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Aging is associated with profound changes in bone mass and body composition. Emerging evidence supports the hypothesis that alterations in mesenchymal stromal cell fate are a critical etiologic factor. In addition, timekeeping at the cellular level is affected as aging progresses, particularly in the adipocyte. In this Extra View we discuss the interactive role of three molecules, PPARγ, nocturnin and IGF-I, in regulating stem cell fate in the marrow and the potential implications of this network for understanding cellular aging.Key words: aging, bone, PPARγ, nocturnin, IGF-I  相似文献   

Sleep spindles are phasic events observed in mammalian non-rapid eye movement sleep. They are relevant today in the study of memory consolidation, sleep quality, mental health and ageing. We argue that our advanced understanding of their mechanisms has not exhausted the utility and need for animal model work. This is both because some topics, like cognitive ageing, have not yet been addressed sufficiently in comparative efforts and because the evolutionary history of this oscillation is still poorly understood. Comparisons across species often are either limited to referencing the classical cat and rodent models, or are over-inclusive, uncritically including reports of sleep spindles in rarely studied animals. In this review, we discuss the emergence of new (dog and sheep) models for sleep spindles and compare the strengths and shortcomings of new and old models based on the three validation criteria for animal models – face, predictive, and construct validity. We conclude that an emphasis on cognitive ageing might dictate the future of comparative sleep spindle studies, a development that is already becoming visible in studies on dogs. Moreover, reconstructing the evolutionary history of sleep spindles will require more stringent criteria for their identification, across more species. In particular, a stronger emphasis on construct and predictive validity can help verify if spindle-like events in other species are actual sleep spindles. Work in accordance with such stricter validation suggests that sleep spindles display more universally shared features, like defining frequency, than previously thought.  相似文献   

Summary Presented are regression equations of shell thickness and shell mass as a function of egg mass for non-passerine (n=3217) and passerine species (n=3929) taken from the tables ofSchönwetter. These regressions reveal many species of the order Galliformes that exhibit unusually thick shells and have a relative shell mass which can exceed 20% of their egg mass. Shell density (g/cm3) was calculated for all eggs and their frequency distribution plotted. Mean values for non-passerine and passerine eggs are 2.02 and 2.05 g/cm3, respectively. The breaking strength of eggs as related to shell thickness is discussed. The regressions of exoskeletal, endoskeletal, and eggshell mass on body or egg mass are all shown to have the same slope.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage der Tabellen vonSchönwetter werden Gleichungen abgeleitet, die Schalendicke und Schalenmasse als Funktion der Eimasse bei Nicht-Singvögeln (n=3217) und Singvögeln (n=3929) beschreiben. Dadurch wird ersichtlich, daß z. B. viele Arten der Galliformes eine auffallend dicke Eischale aufweisen und eine relative Schalenmasse, die jene des Eiinhalts bis um 20% übertreffen kann. Die Schalendichte ergibt im Mittel für Nicht-Singvögel 2,02 und für Singvögel 2,05 g/cm3. Die Bruchfestigkeit der Eischalen als Folge ihrer Dicke wird diskutiert. Die Regression der Masse von Außen- und Innenskelett bei Mollusken, Vögeln und Säugetieren im Vergleich zur Körpermasse und jene der Schalenmasse im Vergleich zum Ei zeigt den gleichen Anstieg.

The neural crest is an embryonic cell population unique to vertebrates. During vertebrate embryogenesis, neural crest cells are first induced from the neural plate border; subsequently, they delaminate from the dorsal neural tube and migrate to their destination, where they differentiate into a wide variety of derivatives. The emergence of the neural crest is thought to be responsible for the evolution of many complex novel structures of vertebrates that are lacking in invertebrate chordates. Despite its central importance in understanding the origin of vertebrates, the evolutionary origin of the neural crest remains elusive. The basal chordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) occupies an outgroup position that is useful for investigating this question. In this review, I summarize recent genomic and comparative developmental studies between amphioxus and vertebrates and discuss their implications for the evolutionary origin of neural crest cells. I focus mainly on the origin of the gene regulatory network underlying neural crest development, and suggest several hypotheses regarding how this network could have been assembled during early vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   



Guatemala is a multiethnic and multilingual country located in Central America. The main population groups separate ‘Ladinos’ (mixed Native American-African-Spanish), and Native indigenous people of Maya descent. Among the present-day Guatemalan Maya, there are more than 20 different ethnic groups separated by different languages and cultures. Genetic variation of these communities still remains largely unexplored. The principal aim of this study is to explore the genetic variability of the Maya and ‘Ladinos’ from Guatemala by means of uniparental and ancestry informative markers (AIMs).


Analyses of uniparental genetic markers indicate that Maya have a dominant Native American ancestry (mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA]: 100%; Y-chromosome: 94%). ‘Ladino’, however, show a clear gender-bias as indicated by the large European ancestry observed in the Y-chromosome (75%) compared to the mtDNA (0%). Autosomal polymorphisms (AIMs) also mirror this marked gender-bias: (i) Native American ancestry: 92% for the Maya vs. 55% for the ‘Ladino’, and (ii) European ancestry: 8% for the Maya vs. 41% for the ‘Ladino’. In addition, the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade on the present-day Guatemalan population is very low (and only occurs in the ‘Ladino’; mtDNA: 9%; AIMs: 4%), in part mirroring the fact that Guatemala has a predominant orientation to the Pacific Ocean instead of a Caribbean one. Sequencing of entire Guatemalan mitogenomes has led to improved Native American phylogeny via the addition of new haplogroups that are mainly observed in Mesoamerica and/or the North of South America.


The data reveal the existence of a fluid gene flow in the Mesoamerican area and a predominant unidirectional flow towards South America, most likely occurring during the Pre-Classic (1800 BC-200 AD) and the Classic (200–1000 AD) Eras of the Mesoamerican chronology, coinciding with development of the most distinctive and advanced Mesoamerican civilization, the Maya. Phylogenetic features of mtDNA data also suggest a demographic scenario that is compatible with moderate local endogamy and isolation in the Maya combined with episodes of gene exchange between ethnic groups, suggesting an ethno-genesis in the Guatemalan Maya that is recent and supported on a cultural rather than a biological basis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1339-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary UsingSchönwetter's data base regression equations are derived expressing egg length and egg breadth as a function of egg mass for Passerines (n=3929) and non-Passerines (n=3217). For both groups these show a variation around the mean which is twice as large for length as for breadth. The average elongation (length/breadth) ist presented for 27 orders ranging from 1.61 in Apterygiformes and Gaviiformes to 1.21 in Strigiformes as well as examples of a few families where elongation increases or decreases as egg mass becomes larger. Egg mass can be estimated from the relationship where egg mass=k(LB2). Mean values, SD, and range of k for both groups are given, but for any particular species are best derived from the dimensions of L, B, and egg mass inSchönwetter's tables.
Länge, Breite und Form der Vogeleier auf der Grundlage der Tabellen vonSchönwetter
Zusammenfassung Regressionsgleichungen für Eilänge und Eibreite als Funktion der Eimasse ergeben für Passeres (3929 Arten) und Non-Passeres (3217 Arten) eine Streuung um den Mittelwert, die für Länge doppelt so hoch wie für die Breite ist. Das Verhältnis Länge: Breite reicht bei 27 Ordnungen von 1.61 bei Apterygiformes und Gaviiformes bis 1.21 bei den Strigiformes. In Beispielen für einzelne Familien steigt oder fällt der Wert mit zunehmender Eimasse. Letztere kann bestimmt werden gemäß k · (L · B2), wobei k eine Konstante darstellt. Mittelwerte, Standardabweichung und Konstante werden für Passeriformes und Non-Passeriformes angegeben, doch für einzelne Arten hält man sich am besten an die Werte beiSchönwetter.

Using molecular data and morphological features, we investigated the species limits and genetic diversity among populations of the Asian palm civets of the genus Paradoxurus. Our main objectives were to determine the number of species within Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and to test the validity of the newly proposed species within Paradoxurus zeylonensis. Fragments of two mitochondrial (Cytochrome b, Control Region) and one nuclear (intron 7 of the beta fibrinogen) markers were sequenced from 128 individuals of P. hermaphroditus, P. zeylonensis and Paradoxurus jerdoni. DNA sequences were analysed using phylogenetic and haplotype network methods. Our analyses confirmed that P. hermaphroditus comprises three major clades, which should be recognized as separate species: P. hermaphroditus (Indian and Indochinese regions), Paradoxurus musangus (mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra, Java and other small Indonesian islands) and Paradoxurus philippinensis (Mentawai Islands, Borneo and the Philippines). Furthermore, we have proposed that there are two subspecies within both P. musangus and P. philippinensis, and there might be at least two or three subspecies within P. hermaphroditus. We found a very low genetic diversity and no geographical structure within P. zeylonensis and did not find any support for splitting P. zeylonensis into several species nor subspecies. Finally, we confirmed that P. jerdoni and P. zeylonensis are sister species.  相似文献   

The Old World scorpion Androctonus australis hector (Aah) produces one of the most lethal venoms for humans. Peptidic α-toxins AahI to AahIV are responsible for its potency, with AahII accounting for half of it. All four toxins are high affinity blockers of the fast inactivation phase of mammalian voltage-activated Na(+) channels. However, the high antigenic polymorphism of α-toxins prevents production of a polyvalent neutralizing antiserum, whereas the determinants dictating their trapping by neutralizing antibodies remain elusive. From an anti-AahII mAb, we generated an antigen binding fragment (Fab) with high affinity and selectivity for AahII and solved a 2.3 ?-resolution crystal structure of the complex. Sequestering of the C-terminal region of the bound toxin within a groove formed by the Fab combining loops is associated with a toxin orientation and main and side chain conformations that dictate the AahII antigenic specificity and efficient neutralization. From an anti-AahI mAb, we also preformed and crystallized a high affinity AahI-Fab complex. The 1.6 ?-resolution structure solved revealed a Fab molecule devoid of a bound AahI and with combining loops involved in packing interactions, denoting expulsion of the bound antigen upon crystal formation. Comparative analysis of the groove-like combining site of the toxin-bound anti-AahII Fab and planar combining surface of the unbound anti-AahI Fab along with complementary data from a flexible docking approach suggests occurrence of distinctive trapping orientations for the two toxins relative to their respective Fab. This study provides complementary templates for designing new molecules aimed at capturing Aah α-toxins and suitable for immunotherapy.  相似文献   



Our motivation is increased bronchoscopic diagnostic yield and optimized preparation, for navigated bronchoscopy. In navigated bronchoscopy, virtual 3D airway visualization is often used to guide a bronchoscopic tool to peripheral lesions, synchronized with the real time video bronchoscopy. Visualization during navigated bronchoscopy, the segmentation time and methods, differs. Time consumption and logistics are two essential aspects that need to be optimized when integrating such technologies in the interventional room. We compared three different approaches to obtain airway centerlines and surface.


CT lung dataset of 17 patients were processed in Mimics (Materialize, Leuven, Belgium), which provides a Basic module and a Pulmonology module (beta version) (MPM), OsiriX (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland) and our Tube Segmentation Framework (TSF) method. Both MPM and TSF were evaluated with reference segmentation. Automatic and manual settings allowed us to segment the airways and obtain 3D models as well as the centrelines in all datasets. We compared the different procedures by user interactions such as number of clicks needed to process the data and quantitative measures concerning the quality of the segmentation and centrelines such as total length of the branches, number of branches, number of generations, and volume of the 3D model.


The TSF method was the most automatic, while the Mimics Pulmonology Module (MPM) and the Mimics Basic Module (MBM) resulted in the highest number of branches. MPM is the software which demands the least number of clicks to process the data. We found that the freely available OsiriX was less accurate compared to the other methods regarding segmentation results. However, the TSF method provided results fastest regarding number of clicks. The MPM was able to find the highest number of branches and generations. On the other hand, the TSF is fully automatic and it provides the user with both segmentation of the airways and the centerlines. Reference segmentation comparison averages and standard deviations for MPM and TSF correspond to literature.


The TSF is able to segment the airways and extract the centerlines in one single step. The number of branches found is lower for the TSF method than in Mimics. OsiriX demands the highest number of clicks to process the data, the segmentation is often sparse and extracting the centerline requires the use of another software system. Two of the software systems performed satisfactory with respect to be used in preprocessing CT images for navigated bronchoscopy, i.e. the TSF method and the MPM. According to reference segmentation both TSF and MPM are comparable with other segmentation methods. The level of automaticity and the resulting high number of branches plus the fact that both centerline and the surface of the airways were extracted, are requirements we considered particularly important. The in house method has the advantage of being an integrated part of a navigation platform for bronchoscopy, whilst the other methods can be considered preprocessing tools to a navigation system.  相似文献   

VAP-A is a major endoplasmic reticulum (ER) receptor that allows this organelle to engage numerous membrane contact sites with other organelles. One highly studied example is the formation of contact sites through VAP-A interaction with Oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP). This lipid transfer protein transports cholesterol from the ER to the trans-Golgi network owing to the counter-exchange of the phosphoinositide PI(4)P. In this review, we highlight recent studies that advance our understanding of the OSBP cycle and extend the model of lipid exchange to other cellular contexts and other physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

J L Bos 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(23):6776-6782
Ras, Rap1 and Ral are related small GTPases. While the function of Ras in signal transduction is well established, it has been recognized only recently that Rap1 and Ral also are activated rapidly in response to a large variety of extracellular signals. Between the three GTPase an intriguing interconnectivity exists, in that guanine nucleotide exchange factors for Ral associate with the GTP-bound form of both Ras and Rap1. Furthermore, Rap1 is considered to function as an antagonist of Ras signalling by trapping Ras effectors in an inactive complex. Here, I summarize the recent developments in understanding the functional relationship between these three GTPase and argue that Rap1 functions in a signalling pathway distinct from Ras, while using similar or identical effectors.  相似文献   

Women have more body fat than men, but in contrast to the deleterious metabolic consequences of the central obesity typical of men, the pear-shaped body fat distribution of many women is associated with lower cardiometabolic risk. To understand the mechanisms regulating adiposity and adipose tissue distribution in men and women, significant research attention has focused on comparing adipocyte morphological and metabolic properties, as well as the capacity of preadipocytes derived from different depots for proliferation and differentiation. Available evidence points to possible intrinsic, cell autonomous differences in preadipocytes and adipocytes, as well as modulatory roles for sex steroids, the microenvironment within each adipose tissue, and developmental factors. Gluteal-femoral adipose tissues of women may simply provide a safe lipid reservoir for excess energy, or they may directly regulate systemic metabolism via release of metabolic products or adipokines. We provide a brief overview of the relationship of fat distribution to metabolic health in men and women, and then focus on mechanisms underlying sex differences in adipose tissue biology.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous paper, two types of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases, namely cGMP dependent G-kinase and cAMP dependent A-kinase, in silkworm eggs has been reported (Takahashi et al. 1975; Takahashi 1976). One of these, G-kinase, has now been purified 2400-fold by means of ammonium sulfate fractionation, chromatography on hydroxylapatite, DEAE cellulose, and gel filtration.Some of the properties of the enzyme are described. The enzyme is highly dependent on cGMP; it is strongly inhibited by GTP in a noncompetitive manner not only for ATP but also for cGMP. GTP was found to be highly inhibitory on G-kinases from various tissues of the silkworm, but did not inhibit the A-kinase.Incubation of the egg extract with [-32P]ATP and Mg2+ led to the formation of three major32P-labelled proteins, with molecular weights of 42.000, 70.000 and 180.000 as analyzed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two of them corresponded to the subunits of vitellin.The silkworm vitellin was effectively phosphorylated both by the highly purified G-kinase and by the A-kinase. It is concluded that the G-kinase is involved in the phosphorylation of vitellin in developing silkworm eggs.Abbreviations cAMP adenosine 35-monophosphate - cGMP guanosine 35-monophosphate - A-kinase adenosine 35-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase - G-kinase guanosine 35-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase - MIX 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine  相似文献   

Deletions and the appearance of pseudogenes in pathways of carbon source utilisation and energy metabolism best explain the host-dependency and failure to culture Mycobacterium leprae axenically. From the genome sequence it is possible to predict that acetate and galactose cannot be used as carbon sources, while pyruvate can only be catabolised. Glycerol, glucose, and fatty acids could be used for glycolysis, the pentose cycle and -oxidation which are complete. Retrospective functional genomics – interpreting work before the completion of the genome project – supports the failure of M. leprae to use acetate as well as another prediction that metabolic flux from pyruvate to acetyl-CoA would be very low. However, the loss of a second icd gene (compared with M. tuberculosis), predicted to encode isocitrate dehydrogenase, did not diminish the specific activity of the enzyme. The genes for respiratory pathways are extremely limited, being present for oxidative phosphorylation as a result of electron transport only using FADH as an electron donor. In contrast, all the major biosynthetic pathways are complete except that M. leprae is a natural methionine auxotroph: this is predicted not to be attenuating, or explain host-dependency since methionine would be present in rich culture media.  相似文献   

A comprehensive knowledge of the thoracic shape and kinematics is essential for effective risk prevention, diagnose and proper management of thoracic disorders and assessment of treatment or rehabilitation strategies as well as for in silico and in vitro models for realistic applications of boundary conditions.After an extensive search of the existing literature, this study summarizes 45 studies on in vivo thoracic kyphosis and kinematics and creates a systematic and detailed database. The thoracic kyphosis over T1–12 determined using non-radiological devices (34°) was relatively less than measured using radiological devices (40°) during standing. The majority of kinematical measurements are based on non-radiological devices. The thoracic range of motion (RoM) was greatest during axial rotation (40°), followed by lateral bending (26°), and flexion (21°) when determined using non-radiological devices during standing. The smallest RoM was identified during extension (13°). The lower thoracic level (T8–12) contributed more to the RoM than the upper (T1–4) and middle (T4–8) levels during flexion and lateral bending. During axial rotation and extension, the middle level (T4–8) contributed the most. Coupled motion was evident, mostly during lateral bending and axial rotation. With aging, the thoracic kyphosis increased by about 3° per decade, whereas the RoM decreased by about 5° per decade for all load directions. These changes with aging mainly occurred in the lower region (T6–12). The influence of sex on thoracic kyphosis and the RoM has been described as partly contradictory. Obesity was found to decrease the thoracic RoM. Studies comparing standing, sitting and lying reported the effect of posture as significant.  相似文献   

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