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On the falsifiability of the nested clade phylogeographic analysis method   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

The geological and climatic oscillations influenced the geographic distribution and demography of most present-day species, but few studies have investigated evolutionary history of species adapted to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Here, using sequence datasets obtained from three chloroplast DNA fragments (trnH-psbA, trnS-trnG, and trnL-F) from 320 individuals belonging to 24 natural populations, we investigated the phylogeographical history of Tacca chantrieri, which inhabits Southeast Asian tropical forests. Although relatively high level of differentiation among the populations were observed, mismatch distribution and neutrality tests showed no evidence of recent demographic population expansion. Phylogenetic inference exhibited two identified population groups showing a disjunctive distribution of dominant haplotypes. The split in cpDNA was largely consistent with the Tanaka line and Red River geographically. Molecular clock estimations revealed that the two lineages diverged during Pleistocene approximately 1.16 Ma. Therefore, the disjunct distribution of T.chantrieri could be explained by both the vicariance caused by Red River as well as ecological barriers caused by the different monsoon climates (Southwest monsoon vs. Southeast monsoon) that developed during the Pleistocene. The Tanaka line can be considered as a climatically driven barrier that influenced present-day plant dispersal.  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy concerning the fate of Alpine plants during Pleistocene glaciations. While some studies have found evidence for nunatak survival, others have explained the present genetic patterns by survival only in peripheral refugia. We investigated 75 populations of high alpine Ranunculus glacialis from its entire Alpine distribution. Phylogeographical analyses of AFLP data revealed four groups of populations. Two of them, located in the western Alps, were genetically isolated from each other and from the eastern groups, whereas the two eastern Alpine groups were genetically more similar to each other. This suggests longer isolation and/or lower levels of gene flow in the two western groups. As all groups are close to, or overlap with, presumed glacial refugia, invoking glacial survival on nunataks is unnecessary to explain the present genetic pattern. Similar to the phylogeographical patterns of R. glacialis , the previously investigated alpine Phyteuma globulariifolium and Androsace alpina , which are also confined to siliceous bedrock, showed strong geographical affinities to peripheral refugial areas and there were large-scale congruencies in the location of these refugia for all three species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 183–195.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic, nested clade, and mismatch analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to infer the temporal dynamics of distributional and demographic history of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Both new and previously published data were analyzed for 1,794 trout from 174 populations. This combined analysis improved our knowledge of the complex evolutionary history of brown trout throughout its native Eurasian and North African range of distribution in many ways. It confirmed the existence of five major evolutionary lineages that evolved in geographic isolation during the Pleistocene and have remained largely allopatric since then. These should be recognized as the basic evolutionarily significant units within brown trout. Finer phylogeographic structuring was also resolved within major lineages. Contrasting temporal juxtaposition of different evolutionary factors and timing of major demographic expansions were observed among lineages. These unique evolutionary histories have been shaped both by the differential latitudinal impact of glaciations on habitat loss and potential for dispersal, as well as climatic impacts and landscape heterogeneity that translated in a longitudinal pattern of genetic diversity and population structuring at more southern latitudes. This study also provided evidence for the role of biological factors in addition to that of physical isolation in limiting introgressive hybridization among major trout lineages.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of RAE180 satellite DNA family in the North American endemic dioecious plant Rumex hastatulus. In this species, the Texas race is characterized by a single XX/XY sex chromosome system, whereas the North Carolina race has evolved a derived complex XX/XY(1)Y(2) sex chromosome system. RAE180 repeats were autosomic and poorly represented (2 × 10(-4)% of the genome) with no differences between individuals of different genders or different races of R. hastatulus. In fact, the sex chromosomes of the North Carolina race are still euchromatic, and they have not accumulated satellite DNA sequences, which contrasts with that occurring in the rest of dioecious XX/XY(1)Y(2) Rumex species. In R. hastatulus, we detected the existence of three RAE180 subfamilies. Notwithstanding, while in the Texas race the TX1/NC1 subfamily is the most frequent, the TX2/NC2 subfamily is the most abundant in the North Carolina race. Additionally, the third, less represented subfamily (TX3/NC3) appears currently as relict sequences in both genomes. A common feature of RAE180 satellite is the sudden replacement of one sequence variant by another in different species (or populations as in R. hastatulus races). Thus, the phylogenetic analysis of RAE180 repeats from six dioecious Rumex species supports the "library" hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, we assume that a set of divergent RAE180 variants were present in the ancestral genome of dioecious Rumex species, from which novel tandem arrays originated by the amplification of different variants in different lineages. Differential levels of RAE180 satellite DNA amplification in each lineage, at different evolutionary times, and in different chromosomal positions gave rise to differential patterns of sequence evolution.  相似文献   

Rumex bucephalophorus is a very polymorphic species that has been subjected to various taxonomic studies in which diverse infraspecific taxa have been recognised on the basis of diaspore traits. In this study we used molecular markers (ITS and AFLP) to explore this remarkable diversity, to test previous hypotheses of classification, and attempt to explain biogeographic patterns. Results show that R. bucephalophorus forms a monophyletic group in which diversification began around 4.2 Mya, at the end of Messinian Salinity Crisis. The two molecular markers clearly show a deep divergence separating subsp. bucephalophorus from all other subspecific taxa, among which subsp. canariensis also constitutes a separate and well distinguishable unit. In contrast, subspecies hispanicus and subsp. gallicus constitute a monophyletic group in which three subgroups can be recognised: subsp. hispanicus, subsp. gallicus var. gallicus and subsp. gallicus var. subaegeus. However, these three subgroups are not clearly distinguished genetically or morphologically, so that in formal classification it would be preferable to treat them at the varietal level.  相似文献   

Mardulyn P 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(7):1751-1763
The pattern of genetic variation in the leaf beetle Gonioctena pallida was investigated inside the Vosges mountains using a highly variable 363 bp DNA fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Sequencing of 242 individuals, sampled in a geographical area of 100 x 40 km, identified 61 haplotypes whose genealogy was inferred. The resulting haplotype network exhibits four star-like phylogenies, two of which may be indicative of a population having recently expanded in size from a small number of founders. Nested clade analysis suggested multiple past expansion events, but also isolation by distance and possibly past fragmentation events, as the causes of the detected geographical associations of haplotypes. These results indicate the existence of effective barriers to gene flow inside the investigated area. Because the oldest demographic events inferred in the nested clade analysis were identified as expansion events, we hypothesize that a small population of founders have expanded not only in size, but also in geographical range from the south towards the north and east of the Vosges.  相似文献   

The distribution of the lizard Lacerta schreiberi is likely to have been severely affected by the climatic cycles that have influenced the Iberian Peninsula. Information about the species ecology and Iberian physiogeography was used to generate specific hypotheses about episodes of colonization and subsequent population persistence. These hypotheses generated predictions about the distribution of genetic variation, which were tested using nested clade analysis (NCA) supplemented by analysis of molecular variance (amova). Two predictions were confirmed by NCA; that is those that specified multiple and allopatric refugia. However, the remaining three predictions were not corroborated by the analyses. Firstly, a simple analysis of the distribution of genetic variability failed to detect an expected difference in the pattern of colonization between the inland mountain system and the coastal region. Moreover, while NCA did detect the expected genetic pattern in southern coastal populations, it was explained in terms of long-distance migration, which seems implausible because of the extent of unsuitable habitat. A more likely cause of the pattern is population fragmentation and a reduction in population size caused during the Holocene. Finally, NCA also failed to detect a northwestern population expansion, which is supported by other evidence. We conclude that NCA has a limited ability to detect range expansion led by individuals with more ancestral (interior) haplotypes.  相似文献   

Díaz Gómez JM 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26412
Establishing the ancestral ranges of distribution of a monophyletic clade, called the ancestral area, is one of the central objectives of historical biogeography. In this study, I used three common methodologies to establish the ancestral area of an important clade of Neotropical lizards, the family Liolaemidae. The methods used were: Fitch optimization, Weighted Ancestral Area Analysis and Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis (DIVA). A main difference from previous studies is that the areas used in the analysis are defined based on actual distributions of the species of Liolaemidae, instead of areas defined arbitrarilyor based on other taxa. The ancestral area of Liolaemidae found by Fitch optimization is Prepuna on Argentina, Central Chile and Coastal Peru. Weighted Ancestral Area Analysis found Central Chile, Coquimbo, Payunia, Austral Patagonia and Coastal Peru. Dispersal-Vicariance analysis found an ancestral area that includes almost all the areas occupied by Liolaemidae, except Atacama, Coquimbo and Austral Patagonia. The results can be resumed on two opposing hypothesis: a restricted ancestral area for the ancestor of Liolaemidae in Central Chile and Patagonia, or a widespread ancestor distributed along the Andes. Some limitations of the methods were identified, for example the excessive importance of plesiomorphic areas in the cladograms.  相似文献   

Developmental preformation is ubiquitous among alpine and arctic tundra plant species and may cause a delay in plant morphological responses to environmental variation. The duration of preformation and seasonal pattern of development were examined in Caltha leptosepala to identify characteristics of architecture and development that may influence the timing of plant responses to environmental cues, both within a single growing season and between years. All structures in C. leptosepala are preformed: leaves are initiated one or two growing seasons before they mature and flowers are initiated one growing season before maturation. Features of development and architecture in C. leptosepala, however, appear to differ from the determinate growth patterns of other exclusively preforming species, and may allow within-season variability in the seasonal development and maturation of structures. Cohorts of leaves initiated are asynchronous with maturation cohorts, and each year the number of leaf primordia per plant at snowmelt exceeds the number to mature aboveground. Therefore, some flexibility in whether leaves complete a 2-yr or 3-yr developmental trajectory might occur. Plasticity in reproductive phenotype might also occur via the process of floral abortion. Despite developmental characteristics that might facilitate the expression of phenotypic plasticity, only slight variability was observed in the duration of preformation or in the seasonal pattern of initiation and emergence of structures. Growth patterns of C. leptosepala thus appear to be fundamentally constrained, and limitations to annual growth may assure that sufficient preformed primordia remain belowground at the end of each growing season for maturation of a full cohort during the subsequent season.  相似文献   

This is the first mitochondrial phylogeography of the common dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758), a hibernating rodent strictly protected in Europe (Habitat Directive, annex IV; Bern Convention, annex III). The 84 individuals of M. avellanarius, sampled throughout the distributional range of the species, have been sequenced at the mitochondrial DNA gene (cytochrome b, 704 base pairs). The results revealed two highly divergent lineages, with an ancient separation around 7.7 Mya and a genetic divergence of 7.7%. Lineage 1 occurs in Western Europe (France, Belgium, and Switzerland) and Italy, and lineage 2 occurs in Central–Northern Europe (Poland, Germany, Latvia, and Lithuania), on the Balkan Peninsula, and in Turkey. Furthermore, these two lineages are subdivided into five sublineages genetically isolated with a strong geographical association. Therefore, lineage 1 branches into two further sublineages (Western European and Italian), whereas lineage 2 contained three sublineages (Central–Northern European, Turkish, and Balkan). We observed low genetic diversity within the sublineages, in contrast to the significant level of genetic differentiation between them. The understanding of genetic population structure is essential for identifying units to be conserved. Therefore, these results may have important implications for M. avellanarius conservation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 648–664.  相似文献   

R. Li  W. Chen  L. Tu  & J. Fu 《Journal of Zoology》2009,277(4):309-316
At high altitude, rivers may function as barriers for amphibians. We examined 21 populations of Scutiger boulengeri from the Hengduan Mountains with 1038 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences. The haplotypes of S. boulengeri formed three clades on the gene tree, and each clade was restricted to one mountain ridge separated by two major river systems, the Yalong River and the Dadu River. The vicariant pattern of the gene tree suggests that these rivers functioned as effective barriers during population differentiation. On the other hand, mountain ridges may have facilitated amphibian movement. Populations within the uninterrupted mountain ranges of clades II and III, revealed little genetic structure. The northern clade I, harboured a substantial amount of genetic variation, which might be the consequence of the rugged terrain and heterogeneous habitat of this area. Furthermore, one outgroup species, Scutiger glandulatus , formed the fourth clade and nested within S. boulengeri , suggesting that S. boulengeri is likely a paraphyletic species or a species complex.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in pipevine swallowtail butterflies ( Battus philenor ) from throughout its extant range to provide a historical, phylogeographical context for ecological studies of the disjunct population in California. We evaluate current hypotheses regarding host plant use, behavior, and mimetic relationships of B. philenor populations and generate alternative hypotheses. Compared to populations throughout the rest of the species' range, California populations are ecologically distinct in that they lack mimics, lay significantly larger clutches of eggs, and exclusively use a unique, endemic larval host plant. Analysis of molecular variance, tests of population differentiation, and nested clade analysis of mtDNA variation indicate that, despite low levels of population genetic structure across the species' range, there is evidence of recent range expansion from presumed Pleistocene refuge(s) in southeastern North America. Colonization of California appears to have been a recent event. This phylogeographic investigation also suggests that the evolution of life-history adaptations to a novel larval host has occurred rapidly in California and the lack of mimics in California may be attributable to the recency of colonization.  相似文献   

In order to assess the utility of nested clade analysis, both standard phylogenetic algorithms and nested clade analysis were performed on a geographically widespread survey of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of the bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri, within Taiwan. Gross tree topologies were congruent for all analyses and indicated the presence of two geographically overlapping clades within Taiwan. The smaller lineage was restricted to the north and east coasts, whereas the larger lineage occupied all but the northern range of the species within Taiwan including the Pacific offshore populations of Green and Orchid Islands. The phylogeographical pattern supports the existence of at least one colonization event from the continent since the initial isolation of Taiwan from the mainland in the Pliocene. However, determining the exact number of colonization events was not possible due to the simultaneous vicariant forces of hypothesized continental landbridge connections and the occurrence of dramatic in situ orogenesis throughout the Pleistocene. Nested clade analysis provided multiple temporal and spatial population historical inferences that are not possible with standard analyses and therefore should become widely applied to future phylogeographical studies.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns of reproductive and vegetative biomass allocation were compared in male and female plants of the alpine herb Aciphylla simplicifolia. Male and female plants had similar vegetative biomass but differed in the pattern of resource allocation. Inflorescences of males and females were similar in weight at the time of flowering, but differed in biomass allocation to some structures within the inflorescences, particularly those associated with ovule production and pollinator attraction (number and size of flowers). At the time of fruit production, female inflorescences were 2.6 times heavier than at flowering with developing fruit six times heavier than flowers. In addition to the increase in biomass allocated to structures associated with the provisioning and dissemination of seed, support structures (main and side stalks) were also heavier. As a result of this additional investment of resources at the time of fruit production, the reproductive effort (RE) of female plants was much higher than that of males: 37% of above ground biomass compared with 21% for males. Differences in RE did not change with plant size; however, allocation to reproduction appeared to be a constant proportion of biomass over nearly all plant sizes sampled. These results show that sex‐specific resource allocation can be a complex of temporal and morphological patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract .The nested clade analysis can be extremely useful in testing for an association between genetic variation and geography and in explaining these observed patterns in terms of historical or contemporary population processes. The strength of this method lies in its ability to test a variety of processes simultaneously under a rigorous statistical framework. Indeed, many recent studies have used the nested analysis in a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic taxa. However, it has been suggested that riverine, riparian, or coastal species may be better examined using river (or coastal) distances rather than the standard geographic (great circle) distances among populations. It is thought that the standard geographic distances may not adequately describe the actual distances involved between populations of species inhabiting these one-dimensional (riverine) habitats. Therefore, we analyzed population data from an Ozark crayfish, Orconectes luteus , to examine the effects on the results of a nested clade analysis using river distances. In most cases, the haplotypes detected in this crayfish were unique to a particular drainage or a group of neighboring drainages, indicating very little movement of individuals among drainages. Five major population groups were detected, corresponding to many of the major river drainages sampled in this study. The two types of distance analyses obtain similar results for higher-level (older) clades, but differ in many of the inferences made for lower-level (younger) clades. However, we suggest that the comparison of both types of analyses for riverine species may enhance the process of elucidating historical and contemporary population processes, especially in cases where the transfer of individuals among different drainages are involved.  相似文献   

The pantropical genus Pterocarpus (Leguminosae: Dalbergieae) with papilionoid flowers, and allied genera in the Pterocarpus clade were sampled for the five molecular markers ITS2, trnL-F, ndhF-rpL32, matK, and rbcL, as part of our ongoing systematic studies in the clade. For wider analyses of the Pterocarpus clade the remaining 14 members of this clade were also sampled for matK. Phylogenetic analyses were performed under the maximum likelihood criterion (ML) and Bayesian criteria. In the five-marker analysis of the core Pterocarpus clade (including 106 accessions) two robustly supported clades were resolved. The first clade includes Centrolobium, Etaballia, Inocarpus, Maraniona, Paramachaerium, Pterocarpus, Ramorinoa, and Tipuana. The second includes all species of Pterocarpus (except P. acapulcensis), Etaballia with radially symmetric flowers, and Paramachaerium. Paramachaerium is placed as sister to the several Pterocarpus species from South America, while Etaballia is resolved within the clade containing the African and Asian species of Pterocarpus. The wider sampled matK data set includes 199 accessions. Discolobium and Riedeliella are recovered as sister to the remaining Pterocarpus clade. Platymiscium is strongly supported as sister to the rest of the members of the clade, and Pterocarpus acapulcensis is also here resolved in a separate lineage from the remaining Pterocarpus accessions. We used the phylogenies to investigate patterns of floral evolvability in the Pterocarpus clade, which include four genera with actinomorphic flowers (Acosmium s.s., Etaballia, Inocarpus and Riedelliela). Our results reinforce the hypothesis that flower evolvability is high in early-branching legume lineages, and that actinomorphy has evolved independently four times in the Pterocarpus clade. In light of our results, the taxonomic status of the monospecific genus Etaballia dubia Benth. was revisited, and the species is synonymized as belonging to Pterocarpus, under the name Pterocarpus dubius Spreng., published in 1827, but hiding in synonymy for nearly two centuries.  相似文献   

Sequence data assembly is a foundational step in high-throughput sequencing, with untold consequences for downstream analyses. Despite this, few studies have interrogated the many methods for assembling phylogenomic UCE data for their comparative efficacy, or for how outputs may be impacted. We study this by comparing the most commonly used assembly methods for UCEs in the under-studied bee lineage Nomiinae and a representative sampling of relatives. Data for 63 UCE-only and 75 mixed taxa were assembled with five methods, including ABySS, HybPiper, SPAdes, Trinity and Velvet, and then benchmarked for their relative performance in terms of locus capture parameters and phylogenetic reconstruction. Unexpectedly, Trinity and Velvet trailed the other methods in terms of locus capture and DNA matrix density, whereas SPAdes performed favourably in most assessed metrics. In comparison with SPAdes, the guided-assembly approach HybPiper generally recovered the highest quality loci but in lower numbers. Based on our results, we formally move Clavinomia to Dieunomiini and render Epinomia once more a subgenus of Dieunomia. We strongly advise that future studies more closely examine the influence of assembly approach on their results, or, minimally, use better-performing assembly methods such as SPAdes or HybPiper. In this way, we can move forward with phylogenomic studies in a more standardized, comparable manner.  相似文献   

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