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1 教学设计思路 本课由“狼孩”的故事引入新知,唤起学生探究的热情;再由学生通过“看书填空”,自学“先天性行为和学习行为”的概念;之后通过分析资料、小组讨论、观看动物世界、设计实验等一系列探究活动,进一步让学生区分先天性行为和学习行为,并掌握这两种行为的意义,同时也培养其科学探究能力;最后以“解读狼孩”结课,让学生能认同人类学习或自身学习的重要性。  相似文献   

采用红外传感、减速马达和光电传感组合、压力传感、51系列单片微机控制和记忆等技术,研制一种检测动物饮食行为的仪器,用于药物和食品研制中的动物实验。经30例小鼠实验证明,效果良好,该仪器为测定动物饮食行为提供了一种全新的先进方法。  相似文献   

英国研究人员最近设计出了一种新型的水分测定仪,可以测出植物生长过程中各时期所需要的水分。这种仪器与过去常用的直接测定植物体内水状况的仪器不同,它是通过测定植株周围土壤中的电阻来表示植物体内的水分状况。当植物体内水分适量时,仪器的显示屏上会出现一张“笑脸”;反  相似文献   

高洁  李森  刘媛  伍亚民  杨策 《现代生物医学进展》2013,(31):6178-6179,6183
目的:为提高实验教学和科研工作的质量和效果,结合国家重点实验室有利条件,从行为学实验培训角度以培养实验技术人员基本实验技能为重点。方法:安排学生学习行为医学发展史、熟练行为学动物生命观、基本实验仪器操作以及鼓励实验技术人员自行研制行为检测制仪器等课程。结果:实验技术人员了解了现代行为学的发展,掌握常规的实验方法,培养了科学的思维方式,同时也激发了实验技术人员发挥主观能动性,实现理论和技术的结合。结论:多途径带教培训有利于实验技术人员行为学实验工作打下牢固的基础。  相似文献   

由于师范院校教学性质及条件所限,植物生理实验课主要内容是配合理论学习的验证性实验,即一般所说的“小实验”。有些人认为这类实验水平低,不足以培养学生,而应安排一些利用较高级仪器进行的实验。我们认为,学生的能力包含动脑和动手两方面。只要教师善于利用小实验的长处,把实验  相似文献   

考试是教学工作的一个环节,是完成教学任务的一种手段。实验课是否可以进行考试?实验课考试效果如何?我就这些问题进行了探索。“解剖鲫鱼”是初二动物学的一个实验。该实验是在讲授教材内容“鲫鱼生活习性、外部形态和内部结构”以后开设的,要求学生认识鲫鱼的形态结构,学会解剖鲫鱼的技能。实验前,我先播放了《解剖鲫鱼》的电视录像片。实验开始时,又向学生说明实验目的和要求,解剖仪器名称及正确使用的方法,让学生在观察鲫鱼的外  相似文献   

经过一年时间的准备,仪器信息网论坛升级为全新社区,由“仪器论坛”、“圈子”、“iLog博客”、“积分商城”和“积分加油站”五个模块组成。仪器论坛(http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs)是仪器社区中上线时间最长的一个栏目,仪器论坛按照不同的行业和应用等分成120多个版面,截至10月底已有617098个帖子,每天都会有超过五万的用户在这个交流平台上和业内的朋友们沟通、学习。  相似文献   

“绿叶在光下制造淀粉”实验是学好“光合作用”一节的先决条件,我们经过几年的探索,对本实验进行了大胆的改进,不仅激发了学生的学习兴趣,而且能确保实验的顺利进行,增强了实验效果。现从以下几方面来说明:1.根据黑白照底片的透光度不同,将两片遮光的黑纸片换成了叶片上面为学生的黑白照像底片,下面为黑纸片,这样,实验的结果是在淡黄色的部分叶片上显出每个同学的蓝紫色的影像,实验结束,可以指导学生将它制成腊叶标本或美丽的书。2.实验材料直接选用较大的银边天竹葵叶片,将黑纸片制成“工”字形,中央穿孔或其它形状,可以…  相似文献   

通过在本科生实验教学“生物技术综合实验”和硕士研究生的“细胞及分子生物学实验”中,尝试使用微波超声波组合催化仪器代替溶菌酶和超声波细胞破碎的方法来裂解细胞,IPTG诱导蛋白表达,建立了微波单一催化的实验方法,可以准确表达GFP蛋白,不需要过夜反应,大大加快了反应速度,缩短反应时间,节约了实验课时间。绿色化学中的微波技术催化方法在生物化学和分子生物学领域也得到推广和应用。  相似文献   

小型摄像机已逐渐普及。小型摄像机不仅可拍摄图像,还可录下声音。中学生物教师可以利用它,结合教学内容,自制一些教学录像带,使学生在观看时有亲身经历的感觉,可提高其学习兴趣。我们利用(M9000型则。型摄像机通过实验,摸索到了一些生物教学录像带几种简单拍摄方法,利用其他类型小型摄像机也可以参考实践。1一般拍摄不与其它仪器连接,直接用摄像机进行拍摄。利用一般拍摄可以把动物行为的动态过程,学生不易见到的生命现象,各种动植物的外形、生活环境和习性、生命现象等拍摄下让学生观看,对学生学习兴趣的培养,知识概念的形…  相似文献   

Forced alternation and left-right discrimination tasks using the T-maze have been widely used to assess working and reference memory, respectively, in rodents. In our laboratory, we evaluated the two types of memory in more than 30 strains of genetically engineered mice using the automated version of this apparatus. Here, we present the modified T-maze apparatus operated by a computer with a video-tracking system and our protocols in a movie format. The T-maze apparatus consists of runways partitioned off by sliding doors that can automatically open downward, each with a start box, a T-shaped alley, two boxes with automatic pellet dispensers at one side of the box, and two L-shaped alleys. Each L-shaped alley is connected to the start box so that mice can return to the start box, which excludes the effects of experimenter handling on mouse behavior. This apparatus also has an advantage that in vivo microdialysis, in vivo electrophysiology, and optogenetics techniques can be performed during T-maze performance because the doors are designed to go down into the floor. In this movie article, we describe T-maze tasks using the automated apparatus and the T-maze performance of α-CaMKII+/- mice, which are reported to show working memory deficits in the eight-arm radial maze task. Our data indicated that α-CaMKII+/- mice showed a working memory deficit, but no impairment of reference memory, and are consistent with previous findings using the eight-arm radial maze task, which supports the validity of our protocol. In addition, our data indicate that mutants tended to exhibit reversal learning deficits, suggesting that α-CaMKII deficiency causes reduced behavioral flexibility. Thus, the T-maze test using the modified automatic apparatus is useful for assessing working and reference memory and behavioral flexibility in mice.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allows for non-invasive interference with ongoing neural processing. Applied in a chronometric design over early visual cortex (EVC), TMS has proved valuable in indicating at which particular time point EVC must remain unperturbed for (conscious) vision to be established. In the current study, we set out to examine the effect of EVC TMS across a broad range of time points, both before (pre-stimulus) and after (post-stimulus) the onset of symbolic visual stimuli. Behavioral priming studies have shown that the behavioral impact of a visual stimulus can be independent from its conscious perception, suggesting two independent neural signatures. To assess whether TMS-induced suppression of visual awareness can be dissociated from behavioral priming in the temporal domain, we thus implemented three different measures of visual processing, namely performance on a standard visual discrimination task, a subjective rating of stimulus visibility, and a visual priming task. To control for non-neural TMS effects, we performed electrooculographical recordings, placebo TMS (sham), and control site TMS (vertex). Our results suggest that, when considering the appropriate control data, the temporal pattern of EVC TMS disruption on visual discrimination, subjective awareness and behavioral priming are not dissociable. Instead, TMS to EVC disrupts visual perception holistically, both when applied before and after the onset of a visual stimulus. The current findings are discussed in light of their implications on models of visual awareness and (subliminal) priming.  相似文献   

The mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is a promising primate model for investigating normal and pathological cerebral aging. The locomotor behavior of this arboreal primate is characterized by jumps to and from trunks and branches. Many reports indicate insufficient adaptation of the mouse lemur to experimental devices used to evaluate its cognition, which is an impediment to the efficient use of this animal in research. In order to develop cognitive testing methods appropriate to the behavioral and biological traits of this species, we adapted the Lashley jumping stand apparatus, initially designed for rats, to the mouse lemur. We used this jumping stand apparatus to compare performances of young (n = 12) and aged (n = 8) adults in acquisition and long-term retention of visual discriminations. All mouse lemurs completed the tasks and only 25 trials, on average, were needed to master the first discrimination problem with no age-related differences. A month later, all mouse lemurs made progress for acquiring the second discrimination problem but only the young group reached immediately the criterion in the retention test of the first discrimination problem. This study shows that the jumping stand apparatus allows rapid and efficient evaluation of cognition in mouse lemurs and demonstrates that about half of the old mouse lemurs display a specific deficit in long-term retention but not in acquisition of visual discrimination.  相似文献   

Although color vision deficiency is very rare among Old World monkeys and apes, one male chimpanzee (Lucky) was identified as protanomalous by genetic and physiological analyses. This study assessed behavioral phenotypes of Lucky and four chimpanzees with normal color vision by discrimination task using the modified Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic plates. Lucky could not discriminate the stimuli that the other chimpanzees could. This is the first behavioral evidence of color vision deficiency in chimpanzees. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We tested the involvement of cognition in adult experience-dependent neuroplasticity using primate cortical implants. In a prior study, learning an operant sensory discrimination increased cortical excitability and target selectivity. Here, the prior task was separated into three behavioral phases. First, naive animals were exposed to stimulus-reward pairings from the prior study. These yoked animals did not have to discriminate to be rewarded and did not learn the discrimination. The plasticity observed in the prior study did not occur. Second, the animals were classically conditioned to discriminate the same stimuli in a simplified format. Learning was accompanied by increased sensory response strength and an increased range of sensory inputs eliciting responses. The third study recreated the original operant discrimination, and selectivity for task targets increased. These studies demonstrate that cognitive association between sensory stimuli and reinforcers accompanies adult experience-dependent cortical plasticity and suggest that selectivity in representation and action are linked.  相似文献   

To examine the development of cooperation in a captive group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), we designed an apparatus which required the simultaneous traction by two animals to get a reward. Two chimpanzees, an adult male and an infant female in a group of six, produced most of the successful responses (pulling on two handles simultaneously). Visual behavior was used to try to determine what chimpanzees learned about the cooperative task. Propositions were made to investigate what kind of learning could be attributed to chimpanzees and were confronted with results. Both subjects learned the link between the presence of fruits on the apparatus and the possibility of getting a fruit. They also learned the importance of the partner at the apparatus to make a successful response. Only the adult male learned to take into account the behavior of the partner at the apparatus before pulling a handle. From a methodological point of view, the glances made by the animals can constitute a useful behavioral indicator of what the subjects learned in a given social situation.  相似文献   

The acute behavioral effects of atropine sulfate were assessed using a battery of complex food-reinforced operant tasks that included: temporal response differentiation (TRD, n = 7); delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS, n = 6), progressive ratio (PR, n = 8), incremental repeated acquisition (IRA, n = 8), and conditioned position responding (CPR, n = 8). Performance in these tasks is thought to depend primarily upon specific brain functions such as time perception, short-term memory and attention, motivation, learning, and color and position discrimination, respectively. Atropine sulfate (0.01-0.56 mg/kg iv), given 15-min pretesting, produced significant dose-dependent decreases in the number of reinforcers obtained in all tasks. Response rates decreased significantly at greater than or equal to 0.03 mg/kg for the learning and discrimination tasks, at greater than or equal to 0.10 mg/kg for the motivation and short-term memory and attention tasks, and at greater than or equal to 0.30 mg/kg for the time perception task. Response accuracies were significantly decreased at doses greater than or equal to 0.10 mg/kg for the learning, discrimination, and short-term memory and attention tasks, and at greater than or equal to 0.30 mg/kg for the time perception task. Thus, the order of task sensitivity to any disruption by atropine is learning = color and position discrimination greater than time perception = short-term memory and attention = motivation (IRA = CPR greater than TRD = DMTS = PR). Thus in monkeys, the rates of responding in operant tasks designed to model learning and color and position discrimination were the most sensitive measures to atropine's behavioral effects. Accuracy in these same task was also disrupted but at higher doses. These data support the hypothesis that cholinergic systems play a greater role in the speed (but not accuracy) of performance of our learning and discrimination tasks compared to all other tasks. Accuracy of responding in these and the short-term memory task, all of which involve the use of lights as visual stimuli, was more sensitive to disruption by atropine than those tasks which did not utilize such strong visual stimuli.  相似文献   

The dangers of hypothesizing about unobservable cognitive mechanisms are well known to behavior analysts. I propose, however, that carefully fashioned cognitive theories that make predictions that are inconsistent with current behavioral theories can provide useful research tools for the understanding of behavior. Furthermore, even if the results of such research may be accommodated by modifying existing behavioral theories, our understanding of behavior is often advanced by the empirical findings because it is unlikely that the research would have been conducted in the absence of such cognitive hypothesizing. Two examples of the development of emergent relations are described: The first deals with the nature of a pigeon's 'representation' of two stimuli both of which are associated with correct responding to a third in a many-to-one matching task (stimulus equivalence or common representations). The second has to do with transitive inference, the emergent relation between two stimuli mediated by their relation to a common stimulus in a simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

Miura K  Mainen ZF  Uchida N 《Neuron》2012,74(6):1087-1098
How information encoded in neuronal spike trains is used to guide sensory decisions is a fundamental question. In olfaction, a single sniff is sufficient for fine odor discrimination but the neural representations on which olfactory decisions are based are unclear. Here, we recorded neural ensemble activity in the anterior piriform cortex (aPC) of rats performing an odor mixture categorization task. We show that odors evoke transient bursts locked to sniff onset and that odor identity can be better decoded using burst spike counts than by spike latencies or temporal patterns. Surprisingly, aPC ensembles also exhibited near-zero noise correlations during odor stimulation. Consequently, fewer than 100 aPC neurons provided sufficient information to account for behavioral speed and accuracy, suggesting that behavioral performance limits arise downstream of aPC. These findings demonstrate profound transformations in the dynamics of odor representations from the olfactory bulb to cortex and reveal likely substrates for odor-guided decisions. VIDEO ABSTRACT:  相似文献   

The recreational drugs, alcohol and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “Ecstasy”) have both been shown to cause immune activation in vivo, and they are linked to cognitive impairment and anxiety-like behaviors in rodents. The neuronal effects of these drugs in the hippocampal area, an area that has been a focus of studies aiming to explain the mechanisms underlying anxiety related-disorders, remains poorly understood. Therefore we investigated the specific inflammatory impact of alcohol and MDMA on this area of the brain and on a hippocampal-related behavioral task. We centered our study on two inflammatory factors linked to anxiety-related disorders, namely Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). We subjected drug-consuming mice to a battery of behavioral tests to evaluate general activity, anxiety-like and depressive-live behaviors. We then introduced them to a contextual fear discrimination task and immune-related effects were examined by immunohistochemical and biochemical studies. Our results suggest that there is a relationship between the induction of immune activated pathways by voluntary alcohol consumption and a high-dose MDMA. Furthermore, the ability of mice to perform a contextual fear discrimination task was impaired by drug consumption and we report long term inflammatory alterations in the hippocampus even several weeks after drug intake. This information will be helpful for discovering new selective drug targets, and to develop treatments and preventive approaches for patients with anxiety-related disorders.  相似文献   

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