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Five clones, containing polymorphic CA-repeat sequences, have been isolated from a specific human chromosome 21 phage library and have been localised to band q21 of chromosome 21 using a somatic cell hybrid panel. These highly repetitive sequences (D21S1263, D21S1264, D21S1415, D21S1417 and D21S1420) have been characterised in the CEPH reference parents and have heterozygosities ranging from 0.30 to 0.81 and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.62. The relative order of these markers, based on the somatic cell hybrid panel, is cen-D21S1417, D21S1420-D21S1263, D21S1415-D21S1264-tel. The most polymorphic marker (D21S1264) has been included in the chromosome 21 genetic map. They have also been localised in the CEPH/ Généthon YAC panel, providing a refined localisation of these polymorphic sequences. These five CA-repeat markers should provide a better characterisation of the q21 region of chromosome 21.  相似文献   

The genetic linkage map of chromosome 14q32 contains 11 loci which span a distance of more than 60 cM. We have assigned 10 of these loci and the AKT1 proto-oncogene to segments of 14q32, using breakpoints derived from four independent chromosomal deletions or rearrangements. The most telomeric breakpoint was found in a proband (HSC 6) carrying a ring-14 chromosome. HSC 6 is monosomic for the distal part of 14q32, which contains the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus (IGH), and random markers D14S20, D14S19, and D14S23. Two other chromosomal breakpoints, found in probands HSC 121 and HSC 981, could not be distinguished from each other using DNA probes, although the cytogenetic breakpoints appeared to be different at 14q32.32 and 14q32.31, respectively. The region between the breakpoints of HSC 6 and HSC 121 contains AKT1, D14S1, D14S17, and D14S16. The entire telomeric band 14q32 is assumed to contain about 10% of chromosome 14, or approximately 10 Mb. The 8 most telomeric loci, including D14S1, map to 14q32.32-qter, which measures only several megabases. However, these loci span a genetic distance of 23 cM. The high recombination frequency contrasts with the observation that two of the gamma genes in the IGH constant region show a high degree of linkage disequilibrium, though 180 kb apart. This finding suggests that a telomeric localization per se does not lead to a higher recombination frequency and favors the hypothesis that the higher recombination frequency at the telomeres may be due to specific "hot spots" for recombination.  相似文献   

We present restriction maps for chromosomes 1 and 2 of six cloned lines of P. falciparum. These delineate the locations of eight genetic markers, including genes for five antigens. In parasites from diverse areas, chromosome structure is conserved in central regions but is polymorphic both in length and sequence near the telomeres. The telomeres and adjacent sequences comprise a conserved structure at the ends of most P. falciparum chromosomes. However, the subtelomeric zones are polymorphic and coincide with the locations of a repetitive element (rep20). Deletions of rep20 generate clones of P. falciparum that lack rep20 on one or both ends of chromosomes 1 or 2, and larger deletions remove telomere-proximal genes as well. The chromosome length polymorphisms can therefore be largely explained by recombination within these blocks of repeats, a mechanism that is also important in the generation of diversity in genes for repetitive antigens of P. falciparum.  相似文献   

 The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contains a variety of genes, many of which are highly polymorphic and of immunological importance. A database of MHC extended haplotypes was used to integrate experimental, cell line, and population data. Three alleles of the human TNF-beta (lymphotoxin-alpha) gene were identified, named TNFB *1SL, TNFB *2LL, and TNFB *1LS, each representing a different lineage in the evolution of TNF region haplotypes. Lower variability in the length of the associated microsatellite alleles indicates that *1SL characterizes the youngest of the three haplotype lineages. Microsatellite haplotypes in the two older lineages show evidence for a coevolution of alleles through concerted expansions. Genetic predispositions to high and low TNF-alpha (cachectin) responses seem to have evolved independently in more than one lineage. The literature data suggest different, or even opposite, associations concerning the regulation of TNF-alpha in macrophages and lymphoid cells. Microsatellite ud may be the most informative marker for studies of the associations of individual TNF region markers with secretion levels, immunity, and disease. Received: 10 December 1996 / Revised: 21 May 1997  相似文献   

Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is caused by the shortening of a copy-number polymorphic array of 3.3 kb repeats (D4Z4) at one allelic 4q35.2 region. How this contraction of a subtelomeric tandem array causes FSHD is unknown but indirect evidence suggests that a short array has a cis effect on a distant gene or genes. It was hypothesized that the length of the D4Z4 array determines whether or not the array and a large proximal region are heterochromatic and thereby controls gene expression in cis. To test this, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization probes with FSHD and control myoblasts to characterize the distal portion of 4q35.2 with respect to the following: intense staining with the chromatin dye 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; association with constitutively heterochromatic foci; extent of binding of heterochromatin protein 1; histone H3 methylation at lysine 9 and lysine 4; histone H4 lysine 8 acetylation; and replication timing within S-phase. Our results indicate that 4q35.2 does not resemble constitutive heterochromatin in FSHD or control myoblasts. Furthermore, in these analyses, the allelic 4q35.2 regions of FSHD myoblasts did not behave differently than those of control myoblasts. Other models for how D4Z4 array contraction causes long-distance regulation of gene expression in cis need to be tested.Communicated by S. Gerbi  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of multiple restriction fragment length polymorphisms, revealed by a single DNA probe containing the switch region of the immunoglobulin constant heavy-chain (IgCH) mu gene, are presented here in detail. Five of the polymorphic loci segregate in complete linkage with IgCH allotypic markers, while one appears to be located at more than 10 centimorgans from the IgCH region. A study of over 100 random haplotypes typed at eight linked loci, including the Ig switch polymorphisms and the classical Gm-Am allotypes, allowed us to construct an evolutionary tree by which each haplotypic variant can be derived one from the other either by single-step mutation or by recombination. A few of the recombinant haplotypes appeared to carry large DNA duplications that could be explained by unequal crossing over; others might postulate gene-conversion events. Linkage disequilibria observed between the IgCH-linked loci were compared with expected ones. A heterogeneous distribution of recombination rates is clearly documented, a "hot" region of recombination being present between the gamma 2 and switch alpha 2 loci.  相似文献   

Methods that were devised to test independence of the bivariate fragment lengths obtained from VNTR loci are applied to several population databases. It is shown that for many of the probes independence (Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

The gene for the childhood spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs) has been mapped to 5q13.1. The interval containing the SMA gene has been defined by linkage analysis as 5qcen-D5S629-SMA-D5S557-5qter. We have identified a recombination event within this interval on a type-I SMA chromosome. The recombination maps to a region of multilocus microsatellite repeat (MSR) markers, and occurs between different subloci of two such markers, CMS-1 and 7613. While the possibility of a novel mutation caused by the recombination cannot be discounted, we believe when viewed in the context of a similar recombination in a Dutch SMA family, a centromeric boundary at the recombination site for the critical SMA interval is likely. This new proximal boundary would reduce the minimal region harboring the SMA locus from 1.1 Mb to approximately 600 kb.  相似文献   

Band 3, the major transmembrane protein of erythrocytes, mediates the exchange of anions across the membrane and anchors the erythroid membrane skeleton. Proteins immunologically related to Band 3 have been detected in a variety of nonerythroid cells. We have isolated a human cDNA clone that encodes a protein related to but distinct from the erythroid form of Band 3, based on the comparison of the amino acid sequence for the two proteins. The presence of the gene for the Band 3-like protein in a panel of mouse-human somatic cell hybrids containing subsets of human chromosomes correlated with the presence of human chromosome 7. In situ hybridization analysis using the c-DNA for this nonerythroid Band 3 gene further localized the gene to region 7q35----7q36 of human metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Analysis of mucin genes has identified the presence of several features that may represent important functional domains in mucin glycoproteins. In the central region of each mucin, there are a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR; minisatellites). However, their genomic levels are unclear because of complex genomic properties. We report here the distribution of VNTR and polymorphic analysis ofMUC8. We searched for VNTR ofMUC8 using the Tandem Repeat Finder program and found nine VNTR motif. Six (MUC8 MS1~MS6) among the nine VNTRs were evaluated in this study. Each VNTR inMUC8 region was analyzed in genomic DNA obtained from 200 unrelated individuals and multi-generational families. All VNTRs (MUC8 MS1, -MS2, -MS3, -MS4,-MS5 and -MS6) were genotyped as polymorphic. The degree of polymorphism within theMUC8-MS5 showed the highest heterozygosity (h = 0.786) in theMUC8 region. In order to perform a segregation analysis of the VNTRs inMUC8, we analyzed genomic DNA obtained from two generations of five families and from three generations of two families. Six of the polymorphic VNTRs were transmitted through meiosis following a Mendelian inheritance, which suggests that polymorphic VNTRs could be useful markers for paternity mapping and DNA fingerprinting.  相似文献   

Detection of microsatellite polymorphisms without cloning.   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文

The involvement of HLA genes in the susceptibility to coeliac disease (CD) has been well documented and represents the only consistently observed genetic feature of this multifactorial disease. In the present study, the search for new susceptibility genes has been devoted to a candidate region suggested by the association of CD with Williams syndrome (WS). This genetic disorder is due to a deletion in the 7q11.23 region that includes the elastin (ELN) gene. An increased prevalence of CD in WS patients has been previously reported and a case of CD-WS is also described in the present study. We used the ELN17 microsatellite marker mapped within the ELN gene to look for a possible contribution of this region to the susceptibility to CD. The analysis of 74 Italian CD families provided no evidence of association with the ELN17 marker.  相似文献   

Chloroplast microsatellite polymorphisms in Vitis species.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of consensus chloroplast microsatellites primers for dicotyledonous chloroplast genomes revealed the existence of intra and interspecific length variation within the genus Vitis. Three chloroplast microsatellite loci were found to be polymorphic in samples of Vitis vinifera, Vitis berlandieri, Vitis riparia, and Vitis rupestris out of a total of 10 consensus primer pairs tested. These polymorphisms were always due to a variable number of mononucleotide residues within A and (or) T stretches in the amplified regions. Chloroplast microsatellite polymorphisms were used to demonstrate the maternal inheritance of chloroplast in V. vinifera and to characterise the chloroplast haplotypes present in wine grape cultivars of this species grown in Spain and Greece. The different distribution of haplotype frequencies in the two ends of the Mediterranean growth area suggests the existence of independent domestication events for grapevine.  相似文献   

Analysis of a group of human/rodent somatic cell hybrids with nucleic acid probes prepared from cloned human variable region (VH), junctional (JH), and constant region (C epsilon) heavy chain immunoglobulin genes indicates that all of these IgH genes are localized on the subtelomeric (q32) band of chromosome 14. Somatic cell hybrids were isolated in selective medium after fusing human fibroblasts with hprt- Chinese hamster cells. The human parental cells contained two translocation chromosomes representing a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes X and 14. Only those hybrid cell lines retaining a complete human autosome 14 or the X/14 translocation chromosome (i.e. containing band 14q32) retained the human IgH genes. Retention of these genes did not correlate with the presence of the other translocation chromosome, 14/X. These results indicate that all human IgH genes (VH, JH, and CH) map to the same chromosomal band (14q32) which is commonly involved in reciprocal translocations with human chromosome 8 (8q24) in B-cell neoplasms.  相似文献   

Dopa-responsive dystonia is a clinical variant of idiopathic torsion dystonia that is distinguished from other forms of dystonia by the frequent occurrence of parkinsonism, diurnal fluctuation of symptoms, and its dramatic therapeutic response to L-dopa. Linkage of a gene causing classic dystonia in a large non-Jewish kindred (DYT1) and in a group of Ashkenazi Jewish families, to the gelsolin (GSN) and arginino-succinate synthetase (ASS) loci on chromosome 9q32-34, respectively, was recently determined. Here we report the discovery of a highly informative (GT)n repeat VNTR polymorphism within the ASS locus. Analysis of a large kindred with dopa-responsive dystonia, using this new polymorphism and conventional RFLPs for the 9q32-34 region, excludes loci in this region as a cause of this form of dystonia. This provides proof of genetic heterogeneity between classic idiopathic torsion dystonia and dopa-responsive dystonia.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 2.4-cM resolution genetic linkage map for chromosome 7q that is bounded by centromere and telomere polymorphisms and contains 66 loci (88 polymorphic systems), 38 of which are uniquely placed with odds for order of at least 1000:1. Ten genes are included in the map and 11 markers have heterozygosities of at least 70%. This map is the first to incorporate several highly informative markers derived from a telomere YAC clone HTY146 (locus D7S427), including HTY146c3 (HET 92%). The telomere locus markers span at least 200 kb of the 7q terminus and no crossovers within the physical confines of the locus were observed in approximately 240 jointly informative meioses. The sex-equal map length is 158 cM and the largest genetic interval between uniquely localized markers in this map is 11 cM. The female and male map lengths are 181 and 133 cM, respectively. The map is based on the CEPH reference pedigrees and includes over 4000 new genotypes, our previously reported data plus 29 allele systems from the published CEPH version 5 database, and was constructed using the program package CRI-MAP. This genetic linkage map can be considered a baseline map for 7q, and will be useful for defining the extent of chromosome deletions previously reported for breast and prostate cancers, for developing additional genetic maps such as index marker and 1-cM maps, and ultimately for developing a fully integrated genetic and physical map for this chromosome.  相似文献   

Length variation at the BTGL1 variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR ) locus, which includes both minisatellite and microsatellite motifs, was examined in a wide sample of cattle. A total of 22 alleles were uncovered. The distribution of allele size variation implicated mechanisms involving both minisatellite and microsatellite sequences. This was confirmed by direct sequencing of two alleles. Differences between the two alleles involved repeat number variation of microsatellite motifs and a complex event involving the minisatellite motif, but point mutations were not observed.  相似文献   

Most patients with neurofibromatosis (NF1) are endowed with heterozygous mutations in the NF1 gene. Approximately 5% show an interstitial deletion of chromosome 17q11.2 (including NF1) and in most cases also a more severe phenotype. Here we report on a 7-year-old girl with classical NF1 signs, and in addition mild overgrowth (97th percentile), relatively low OFC (10th-25th percentile), facial dysmorphy, hoarse voice, and developmental delay. FISH analysis revealed a 17q11.2 microdeletion as well as an unbalanced 7p;13q translocation leading to trisomy of the 7q36.3 subtelomeric region. The patient's mother and grandmother who were phenotypically normal carried the same unbalanced translocation. The 17q11.2 microdeletion had arisen de novo. Array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) demonstrated gain of a 550-kb segment from 7qter and loss of 2.5 Mb from 17q11.2 (an atypical NF1 microdeletion). We conclude that the patient's phenotype is caused by the atypical NF1 deletion, whereas 7q36.3 trisomy represents a subtelomeric copy number variation without phenotypic consequences. To our knowledge this is the first report that a duplication of the subtelomeric region of chromosome 7q containing functional genes (FAM62B, WDR60, and VIPR2) can be tolerated without phenotypic consequences. The 17q11.2 microdeletion (containing nine more genes than the common NF1 microdeletions) and the 7qter duplication were not accompanied by unexpected clinical features. Most likely the 7qter trisomy and the 17q11.2 microdeletion coincide by chance in our patient.  相似文献   

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