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【背景】对于饮用水中的微生物污染,绝大多数研究集中在细菌、病毒及原虫和蠕虫。由于真菌中包含多种潜在致病菌,应当引起人们的关注。【目的】研究城市供水系统中真菌数量、群落组成变化及可能存在的潜在致病真菌。【方法】利用MEA和RB两种培养基,对供水系统中的原水和两个水厂净水工艺过程及不同供水模式用户龙头水样进行培养法计数统计。提取上述样本总DNA,并应用Illumina MiSeq平台进行ITS1区高通量测序。【结果】从15个样本中共获得有效序列579 470条,1 260个OTU,包含8个门26个纲67个目228个属的真菌。门水平上子囊菌门真菌为供水系统优势真菌,属水平上不同样本存在差异,但曲霉属和枝顶孢属真菌在所有样本中均存在;培养法和高通量测序结果共同显示,活性炭过滤出水真菌数量和物种丰富度均较前一工艺有所上升;氯化消毒对真菌数量、物种多样性及物种组成影响显著;经过供水管网输配和二次供水设施后,用户龙头水样本真菌数量和物种丰富度明显高于出厂水。【结论】供水系统中的优势真菌为子囊菌门(Ascomycota),该门真菌可穿透净水工艺过程的多级屏障;水厂净水工艺能有效去除水中可培养真菌,生物活性炭过滤工艺能够影响真菌数目及物种多样性;供水管网及二次供水设施是末端饮用水中真菌污染的重要来源;供水系统中存在潜在致病真菌。  相似文献   

为了研究微生物防治对水厂摇蚊污染的控制效果,测定了一种苏云金杆菌以色列亚种(Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis,Bti)制剂对摇蚊的LC50,并利用其对某水厂沉淀池孳生的摇蚊进行了现场控制试验。结果表明,Bti粉剂对摇蚊的LC50为0.318mg/L,使沉淀池中摇蚊幼虫在24h得到了有效控制,成虫在36h后得以完全控制。该制剂对摇蚊的控制时效达10周,且控制成本是采用液氯费用的1/3,采用微生物手段能使供水系统的摇蚊污染得到高效、经济的治理。  相似文献   

周东  张玮  朱利明  齐鑫  王丽卿  张瑞雷 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3857-3866
为了解浙江仙居国家公园内溪流中摇蚊幼虫的群落结构及其对水质的指示作用,于2016年8月对仙居国家公园内13条溪流59个点位进行了调查,运用Hilsenhoff生物指数对溪流水质进行评价.结果表明: 59个点位中有37个点处于清洁状态,19个点处于轻污染状态,3个点处于中污染状态.此次调查共获得摇蚊幼虫86种,隶属于4亚科51属.其中,摇蚊亚科种类数最多,有19属37种;直突摇蚊亚科次之,有21属35种;长足摇蚊亚科有9属12种;寡角摇蚊亚科最少,为2属2种.摇蚊亚科密度比重最大,为40.3%;长足摇蚊亚科与直突摇蚊亚科所占比重差异不大,分别为30%与29.4%;寡角摇蚊亚科比重最小,仅为0.3%.壳粗腹摇蚊为仙居国家公园溪流摇蚊幼虫绝对优势种;黄色多足摇蚊、流环足摇蚊、平滑环足摇蚊、纽流长跗摇蚊和小型棒脉摇蚊为优势种.仙居国家公园溪流中摇蚊幼虫指示种分析结果显示,平滑环足摇蚊、双色矮突摇蚊、台湾长跗摇蚊和渐变长跗摇蚊可作为污染水体指示种,流环足摇蚊可作为清洁水体指示种.  相似文献   

摇蚊幼虫分布及其与水质的关系   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
摇蚊幼虫是水体中分布范围广的一类水生昆虫 ,它们的一些种类对水质的变化 ,如营养盐、重金属、pH和溶解氧等极为敏感 ,另有些种类则适应有机污染、重金属类毒物污染。在水质的生物学评价工作中 ,利用其种类敏感和耐污染特性 ,反映水质的变化和污染程度 ,是生物监测重要的评价依据。 2 0世纪 80年代 ,欧洲许多国家在研究酸雨对生态环境影响时 ,多采用摇蚊幼虫作为指示生物 ,也有的利用摇蚊幼虫口器或触角形态变化监测湖泊或河流水质[1 0~ 1 3 ]。国内有关摇蚊的研究近年来多偏重于成虫的分类学研究[6、8、9],对幼虫的研究则多利用底栖大…  相似文献   

2006年7月至2008年4月,对上海崇明岛明珠湖摇蚊群落的结构特征进行了季节调查研究.共调查到11种摇蚊,隶属3亚科10属,优势种为红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊.聚类分析表明,优势种具有明显的季节性,春夏季优势种为微小摇蚊、秋季为中国长足摇蚊、冬季为红裸须摇蚊.摇蚊群落物种多样性(H′)季节间差异显著,春、秋、冬季较高,夏季最低;物种多样性与均匀度(J)和物种丰富度(S)均显著相关,但主要受均匀度的影响.摇蚊幼虫年平均密度冬季最高、秋季最低,生物量冬季最高,其他3季均处在较低水平上.红裸须摇蚊和微小摇蚊种群动态季节变化显著,而中国长足摇蚊的变化不明显.采用Shannon多样性指数和Hilsenhoff生物指数对明珠湖的水质进行了评价,表明该湖的水质等级为中污染-污染,已达富营养化水平.  相似文献   

近年来,非结核分枝杆菌感染在世界范围内日益普遍,严重威胁公众健康。供水系统是非结核分枝杆菌重要环境来源和主要传播途径,但目前对供水系统非结核分枝杆菌生长因素及控制措施的认识仍有较多不足。本文介绍了供水系统非结核分枝杆菌的生长传播特征,探讨了多个工程环境因素(如消毒剂、有机碳、管材和温度)和生物因子(如生物膜、阿米巴原虫和细菌)对非结核分枝杆菌丰度和物种多样性特征的影响,分析了供水全流程不同阶段控制措施对非结核分枝杆菌的控制效用,提出了深化认识供水系统非结核分枝杆菌的研究需求。  相似文献   

闫云君  李晓宇 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3127-3132
大型底栖动物在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用,2003年6月至2004年6月间对汉江流域2级河流--黑竹冲河大型底栖动物群落优势种类的生产力进行为期1周年的调查研究,结果表明,主要优势种杂色特维摇蚊(Tvetenia discoloripes Goetghebuer)和波特真开氏摇蚊(Eukiefferiella potthasti Lehmann)的生活史均为1年1代.杂色特维摇蚊种群现存量在1年中出现1次峰值,波特真开氏摇蚊则出现3次.采用龄期频率法(1nstar-frequency method)测算的周年生产量分别为杂色特维摇蚊,120.3058g/(m2·a),P/B为10.5;波特真开氏摇蚊,17.7554g/(m2·a),P/B为11.4.两种摇蚊的生产量动态在时间上重叠程度较大,比例相似性系数达0.63,重叠现象主要发生在冬春季节.杂色特维摇蚊前肠内含物中,无形态碎屑、真菌和硅藻所占平均比例为95.81%,0.52%和3.67%;对生产量的贡献率分别为87.56%,2.38%和10.06%;波特真开氏摇蚊前肠内含物中,无形态碎屑、真菌和硅藻所占比例分别为93.48%,0.68%和5.84%,对生产量的贡献率分别为81.71%,2.97%和15.32%.  相似文献   

硝化微生物广泛存在于饮用水系统中。水处理过程中,硝化微生物对含氮污染物的去除有突出贡献;而输配水过程中,硝化微生物会加剧消毒剂氯胺的降解,造成一系列饮用水微生物安全问题。本文介绍了常用硝化微生物检测方法,综述了硝化微生物在滤池、市政主管网、二次供水系统中的分布特征和规律,分析了环境因子及工程条件对硝化微生物的影响机制,探讨了硝化微生物强化应用及管控的实际工程措施,展望了未来饮用水系统中硝化微生物的研究重点与应用前景。  相似文献   

摇蚊幼虫对底泥中氮、磷释放作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈天乙  刘孜 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):48-451
本文研究了摇蚊幼虫对底泥中氮、磷释放的影响,初步探讨了摇蚊在湖泊富营养化过程中的生态作用。结果表明,摇蚊幼虫能明显促进底泥中氮、磷的释放,而释放到水层中的氮、磷又容易被藻类吸收利用,从而促进藻类生长。这种生态效应与水体营养循环和富营养化的发生及发展过程间存在着重要的关系。  相似文献   

摇蚊幼虫对底泥中氮、磷释放作用的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈天乙  刘孜 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):448-451
本文研究了摇蚊幼虫对底泥中氮、磷释放的影响,初步探讨了摇蚊在湖泊富营养化过程中的生态作用。结果表明,摇蚊幼虫能明显促进底泥中氮、磷的释放,而释放到水层中的氮、磷又容易被藻类吸收利用,从而促进藻类生长。这利,生态效应与水体营养循环和富营养化的发生及发展过程间存在着重要的关系。  相似文献   

Body size is an important determinant of assemblage structure in rivers and streams impacted by elevated concentrations of pollutants such as salts and metals. In the present study, because of the larger surface-area-tovolume ratio of small-bodied chironomid species compared with large-bodied species, it was hypothesised that the relative abundance of the small-bodied species would decrease at the impacted sites by elevated concentrations of total dissolved solids compared with that at the less-impacted control site. The aim of this study was to analyse and compare patterns of chironomid final instar body-size classes at impacted sites with those at the control site. Chironomid larvae were sampled seasonally from August 2009 to September 2012 from one control site and three impacted sites (Sites 2, 3 and 4) in the Swartkops River, Eastern Cape. Site 2 was impacted by diffuse pollution sources, whereas Sites 3 and 4 were impacted by wastewater effluent discharges in addition to diffuse pollution sources. Small-bodied species dominated the assemblage at the control site and declined significantly at the impacted sites, suggesting that chironomid body size responds predictably to deteriorating water quality in the Swartkops River.  相似文献   

水功能区纳污能力是区域水功能区限制纳污和责任考核管理的重要依据.为了适应目前以县为主体的水功能区水环境管理方式,本研究从水功能区城镇污染物允许排放量的视角研究水功能区纳污能力,建立水功能区城镇排污模型,并应用于泾河入渭段主要城镇礼泉县和泾阳县.结果表明: 礼泉县和泾阳县月允许排污量与河道流量密切相关,丰水期允许排污量高于枯水期.泾河礼泉段当年11月至来年3月水体COD浓度劣于该水功能区水质目标,应削减该时间段礼泉县排污口排污量.排污口排污流量的取值会影响河道水功能区纳污能力的计算结果,城镇排污模型利用相对稳定的排污口排污浓度计算排污口允许排污流量,得到的水功能区纳污能力更为合理.研究结果可为严格的水资源管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The chironomid fauna of the river Meuse in Belgium and The Netherlands was studied in order to determine spatial water quality variations. Because the river Meuse serves as a source for drinking water production for about five million people in Belgium and The Netherlands, water quality is an essential factor to be studied. From 1984 till 1989 pupal exuviae were collected. Water quality was assessed by several indices and autecological information of the various taxa. With regard to pollution the general trend through the years was the same. The most upstream sampling site, in the Belgian Ardennes, was relatively unpolluted. As a result of untreated industrial and municipal wastewater discharges in the Liège region, water quality deteriorated dramatically at the Dutch border. At the most downstream sampling site, near the river mouth, a slight recovery was observed. Apart from organic and inorganic pollution other environmental factors such as flow velocity and the nature of the riverbed, also play a significant role in the occurrence of the organisms. It is concluded that protective measures need to be taken to restore the affected river ecosystem.The editors deeply regret to have to announce that Nicole Frantzen died in a train accident on 30 November 1992.  相似文献   

中国东北地区非点源污染研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为掌握东北地区非点源污染研究动态和明确研究中存在的问题和不足,对近20年(1991-2008年)东北地区有关非点源污染研究成果进行检索、分类和统计分析,以便更好地进行区域水环境治理和污染防治.东北地区非点源污染研究总体呈增加趋势;研究内容包括水环境污染源调查分析与评价、污染负荷量化、机理探索、模型模拟和污染防治5类;研究对象包括氮、磷、泥沙、农药和重金属;经验方法估算污染负荷较多,机理模型应用成功实例较少;研究性论文中以农业非点源污染较多,城市非点源污染较少;治理措施停留在水土保持措施层面上,缺乏对水土保持措施的优选评价和对最佳管理措施的评价研究.目前,东北地区非点源污染研究处在理论探索阶段,非点源污染是否是主要污染源还存在争议.今后应着力于措施应用、评价和基础数据收集及区域非点源污染物的确定和污染负荷的量化研究;尝试新技术和多领域交叉合作,为区域水环境治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

白骨壤模拟湿地系统中氮的分配、循环及其净化效应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统 ,分别用正常、5倍和 10倍浓度的人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌 2次 ,用海水作对照 ,持续 1年。研究营养污染物氮在系统中的分配、循环及被净化的效果。结果表明 ,随污水处理浓度的升高 ,被更换的潮汐水中的含氮量和土壤含氮量都有较大提高 ;植物体各部分含氮量的高低顺序排列为叶 >茎>根 ;各处理组植物中氮元素的周转期依次为 4 81年、5 81年、4 5 8年和 5 86年 ;模拟系统对污水中氮的净化效果显著。  相似文献   

1. We investigated the distribution of chironomid taxa in urban wetlands in the greater Melbourne area, Australia, to test if their distribution was influenced by sediment pollution and other environmental variables. 2. For identification of the Chironomidae, DNA markers generated via polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism of cytochrome c oxidase sub unit I (COI) were validated against morphology and reference specimens for more than 5000 chironomids representing over 80 species. DNA‐based identification generally concurred with morphological separation, but also indicated the existence of cryptic diversity in some genera. 3. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed chironomid assemblages were structured among wetlands and could be linked to several habitat characteristics. However, Chironomidae assemblages were only weakly linked to sediment pollution. 4. Logistic regressions identified potential bioindicators of sediment pollution. Riethia stictoptera, Tanytarsus inextentus, Coelopynia and Chironomus ‘februarius’ were negatively associated and Chironomus duplex was positively associated with sediment pollution. Thresholds for the pollution sensitivities of specific species were mostly similar to those established with previous microcosm tests. 5. Several other environmental factors influenced the distribution of specific chironomid taxa. Salinity, substratum type and submerged and riparian vegetation were particularly important. 6. We conclude that specific chironomid taxa rather than assemblages have potential as bioindicators of sediment pollution provided their ecological preferences are considered and their pollution sensitivities are characterized using multiple methods. The integration of DNA‐based techniques should facilitate accurate and rapid identification of bioindicators species.  相似文献   

The role of Chironomidae in energy flow of a lotic ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chironomid secondary production was estimated on a species-specific basis for 14 dominant taxa in a third-order woodland stream. Results from this study were used to provide an expalanation for the common observation that benthos secondary production in streams is insufficient to account for levels of fish production,i.e., the ALLEN paradox. Annual chironomid secondary production was 29.7 g dry mass m–2 and accounted for 80% of the total aquatic insect secondary production. A contribution by chironomids this high has not been reported previously from similar streams and indicates that chironomids are an energetically important group available for fish consumption. Most studies examining chironomid secondary production group all taxa at the family level and calculate secondary production for the entire family using the size-frequency method. This approach violates assumptions of the size-frequency method and will result in inaccurate and unpredictable estimates of chironomid secondary production. The species-specific approach to estimate chironomid production used in this study, combined with non-chironomid production, yielded a benthos annual production rate that exceeded consumption necessary to support fish production.  相似文献   

马逍天  洪静兰  翟一杰  申晓旭 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8640-8649
水足迹作为评价水资源消耗和污染情况的综合性指标,能够对水环境面临的环境风险进行科学系统的量化、评估和管理。针对传统水足迹影响方法未进行环境影响评估等问题,研究构建了一个符合ISO 14046国际标准的基于生命周期评价的通用型本土化水足迹影响评价模型。研究通过多介质逸度模型模拟了多介质污染物排放在环境中的迁移转换,从而剔除最终未进入到水介质的部分,同时仅考虑了与水环境有关的经口摄入途径,首创了集水稀缺影响、水污染生态与健康风险量化为一体的且适用于我国国情的水足迹评价模型。模型的构建可帮助实现水系统优化,有效控制二次污染及污染转移,实现精准管控。同时由于模型具有普适性,其也可为其他国家或区域开展生命周期水足迹影响评价提供理论支持和实践经验。此外,研究以某企业镍铁合金生产的水足迹影响评价为例,对模型的应用进行了示例研究。研究发现为该企业镍铁合金生产的水足迹影响主要来源于交通运输、焦炭生产、发电、压缩空气以及电极糊制备等间接过程。同时,为降低其环境负荷,需控制氮、磷、二氧化硫及铬、砷、汞、铜等重金属的排放。  相似文献   

Many environmental variables that are important for the development of chironomid larvae (such as water temperature, oxygen availability, and food quantity) are related to water depth, and a statistically strong relationship between chironomid distribution and water depth is therefore expected. This study focuses on the distribution of fossil chironomids in seven shallow lakes and one deep lake from the Plymouth Aquifer (Massachusetts, USA) and aims to assess the influence of water depth on chironomid assemblages within a lake. Multiple samples were taken per lake in order to study the distribution of fossil chironomid head capsules within a lake. Within each lake, the chironomid assemblages are diverse and the changes that are seen in the assemblages are strongly related to changes in water depth. Several thresholds (i.e., where species turnover abruptly changes) are identified in the assemblages, and most lakes show abrupt changes at about 1–2 and 5–7 m water depth. In the deep lake, changes also occur at 9.6 and 15 m depth. The distribution of many individual taxa is significantly correlated to water depth, and we show that the identification of different taxa within the genus Tanytarsus is important because different morphotypes show different responses to water depth. We conclude that the chironomid fauna is sensitive to changes in lake level, indicating that fossil chironomid assemblages can be used as a tool for quantitative reconstruction of lake level changes.  相似文献   

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