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Summary The morphology of postnatal differentiation of the Golgi apparatus, the nucleus, the perikaryon, and the dendrites was studied in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum for 30 days after birth using histochemical, histological, and electron microscopic methods.The Golgi apparatus during differentiation undergoes morphological and positional changes. From the 1st to 7th postnatal day, the Golgi apparatus is found in a supranuclear position, and is connected with the axes of differentiating primary dendrites by beam-like processes. From days 8 to 11 this connection disappears, and most of the Golgi apparatus assumes a lateronuclear and infranuclear position. After the 11th or 12th day, the Golgi apparatus is found in perinuclear and peripheral cytoplasmic positions. The formation of granular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the vicinity of the perinuclear Golgi apparatus. The differentiation of cell and nuclear forms requires approximately 20 days. The morphological changes of differentiation are discussed in relation to the participation of the Golgi apparatus in the differentiation of dendrites and in the formation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

In this report data are presented which firmly establish that by treating isolated F0 with the thiol reagent diamide, two 25 kDa F0 subunits react to form a dimer of 45 kDa apparent molecular mass. This dimerising effect is correlated to the impairment of the binding of F1 to F0, both at microM and mM diamide concentrations. Under the latter condition, modification of other F0 subunits also occurs. Passive proton conductance through F0, as well as its sensitivity to N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, are affected at low diamide concentration. Thus perturbation of the cysteine residue of the 25 kDa F0 subunit is sufficient for altering the ATP synthase proton channel.  相似文献   

Summary With the indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coons and collaborators somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) was observed in certain neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system of the rat. In the cell bodies a strong SLI was observed with a distribution resembling that of the Golgi apparatus. In addition a weak SLI was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. After photography the sections processed for immunocytochemistry were stained with the thiamine pyrophosphatase technique of Novikoff and Goldfischer. The latter technique is assumed to be a specific marker for the Golgi complex. It was found that the strong SLI and the thiamine pyrophosphatase activity had an identical distribution. Thus, one pool of somatostatin appears to be localized to the Golgi apparatus.This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-2887, 19X-3412), Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse, Harald och Greta Jeanssons Stiftelse, and funds from the Karolinska Institute  相似文献   

I Ferrer  S Sancho 《Acta anatomica》1987,129(1):43-52
In an attempt to classify neurons in the upper layers of the cerebral cortex according to modern nomenclature based on Golgi impregnations, non-pyramidal neurons in layers II and III of the dog's cerebral cortex have been categorized into thirteen types: large double-bouquet cells with long ascending and descending axons (type I double-bouquet cells); bipolar neurons; multipolar neurons with long tufted descending axons (type II double-bouquet cells); neurons with long ascending axons; neurons with superficial axon plexuses; elongated large multipolar neurons with extended generalized axonal arborizations; neurons with long descending axons; small bi-tufted neurons with short ascending, descending or local axons; small multipolar neurons with short ascending, descending or local axons; multipolar neurons with local or extended axonal arborizations usually forming arcades (some of them also with a long descending axon); basket cells; neurogliaform neurons, and chandelier cells. Neurons in the molecular layer were horizontal cells and multipolar neurons with short axons. These data have been compared with those described in other species to provide a provisional classification of non-pyramidal neurons located in the upper layers of the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

O Johansson 《Histochemistry》1978,58(3):167-176
With the indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coons and collaborators somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) was observed in certain neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system of the rat. In the cell bodies a strong SLI was observed with a distribution resembling that of the Golgi apparatus. In addition a weak SLI was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. After photography the sections processed for immunocytochemistry were stained with the thiamine pyrophosphatase technique of Novikoff and Goldfischer. The latter technique is assumed to be a specific marker for the Golgi complex. It was found that the strong SLI and the thiamine pyrophosphatase activity had an identical distribution. Thus, one pool of somatostatin appears to be localized to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

W Meyer 《Histochemistry》1979,59(3):177-187
The central nervous systems of web-building spiders (Araneidae, Agelenidae) and hunting spiders (Lycosidae, Salticidae) were tested for non-specific and specific phosphatases. Acid phosphatase exhibited weakly to moderately positive reactions in the neuronal cell bodies and in the neuropile fibre mass of all species investigated. Alkaline phosphatase could only be demonstrated in the external and internal neural lamellae of the brain and ventral cord of several specimens of the araneid species investigated. Tests for thiamine pyrophosphatase were negative with both the lead and calcium-cobalt methods. Distinctive positive reactions for adenosine triphosphatase were visible in the nervous system of all the species used, being especially strong in the optic ganglia of the hunting spiders. The demonstration of adenosine triphosphatase was only possible when applying the calcium-cobalt method after Padykula and Herman, while the lead method after Wachstein and Meisel did not produce any staining reaction at all. Controls of the histochemical reaction showed that the enzyme was activated by Ca2+ and inhibited by sulphydryl destroying reagents (e.g. PCMB), but was insensitive to ouabain. It could be probably classified as a mitochondrial proton-translocating adenosine triphosphatase.  相似文献   

In this study we report the identification of an antibody in the sera of some patients with autoimmune disease that reacted with a cytoplasmic antigen localized within the Golgi apparatus. The antibody reacted with all tissues investigated, which included pancreas, kidney, testis, liver, thymus, and spleen. In addition, it reacted with some human peripheral circulating lymphocytes, murine peritoneal macrophages, and a variety of tissue culture cell lines, which included HEp-2 cells (human epithelial carcinoma), baby hamster kidney cells, a canine thymus cell line, a primary kidney cell line, Ehrlich ascites cells, Wil-2 cells, and Raji cells. The antigen is located in the same region stained by the histochemical reaction for thiamine pyrophosphatase, thus indicating that the antigen is located within the Golgi apparatus. The antigen was not demonstrated by immunodiffusion of saline extracts of rabbit thymus, pancreas, or liver. The antigen in HEp-2 cells was resistant to RNase A, DNase I, micrococcal nuclease, and to extraction with 0.1 N HC1, but was sensitive to trypsin and Proteinase K. Eight patients with anti-Golgi antibodies have been identified. Six of the eight had systemic lupus erythematosus. Autoantibodies to a Golgi apparatus antigen might serve as a useful biologic marker to study the functional relationship of the Golgi apparatus to lymphocytes and macrophages.  相似文献   

The levels of DNA, RNA, protein and acid and alkaline DNase were studied in developing and old chick cerebellum. The in vitro synthesis of DNA, by both chick cerebrum and cerebellum was also studied, by following the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA. It was observed that the increase in DNA content of chick cerebellum continued well beyond adult stages of life span. Maximal DNA synthesis, as judged by the [3H]thymidine incorporation, was noticed during the early embryonic development but decreased with advancement of age. There was, however, another peak of activity, although smaller, at about 9 months of age. Both cerebrum and cerebellum showed similar patterns. The highest specific activity of acid DNase was also found during the early period of cerebellar development, that is at a time when rapid cellular proliferation was occurring. The activity steadily declined with the aging and in 2-year-old cerebellum very little activity could be detected. Alkaline DNase, on the other hand, not only exhibited high activity during the early development but also remained at a significant level even in old cerebellum. It is concluded that acid DNase shows a positive correlation to the early embryonic DNA synthesis but not to the cell increase occurring in old age.  相似文献   

The inherited prion diseases are neurodegenerative disorders which are not only genetic but also transmissible. More than a dozen mutations in the prion protein gene that result in nonconservative amino acid substitutions segregate with the inherited prion diseases including familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). In Israel, the incidence of CJD is about 1 case/10(4) Libyan Jews. A Lys200 substitution segregates with CJD and is reported here to be genetically linked to CJD with a lod score of > 4.8. Some healthy elderly Lys200 carriers > age 65 years were identified, suggesting the possibility of incomplete penetrance. In contrast, no linkage was found between the development of familial CJD and a polymorphism encoding either Met129 or Val129. All Libyan Jewish CJD patients with the Lys200 mutation encode a Met129 on the mutant allele. Homozygosity for Met129 did not correlate with age at disease onset or the duration of illness. The frequency of the Met129 allele was higher in the affected pedigrees than in a control population of Libyan Jews. The frequency of the Met129 and Val129 alleles in the control Libyan population was similar to that found in the general Caucasian population. The identification of three Libyan Jews homozygous for the Lys200 mutation suggests frequent intrafamilial marriages, a custom documented by genealogical investigations.  相似文献   

Rat kidney 5-oxo-L-prolinase catalyzes the endergonic hydrolysis of 5-oxo-L-proline (L-pyroglutamate, L-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate) to form L-glutamate; the reaction is driven by and dependent on the stoichiometric concomitant hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate. The present studies are concerned with the mechanism by which the free energy of ATP hydrolysis is conserved and made available for 5-oxoproline hydrolysis. Studies with 18O-labeled substrates showed that (a) all three oxygen atoms of 5-oxoproline are recovered in the product glutamate, and (b) the two water molecules consumed in the reaction contribute one oxygen atom to inorganic phosphate and one oxygen atom to the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamate. It was shown that the enzyme also catalyzes the intrinsically exergonic hydrolysis of alpha-hydroxyglutarate lactone, a reaction that is ATP-dependent. Intermediates in the 5-oxoprolinase reaction were not detected by exchange experiments with radioactive ADP and phosphate, nor were they trapped by adding hydroxylamine. In the presence of very high glutamate concentrations, a slow reversal of the 5-oxoprolinase reaction was demonstrated by measuring ATP formation. The findings are consistent with a mechanism in which 5-oxo-L-proline is phosphorylated by ATP on the amide carbonyl oxygen and the resulting intermediate is subsequently hydrolyzed to yield gamma-glutamyl phosphate; the latter is hydrolyzed to glutamate and inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

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