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Activation of voltage-dependent ion channels is primarily controlled by the applied potential difference across the membrane. For potassium channels the Drosophila Shaker channel has served as an archetype of all other potassium channels in studies of activation mechanisms. In the Shaker potassium channel much of the voltage sensitivity is conferred by the S4 transmembrane helix, which contains seven positively charged residues. During gating, the movement of these charges produces gating currents. Mutagenic and fluorescence studies indicate that four of these residues are particularly important and contribute to the majority of gating charge, R362, R365, R368 and R371. The channel is thought to dwell in several closed states prior to opening. Ionic-charge pairing with negatively charged residues in the S2 and S3 helices is thought to be important in regulating these closed states and detailed kinetic models have attempted to define the kinetics and charge of the transitions between these states. Neutral residues throughout the S4 and S5 helices are thought to control late steps in channel opening and may have important roles in modulating the stability of the open state and late closed states. In response to depolarization, the S4 helix is thought to undergo a rotational translation and this movement is also important in studies of the movement of the pore helices, S5 and S6, during opening. This review will examine residues that are important during activation as well as kinetic models that have attempted to quantitatively define the activation pathway of voltage-dependent potassium channels.  相似文献   

Gating of sodium and potassium channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Various experiments have suggested that the S4 segment in voltage-dependent Na(+) and K(+) channels is in contact with a solvent-accessible cavity. We explore the consequences of the existence of such a cavity through the electrostatic effects on the gating currents of Shaker K(+) channels under conditions of reduced ionic strength S. We observe that approximately 10-fold reductions of intracellular S produce reductions of the measured gating charge of approximately 10%. These effects continue at even lower values of S. The reduction of gating charge when S is reduced by 10-fold at the extracellular surface is much smaller (approximately 2%). Shifts of the Q(V) curve because of a reduced S are small (<10 mV in size), which is consistent with very little fixed surface charge. Continuum electrostatic calculations show that the S effects on gating charge can be explained by the alteration of the local potential in an intracellular conical cavity of 20-24-A depth and 12-A aperture, and a smaller extracellular cavity of 3-A depth and the same aperture. In this case, the attenuation of the membrane potential at low S leads to reduction of the apparent gating charge. We suggest that this cavity is made by a bundle of transmembrane helices, and that the gating charge movement occurs by translocation of charged residues across a thin septum of approximately 3-7 A thickness.  相似文献   

Cation channel gating may occur either at or below the inner vestibule entrance or at the selectivity filter. To differentiate these possibilities in inward rectifier (Kir) channels, we examined cysteine accessibility in the ATP-gated Kir6.2 channel. MTSEA and MTSET both block channels and modify M2 cysteines with identical voltage dependence. If entry is restricted to open channels, modification rates will slow in ATP-closed channels, but because the reagent can be trapped in the pore following brief openings, this may not be apparent until open probability is extremely low (<0.01). When these conditions are met, modification does slow significantly, indicating gated access and highlighting an important caveat for interpretation of MTS-accessibility measurements: reagent "trapping" in nominally "closed" channels may obscure gated access.  相似文献   

Yu Cheng 《FEBS letters》2010,584(10):2005-2012
Three types of potassium channels cooperate with the permeability transition pore (PTP) in the inner mitochondrial membranes of various tissues, mtK(ATP), mtBK, and mtKv1.3. While the latter two share similarities with their plasma membrane counterparts, mtK(ATP) exhibits considerable differences with the plasma membrane K(ATP)-channel. One important function seems to be suppression of release of proapototic substances from mitochondria through the PTP. Open potassium channels tend to keep the PTP closed thus acting as antiapoptotic. Nevertheless, in their mode of action there are considerable differences among them. This review introduces three K+-channels and the PTP, and discusses known facts about their interaction.  相似文献   

Gating current (Ig) underlying Na-channel activation is large enough to enable resolution of components both preceding and paralleling Na conductance (gNa) turn-on. For large depolarizations (beyond +20 mV), an additional "slow phase" of Ig is observed during a time when Na activation is already complete, but when K-channel opening is just becoming detectable. If Na- and K-channel gating are similar, the slow kinetics and long delay for K activation predict that K channel Ig must be relatively small and slow. Externally applied dibucaine almost totally blocks gNa and greatly reduces the fast (Na channel) Ig without altering gK or the Ig slow phase. The slow phase of Ig depends in part of the presence of functional K channels. Selective diminution in amplitude of the slow phase is consistently observed after a 30-min perfusion with both external and internal K-free media, a procedure which destroys nearly all K channels. This decrease of Ig amounts to approximately 10% of the total charge movements at +40 to +80 mV, with gating charge and K channels disappearing in a ratio of less than 1 e- per picosiemens of gK. These findings are consistent with the idea that part of the Ig slow phase represents gating current generated by the early steps in K-channel activation.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent gating of transient A2-type potassium channels from primary cultures of larval Drosophila central nervous system neurons was studied using whole-cell and single-channel voltage clamp. A2 channels are genetically distinct from the Shaker A1 channels observed in Drosophila muscle, and differ in single-channel conductance, voltage dependence, and gating kinetics. Single A2 channels were recorded and analyzed at -30, -10, +10, and +30 mV. The channels opened in bursts in response to depolarizing steps, with three to four openings per burst and two to three bursts per 480-ms pulse (2.8-ms burst criterion). Mean open durations were in a range of 2-4 ms and mean burst durations in a range of 9-17 ms. With the exception of the first latency distributions, none of the means of the distributions measured showed a consistent trend with voltage. Macroscopic inactivation of both whole-cell A currents and ensemble average currents of single A2 channels was well fitted by a sum of two exponentials. The fast time constants in different cells were in a range of 9-25 ms, and the slow time constants in a range of 60-140 ms. A six-state kinetic model (three closed, one open, two inactivated states) was tested at four command voltages by fitting frequency histograms of open durations, burst durations, burst closed durations, number of openings per burst, and number of bursts per trace. The model provided good fits to these data, as well as to the ensemble averages. With the exception of the rates leading to initial opening, the transitions in the model were largely independent of voltage.  相似文献   

Potassium-selective leak channels control neuromuscular function through effects on membrane excitability. Nonetheless, their existence as independent molecular entities was established only recently with the cloning of KCNKO from Drosophila melanogaster. Here, the operating mechanism of these 2 P domain leak channels is delineated. Single KCNKO channels switch between two long-lived states (one open and one closed) in a tenaciously regulated fashion. Activation can increase the open probability to approximately 1, and inhibition can reduce it to approximately 0.05. Gating is dictated by a 700-residue carboxy-terminal tail that controls the closed state dwell time but does not form a channel gate; its deletion (to produce a 300-residue subunit with two P domains and four transmembrane segments) yields unregulated leak channels that enter, but do not maintain, the closed state. The tail integrates simultaneous input from multiple regulatory pathways acting via protein kinases C, A, and G.  相似文献   

Permeant ions can have significant effects on ion channel conformational changes. To further understand the relationship between ion occupancy and gating conformational changes, we have studied macroscopic and single-channel gating of BK potassium channels with different permeant monovalent cations. While the slopes of the conductance-voltage curve were reduced with respect to potassium for all permeant ions, BK channels required stronger depolarization to open only when thallium was the permeant ion. Thallium also slowed the activation and deactivation kinetics. Both the change in kinetics and the shift in the GV curve were dependent on the thallium passing through the permeation pathway, as well as on the concentration of thallium. There was a decrease in the mean open time and an increase in the number of short flicker closing events with thallium as the permeating ion. Mean closed durations were unaffected. Application of previously established allosteric gating models indicated that thallium specifically alters the opening and closing transition of the channel and does not alter the calcium activation or voltage activation pathways. Addition of a closed flicker state into the allosteric model can account for the effect of thallium on gating. Consideration of the thallium concentration dependence of the gating effects suggests that the flicker state may correspond to the collapsed selectivity filter seen in crystal structures of the KcsA potassium channel under the condition of low permeant ion concentration.  相似文献   

A fundamental question associated with the function of ion channels is the conformational changes that allow for reversibly opening/occluding the pore through which the cations permeate. The recently elucidated crystal structures of potassium channels reveal similar structural motifs at their pore-forming regions, suggesting that they share a common gating mechanism. The validity of this hypothesis is explored by analyzing the collective dynamics of five known K(+) channel structures. Normal-mode analysis using the Gaussian network model strikingly reveals that all five structures display the same intrinsic motions at their pore-forming region despite the differences in their sequences, structures, and activation mechanisms. Superposition of the most cooperative mode profiles shows that the identified common mechanism is a global corkscrew-like counterrotation of the extracellular and cytoplasmic (CP) regions, leading to the opening of the CP end of the pore. A second cooperative mode shared by all five K(+) channels is the extension of the extracellular and/or CP ends via alternating anticorrelated fluctuations of pairs of diagonally opposite monomers. Residues acting as hinges/anchors in both modes are highly conserved across the members of the family of K(+) channel proteins, consistent with their presently disclosed critical mechanical role in pore gating.  相似文献   

Gating prokaryotic mechanosensitive channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Prokaryotic mechanosensitive channels function as molecular switches that transduce bilayer deformations into protein motion. These protein structural rearrangements generate large non-selective pores that function as a prokaryotic 'last line of defence' to sudden osmotic challenges. Once considered an electrophysiological artefact, recent structural, spectroscopic and functional data have placed this class of protein at the centre of efforts to understand the molecular basis of lipid-protein interactions and their influence on protein function.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels are tetramers composed of homologous alpha and beta subunits. C-terminal truncation mutants of the alpha and beta subunits of the retinal rod channel were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and analyzed for cGMP- and cAMP-induced currents (single-channel records and macroscopic currents). When the alpha subunit truncated downstream of the cGMP-binding site (alpha D608stop) is co-injected with truncated beta subunits, the heteromeric channels present a drastic increase of cAMP sensitivity. A partial effect is observed with heteromeric alpha R656stop-containing channels, while alpha K665stop-containing channels behave like alpha wt/beta wt. The three truncated alpha subunits have wild-type activity when expressed alone. Heteromeric channels composed of alpha wt or truncated alpha subunits and chimeric beta subunits containing the pore domain of the alpha subunit have the same cAMP sensitivity as alpha-only channels. The results disclose the key role of two domains distinct from the nucleotide binding site in the gating of heteromeric channels by cAMP: the pore of the beta subunit, which has an activating effect, and a conserved domain situated downstream of the cGMP-binding site in the alpha subunit (I609-K665), which inhibits this effect.  相似文献   

Gating of gap junction channels.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Gap junctional conductance ( gj ) in various species is gated by voltage and intracellular pH (pHi). In amphibian embryos, gj is reduced to half by a 14 mV transjunctional voltage ( Vj ), a change that in fish embryo requires approximately 28 mV. Crayfish septate axon and pairs of dissociated rat myocytes show no voltage dependence of gj over a range of Vj greater than +/- 50 mV. In fish and amphibian blastomeres , gj is steeply decreased by decrease in pHi (n, Hill coefficient: 4.5) and the apparent pKH (7.3) is in the physiological range. In crayfish septate axon the pKH is lower (6.7) and the curve is less steep (n = 2.7). Rises in cytoplasmic Ca can also decrease gj but much higher concentrations are required (greater than 0.1 mM in fish blastomeres). Voltage and pH gates on gap junctions in amphibian embryos appear independent. In squid blastomeres pH gates exhibit some sensitivity to potential, both transjunctional and between inside and outside. A pharmacology of gap junctions is being developed: certain agents block gj directly (aldehydes, alcohols, NEM in crayfish); others block by decreasing pHi (esters that are hydrolyzed by intrinsic esterases, NEM in vertebrates, and, as in the experiments demonstrating the effect of pHi, weak acids). Certain agents block pH sensitivity without affecting voltage dependence (retinoic acid, glutaraldehyde, EEDQ), further indicating separateness of pH and voltage gates. These studies demonstrate a dynamics of gap junctional conductance and variability in gating in a series of possibly homologous membrane channels.  相似文献   

Extracellular tetraethylammonium (TEA) inhibits currents in Xenopus oocytes that have been injected with mRNAs encoding voltage-dependent potassium channels. Concentration-response curves were used to measure the affinity of TEA; this differed up to 700-fold among channels RBK1 (KD 0.3 mM), RGK5 (KD 11 mM), and RBK2 (KD greater than 200 mM). Studies in which chimeric channels were expressed localized TEA binding to the putative extracellular loop between trans-membrane domains S5 and S6. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues in this region identified the residue Tyr379 of RBK1 as a crucial determinant of TEA sensitivity; substitution of Tyr in the equivalent positions of RBK2 (Val381) and RGK5 (His401) made these channels as sensitive to TEA as RBK1. Nonionic forces are involved in TEA binding because (i) substitution of the Phe for Tyr379 in RBK1 increased its affinity, (ii) protonation of His401 in RGK5 selectively reduced its affinity, and (iii) the affinity of TEA was unaffected by changes in ionic strength. The results suggest an explanation for the marked differences in TEA sensitivity that have been observed among naturally occurring and cloned potassium channels and indicate that the amino acid corresponding to residue 379 in RBK1 lies within the external mouth of the ion channel.  相似文献   

ATP-sensitive potassium channels form a link between membrane excitability and cellular metabolism. These channels are important in physiological processes such as insulin release and they are an important site of drug action. They are an octomeric complex comprised of four sulfonylurea receptors, a member of the ATP-binding cassette family of proteins, and four Kir 6.0 subunits from the inward rectifier family of potassium channels. We have investigated the nature of the interaction between SUR1 and Kir 6.2 and the domains on the channel responsible for the biochemical and functional manifestations of coupling. The results point to the proximal C terminus determining biochemical interaction in a region that also largely governs homotypic and heterotypic interaction between different Kir family members. While this domain may be necessary for functional communication between the two proteins, it is not sufficient since relative modifications of either the N or C terminus are able to disrupt many aspects of functional coupling mediated by the sulfonylurea receptor.  相似文献   

A recently proposed model for voltage-dependent activation in K+ channels, largely influenced by the KvAP X-ray structure, suggests that S4 is located at the periphery of the channel and moves through the lipid bilayer upon depolarization. To investigate the physical distance between S4 and the pore domain in functional channels in a native membrane environment, we engineered pairs of cysteines, one each in S4 and the pore of Shaker channels, and identified two instances of spontaneous intersubunit disulfide bond formation, between R362C/A419C and R362C/F416C. After reduction, these cysteine pairs bound Cd2+ with high affinity, verifying that the residues are in atomic proximity. Molecular modeling based on the MthK structure revealed a single position for S4 that was consistent with our results and many other experimental constraints. The model predicts that S4 is located in the groove between pore domains from different subunits, rather than at the periphery of the protein.  相似文献   

The permeation pathways of the voltage-gated K+ channels Kv3.1 and ShakerB delta 6-46 (ShB delta) were studied using Mg2+ block. Internal Mg2+ blocked both channels in a voltage-dependent manner, and block was partially relieved by external K+, consistent with Mg2+ binding within the pore. The kinetics of Mg2+ block was much faster for Kv3.1 than for ShB delta. Fast block of Kv3.1 was transferred to ShB delta with transplantation of the P-region, but not of S6. The difference in the P-region, causing the change in Mg2+ binding kinetics, was attributed to ShB delta (V443) and its analog Kv3.1(L401), because in both channels leucine at this position gave fast block, whereas valine gave slow block. For Kv3.1 the major determinant of the voltage dependence of Mg2+ binding resided primarily in the off rate, whereas for Kv3.1(L401V) the voltage dependence resided primarily in the on rate, consistent with a change in the rate-limiting barrier for Mg2+ binding. Our data suggest that hydrophobic residues at positions 401 of Kv3.1 and 443 of ShB delta act as barriers to the movement of Mg2+ in the pore.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels represent the main class of brain A-type K+ channels that operate in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials (Serodio, P., E. Vega-Saenz de Miera, and B. Rudy. 1996. J. Neurophysiol. 75:2174- 2179), and their function depends critically on inactivation gating. A previous study suggested that the cytoplasmic NH2- and COOH-terminal domains of Kv4.1 channels act in concert to determine the fast phase of the complex time course of macroscopic inactivation (Jerng, H.H., and M. Covarrubias. 1997. Biophys. J. 72:163-174). To investigate the structural basis of slow inactivation gating of these channels, we examined internal residues that may affect the mutually exclusive relationship between inactivation and closed-state blockade by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) (Campbell, D.L., Y. Qu, R.L. Rasmussen, and H.C. Strauss. 1993. J. Gen. Physiol. 101:603-626; Shieh, C.-C., and G.E. Kirsch. 1994. Biophys. J. 67:2316-2325). A double mutation V[404,406]I in the distal section of the S6 region of the protein drastically slowed channel inactivation and deactivation, and significantly reduced the blockade by 4-AP. In addition, recovery from inactivation was slightly faster, but the pore properties were not significantly affected. Consistent with a more stable open state and disrupted closed state inactivation, V[404,406]I also caused hyperpolarizing and depolarizing shifts of the peak conductance-voltage curve ( approximately 5 mV) and the prepulse inactivation curve (>10 mV), respectively. By contrast, the analogous mutations (V[556,558]I) in a K+ channel that undergoes N- and C-type inactivation (Kv1.4) did not affect macroscopic inactivation but dramatically slowed deactivation and recovery from inactivation, and eliminated open-channel blockade by 4-AP. Mutation of a Kv4-specific residue in the S4-S5 loop (C322S) of Kv4.1 also altered gating and 4-AP sensitivity in a manner that closely resembles the effects of V[404, 406]I. However, this mutant did not exhibit disrupted closed state inactivation. A kinetic model that assumes coupling between channel closing and inactivation at depolarized membrane potentials accounts for the results. We propose that components of the pore's internal vestibule control both closing and inactivation in Kv4 K+ channels.  相似文献   

Sadja R  Smadja K  Alagem N  Reuveny E 《Neuron》2001,29(3):669-680
G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium channels, GIRK/Kir3.x, are gated by the Gbetagamma subunits of the G protein. The molecular mechanism of gating was investigated by employing a novel yeast-based random mutagenesis approach that selected for channel mutants that are active in the absence of Gbetagamma. Mutations in TM2 were found that mimicked the Gbetagamma-activated state. The activity of these channel mutants was independent of receptor stimulation and of the availability of heterologously expressed Gbetagamma subunits but depended on PtdIns(4,5)P(2). The results suggest that the TM2 region plays a key role in channel gating following Gbetagamma binding in a phospholipid-dependent manner. This mechanism of gating in inwardly rectifying K+ channels may be similar to the involvement of the homologous region in prokaryotic KcsA potassium channel and, thus, suggests evolutionary conservation of the gating structure.  相似文献   

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