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Primitive terrestrial life – defined as a chemical system able to transfer its molecular information via self-replication and to evolve – probably originated from the evolution of reduced organic molecules in liquid water. Several sources have been proposed for the prebiotic organic molecules: terrestrial primitive atmosphere (methane or carbon dioxide), deep-sea hydrothermal systems, and extraterrestrial meteoritic and cometary dust grains. The study of carbonaceous chondrites, which contain up to 5% by weight of organic matter, has allowed close examination of the delivery of extraterrestrial organic material. Eight proteinaceous amino acids have been identified in the Murchison meteorite among more than 70 amino acids. Engel reported that l-alanine was surprisingly more abundant than d-alanine in the Murchison meteorite. Cronin also found excesses of l-enantiomers for nonprotein amino acids. A large collection of micrometeorites has been recently extracted from Antarctic old blue ice. In the 50- to 100-μm size range, carbonaceous micrometeorites represent 80% of the samples and contain 2% of carbon, on average. They might have brought more carbon than that involved in the present surficial biomass. The early histories of Mars and Earth clearly show similarities. Liquid water was once stable on the surface of Mars, attesting the presence of an atmosphere capable of deccelerating C-rich micrometeorites. Therefore, primitive life may have developed on Mars as well and fossilized microorganisms may still be present in the near subsurface. The Viking missions to Mars in 1976 did not find evidence of either contemporary or past life, but the mass spectrometer on the lander aeroshell determined the atmospheric composition, which has allowed a family of meteorites to be identified as Martian. Although these samples are essentially volcanic in origin, it has been recognized that some of them contain carbonate inclusions and even veins that have a carbon isotopic composition indicative of an origin from Martian atmospheric carbon dioxide. The oxygen isotopic composition of these carbonate deposits allows calculation of the temperature regime existing during formation from a fluid that dissolved the carbon dioxide. As the composition of the fluid is unknown, only a temperature range can be estimated, but this falls between 0° and 90°C, which would seem entirely appropriate for life processes. It was such carbonate veins that were found to host putative microfossils. Irrespective of the existence of features that could be considered to be fossils, carbonate-rich portions of Martian meteorites tend to have material, at more than 1000 ppm, that combusts at a low temperature; i.e., it is an organic form of carbon. Unfortunately, this organic matter does not have a diagnostic isotopic signature so it cannot be unambiguously said to be indigenous to the samples. However, many circumstantial arguments can be made to the effect that it is cogenetic with the carbonate and hence Martian. If it could be proved that the organic matter was preterrestrial, then the isotopic fractionation between it and the carbon is in the right sense for a biological origin. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

Life on Mars     

There is evidence that at one time Mars had liquid water habitats on its surface. Studies of microbial communities in cold and dry environments on the Earth provide a basis for discussion of the possible nature of any life that may have existed on Mars during that time. Of particular relevance are the cyanobacterial communities found in hypolithic and endolithic habitats in deserts. Microbial mats found under ice-covered lakes provide an additional possible Martian system. Results obtained from these field studies can be used to guide the search for fossil evidence of life on Mars. It is possible that in the future life will be reintroduced on Mars in an effort to restore that planet to habitable conditions. In this case the organisms under study as exemplars of past life may provide the hardy stock of pioneering Martian organisms. These first organisms must be followed by plants. The feasibility of reviving Mars will depend on the ability of plants to grow in an abundance of CO2 but at extremely low pressures, temperatures, O2, and N2 levels. On Mars, biology was, and is, destiny.  相似文献   

One of the goals of the present Martian exploration is to search for evidence of extinct (or even extant) life. This could be redefined as a search for carbon. The carbon cycle (or, more properly, cycles) on Earth is a complex interaction among three reservoirs: the atmosphere; the hydrosphere; and the lithosphere. Superimposed on this is the biosphere, and its presence influences the fixing and release of carbon in these reservoirs over different time-scales. The overall carbon balance is kept at equilibrium on the surface by a combination of tectonic processes (which bury carbon), volcanism (which releases it) and biology (which mediates it). In contrast to Earth, Mars presently has no active tectonic system; neither does it possess a significant biosphere. However, these observations might not necessarily have held in the past. By looking at how Earth's carbon cycles have changed with time, as both the Earth's tectonic structure and a more sophisticated biology have evolved, and also by constructing a carbon cycle for Mars based on the carbon chemistry of Martian meteorites, we investigate whether or not there is evidence for a Martian biosphere.  相似文献   

The problems of how warm and wet Mars once was and when climate transitions may have occurred are not well understood. Mars may have had an early environment similar to Earth's that was conductive to the ermergence of life. In addition, increasing geologic evidence indicates that water, upon which terrestrial life depends, has been present on Mars throughout its history. This evidence suggests that life could have developed not only on early Mars but also over longer periods of time in longer lasting, more clement local environments. Indications of past or present life most likely would be found in areas where liquid water existed in sufficient quantities to provide for the needs of biological systems. We suggest that paleolakes may have provided such environments. Unlike the case on Earth, this record of the origin and evolution of life has probably not been erased by extensive deformation of the Martian surface. Our work has identified eleven prospective areas where large lacustrine basins may once have existed. These areas are important for future biological, geological, and climatological investigations.Presented at the International Symposium on The Biological Exploration of Mars, October 26–27, 1990, Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A.  相似文献   

McKay et al. detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 by two-step laser mass spectrometry. From the presence of PAHs, together with other results, they concluded that there were past life of Mars. On the other hands, no organisms nor organic compounds were detected in Martian regolith in Viking experiments in 1976. In order to obtain solid evidence for organisms or bioorganic compounds compounds on Mars, further analyses of Martian samples are required. There may be four classes of organic compounds on Mars, which are (i) organic compounds abiotically formed from primitive Mars atmosphere, (ii) Organic compounds delivered out of Mars, (iii) Organic compounds biotically formed by Mars organisms, and (iv) Organic compounds abiotically formed from the present Mars atmosphere. Possible organic compounds on Mars and analytical methods for them are discussed.  相似文献   

In this review, I would like to introduce how we can detect the possible life on Mars. Even though the quantitative estimation of the possibility of biogenesis on Mars is difficult, Dr. McKay and his colleagues work has thrown a tiny light for this possibility. Considering Mars environmental conditions, the possible life is microorganisms. The detection of microorganisms in natural environments is not easy even on Earth due to the premature detection technique. We have developed a method based on the fluorescence microscopic technique. This method proved to be successful for the detection of terrestrial microorganisms. Even some pre-biotic cells can be detected. We are developing a miniature detection apparatus which meet the required standard for installing on the Mars landers. We also propose the ground based experiments using Martian meteorites or pseudo-Martian rocks.  相似文献   

Five conditions for life to arise are discussed with referring to early Martian environment. The key to determine whether any life form appeared on Mars is found to be the early Martian carbon dioxide atmospheric pressure and then the temperature. The importance to determine the heat flow is indicated. The items to be measured for future Martian exploration are listed. The surface materials, which has been poorly understood, are emphasized for further exploration. Two strategies for search for life on Mars, "step by step" strategy and quick strategy, are suggested.  相似文献   

THE SEARCH FOR LIFE ON MARS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mars appears to have no life on its surface today. However, the presence of fluvial features provides evidence that liquid water was once present on the martian surface. By analogy with Earth, life may have originated on Mars early in its history, possibly during the end of the late heavy bombardment. Analysis of the one meteorite from Mars which dates to this early time appears to contain evidence of this early environment and possibly life. As the climate cooled and liquid water became unavailable, life would have eventually died out. The cold deserts of Antarctica provide a glimpse of what martian ecosystems might have been like as conditions worsened. The search for fossil evidence of past life on Mars may provide the first direct indication of life beyond Earth.  相似文献   

Summary The study of the Martian atmosphere and its significance for the possible origin of life on Mars is still very incomplete. Further investigations are needed to define the total volatile inventory, the early history of the atmosphere, and the relationship of the atmosphere to the question of indigenous life. In addition, studies of Venus, comets, and the Jupiter system will add significantly to our abilities to understand the early history of Mars.  相似文献   

We discuss fluorescence as a method to detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other organic molecules, as well as minerals on the surface of Mars. We present an instrument design that is adapted from the ChemCam instrument which is currently on the Mars Science Lander Rover Curiosity and thus most of the primary components are currently flight qualified for Mars surface operations, significantly reducing development costs. The major change compared to ChemCam is the frequency multipliers of the 1064 nm laser to wavelengths suitable for fluorescence excitation (266 nm, 355 nm, and 532 nm). We present fluorescence spectrum for a variety of organics and minerals relevant to the surface of Mars. Preliminary results show minerals already known on Mars, such as perchlorate, fluoresce strongest when excited by 355 nm. Also we demonstrate that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as those present in Martian meteorites, are highly fluorescent at wavelengths in the ultraviolet (266 nm, 355 nm), but not as much in the visible (532 nm). We conclude that fluorescence can be an important method for Mars applications and standoff detection of organics and minerals. The instrument approach described in this paper builds on existing hardware and offers high scientific return for minimal cost for future missions.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorite collection suggests that intact outcrops or boulder-scale fragments of the 4.5 Ga Martian crust exist within tens of meters of the present day surface of Mars. Mars may be the only planet where such primordial crust samples, representing the first 100 Ma of a planet’s environment, are available. The primordial crust has been destroyed on Earth by plate tectonics and other geological phenomena and is buried on the Moon under hundreds or thousands of meters of megaregoltih. Early Mars appears to have been remarkably similar to early Earth, and samples of rock from the first few Ma or first 100 Ma may reveal “missing link” proto-biological forms that could shed light on the transition from abiotic organic chemistry to living cells. Such organic snapshots of nascent life are unlikely to be found on Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

Methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost complementary to the already well-studied methanogens from non-permafrost habitats were exposed to simulated Martian conditions. After 22 days of exposure to thermo-physical conditions at Martian low- and mid-latitudes up to 90% of methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost survived in pure cultures as well as in environmental samples. In contrast, only 0.3%–5.8% of reference organisms from non-permafrost habitats survived at these conditions. This suggests that methanogens from terrestrial permafrost seem to be remarkably resistant to Martian conditions. Our data also suggest that in scenario of subsurface lithoautotrophic life on Mars, methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost could be used as appropriate candidates for the microbial life on Mars.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been an important environmental parameter during the evolution of life on Earth, both in its role as a mutagen and as a selective agent. This was probably especially true during the time from 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago, when atmospheric ozone levels were less than 1% of present levels. Early Mars may not have had an "ozone shield" either, and it never developed a significant one. Even though Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth, a substantial surficial UV flux is present on Mars today. But organisms respond to dose rate, and on Mars, like on Earth, organisms would be exposed to diurnal variations in UV flux. Here we present data on the effect of diurnal patterns of UV flux on microbial ecosystems in nature, with an emphasis on photosynthesis and DNA synthesis effects. These results indicate that diurnal patterns of metabolism occur in nature with a dip in photosynthesis and DNA synthesis in the afternoon, in part regulated by UV flux. Thus, diurnal patterns must be studied in order to understand the effect of UV radiation in nature. The results of this work are significant to the success of human missions to Mars for several reasons. For example, human missions must include photosynthetic organisms for food production and likely oxygen production. An evolutionary approach suggests which organisms might be best suited for high UV fluxes. The diurnal aspect of these studies is critical. Terraforming is a potential goal of Mars exploration, and it will require studies of the effect of Martian UV fluxes, including their diurnal changes, on terrestrial organisms. Such studies may suggest that diurnal changes in UV only require mitigation at some times of day or year.  相似文献   

Magnetite biomineralization and ancient life on Mars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Certain chemical and mineral features of the Martian meteorite ALH84001 were reported in 1996 to be probable evidence of ancient life on Mars. In spite of new observations and interpretations, the question of ancient life on Mars remains unresolved. Putative biogenic, nanometer magnetite has now become a leading focus in the debate.  相似文献   

Despite the large amount of geomorphological, geodynamic and geophysical data obtained from Mars missions, much is still unknown about Martian mineralogy and paragenetic assemblages, which is fundamental to an understanding of its entire geological history. Minerals are not only indicators of the physical–chemical settings of the different environments and their later changes, but also they could (and do) play a crucial astrobiological role related with the possibility of existence of extinct or extant Martian life. This paper aims: (1) to present a synoptic review of the main water-related Martian minerals (mainly jarosite and other sulfates) discovered up to the present time; (2) to emphasize their significance as environmental geomarkers, on the basis of their geological settings and mineral parageneses on earth (in particular in the context of some selected terrestrial analogues), and (3) to show that their differential UV shielding properties, against the hostile environmental conditions of the Martian surface, are of a great importance for the search for extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

Evidence of past liquid water on the surface of Mars suggests that this world once had habitable conditions and leads to the question of life. If there was life on Mars, it would be interesting to determine if it represented a separate origin from life on Earth. To determine the biochemistry and genetics of life on Mars requires that we have access to an organism or the biological remains of one—possibly preserved in ancient permafrost. A way to determine if organic material found on Mars represents the remains of an alien biological system could be based on the observation that biological systems select certain organic molecules over others that are chemically similar (e.g., chirality in amino acids).  相似文献   

Dissimilatory metal-ion-reducing bacteria (DMRB) can couple the reduction of a variety of different metal ions to cellular respiration and growth. The excitement of this metabolic group lies not only in the elucidation of a new type of metabolism, but also in the potential use of these abilities for the removal of toxic organics, and in their ability to reduce (and thus, detoxify) other toxic metals, such as U(VI) and Cr(VI). This review focuses on recent advances in the study of DMRB, including the use of external electron shuttles to enhance rates of metal reduction; genome sequencing and consequent genomic and proteomic analyses; new imaging approaches for high resolution analysis of both cells and chemical components; the demonstration of fractionation of stable isotopes of iron during iron reduction; and the elucidation of the types and patterns of secondary mineral formation during metal reduction. One of the secondary minerals is magnetite, the subject of intense controversy regarding the possibility of evidence for life from the Martian meteorite ALH84001. This review thus ends with a short consideration of the evidence for magnetic 'proof' of the existence of past life on Mars.  相似文献   

The success of the lunar sample analysis programs underscores the desirability of a returned Martian sample. A Mission which would bring back about 1 kg of soil is outlined. The vehicle would have a mass of about 15 tonnes on departure from Earth and would make extensive use of Viking and Mariner technology. Russian experience in the field of automatic soil sampling and automatic rendezvous would be invaluable and the Shuttle would make possible a tidier launch. Sterilisation or quarantine will be necessary to preclude back-contamination of Earth by hypothetical Martian micro-organisms. A prime quarantine facility designed to detect biogenic organic compounds and life processes could be set up at a Lunar base or in a Sky-lab. A single soil sample could be informative as to the general surface composition of Mars. Life detection would be a major task, followed closely by the chemistry of carbon and other life-related elements. However, knowledge of the detailed physics, chemistry and mineralogy of the Martian sample would be of inestimable value to planetary studies.  相似文献   

Microbial life in the harsh conditions of Antarctica's cold desert may be considered an analogue of potential life on early Mars. In order to explore the development and survival of this epilithic and endolithic form of microbial life, our most sophisticated, state-of-the-art visualization technologies have to be used to their full potential. The study of any ecosystem requires a knowledge of its components and the processes that take place within it. If we are to understand the structure and function of each component of the microecosystems that inhabit lithic substrates, we need to be able to quantify and identify the microorganisms present in each lithobiontic ecological niche and to accurately characterize the mineralogical features of these hidden microhabitats. Once we have established the techniques that will allow us to observe and identify these microorganisms and mineral substrates in situ, and have confirmed the presence of water, the following questions can be addressed: How are the microorganisms organized in the fissures or cavities? Which microorganisms are present and how many are there? Additional questions that logically follow include: What are the existing water relationships in the microhabitat and what effects do the microorganisms have on the mineral composition? Mechanical and chemical changes in minerals and mineralization of microbial cells can give rise to physical and/or chemical traces (biomarkers) and to microbial fossil formation. In this report, we describe the detection of chains of magnetite within the Martian meteorite ALH84001, as an example of the potential use of SEM-BSE in the search for plausible traces of life on early Mars. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Cosmochemical considerations suggest various potential sources for the accumulation of organic matter on Mars. However the Viking Molecular Analysis did not indicate any indigenous organic compounds on the surface of Mars. Their disappearance from the top layer is most likely caused by the combined action of the high solar radiation flux and various oxidizing species in the Martian atmosphere and regolith. In this study the stability of several organic substances and a sample of the Murchison meteorite was tested under simulated Martian conditions. After adsorption on powdered quartz, samples of adenine, glycine and naphthalene were irradiated with UV light at various oxygen concentrations and exposure times. In the absence of oxygen, adenine and glycine appeared stable over the given irradiation period, whereas a definite loss was observed in the case of naphthalene, as well as in the volatilizable and pyrozable content of the Murchison meteorite. The presence of oxygen during UV exposure caused a significant increase in the degradation rate of all samples. It is likely that similar processes have led to the destruction of organic materials on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

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