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Many suspension-feeding copepods show omnivorous feeding behavior. However, the relative contribution to egg production of herbivorous and heterotrophic feeding in copepods remains an open question. In this study, we quantified pigment ingestion rates and egg production rates of the planktonic calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa from July to November of 1986 in Long Island Sound, a large temperate estuary. Pigment ingestion and egg production rates were better correlated to the > 10-µm chlorophyll size fraction than total chlorophyll. Maximum pigment ingestion and egg production rates were observed during the fall bloom in September. Pigment ingestion and egg production rates were linearly related. However, pigment ingestion rates accounted for only 48% of the variance in egg production rates. If female A. tonsa had fed entirely as herbivores over the course of the season, the observed gross efficiency of egg production, K1 = egg production ratelpigment ingestion rate, in terms of nitrogen, would have been 0.68. This growth efficiency is considerably higher than the expected value, K 1 = 0.38, for this species based on laboratory studies of herbivorous feeding. We suggest that the ratio H = K 1/K1 is a measure of the fraction of egg production that is due to herbivorous feeding. Thus, we infer that herbivory accounted for 56% (0.38/0.68) of egg production in A. tonsa in this study. The ratio H is an useful tool in examining the relative contribution to egg production of herbivorous and heterotrophic feeding in copepods.  相似文献   

Milbrink  Göran  Timm  Tarmo 《Hydrobiologia》2001,463(1-3):93-102
Over the last few centuries, several Ponto-Caspian tubificid oligochaetes have gradually dispersed from the Black Sea – Caspian Sea region to the north-west and west over Europe. The present world distribution comprising also the Great Lakes of North America clearly demonstrates that anthropochorous vectors of dispersal are involved. Passive transportation in the ballast water of ships has radically changed the possibilities of dispersal for many invertebrate species and has even made dispersal between continents possible. The construction of navigable canals has furthermore facilitated the crossing of watersheds and continents. Other likely vectors of longway dispersal for oligochaetes, as well as for other small-size aquatic invertebrates, are birds and mammals. The dispersal of the Potamothrixspecies is likely to have taken place in successive waves (three) with front-lines still on the move from the east to the west over the Baltic States and Scandinavia. The rheophilous species Potamothrix moldaviensishas presently reached – apart from the large rivers of Russia and many Central-European water bodies – also the Baltic States and south-eastern Sweden. Trajectories of dispersal demonstrate routes across the Baltic Sea – via the ballast water of ships. In the largest rivers of the Eastern Baltic Region (Neva, Daugava, Nemunas), downstream dispersal is the most likely way of transportation. P. moldaviensis together with P. heuscheri(second wave) and P. vejdovskyi(third wave) are presently forming front-lines running obliquely from the north-east to the south-west over south Sweden. In mesotrophic-eutrophic basins of eastern Lake Mälaren, the abundance as well as the species diversity of oligochaetes is particularly high wherever Ponto-Caspian Potamothrixspecies – often several species together – are involved.  相似文献   

The abundance and aggregation of eggs of Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the municipalities of Cambé, Ibipor?, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí, in the State of Paraná, Brazil by means of oviposition traps. Of the 225 installed traps, 100 were registered as positive for eggs; 4140 eggs were collected, thus demonstrating an highly aggregate distribution. Both species were registered in Cambé, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí. Ae. albopictus was generally less abundant and was not present in Ibipor? nor in the oviposition traps of a second collection of Maringá. The relation between sexes for Ae. aegypti was approximately 1:1. In the comparison of the number of adults collected between the two species, a negative correlation was obtained in the samples of Maringá and Cambé, what was attributed the seasonality of these populations. The coexistence of these species indicates that both are under pressure by the control programs, therefore specific evaluations are necessary.  相似文献   

All species of Daphnia (Cladocera) produce, at some stage in their life cycle, diapausing eggs, which can remain viable for decades or centuries forming a “seed bank” in lake sediments. Because of their often good preservation in lake sediment, they are useful in paleolimnology and microevolutionary studies. The focus of this study was the analysis of cladoceran resting eggs stored in the sediment in order to examine the ephippial eggs bank of Daphnia pulicaria Forbes in six mountain lakes in the High Tatra Mountains, the Western Carpathians (northern Slovakia and southern Poland). Firstly, we analyzed distribution, abundance and physical condition of resting eggs in the sediment for their later used in historical reconstruction of Daphnia populations by genetic methods. To assess changes in the genetic composition of the population through time, we used two microsatellite markers. Although DNA from resting eggs preserved in the High Tatra Mountain lake sediments was extracted by various protocols modified for small amounts of ancient DNA, DNA from eggs was not of sufficient quality for microsatellite analyses. Distribution curves of resting eggs from sediment cores correspond to the environmental changes that have occurred in the High Tatra Mountains area during last two centuries (atmospheric acid deposition, fish introduction) and demonstrate their influence on natural populations. Evaluation of ephippia physical condition (the most common category was empty ephippial covers) suggests that the majority of resting eggs hatched to produce a new generation of Daphnia or may be due to failed deposition of resting eggs by Daphnia to the chitinous case. In conclusion, age, low quantity and poor physical condition of resting eggs from these Tatra lake sediments proved to be unsuitable not just for use in genetic analyses, but also the possibilities of autogenous restoration of Daphnia populations from the resting egg banks in the Tatra sediments are negligible.  相似文献   

Ara  Koichi 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):205-215
Seasonal variation in daily egg production rate of the planktonic calanoid copepod Acartia lilljeborgi Giesbrecht in relation to temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a concentration was studied in the Cananéia Lagoon estuarine system, from March 1995 to January 1996. Recently captured A. lilljeborgi adult females were individually incubated in bottles filled with surface water screened through a 40-m mesh, containing a natural assemblage of phytoplankton in the laboratory, at temperatures corresponding to ambient. Daily egg production rate ranged from 13.8±3.5 to 66.8± 15.1 eggs female–1 d–1 (mean ± 95% CL). The mean and maximum rates of daily egg production increased with temperature from 19.5 to 25.2 °C but then decreased with further increase in temperature at 28.4 through 29.1 °C, attaining the highest rates at approximately annual mean ambient water temperature (ca. 24–25 °C). The egg production rates increased linearly with chlorophyll a <40 m fraction. Hatching success varied from 68.6 to 91.9%. Cannibalism varied from 1.4±0.7 to 7.1±3.3 nauplii female–1 d–1 (mean ± 95% CL). These results suggest that water temperature and phytoplankton concentration are important factors affecting the egg production rate of A. lilljeborgi in the Cananéia Lagoon estuarine.  相似文献   

Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) show one of the highestlevels of extrapair paternity in birds, and there is evidencethat females have control over who fathers their offspring.However, it is unclear which benefits female tree swallows obtainfrom mating with multiple males. Using microsatellite DNA fingerprinting,we studied extrapair paternity in relation to nesting successand male, female, and offspring characteristics. More than 70%of all nests contained extrapair young, and more than half ofall offspring were extrapair. Within broods, the extrapair youngwere often fathered by several males. Despite screening allresident and some floater males, we could identify the biologicalfather of only 21% of all extrapair offspring. All identifiedextrapair males were close neighbors. Extrapair males did notdiffer from within-pair males in any of the measured characteristics,except that the former had larger cloacal protuberances than thelatter. Extrapair males were equally successful in gaining paternityin their own broods as males that did not father extra young.In nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young did not differfrom within-pair young in body size or mass. However, nestswith extrapair young had higher hatching success than nestswithout extrapair young. All examined unhatched eggs were fertilizedand thus hatch failure resulted from embryo mortality. The availabledata are in accordance with the genetic diversity and the geneticcompatibility hypothesis, but not with the good genes hypothesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

Enumeration of the functional groups of sulfur bacteria was performed in the sediments in the Bassin d'Arcachon, a mesotidal lagoon with strong tidal currents and dominant populations of seagrass (Zostera noltii), and in the Etang du Prévost, a shallow lagoon with moderate tidal fluctuations and dominant populations of floating seaweed (Ulva sp.). In addition, data were collected on the distribution of oxygen and sulfide at the water-sediment interface during diel cycles. Bacterial enumeration studies revealed highest numbers in the top two cm of the sediments for three functional groups of sulfur bacteria, these being the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), the colorless sulfur bacteria (CSB), and the phototrophic sulfur bacteria (PSB). In both systems high numbers of SRB were encountered, suggesting ample availability of organic matter. A comparison between different sites in each ecosystem showed that sediments overlain by more stagnant water were dominated by PSB, whereas those overlain by more oxygenated water were dominated by CSB. Important factors are the physical forces induced by tidal currents and the degree of daily exchange of water between the lagoons and the sea. These factors may explain the differences observed between the two systems with regard to the development of anoxic conditions, more so than the level of eutrophication. It appears that rooted plants play an important role in the introduction of oxygen into the sediments, thus enhancing the competitive position of CSB compared to PSB. Mini-electrodes studies revealed high concentrations of free sulfide at the inner site of the Etang du Prévost but very low concentrations at the inner station of the Bassin d'Arcachon, which may be explained by the high iron input of the latter, rather than by differences in the rate of sulfide production.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a comprehensive geochronological study of gyttja deposits from a section of a terrace above a floodplain located on the right bank of the Ob River near the town of Kolpashevo. According to the 230Th/U dating, the age of the gyttja could be dated in the range of 110–95 kyr. The results of spore–pollen analysis suggest that the gyttja deposit was formed in the period of a wide distribution of middle taiga forest landscapes with the dominance of spruce; the climatic conditions were similar to modern ones. These events probably took place in the interstadial time during MIS-5c or at the end of Kazantsevo interglacial period.  相似文献   

Dollo’s law, that complex characters are not regained in evolution, is a pattern applied to many systems. Recent work has evaluated unidirectional evolution in a number of contexts, and several violations of this law have been documented. These methods have also been criticized for potentially overestimating reversals. We test the hypothesis that the ancestral reproductive mode of oviparity can be regained in vipers, in opposition to Dollo’s law. We use model comparison and ancestral character state reconstruction methods that address recent criticisms, and find evidence both supporting and refuting Dollo’s predictions from different analyses. We discuss our results in the context of unidirectional evolution and review factors required for strong inference of violations of Dollo’s law.  相似文献   

Mean biomass (153-1) and production (P) of fish in two small tributaries of the Paraná River (Paraná, Brazil) were 61 kg ha–1 and 48 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Caracu River and 29 kg ha–1 and 26 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Agua do Rancho River, respectively. Matrix correlation analysis revealed high positive correlations of both 153-2 and P to maximum depth and hiding places and, at a lower level of significance, to mean depth, pH and oxygen level. Lower 153-3 and P values were found in the Agua do Rancho River, whose valley has retained a more natural character, rich canopy and scarcity of macrophytes, but also lower conductivity and nitrogen and phosphate levels than those in the Caracu River.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

Cota D  Barrera JG  Seeley RJ 《Neuron》2006,51(6):678-680
Leptin receptors are expressed on mesolimbic dopamine neurons, yet little is known about the functional significance of this anatomical relationship. In this issue of Neuron, Hommel et al. reveal a novel site for leptin's regulation of feeding. In turn, Fulton et al. propose a novel role for leptin in regulating non-feeding-related motivated behaviors.  相似文献   

Ecological features of Lake Myvatn and the outflowing River Laxá show a wide range of spatial and temporal variations. The physical division of the lake into three main basins and the variation in chemical composition and temperature of the artesian springs feeding this shallow productive lake have large spatial effects. Variation in groundwater characteristics depends on percolation time and proximity to geothermal sources. Variation in precipitation is evened out by the porous volcanic soil and bedrock and the spring-water discharge is therefore very stable. A pulse of volcanic activity in 1975–1984 (the Krafla Fires) heated the groundwater entering the North Basin of the lake and changed its chemistry. Although much reduced, these effects have not disappeared yet, but overall the impact of the volcanic activity on the biota seemed minimal. Recycling of nutrients through internal loading is important and occurs on various time scales. In winter, when the lake is ice-covered, the topmost 5-cm layer of sediment pore water has a hundredfold concentration of nutrients relative to the overlying lake water. The nutrients are released during the ice-free period by sediment resuspension, diffusion, bioturbation and recycling. In spring, resuspension events sometimes lead to spikes in dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen, but there is little evidence of any major desorption of nutrients from suspended particles during such events later in the summer. In contrast to the stable groundwater, the biota show more or less regular fluctuations with no straightforward correlation with external signals. The most prominent fluctuations, those of the chironomid Tanytarsus gracilentus seem to be driven by interactions between the species and its sediment resources. Fluctuations in other invertebrates could be a consequence of the Tanytarsus cycles due to the large impact this species has on the benthic environment of this detritus-driven ecosystem. Temporal variation in epibenthic chironomids and Cladocera translates into variable production of vertebrate predators (Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, and ducks), body condition and mortality of fish and sometimes into return rates of migrating adult ducks. The waterfowl show large temporal variation on a centennial scale, e.g., the invasion of the tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) which arrived by the end of the 19th century and has by now outnumbered other species. Fluctuations of Cyanobacteria (Anabaena) and the fish Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback) harmonize with the cycles in the benthic community. Palaeolimnological studies indicate that primary production in the South Basin became increasingly benthic as the lake depth was reduced by sedimentation (around 2 mm year–1). Other trends include a decrease in Tanytarsus and Daphnia and an exponential increase in green algae (Cladophorales, Pediastrum) and associated organisms.  相似文献   

This article examines two theses formulated by Russo and Williamson (2007) in their study of causal inference in the health sciences. The two theses are assessed against evidence from a specific case in the social sciences, i.e., research on the institutional determinants of the aggregate unemployment rate. The first Russo–Williamson Thesis is that a causal claim can only be established when it is jointly supported by difference-making and mechanistic evidence. This thesis is shown not to hold. While researchers in my case study draw extensively on both types of evidence, one causal claim out of the three analyzed is established even though it is exclusively supported by mechanistic evidence. The second Russo–Williamson Thesis is that standard accounts of causality fail to handle the dualist epistemology highlighted in the first Thesis. I argue that a counterfactual-manipulationist account of causality—which is endorsed by many philosophers as well as many social scientists—can perfectly make sense of the typical strategy in my case study to draw on both difference-making and mechanistic evidence; it is just an instance of the common strategy of increasing evidential variety.  相似文献   

On Isla Isabela, Galápagos Archipelago, three so far unexplored lakes were investigated in the caldera of Cerro Azul, one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The lakes face recurrent desiccation and eruption events and showed distinct differences in their water chemistry. Thirty cores from the upper 15 cm of sediment indicate distinct differences in the composition of meiobenthic communities between the lakes. In total, 27 different aquatic metazoan species could be distinguished. Numerically, rotifers dominated in two of the lakes, with mean densities up to 4.56 × 106 individuals m−2 while the third lake was dominated by a gastrotrich of the genus Chaetonotus (0.67 × 106 individuals m−2). The largest lake harboured up to 14.4 × 106 nematodes m−2, which is the highest nematode density thus far reported for a freshwater habitat. The lakes yielded few nematode species (S = 7, N = 887) and calculation of the Shannon–Wiener index (H′) indicated an exceptionally low nematode diversity. The nematode community of one lake was clearly dominated by an undescribed suction-feeding Mesodorylaimus (59.6%), the community of the other lake by the epistrate feeder Achromadora pseudomicoletzkyi (89.3%), whereas the third lake surprisingly contained no nematodes. The benthic nematode biomasses for the two nematode-containing lakes differed by a factor 50. The food webs of the three lakes are presumed to have an exceptionable simply structure.
Daniel MuschiolEmail:

The appearance of depigmentation during the course of malignant melanoma has been considered a good prognostic sign. Is it only a side-effect, informative of the immune system's response to the treatment, or does it act as a necessary amplifier of these clinically important anti-tumor responses? The current review will attempt to tackle this question by reviewing the current literature, as well as by posing some novel hypotheses. Understanding the nature of humoral and cellular immune responses directed against normal melanocytes and their malignant counterparts may lead to the design of improved therapeutic strategies relevant to both vitiligo and melanoma.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In the developing silkmoth eggs, a high level of activity of a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase) is found. Vitellin (Vn) is an excellent substrate for the kinase, suggestin that the kinase may be involved in the phosphorylaiton of Vn in intact developing eggs.
  • 2.2. To characterize this system in greater detail, the following experiments were performed: (a) changes in the levels of cyclic nucleotides and changes in cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activities were monitored in the eggs; (b) 32P-o-phosphate was microinjected into eggs to demonstrate the phosphorylation of Vn in vivo; (c) to determine the role, if any, in vivo of the phosphorylation of Vn, the effect of phosphorylation on the susceptibility of Vn to a cysteine proteinase after the phosphorylation of Vn by G-kinase was studied.
  • 3.3. The results revealed that the phosphorylation of Vn serves as the trigger for the proteolytic digestion of Vn during the developments, and may be able to provide the signal for the degradtion of Vn by the cysteine proteinase.

We hypothesized that there is spatio-temporal genetic (mtDNA) structure of native and introduced larval whitefish (Coregonus sp.) in two Austrian lakes (Traunsee and Hallstättersee). Larval whitefish were sampled from 12 sites in each lake and screened for variation in the mtDNA NADH-1 gene. Based on the sequencing of adult fish together with existing GenBank sequences, an RFLP protocol was developed to assign haplotypes from larval samples into one of two divergent lineages. All but one site (pelagic) in Traunsee contained both haplotypes, thus there was no support for spatial segregation of mtDNA groups in that lake. However, weekly sampling from December to May in Traunsee revealed a temporal pattern, with the native haplotypes dominating in December and January before the appearance of the introduced Baltic clade. In Hallstättersee, only three of the 12 sites sampled revealed haplotypes from the introduced clade and thus spatial segregation seems operative on that lake. Our results imply that differences in the spawning ecology of the two groups maintain sufficient reproductive isolation to be reflected in distinct larval occurrence in space and time highly consistent with genetic differences on the mtDNA level. If the two lineages were highly introgressed, we would expect to find little or no correspondence between spatio-temporal patterns in larval distribution and the differentiated mtDNA lineages.  相似文献   

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