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Global climate models project a decrease in the magnitude of precipitation in tropical regions. Changes in rainfall patterns have important implications for the moisture content and redox status of tropical soils, yet little is known about how these changes may affect microbial community structure. Specifically, does exposure to prior stress confer increased resistance to subsequent perturbation? Here we reduced the quantity of precipitation throughfall to tropical forest soils in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Treatments included newly established throughfall exclusion plots (de novo excluded), plots undergoing reduction for a second time (pre-excluded) and ambient control plots. Ten months of throughfall exclusion led to a small but statistically significant decline in soil water potential and bacterial populations clearly adapted to increased osmotic stress. Although the water potential decline was small and microbial biomass did not change, phylogenetic diversity in the de novo-excluded plots decreased by ∼40% compared with the control plots, yet pre-excluded plots showed no significant change. On the other hand, the relative abundances of bacterial taxa in both the de novo-excluded and pre-excluded plots changed significantly with throughfall exclusion compared with control plots. Changes in bacterial community structure could be explained by changes in soil pore water chemistry and suggested changes in soil redox. Soluble iron declined in treatment plots and was correlated with decreased soluble phosphorus concentrations, which may have significant implications for microbial productivity in these P-limited systems.  相似文献   

Spehn  Eva M.  Joshi  Jasmin  Schmid  Bernhard  Alphei  Jörn  Körner  Christian 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):217-230
The loss of plant species from terrestrial ecosystems may cause changes in soil decomposer communities and in decomposition of organic material with potential further consequences for other ecosystem processes. This was tested in experimental communities of 1, 2, 4, 8, 32 plant species and of 1, 2 or 3 functional groups (grasses, legumes and non-leguminous forbs). As plant species richness was reduced from the highest species richness to monocultures, mean aboveground plant biomass decreased by 150%, but microbial biomass (measured by substrate induced respiration) decreased by only 15% (P = 0.05). Irrespective of plant species richness, the absence of legumes (across diversity levels) caused microbial biomass to decrease by 15% (P = 0.02). No effect of plant species richness or composition was detected on the microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) and no plant species richness effect was found on feeding activity of the mesofauna (assessed with a bait-lamina-test). Decomposition of cellulose and birchwood sticks was also not affected by plant species richness, but when legumes were absent, cellulose samples were decomposed more slowly (16% in 1996, 27% in 1997, P = 0.006). A significant decrease in earthworm population density of 63% and in total earthworm biomass by 84% was the single most prominent response to the reduction of plant species richness, largely due to a 50% reduction in biomass of the dominant `anecic' earthworms. Voles (Arvicola terrestris L.) also had a clear preference for high-diversity plots. Soil moisture during the growing season was unaffected by plant species richness or the number of functional groups present. In contrast, soil temperature was 2 K higher in monocultures compared with the most diverse mixtures on a bright day at peak season. We conclude that the lower abundance and activity of decomposers with reduced plant species richness was related to altered substrate quantity, a signal which is not reflected in rates of decomposition of standard test material. The presence of nitrogen fixers seemed to be the most important component of the plant diversity manipulation for soil heterotrophs. The reduction in plant biomass due to the simulated loss of plant species had more pronounced effects on voles and earthworms than on microbes, suggesting that higher trophic levels are more strongly affected than lower trophic levels.  相似文献   

While nitrogen (N) amendment is known to affect the stability of ecological communities, whether this effect is scale‐dependent remains an open question. By conducting a field experiment in a temperate grassland, we found that both plant richness and temporal stability of community biomass increased with spatial scale, but N enrichment reduced richness and stability at the two scales considered. Reduced local‐scale stability under N enrichment arose from N‐induced reduction in population stability, which was partly attributable to the decline in local species richness, as well as reduction in asynchronous local population dynamics across species. Importantly, N enrichment did not alter spatial asynchrony among local communities, which provided similar spatial insurance effects at the larger scale, regardless of N enrichment levels. These results suggest that spatial variability among local communities, in addition to local diversity, may help stabilise ecosystems at larger spatial scales even in the face of anthropogenic environmental changes.  相似文献   

In a large integrated biodiversity project (‘The Jena Experiment’ in Germany) we established two experiments, one with a pool of 60 plant species that ranged broadly from dominant to subordinate competitors on large 20 × 20 m and small 3.5 × 3.5 m plots (= main experiment), and one with a pool of nine potentially dominant species on small 3.5 × 3.5 m plots (= dominance experiment). We found identical positive species richness–aboveground productivity relationships in the main experiment at both scales. This result suggests that scaling up, at least over the short term, is appropriate in interpreting the implications of such experiments for larger‐scale patterns. The species richness–productivity relationship was more pronounced in the experiment with dominant species (46.7 and 82.6% yield increase compared to mean monoculture, respectively). Additionally, transgressive overyielding occurred more frequently in the dominance experiment (67.7% of cases) than in the main experiment (23.4% of cases). Additive partitioning and relative yield total analyses showed that both complementarity and selection effects contributed to the positive net biodiversity effect.  相似文献   

长期重度放牧通过加剧水氮限制减少植物多样性与生态系统功能。相反,缺乏放牧干扰(生物量移除)会通过增加光竞争减少物种多样性,从而弱化生态系统稳定性,而这一过程会由于资源富集而加剧。因此,如何维持物种多样性和群落稳定性仍然是世界草原可持续管理的一大挑战。在本研究中,我们在中国内蒙古3个放牧强度的长期实验样地设置了为期4年的控制实验,来探究结合资源添加与生物量移除(同时增加水、氮和光的有效性)对物种丰富度与群落稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,在4年资源添加结合生物量移除处理下,群落初级 生产力增加,同时物种丰富度与群落稳定性能够维持。在物种与功能群水平上,地上生产力能够保持时间稳定性。物种丰富度维持的主要 原因是:在资源富集的情况下,生物量移除能够增加光的有效性。物种异步性与功能群稳定性有助于群落稳定性维持。我们的研究结果表 明,资源添加与生物量移除结合的管理方式,不仅能够增加草地初级生产力,而且能维持其物种多样性、异步性与群落稳定性。在世界范 围内,长期放牧导致的草原退化与资源富集引起的其生物多样性丧失仍将是人类面临的主要生态问题,我们的研究结果对于半干旱草原以 及其它草原的适应性管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

综述草地群落入侵实验中物种多样性和群落可入侵性关系的研究进展。目前物种多样性与群落可入侵性主要出现了对立的关系模式,被普遍接受的解释机制为尺度依赖。但其它研究中出现了更为复杂的关系,提出物种特性、植物更新、种间关系变化和群落构建机制等其它因素可能是导致物种多样性与群落可入侵性出现复杂关系的原因。建议未来研究中应注意的几个问题,即物种多样性与群落可入侵性关系在不同营养级适用性,与群落构建机制变化间的联系和时间尺度对物种多样性与群落可入侵性关系的影响。  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to cause more extreme events, such as heatwaves, and different precipitation patterns. The effects of warming and short‐term drought on soil microbial communities, in particular fungal communities, remain largely unexplored under field conditions. Here, we evaluated how the fungal community of a tropical grassland soil responds to these changes. A field experiment was carried out in a temperature free‐air controlled enhancement (T‐FACE) facility in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. The isolated and combined effects of drought and a 2°C increase in temperature were investigated. Based on metabarcoding of the ITS2 region, a total of 771 operational taxonomic units were observed. While warming affected the community structure, drought affected the alpha diversity, and the interaction between warming and drought affected both diversity and structure. The change in community composition driven by warming affected only the less abundant species (>1% of the total sequences). The aspect of the fungal communities that was most affected was diversity, which was increased by drought (p < .05), mostly by reducing the dominance of a single species, as observed in the watered plots. In a phylogenetic context, some fungal taxa were favoured by changes in temperature (Hypocreales) and drought (Sordariales) or disadvantaged by both (Pleosporales). It was of note that a water deficit increased the abundance of phytopathogenic fungi, such as Curvularia, Thielavia and Fusarium species. Overall, our results provide evidence that fungal communities in tropical grassland soils have greater sensitivity to drought than to temperature, which might increase the incidence of certain soil‐borne diseases.  相似文献   

Global climate change is predicted to stimulate primary production and consequently increases litter inputs. Changing precipitation regimes together with enhanced litter inputs may affect plant community composition and structure, with consequent influence on diversity and ecosystem functioning. Responses of plant community to increased precipitation and belowground litter addition were examined lasting 5 years in a semiarid temperate grassland of northeastern China. Increased precipitation enhanced community species richness and abundance of annuals by 16.8% and 44%, but litter addition suppressed them by 25% and 54.5% after 5 years, respectively. During the study period, perennial rhizome grasses and forbs had consistent negative relationship under ambient plots, whereas positive relationship between the two functional groups was found under litter addition plots after 5 years. In addition, increased precipitation and litter addition showed significant interaction on community composition, because litter addition significantly increased biomass and abundance of rhizome grasses under increased precipitation plots but had no effect under ambient precipitation levels. Our findings emphasize the importance of water availability in modulating the responses of plants community to potentially enhanced litter inputs in the semiarid temperate grassland.  相似文献   

We used a nonintrusive field experiment carried out at six sites – Wales (UK), Denmark (DK), the Netherlands (NL), Hungary (HU), Sardinia (Italy – IT), and Catalonia (Spain – SP) – along a climatic and latitudinal gradient to examine the response of plant species richness and primary productivity to warming and drought in shrubland ecosystems. The warming treatment raised the plot daily temperature by ca. 1 °C, while the drought treatment led to a reduction in soil moisture at the peak of the growing season that ranged from 26% at the SP site to 82% in the NL site. During the 7 years the experiment lasted (1999–2005), we used the pin‐point method to measure the species composition of plant communities and plant biomass, litterfall, and shoot growth of the dominant plant species at each site. A significantly lower increase in the number of species pin‐pointed per transect was found in the drought plots at the SP site, where the plant community was still in a process of recovering from a forest fire in 1994. No changes in species richness were found at the other sites, which were at a more mature and stable state of succession and, thus less liable to recruitment of new species. The relationship between annual biomass accumulation and temperature of the growing season was positive at the coldest site and negative at the warmest site. The warming treatment tended to increase the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) at the northern sites. The relationship between annual biomass accumulation and soil moisture during the growing season was not significant at the wettest sites, but was positive at the driest sites. The drought treatment tended to reduce the ANPP in the NL, HU, IT, and SP sites. The responses to warming were very strongly related to the Gaussen aridity index (stronger responses the lower the aridity), whereas the responses to drought were not. Changes in the annual aboveground biomass accumulation, litterfall, and, thus, the ANPP, mirrored the interannual variation in climate conditions: the most outstanding change was a decrease in biomass accumulation and an increase in litterfall at most sites during the abnormally hot year of 2003. Species richness also tended to decrease in 2003 at all sites except the cold and wet UK site. Species‐specific responses to warming were found in shoot growth: at the SP site, Globularia alypum was not affected, while the other dominant species, Erica multiflora, grew 30% more; at the UK site, Calluna vulgaris tended to grow more in the warming plots, while Empetrum nigrum tended to grow less. Drought treatment decreased plant growth in several studied species, although there were some species such as Pinus halepensis at the SP site or C. vulgaris at the UK site that were not affected. The magnitude of responses to warming and drought thus depended greatly on the differences between sites, years, and species and these multiple plant responses may be expected to have consequences at ecosystem and community level. Decreases in biodiversity and the increase in E. multiflora growth at the SP site as a response to warming challenge the assumption that sensitivity to warming may be less well developed at more southerly latitudes; likewise, the fact that one of the studied shrublands presented negative ANPP as a response to the 2003 heat wave also challenges the hypothesis that future climate warming will lead to an enhancement of plant growth and carbon sequestration in temperate ecosystems. Extreme events may thus change the general trend of increased productivity in response to warming in the colder sites.  相似文献   

Aims Irrational utilization and global climate change have caused degradation of grassland ecosystems in northern China with low soil fertility, decreased vegetation coverage and productivity. Nitrogen addition has been suggested an effective way to enhance restoration of those degraded grasslands. In this study, we selected a typical steppe with three different degrading levels, including lightly, moderately and heavily degraded communities, in East Ujimqin, Nei Mongol. Our objectives of this study are to examine if and how nitrogen (N) addition can enhance restoration of those degraded grasslands Methods Treatments with four levels of N addition (0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 g N·m-2·a-1) were conducted to each of the three degraded communities from 2014 to 2015. Nitrogen was applied as urea in June of both years. Aboveground biomass was collected at the species level in 1 m × 1 m plot in August each year, all species biomass was summed as net primary production, and biomass of plant functional groups was calculated by perennial rhizome grasses, perennial bunchgrasses, perennial forbs, shrubs and semi-shrubs, annuals and biennials.Important findings Our results showed that the high (20.0 g N·m-2·a-1) and medium level N addition (10.0 g N·m-2·a-1) significantly increased the aboveground biomass of the slightly degraded community by 53.1% and 51.6% compared with no N addition. N addition had no significant effects on the moderately and heavily degraded communities. N addition with high and medium levels increased aboveground biomass of perennial rhizome grasses by 45.1% and 47.7%, but decreased that of perennial forbs by 37.4% and 42.1% at the slightly degraded community. Our results indicated that N addition could increase the growth of perennial rhizome grasses, and the growth of perennial forbs was suppressed consequently. Our results suggest that even the application of N fertilizers can only be helpful to restoration of those slightly degraded grasslands. Besides, N addition had no significant effects on species richness in different degraded communities indicating the fact that the study may not last long enough. For the purpose of increasing aboveground biomass of degraded grassland, we should not only consider the type and quantity of fertilization, but also the attribute of the degraded communities. In addition, the response of degraded community in biomass may strongly be impacted by degrading level of studied grassland.  相似文献   

Drought is a global threat, increasing in severity and frequency throughout tropical ecosystems. Although plants often face drought in conjunction with biotic stressors, such as herbivory or disease, experimental studies infrequently test the simultaneous effects of drought and biotic stress. Because multiple simultaneous stressors may have non-additive and complex effects on plant performance, it is difficult to predict plant responses to multiple threats from research examining one stress at a time. Using an experimental approach in the greenhouse, we investigated potential non-additivity in seedling growth and survival to simulated drought and herbivory across a phylogenetically diverse pool of ten Hawaiian plant species. Overall, seedlings showed limited tolerance, defined as similar growth and survival in stressed compared with control (non-stressed) plants, to simulated herbivory and drought, with the combined effects of both stressors to be generally additive and negative across species. Significant variation in stress tolerance was detected among species, and species variation was explained, at least in part, by functional traits such that species with larger root/shoot ratios and smaller seeds, tended to demonstrate greater herbivory and drought tolerance. Future research incorporating additional trait analysis and different stressors could shed light on mechanisms underlying seedling stress tolerance and clarify whether additivity, as detected in this study, extends across other combinations of stressors. Such work will provide needed insights into the regeneration of seedlings in tropical forests under threats of herbivory and climate change.  相似文献   

Climate change will affect semiarid ecosystems through severe droughts that increase the competition for resources in plant and microbial communities. In these habitats, adaptations to climate change may consist of thinning—that reduces competition for resources through a decrease in tree density and the promotion of plant survival. We deciphered the functional and phylogenetic responses of the microbial community to 60 years of drought induced by rainfall exclusion and how forest management affects its resistance to drought, in a semiarid forest ecosystem dominated by Pinus halepensis Mill. A multiOMIC approach was applied to reveal novel, community‐based strategies in the face of climate change. The diversity and the composition of the total and active soil microbiome were evaluated by 16S rRNA gene (bacteria) and ITS (fungal) sequencing, and by metaproteomics. The microbial biomass was analyzed by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), and the microbially mediated ecosystem multifunctionality was studied by the integration of soil enzyme activities related to the cycles of C, N, and P. The microbial biomass and ecosystem multifunctionality decreased in drought‐plots, as a consequence of the lower soil moisture and poorer plant development, but this decrease was more notable in unthinned plots. The structure and diversity of the total bacterial community was unaffected by drought at phylum and order level, but did so at genus level, and was influenced by seasonality. However, the total fungal community and the active microbial community were more sensitive to drought and were related to ecosystem multifunctionality. Thinning in plots without drought increased the active diversity while the total diversity was not affected. Thinning promoted the resistance of ecosystem multifunctionality to drought through changes in the active microbial community. The integration of total and active microbiome analyses avoids misinterpretations of the links between the soil microbial community and climate change.  相似文献   

刘庆 《西北植物学报》2000,20(2):259-267
研究在土壤含水量(X1)、土壤pH(X2)、全盐量(X3)和海拔高程(X4)等4个主要环境梯度上,分析了青海湖北岸18个草本植物的生物量、物种多样性(以物工为测度指标)变化规律,以及其基于环境梯度的相互关系,并提出了相关模型。研究结果表明,植物群落地上生物量与物种丰富度之间没有明显的相关性(R^2=0.104),而物种丰富度(Y)与环境因子之间的多元线性回归关系显著,回归模型为:Y=-88.29-  相似文献   

I studied the effect of treehole (microhabitat) size distribution in local habitats on geographic difference in aquatic metazoan community structure by comparing differences between two sites on Iriomote Island, and between Iriomote Island (subtropical) and Tsushima Island (temperate), in southwestern Japan. In treeholes at each local site, the amount of litter, the species richness and total biomass of metazoa were positively correlated with treehole capacity. Between the two sites on Iriomote Island (Shirahama and Komi), the amount of litter, biomass and species number per treehole was greater at Komi where the mean and variance of treehole size were greater, while the dependencies of these parameters on treehole capacity were common to both sites. Total species number was larger at Komi (2 predators and 20 saprophages) than at Shirahama (1 predator and 19 saprophages). Most of the dominant taxa colonized larger treeholes with higher probabilities, although one taxa showed the opposite trend. Treeholes on Tsushima were smaller than those on Iriomote. The metazoan fauna in treeholes consisted of 15 saprophages on Tsushima, being less richer than that on Iriomote Island which had 2 predators and 21 saprophages. However, the dependencies of litter amount and biomass on treehole capacity did not differ significantly between the islands, although treeholes on Iriomote harbored a greater number of species per treehole than those on Tsushima. This study indicated that there are general correlates between community structure within individual treeholes (infracommunity structure) and treehole capacity (microhabitat size). Therefore, microhabitat-size distribution is potentially a significant constraint of local community structure, and its variation may contribute to the variation in local and regional species richness.  相似文献   

不合理的土地利用方式以及气候变化导致我国草原生态系统普遍退化, 主要表现在土壤养分降低、植被覆盖度减少、生产力下降。外源氮素添加是促进退化草原尽快恢复的一项重要措施, 尤其是对那些退化较为严重的草原。该研究选取内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗不同退化程度(轻度、中度和重度)的草原群落, 于2014-2015年开展连续两年的氮素添加实验, 设置对照(不添加)、低水平(5.0 g N·m-2·a-1)、中水平(10.0 g N·m-2·a-1)和高水平(20.0 g N·m-2·a-1) 4种氮素添加处理, 探讨退化草原群落生产力在恢复过程中对不同水平氮素添加的响应。结果显示: (1)高、中水平氮素添加显著提高了轻度退化群落的地上生物量, 分别比对照增加了53.1%、51.6%, 氮素各水平添加对中度、重度群落地上生物量无显著影响; (2)高、中水平氮素添加显著提高了轻度退化群落中多年生根茎型禾草地上生物量, 分别比对照增加了45.1%、47.7%, 而多年生杂类草地上生物量分别比对照减少了37.4%、42.1%, 但中度和重度退化群落各功能群生物量的响应不显著; (3)三种水平氮素添加对轻、中、重度退化群落物种丰富度在试验期间均没有显著影响。研究结果表明氮素添加有助于提高轻度退化草原中多年生根茎型禾草的生物量, 进而提高群落的生物量, 但多年生杂类草会被逐渐替代, 导致生物量降低, 可见施氮对草原恢复的影响取决于草原退化 程度。  相似文献   

Janzen–Connell effects are negative effects on the survival of a plant's progeny at high conspecific densities or close to its conspecifics. Although the role of Janzen–Connell effects on the maintenance of plant diversity was frequently studied, only few studies targeted Janzen–Connell effects via postdispersal seed predation in temperate grassland systems. We examined effects of conspecific density (abundance of conspecific adult plants) on postdispersal seed predation by invertebrates of three grassland species (Centaurea jacea, Geranium pratense, and Knautia arvensis) in experimental plant communities. Additionally, we examined the impact of plant species richness and different seed predator communities on total and relative seed predation (= seed predation of one plant species relative to others). We offered seeds in an exclusion experiment, where treatments allowed access for (1) arthropods and slugs, (2) arthropods only, (3) small arthropods only, and (4) slugs only. Treatments were placed in plots covering a gradient of abundance of conspecific adults at different levels of plant species richness (1, 2, 3, 4, 8 species). Two of the plant species (C. jacea and K. arvensis) experienced higher rates of seed predation and relative predation with increasing abundance of conspecific adults. For C. jacea, this effect was mitigated with increasing plant species richness. Differences in seed predator communities shifted seed predation between the plant species and changed the magnitude of seed predation of one plant species relative to the others. We exemplify density‐dependent increase in seed predation via invertebrates in grassland communities shaping both the total magnitude of species‐specific seed predation and seed predation of one species relative to others. Further differences in seed predator groups shift the magnitude of seed predation between different plant species. This highlights the importance of invertebrate seed predation to structure grasslands via density‐dependent effects and differing preferences of consumer groups.  相似文献   

Several studies have presented experimental evidence that diversity reduces invasibility in grassland communities. The interpretation of these results has been disputed recently and it was proposed that sampling effects were responsible for the observed decrease of invasibility with diversity. The experiments performed to date were not designed to adequately separate sampling from diversity effects. Using the establishment of native plant species in experimental plant communities as a model of invasibility, we show that the number of invaders decreased with increasing diversity. When the presence of particular species is included, their effects are dominant. Centaurea jacea showed a strong effect at low diversity, whereas Leucanthemum vulgare showed a very strong negative impact at each diversity level. The negative effect of the latter might be related to root‐feeding nematodes that showed far higher abundance in plots with Leucanthemum. However, diversity remained a significant factor in determining the number of invading species and the numbers of an abundant invader.  相似文献   

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