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【目的】寡雄腐霉(Pythium oligandrum Drechsler)是一种对动、植物和环境无害,兼具杀菌和增产效果的生防真菌。通过研究建立农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系。【方法】选用EHA105、AGL-1、LBA4404三种农杆菌菌株对寡雄腐霉进行遗传转化研究,通过对影响遗传转化效果的条件参数试验优化,确立适宜寡雄腐霉遗传转化的农杆菌菌株及转化条件,建立农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系。【结果】经研究发现,所选3种农杆菌菌株中EHA105菌株对寡雄腐霉的遗传转化效果最好,其次是AGL-1菌株,LBA4404菌株转化效果不好。EHA105菌株经IM(含300μmol/L AS)诱导培养至OD_(600)=0.6时,与浓度为10~6–10~7个/m L的寡雄腐霉孢子悬浮液以1–10:1的比例混合,在25–26°C以液体振荡的方式避光共培养72 h(pH 5.0,含300μmol/L AS),寡雄腐霉菌体液体振荡恢复培养24 h,涂布抗性选择平板筛选寡雄腐霉转化子,即可得到寡雄腐霉基因工程菌株,其转化率可达到130个转化子/106个孢子。【结论】本研究首次构建了农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系,研究结果可为寡雄腐霉的生防机制及分子育种研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of the rDNA ITS region in Pythium helicoides and the phylogenetic relationship between P. helicoides and closely related species were investigated. In PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA ITS region of six P. helicoides isolates investigated, including the type culture, intraspecific variation was found at the HhaI site. The total length of fragments was longer than before cutting, indicating sequence heterogeneity within isolates. Digestion of the cloned rDNA ITS region derived from seven isolates with HhaI revealed polymorphisms among and within single zoospore isolates, and variability of the region was also present among the clones derived from the same isolate. To test whether the rDNA ITS region of closely related species and other regions in the genome of P. helicoides are also variable, the rDNA ITS region of P. ultimum and the cytochrome oxydase II (cox II) gene encoded in mitochondria were sequenced. P. ultimum had little variation in the rDNA ITS region. The cox II gene sequences of both species revealed only a low intraspecific variability and no intra-isolate variation. In the phylogenic tree based on the rDNA ITS sequences, all clones of P. helicoides formed one large clade that was distinct from the clades comprising morphologically similar species, such as P. oedochilum and P. ostracodes, and was closely related to P. chamaehyphon rather than the other species.  相似文献   

刘萍  苏晓庆 《微生物学报》2007,26(3):440-447
为了解灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense对大鼠是否有长期毒性作用。将大鼠120只随机分4组,经饮水口服贵阳腐霉菌丝体。菌丝剂量分别为200mg/kg、100mg/kg、50mg/kg,对照组饮自来水。分别于试验期的90d和180d各组取鼠总数的1/3处死进行检查,剩余1/3大鼠待停用菌丝体悬液2周后处死。观察大鼠一般情况、血常规、肝肾功能等各项生化和组织学指标。结果表明各组大鼠均发育正常,精神食欲好,体重增加;血液学、生化指标变化无明显的剂量-效应关系;内脏系数无异常;对重要脏器的解剖学及组织学检查未见明显异常。本研究结果证明灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉对大鼠是安全的,从而为其在防治蚊虫的推广应用中的安全性提供了重要的毒理学依据。  相似文献   

刘萍  苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2007,26(3):440-447
为了解灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉Pythium guiyangense对大鼠是否有长期毒性作用。将大鼠120只随机分4组,经饮水口服贵阳腐霉菌丝体。菌丝剂量分别为200mg/kg、100mg/kg、50mg/kg,对照组饮自来水。分别于试验期的90d和180d各组取鼠总数的1/3处死进行检查,剩余1/3大鼠待停用菌丝体悬液2周后处死。观察大鼠一般情况、血常规、肝肾功能等各项生化和组织学指标。结果表明各组大鼠均发育正常,精神食欲好,体重增加;血液学、生化指标变化无明显的剂量-效应关系;内脏系数无异常;对重要脏器的解剖学及组织学检查未见明显异常。本研究结果证明灭蚊真菌贵阳腐霉对大鼠是安全的,从而为其在防治蚊虫的推广应用中的安全性提供了重要的毒理学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】生物农药安全无害,环境友好。为了评价寡雄腐霉发酵液(Pythium oligandrum broth,POB)的动物安全性和防病促生效应,研制高效、无害的生物农药。【方法】试验利用自主分离的寡雄腐霉生防菌株(P.oligandrum CQ2010)制备POB,通过动物试验、拮抗试验、盆栽和生产试验,研究了POB的动物毒性,对黄瓜蔓枯病的防治作用,以及对黄瓜生长、产量和品质的影响。【结果】用大剂量的POB灌胃给药对小鼠体重增长无显著影响,其外观和行为均无异常,组织器官也未见病理改变。POB对甜瓜球腔菌的抑制率为51.95%,药效介于1∶800的百菌清溶液和1∶200的甲基托布津溶液之间。在黄瓜幼苗接种甜瓜球腔菌前后喷施POB,叶片丙二醛含量下降,过氧化物酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性增强,发病率和病情指数均显著降低,相对防治效果达到54.8%–64.1%,故POB能减轻病原菌对细胞膜的伤害,激发防御性生理反应,增强黄瓜植株的抗病能力。此外,POB处理提高叶绿素含量,增强根系活力,增加植株氮、磷、钾吸收量,促进黄瓜植株生长,生物量和果实产量分别提高81.10%和11.58%。POB还使黄瓜果实Vc和可溶性糖提高,硝酸盐含量降低。【结论】寡雄腐霉发酵液对动物安全无毒,能有效防治黄瓜蔓枯病,促进黄瓜生长,提高产量品质。  相似文献   

【背景】菊科植物新疆千里光原产于欧亚大陆,在北美和澳洲为入侵植物,目前在中国只有新疆有分布记录。新疆千里光一旦成为入侵植物,将对农业、畜牧业和人类健康都可能产生危害,所以需要评估其在中国的扩散趋势。【方法】搜集新疆千里光在中国和世界其他地区的分布记录,结合当前和未来(2050年)气候条件下19种生物气候变量,应用Maxent模型和Diva Gis软件,定量预测新疆千里光在中国目前和未来的潜在分布区域;并通过接受者操作特征曲线(ROC)分析法对模型进行精度检验。另外,通过Maxent给出新疆千里光在欧洲(原产地)、北美洲和大洋洲(入侵地)以及中国等4个分布区的年均温度和年均降水量的气候阈值。【结果】用中国和全球分布的数据预测的结果有些差异。前者结果表明除了新疆地区,其他省份几乎没有新疆千里光的适生区;而后者显示在中国其他几个省份也有可能分布,且在甘肃四川交界处有较高适生性。前者模型精确度较高,但2个结果都显示新疆千里光在中国目前和未来的分布区大部分还是在新疆地区。中国分布区年均温度和年均降水量的阈值比其他2个地区都低。【结论与意义】新疆千里光在当前和未来气候条件下在中国未来的扩散趋势较弱,基本局限于新疆地区。用中国分布数据预测优于全球分布数据预测结果,新疆千里光不同分布区的气候阈值的差异揭示分布于中国的新疆千里光与其他地区的种群的生态位有所不同,可能是一个新的亚种,希望未来能进行进一步的研究。  相似文献   

王渟渟  张桥英  张运春  唐梦娥  廖望 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9100-9110
研究植株个体与种群数量的关系对探究植物的适应策略、理解植物入侵机理有重要意义。但多数研究着眼于常温处理下植株响应密度变化的生长权衡,对增温处理下植株的密度制约调节机理和常温与增温处理下响应密度变化的调节规律是否发生变化认识不足。以喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为研究对象,采用密度(1、5、9株/盆,37、186、335株/m2)和温度(常温、增温)双因素实验设计,探究了全球变暖背景下,密度制约与喜旱莲子草的关系、地上与地下部分的密度制约调节规律。结果表明:(1)地上构件特征与温度呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),地上构件特征和比叶面积表现出明显密度依赖性(P<0.05)。温度与种群密度及其交互作用对地下指标无显著影响(P>0.05)。(2)无论增温与否,随密度压力增加,根生物量分配比率增大,各构件平均生物量、茎生物量分配比率降低。叶生物量分配比率在各密度下维持恒定。(3)用生物量-密度异速指数γ衡量种群密度调控强弱。常温处理下,γleaf(-1.685) < γabove-ground(-1.612) < γstem(-1.605) < γ individual(-1.558) < γroot(-1.524),受密度制约调控强度的大小依次为:叶>地上>茎>个体>根。增温处理下,γstem(-2.075) < γabove-ground(-2.038) < γindividual(-1.982) < γleaf(-1.933) < γroot(-1.800),受密度制约调控强度的大小依次为:茎 > 地上 > 个体 > 叶 > 根。喜旱莲子草种群地上构件受密度的调节作用强于地下构件。由此可见,无论增温与否,喜旱莲子草种群地下资源的竞争能力随密度增加而增强,地上资源竞争能力随密度增加而减弱,喜旱莲子草地上部分调节强于地下部分,常温处理下,叶受密度制约作用更强,增温处理下,茎受密度制约最强。根受密度制约最弱。地上资源的竞争占主导地位。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)入侵喀斯特生态系统导致群落多样性和稳定性降低是该区域面临的重要生态问题,丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizae,AM)通过根系外延菌丝互联不同物种个体影响植物养分竞争,但如何调控入侵种与乡土种地上地下资源竞争分配尚不清楚。以入侵种紫茎泽兰和乡土种黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)为研究对象,使用由1个竞争室和2个种植室所组成的微生态系装置。针对两物种对竞争室养分资源利用,采用20 μm和0.45 μm尼龙网设置共同竞争(CC)、单一利用(SU)和对照(CK)处理,并对上述处理进行AM真菌接种(M+)与不接种(M-),分析不同处理下紫茎泽兰与黄花蒿地下地上生物量及氮磷养分分配。结果表明:就地上部分而言,比较M+与M-,三种竞争方式的紫茎泽兰磷吸收量均显著表现为M+ > M-,但黄花蒿在M+与M-间无显著差异;比较3种竞争方式,M+下紫茎泽兰氮吸收量和黄花蒿生物量及氮磷吸收量表现为SU>CK,黄花蒿地上生物量、氮磷吸收量则表现为CCSU;M+下CC处理紫茎泽兰地上氮吸收量显著高于黄花蒿;M-下黄花蒿氮磷吸收量显著表现为CC和SU>CK,但紫茎泽兰在CC、SU和CK间无显著差异。就地下部分而言,三种竞争方式的紫茎泽兰地下生物量、氮磷吸收量显著表现为M+ > M-,但黄花蒿在M+与M-间无显著差异;比较三种竞争方式,M+下紫茎泽兰氮吸收量在CC与SU间无显著差异,但SU>CK;比较植物间,M+条件下,CC和SU处理的紫茎泽兰氮磷吸收量均显著高于黄花蒿,而M-条件下紫茎泽兰与黄花蒿生物量和氮磷吸收量在三种竞争方式间均无显著差异。研究表明,AM真菌通过菌根网络调控入侵种和乡土种的竞争能力,影响公用土壤养分资源在植株地上地下的资源分配并提高入侵植物从菌根共生体中获得收益促进其入侵。  相似文献   

韦春强  唐赛春  李象钦  潘玉梅 《广西植物》2022,42(12):2056-2063
为了探讨大狼耙草的入侵风险,该文通过同质种植园实验,研究了不同养分水平下大狼耙草河北、江苏、江西和广西4个入侵种群在单种和各种群与近缘本地植物金盏银盘混种时的生长和竞争响应。结果表明:(1)单种时4个种群的株高、分枝数和总生物量在高养分下显著高于低养分下,繁殖比在低养分下显著高于高养分下(江苏种群除外); 混种时4个种群各生长参数的竞争响应在高养分下小于低养分下的。(2)各养分下,广西和江西种群的株高和总生物量显著高于河北种群,广西种群的分枝数最多[低、中和高养分下分别为(12±0.86)、(16.83±0.95)和(21.83±1.14)]; 河北种群的繁殖比在低养分 [(47.33±3.29)%]和高养分 [(25.74±2.82)%]下最高,且显著高于同养分下的广西种群 [低养分为(30.92±1.78)%和高养分为(19.77±1.22)%]。中养分下,河北种群总生物量的竞争响应(-0.51±0.04)显著大于广西种群(-0.35±0.06),繁殖生物量的竞争响应(-0.46±0.03)也显著大于广西种群(-0.28±0.07)。综上表明,高养分提高大狼耙草的生长和竞争能力,生长和竞争能力在种群间有差异,养分增加和入侵种群间基因流可能会潜在地提高大狼耙草的入侵风险,该研究结果有助于预测入侵植物的入侵风险。  相似文献   

The Sterkfontein hand bones, attributed to Australopithecus africanus, were analysed to determine potential hand function of the power grip type of this species. The metacarpus is as stable as that of modern humans, as indicated by the depth of the groove on the base of metacarpal 2, the styloid process of metacarpal 3, the base articular surface areas, and the ligament markings on the bases of the metacarpals. The flexion and rotation of metacarpal 5 might have been less than that of modern humans, due to a more marked ventral articular lip on the base. The metacarpus acts as a lever, acting in various planes. The extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis longus muscles were probably better developed than in modern humans. The extensor carpi radialis brevis and flexor carpi radialis muscles would probably have been as well developed as in modern humans. None of the long tendons have a mechanical disadvantage as compared to modern humans. The metacarpals have a high robusticity index. The proximal phalanges show some midshaft swelling, slightly greater curvature than in modern humans, and some side to side bowing: pongid features. The fibrous flexor sheath markings are well developed, but resemble those of modern humans rather than those of the pongids. A single middle phalanx resembles that of modern humans, and has well developed ridges for insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle. The distal phalanx of the thumb has a well developed region for insertion of the flexor pollicis longus muscle, and has a mechanical advantage over modern humans for action of this muscle at the interphalangeal joint. The features indicate that the hand of A. africanus was well adapted to powerful hand use, as in hammering, striking, chopping, scraping, and gouging actions, as well as for throwing and climbing activities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the influence of loading on a maxillary central incisor with the periodontal ligament (PDL) represented by 2D elastic beam elements using a 2D finite element analysis. Two models (M) were built varying the PDL representation: Mh (homogeneous PDL) and Mht (heterogeneous PDL with beam3 elements). Stress and displacements were determined for three loading conditions (L): Ll, lingual face loading at 45° with the tooth long axis; Li, perpendicular to the incisal edge; and Lip, on the incisal edge, parallel to the tooth long axis. Evaluation was performed on ANSYS software. Lip provided lower stress variation on the tooth and support structures when compared to Ll and Li. PDL's influence on stress values was lower for Lip. Oblique loading showed stress and displacement not observed in parallel loading condition through PDL's heterogeneous representation and it is probably incompatible with the in vivo condition.  相似文献   

The methods employed in a restoration can impact the resulting plant community. This study investigated the effect of restoration method on several indices of plant community structure by comparing two restoration methods conducted over an 8‐year period to a naturally colonized postagricultural field and a remnant grassland. The restoration methods included (1) distributing seed over fallow fields and (2) planting established seedlings in combination with seeding a fallow field. We found greater plant community resemblance (i.e., floristic quality, native species richness, and native diversity) to remnant grasslands with the introduction of seedlings during the first 4 years of restoration. There was also a negative correlation between the native plant diversity and the density of exotic plants in the restoration. This relationship suggests that introducing native plants in postagricultural fields may represent an effective management strategy to reduce exotic plant density.  相似文献   

【背景】北美刺龙葵是一种全球广泛分布的恶性杂草,已被列入我国进境检疫性有害生物名单。近年来北美刺龙葵不断随进口货物传入我国,明确其传入途径和适生区对控制其入侵具有重要意义。【方法】采用GIS、空间统计学、Maxent生态位模型等方法分析了北美刺龙葵的传入途径与潜在分布区,并通过ROC分析法对模型进行检验。【结果】跨区域农产品贸易是北美刺龙葵全球扩散的驱动力与传入我国的主要途径。生态模型预测结果表明,北美刺龙葵在我国具有广阔的适生区,除黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、青海、甘肃、西藏、四川西北部以外的区域都是其在我国的适生区,其中高风险区主要集中在东部和南部沿海、西南边境和新疆的部分地区。AUC值为0.789,表明本研究建立的Maxent模型的预测能力较强,能够很好地拟合物种已知分布的环境生态位。【结论与意义】北美刺龙葵在我国的传入风险极高。基于北美刺龙葵在我国的主要传入途径与潜在扩散媒介的时空分布,划定了重点监测的区域,建议对适生区内极易传入的高风险区如港口、机场、物流中转站、加工厂等开展早期监测预警,以预防其再次入侵与进一步扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

舒畅  陶文沂  周荼 《菌物学报》2007,26(2):284-288
研究了致命鹅膏中的毒素在安全剂量下抑制小鼠皮肤肿瘤的效果,并对此毒素的药用安全性进行初步评价。采用经典的DMBA/巴豆油诱导小鼠皮肤乳头状瘤形成的二阶段致癌模型,观察和评价致命鹅膏毒素在不同剂量下抑制肿瘤的效果,并且通过测定血清中氨基己糖的含量来判断对肝损伤的情况。结果表明,致命鹅膏毒素在某一低剂量下对DMBA/巴豆油诱导小鼠皮肤乳头状瘤有较好的治愈效果,且对小鼠肝脏无损伤,证明了致命鹅膏毒素可以较好地治疗皮肤癌。  相似文献   

The prosobranch Planaxis sulcatus is reported as a new natural host of Lobatostoma manteri at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Planaxis sulcatus and Cerithium moniliferum were experimentally infected with large numbers of eggs. The larvae hatch in the stomach and migrate immediately along the ducts of the digestive gland into the digestive follicles. The larvae feed on the secretion and probably epithelial cells of the follicles. The acetabulum is used for adhesion to the epithelium and contributes to its erosion. In heavily infected snails, the digestive follicles disappear gradually and the larvae live in cavities lined by a flattened epithelium, parts of which show secretory activity. In snails dissected 47–49 and 65–66 days after infection, the cavities are fused, forming several large spaces which communicate with each other; only small parts of the epithelium are still secretory. Concentrations of amoebocytes occur in the walls of the digestive gland and in the wall between digestive gland and stomach of infected Planaxis. Some young worms were found in the stomach of Planaxis. No tissue reactions were seen around the stomach except in the wall between digestive gland and stomach. In Cerithium with 65–67 days old infection, the cavities contain much detritus and disintegrating cells, the epithelium is practically non-secretory and surrounded by loose connective tissue. In larvae with a body length of approximately 0·5–0·6 mm, the acetabulum begins to divide into alveoli and its anterior end grows forward; the anterior alveoli gradually increase in size and new alveoli are formed in the posterior undivided zone. In two specimens of approximately 1·3 mm body length, the whole adhesive disk was divided into half the number of alveoli usually found in adults. Allometric shifts during growth of the worms are analysed.  相似文献   

【目的】全球恶性杂草腺龙葵最早于20世纪80年代入侵我国辽宁,90年代以后在河南被发现,近年来在新疆和北京都有入侵记录。明确其潜在的适生区对制定防控措施具有重要意义。【方法】通过查找全球生物多样性信息数据库、标本记录、文献信息以及实地调查等途径获得了腺龙葵在全球的分布点,利用Maxent生态位模型模拟了其适应的气候生态位,并投影到中国预测了其潜在适生区。【结果】适生区预测结果显示,腺龙葵在我国存在广阔的适生区,除海南、广东、黑龙江、吉林外的27省区都存在其适生区。【结论】腺龙葵在我国进一步扩散蔓延的风险极高。建议对新入侵地采取早期监测预警和根除措施,并加大对适生区内进口货物接受区的监测力度,以预防其再次入侵。  相似文献   

The sequence of plasmid pXF51 from the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa, the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis, has been analyzed. This plasmid codes for 65 open reading frames (ORFs), organized into four main regions, containing genes related to replication, mobilization, and conjugative transfer. Twenty-five ORFs have no counterparts in the public sequence databases, and 7 are similar to conserved hypothetical proteins from other bacteria. A pXF51 incompatibility group has not been determined, as we could not find a typical replication origin. One cluster of conjugation-related genes (trb) seems to be incomplete in pXF51, and a copy of this sequence is found in the chromosome, suggesting it was generated by a duplication event. A second cluster (tra) contains all genes necessary for conjugation transfer to occur, showing a conserved organization with other conjugative plasmids. An identifiable origin of transfer similar to oriT from IncP plasmids is found adjacent to genes encoding two mobilization proteins. None of the ORFs with putative assigned function could be predicted as having a role in pathogenesis, except for a virulence-associated protein D homolog. These results indicate that even though pXF51 appears not to have a direct role in Xylella pathogenesis, it is a conjugative plasmid that could be important for lateral gene transfer in this bacterium. This property may be of great importance for future development of transformation techniques in X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   

Rabbits infected with two strains of T. (T.) brucei showed an increase in the levels of a naturally occurring serum autoantibody directed against a component of the fibrin/fibrinogen system. This anti-F autoantibody is IgM throughout the infection. Absorption studies suggest that it reacts with one or more hidden determinants which are exposed after attachment of several species of fibrinogen molecule to red cell membranes. Absorption with autologous fibrin suggest the presence of the same determinant on the fibrin matrix after polymerisation of fibrinogen by thrombin. The antibody does not appear to react with fibrinogen in the circulation.

There is no evidence that this autoantibody causes any direct pathological change in the rabbit although secondary effects may be important. The antibody may have a beneficial effect by forming complexes with any fibrin deposited in tissues thereby enhancing its phagocytosis and rapid removal from the circulatory system.  相似文献   

外来入侵植物小飞蓬种群构件生物量结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
小飞蓬是我国分布最广的外来入侵物种之一,通过样方调查,从构件水平研究了小飞蓬各构件的结构特征及其生物量间的关系模型,并进行了定量分析。结果表明小飞蓬各构件生物量间的关系表现为茎>叶>根>花;各构件生物量在个体生物量中所占比率也表现为茎>叶>根>花;小飞蓬根、茎、叶生物量与植株高度及各构件生物量间均呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

丁瑜欣  吴娟  成水平 《生物安全学报》2020,29(3):176-180,190
生物入侵是当今世界难题之一,成为维护生物安全和生态安全的共同挑战。水盾草作为一种流行的观赏水草,原分布于美洲中部,伴随人类商业、运输等活动迁移到世界各地,现已成功入侵了亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲等地区,也在我国长三角地区广泛分布。本文介绍了水盾草的生态习性、危害、入侵成因、防治与管理等方面,从生物学特征和生境分析其入侵机制。由于很强的繁殖扩散能力和对新环境的适应能力等特性,水盾草一旦定居,即迅速生长,争夺本地物种的生存空间和资源,对入侵区域的环境、生物、经济产生负面影响。适宜的气候条件、空生态位资源是水盾草入侵的外部环境因素。目前,多种物理、化学和生物控制方法用于管理水盾草,但治理效果不一,需要综合使用多种手段,重复干预以达到管控的目的。为防止水盾草在我国大面积泛滥,亟需开展基础研究,科学预测;针对可能入侵水域,研究提出早期发现和快速响应的综合管理措施,科学治理和管理水盾草。  相似文献   

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