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Summary Pairs of neurons that produce or influence motor outputs in the abdominal positioning system of the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) were impaled in isolated nerve cords with Lucifer Yellow-filled microelectrodes to determine their morphologies and the nature and extent of the synaptic interactions between them. Although the motor programs for positional adjustments can be produced by directly stimulating single interneurons, we found extensive interactions between these neurons, often involving the recruitment of one interneuron by another. The data indicate that the positioning interneurons do not operate as labelled lines, each independently producing a discrete position. Pairs of interneurons, each producing similar motor outputs when activated, were often found to be connected by unidirectional excitatory synapses. In contrast, central inhibition was commonly found between pairs of interneurons that produced antagonistic motor effects. Finally, the unidirectional interactions between positioning interneurons revealed a hierarchy of at least two tiers in this system. Based on these observations, we suggest that abdominal positioning in crustaceans is produced by constellations of interacting interneurons.Abbreviations FPI flexion-producing interneuron - EPI extension-producing interneuron - LI local interneuron - SFMN slow flexor motoneuron - SEMN slow extensor motoneuron  相似文献   

Higher-order projection interneurons that function in more than one behavior have been identified in a number of preparations. In this study, we document that stimulation of cell Tr1, a previously identified trigger interneuron for swimming in the medicinal leech, can also elicit the motor program for crawling in isolated nerve cords. We also show that motor choice is independent of the firing frequency of Tr1 and amount of spiking activity recorded extracellularly at three locations along the ventral nerve cord prior to Tr1 stimulation. On the other hand, during Tr1 stimulation there is a significant difference in the amount of activity elicited in the ventral nerve cord that correlates with the motor program activated. On average, Tr1 stimulation trials that lead to crawling elicit greater amounts of activity than in trials that lead to swimming.  相似文献   

The multisegmented abdomen of crayfish and lobster assumes a variety of postures as components of different behavioral acts. Experimentally these postures can be maintained by activating any of a number of premotor positioning interneurons. The pathways by which the motor output in two or more segments is coordinated were here investigated for a small group of identified postural interneurons whose somata lie in the 2nd abdominal ganglion (A2). Stimulation of all postural interneurons examined evokes a motor output in other abdominal ganglia through which the axon of the neuron passes as well as in the ganglion of origin (ganglion containing the neuron's cell body). The spread of motor excitation away from the originating ganglion occurs via two general pathways. In the first pathway connections to postural motoneurons are made directly by processes of the postural interneuron which pass into ganglia distal to the originating ganglion. Examples of this are shown for two flexion producing interneurons (FPIs) 201 and 301. Each of these FPIs makes monosynaptic connections with motoneurons in A2 and with a homologous set of motoneurons in A3. All postural interneurons fired a set of corollary discharge interneurons (CDIs) whose activities were recorded from the abdominal connectives. Two FPIs, 202 and 301, and a third interneuron, 503, produced motor outputs in ganglia to which they did not project. The motor specificity established in A2 by stimulation of FPIs 202 and 301 (whose axons pass caudally) was preserved in more rostral ganglia, such as A1. Therefore, different sets of CDIs can be specifically recruited to spread the same motor program that is initiated in the originating ganglion to ganglia that do not receive projections from the stimulated postural interneuron. CDIs, in addition, have the capacity to elicit motor programs in distal ganglia that are markedly different from that expressed in the ganglion of origin. For example, although 503 produced an inhibitory output in the abdominal ganglia that it innervated (A1 and A2), a flexion response was generated by it in more caudal ganglia. The caudal flexion response was mediated in part through a monosynaptic activation of FPI 201 and through other unidentified CDIs. Thus, the interneuronal circuitry for postural control is composed of numerous components, some of which have regional control over different portions of the abdominal nerve cord. Depending upon the required movement, select components are coactivated, either serially or in parallel, to effect a variety of spatially distinct positions.  相似文献   

Using intracellular recording and dye-filling techniques, a survey of postural interneurons was undertaken by impaling their somata in the 2nd abdominal ganglion of lobster. During the course of study approximately fourty different intersegmental interneurons in this ganglion were sampled. Of these, 8 evoked unique, patterned responses in the postural (superficial) motoneurons; each could be identified morphologically. Five of the 8 interneurons had caudally directed axons; 4 of these projected beyond the 4th abdominal ganglion. The remainder projected rostrally, beyond the 1st abdominal ganglion. The postural interneurons were classified according to the motor program they elicited. Five were flexion producing interneurons (FPIs), one was extension producing (EPI), and two generated only inhibitory motor outputs. All motor responses were bilateral and occurred in several segments, including A2. Two neurons, FPIs 201 and 301, produced the full motor reciprocity that typically is observed when flexion command fibers are stimulated. However, three of the FPIs and the single EPI did not express complete reciprocity in synergistic and antagonistic motoneurons. The results indicate that some interneurons displaying all of the properties of command neurons are located entirely within the abdominal nervous system. The overall organization of posture-evoking interneurons appears to be similar to that found in crayfish, suggesting an even more fundamental homology in the neuronal connectivities of these two species than has been established previously.  相似文献   

1. Synaptic responses of uropod motoneurons and interneurons to magnetic field stimulation of the statocyst were studied in a whole animal preparation using intracellular recording and staining techniques to characterize the descending statocyst pathways controlling uropod steering behavior. 2. When the animal was engaged in abdominal postural movement, all uropod motoneurons received sustained excitatory input. Motoneurons which were to be activated during steering behavior showed excitatory responses to the stimulus superimposed on the sustained excitation. In the resting state, they showed weaker responses or no visible responses to the same stimulation. 3. Motoneurons to be suppressed during steering showed inhibitory responses to the stimulus only during abdominal movement. These included both active inhibition as well as disfacilitatory suppression of excitatory input to the motoneurons. 4. Premotor nonspiking interneurons, like motoneurons, showed greater responses to the stimulus during abdominal movement than at rest. Unlike motoneurons, however, they did not always receive sustained input during abdominal movement. 5. Descending axons which responded to statocyst stimulation independent of abdominal movement were found in the 4th and 5th abdominal ganglia. Other axons showed greater responses during abdominal movement than at rest. 6. A number of intersegmental descending interneurons with cell bodies and dendrites in the 4th or 5th ganglion were found to receive excitatory inputs from both the statocyst and the motor system controlling abdominal posture. These responses were found to summate with each other to generate spikes. 7. Statocyst signals are thus transmitted to uropod motoneurons by two types of descending pathways: one whose operation is affected by the abdominal system and the other which operates independently. The former pathway functions by recruiting intersegmental abdominal interneurons and makes stronger connections with motoneurons than the latter.  相似文献   

The interneuronal network that produces local bending in the leech is distributed, in the sense that most of the interneurons involved are activated in all forms of local bending, even those in which their outputs would produce inappropriate movements. Such networks have been found to control a number of different behaviors in a variety of animals. This article reviews three issues: the physiological and modeling observations that led to the conclusion that local bending in leeches is controlled by a distributed system; what distributed processing means for this and other behaviors; and why the leech interneuronal network may have evolved to be distributed in the first place. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A linear lumped model was proposed for the hippocampal CA 1 region of anesthetized rats using differential equations of time-independent coefficients, the afferent and efferent fibers of the alveus as inputs and the averaged evoked potentials (AEPs) and poststimulus time histograms as outputs. The alvear tract, a major efferent path, was proposed to activate interneurons monosynaptically while the anterior alveus activated orthodromically pyramidal cells which then excited the interneurons. The interneurons then inhibited pyramidal cells. The observable field outputs were the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) of interneurons and the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) of pyramidal cells. Positive neurophysiological feedbacks were proposed among interneurons and among pyramidal cells in order to account for the prolonged time courses of the interneuronal EPSPs and the pyramidal cell IPSPs. The parameters of the model were optimized by a nonlinear regression program which minimized the sum of squared deviations between the model-generated and actual AEPs. The parameters included the temporal dispersion of the input tract (about 3 ms) and the membrane time constant of interneuronal and pyramidal cell populations (4.8 ms). In anesthetized rats, positive feedback gain coefficients were 0.07 among interneurons and 0.85 among pyramidal cells. After a compound spike (I), two postsynaptic AEP components (II and III) of different time courses were detectable at all depths within CA 1 except at the turnover for each component. The hypothesis that the AEP component II was generated by interneurons was tested and confirmed. The quantitative model constitutes a concise construct of the functional organization of the hippocampal CA 1 region, which suggests further theoretical extensions and experimentation.  相似文献   

Ingestion of seaweed by Aplysia is in part mediated by cerebral-buccal interneurons that drive rhythmic motor output from the buccal ganglia and in some cases cerebral-buccal interneurons act as members of the feeding central pattern generator. Here we document cooperative interactions between cerebral-buccal interneuron 2 and cerebral-buccal interneuron 12, characterize synaptic input to cerebral-buccal interneuron 2 and cerebral-buccal interneuron 12 from buccal peripheral nerve 2,3, describe a synaptic connection between cerebral-buccal interneuron 1 and buccal neuron B34, further characterize connections made by cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 and -12 with B34 and B61/62, and describe a novel, inhibitory connection made by cerebral-buccal interneuron 2 with a buccal neuron. When cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 and 12 were driven synchronously at low frequencies, ingestion-like buccal motor programs were elicited, and if either was driven alone, indirect synaptic input was recruited in the other cerebral-buccal interneuron. Stimulation of BN2,3 recruited both ingestion and rejection-like motor programs without firing in cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 or 12. During motor programs elicited by cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 or 12, high-voltage stimulation of BN2,3 inhibited firing in both cerebral-buccal interneurons. Our results suggest that cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 and 12 use cooperative interactions to modulate buccal motor programs, yet firing in cerebral-buccal interneurons 2 or 12 is not necessary for recruiting motor programs by buccal peripheral nerve BN2,3, even in preparations with intact cerebral-buccal pathways.  相似文献   

The abdominal ganglion of Aplysia provides a useful model forstudying the functional organization of motor systems. Herewe review studies of the neural network controlling circulation,emphasizing the organizational features it may share with othermotor systems controlled by the abdominal ganglion. We identifiedseven motor neurons to the heart and vascular system. Motorneurons having similar motor effects (e.g. the two heart inhibitors,or the three vasoconstrictors), together with cells of unknownmotor function located near them, make up distinct homogeneouscell groups. The members of each group appear to be nearly identicalwith respect to biophysical and neurochemical properties, sizeand effectiveness of synaplie inputs, and firing patterns. Thereare no interconnections between the members of the groups, butfive interneurons innervate the homogeneous groups in variouscombinations, exciting some groups and inhibiting others. Twoof the interneurons, Interneuron I (cell I10) and InterneuronII, are command cells which produce centrally generated motorprograms in the absence of sensory feedback. Eacli command apparentlycodes for a specific homeostatic function, such as increasedcardiac output. Coordination of the two commands is achievedby mutual inhibitory connections between them, ensuring thatthe motor neurons of the system receive only one command ata time. Some synaptic connections made by the command interneuronsappear to be functionally ineffective; the possible significanceof them is discussed. Available evidence suggests that manyfeatures of the network controlling circulation may be characteristicof other visceromotor systems of the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

We have examined the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying the genesis of alternating motor activity in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo. Experiments were performed on the isolated lumbosacral cord maintained in vitro. Intracellular and whole cell patch clamp recordings obtained from sartorius (primarily a hip flexor) and femorotibialis (a knee extensor) motoneurons showed that both classes of cell are depolarized simultaneously during each cycle of motor activity. Sartorius motoneurons generally fire two bursts/cycle, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons discharge throughout their depolarization, with peak activity between the sartorius bursts. Voltage clamp recordings revealed that inhibitory and excitatory synaptic currents are responsible for the depolarization of sartorius motoneurons, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons are activated principally by excitatory currents. Early in development, the dominant synaptic currents in rhythmically active sartorius motoneurons appear to be inhibitory so that firing is restricted to a single, brief burst at the beginning of each cycle. In E7-E13 embryos, lumbosacral motor activity could be evoked following stimulation in the brainstem, even when the brachial and cervical cord was bathed in a reduced calcium solution to block chemical synaptic transmission. These findings suggest that functional descending connections from the brainstem to the lumbar cord are present by E7, although activation of ascending axons or electrical synapses cannot be eliminated. Ablation, optical, and immunocytochemical experiments were performed to characterize the interneuronal network responsible for the synaptic activation of motoneurons. Ablation experiments were used to show that the essential interneuronal elements required for the rhythmic alternation are in the ventral part of the cord. This observation was supported by real-time Fura-2 imaging of the neuronal calcium transients accompanying motor activity, which revealed that a high proportion of rhythmically active cells are located in the ventrolateral part of the cord and that activity could begin in this region. The fluorescence transients in the majority of neurons, including motoneurons, occurred in phase with ventral root or muscle nerve activity, implying synchronized neuronal action in the rhythm generating network. Immunocytochemical experiments were performed in E14-E16 embryos to localize putative inhibitory interneurons that might be involved in the genesis or patterning of motor activity. The results revealed a pattern similar to that seen in other vertebrates with the dorsal horn containing neurons with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactivity and the ventral and intermediate regions containing neurons with glycine-like immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

1. Responses of motor neurons in larvae and pupae of Manduca sexta to stimulation of tactile sensory neurons were measured in both semi-intact, and isolated nerve cord preparations. These motor neurons innervate abdominal intersegmental muscles which are involved in the production of a general flexion reflex in the larva, and the closure reflex of the pupal gin traps. 2. Larval motor neurons respond to stimulation of sensory neurons innervating abdominal mechanosensory hairs with prolonged, tonic excitation ipsilaterally, and either weak excitation or inhibition contralaterally (Figs. 4A, 6). 3. Pupae respond to tactile stimulation of mechanosensory hairs within the gin traps with a rapid closure reflex. Motor neurons which innervate muscles ipsilateral to the stimulus exhibit a large depolarization, high frequency firing, and abrupt termination (Figs. 2, 4B). Generally, contralateral motor neurons fire antiphasically to the ipsilateral motor neurons, producing a characteristic triphasic firing pattern (Figs. 7, 8) which is not seen in the larva. 4. Pupal motor neurons can also respond to sensory stimulation with other types of patterns, including rotational responses (Fig. 3A), gin trap opening reflexes (Fig. 3B), and 'flip-flop' responses (Fig. 9). 5. Pupal motor neurons, like larval motor neurons, do not show oscillatory responses to tonic current injection, nor do motor neurons of either stage appear to interact synaptically with one another. Most pupal motor neurons also exhibit i-V properties similar to those of larval motor neurons (Table 1; Fig. 10). Some pupal motor neurons, however, show a marked non-linear response to depolarizing current injection (Fig. 11).  相似文献   

Summary 1. The effects of heavy metals (Pb2+, Hg2+, and Zn2+) on synaptic transmission in the identified neural network ofHelix pomatia L. andLymnaea stagnalis L. (Gastropoda, Mollusca) were studied, with investigation of effects on inputs and outputs as wells as on interneuronal connections.2. The sensory input running from the cardiorenal system to the central nervous system and the synaptic connections between central neurons were affected by heavy metals.3. Lead and mercury (10–5–10–3 M) eliminated first the inhibitory, then the excitatory inputs running from the heart to central neurons. At the onset of action lead increased the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials, but blockade of sensory information transfer occurred after 10–20 min of treatment.4. The monosynaptic connections between identified interneurons were inhibited by lead and mercury but not by zinc. Motoneurons were found to be less sensitive to heavy metal treatment than interneurons or sensory pathways.5. The treatment with Pb2+ and Hg2+ often elicited pacemaker and bursting-type firing in central neurons, accompanied by disconnection of synaptic pathways, manifested by insensitivity to sensory synaptic influences.6. Zn2+ treatment also sometimes induced pacemaker activity and burst firing but did not cause disconnection of the synaptic transmission between interneurons.7. A network analysis of heavy metal effects can be a useful tool in understanding the connection between their cellular and their behavioral modulatory influences.  相似文献   

1. In the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) abdomen, the superficial flexor and extensor muscles and the motoneurons that innervate them are employed during two completely different modes of behavior: (1) tonic postural adjustments and (2) cyclic movements associated with backwards terrestrial walking. We have tested the possibility that these two behavioral subsystems share at least some of the same tonic premotor interneurons. 2. Of the 108 tonic flexion- and extension-producing interneurons monitored during cyclic pattern generation, only 25 were recruited while 36 were inhibited. None of the recruited interneurons made a measurable contribution to the cyclic motor output. Similarly, none of the 20 inhibitory interneurons of the tonic subsystem recorded in this study was found to play a role in shaping the cyclic motor pattern. 3. Simultaneous activation of single tonic postural interneurons with the cyclic motor pattern revealed that the two behavioral subsystems interact in complex ways. Some tonic interneurons produced motor outputs that overrode the cyclic motor outputs while the motor outputs of other tonic interneurons were completely overwhelmed by the cyclic motor program. Still other tonic interneurons generated motor outputs that predominated over cyclic patterned outputs in some ganglia but were masked by the cyclic motor pattern in other ganglia. 4. Although weak interactions between the two subsystems occur at the premotor level, they have little effect on the normal generation of the cyclic pattern. Stronger interactions apparently occur at the level of the motoneurons and these interactions presumably may form the basis of switching from one behavior to the other. We conclude, therefore, that each behavioral subsystem relies upon its own unique set of premotor interneurons. Finally, those interneurons contributing to the cyclic motor pattern have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Action potentials are fundamental to relaying information from region to region in the nervous system. Changes in action potential firing patterns in neural circuits influence how the brain processes information. In our previous study, we focused on interneuron/perineuronal astrocyte pairs in the hippocampal CA1 region and reported that direct depolarization of perineuronal astrocytes modulated the firing pattern of interneurons. In the current study, we investigated the morphological and electrophysiological properties of perineuronal oligodendrocytes, and examined their modulatory effects on interneuronal firing in the CA1 region. Perineuronal oligodendrocytes only had a few processes, which were crooked, intricately twisted, and twined around the soma and proximal region of the main processes of adjacent interneurons. Whole-cell current patterns of perineuronal oligodendrocytes were homogenous and the current–voltage relationship showed remarkable outward rectification. Although the K+ channel blockers, tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine, clearly blocked outward currents, Ba2+ did not significantly alter whole-cell currents. Unlike perineuronal astrocytes, the depolarization of perineuronal oligodendrocytes had no effect on interneuronal firing; however, when the interneurons were firing at a higher frequency, the hyperpolarization of perineuronal oligodendrocytes suppressed their action potentials. The suppressive effects of perineuronal oligodendrocytes were inhibited in the presence of a low concentration of tetraethylammonium, which selectively blocked deep and fast afterhyperpolarization. These results suggest that perineuronal oligodendrocytes suppress interneuronal firing through their influence on K+ channels, which are responsible for deep and fast afterhyperpolarization.  相似文献   

Crustacean postural control is modulated by behavioral condition. In this study, we investigated how the responses of descending statocyst interneurons were affected during leg movements. Intracellular recording was made from an animal whose statoliths had been replaced with ferrite grains so that statocyst receptors could be activated by magnetic field stimulation. We identified 14 morphological types of statocyst-driven descending interneurons. Statocyst-driven descending interneurons always showed an excitatory response to statocyst stimulation on either ipsilateral or contralateral side to the axon. The response of each statocyst-driven descending interneuron to statocyst stimulation was differently modulated by leg movements in different conditions. During active leg movements, six statocyst-driven descending interneurons were activated regardless of whether a substrate was provided or not. In other two statocyst-driven descending interneurons, the excitatory input during leg movements was stronger when a substrate was provided than when it was not. One statocyst-driven descending interneuron received an excitatory input only during leg movements on a substrate, whereas another statocyst-driven descending interneuron did not receive any input during leg movements both on a substrate and in the air. These results suggest that the descending statocyst pathways are organized in parallel, each cell affected differently by behavioral conditions.Abbreviations EMG electromyogram - NGI nonspiking giant interneuron - SDI statocyst-driven descending interneuron  相似文献   

Antri M  Mellen N  Cazalets JR 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20529
Although the mammalian locomotor CPG has been localized to the lumbar spinal cord, the functional-anatomical organization of flexor and extensor interneurons has not been characterized. Here, we tested the hypothesis that flexor and extensor interneuronal networks for walking are physically segregated in the lumbar spinal cord. For this purpose, we performed optical recordings and lesion experiments from a horizontally sectioned lumbar spinal cord isolated from neonate rats. This ventral hemi spinal cord preparation produces well-organized fictive locomotion when superfused with 5-HT/NMDA. The dorsal surface of the preparation was visualized using the Ca(2+) indicator fluo-4 AM, while simultaneously monitoring motor output at ventral roots L2 and L5. Using calcium imaging, we provided a general mapping view of the interneurons that maintained a stable phase relationship with motor output. We showed that the dorsal surface of L1 segment contains a higher density of locomotor rhythmic cells than the other segments. Moreover, L1 segment lesioning induced the most important changes in the locomotor activity in comparison with lesions at the T13 or L2 segments. However, no lesions led to selective disruption of either flexor or extensor output. In addition, this study found no evidence of functional parcellation of locomotor interneurons into flexor and extensor pools at the dorsal-ventral midline of the lumbar spinal cord of the rat.  相似文献   

The action of disulfiram on interconnected activity of neurones in the visual and motor cortical areas was studied in cats with food-procuring conditioned responses to light. Multiunit activity was recorded from the areas and, by means of amplitude discrimination, separated into impulse flows. Crosscorrelation analysis of the impulse series was used to reveal the character and temporal parameters of interconnected activities of neurones firing in correlation within the limits both of the same cortical area and of the two different ones. A depressing action was shown of the disulfiram on the food-procuring reaction, accompanied by a decrease of the number of pairs of neurones from the visual and motor cortical areas mostly acting in interconnection, interactions with long time delays being mostly affected. The character of action of neighbouring neurones in the visual and motor cortical areas changed in the same direction, expressed in their firing by a "common source" type. The question is discussed of disulfiram influence on interneuronal connections of both types suggesting a decrease of alimentary motivation as well as disturbance of food-procuring conditioned motor coordination.  相似文献   

In the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia a number of motoneurons regulating visceral organs reacted to the stimulation of the reproductive organs. The response was mostly biphasic and often delayed. The multifunctional interneuron I (cell L10) reacted to the stimulation of the reproductive organs with burst firing, followed by an inhibitory phase. The interneuron II, involved in the regulation of visceral functions, was also activated during stimulation of the reproductive organs and its burst-pattern could be identified on a number of other neurons. Several members of the neurosecretory cell group reacted to the stimulation of reproductive organs. The response was, as a rule, biphasic and similar to the hormone action, long-lasting. Three further cells (near the cell L12, above the cell L21, and the neuron between R2 and R7 with unknown function) showed a stereotyped response to the stimulation of the reproductive organs. All the neurons reacting to the stimulation of the reproductive organs also received inputs from the cardiorenal system. The data support the existence of common networks composing variable units in the regulation of visceral functions of gastropods.  相似文献   

Parallel processing of short-term memory for sensitization in Aplysia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
How is the short-term memory for a single form of learning distributed among the various elements of a neuronal circuit? To answer this question, we examined the short-term memory for sensitization, using the siphon component of the defensive gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex. We found that the memory for short-term sensitization is represented by at least four sites of circuit modification, each involving a different type of plasticity. These include (1) presynaptic facilitation of the sensory neuron connections onto both interneurons and motorneurons; (2) presynaptic inhibition at the connections of the L30 inhibitory neurons onto the excitatory interneuron L29; (3) posttetanic potentiation of the excitatory connections made by L29 onto a specific subclass of siphon motorneurons, the LFS cells; and (4) an increase in the tonic firing rate of the LFS siphon motor neurons, resulting in neuromuscular facilitation. Each of the heterosynaptic changes seems to involve a common modulatory transmitter and to utilize a common second messenger system. Moreover, each of these sites seems capable of encoding a different component of the short-term memory. Facilitation of the connections of sensory neurons should contribute to the increase in amplitude of the response; the disinhibition of the L29 interneurons and the posttetanic potentiation at L29 synapses should contribute to an increase in the duration of the response; and the increase in tonic firing of the LFS subclass of siphon motor neurons seems capable of contributing both to an increase in response amplitude and to changes in response topography.  相似文献   

Summary Using chronically implanted suction electrodes (Fig. 2), records were obtained from the tonic abdominal flexor motor neurons of crayfish while they were undergoing various self-generated movements (Fig. 3). The main behavior examined in this study was one of abdominal extension (Fig. 1), a response which could be evoked repeatedly. Other stereotyped movements were also observed. Each class of behavior we examined has been evoked previously in dissected preparations by stimulating command interneurons, allowing comparison of selfgenerated and electrically evoked motor patterns.During abdominal extension, the flexor inhibitor neuron was observed to fire in a characteristic way (Fig. 4 left, Fig. 5) that was not materially altered even if the associated movements were prevented by rigid restraint (Fig. 4 right). These self-generated motor programs resembled those obtained from command fiber stimulation, both in detail and reproducibility, suggesting that the normal means of executing such stereotyped behavior in these animals is via selected command interneurons.Central reciprocity between the tonic flexor motor neurons and the flexor inhibitor was observed routinely in self-generated programs (Figs. 3, 6, 7), as was seen in dissected animals under command fiber control. The incidence of failure of reciprocity, however, appears to be more common in natural programs than in those evoked by direct stimulation of command interneurons.This work was supported by NIH Grant NS-05423-07 (JLL). Support for one of us (A. C. E.) was obtained in part from NIH Training Grant 2T01 GM-00836-08. We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. Gregg Holmes, and note also the interest and valuable discussions offered by Dr. Lon Wilkens, Mr. George Wolfe and Mr. Terry Page.  相似文献   

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