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Among stages of avian ontogeny, the act of nest departure or fledging is an abrupt transition into a new environment and a major leap toward independence for offspring. In altricial birds, the timing (i.e. time of day) of fledging is notable in that many species tend to fledge early in the morning. Past studies have proposed nest predation as a key factor driving birds to fledge earlier in the morning (the ‘survival hypothesis’), whereby offspring avoid peak times of nest predation that occur later in the day. A natural extension of this hypothesis is the predation of offspring post-fledging, whereby offspring are also timing their fledging with future survival prospects outside of the nest. However, few studies have investigated fledging behaviour in the context of both nesting and post-fledging predation. To help fill this knowledge gap, we investigated factors driving the timing and duration of fledging across six songbird species in the context of offspring predation: daily nest mortality, post-fledging mortality and diel patterns of nest predation risk. We found that > 60% of songbirds fledged early in the morning, whereas the peaks in nest predation risk occurred several hours post-fledging. Furthermore, species under greater risk of nest predation fledged earlier in the day and in closer succession to their siblings. Parameters of post-fledging mortality were poor predictors of fledging timing, but individuals from broods of species under higher risk of post-fledging mortality fledged in closer succession to their siblings. These results provide evidence in support of the survival hypothesis, and suggest that songbirds fledge in the morning to avoid peak times of nest predation risk that occur later in the day (~ 8 h after civil dawn). Such results corroborate past research highlighting predation on dependent offspring as a key factor driving variation in life histories across animal taxa; however, estimates of post-fledging mortality suggest that nest predation alone does not fully explain variation in fledging behaviour among species. Future research is therefore needed to investigate the contribution of other factors, such as energetics, parent–offspring conflict and diel patterns of post-fledging survival, which may help to mediate diel patterns of fledging within and among songbird species.  相似文献   

Despite the broad consensus that force‐fledging of nestling songbirds lowers their probability of survival and therefore should be generally avoided by researchers, that presumption has not been tested. We used radiotelemetry to monitor the survival of fledglings of Ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla and Golden‐winged Warblers Vermivora chrysoptera that we unintentionally force‐fledged (i.e. nestlings left the nest in response to our research activities at typical fledging age), that fledged prematurely (i.e. nestlings left the nest earlier than typical fledging age), and that fledged independently of our activities. Force‐fledged Ovenbirds experienced significantly higher survival than those that fledged independent of our activities, and prematurely fledged Ovenbirds had a similarly high survival to those that force‐fledged at typical fledging age. We observed a similar, though not statistically significant, pattern in Golden‐winged Warbler fledgling survival. Our results suggest that investigator‐induced force‐fledging of nestlings, even when deemed premature, does not necessarily result in reduced fledgling survival in these species. Instead, our results suggest that a propensity or ability to fledge in response to disturbance may be a predictor of a higher probability of fledgling survival.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the full life cycle of most migratory birds remains limited. Estimates of survival rates, particularly for first‐year birds are notably lacking. This knowledge gap results in imprecise parameters in population models and limits our ability to fully understand life history trade‐offs. We used eleven years of field data to estimate first‐year apparent survival (φ1st) for two species of migratory grassland songbirds that breed in the same managed habitats but have substantially different migration distances. We used a suite of life‐history, habitat and individually‐based covariates to explore causes of variation in φ1st. The interaction between fledge date and body mass was the best supported model of apparent survival. We found differential effects of fledging date based on nestling body mass. Overall, lighter nestlings had greater apparent survival than heavier nestlings; average or heavy nestlings within‐brood had greater apparent survival when they fledged earlier in the summer. We hypothesize that heavier birds that fledge earlier in the season have a longer window of opportunity to evaluate potential breeding sites and are more likely to disperse greater distances from the natal region, thus confounding survival with permanent emigration. Lighter birds, particularly those fledged late in the breeding season may spend more time on self‐maintenance and consequently have less time to evaluate potential future breeding sites, showing greater fidelity to their natal region. We found no support for management treatment (timing of mowing), sex, brood size, or species as important covariates in explaining apparent survival. Our results suggest that differential migration distances may not have a strong effect on first‐year apparent survival.  相似文献   

Brood parasite–host interactions during the incubation and nestling stages have been well studied, but the post-fledging period remains virtually unknown. Using radiotracking, we provide the first detailed data on post-fledging interactions between the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and its only regular cavity-nesting host, the Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus. Cuckoos raised alone (‘solitary’) fledged at higher mass, with higher wing and tarsus length and started to fly at a younger age than Cuckoos raised alongside young Redstarts (‘mixed’). However, a further 23 fledging and post-fledging parameters measured at five pre-determined times (fledging, first-flight, predation, starvation, independence) did not differ between solitary and mixed Cuckoos. In addition, none of the parameters measured during the post-fledging period (growth, dispersal distances, number of flights) differed between solitary and mixed Cuckoos. Redstart fledglings from non-parasitized broods (‘solitary’) showed generally similar fledging and post-fledging parameters to fledglings reared alongside a Cuckoo (‘mixed’). Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in post-fledging predation rate, starvation or overall survival rates between mixed and solitary Cuckoos or mixed and solitary Redstarts. Thus, during the post-fledging period, mixed Cuckoo fledglings successfully compensated for the poorer performance experienced during the nestling stage whereas mixed and solitary Redstarts did not differ in any measured parameters. This suggests that the regular occurrence of mixed broods in this host–parasite system – which is unique among the many Cuckoo hosts – is evolutionarily stable for both hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

We studied the inter-year and inter-sex variation of the post-fledging body mass development of Common Terns Sterna hirundo in 2000 and 2001 at the Banter See colony, northern Germany. Here, post-fledglings can be identified and weighed remotely and automatically by a transponder system that makes use of automated balances installed at the colony. Individuals were sexed with PCR amplification methods. After fledging, young generally continued to increase their mass. However, in 2000, the young did not significantly increase their mass during the post-fledging period. In 2001, conditions were more favourable and body mass increased continuously. Further, in 2001, male post-fledglings were significantly heavier than female post-fledglings. Once having left the colony area (on average 18–23 days after fledging in 2000, and 14–16 days after fledging in 2001), post-fledgling body mass had still not reached adult body mass. The longer a juvenile stayed at the colony, the higher was its final body mass, which if acting as a threshold level may control departure time. Neither brood size nor hatching order affected post-fledging mass or period. In the unfavourable year 2000, when many individuals were found dead after fledging, fledging age but not fledging mass was found to be a predictor of post-fledging survival before departure: individuals fledging when older had a lower survival probability. Our results stress the importance of the post-fledging period for body mass increase and survival prior to departure. The variation in post-fledging mass growth between years and between the sexes is discussed with respect to parental effort and a possible selective provisioning of sons over daughters.  相似文献   

I. NEWTON  D. MOSS 《Ibis》1986,128(1):73-80
Using ring recoveries, the post-fledging survival of Sparrowhawks was examined in relation to the growth rates and fledging masses of young and in relation to the size and sex composition of broods, which contained up to six young. On most aspects, no significant relationships were found: light young survived as well as heavy ones, both in the population as a whole and in individual broods; and young in large broods survived as well as young in small broods. This was attributed to relative food abundance in the post-fledging dependency period and to the fact that most food-related mortality among young occurs at an earlier stage in the breeding cycle. However, males in all-male broods and females in all-female broods survived slightly better after fledging than others of their sex in two-sex broods. The reason is unknown.  相似文献   

Once a bird has fledged it becomes hardly accessible for researchers and consequently knowledge about post-fledging ontogeny is scarce. In this study on juvenile Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) we used an automated transponder-based detection and weighing system at Banter See colony, Northern Germany, which enabled us to investigate body mass growth of post-fledglings and its consequences for their survival until first return to the natal colony when 2 years old. We analysed data from two contrasting breeding seasons, 2000 and 2001, in order to determine inter-year and inter-sex variation of post-fledging parameters assumed to potentially affect subadult survival, such as the period a juvenile is still present at colony surroundings (departure age), its fledging mass and last recorded post-fledging body mass, and hatch date. Using an information-theoretic model selection approach, neither the date of hatching nor the departure age was found to affect survival. The only predictor of survival was last post-fledging body mass whereas fledging mass itself was of minor importance. Although there was weak evidence for an interaction with year, individuals of the cohort 2000, which left the colony area on average 5 g lighter than those reared under the more favourable conditions in 2001, did not exhibit lower return probability. We suggest that under unfavourable conditions selection had eliminated weak individuals prior to fledging or during the post-fledging period. This study underlines the importance of the post-fledging period and its consequences for survival, especially in species with prolonged parental care post-fledging.  相似文献   

We used banding and resighting records of 391 African Penguins Spheniscus demersus banded as chicks and later resighted during immature moult to explain the roles of date of fledging and age at moult in determining the season of moult and its timing within the season. Breeding was continuous, but immature moult occurred mainly during spring and summer. Age at immature moult extended over 11 months, from 12 to 23 months after hatching. Birds that fledged during summer and early autumn generally moulted during the next moult season (squeezers), whereas birds that fledged in late autumn, winter and spring skipped the next moult season to moult only the following season (skippers). There was a significant relationship between age at moult and moult date, with young birds moulting later in the season than older birds. The age at moult of immature birds appears to be constrained by minimum age, moult seasonality and plumage wear. Birds that fledged over nearly 2 years moult during one season. Counts of moulting immature African Penguins have not been used to estimate year-class strength and post-fledging survival owing to the wide range of ages at immature moult. Our results provide the means of assigning recruits to specific age groups.  相似文献   

Despite its relevance for the dynamics of populations, the ecological mechanisms underlying juvenile and adult survival are poorly known in most bird species. This study focuses on the effect of habitat fragmentation on early post-fledging, first-year and adult survival of the middle spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus medius by combining data of radio-tagged and ringed birds. Among juveniles, most deaths occurred during the first three weeks after fledging (survival rate: 0.359±0.077) and were mainly caused by predation. After independence, birds faced another critical period during their first autumn-winter that lowered first-year survival further (0.255±0.044), whereas adult mortality was considerably lower (annual survival rate: 0.786±0.074). We did not find any significant effect of habitat fragmentation (measured as patch size and connectivity) on juvenile or adult survival. Sex ratio at fledging did not differ significantly from parity (proportion of females: 0.513) and was not correlated to patch size. Regardless of age, survival did not differ between the sexes, suggesting that a female-biased mortality was not the mechanism behind the presence of unpaired territorial males in this population. Lighter nestlings underwent significantly higher post-fledging mortality, indicating that conditions in the nest may substantially affect survival later in life.  相似文献   

We studied the consequences of differences in growth rate on the subsequent survival of Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus chicks. Fledging success increased sharply with growth rate, from zero in chicks growing at less than 6 g per day to about 85% in chicks growing at more than 10 g per day. The age at which chicks fledged varied from 27 to 52 days. Chicks which fledged at an early age displayed a much faster growth rate than later fledging chicks. Although slow growth resulted in a considerable prolongation of the period before fledging, slow-growing chicks fledged at a smaller size and with a lower body-weight than fast-growing chicks. After fledging, all chicks remained almost completely dependent on their parents up to an age of 3 months and often longer.
Almost 40% of the fledglings eventually returned to the breeding area. This figure probably reflects post-fledging survival. Age and size at fledging had no effect on a chick's probability of return. Body-weight at fledging had a small positive correlation with the return probability, but this was not statistically significant. We conclude that although slow growth severely reduces a chick's chance of fledging, it probably does not result in irreversible damage causing an increased risk of mortality during the first years after fledging. Apparently, any possible disadvantage associated with small size or low body-weight could be compensated for after fledging.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits developed in one life‐history stage can carryover and affect survival in subsequent stages. For songbirds, carryover effects from the pre‐ to post‐fledging period may be crucial for survival but are poorly understood. We assessed whether juvenile body condition and wing development at fledging influenced survival during the post‐fledging period in the dickcissel Spiza americana. We found pre‐ to post‐fledging carryover effects on fledgling survival for both traits during the ‘early part’ – first four days – of the post‐fledging period. Survival benefits of each trait depended on cause‐specific sources of mortality; individuals in better body condition were less likely to die from exposure to adverse environmental conditions, whereas those with more advanced wing development were less likely to be preyed upon. Fledglings with more advanced wing development were comparatively more active and mobile earlier in the post‐fledging period, suggesting they were better able to avoid predators. Our results provide some of the first evidence linking development of juvenile phenotypic traits to survival against specific sources of post‐fledging mortality in songbirds. Further investigation into pre‐ to post‐fledging carryover effects may yield important insights into avian life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Survival during the first year is one of the most important factors determining fitness in birds. Birds have poor thermoregulatory abilities during the nestling period when the plumage is not fully developed, thus temperature during the nestling period is a serious candidate to affect post-fledging survival, although it has been usually ignored in previous studies. We analysed the relationship between temperatures and post-fledging survival in a great tit Parus major population in Sagunto (Spain) using capture-recapture data from 12 years. Hatching dates, mass at fledging and temperatures during the nestling period (maximum, minimum and mean ambient temperatures as an estimation of the mean and extreme weather conditions that chicks encountered at the nest) were used as individual covariates. Mean post-fledging survival was 0.13±0.01. Adult survival probability was 0.64±0.02. Multi-model inference suggested that post-fledging survival increased with fledging mass, and decreased as temperatures increased. Furthermore, the effect of mass on survival was less important as temperature was higher. We consider that high temperatures affect nestlings' health due to low thermoregulatory abilities of nestlings. Model selection did not support a relationship between hatching dates and survival once mass and temperatures were taken into account. The results suggest the possibility that the effect of date on post-fledging survival found in previous studies was, at least in part, a consequence of the seasonal pattern of temperature variation.  相似文献   

Like many parasites, avian haematozoa are often found at lower infection intensities in older birds than young birds. One explanation, known as the “selection” hypothesis, is that infected young birds die before reaching adulthood, thus removing the highest infection intensities from the host population. We tested this hypothesis in the field by experimentally infecting nestling rock pigeons (Columba livia) with the malaria parasite Haemoproteus columbae. We compared the condition and fledging success of infected nestlings to that of uninfected controls. There was no significant difference in the body mass, fledging success, age at fledging, or post-fledging survival of experimental versus control birds. These results were unexpected, given that long-term studies of older pigeons have demonstrated chronic effects of H. columbae. We conclude that H. columbae has little impact on nestling pigeons, even when they are directly infected with the parasite. Our study provides no support for the selection hypothesis that older birds have lower parasite loads because parasites are removed from the population by infected nestlings dying. To our knowledge, this is the first study to test the impact of avian malaria using experimental inoculations under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Among the range of determinants of post‐fledging survival in altricial birds, the energy supply to the growing juveniles is likely to play a central role. However, the exact mechanisms shaping post‐fledging survival are poorly understood. Using a food supplementation experiment, we determined the effect of variation in food supply on the survival of juvenile Little Owls Athene noctua from hatching to 2 months post‐fledging. Experimental broods were food‐supplemented for 36 days during the nestling and the early post‐fledging period. The fate of 307 juveniles (95 of them provided with extra food) was determined by nest monitoring and radiotelemetry. In unsupplemented birds, the rates of survival measured at 5‐day intervals were lowest during the nestling stage, remained low during the early post‐fledging stage and steadily increased after about 2 weeks post‐fledging. Food supplementation substantially increased nestling survival, but we detected no direct treatment effect on post‐fledging survival. Instead, we found a strong indirect effect of food supplementation, in that fledglings of good physical condition had markedly higher chances of surviving the post‐fledging period compared with those in poor condition. Experimental food supplementation increased survival over the first 3 months from 45% to 64.6%. This suggests that energy reserves built up during the nestling stage influence post‐fledging survival and ultimately parental reproductive output. The low nestling and post‐fledging survival shows that the early life‐history stages constitute a crucial bottleneck of reproductive ecology in Little Owls. The strong treatment effects on the number of independent offspring indicate that natural variation in food supply is an important determinant of spatio‐temporal patterns in Little Owl demography.  相似文献   

Conditions experienced during development can have long-term consequences for individual success. In migratory songbirds, the proximate mechanisms linking early life events and survival are not well understood because tracking individuals across stages of the annual cycle can be extremely challenging. In this paper, we first use a 13 year dataset to demonstrate a positive relationship between 1(st) year survival and nestling mass in migratory Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). We also use a brood manipulation experiment to show that nestlings from smaller broods have higher mass in the nest relative to individuals from larger broods. Having established these relationships, we then use three years of field data involving multiple captures of individuals throughout the pre-migratory period and a multi-level path model to examine the hypothesis that conditions during development limit survival during migration by affecting an individual's ability to accumulate sufficient lean tissue and fat mass prior to migration. We found a positive relationship between fat mass during the pre-migratory period (Sept-Oct) and nestling mass and a negative indirect relationship between pre-migratory fat mass and fledging date. Our results provide the first evidence that conditions during development limit survival during migration through their effect on fat stores. These results are particularly important given recent evidence showing that body condition of songbirds at fledging is affected by climate change and anthropogenic changes to landscape structure.  相似文献   

We tested if juvenile survival and recruitment (returning to breed) of wood thrushes Hylocichla mustelina into their natal population was dependent on several measures of nestling condition, growth, and site fidelity. Overall, nestling mass, wing chord, condition, and rank within the brood did not affect the probability of survival to the post-fledging stage, independence, or recruitment. We did not identify any morphometric differences among nestlings that remained in the study area after fledging and those that did not (or those that did not survive). Time of season and the number of days nestlings were present in the study area after hatching, or site fidelity, were the only variables measured that positively influenced juvenile survival and recruitment. Based on a restricted sample, fledglings that eventually recruited did not differ in size during post-fledging or post-independence from fledglings that did not return to breed. Independent, immigrant hatching-year (HY) birds are briefly described. Overall, immigrant HY birds had a higher probability of recruitment than all local fledglings. There was no difference in the probability of recruitment between immigrant HY birds and independent local fledglings (those present ≥35 days after hatching), however. Similar to local young, the number of days present in the study area increased the likelihood of recruitment for immigrant HY birds, although these effects could not be distinguished from those of emigration or survival.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction represent a common life‐history trade‐off. Critical to understanding these costs in migratory species is the ability to track individuals across successive stages of the annual cycle. We assessed the effects of total number of offspring fledged and date of breeding completion on pre‐migratory body condition, the schedule of moult and annual survival in a migratory songbird, the Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis. Between 2008 and 2010, moult was delayed for individuals that finished breeding later in the breeding period and resulted in reduced lean tissue mass during the pre‐migratory period, suggesting an indirect trade‐off between the timing of breeding completion and condition just prior to migration. Lean tissue mass decreased as the number of offspring fledged increased in 2009, a particularly cool and wet year, illustrating a direct trade‐off between reproductive effort and condition just prior to migration in years when weather is poor. However, using a 17‐year dataset from the same population, we found that parents that fledged young late in the breeding period had the highest survival and that number of offspring fledged did not affect survival, suggesting that individuals do not experience long‐term trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Taken together, our results suggest that adult Savannah Sparrows pay short‐term costs of reproduction, but that longer‐term costs are mitigated by individual quality, perhaps through individual variation in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

The behavior of young songbirds after fledging is one of the least understood phases of the breeding cycle, although parental provisioning rates and movement of fledglings are key to understanding life history evolution. We studied Cordilleran Flycatchers (Empidonax occidentalis) at two sites in southwestern Colorado, USA, from 2012 to 2017. We banded and sexed breeding adults to determine the relative contributions of males and females to nestling and fledgling care, and attached radio‐transmitters to nestlings to facilitate observations of brood behavior after fledging. Females made 60% and 78% of total observed feedings of nestlings and fledglings, respectively. Parental provisioning rates increased with nestling age, and per‐nestling provisioning rates increased with brood size. Parental provisioning rates declined just before fledging, then increased just after fledging. Fledging times of individuals in broods were asynchronous and concentrated during the late afternoon and early evening. Males stopped caring for fledglings before females even though this species is single‐brooded, with some late‐season broods being abandoned by males. Broods spent the first three weeks after fledging within 400 m of nests, after which they began to disperse. Most aspects of the breeding biology of Cordilleran Flycatchers in our study, including the duration of nestling and fledging periods, female‐dominated provisioning, and movement patterns of fledglings, were similar to those of other Empidonax species. However, the times when young fledged were not concentrated in the morning as reported in most other songbirds, and this result warrants additional study of the timing of fledging in ecologically and taxonomically similar species. The increased per‐nestling provisioning rate with increasing brood size was unexpected, and additional study is needed to determine if this increase results from a trade‐off between adult annual survival and productivity favoring increased provisioning of young in larger broods, or from the existence of high‐quality individuals where larger clutches and higher provisioning rates are linked.  相似文献   

The small size of the billions of migrating songbirds commuting between temperate breeding sites and the tropics has long prevented the study of the largest part of their annual cycle outside the breeding grounds. Using light-level loggers (geolocators), we recorded the entire annual migratory cycle of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant. We tested differences between autumn and spring migration for nine individuals. Duration of migration between breeding and winter sites was significantly longer in autumn (average 96 days) when compared with spring (63 days). This difference was explained by much longer staging periods during autumn (71 days) than spring (9 days). Between staging periods, the birds travelled faster during autumn (356 km d(-1)) than during spring (233 km d(-1)). All birds made a protracted stop (53 days) in Sahelian sub-Sahara on southbound migration. The birds performed a distinct loop migration (22 000 km) where spring distance, including a detour across the Arabian Peninsula, exceeded the autumn distance by 22 per cent. Geographical scatter between routes was particularly narrow in spring, with navigational convergence towards the crossing point from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. Temporal variation between individuals was relatively constant, while different individuals tended to be consistently early or late at different departure/arrival occasions during the annual cycle. These results demonstrate the existence of fundamentally different spatio-temporal migration strategies used by the birds during autumn and spring migration, and that songbirds may rely on distinct staging areas for completion of their annual cycle, suggesting more sophisticated endogenous control mechanisms than merely clock-and-compass guidance among terrestrial solitary migrants. After a century with metal-ringing, year-round tracking of long-distance migratory songbirds promises further insights into bird migration.  相似文献   

Using a broad-scale automated telemetry array, we explored post-fledging movements of blackpoll warblers breeding in Atlantic Canada. We sought to determine the full spatial scale of post-fledging dispersal, to assess support for three hypotheses for regional-scale post-fledging movement, and to determine whether learning influenced movement during this period. We demonstrated that both young and adults moved over distances more than 200 km prior to initiating migration. Adults moved southwest, crossing the Gulf of Maine (GOM), consistent with the commencement of migration hypothesis. Hatch-year birds exhibited less directional movements constrained geographically by the GOM. Their movements were most consistent with exploration hypotheses—that young birds develop a regional-scale map to aid in habitat selection, natal dispersal and subsequent migrations.  相似文献   

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