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Maize (Zea mays subsp mays) was domesticated from teosinte (Z. mays subsp parviglumis) through a single domestication event in southern Mexico between 6000 and 9000 years ago. This domestication event resulted in the original maize landrace varieties, which were spread throughout the Americas by Native Americans and adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. Starting with landraces, 20th century plant breeders selected inbred lines of maize for use in hybrid maize production. Both domestication and crop improvement involved selection of specific alleles at genes controlling key morphological and agronomic traits, resulting in reduced genetic diversity relative to unselected genes. Here, we sequenced 1095 maize genes from a sample of 14 inbred lines and chose 35 genes with zero sequence diversity as potential targets of selection. These 35 genes were then sequenced in a sample of diverse maize landraces and teosintes and tested for selection. Using two statistical tests, we identified eight candidate genes. Extended gene sequencing of these eight candidate loci confirmed that six were selected throughout the gene, and the remaining two exhibited evidence of selection in the 3' portion of each gene. The selected genes have functions consistent with agronomic selection for nutritional quality, maturity, and productivity. Our large-scale screen for artificial selection allows identification of genes of potential agronomic importance even when gene function and the phenotype of interest are unknown.  相似文献   

The development of Drosophila imaginal discs serves as a model system to understand how genes determine the shape and size of an organ. The identification of genes involved in this process is an important step towards this goal. Here we describe a P-element based enhancer trap screen for genes expressed in the larval imaginal discs. Our aim was to establish a large collection of enhancer trap lines each showing expression of Gal4 in imaginal discs. To this end, we improved the well established P-element vector pGawB in order to obtain higher in vivo transposition frequencies. In addition we chose an F1-screening approach using UAS-GFP as a reporter gene. This system permits the efficient screening of larval and pupal stages of living animals and the detection of imaginal gene expression patterns through the transparent cuticle. The procedure has been optimized for high-throughput. 2'000 P-element insertions have been established which exhibit expression in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

We previously reported a genomewide scan to identify autism-susceptibility loci in 110 multiplex families, showing suggestive evidence (P <.01) for linkage to autism-spectrum disorders (ASD) on chromosomes 5, 8, 16, 19, and X and showing nominal evidence (P <.05) on several additional chromosomes (2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, and 20). In this follow-up analysis we have increased the sample size threefold, while holding the study design constant, so that we now report 345 multiplex families, each with at least two siblings affected with autism or ASD phenotype. Along with 235 new multiplex families, 73 new microsatellite markers were also added in 10 regions, thereby increasing the marker density at these strategic locations from 10 cM to approximately 2 cM and bringing the total number of markers to 408 over the entire genome. Multipoint maximum LOD scores (MLS) obtained from affected-sib-pair analysis of all 345 families yielded suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosomes 17, 5, 11, 4, and 8 (listed in order by MLS) (P <.01). The most significant findings were an MLS of 2.83 (P =.00029) on chromosome 17q, near the serotonin transporter (5-hydroxytryptamine transporter [5-HTT]), and an MLS of 2.54 (P =.00059) on 5p. The present follow-up genome scan, which used a consistent research design across studies and examined the largest ASD sample collection reported to date, gave either equivalent or marginally increased evidence for linkage at several chromosomal regions implicated in our previous scan but eliminated evidence for linkage at other regions.  相似文献   

Unlike mammalian Toll-like Receptors, the Drosophila Toll receptor does not interact directly with microbial determinants but is rather activated upon binding a cleaved form of the cytokine-like molecule Spatzle (Spz). During the immune response, Spz is thought to be processed by secreted serine proteases (SPs) present in the hemolymph that are activated by the recognition of gram-positive bacteria or fungi . In the present study, we have used an in vivo RNAi strategy to inactivate 75 distinct Drosophila SP genes. We then screened this collection for SPs regulating the activation of the Toll pathway by gram-positive bacteria. Here, we report the identification of five novel SPs that function in an extracellular pathway linking the recognition proteins GNBP1 and PGRP-SA to Spz. Interestingly, four of these genes are also required for Toll activation by fungi, while one is specifically associated with signaling in response to gram-positive bacterial infections. These results demonstrate the existence of a common cascade of SPs upstream of Spz, integrating signals sent by various secreted recognition molecules via more specialized SPs.  相似文献   

Using an FLP/FRT-based method to create germline clones, we screened Drosophila chromosome arms 2L and 3R for new female meiotic mutants. The screen was designed to recover mutants with severe effects on meiotic exchange and/or segregation. This screen yielded 11 new mutants, including six alleles of previously known meiotic genes (c(2)M and ald/mps1). The remaining five mutants appear to define at least four new genes whose ablation results in severe meiotic defects. Three of the novel meiotic mutants were identified at the molecular level. Two of these, mcm5(A7) and trem(F9), define roles in meiotic recombination, while a third, cona(A12), is important for synaptonemal complex assembly. Surprisingly, five of the nine mutants for which the lesion has been identified at the molecular level are not the result of mutations characteristic of EMS mutagenesis, but rather due to the insertion of the transposable element Doc. This study demonstrates the utility of germline clone-based screens for the discovery of strong meiotic mutants, including mutations in essential genes, and the use of molecular genetic techniques to map the loci.  相似文献   

We have undertaken the study of a collection of 32 Drosophila melanogaster mus strains selected on the basis of developmental sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agents, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF), nitrogen mustard (HN2), and gamma-radiation. In total, 18 of these strains are sensitive to MMS. In turn, 14 of these exhibit unconditional MMS sensitivity (one of the latter mutants is lethal at 29 degrees C), whereas the other 4 are sensitive to MMS only at higher temperatures. Detailed analysis of the 7 strongest MMS-sensitive strains reveals that they identify 4 new second chromosome mus loci. Two mus loci are each represented by two alleles. One mutant (mus205B1) is allelic to a previously characterized mus locus. Different MMS-sensitive mutants display patterns of mutagen cross-sensitivity (to AAF, HN2, benzo[a]pyrene (BP), and gamma-rays) that parallel the range of responses seen in previously recovered X-linked and autosomal mus loci. In general, mutations that are strongly sensitive to MMS are also sensitive to one or both of the procarcinogens, AAF and BP, as opposed to HN2 and gamma-radiation. In contrast, the moderately MMS-sensitive mutations are sensitive to HN2 and gamma-rays, but not to AAF or BP. Of the 14 mus strains that are not sensitive to MMS, 5 are sensitive to AAF, another 5 are sensitive to HN2, and the remaining 4 are sensitive to gamma-rays.  相似文献   

A genetic screen for DNA double-strand break repair mutations in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Wei DS  Rong YS 《Genetics》2007,177(1):63-77
The study of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair has been greatly facilitated by the use of rare-cutting endonucleases, which induce a break precisely at their cut sites that can be strategically placed in the genome. We previously established such a system in Drosophila and showed that the yeast I-SceI enzyme cuts efficiently in Drosophila cells and those breaks are effectively repaired by conserved mechanisms. In this study, we determined the genetic requirements for the repair of this I-SceI-induced DSB in the germline. We show that Drosophila Rad51 and Rad54 are both required for homologous repair by gene conversion, but are dispensable for single-strand annealing repair. We provided evidence suggesting that Rad51 is more stringently required than Rad54 for intersister gene conversion. We uncovered a significant role of DNA ligase IV in nonhomologous end joining. We conducted a screen for candidate mutations affecting DSB repair and discovered novel mutations in genes that include mutagen sensitive 206, single-strand annealing reducer, and others. In addition, we demonstrated an intricate balance among different repair pathways in which the cell differentially utilizes repair mechanisms in response to both changes in the genomic environment surrounding the break and deficiencies in one or the other repair pathways.  相似文献   

To identify genes that modulate Rho signalling during cytokinesis we tested the effect of overexpressing a set of 2190 genes on an eye phenotype caused by defective Rho activation. The resulting 112 modifier loci fell into three main classes: cell cycle genes, signalling effectors and metabolic enzymes. We developed a further series of genetic tests to refine the interactors into those most likely to modify Rho signalling during cytokinesis. In addition to a number of genes previously implicated in the Rho pathway during cytokinesis, we identified four novel primary candidates: cdc14, Pitslre, PDK1 and thread/diap1. cdc14 orthologs have, however, been implicated in cytokinesis in other organisms, as have molecules related to Thread/Diap1. The identification of several modifiers that are genetically redundant paralogs highlights the ability of overexpression screens to identify genes that are refractory to traditional loss-of-function approaches. Overexpression screens and sensitized phenotypes, therefore, may help identify the many factors that are expected to be involved in cytokinesis but have not been discovered by previous genetic screens.  相似文献   

During the development of the Drosophila embryonic epidermis, the secreted Wingless protein initially spreads symmetrically from its source. At later stages, Wingless becomes asymmetrically distributed in a Hedgehog-dependent manner, to control the patterning of the embryonic epidermis. When Wingless is misexpressed in engrailed cells in hedgehog heterozygous mutant embryos, larvae show a dominant phenotype consisting of patches of naked cuticle in denticle belts. This dose-sensitive phenotype is a direct consequence of a change in Wg protein distribution. We used this phenotype to carry out a screen for identifying genes regulating Wingless distribution or transport in the embryonic epidermis. Using a third chromosome deficiency collection, we found several genomic regions that showed a dominant interaction. After using a secondary screen to test for mutants and smaller deficiencies, we identified three interacting genes: dally, notum, and brahma. We confirmed that dally, as well as its homolog dally-like, and notum affect Wingless distribution in the embryonic epidermis, directly or indirectly. Thus, our assay can be used effectively to screen for genes regulating Wingless distribution or transport.  相似文献   

Mason JM  Ransom J  Konev AY 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1353-1370
Heterochromatin is a specialized chromatin structure in chromosomal regions associated with repeated DNA sequences and low concentrations of genes. Formation of heterochromatin is determined in large part by enzymes that modify histones and structural proteins that bind to these modified histones in a cooperative fashion. In Drosophila, mutations in genes that encode heterochromatic proteins are often dominant and increase expression of genes placed into heterochromatic positions. To find components of telomeric heterochromatin in Drosophila, we screened a collection of autosomal deficiencies for dominant suppressors of silencing of a transgene at the telomere of chromosome 2L. While many deficiency chromosomes are associated with dominant suppressors, in the cases tested on chromosome 2 the suppressor mapped to the 2L telomere, rather than the deficiency. We infer that background effects may hamper the search for genes that play a role in telomeric heterochromatin formation and that either very few genes participate in this pathway or mutations in these genes are not dominant suppressors of telomeric position effect. The data also suggest that the 2L telomere region plays a major role in telomeric silencing.  相似文献   

A screen for immunity genes evolving under positive selection in Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genes involved in the immune system tend to have higher rates of adaptive evolution than other genes in the genome, probably because they are coevolving with pathogens. We have screened a sample of Drosophila genes to identify those evolving under positive selection. First, we identified rapidly evolving immunity genes by comparing 140 loci in Drosophila erecta and D. yakuba. Secondly, we resequenced 23 of the fastest evolving genes from the independent species pair D. melanogaster and D. simulans, and identified those under positive selection using a McDonald-Kreitman test. There was strong evidence of adaptive evolution in two serine proteases (persephone and spirit) and a homolog of the Anopheles serpin SRPN6, and weaker evidence in another serine protease and the death domain protein dFADD. These results add to mounting evidence that immune signalling pathway molecules often evolve rapidly, possibly because they are sites of host-parasite coevolution.  相似文献   

Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster that are sensitive to chemical mutagens were analyzed for sensitivity to X-rays and for the capacity to repair single-strand DNA breaks induced by X-rays. Analysis of X-ray sensitivity demonstrated that 74% of the mutants assayed display some X-ray sensitivity, with 75% of the sensitive lines being extremely sensitive. Repair of single-strand breaks was assayed after both high and low doses of irradiation in order to permit detection of repair over a wide range of damage. The results of this investigation fail to show a correlation between X-ray sensitivity and this particular repair process. Repair of single-strand breaks is therefore mediated by repair processes unrelated to those that are disrupted in the current mutant collection.  相似文献   



The asymmetric segregation of determinants during cell division is a fundamental mechanism for generating cell fate diversity during development. In Drosophila, neural precursors (neuroblasts) divide in a stem cell-like manner generating a larger apical neuroblast and a smaller basal ganglion mother cell. The cell fate determinant Prospero and its adapter protein Miranda are asymmetrically localized to the basal cortex of the dividing neuroblast and segregated into the GMC upon cytokinesis. Previous screens to identify components of the asymmetric division machinery have concentrated on embryonic phenotypes. However, such screens are reaching saturation and are limited in that the maternal contribution of many genes can mask the effects of zygotic loss of function, and other approaches will be necessary to identify further genes involved in neuroblast asymmetric division.


We have performed a genetic screen in the third instar larval brain using the basal localization of Miranda as a marker for neuroblast asymmetry. In addition to the examination of pupal lethal mutations, we have employed the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) system to generate postembryonic clones of mutations with an early lethal phase. We have screened a total of 2,300 mutagenized chromosomes and isolated alleles affecting cell fate, the localization of basal determinants or the orientation of the mitotic spindle. We have also identified a number of complementation groups exhibiting defects in cell cycle progression and cytokinesis, including both novel genes and new alleles of known components of these processes.


We have identified four mutations which affect the process of neuroblast asymmetric division. One of these, mapping to the imaginal discs arrested locus, suggests a novel role for the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) in the targeting of determinants to the basal cortex. The identification and analysis of the remaining mutations will further advance our understanding of the process of asymmetric cell division. We have also isolated a number of mutations affecting cell division which will complement the functional genomics approaches to this process being employed by other laboratories. Taken together, these results demonstrate the value of mosaic screens in the identification of genes involved in neuroblast division.  相似文献   

E P Walsh  N H Brown 《Genetics》1998,150(2):791-805
Drosophila integrins have essential adhesive roles during development, including adhesion between the two wing surfaces. Most position-specific integrin mutations cause lethality, and clones of homozygous mutant cells in the wing do not adhere to the apposing surface, causing blisters. We have used FLP-FRT induced mitotic recombination to generate clones of randomly induced mutations in the F1 generation and screened for mutations that cause wing blisters. This phenotype is highly selective, since only 14 lethal complementation groups were identified in screens of the five major chromosome arms. Of the loci identified, 3 are PS integrin genes, 2 are blistered and bloated, and the remaining 9 appear to be newly characterized loci. All 11 nonintegrin loci are required on both sides of the wing, in contrast to integrin alpha subunit genes. Mutations in 8 loci only disrupt adhesion in the wing, similar to integrin mutations, while mutations in the 3 other loci cause additional wing defects. Mutations in 4 loci, like the strongest integrin mutations, cause a "tail-up" embryonic lethal phenotype, and mutant alleles of 1 of these loci strongly enhance an integrin mutation. Thus several of these loci are good candidates for genes encoding cytoplasmic proteins required for integrin function.  相似文献   

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