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The origin of domestication in Mesoamerican G. hirsutum populations is obscured by several factors, including the absence of a clearly identified wild progenitor, a complex population genetic structure, and many centuries of human-mediated dispersal and gene flow. Phenetic and phylogenetic analyses of allelic variation at 205 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci were conducted in an effort to unravel this complicated history. The RFLP data, in conjunction with previously published molecular, morphological, and anthropological information, suggest that coastal Yucatan populations are truly wild rather than reestablished feral derivatives. The geographical proximity of these wild coastal populations to agronomically primitive forms of G. hirsutum implicates the Yucatan peninsula as the primary site for the earliest stages of domestication. Agronomically advanced cultigens developed in southern Mexico and Guatemala appear to have been derived from introduced Yucatan peninsular forms, thereby creating the secondary center of diversity that has traditionally been interpreted as the geographical point of origin of domesticated G. hirsutum. The gene pool of modern, improved (Upland) cultivars derives from Mexican highland populations that, in turn, trace their origins to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Gossypium hirsutum is the first tetraploid perennial surveyed for RFLP variation. Levels of RFLP variation in G. hirsutum (HT = 0.048, A = 1.24, and P = 22%) are low relative to other plant taxa, and, in contrast to the few comparable studies, levels of allozyme variation are higher than levels of RFLP variation. Despite assaying 205 loci, only six of the 23 Upland cultivars were found to have unique multilocus genotypes.  相似文献   

Although two plastid regions have been adopted as the standard markers for plant DNA barcoding, their limited resolution has provoked the consideration of other gene regions, especially in taxonomically diverse genera. The genus Gossypium (cotton) includes eight diploid genome groups (A–G, and K) and five allotetraploid species which are difficult to discriminate morphologically. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of three widely used markers (matK, rbcL, and ITS2) in the discrimination of 20 diploid and five tetraploid species of cotton. Sequences were analysed locus‐wise and in combinations to determine the most effective strategy for species identification. Sequence recovery was high, ranging from 92% to 100% with mean pairwise interspecific distance highest for ITS2 (3.68%) and lowest for rbcL (0.43%). At a 0.5% threshold, the combination of matK+ITS2 produced the greatest number of species clusters. Based on ‘best match’ analysis, the combination of matK+ITS2 was best, while based on ‘all species barcodes’ analysis, ITS2 gave the highest percentage of correct species identifications (98.93%). The combination of sequences for all three markers produced the best resolved tree. The disparity index test based on matK+rbcL+ITS2 was significant (< 0.05) for a higher number of species pairs than the individual gene sequences. Although all three barcodes separated the species with respect to their genome type, no single combination of barcodes could differentiate all the Gossypium species, and tetraploid species were particularly difficult.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense), 237 commonly mapped SSR markers covering the cotton genome were used to genotype 56 sea-island cotton accessions. A total of 218 polymorphic primer pairs (91.98%) amplified 361 loci, with a mean of 1.66 loci. Polymorphism information content values of the SSR primers ranged from 0.035 to 0.862, with a mean of 0.320. The highest mean polymorphism information content value for the SSR motifs was from a compound motif (0.402), and for the chromosomes it was Chr10 (0.589); the highest ratio of polymorphic primers in Xinjiang accessions was from Chr21 (83.33%). Genetic diversity was high in Xinjiang accessions. AMOVA showed that variation was 8 and 92% among populations and within populations, respectively. The 56 sea-island accessions were divided into three groups in the UPGMA dendrogram: Xinhai5 was in the first group; accessions from Xinjiang, except the five main ones, were in the second group, and the other 34 accessions were in the third group. Accessions from the former Soviet Union and Xinjiang main accessions were closely related. Both PCA and UPGMA confirmed that Xinhai5 was distinct from the other accessions, and accessions from Xinjiang were in an independent group. Given the differences between principal components analysis and UPGMA results, it is necessary to combine molecular markers and pedigree information so that genetic diversity can be objectively analyzed.  相似文献   

Gossypium mustelinum, one of five tetraploid species in the cotton genus, is geographically restricted to a few states in NE Brazil. Allozyme analysis was used to assess levels and patterns of genetic diversity inG. mustelinum and its relationship to the other tetraploid species. Genetic variation was low, with only 6 of 50 loci examined being polymorphic, a mean of 1.14 alleles per locus and a mean panmictic heterozygosity of 0.08. These estimates are low relative to other tetraploid cotton species, but are typical of island endemics. Interpopulational genetic identities were uniformly high, lending support to the concept of there being only one wild species of Brazilian cotton. The limited allelic diversity observed was correlated with geographical distribution, although variability is so limited in the species that geographically marginal populations are electrophoretically ordinary. Phylogenetic and phenetic analyses demonstrate thatG. mustelinum is isolated among polyploid cotton species, occupying one of the three basal clades resulting from an early radiation of polyploid taxa subsequent to polyploid formation. We suggest thatG. mustelinum represents a paleoendemic that presently exists as a series of widely scattered, relictual populations. Despite several centuries of sympatric cultivation ofG. barbadense andG. hirsutum, there was little evidence of interspecific introgression of alleles from cultivated cottons intoG. mustelinum.  相似文献   

Cicer L. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) consists of 42 species of herbaceous or semi-shrubby annuals and perennials distributed throughout the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. The origin and geographical relationships of the genus are poorly understood. We studied the geographical diversification and phylogenetic relationships of Cicer using DNA sequence data sampled from two plastid regions, trnK / matK and trnS - trnG , and two nuclear regions, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, from 30 species. The results from the phylogenetic analyses of combined nuclear and chloroplast sequence data revealed four well-supported geographical groups: a Middle Eastern group, a West-Central Asian group, an Aegean–Mediterranean group, and an African group. Age estimates for Cicer based on methods that do not assume a molecular clock (for example, penalized likelihood) demonstrate that the genus has a Mediterranean origin with considerable diversification in the Miocene/Pliocene epochs. Geological events, such as mountain orogenesis and environmental changes, are major factors for the dispersal of Cicer species. The early divergence of African species and their geographically distinct region in the genus suggest a broader distribution pattern of the genus in the past than at present.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 154 , 175–186.  相似文献   

American diploid cottons (Gossypium L., subgenus Houzingenia Fryxell) form a monophyletic group of 13 species distributed mainly in western Mexico, extending into Arizona, Baja California, and with one disjunct species each in the Galapagos Islands and Peru. Prior phylogenetic analyses based on an alcohol dehydrogenase gene (AdhA) and nuclear ribosomal DNA indicated the need for additional data from other molecular markers to resolve phylogenetic relationships within this subgenus. Toward this end, we sequenced three nuclear genes, the anonymous locus A1341, an alcohol dehydrogenase gene (AdhC), and a cellulose synthase gene (CesA1b). Independent and combined analyses resolved clades that are congruent with current taxonomy and previous phylogenies. Our analyses diagnose at least two long distance dispersal events from the Mexican mainland to Baja California, following a rapid radiation of the primary lineages early in the diversification of the subgenus. Molecular data support the proposed recognition of a new species closely related to Gossypium laxum that was recently collected in Mexico.  相似文献   

<正>Nelumbonaceae is a morphologically unique family of angiosperms and was traditionally placed in Nymphaeales;more recently,it was placed in Proteales based on molecular data,or in an order of its own,Nelumbonales. To determine the systematic position of the family and to date the divergence time of the family and the divergence time of its two intercontinentally disjunct species,we sequenced the entire chloroplast genome of Nelumbo lutea and most of the chloroplast genes of,N.nucifera.We carried out phylogenetic and molecular dating analyses of the two species and representatives of 47 other plant families,representing the major lineages of angiosperms, using 83 plastid genes.The N.lutea genome was 163 510 bp long,with a total of 130 coding genes and an overall GC content of 38%.No significant structural differences among the genomes of N.lutea,Nymphaea alba, and Platanus occidentalis were observed.The phylogenetic relationships based on the 83 plastid genes revealed a close relationship between Nelumbonaceae and Platanaceae.The divergence times were estimated to be 109 Ma between the two families and 1.5 Ma between the two Nelumbo species.The estimated time was only slightly longer than the age of known Nelumbo fossils,suggesting morphological stasis within Nelumbonaceae.We conclude that Nelumbonaceae holds a position in or close to Proteales.We further conclude that the two species of Nelumbo diverged recently from a common ancestor and do not represent ancient relicts on different continents.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers previously developed for domesticated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum; tetraploid) were screened for their utility in investigating genetic structure and gene flow within G. davidsonii and five other wild, Mexican, D-genome cotton species (all diploid). ? Methods and Results: We screened 50 microsatellite primer pairs from the Cotton Marker Database, identifying 10 loci as polymorphic within G. davidsonii. In genotyping approximately 200 individuals from four populations, we found that the number of alleles per locus ranged from seven to 17, and mean observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.145 to 0.492 and from 0.436 to 0.734, respectively. We genotyped six to 20 individuals from each of the remaining species, finding these 10 loci to cross-amplify in all cases and in most cases to be polymorphic. ? Conclusions: These markers may be useful for further investigation of population genetics of G. davidsonii and other wild D-genome cotton species.  相似文献   

Two cotton vacuolar-invertase genes were identified and sequenced. Both genes had seven exons, including an unusually small second exon typical of acid invertases. These genes encode peptides with many features shared by acid invertases from other species including, leader sequences that probably target the peptide to the vacuole, active site motifs and substrate binding motifs. Expression analyses indicated that one of the genes was expressed in roots during the starch filling stage of development. However, expression of the same gene fluctuated during the starch utilization stage of development. Therefore this gene was unlikely to play a role in determining sink strength of this tissue. Both genes were expressed in elongating fibers where they were likely to play a role in cell expansion. The invertase gene uniquely expressed in fiber had a simple sequence repeat (SSR) in the third intron that was polymorphic among various cotton species. An EST was identified with an expansion of the SSR that included the third intron indicating this SSR is associated with a splice variant. The polymorphic SSR may be useful in investigating the function of this gene in fiber development.  相似文献   

Tang, Q.‐Y., Liu, S.‐Q., Yu, D., Liu, H.‐Z. & Danley, P.D. (2012) Mitochondrial capture and incomplete lineage sorting in the diversification of balitorine loaches (Cypriniformes, Balitoridae) revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear genes. —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 233–247. Understanding the diversification of species is a central goal of evolutionary biological studies. One powerful tool to investigate the speciation process is molecular systematics. Here, we use molecular methods to investigate the evolution of balitorine loaches belonging to two genera, Lepturichthys and Jinshaia. Both genera contain only two species (Lepturichthys fimbriata, Lepturichthys dolichopterus and Jinshaia sinensis and Jinshaia abbreviata), all of which are endemic to China. These species share many morphological and ecological characters and exhibit overlapping distributions in the Upper Yangtze River. In this study, we used two mitochondrial genes (Cytb and COI) and one nuclear gene (RAG1) to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within and between these two genera. Phylogenetic analyses and network construction based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes consistently supported the monophyly of Jinshaia. In contrast, the mitochondrial and nuclear genes yielded conflicting results in Lepturichthys. The phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial sequences identify two distinct Lepturichthys lineages, Lepturichthys A and Lepturichthys B. Lepturichthys A includes most of L. fimbriata individuals from the Upper Yangtze River and is the sister group to all Jinshaia species. Lepturichthys B consists of the remaining L. fimbriata individuals from the Upper and Middle Yangtze River, and all L. dolichopterus individuals from the Minjiang River in Southeastern China. However, the analysis of the nuclear sequence indicates that the genus Lepturichthys is monophyletic and is only distantly related to Jinshaia. This incongruence suggests that introgressive hybridization might have occurred between L. fimbriata (Lepturichthys A) and Jinshaia species. As a result of this hybridization event, L. fimbriata captured the mitochondrial genome of the sympatric Jinshaia species. This capture event appears to have occurred at least 1.74 million years ago. Additionally, L. fimbriata appears to be paraphyletic; the nuclear data indicated that L. dolichopterus forms a monophyletic clade nested within L. fimbriata. Because L. dolichopterus and L. fimbriata are allopatric and hybridization may not be possible, we suggest that the observed paraphyly of L. fimbriata is a product of incomplete lineage sorting. In addition, the reciprocal monophyly of J. sinensis and J. abbreviata could not be resolved. This may be the result of interspecific hybridization as these species occur sympatrically. However, incomplete lineage sorting may have caused the observed topology of the Jinshaia species. The data presented here illustrate the complex evolutionary history of the balitorine loach species: intergeneric hybridization and interspecific hybridization have likely occurred in this lineage. In addition, possible incomplete lineage sorting may further obscure the evolutionary history of this group. The complex relationships of the balitorine loaches provide a rich evolutionary system to study the creation of sympatric and sister species.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic analyses provide a framework for examining the evolution of morphological and molecular diversity, interpreting patterns in biogeography, and achieving a stable classification. The generic and suprageneric relationships within mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are poorly resolved, making these subjects difficult to address.  相似文献   

Patterns of interspecific cytoplasmic (plastid and mitochondrial) and nuclear introgression are typically asymmetrical: cytoplasmic gene flow or “capture” is frequently observed without evidence of nuclear introgression. In contrast, nuclear introgression without concomitant cytoplasmic introgression has rarely been demonstrated. Gossypium barbadense L. and G. hirsutum L. have large indigenous ranges in the New World semiarid tropics, with an extensive area of sympatry in the Caribbean and Central America. Numerous accessions of both species were surveyed for diagnostic cpDNA restriction sites. These data, in conjunction with previous information on nuclear markers, lead to several conclusions: 1) introgression between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense is bidirectional for both nuclear and cytoplasmic genes; 2) patterns of introgression between the two species are not symmetrical—in G. barbadense, introgression of G. hirsutum alleles is largely restricted to modem cultivars and is uncommon in areas of sympatry; in contrast, introgression of G. barbadense alleles into G. hirsutum is relatively common in areas of sympatry and is rare in modem cultivars; 3) nuclear introgression is geographically more widespread and more frequently detected than cytoplasmic introgression. Several mechanisms may underlie the differential patterns of cytoplasmic and nuclear gene flow observed, including differential fitness of infraspecific and interspecific cytonuclear combinations and selection against female function in interspecific backcrosses. Possible explanations for the observed asymmetrical patterns of introgression include differences in population sizes combined with phenological differences that bias interspecific pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Paul A. Fryxell 《Brittonia》1971,23(3):231-237
Dendrosida, here described as new, comprises three taxa:D. batesii Fryxell,D. sharpiana (Miranda) Fryxell ssp.sharpiana, andD. sharpiana ssp.occidentalis Fryxell. The genus is interpreted as a primitive representative of the tribe Malveae, and its relationship to other genera of theAbutilon alliance is discussed. An analysis of mericarp morphology in relation to seed dissemination mechanisms indicates that theAbutilon alliance may be divided into an Abutiloid and a Sidoid group.Dendrosida is included in the latter.  相似文献   

Cotton is under the constant threat of leaf curl virus, which is a major constraint for successful production of cotton in the Pakistan. A total of 3338 cotton genotypes belonging to different research stations were screened, but none were found to be resistant against the Burewala strain of cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV). We explored the possibility of transferring virus-resistant genes from Gossypium arboreum (2n = 26) into G. hirsutum (2n = 52) through conventional breeding techniques. Hybridization was done manually between an artificial autotetraploid of G. arboreum and an allotetraploid G. hirsutum, under field conditions. Boll shedding was controlled by application of exogenous hormones, 50 mg/L gibberellic acid and 100 mg/L naphthalene acetic acid. Percentage pollen viability in F(1) hybrids was 1.90% in 2(G. arboreum) x G. hirsutum and 2.38% in G. hirsutum x G. arboreum. Cytological studies of young buds taken from the F(1) hybrids confirmed that they all were sterile. Resistance against CLCuV in the F(1) hybrids was assessed through grafting, using the hybrid plant as the scion; the stock was a virus susceptible cotton plant, tested under field and greenhouse conditions. All F(1) cotton hybrids showed resistance against CLCuV, indicating that it is possible to transfer resistant genes from the autotetraploid of the diploid donor specie G. arboreum into allotetraploid G. hirsutum through conventional breeding, and durable resistance against CLCuV can then be deployed in the field.  相似文献   

The cell cycle in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fibers is poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cell cycle status and DNA content in developing cotton fibers. The DNA content and cell cycle distribution in fiber and hypocotyl cells were determined by flow cytometry. Expression levels of minichrosomal maintenance protein (mcm), cyclin B, and a retinoblastoma-like protein (rb) genes were determined with real-time PCR in fibers and dividing and nondividing tissues. No endoreduplication occurred, nor did genome size or percentage of G1-phase nuclei differ between hypocotyls and fibers. Approximately 13 and 17% of fiber nuclei were in the S phase in 14 days after anthesis (d) fibers and 25 d fibers, respectively. The mcm and cyclin B were expressed at higher levels in fibers than in mature leaves, but expression levels in fibers were less than 15% of meristematic tissues. Rb was expressed in fibers at levels less than 50% of mature leaves or meristematic tissues. Based on an apparent increase in S-phase cells as fibers mature and the low level of expression of genes associated with cell cycle progression, we conclude that S-phase arrest occurs in developing cotton fiber.  相似文献   

? Premise of study: To reliably identify lineages below the species level such as subspecies or varieties, we propose an extension to DNA-barcoding using next-generation sequencing to produce whole organellar genomes and substantial nuclear ribosomal sequence. Because this method uses much longer versions of the traditional DNA-barcoding loci in the plastid and ribosomal DNA, we call our approach ultra-barcoding (UBC). ? Methods: We used high-throughput next-generation sequencing to scan the genome and generate reliable sequence of high copy number regions. Using this method, we examined whole plastid genomes as well as nearly 6000 bases of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences for nine genotypes of Theobroma cacao and an individual of the related species T. grandiflorum, as well as an additional publicly available whole plastid genome of T. cacao. ? Key results: All individuals of T. cacao examined were uniquely distinguished, and evidence of reticulation and gene flow was observed. Sequence variation was observed in some of the canonical barcoding regions between species, but other regions of the chloroplast were more variable both within species and between species, as were ribosomal spacers. Furthermore, no single region provides the level of data available using the complete plastid genome and rDNA. ? Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that UBC is a viable, increasingly cost-effective approach for reliably distinguishing varieties and even individual genotypes of T. cacao. This approach shows great promise for applications where very closely related or interbreeding taxa must be distinguished.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of leaf morphology in tetraploid Gossypium (cotton)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Molecular markers were used to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTLs) determining cotton leaf morphology and other traits, in 180 F2 plants from an interspecific cross between a Gossypium hirsutum genotype carrying four morphological mutants, and a wild-type Gossypium barbadense. The prominent effects of a single region of chromosome 15, presumably the classical ”Okra-leaf” locus, were modified by QTLs on several other chromosomes affecting leaf size and shape. For most traits, each parent contained some alleles with positive effects and others with negative effects, suggesting a large potential for adapting leaf size and shape to the needs of particular production regimes. Twenty one QTLs/loci were found for the morphological traits at LOD≥3.0 and P≤0.001, among which 14 (63.6%) mapped to D-subgenome chromosomes. Forty one more possible QTLs/loci were suggested with 2.0≤LOD<3.0 and 0.001<P≤0.01. Among all of the 62 possible QTLs (found at LOD≥2.0 and P≤0.01) for the 14 morphological traits in this study, 38 (61.3%) mapped to D-subgenome chromosomes. This reinforces the findings of several other studies in suggesting that the D-subgenome of tetraploid cotton has been subject to a relatively greater rate of evolution than the A-subgenome, subsequent to polyploid formation. Received: 26 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

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