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We isolated and tested 16 microsatellite loci in black-tailed godwits from the Netherlands (Limosa limosa limosa), and from Australasia (subspecies melanuroides). One locus was monomorphic, two loci had null-alleles and one was significantly heterozygote deficient. The remaining 12 polymorphic loci had on average 7.9 alleles (range 5-11) and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.69. No significant linkage disequilibrium between the loci was observed and all loci were autosomal. Fourteen loci were successfully cross-amplified in bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica).  相似文献   

Methods commonly used to estimate the number of nests and size of the breeding population at colonies of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) and other waterbirds include walk‐through counts of nests (ground‐nest counts) and counts of incubating adults from the colony perimeter (incubating‐adult counts). The bias and variance of different methods and the comparability of repeated surveys versus once‐annual censuses are poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess (1) the potential bias and variation of the more rapid incubating‐adult counts compared to the time‐intensive, and presumably more accurate, ground‐nest counts, and (2) how accurately a once‐annual census captured peak nesting abundance. We studied nine Least Tern colonies at Cape Lookout National Seashore (CALO), North Carolina, from April to August 2010–2012. We analyzed observer and survey method agreement with concordance correlation coefficients (ρc). We deployed time‐lapse cameras at 156 nests and used repeated‐measures logistic regression to determine if the proportion of time spent incubating varied with colony, time of day, or time of season. We found substantial agreement in abundance estimates of Least Tern nests and incubating adults between observers and survey methods, and among different times of day and seasons (all comparisons ρc > 0.97). Least Terns incubated eggs 94% of the time on average during daylight hours, irrespective of colony, nesting stage, or month. Although the nesting peak at CALO occurred during the recommended census period for Least Terns, abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during that period varied by as much as 39%. We recommend conducting incubating‐adult counts to estimate nest and breeding population abundance of Least Terns or other waterbirds when vegetation or dunes do not obstruct views of nesting colonies. In addition, given the variation in abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during the recommended survey period, incubating‐adult counts should be performed at least twice during the census period, with the maximum count reported as peak nest abundance.  相似文献   

Introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus are a known threat to ground-nesting birds on many islands. Spring hedgehog density and sex ratio were measured over a 5-year period at four plots on the 315 km2 Hebridean island of South Uist. The mean instantaneous density on the sandy-soiled machair plots (31.8 hedgehogs km−2, se 2.95) was over twice that on the peaty-soiled blackland plots (15.4 hedgehogs km−2, se 3.46), a difference reflecting the amount of preferred foraging habitat (mainly pasture). Plot population densities fluctuated approximately in unison. Year-to-year density changes were strongly correlated with temperature in the preceding winter and previous year's spring/summer, indicating that warmer conditions promote both survival and breeding success. The mean spring sex ratio of sub-adults (animals born in the previous calendar year) was not significantly different from 1M:1F. However, the 1.8M:1F ratio observed for adults was significantly male biased, probably a result of female mortality associated with rearing young. The study estimates that in an average year the South Uist hedgehog population numbers c . 2750 (95% confidence limit±800) adults and sub-adults and these produce around 3000 young. Compared with the native range, hedgehog densities on South Uist are shown to be unusually high, probably because their natural predators are absent. High hedgehog densities have led directly to high rates of egg predation of ground-nesting shorebirds and subsequent declines in bird populations. The results suggest that over the past 20 years egg losses have become more severe and control of hedgehogs more difficult because climate warming has resulted in generally more favourable conditions for hedgehogs on the islands.  相似文献   

Pterygotid eurypterids have traditionally been interpreted as active, high-level, visual predators; however, recent studies of the visual system and cheliceral morphology of the pterygotid Acutiramus contradict this interpretation. Here, we report similar analyses of the pterygotids Erettopterus, Jaekelopterus and Pterygotus, and the pterygotid sister taxon Slimonia. Representative species of all these genera have more acute vision than A. cummingsi. The visual systems of Jaekelopterus rhenaniae and Pterygotus anglicus are comparable to that of modern predatory arthropods. All species of Jaekelopterus and Pterygotus have robust crushing chelicerae, morphologically distinct from the weaker slicing chelicerae of Acutiramus. Vision in Erettopterus osiliensis and Slimonia acuminata is more acute than in Acutiramus cummingsi, but not to the same degree as in modern active predators, and the morphology of the chelicerae in these genera suggests a grasping function. The pterygotids evolved with a shift in ecology from generalized feeder to specialized predator. Pterygotid eurypterids share a characteristic morphology but, although some were top predators, their ecology differs radically between genera.  相似文献   

Afromontane forests, like those in the Aberdare National Park (ANP) in Kenya, sustain unique avifaunal assemblages. There is a growing need for biodiversity inventories for Afromontane forests, especially through the utilisation of unskilled observers. Acoustic surveys are a potential aid to this, but more comparisons of this technique with that of traditional point counts are needed. We conducted a systematic survey of the ANP avifauna, assessing whether acoustic and traditional surveys resulted in different species richness scores, and whether this varied with habitat and species characteristics. We also investigated the role of habitat and elevation in driving variation in species richness. The ANP provides habitat types including scrub, moorland, montane, hagenia and bamboo forests. Overall, the surveys yielded 101 identified species. The acoustic method resulted in higher species richness scores compared to the traditional method across all habitats, and the relative performance of the two methods did not vary with habitat type or visibility. The methods detected different species, suggesting that they should be used together to maximise the range of species recorded. We found that habitat type was the primary driver of variation in species richness, with scrub and montane forest having higher species richness scores than other habitats.  相似文献   

Periodic censuses have been widely used to identify the population numbers and conservation status of many bird species. In order to be comparable, a census must be homogeneous through time. However, this requirement is not always possible. For this reason, studies addressing a possible bias in sampling efforts are very useful to correct such errors. In the present work, a standardized periodic monitoring of breeding White stork (Ciconia ciconia) at six Spanish colonies was conducted to estimate survey accuracy. We estimated the percentage of breeding pairs and productivity (number of chicks), i.e., accuracy, detected in each possible combination of number of visits as compared with the results obtained for the whole intensive monitoring, i.e., reality. Our results showed that single visits resulted in lower percentages of the number of breeding pairs and productivity detected compared with combinations of two or more visits. Nevertheless, one visit in a single month (April for the number of breeding pairs and June for productivity) did not show significantly lower results than the rest of the combinations of two or more visits. Early or late visits in the season might underestimate breeders by not accounting for either late-occupied or failed nests, respectively. In addition, the obvious increase in the probability of detection related with the number and the size of chicks is probably the reason why later visits in the season reported the highest value of productivity. In conclusion, the estimation bias presented in this study may be used to adjust sampling efforts in the census of the White stork.  相似文献   

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