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Sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (UV-A, lambda = 315-400 nm; plus UV-B, lambda = 280-315 nm) of zygotes of the brown alga Fucus serratus L. (Phaeophyta) has been assessed through effects on growth of developing germlings. Different stages of development were distinguished by considering 5 h periods of time after fertilisation. Both the stage of the zygote and the UV radiation condition significantly affected growth of developing germlings. The negative response of growth rate of early stages of the zygotes to UV radiation seemed to be caused by UV-B rather than UV-A radiation, as the lowest relative growth rates were always estimated for germlings developed from zygotes irradiated with UV-B radiation. As regards the stage of the zygote, those germlings that developed from zygotes irradiated at 5-10 h after fertilisation showed the strongest inhibition of growth compared with the other stages. These results point to polarisation as the most UV-sensitive process during the first 24 h of the development of the zygote. A non-linear relationship between the developmental stage of the zygote and the sensitivity to UV radiation is suggested.  相似文献   

An antibacterial compound was isolated from the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. Purification consisted of extraction of plant material with 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid, concentration on a C18 cartridge, and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography on a C18 semi-preparative column. The isolated compound exhibited antibacterial activity against both the Gram-positive and the Gram-negative bacteria tested. Killing studies conducted indicated that the activity was bactericidal. The compound showed no haemolytic effect against human red blood cells. Results obtained by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry indicated that the antibacterial activity was caused by a polyhydroxylated fucophlorethol.  相似文献   

Structure of a fucoidan from the brown seaweed Fucus serratus L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fucoidan consisting of L-fucose, sulfate and acetate in a molar proportion of 1:1:0.1 and small amounts of xylose and galactose were isolated from the brown seaweed Fucus serratus L. The fucoidan structure was investigated by 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy of its desulfated and de-O-acetylated derivatives as well as by methylation analysis of the native and desulfated polysaccharides. A branched structure was suggested for the fucoidan with a backbone of alternating 3- and 4-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues, -->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->, about half of the 3-linked residues being substituted at C-4 by trifucoside units alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->. Minor chains built up of 4-linked alpha-fucopyranose and beta-xylose residues were also detected, but their location, as well as the position of galactose residues, remained unknown. Sulfate groups were shown to occupy mainly C-2 and sometimes C-4, although 3,4-diglycosylated and some terminal fucose residues may be nonsulfated. Acetate was found to occupy C-4 of 3-linked Fuc and C-3 of 4-linked Fuc in a ratio of about 7:3.  相似文献   

Historically, the intertidal seaweeds Fucus serratus (Fs) and Fucus evanescens (Fe) were sympatric only along the western coast of Norway. In the mid-1890s, Fe (monoecious) was accidentally introduced into the Oslofjord. Putative hybridization with the endemic Fs (dioecious) was observed in Oslofjord by 1977 and in the Kattegat and western Baltic Seas by 1998. At Blushøj, Denmark (Kattegat Sea) putative Fs x Fe hybrids were present only when densities of Fe and Fs exceeded 14 and 2 m(-2), respectively. All of the 58 putative hybrids that were collected in 1999 were dioecious and intermediate in morphology. Essentially all (57 out of 58) were reproductively mature, but the oogonia possessed fewer and more variably sized eggs than either parent. Examination of each parental species and putative hybrids with nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast molecular markers confirmed the occurrence of hybridization. Furthermore, all of the hybrids possessed Fe-type chloroplasts and mitochondria, indicating that only the Fe egg x Fs sperm pairing was successful in the field. The reciprocal cross of Fs egg x Fe sperm was absent in the field and significantly less successful in laboratory crossings. Asymmetrical hybridization has also been reported for several species of plants and animals.  相似文献   

The assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus was studied during the first six days of development of Fucus serratus L. embryos. HPLC analysis revealed that oospheres and zygotes contain the same photosynthetic pigments (i.e., chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, fucoxanthin, violaxanthin, and β-carotene) as fully developed thalli. Total pigment amount increased after fertilization, mainly due to an active synthesis of Chl a and fucoxanthin. Spectral modifications revealing the progressive integration of Chl a and Chl c in the photosynthetic units are described. In particular, a distinct emission at 705 nm, reflecting the accumulation of LHC I, was clearly detected. The emission bands at 705 nm and 725 nm were characterized by 77 K excitation fluorescence measurements. Their spectra differed by the presence of a large band at approximately 550 nm due to fucoxanthin in the excitation spectrum of F705 nm. Room temperature variable fluorescence was first observed 30 h after fertilization indicating a functional Photosystem II electron transfer at this developmental stage. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zygotes of the fucoid brown algae provide excellent models for addressing fundamental questions about zygotic symmetry breaking. Although the acquisition of polarity is tightly coordinated with the timing and orientation of the first asymmetric division--with zygotes having to pass through a G1/S-phase checkpoint before the polarization axis can be fixed--the mechanisms behind the interdependence of polarization and cell cycle progression remain unclear. In this study, we combine in vivo Ca2+ imaging, single cell monitoring of S-phase progression and multivariate analysis of high-throughput intracellular Ca2+ buffer loading to demonstrate that Ca2+ signals coordinate polarization and cell cycle progression in the Fucus serratus zygote. Consistent with earlier studies on this organism, and in contrast to animal models, we observe no fast Ca2+ wave following fertilization. Rather, we show distinct slow localized Ca2+ elevations associated with both fertilization and S-phase progression, and we show that both S-phase and zygotic polarization are dependent on pre-S-phase Ca2+ increases. Surprisingly, this Ca2+ requirement cannot be explained by co-dependence on a single G1/S-phase checkpoint, as S phase and zygotic polarization are differentially sensitive to pre-S-phase Ca2+ elevations and can be uncoupled. Furthermore, subsequent cell cycle progression through M phase is independent of localized actin polymerization and zygotic polarization. This absence of a morphogenesis checkpoint, together with the observed Ca2+-dependences of S phase and polarization, show that the regulation of zygotic division in the brown algae differs from that in other eukaryotic model systems, such as yeast and Drosophila.  相似文献   

Five pigment-protein complexes were isolated from digitonin-solubilizedthylakoids of Fucus serratus using sucrose density gradientcentrifugation. Two heavy fractions corresponded to PS I andPS II antennae with their active reaction-centers. A light fractionwas identified as a light-harvesting antenna, while the twoother fractions were not very well defined. The light-harvestingfractions contained the major part of the C16:1-trans-phosphatidylglycerol.The results are discussed and compared with those from Chl a/bplants taking into account the basic organization of brown algachloroplasts. (Received May 15, 1984; Accepted October 25, 1984)  相似文献   

An Electron Microscope Study of the Spermatozoid of Fucus serratus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MANTON  I.; CLARKE  B. 《Annals of botany》1951,15(4):461-472

Cadmium (Cd) uptake capacities and Cd tolerance of the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus from the Irish Sea (salinity 35 psu) and from the Bothnian Sea (northern Baltic, 5 psu) were quantified. These data were complemented by measurements of changes in maximal photosynthetic rate (P(max)), dark respiration rate and variable fluorescence vs. maximal fluorescence (F(v):F(m)). At concentrations between 0.01 and 1 mmol Cd l(-1), F. vesiculosus from the Bothnian Sea adsorbed significantly more (about 98%) Cd compared with F. vesiculosus from the Irish Sea. The photosynthetic measurements showed that the Bothnian Sea F. vesiculosus were more sensitive to Cd exposure than the Irish Sea algae. The algae from the Irish Sea showed negative photosynthetic effects only at 1 mmol Cd l(-1), which was expressed as a decreased P(max) (-12.3%) and F(v):F(m) (-4.6%). On the contrary, the algae from the Bothnian Sea were negatively affected already at Cd concentrations as low at 0.1 mmol Cd l(-1). They exhibited increased dark respiration (+11.1%) and decreased F(v):F(m) (-13.9%). The results show that F. vesiculosus from the Bothnian Sea may be an efficient sorption substrate for Cd removal from Cd contaminated seawater and this algae type may also have applications for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Cell fractions consisting primarily of functional and morphologicallyrecognizable Golgi bodies were prepared from the brown algaFucus serratus. Several enzyme activities were found to be associatedwith these fractions: thiamine pyrophosphatase, inosine diphosphatase,and galactosyl-transferases. The fractions catalysed the transferof galactose from UDP-galactose to endogenous acceptors, N-acetylglucosamine,ovalbumin, fucose, and fucoidan. These activities are latent,being activated by detergents (Triton X-100 or sodium deoxycholate).The chemical composition of the isolated fractions was examinedchromatographically and electrophoretically.  相似文献   

A panel of twelve monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), designated FS1 to FS12, have been raised against surface antigens of Fucus serratus sperm. The antibodies were selected on the basis that they show region-, gamete-, species- or genus-preferential binding. Indirect immunofluorescence shows that the antigens bound by the MAbs are distributed non-randomly over the cell surface. Seven MAbs (FS1, FS3, FS4, FS6, FS8, FS9, FS10) bind antigens located primarily on the cell body, while the others (FS2, FS5, FS7, FS11, FS12) bind antigens located primarily on the anterior flagellum. Of the MAbs that label the anterior flagellum, FS2, FS5, FS7 and FS12 form a halo at the perimeter of the flagellum. Electron microscopic-immunogold studies indicate that the halo results from labelling of the mastigonemes, as opposed to the flagellar plasmamembrane. Gamete-preferential binding of antibodies was detected using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with egg membrane vesicles. Eight of the MAbs bind sperm antigens not common to eggs, though FS2, FS4, FS5 and FS9 bind antigens present on both sperm and eggs. In studies of species- and genus-specificity FS2, FS3, FS5, FS6, FS7, FS8, FS10, FS11 and FS12 exhibit genus-preferential binding, labelling sperm of F. serratus and F. vesiculosus more intensely than that of Ascophyllum nodosum. Only FS10 showed marked species-preferential binding, labelling sperm of F. serratus much more intensely than that of F. vesiculosus.Abbreviations Au-GAMIG gold-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - EM electron microscope - FITC-RAMIG fluorescein-isothiocyanate-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin - IIF indirect immunofluorescence - MAb monoclonal antibody  相似文献   

Separating individual compounds by HPLC represents an effective method for the detection and quantification of phenolic compounds and has been widely utilised. However, phlorotannins are commonly quantified using colorimetric methods, as the total amount of the whole compound group. In the present paper the separation of a set of individual soluble phlorotannins from the phenolic crude extract of Fucus vesiculosus was achieved by HPLC with UV photodiode array detection. Different gradient programs for reversed- and normal-phase HPLC methods were developed and tested. Normal-phase (NP) conditions with a silica stationary phase and a mobile phase with a linear gradient of increasing polarity were found to separate 16 individual components of the phenolic extract. The suitability of the NP-HPLC method for mass spectrometric application was preliminarily tested. Sample preparation was found to be a critical step in the analysis owing to the rapid oxidation of phlorotannins; ascorbic acid was used as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

The macrofauna associated with Fucus serratus at Dale in south-west Wales contained 30 taxa of which five were common: these comprised four encrusting bryozoans and a hydroid. The bryozoans Flustrellidra hispida and Electra pilosa showed significant variations in abundance according to the size and structure of plants colonised. Electra was most abundant on plants where other bryozoans were least numerous. Colony growth in Electra was proportional to the amount of space provided by individual plant segments whilst growth in competitively superior species appeared to be independent of the size of the plant segments colonised. Dynamena pumila was larger and more abundant on larger segment faces where competition was presumably weaker. Each species showed a specific pattern of zonation along the fronds. The dominant species were generally more abundant on the concave surfaces of the plants. There was some evidence for the tendency for certain taxa to co-occur but the degree of association between species was weak and probably of limited biological significance. Species diversity varied with plant structure. More species occurred on concave surfaces at all plant levels but the overall pattern of diversity on the two segment faces was similar; diversity was greatest in the shrubbier mid-frond regions. Differential distribution of the dominant encrusting taxa within this Fucus community results in a considerable degree of niche segregation and ecological isolation.  相似文献   

Herbivory is typically intense in marine littoral environments; thus, macrophytes are expected to evolve defenses against grazing. Although putative defenses of macrophytes are widely studied, there is lack of studies demonstrating the main premises of defense adaptations: the consequences of herbivory to macrophytes, genetic variation of defense traits and the costs and benefits of defenses in natural environment. We conducted a factorial experiment, where we manipulated amount of herbivory, growing depth and nutrient availability, and measured resistance to herbivory as well as genetic variation and costs of phlorotannins, putative defensive secondary metabolites, in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus . Herbivory on algae varied with depth: grazing did not cause losses close to the surface, but, most of the algal production was consumed at the deeper end of the algal belt. The higher the genotypic phlorotannin content the less damage the genotype received implying that phlorotannins acted as a resistance trait. Production of phlorotannins was associated with costs for growth. Consistent with the prediction that the cost of defense will be greatest when resources are limiting, the cost appeared only in the deep end of the algal belt where growth was slowed down. Phlorotannins displayed phenotypic plasticity; the three factors influenced phlorotannins interactively, with the main tendencies of nutrient enrichment decreasing and herbivory and increasing depth increasing phlorotannins. Despite this plasticity, variation of phlorotannins was mainly due to the genotype of algae. These results emphasize the role of herbivory as a selective agent for algal defenses and the importance of genetic variation in the constitutive level of phlorotannins in interactions with natural enemies. The cost of phlorotannins may constrain the evolution of resistance in environments where growth is limited by light availability.  相似文献   

The seaweed genus Fucus is a dominant component of intertidal shores throughout the North Atlantic and North Pacific and has been the focus of considerable developmental, ecological, and evolutionary research for the past century. Here, we present details of 21 expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat markers (microsatellites). All 21 were polymorphic for F. serratus, which also display considerable cross-reactivity with the sister species F. distichus (18) and the more distantly related F. vesiculosus (13), and F. spiralis (5).  相似文献   

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