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神经生长因子(NGF)主要由神经胶质细胞产生,通过特异的靶细胞表面的神经生长因子受体介导产生生物学效应,与神经细胞的生长发育、分化和凋亡等密切相关。单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)作为一种嗜神经病毒,易造成神经细胞、神经胶质细胞凋亡或死亡。本实验以U251人神经胶质瘤细胞为研究对象,观察HSV-1感染致U251细胞凋亡的过程中NGF及其受体的变化情况。结果发现U251细胞是HSV-1的容许细胞;HSV-1感染致U251细胞凋亡过程中,NGF及其低亲和力受体p75NTR出现表达强度随时间先增强后减弱的趋势,而高亲和受体Tr-kA持续低表达。推测HSV-1感染致神经细胞凋亡中可能调控了神经营养因子的表达。  相似文献   

目的:探讨易洛魁家族同源盒基因IRX1(Iroquois homeobox gene)在胶质瘤中的表达及其临床意义。方法:收集4 位胶质瘤 患者的胶质瘤组织和癌旁/ 正常组织各1 例,收集54 例胶质瘤组织(WHO I级5例,II 级16 例,III 级14 例,IV 级19 例),采用 PCR方法检测IRX1基因在胶质瘤细胞(U87、U373、LN229 和T98G)中的表达,Western Blot 检测4 组同一患者来源的胶质瘤组 织中IRX1 的表达,免疫组织化学法(IHC)检测IRX1 在胶质瘤组织中的表达及临床特征。结果:PCR 结果表明以正常脑组织为对 照,IRX1 基因在多种胶质瘤细胞中均有表达(P<0.05);Western Blot 结果显示IRX1 蛋白在胶质瘤组织中的表达显著高于癌旁组 织或正常组织(P<0.05);IHC结果显示IRX1蛋白在良性胶质瘤组织中主要定位于胞浆,而在恶性胶质瘤组织中定位于细胞核, 且其表达量与胶质瘤的恶性程度相关,恶性程度越高,其在细胞核中的表达量越高(P<0.05)。结论:IRX1可能参与调控恶性胶质 瘤的发生发展过程,IRX1 的表达与胶质瘤的恶性程度有关,暗示了IRX1 可作为判断胶质瘤预后以及肿瘤靶向分子治疗的指标。  相似文献   

Ganglioside sialic acid content was examined in the U87-MG human glioma grown as cultured cells and as a xenograft in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. The cultured cells and the xenograft possessed N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc)-containing gangliosides, despite the inability of human cells to synthesize NeuGc. Human cells express only N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc)-containing gangliosides, whereas mouse cells express both NeuAc- and NeuGc-containing gangliosides. Small amounts of NeuGc ganglioside sialic acid (2-3% of total ganglioside sialic acid) were detected in the cultured cells, whereas large amounts (66% of total ganglioside sialic acid) were detected in the xenograft. The NeuGc in gangliosides of the cultured cells was derived from gangliosides in the fetal bovine serum of the culture medium, whereas that in the U87-MG xenograft was derived from gangliosides of the SCID host. The chromatographic distribution of U87-MG gangliosides differed markedly between the in vitro and in vivo growth environments. The neutral glycosphingolipids in the U87-MG cells consisted largely of glucosylceramide, galactosylceramide, and lactosylceramide, and their distribution also differed in the two growth environments. Asialo-GM1 (Gg4Cer) was not present in the cultured tumor cells but was expressed in the xenograft, suggesting an origin from infiltrating cells (macrophages) from the SCID host. The infiltration of mouse host cells and the expression of mouse sialic acid on human tumor cell glycoconjugates may alter the biochemical and immunogenic properties of xenografts.  相似文献   

Expression of cholera toxin B subunit oligomers in transgenic potato plants   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
A gene encoding the cholera toxin B subunit protein (CTB), fused to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal (SEKDEL) was inserted adjacent to the bi-directional mannopine synthase P2 promoter in a plant expression vector containing a bacterial luciferase AB fusion gene (luxF) linked to the P1 promoter. Potato leaf explants were transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the vector and kanamycin-resistant plants were regenerated. The CTB-SEKDEL fusion gene was identified in the genomic DNA of bioluminescent plants by polymerase chain reaction amplification. Immunoblot analysis indicated that plant-derived CTB protein was antigenically indistinguishable from bacterial CTB protein, and that oligomeric CTB molecules (Mr 50 kDa) were the dominant molecular species isolated from transgenic potato leaf and tuber tissues. Similar to bacterial CTB, plant-synthesized CTB dissociated into monomers (Mr 15 kDa) during heat or acid treatment. The maximum amount of CTB protein detected in auxin-induced transgenic potato leaf and tuber tissues was approximately 0.3% of total soluble plant protein. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods indicated that plant-synthesized CTB protein bound specifically to GM1-ganglioside, the natural membrane receptor of cholera toxin. In the presence of the SEKDEL signal, CTB protein accumulates in potato tissues and is assembled into an oligomeric form that retains native biochemical and immunological properties. The expression of oligomeric CTB protein with immunological and biochemical properties identical to native CTB protein in edible plants opens the way for preparation of inexpensive food plant-based oral vaccines for protection against cholera and other pathogens in endemic areas throughout the world  相似文献   

Cytotoxic capacity of psychosine (galactosylsphingosine) was evaluated in comparison with C6-ceramide in cultured fibroblasts and the glia-derived MOCH-1 cells that have characteristics of myelinating cells (1). Psychosine caused cytotoxic cell death and DNA fragmentation at concentrations similar to C6-ceramide and MOCH-1 cells were substantially more sensitive to their cytotoxic effects than fibroblasts. In this system, pretreatment with GM1-ganglioside failed to protect the cells from the deleterious effects of these compounds. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that psychosine is the cytotoxic metabolite that causes apoptotic death of the oligodendrocyte in globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease). They further suggest that the protective capacity of GM1-ganglioside is unlikely to be the explanation for the paradoxical improvement of the phenotype of globoid cell leukodystrophy in the mouse simultaneously deficient in two lysosomal -galactosidases, galactosylceramidase and GM1-ganglioside -galactosidase.  相似文献   

ABCE1是ATP结合盒蛋白亚家族成员之一,在病毒感染,细胞增殖,抗凋亡,翻译起始和核糖体生物发生等过程中有重要的作用。为了探讨ABCE1对神经胶质瘤细胞U251增殖、迁移和凋亡的作用,本研究通过实时荧光定量PCR和免疫印迹实验检测ABCE1在神经胶质瘤细胞和正常胶质细胞中的mRNA和蛋白质表达水平,结果发现ABCE1在神经胶质瘤细胞U251中的表达高于在正常胶质细胞中的表达。利用siRNA靶向沉默ABCE1后,神经胶质瘤细胞U251中ABCE1 mRNA和蛋白的表达水平均显著减少,细胞的凋亡率显著提高,细胞增殖和迁移明显受到抑制,而且细胞对化疗药物替莫唑胺的敏感性增强。此外,沉默ABCE1后,Bcl-2的mRNA和蛋白质表达水平显著下调,而Bax的mRNA和蛋白质表达水平显著上调。以上研究结果表明,ABCE1与神经胶质瘤细胞的增殖和迁移密切相关,通过siRNA靶向沉默ABCE1基因可显著降低U251细胞的增殖和迁移能力。  相似文献   

目的:构建脆性X相关基因1(FXR1)的真核表达载体并检测其对神经节苷脂(GM1)浓度的影响。方法:以pYESTrp3-FXR1为模板,利用PCR扩增FXR1基因,PCR产物经EcoR I和Xho I双酶切后插入真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)中,获得的阳性克隆进一步酶切及测序鉴定;将构建成功的pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1转染SH-SY5Y细胞后,采用Western blot检测FXR1的表达情况,同时采用ELISA试剂盒检测细胞内GM1的浓度。结果:PCR扩增产物为1.9 Kb的片段,与FXR1基因大小相符,阳性克隆经双酶切后获得两条分别为5.4 Kb和1.9 Kb的片段,测序结果与GeneBank中序列相同。构建成功的重组质粒pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1转染SH-SY5Y细胞后,细胞中FXR1的表达增加,同时有效提高了细胞内GM1的浓度(P0.05)。结论:成功构建了真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)-FXR1,FXR1的表达增加可以提高SH-SY5Y细胞中的GM1浓度,这些为后续深入研究FXR1基因在神经组织发育中的调控功能及其在脆性X综合征(FXS)中的作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

脑胶质瘤是原发性颅内恶性肿瘤。患者的5年存活率不足1%。目前,除手术切除外,尚无有效的治疗手段。近年来发现,脑胶质瘤发病可能与多种钾离子通道的异常表达有关。自噬是膜包裹部分胞质和细胞内需降解的蛋白质、细胞器,并与溶酶体一起降解其所包裹内容物的生理过程。诱导胶质瘤细胞的自噬,促进其凋亡是肿瘤治疗的一种新策略。本室前期研究发现,电压依赖型钾通道1.5(Kv1.5)参与胞膜小窖标志蛋白质(caveolae,Cav-1)介导的多种肿瘤细胞的增殖和凋亡,但是否参与胶质瘤细胞的自噬并不清楚。本文首先利用不同浓度的K+通道阻断剂四乙胺(tetra-ethylammonium,TEA)、Kv通道阻断剂四氨基吡啶(4-amino-pyridine,4-AP)和Kv1.5通道特异性阻断剂DPO-1(diphenyl phosphine oxide-1)分别在不同时间,作用于人脑胶质瘤细胞U251,观察其对细胞存活的影响。发现DPO-1对U251细胞具有双向作用:低浓度促进存活,高浓度抑制存活。其中,1 mmol/L DPO-1处理6 h,可促进自噬相关蛋白质LC3的表达,而抑制mTOR信号蛋白质的磷酸化水平,表明Kv1.5通道可能参与胶质瘤细胞的自噬。然后,利用基因转染技术分别敲低和过表达Kv1.5通道的蛋白质水平,发现敲低Kv1.5通道蛋白,促进胶质瘤细胞的自噬,激活ERK信号通路,而过表达Kv1.5通道蛋白,则抑制胶质瘤细胞的自噬。进一步利用流式细胞技术观察细胞凋亡,发现改变Kv1.5通道蛋白的表达水平,可诱发细胞早期凋亡。提示Kv1.5通道参与人脑胶质瘤细胞的自噬过程。这为临床利用特异性Kv通道阻断剂靶向治疗胶质瘤提供了新的理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

C6 rat glioma cells incubated in serum-free medium with D-[14C]glucosamine secrete, on stimulation with nerve growth factor (NGF) or monosialogangliosides (MSGs), several glycoproteins (Gps), the most prominent of which are a 270-, 220-, and 69-kDa Gp. Several growth factors, hormones, phorbol ester, and disialo- and trisialogangliosides did not stimulate secretion. Western blot analysis of the conditioned medium from C6 cells stimulated with NGF or MSG identified one distinct band of approximately 220 kDa for fibronectin and J1/tenascin, which comigrated. Antiserum to NGF prevented NGF-stimulated release and also blocked MSG-evoked release. The 220-kDa band was labeled after pulse labeling with [35S]methionine in the presence of NGF, and by a 15-min chase period radioactively labeled J1/tenascin could be immunoprecipitated. Tunicamycin drastically inhibited almost completely release of the 220-kDa Gp labeled by D-[14C]glucosamine or [35S]methionine. These results extend the range of neurotrophic properties attributed to NGF to cells of glial origin and suggest that NGF regulates secretion of extracellular matrix proteins. MSG stimulation of fibronectin and J1/tenascin secretion may be mediated by NGF or an NGF-like molecule also secreted by the C6 glioma cells.  相似文献   

胶质瘤是一种较为常见的颅内恶性肿瘤,其侵袭转移能力强,影响临床疗效。探讨胶质瘤发生侵袭转移的分子机制,寻找新的靶点干预胶质瘤侵袭转移是目前亟待解决的重大课题。我们前期研究中发现,神经细胞黏附分子(neuronal cell adhesion molecule, NRCAM)在各种胶质瘤细胞中的表达量均显著高于其在人正常星形胶质细胞(NHA)中的表达量(NRCAM在胶质瘤A172和T98G中的表达量分别是其在NHA中的2.15和17.63倍);且根据人类蛋白质组学数据库信息及qRT-PCR结果证实,NRCAM在胶质瘤组织中的表达量也显著高于其在正常组织中的表达。Kaplan-Meier分析提示,高表达的NRCAM与胶质瘤患者较差的预后正相关。在此基础上,通过生物信息学预测的方法结合双荧光素酶报告基因实验证实,转录因子锌指E盒结合蛋白1(ZEB1)能够增加NRCAM启动子活性,上调NRCAM mRNA和蛋白质水平的表达量。通过Transwell实验证实,在过表达ZEB1的胶质瘤细胞A172中,沉默NRCAM将抑制该细胞的侵袭能力。而在敲低ZEB1的胶质瘤细胞T98G中,过表达NRCAM将增加该细胞的侵袭能力。总之,NRCAM在胶质瘤中显著高表达且与患者较差的预后正相关。ZEB1转录上调NRCAM来增加胶质瘤细胞侵袭能力。  相似文献   

章倩倩  周惠  屈良鹄  王丽京 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4627-4629,4633
目的:探讨胶质瘤细胞中p27酬蛋白的表达、定位,为进一步研究p27kip1在胶质瘤发生、发展过程中的功能奠定理论基础。方法:用免疫荧光方法检测U87、LN308细胞p27kiP1蛋白的定位情况;进一步分离两种细胞的细胞质与细胞核,在显微镜下观察细胞核形态并用DAPI染色分析细胞核完整性,提取蛋白用Westernblotting。方法检测分离的细胞质与细胞核蛋白的纯度,并检测p27kip1,在细胞中的表达情况。结果:成功分离了细胞的细胞浆与细胞核,并得到纯度较好的细胞浆蛋白与细胞核蛋白。确定了p27kip1蛋白主要表达于U87和LN308细胞的细胞质中。结论:p27kip1蛋白在恶性胶质瘤中可能主要表达在细胞质中,并且其亚细胞定位可能与胶质瘤的恶性程度相关。  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in recent years in the anti-tumor activities of flavonoids. Quercetin, a ubiquitous bioactive flavonoid, can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in a variety of cancer cells. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which quercetin induces apoptosis in cancer cells is poorly understood. The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of quercetin on cell viability and to determine its underlying mechanism in human glioma cells. Quercetin resulted in loss of cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner and the decrease in cell viability was mainly attributed to cell death. Quercetin did not increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and the quercetin-induced cell death was also not affected by antioxidants, suggesting that ROS generation is not involved in loss of cell viability. Western blot analysis showed that quercetin treatment caused rapid reduction in phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt. Transient transfection with constitutively active forms of MEK and Akt protected against the quercetin-induced loss of cell viability. Quercetin-induced depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential. Caspase activity was stimulated by quercetin and caspase inhibitors prevented the quercetin-induced loss of cell viability. Quercetin resulted in a decrease in expression of survivin, antiapoptotic proteins. Taken together, these findings suggest that quercetin results in human glioma cell death through caspase-dependent mechanisms involving down-regulation of ERK, Akt, and survivin.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨脑胶质瘤组织长链非编码核糖核酸(LncRNA) FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达与预后的关系。方法:选取我院105例脑胶质瘤患者手术切除的癌组织和癌旁组织(距离肿瘤边缘3~5 cm)。采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测组织中LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达。分析LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达与脑胶质瘤患者临床病理特征的关系。K-M法绘制不同LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达脑胶质瘤患者术后5年无进展生存期和总生存期曲线。Cox回归分析脑胶质瘤患者预后不良的影响因素。结果:脑胶质瘤组织中LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达水平高于癌旁组织(P<0.05)。LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达与脑胶质瘤患者卡氏体力状态(KPS)评分和世界卫生组织(WHO)分级相关(P<0.05)。LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1高表达组无进展生存期和总生存期均短于低表达组(P<0.05)。KPS评分(HR=2.621,95%CI:1.284~5.348)、WHO分级(HR=2.264,95%CI:1.152~4.449)、LncRNA FTX(HR=1.997,95%CI:1.017~3.922)、LncRNA RHPN1-AS1(HR=2.431,95%CI:1.257~4.701)均是脑胶质瘤患者预后不良的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:脑胶质瘤组织中LncRNA FTX、RHPN1-AS1表达水平升高,且二者与KPS评分、WHO分级均是患者预后不良的影响因素,可用于脑胶质瘤患者预后评估。  相似文献   

Adhesion of eight cell lines, derived from human gliomas of different histological types, to fibronectin, collagen I, vitronectin, and laminin was investigated in vitro. The glioma cell lines were found to attach to these substrates to different extents. Interestingly, all cell lines strongly attached to laminin. In addition, glioma cell adhesion was found to be dose dependent. Moreover, adhesion of three cell lines to fibronectin and collagen I was partially inhibited and to vitronectin completely prevented by GRGDTP peptide, indicating the involvement of integrin receptors in glioma cell adhesion. We have demonstrated, recently, that gangliosides play an important role in promoting glioma cell invasion of the reconstituted basement membrane, Matrigel, in vitro. In order to study the mechanism of action of gangliosides in this process, the role of six gangliosides (GM1, GM3, GD3, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) in cell adhesion to the four proteins was investigated in three cell lines. Although all gangliosides, with the exception of GM3, were found to enhance cell adhesion to these proteins to different extents, GD3 proved to be the most effective adhesion-promoting ganglioside in all three cell lines. GM3 was found to inhibit cell adhesion to the four proteins in one cell line but enhanced cell adhesion in two other cell lines. The three cell lines were found to express both GD3 and gangliosides recognised by the A2B5 antibody. Furthermore, adhesion of the three cell lines to fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin, and collagen I was inhibited by incubation with A2B5, demonstrating the involvement of intrinsic cell membrane gangliosides in adhesion of glioma cells to these proteins. Taken together with the observation that gangliosides modulate integrin receptor function, these data suggest that gangliosides may play a central role in the control of the adhesive and invasive properties of human glioma cells.  相似文献   

竞争RT-PCR法定量检测多药耐药基因的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由MDR1过度表达所介导的多药耐药性存在于多种肿瘤组织中,是降低化疗效果的主要原因之一,其耐受化疗药物的程度与MDR1的表达量呈正相关.准确测定MDR1的表达量在临床化疗过程中有重要的指导意义.建立了竞争RT-PCR定量检测MDR1表达的方法.首先构建含MDR1 cDNA片段的质粒,其携带的cDNA和靶cDNA有相同的引物结合区,但和靶cDNA长度上有区别(少58 bp).把该cDNA在体外转录出的cRNA作为竞争PCR的内参照,该cRNA与靶RNA在同一体系内进行反转录和PCR过程,二者的PCR产物因长度不同可经电泳区分开.分析电泳结果,由已知的cRNA内参的量可计算出靶RNA的量,从而得到MDR1基因的绝对表达量.该方法具有灵敏、可靠、准确等优点.  相似文献   

To investigate the inhibitory effects of Ginsenoside Rb1 (GRb1) on apoptosis caused by Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) in Human Glioma Cells (U251),U251 cells were infected by HSV-1 at a multiplicity of...  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is an extremely aggressive and invasive form of central nervous system tumor commonly treated with the chemotherapeutic drug Temozolomide. Unfortunately, even with treatment, the median survival time is less than 12 months. 2,9-Di-sec-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline (SBP), a phenanthroline-based ligand originally developed to deliver gold-based anticancer drugs, has recently been shown to have significant antitumor activity in its own right. SBP is hypothesized to initiate tumor cell death via interaction with non-DNA targets, and considering most glioblastoma drugs kill tumors through DNA damage processes, SBP was tested as a potential novel drug candidate against glial-based tumors. In vitro studies demonstrated that SBP significantly inhibited the growth of rodent GL-26 and C6 glioma cells, as well as human U-87, and SW1088 glioblastomas/astrocytomas. Furthermore, using a syngeneic glioma model in mice, in vivo administration of SBP significantly reduced tumor volume and increased survival time. There was no significant toxicity toward nontumorigenic primary murine and human astrocytes in vitro, and limited toxicity was observed in ex vivo tissues obtained from noncancerous mice. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling staining and recovery assays suggest that SBP induces apoptosis in gliomas. This exploratory study suggests SBP is effective in slowing the growth of tumorigenic cells in the brain while exhibiting limited toxicity to normal cells and tissues and should therefore be further investigated for its potential in glioblastoma treatment.  相似文献   

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