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The effect of the false caudal eyespots (ocelli) of fish predators on guppy inspection behaviour was tested by use of predator ( Crenicichla ) models with and without a caudal ocellus. When a false eyespot was present, inspecting guppies spent significantly less time near the tail compared to a control model without a tail eyespot.  相似文献   

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in Trinidadian streams are found with a diversity of predators in the lower reaches of streams, but few predators in the headwaters. These differences have caused the adaptive evolution of guppy behaviour, morphology, male colouration and life history. Waterfalls often serve as barriers to the upstream distribution of predators and/or guppies. Such discontinuities make it possible to treat streams like giant test tubes by introducing guppies or predators to small segments of streams from which they were previously excluded. Such experiments enable us to document how fast evolution can occur and the fine spatial scales over which adaptation is possible. They also demonstrate that the role predators play in structuring this ecosystem resembles many others studied from a more purely ecological perspective; in these streams, as elsewhere, predators depress the numbers of individuals in prey species which in turn reduces the effects of the prey species on other trophic levels and hence the structure of the ecosystem. A focus on predators is important in conservation biology because predators are often the organisms that are most susceptible to local extinction. Their selective loss occurs because large predators have been deliberately exterminated and/or are more susceptible to environmental disturbances. Furthermore, we will argue that predator re-introductions might be destabilizing if, in the absence of predators, their prey have evolved in a fashion that makes them highly susceptible to predation, even after time intervals as short as 50-100 years. A better understanding of the evolutionary impacts of top predators will be critical goal for the policy and practice of large carnivore restoration in the future.  相似文献   

Habituation is one of the most fundamental learning processes that allow animals to adapt to dynamic environments. It is ubiquitous and often thought of as a simple form of non-associative learning. Very little is known, though, about the rules that govern habituation and their significance under natural conditions. Questions about how animals incorporate habituation into their daily behaviour and how they can assure only to habituate to non-relevant stimuli are still unanswered. Animals under threat of predation should be particularly selective about which stimuli they habituate to, since ignoring a real threat could be fatal. In this study, we tested the response of fiddler crabs, Uca vomeris, to repeatedly approaching dummy predators to find out whether these animals habituate to potential predators and to test the selectivity of the habituation process. The crabs habituated to model predators, even though they were confronted with real predators during the same habituation process. They showed remarkable selectivity towards the stimulus: a simple change in the approach distance of the stimulus led to a recovery in their responses. The results strongly indicate that in the context of predator avoidance, habituation under natural conditions is highly selective and a stimulus is not defined just by its current sensory signature, but also its spatio-temporal history.  相似文献   

Female guppies Poecilia reticulata descended from the Tacarigua population in Trinidad subject to high predation exhibited strong preferences for males with relatively high levels of carotenoid colouration. The study, which controlled for differences in male courtship, revealed that mate choice in this population is based on the expression of orange pigmentation, irrespective of differences in male motivation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate any size-dependent differences between behavioural patterns, wild-caught Hart's rivulus Rivulus hartii of varying sizes were exposed to chemical alarm cues extracted from the skin of conspecifics or heterospecific Poecilia reticulata, or a tank water control, in a series of laboratory trials. In response to conspecific alarm cues, R. hartii subjects of the range of body sizes tested exhibited consistent, size-independent antipredator behaviours that were characterized by decreased locomotory activity and foraging levels and increased refuging behaviour. Conversely, focal R. hartii demonstrated significant size-dependent trends in response to heterospecific alarm cues, with smaller individuals exhibiting antipredator responses and larger individuals shifting their behaviour to increased levels of activity consistent with a foraging, or predatory, response. These results show that the behavioural responses of individual R. hartii to publicly available chemical alarm cues from heterospecifics are mediated by the size of the receiver.  相似文献   

Social animals can observe others' behavior and in the processacquire information of varying quality about a given resource.Theoretical models predict that blind copying of others' behavioris more likely when individuals are only able to observe thedecisions (here "social cues") of others rather than the cues(here "public information") on which such decisions are based.We investigated information use by nine-spined sticklebacks(Pungitius pungitius) in a two-patch foraging context. Socialcues were provided by the number of demonstrator fish presentat each patch (two versus six), which either conflicted withthe demonstrators' observed feeding rate at each patch (publicinformation) or was the only information available. Consistentwith predictions, observers preferred the patch previously associatedwith six demonstrators when social cues were the only availablesource of information but preferred the patch previously associatedwith two demonstrators ("rich" patch) when also provided withpublic information. On the bases of these experiments, we arguethat it is because these fish preferentially base decisionson public information rather than social cues that they canpotentially avoid engaging in erroneous informational cascades.Thus, the availability of public information can help socialanimals make adaptive decisions.  相似文献   

Social transmission of maladaptive information in the guppy   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
Many animals are capable of learning from others, a processreferred to as social learning. There is little doubt that acapacity for social learning is an adaptation and that it typicallyresults in adaptive behavior. What is less clear is whetherthere are circumstances under which social learning can resultin the transmission of outdated, inappropriate, or maladaptiveinformation. Here we report an experimental study that investigatedthe social learning and transmission of maladaptive foraginginformation through small social groups of guppies, Poeciliareticulata. This experiment used a transmission chain designin which fish in small founder groups were trained to take eitheran energetically costly circuitous route to a feeder or a lesscostly short route, with trained founder members gradually replacedby untrained conspecifics. Three days after all the foundershad been removed, the behavioral traditions of groups of untrainedfish were still strongly influenced by their founder's behavior.Moreover, the rate at which untrained subjects that shoaledwith founder conspecifics trained to take the long route learnedto take the short route was significantly slower than for fishforaging alone. The results provide unequivocal evidence thatmaladaptive information can be socially transmitted throughanimal populations and imply that socially learned informationcan inhibit learning of the optimal behavior pattern.  相似文献   

The use of chemical information in assessment of predation risk is pervasive across animal taxa. However, by its very nature, chemical information can be temporally unreliable. Chemical cues persist for some period of time after they are released into the environment. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the rate of degradation of chemical cues under natural conditions and hence little about how they function in temporal risk assessment under natural conditions. Here, we conducted an experiment to identify a concentration of fresh alarm cues that evoke a strong antipredator response in coral reef damselfish, Pomacentrus ambonensis. We then tested the rate at which these alarm cues degraded under natural conditions in ocean water, paying attention to whether the rate of degradation varied throughout the day and whether the temporal pattern correlated with physicochemical factors that could influence the rate of degradation. Fresh alarm cues released into ocean water evoke strong avoidance responses in juvenile fish, while those aged for 30 min no longer evoke antipredator responses. Fish exposed to cues aged for 10 or 20 min show intermediate avoidance responses. We found a marked temporal pattern of response throughout the day, with much faster degradation in early to mid‐afternoon, the time of day when solar radiation, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH are nearing their peak. Ecologists have spent considerable effort elucidating the role of chemical information in mediating predator–prey interactions, yet we know almost nothing about the temporal dynamics of risk assessment using chemical information. We are in dire need of additional comparative field experiments on the rate of breakdown of chemical cues, particularly given that global change in UV radiation, temperature, and water chemistry could be altering the rates of degradation and the potential use of this information in risk assessment.  相似文献   

The nocturnal southern bastard cod Pseudophycis barbata was found to utilize chemo- and mechanosensory systems when hunting for prey under low light conditions. The sensory system used depended on whether prey produced a hydrodynamic signal.  相似文献   

For prey animals to negotiate successfully the fundamental trade-off between predation and starvation, a realistic assessment of predation risk is vital. Prey responses to conspicuous indicators of risk (such as looming predators or fleeing conspecifics) are well documented, but there should also be strong selection for the detection of more subtle cues. A predator's head orientation and eye-gaze direction are good candidates for subtle but useful indicators of risk, since many predators orient their head and eyes towards their prey as they attack. We describe the first explicit demonstration of a bird responding to a live predator's eye-gaze direction. We present wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) with human 'predators' whose frontal appearance and gaze direction are manipulated independently, and show that starlings are sensitive to the predator's orientation, the presence of eyes and the direction of eye-gaze. Starlings respond in a functionally significant manner: when the predator's gaze was averted, starlings resumed feeding earlier, at a higher rate and consumed more food overall. By correctly assessing lower risk and returning to feeding activity earlier (as in this study), the animal gains a competitive advantage over conspecifics that do not respond to the subtle predator cue in this way.  相似文献   

Foraging in animals is often associated with characteristicbody postures, such as the head-down posture. When foragingconflicts with the ability to detect predators or to flee, individualsmay incur a greater risk of mortality to predation than otherwise.Here we investigate the influence of different foraging postures(horizontal versus nose-down body posture) on the ability ofindividuals to respond to approaching predators and on the riskof mortality to predation in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).Individuals engaged in nose-down foraging were assumed to beable to visually scan a smaller area for predators and to escapeless effectively due to their body posture, and thus are morevulnerable to stalking predators than horizontally foragingones. In a first experiment, we separately exposed nonforaging,horizontally foraging, and nose-down foraging guppies to anapproaching cichlid fish predator model. Nonforaging guppiesreacted sooner to and initiated flight further away from theapproaching model than did foraging fish collectively, and horizontallyforaging individuals responded sooner to the model than nose-downforaging ones. Comparing all test guppies, nose-down foragingindividuals were the most likely not to exhibit any responseto the predator model. When presented with a simultaneous choiceof two guppies behind a one-way mirror, individual blue acaracichlid (Aequidens pulcher), a natural predator of the guppy,preferred to attack foraging guppies over nonforaging ones andnose-down foraging guppies over horizontally foraging individuals.In a final experiment with free-swimming cichlids and guppies,we demonstrated that individual risk of predation for guppiesforaging nose down was greater than for guppies foraging horizontally,and both were at greater risk than nonforaging guppies. Thislatter result is consistent with the above differences in theguppy's responsiveness to approaching predators depending ontheir foraging behavior, and with the finding that cichlid predatorspreferred fish that were less likely to show any response tothem. Our results therefore indicate that the ability to respondto approaching predators and the risk of mortality to predationin the guppy is strongly influenced by their foraging activity,and in particular their foraging posture, and that cichlid predatorspreferentially select less wary and more vulnerable guppies.[BehavEcol 7: 264–271 (1996)]  相似文献   

This study investigated the length of avoidance response of migratory‐stage sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus exposed continuously to conspecific damage‐released alarm cues for varying lengths of time in laboratory stream channels. Ten replicate groups of P. marinus, separated by sex, were exposed to either deionized water control or to P. marinus extract for 0, 2 or 4 h continuously. Petromyzon marinus maintained their avoidance response to the conspecific damage‐released alarm cue after continuous exposure to the alarm cue for 0 and 2 h but not 4 h. Beyond being one of the first studies in regards to sensory–olfactory adaptation–acclimation of fishes to alarm cues of any kind, these results have important implications for use of conspecific alarm cues in P. marinus control. For example, continuous application of conspecific alarm cue during the day, when P. marinus are inactive and hiding, may result in sensory adaptation to the odour by nightfall when they migrate upstream.  相似文献   

Clark  Rulon W. 《Behavioral ecology》2007,18(2):487-490
Many animals use public information (PI) gathered from conspecificsto assess the quality of potential foraging locations. To date,research on this phenomenon has focused almost exclusively onsocial foragers that live in groups and monitor nearby individuals.PI is potentially available to solitary foragers as well, inthe form of cues (such as chemical cues) that persist in theenvironment after conspecifics are no longer present. In thisstudy, I examined the response of a solitary sit-and-wait predator,the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), to chemical cuesfrom conspecifics that had recently fed as opposed to thosethat had been deprived of food. Experiments with a T-maze indicatedthat timber rattlesnakes always follow conspecific chemicaltrails out of the maze, regardless of whether or not the individualleaving the trail had recently fed. However, an enclosure choicetest found that individuals are more likely to select ambushsites in areas with chemical cues from conspecifics that hadrecently fed. These results indicate that snakes may use conspecificchemical cues not only to find mates, shelter sites, and hibernaculabut also profitable food patches. Additionally, this study highlightsthe possibility that other solitary foragers may use PI to guidetheir foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Topographic complexity is a key component of habitats that influences communities by modulating the interactions among individuals that drive population processes such as recruitment, competition, and predation. A broad range of disturbance agents affect biological communities indirectly through their modifications to habitat complexity. Individuals that best judge the threat of predation within their environment and can trade‐off vigilance against behaviors that promote growth will be rewarded with the highest fitness. This study experimentally examined whether topographic habitat complexity affected the way a damselfish assessed predation risk using olfactory, visual, or combined cues. Fish had higher feeding rates in the low complexity environment. In a low complexity environment, damage‐released olfactory cues and visual cues of predators complemented each other in the prey's assessment of risk. However, where complexity was high and visual cues obscured, prey had lower feeding rates and relied more heavily on olfactory cues for risk assessment. Overall, fish appear to be more conservative in the high complexity treatment. Low complexity promoted extremes of behavior, with higher foraging activity but a greater response to predation threats compared with the high complexity treatment. The degree of flexibility that individuals and species have in their ability to adjust the balance of senses used in risk assessment will determine the extent to which organisms will tolerate modifications to their habitat through disturbance.  相似文献   

Foraging herbivores face twin threats of predation and parasite infection, but the risk of predation has received much more attention. We evaluated, experimentally, the role of olfactory cues in predator and parasite risk assessment on the foraging behaviour of a population of marked, free-ranging, red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). The wallabies adjusted their behaviour according to these olfactory cues. They foraged less, were more vigilant and spent less time at feeders placed in the vicinity of faeces from dogs that had consumed wallaby or kangaroo meat compared with that of dogs feeding on sheep, rabbit or possum meat. Wallabies also showed a species-specific faecal aversion by consuming less food from feeders contaminated with wallaby faeces compared with sympatric kangaroo faeces, whose gastrointestinal parasite fauna differs from that of the wallabies. Combining both parasite and predation cues in a single field experiment revealed that these risks had an additive effect, rather than the wallabies compromising their response to one risk at the expense of the other.  相似文献   

Moshe Zaguri  Dror Hawlena 《Oikos》2019,128(10):1458-1466
Animals balance the risk of predation against other vital needs by adjusting their spatial behavior to match spatiotemporal variation in predation risk. To map this ‘landscape of fear’, prey use evolutionary rules of thumbs that are associated with the activity and hunting efficiency of predators. In addition, prey acquire perceptual information about the presence, identity and state of potential predators and use these cues to focus their acute anti‐predatory responses. Our goal was to explore if and how prey also use such perceptual information that decays with time to update their spatiotemporal risk assessment. We placed scorpions in freshly dug burrows and recorded the spatial activity and defense behavior of their isopod prey upon encountering the burrows straight after settling the scorpions and seven days later. To corroborate our understanding, we also examined the isopods’ detailed reactions towards deserted scorpion burrows. The isopods reacted defensively to scorpion burrows during their first encounter. After seven days, proportionally more isopods approached the scorpion burrows on their way out for foraging and fewer isopods encountered it on their way back. No changes in the spatial activity were observed towards deserted burrows. In addition, on the eighth day, more isopods entered the risky area near the scorpion burrows when leaving their own burrow than on the first encounter. The results suggest that isopods used predator cues to readjust the ‘landscape of fear’. Yet, rather than avoiding the dangerous areas altogether, the isopods implemented risky inspection behavior, validating whether the danger is actual. Our findings imply that inspection behavior toward predators can be used for future planning of prey spatial activity, offsetting possible ‘information decay costs’.  相似文献   

Although females of numerous species possess genetically-basedpreferences for certain male trails and male preferentiallywith males possessing these traits, recent theoretical and experimentalevidence indicates that they may also copy (imitate) the matechoices of other females under certain circumstances. Such mate-choicecopying is expected to be most prevalent when females have theopportunity to observe the mate choices of others and when matechoice is costly to females. One potential direct fitness costof mate choice is increased individual risk of mortality dueto predation. Here, we investigate for the first time the effectof increasing the apparent risk of predation on the tendencyof females to copy the experimentally staged mate choice ofanother female. Using adult female guppies (Poecilia reticulata)originating from a Trinidadian population that experiences arelatively high fish predation pressure, we first establishthat they possess a preference for the more brighdy coloredof two simultaneously presented males in the absence of bothmate-copying opportunity and an immediate threat of predation.However, most females reversed their initial mate preferencewhen given an opportunity to copy the mate preference of anotherfemale in the absence of predation threat The proportion offemales reversing their preference when given the opportunityto do so was not affected by increasing the apparent risk of(fish) predation. This result may be owing either to femaleguppies tending to copy the mate choice of others whenever theopportunity arises because the benefits of doing so accrue irrespectiveof the ambient risk of predation or to females choosing randomlybetween males with respect to their color pattern in the presenceof the predator irrespective of mate-copying opportunity. Thesetwo explanations for the apparent lack of an effect of predationrisk on mate-choice copying per se are both plausible but unfortunatelycould not be easily distinguished here. It may thus be possible,and interesting, that individual female guppies chose randomlybetween the available males in the presence of the predatorbut otherwise copied the choice of others when given the opportunityto do so.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to recognize and adequately respond to predators determines their survival. Predator‐borne, post‐digestion dietary cues represent essential information for prey about the identity and the level of risk posed by predators. The phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis posits that prey should respond strongly to dietary cues from closely related heterospecifics but respond weakly to such cues from distantly related prey, following a hierarchical pattern. While such responses have mostly been observed in prey at their first encounter with predators, whether prey maintain such hierarchical levels of investment through time remains unclear. We investigated this question by exposing Rhacophorus arboreus tadpoles to the non‐consumptive effect of gape‐limited newt predators Cynops pyrrhogaster that were fed one of five prey diets across a gradient of phylogenetic relatedness: frog tadpoles (Rhacophorus arboreus, Rhacophorus schlegelii, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, and Hyla japonica) and medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Predators’ diet, time, and their interaction significantly influenced tadpole activity level. We found support for the phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis: Investments in defense were stronger to cues from tadpole diets than to cues from fish diet. However, such a hierarchical response was recorded only in the first four days following predator exposure, then gradually disappear by day 8 on which the tadpoles exhibited similar activity level across all predator treatments. The findings suggest that, at least under the threat of gape‐limited predators, prey use phylogenetic information to evaluate risk and appropriately invest in defense during early encounters with predators; however, energy requirements may prevent prey from maintaining a high level of defense over long exposure to predation risk.  相似文献   

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