductive, and behavioral parameters in a female songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). We used subcutaneous implants to elevate testosterone (T) in captive and free-living female juncos. In captive birds, we measured the effects of high T on body mass, feather molt, and brood patch formation. In the field, we monitored its effects on the timing of egg laying, clutch size, egg size, egg steroid levels, incubation, and nest-defense behavior. Females implanted with testosterone (T-females) had significantly higher circulating levels of testosterone than did control females (C-females). Captive T-females had lower body mass, were less likely to develop brood patches, and delayed feather molt relative to C-females. Among free-living females, the interval between nest completion and appearance of the first egg was longer for T-females than for C-females and egg yolk concentrations of testosterone were higher, but there were no significant differences in estradiol levels, clutch size, or egg size. Incubation and nest defense behavior were also similar between T- and C-females. Our results suggest that selection on males for higher testosterone might initially lead to a correlated response in females producing changes in body mass and feather molt, both of which could be detrimental. Other possible female responses would be delayed onset of reproduction, which might reduce reproductive success, and higher yolk testosterone, which might have either positive or negative effects on offspring development. We found no reason to expect reduced parental behavior by females as a negative fitness consequence of selection for higher testosterone in males.  相似文献   

Jaroslav Picman  & Marcel Honza 《Ibis》2002,144(2):E57-E66
As a result of opposing selective forces, the external strength of avian eggs should be near some size-specific optimum. However, in certain situations there should be selection on females to lay unusually strong eggs. According to one hypothesis, intraspecific egg destruction should favour increased egg strength as a means of defence against conspecific intruders. This hypothesis predicts that House Wrens Troglodytes aedon , a species well known for its tendency to destroy conspecific clutches, should be under selection for unusually strong eggs. However, the intensity of selection for strong eggs should also be modified by efficacy of nest defence against conspecific intruders in a given species (i.e. efficient nest defence by the breeding pair should weaken selection for unusually strong eggs). The goals of our study were: (1) to establish whether House Wren eggs are stronger than expected for their size; (2) to determine which structural mechanisms are responsible for their unusual strength; and (3) to test a hypothesis that, between wren species, the efficacy of nest defence and the intensity of egg-destroying behaviour affect the intensity of selection for unusually strong eggs. Our results demonstrated that: (1) House Wren eggs are 1.9 times stronger than expected for their size; (2) their unusual strength is achieved mostly by their unusually thick shells; and (3) eggs of the House Wren (extensive paternal nest defence; male egg-destroying behaviour suppressed during incubation) are significantly weaker structurally than eggs of the Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris (reduced paternal nest defence; male egg-destroying behaviour present throughout incubation). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the intraspecific egg-destroying behaviour and the efficacy of nest defence by the breeding adults have played a role in the evolution of strength of House Wren eggs.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, long-lived birds should favor their survival over the current reproductive attempt, when breeding becomes too costly. In seabirds, incubation is often associated with spontaneous long-term fasting. Below a threshold in body reserves, hormonal and metabolic shift characteristics of a switch from lipid to protein utilization (phase III, PIII) occur. These metabolic changes are paralleled by nest abandonment and stimulation of refeeding behavior. Parental behavior is then under control of two hormones with opposite effects: corticosterone (CORT) and prolactin which stimulate foraging and incubation behavior, respectively.The aim of this study was to determine the respective role of these two hormones in nest abandonment by Adélie penguins. To this end, plasma hormone levels were measured before egg-laying and at departure from the colony (i.e. when birds were relieved by their partner or abandoned their nest), and related to nutritional state and incubation success.We found that males abandoning their nest in PIII presented high CORT levels and low prolactin levels. Interestingly, males which presented high plasma levels of prolactin in PIII did not abandon. We show that although CORT is the first hormone to be affected by prolonged energy constraints, the combined effects of high CORT and low prolactin levels are necessary for parents to favor self-maintenance and abandon the nest. We provide insights into time-course changes of the endocrine profile as PIII proceeds and report that reaching proteolytic late fasting is not sufficient to induce nest abandonment in a long-lived bird.  相似文献   

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