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Antipolarity in the ilv operon of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The genes governing three of the enzymes of the isoleucine-valine biosynthetic pathway form the operon: operator-ilvA-ilvD-ilvE. The enzymes are: ilvA, l-threonine deaminase; ilvD, dihydroxy acid dehydrase; and ilvE, transaminase B. A nonsense mutation in the ilvD gene (D-ochre) and a nonsense mutation in the ilvE gene (E-amber) affect the properties of the proximal gene product, l-threonine deaminase (TD), in addition to inactivating the enzymes produced by the genes in which the mutations have occurred. The D-ochre mutation causes TD to move in diffusion and gel filtration experiments as though it were 30% smaller than the wild-type enzyme. The E-amber mutation causes TD to move in similar experiments as though it were much larger than the wild-type enzyme. Both mutations completely abolish the sensitivity of TD to l-isoleucine, the normal feedback inhibitor of the wild-type enzyme. The effects of the nonsense mutations on TD can be reversed in three ways: by genetic reversion of the D-ochre mutation; by treatment of the altered enzymes with 3.0 m urea; and by forming a heterozygous diploid, containing the wild-type allele as well as the mutant allele of ilvD or ilvE. The results suggest that the subunits of TD undergo abnormal aggregation in the presence of the partial polypeptides produced by the mutant alleles of ilvD or ilvE; multi-enzyme aggregates in extracts of wild type, however, could not be detected.  相似文献   

Besides producing thymine-requiring mutants (thy), trimethoprim (TMP) cured the mini-ColE1 replicon pML21 at an appreciable frequency. The cured Escherichia coli K-12 cells behaved like polA mutants by failing to support the stable maintenance of the ColE1 plasmid. The mini-F replicon pSC138, which was lacking all three insertion sequences (IS3, gammadelta, and IS2) normally used for F-specific integration and excision, was not cured by TMP. Instead, it integrated into specific regions of the E. coli chromosome and thus caused auxotrophic mutations in operons which were always localized on either side of oriC (origin of chromosomal replication). The incompatibility and replication functions of the integrated plasmid in auxotrophs were retained, and the plasmid DNAs recovered from spontaneously occurring revertants did not show any alterations in their contour lengths as determined by electron microscopy. The F replicon (fragment 5) contained in plasmid pSC138 carried two origins of replication, the primary origin, oriV(1) at 42.6F and the secondary origin, oriV(2), at 44.1F. Another mini-F plasmid pMF21, deleted of the primary origin of replication (oriV(1)), was still capable of autonomous replication but failed to integrate onto the chromosome after TMP treatment. Furthermore, the composite plasmid pRS5, which normally uses only the replication origin and functions of the pSC101 component, was also insensitive to TMP. On the basis of these results, we propose a new scheme of F integration via the functional oriV(1) and suggest the involvement of a similar mechanism in the formation of Hfr strains by integrative suppression.  相似文献   

V K Gordeev  M I Turkov 《Genetika》1985,21(7):1077-1089
The modern data on Escherichia coli K-12 ilv genes expression are reviewed. The problems of regulation of the ilv genes activity and of their possible role in the process of cell adaptation to changeable environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Insertion mutations in the dam gene of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
The dam gene of E. coli can be inactivated by insertion of Tn9 or Mud phage. Strains bearing these mutations are viable indicating that the dam gene product is dispensable.  相似文献   

Physiological analysis of an E. coli K-12 strain carrying a Mu phage integrated into the ilvA structural gene shows that there is a polar affect on ilvD gene expression, whereas, the ilvE gene maintains a normal multivalent regulation response. It was also demonstrated that the ilvC and ilvB genes can be derepressed and repressed in response to ilv multivalent control. These experiments demonstrate that the ilvE structural gene can be regulated independently from the ilvA and ilvD structural genes and that the ilvC structural gene does not require the complete ilvA gene product (threonine deaminase) for its induction.  相似文献   

In bacteria, mechanisms that incorporate DNA into a genome without strand-transfer proteins such as RecA play a major role in generating novelty by horizontal gene transfer. We describe a new illegitimate recombination event in Escherichia coli K-12: RecA-independent homologous replacements, with very large (megabase-length) donor patches replacing recipient DNA. A previously uncharacterized gene (yjiP) increases the frequency of RecA-independent replacement recombination. To show this, we used conjugal DNA transfer, combining a classical conjugation donor, HfrH, with modern genome engineering methods and whole genome sequencing analysis to enable interrogation of genetic dependence of integration mechanisms and characterization of recombination products. As in classical experiments, genomic DNA transfer begins at a unique position in the donor, entering the recipient via conjugation; antibiotic resistance markers are then used to select recombinant progeny. Different configurations of this system were used to compare known mechanisms for stable DNA incorporation, including homologous recombination, F’-plasmid formation, and genome duplication. A genome island of interest known as the immigration control region was specifically replaced in a minority of recombinants, at a frequency of 3 X 10-12 CFU/recipient per hour.  相似文献   

Evidence for two distinct pyruvate kinase genes in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A strain of Escherichia coli K-12 defective in pyruvate kinase F has been produced. The existence of this mutant, in conjunction with earlier results, strongly suggests that the two pyruvate kinases in this bacterium are distinct forms and not interconvertible. Either form of pyruvate kinase appeared to be equally effective in the glycolytic conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate. Genes specifying pyruvate kinase A and pyruvate kinase F were present on the small F-prime F506 and the locus for pyruvate kinase F was found to be at minute 36.5 on the E. coli genetic map.  相似文献   

The site specificity of metallic ion binding in Escherichia coli K-12 lipopolysaccharide was assessed by collecting high-resolution phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectra in the presence of manganese, a paramagnetic divalent cation. This technique revealed high-affinity interactions between the cation and all of the lipopolysaccharide phosphoryl groups. To ascertain whether the carboxyl groups of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate contributed to the metal cation binding, lipopolysaccharide was chemically modified using a glycine ethyl ester - carbodiimide reaction. Of the three available carboxyl groups, only one was neutralized by the exogenously added ligand; the others appeared to be cross-linked within the molecule. By analogy, only one carboxyl group should be freely available for binding metallic ions, while the others are probably neutralized by the close proximity of endogenous amino substituents. Although high-resolution phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance showed that an intermolecular conformational change had occurred after the carboxyl groups were neutralized, titration with manganese revealed no differences in the apparent strength of the interactions between the cation and the phosphoryl groups. Together, these data suggest that the high affinity of lipopolysaccharide for divalent metallic ions can be attributed primarily to the phosphoryl substituents and not free carboxyl groups.  相似文献   

The ability of cAMP to inhibit isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IRS) formation has been demonstrated in wild type K-12 Escherichia coli and two adenyl-cyclase (cya) mutants. cAMP appeared not to have any effect on either the valyl- or arginyl-tRNA synthetase (VRS and ARS respectively). Addition of cAMP led to a reduction in rate of IRS synthesis but not VRS or ARS. Furthermore, derepression of IRS and VRS by isoleucine limitation was completely prevented by cAMP.Abbreviations IRS isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase - VRS valyl-tRNA synthetase - ARS arginyl-tRNA synthetase - cAMP cyclic adenosine-3,5-monophosphate - Cya adenyl cyclase Gene - CRP cAMP receptor protein - O.D. optical density  相似文献   

Lon- mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 are deficient in the inheritance of F-plasmids by conjugation. This deficiency is distinct from the conjugation deficiency caused by overproduction of capsular polysaccharide which decreases donor-recipient pair formation.  相似文献   

Genetically related Escherichia coli K-12 strains were found to differ widely in their l-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity. This variation is due to differences in the amount of GAD produced by the different cultures, rather than to the appearance of altered enzymes differing in catalytic activity. A regulatory gene, gadR, which controls the amount of GAD was mapped on the E. coli K-12 chromosome. A strain with a lesion in the structural gene for GAD is described.  相似文献   

The ferrichrome-iron receptor of Escherichia coli K-12 encoded by the fhuA gene is a multifunctional outer membrane receptor with an Mr of 78,000. It is required for the binding and uptake of ferrichrome and is the receptor for bacteriophages T5, T1, phi 80, and UC-1 as well as for colicin M. The fhuA gene was cloned into pBR322, and the recombinant plasmid pGC01 was mutagenized by the insertion of 6-base-pair TAB (two amino acid Barany) linkers into CfoI and HpaII restriction sites distributed throughout the coding region. A library of 18 TAB linker insertions in fhuA was generated; 8 of the mutations were at CfoI sites and 10 were at HpaII sites. All mutations inserted a hexamer that encoded a unique SacI site. A large deletion in fhuA was also isolated by TAB linker mutagenesis. Except for the deletion mutant, all of the linker insertion mutant FhuA proteins were found in the outer membrane in amounts similar to those found in the wild type. Five of the linker insertion mutants were susceptible to cleavage by endogenous proteolytic activity: a second FhuA-related band that migrated at approximately 72 kilodaltons could be detected on Coomassie blue-stained gels and on Western blots (immunoblots) by using a carboxy terminus-specific anti-peptide antibody. Receptor functions were measured with the mutated genes present in a single copy on the chromosome. Some of the receptors conferred wild-type phenotypes: they demonstrated growth promotion by ferrichrome and the same efficiency of plating as that of wild-type FhuA; killing by colicin M was also unaffected. Several mutants were altered in their sensitivities to the lethal agents. TAB linker insertions after amino acids 69 and 128 abolished all receptor functions. Phage T5 id not bind to these mutant FhuA proteins in detergent extracts. The deletion mutant was also defective in all FhuA functions. Sensitivity to the lethal agents of cellsl that expressed mutant FhuAs with insertions after amino acids 59 and 135 was reduced by several orders of magnitude. Insertion at other selected sites decreased some or all receptor functions only slightly. An insertion after amino acid 321 selectively eliminated ferrichrome growth promotion. Finally, a strain carrying a mutant fhuA gene on the chromosome in which the linker insertion occurred after amino acid 82 showed a tonB phenotype. These subtle perturbations that were introduced into the FhuA protein resulted in changes in its stability and in the binding and uptake of its cognate ligands.  相似文献   

An ilvA mutation carried by a ?80i(lambda)dilv transducing phage complemented some ilvA mutations and did not complement others. Complementation was accompanied by appearance of threonine deaminase activity in vivo. These results divided the ilvA mutations into two sets which formerly appeared to define two cistrons.  相似文献   

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