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Numerous studies have associated increased stomatal resistance with response to water deficit in cereals. However, consideration of change in leaf form seems to have been neglected. The response of adaxial and abaxial stomatal resistance and leaf rolling in rice to decreasing leaf water potential was investigated. Two rice cultivars were subjected to control and water stress treatments in a deep (1-meter) aerobic soil. Concurrent measurements of leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, and degree of leaf rolling were made through a 29-day period after cessation of irrigation. Kinandang Patong, an upland adapted cultivar, maintained higher dawn and midday leaf water potential than IR28, a hybrid selected in irrigated conditions. This was not explained by differences in leaf diffusive resistance or leaf rolling, and is assumed to result from a difference in root system extent.  相似文献   

The possible influence of sowing times on the resistance of the castor varieties R.C. 1098 Baker (jassid-resistant), Dominaca (susceptible) and C3 Pakistan (tolerant) was studied at five sowing dates ranging from early to late in the season. Infestation, hopperburn and yield-reduction of Dominica variety were significantly higher in the later sowings than in the earlier ones, and early sowing of this variety may result in decrease of insect damage.In another field experiment the three varieties were sown early and yield-reductions were 44% (Dominica), 11% (C3 Pakistan) and 4% (R.C. 1098 Baker). The two last mentioned varieties appeared consistent in their degree of resistance in all sowings. There was no evidence about pseudo-resistance due to host evasion and/or escape.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde eine Untersuchung mit der gegen Jassiden resistenten Rizinussorte R.C. 1098 Baker sowie der anfälligen Sorte Dominica und der toleranten C3 Pakistan während der Vegetationsperiode 1963–'64 in Südindien durchgeführt. Dabei sollte der mögliche Einfluss der Saatzeit auf die Resistenz oder Anfälligkeit dieser Rezinussorten gegenüber Empoasca flavescens festgestellt werden. Es konnte einwandfrei nachgewiesen werden, dass der Jassidenbefall, der Schaden (hopperburn) und der negative Einfluss auf den Ertrag bei der anfälligen Sorte Dominica bei den späteren Saatzeiten signifikant stärker was als in den früheren. Es wird deshalb der Schluss gezogen, dass frühere Aussaatzeit der anfälligen Sorte als eine Methode der Verminderung von Jassidenschaden angewendet werden kann.Der absolute Prozentsatz der Ertragsreduktion bei der anfälligen Sorte wurde selbst bei früherer Saatzeit mit 44% gegenüber nur 11% bei der toleranten und 4% bei der resistenten Sorte festgestellt. Die Sorten C3 Pakistan und R.C. 1098 Baker verhielten sich in allen Saatzeiten unverändert hinsichtlich ihres Resistenzgrades. Pseudo-Resistenz durch host evasion oder escape konnten in diesen Fällen nicht beobachtet werden.

Exercise exerts beneficial effects on systemic metabolism. A recent Nature paper (Bostr?m et?al., 2012) identifies irisin as an exercise-induced hormone secreted by skeletal muscle in mice and humans. Irisin promotes brown adipocyte recruitment in white fat and improves systemic metabolism by increasing energy expenditure.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) T790M mutant is found in about 50% of clinically acquired resistance to gefitinib among patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). New derivatives of 4(3H)-quinazolinones were synthesized and evaluated for their inhibitory activity against NSCLC. The results of the study demonstrated that compound 79, 7-chloro-3-(5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-one was found to be the most potent compounds of the series with IC50 value of 0.031 μM against mutant T790M/L858R EGFR. Compounds 15, 51, 73, 75, 78, 79 and 96 were less potent against A549 (WT EGFR and k-Ras mutation) and HT-29 (non-special gene type) cells, showing a high safety index. The obtained results showed that compounds 15, 51, 73, 75, 78, 79 and 96 could be the promising template to overcome drug resistance mediated by the EGFR T790 Mutant.  相似文献   

Turner WL  Knowles VL  Plaxton WC 《Planta》2005,222(6):1051-1062
Antibodies against Brassica napus cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc) (EC were employed to examine PKc subunit composition and developmental profiles in castor and soybean seeds. A 56-kDa immunoreactive polypeptide was uniformly detected on immunoblots of clarified extracts from developing castor endosperm or soybean embryos. Maximal PKc activities occurred early in castor oil seed (COS) and soybean development (7.1 and 5.5 (μmol of pyruvate produced/min) g−1 FW, respectively) and were up to 25-fold greater than those of fully mature seeds. Time-course studies revealed a close correlation between extractable PKc activity and the relative amount of the immunoreactive 56-kDa PKc polypeptide. PKc from developing COS was purified 1,874-fold to homogeneity and a final specific activity of 73.1 (μmol of pyruvate produced/min) mg−1 protein. Gel filtration and SDS-PAGE indicated that this PKc exists as a 230-kDa homotetramer composed of 56-kDa subunits. The mass fingerprint of tryptic peptides of the 56-kDa COS PKc subunit best matched three putative PKcs from Arabidopsis thaliana. The purified enzyme was relatively heat-stable and displayed a broad pH optimum of 6.4. However, more efficient substrate utilization (in terms of V max /K m for phosphoenolpyruvate or ADP) was observed at pH 7.4. Glutamate was the most effective inhibitor, whereas aspartate functioned as an activator by partially relieving glutamate inhibition. Together with our previous studies, the results: (1) allow a model to be formulated regarding the coordinate allosteric control of PKc and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase by aspartate and glutamate in developing COS, and (2) provide further biochemical evidence that castor plant PKc exists as tissue-specific isozymes that exhibit substantial differences in their respective physical and regulatory properties.  相似文献   

蓖麻根腐病是茄腐镰孢菌(Fusarium solani)引起的根部病害,严重影响蓖麻产量。抗源缺乏制约了抗病品种的选育。为寻找抗病种质、建立抗性分子标记,该研究对252份蓖麻材料的抗性进行了表型和分子标记鉴定。结果表明:(1)浓度为1×106个·mL-1的孢子悬浮液灌根是一种有效的接种方法; 以接种后枯萎天数为基础的5级评价法,可作为鉴定标准。(2)鉴定出130份抗病材料,其中高抗为105份。(3)野生材料中抗病材料比率(66%)远高于栽培材料(35%),建议将野生材料,尤其是中国华南野生材料的研究利用作为今后抗病育种的重要方向。(4)初步建立了8个与抗性关联的SSR标记。该研究结果提供了有效的根腐病抗性鉴定方法和评价标准,筛选出了一批育种迫切需要的抗病基因资源,初步建立了可用于辅助选择的SSR标记,为蓖麻抗根腐病育种奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

Steering wheel turning force was measured in persons with cervical cord injuries for evaluation of their ability to drive a car. Seventeen subjects were divided into two groups according to their functional level: Group I (comprising 11 subjects of functional level C6) and Group II (comprising 6 subjects of functional level C7-C8). A device for hand fastening was attached to a steering wheel, which was mounted onto the rotation shaft of a Cybex machine, and the torque for turning the wheel with the right hand at a constant speed was measured. Persons with cervical cord injuries showed characteristically higher left-turning torque than right-turning torque. Mean values and standard deviation of the two groups were: 0.52 +/- 0.16 kgf-m (left-turning) and 0.40 +/- 0.12 kgf-m (right-turning) for Group I; and 0.81 +/- 0.16 kgf-m (left-turning) and 0.76 +/- 0.15 kgf-m (right-turning) for Group II. Subjects in Group I had a turning torque lower than 0.30 kgf-m (the lowest wheel turning torque shown by Japanese cars equipped with a power-steering system) at a turning angle range of between 0-135 degrees in left-turning and 45-200 degrees in right-turning.  相似文献   

In the Olympic sport of Taekwondo (TKD), elastic resistance training (ERT) is often used with the aim of improving kicking performance; however, the efficacy of this has never been examined experimentally. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a TKD-specific, progressive ERT protocol on the velocity of the TKD turning kick. Twelve TKD athletes were randomly allocated to receive either a 4-week intervention of ERT plus usual TKD training (n = 6) or to a control group receiving 4 weeks of usual TKD training only. Kicking velocity from initiation to impact on a target was measured pre- and postintervention using a digital timer and two pressure switches. Kicking velocity improved significantly (by 7%) in the ERT group, whereas there was no improvement in the control group (p < 0.05). These data suggest that ERT is a feasible means of sport-specific resistance training for TKD and that TKD performance could benefit from an improved velocity of the attacking turning kick.  相似文献   

This article presents an examination and validation of a method to measure the field deceleration of a manual wheelchair (MWC) and to calculate the rolling resistances properties of the front and rear wheels. This method was based on the measurements of the MWC deceleration for various load settings from a 3D accelerometer. A mechanical model of MWC deceleration was developed which allowed computing the rolling resistance factors of front and rear wheels on a tested surface. Four deceleration sets were conducted on two paths on the same ground to test the repeatability. Two other deceleration sets were conducted using different load settings to compute the rolling resistance parameters (RPs). The theoretical decelerations of three load settings were computed and compared with the measured decelerations. The results showed good repeatability (variations of measures represented 6–11% of the nominal values) and no statistical difference between the path results. The rolling RPs were computed and their confidence intervals were assessed. For the last three sets, no significant difference was found between the theoretical and measured decelerations. This method can determine the specific rolling resistance properties of the wheels of a MWC, and be employed to establish a catalogue of the rolling resistance properties of wheels on various surfaces.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how resistance load influenced the kinematic characteristics and the activity of selected muscles (flexor and extensor carpi radialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, antero-middle and postero-middle deltoids, pectoralis major, and upper trapezius) during maximum effort racing wheelchair stroking using 3D videographic and surface EMG techniques. Fifteen male experienced wheelchair racers served as subjects and three consecutive stroke cycles were analyzed for two load conditions. In contrast to previous studies where variations in speed were a result of variations in pushing effort or disability classification, a reduction in stroking speed caused by increasing load did not result in a decrease in stroking frequency. Increases in load significantly influenced the push and recovery times but not the stroke time or frequency. The vertical ranges of motion and vertical velocities at initial hand contact of the upper extremity joints decreased significantly from light to heavy resistance conditions. These results suggest that the vertical motion is influenced greatly by the load. Various degrees of muscle co-contractions were observed in most phases of the stroke cycle. The activation pattern of the deltoid muscle was different from what has been previously reported, probably because of the exaggerated forward lean trunk position adopted by our subjects. Although the overall EMG activity remained the same or decreased when the resistance was increased, stroking under a heavy resistance load is likely to be more demanding physiologically because of the greater push time-recovery time (work-rest) ratio with increasing resistance.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were, firstly, to determine the reliability and reproducibility of an agility T-test and Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test; and secondly, to analyse the physical characteristics measured by sprint, agility, strength and endurance field tests in wheelchair basketball (WB) players. 16 WB players (33.06 ± 7.36 years, 71.89 ± 21.71 kg and sitting body height 86.07 ± 6.82 cm) belonging to the national WB league participated in this study. Wheelchair sprint (5 and 20 m without ball, and 5 and 20 m with ball) agility (T-test and pick-up test) strength (handgrip and maximal pass) and endurance (Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test) were performed. T-test and Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test showed good reproducibility values (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.74-0.94). The WB players’ results in 5 and 20 m sprints without a ball were 1.87 ± 0.21 s and 5.70 ± 0.43 s and with a ball 2.10 ± 0.30 s and 6.59 ± 0.61 s, being better than those reported in the literature. Regarding the pick-up test results (16.05 ± 0.52 s) and maximal pass (8.39 ± 1.77 m), players showed worse values than those obtained in elite players. The main contribution of the present study is the characterization of the physical performance profile of WB players using a field test battery. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the agility T-test and the aerobic Yo-Yo 10 m recovery test are reliable; consequently they may be appropriate instruments for measuring physical fitness in WB.  相似文献   

Ever since George Palade's pioneering studies of zymogen secretion from pancreatic acinar cells, the underlying molecular mechanisms of vesicle-mediated protein transport have captivated cell biologists and biochemists. A watershed meeting on "Phosphoinositides and the Golgi", held at the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland (March 13-14, 2001), provided reinterpretation and striking new insights about the functions of this phospholipid class in intracellular protein trafficking.  相似文献   

Youle RJ  Huang AH 《Plant physiology》1978,61(6):1040-1042
The well characterized castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) allergens were identified as the low molecular weight albumin storage proteins in the matrix of the protein bodies in the endosperm. The methods of identification involved molecular weight estimation, amino acid composition, stability at 100° C, solubility in various solvents, gel electrophoresis, and immunological techniques. The finding explains the wide distribution of allergens in various seeds.  相似文献   

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