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Genetic variation in life history traits has important consequences for life-history evolution. Here we report the results of a greenhouse experiment investigating the broad sense genetic basis of variation in life history traits within and among five populations of Campanula americana distributed along a latitudinal gradient. The populations exhibit differentiation for a number of morphological traits (seed weight, number of branches, final plant size, number of capsules) and the phenological traits, days to emergence, days to bolting, the onset of flowering, and the duration of flowering. Families within populations differed only in days to emergence and seed weight. These results suggest that the life history differences among populations are genetically based. In addition, two life history types—winter annuals and biennials—have previously been reported from natural populations of Campanula americana. This experiment identified a third type—summer annuals from the Florida population.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - After several decades of research, dynamics and patterns of mating system in floral evolution remain incompletely understood, especially with regards to strategies that...  相似文献   

The correct name of the species currently called Campanula canescens or C. benthamii in Asian floristic literature is shown to be C. dimorphantha . The distribution of the species is mapped and its occurrence in both Africa and Asia is confirmed. Both cleistogamous and normal flowers may be produced in plants of C. dimorphantha . The adaptive significance of this dimorphism is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Plastic responses to pollination and/or pollen removal may shift a flower's realized longevity closer to an optimal longevity that maximizes reproductive output per unit resource input. In particular, conditional responses to pollen removal and pollen deposition are expected in flowers of protandrous species in which the lengths of the male and female phases may be adjusted independently. We investigated plasticity in floral longevity in Campanula americana, a protandrous, insect-pollinated herb. In greenhouse studies, we found that the longevity of the morphological male phase was shortened by pollen removal and that the longevity of the morphological female phase was shortened by pollen deposition. In a natural population, male and female sexual functions saturated within a few hours of morphological gender phase onset. In contrast to theory, morphological gender phases did not terminate immediately upon saturation of sexual function. These findings are discussed in the context of current floral longevity theory.  相似文献   

Maternal environments typically influence the phenotype of their offspring. However, the effect of the paternal environment or the potential for joint effects of both parental environments on offspring characters is poorly understood. Two populations of Campanula americana, a woodland herb with a variable life history, were used to determine the influence of maternal and paternal light and nutrient environments on offspring seed characters. Families were grown in the greenhouse in three levels of light or three levels of nutrients. Crosses were conducted within each environmental gradient to produce seeds with all combinations of maternal and paternal environments. On average, increasing maternal nutrient and light levels increased seed mass and decreased percentage germination. The paternal environment affected seed mass, germination time, and percentage germination. However, the influence of the paternal environment varied across maternal environments, suggesting that paternal environmental effects should be evaluated in the context of maternal environments. Significant interactions between family and the parental environments for offspring characters suggest that parental environmental effects are genetically variable. In C. americana, the timing of germination determines life history. Therefore parental environmental effects on germination timing, and genetic variation in those parental effects, suggest that parental environments may influence life history evolution in this system.  相似文献   

To increase the accuracy of pollen capture and transfer by pollinators some plant species have developed secondary pollen presentation structures. Because the presence of secondary pollen presentation structures at the pistil may reduce the spatial separation between the sexual functions and increase the risk of self‐interference and selfing, temporal segregation of the sexual organs, triggered by visiting insects, can be expected to occur. We investigated secondary pollen presentation and the temporal dynamics of the sexual phases in combination with the physiological self‐incompatibility system in Campanula trachelium, a protandrous insect‐pollinated herb. Stylar hair retraction (male function) and curling of the stigmatic lobes (female function) were modelled using Gompertz growth functions. Finally, we performed pollination experiments in the lab and field to assess seed set and pollen limitation under natural conditions. About 68% of the total pollen load was captured by stylar hairs. Manual manipulation of the stylar hairs, mimicking pollinator visitation, significantly shortened the male phase and accelerated the female phase, resulting in a significant decline in temporal overlap between the two sexual functions. Conversely, when pollinators and/or manual manipulations were lacking, the male phase was substantially prolonged and sexual overlap was maximal. This suggests that spreading of the sexual phases and thus the risk of sexual interference are largely determined by the interaction between stylar hairs and visiting pollinators. Natural seed set was high and not pollinator limited. Overall, these results indicate that secondary pollen presentation and partial protandry resulted in efficient pollen capture, transfer and deposition.  相似文献   

Climatic constraints on insects in alpine environments have important consequences for the biology of their plant mutualists; in particular, reduced insect diversity and activity in alpine plant populations can result in pollinator-limited seed set and, potentially, in low genetic diversity. However, highly effective pollination by bumblebees in alpine populations can compensate for low visitation rates. In this study we hypothesized that, because of highly effective pollination by bumblebees, alpine populations of Campanula rotundifolia would not experience more frequent cycles of pollinator limitation than low-elevation populations and would therefore exhibit comparable levels of genetic variability and inbreeding to those found in foothill populations. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to assess genetic variability at nine putative loci in alpine and foothill populations of C. rotundifolia in Colorado. Genetic variability in C. rotundifolia was found to be comparable to that reported for other long-lived herbaceous perennials. Measures of genetic variability and fixation indices did not differ between high- and low-elevation populations and were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Nonsignificant F(ST) values indicated no genetic differentiation among all populations.  相似文献   

We studied an isolated population of Campanula rapunculus and two oligolectic bee species of Chelostoma (Megachilidae), their main pollinators. The population of C. rapunculus consisted of 2808 plants. Measurements of pollen flow showed that 3.7% of the pollen produced by a flower contribute to pollination, 95.5% was collected by bees for their offspring and 0.8% remained on the styles. Pollen analyses of brood cells of Chelostoma rapunculi revealed that females collected on average 4.9 million Campanula pollen to rear one bee. We calculated that approximately 1588 bees of this species could have been reared at the study site during the studied season. The amount of potentially viable pollen deposited on stigmas was 3.6 to 10.7 times higher than the number of ovules. We discuss morphological features of the flowers which may lower the pollen removal rate per bee visit and consequently cause a high visitation and pollination rate.The study was supported by a joint project CAPES / DAAD (Probral 112/00). We thank NaBu (Naturschutzbund) Bonn and the Untere Landschaftsbehörde Siegburg for the permission to work at the Natural Reserve Dünstekoven.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic works have begun to address long-standing questions regarding the systematics of Campanula (Campanulaceae). Yet, aspects of the evolutionary history, particularly in northwestern North America, remain unresolved. Thus, our primary goal in this study was to infer the phylogenetic positions of northwestern Campanula species within the greater Campanuloideae tree. We combined new sequence data from 5 markers (atpB, rbcL, matK, and trnL-F regions of the chloroplast and the nuclear ITS) representing 12 species of Campanula with previously published datasets for worldwide campanuloids, allowing us to include approximately 75% of North American Campanuleae in a phylogenetic analysis of the Campanuloideae. Because all but one of North American Campanula species are nested within a single campanuloid subclade (the Rapunculus clade), we conducted a separate set of analyses focused specifically on this group. Our findings show that i) the campanuloids have colonized North America at least 6 times, 4 of which led to radiations, ii) all but one North American campanuloid are nested within the Rapunculus clade, iii) in northwestern North America, a C. piperi-C. lasiocarpa ancestor gave rise to a monophyletic Cordilleran clade that is sister to a clade containing C. rotundifolia, iv) within the Cordilleran clade, C. parryi var. parryi and C. parryi var. idahoensis exhibit a deep, species-level genetic divergence, and v) C. rotundifolia is genetically diverse across its range and polyphyletic. Potential causes of diversification and endemism in northwestern North America are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of petal-size variation in tall bellflower, Campanula americana, on pollen removal rates, seed set, and pollinator behavior. Pollen removal, seed set, and the behavior of two bee visitors (Bombus and Halictus) were assessed in flowers that had 0%, 50%, or 100% of their petal lobes removed. Pollen removal rates did not differ significantly among the three treatment groups, probably due to the presence of an ineffective (ugly) pollinator (Halictus), which quickly removed pollen from completely reduced flowers. Seed set was significantly positively correlated with petal size. Bumblebees discriminated against reduced flowers, thereby lowering pollen movement to reduced flowers. Halictid bees rarely contacted stigmatic surfaces and thus pollen delivery to reduced flowers was limited. The presence of an ugly pollinator probably obscured the effect of petal reduction on pollen receipt, thus masking the impact of attractive structures on male fitness. Given the positive relationship between seed set and petal size, we caution against ascribing expenditure on attractive structures exclusively to male function. In plants with many olules, expenditure on attractive structures may affect seed set.  相似文献   

At the intersection of geological activity, climatic fluctuations, and human pressure, the Mediterranean Basin – a hotspot of biodiversity – provides an ideal setting for studying endemism, evolution, and biogeography. Here, we focus on the Roucela complex (Campanula subgenus Roucela), a group of 13 bellflower species found primarily in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Plastid and low‐copy nuclear markers were employed to reconstruct evolutionary relationships and estimate divergence times within the Roucela complex using both concatenation and species tree analyses. Niche modeling, ancestral range estimation, and diversification analyses were conducted to provide further insights into patterns of endemism and diversification through time. Diversification of the Roucela clade appears to have been primarily the result of vicariance driven by the breakup of an ancient landmass. We found geologic events such as the formation of the mid‐Aegean trench and the Messinian Salinity Crisis to be historically important in the evolutionary history of this group. Contrary to numerous past studies, the onset of the Mediterranean climate has not promoted diversification in the Roucela complex and, in fact, may be negatively affecting these species. This study highlights the diversity and complexity of historical processes driving plant evolution in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of inbreeding on fitness (through both male and female functions) and changes in self-fertility in the partially self-incompatible species Campanula rapunculoides. Individuals in natural populations of C. rapunculoides varied extensively in their strength of self-incompatibility (SI). We crossed 11 individuals that differed in their strength of SI to generate families with four levels of inbreeding (f = 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75). Progeny were scored for three traits related to male fitness and for outcrossed and selfed seed production. Analyses of variance revealed significant inbreeding depression for the three male traits and seed set. Families with strong or weak SI differed in their response to inbreeding. Families with weak SI had lower levels of inbreeding depression for most traits than families with strong SI, but strong SI families had a greater increase in selfed seed set, but not self-fertility, with inbreeding. Finally, we found evidence of a significant linear response to inbreeding for all three male reproductive traits and outcrossed seed, indicating that inbreeding depression was primarily caused by partially or fully recessive deleterious alleles. Variation in genetic load was associated with variation in self-fertility, a finding that suggests an evolutionary role for partial self-fertility in natural populations of C. rapunculoides.  相似文献   

Tülay Aytaş Akcin 《Biologia》2009,64(6):1089-1094
The seed coat morphology of 10 Campanula species from Turkey, 3 of which are endemic, was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Characteristics of the seeds and their surface morphology were described and compared. Two different types were described based on seed surface features. The Type 1 seed surface was characterized by a reticulate pattern; only C. Olympica belonged to this type. The Type 2 seed surface had a striate testa and was the most common type. It included C. Lyrata subsp. lyrata, C. rapunculoides L. subsp. rapunculoides, C. glomerata L. subsp. hispida, C. involucrata, C. saxonorum, C. persicifolia, C. latiloba subsp. latiloba, C. lactiflora and C. Rapunculus L. var. lambertiana. However, some differences among these species were determined on the basis of their seed surface features at the microstructural level. These features were evaluated as possibly consistent parameters in the delimination of the Campanula taxa studied.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of flower‐size variation along altitudinal gradients in the bee‐pollinated perennial Campanula rotundifolia (Campanulaceae) by examining 22 Norwegian populations at altitudes between 240 and 1100 m a.s.l. We explored potential mechanisms for the underlying pattern by quantifying pollinator–faunal composition, pollinator‐visitation rates and pollen limitation of seed set in subsets of the study populations. Despite a decrease in plant size, several measures of flower size increased with elevation. Bumble bees were the main pollinators at both alpine and lowland sites in the study area. However, species composition of the pollinator fauna differed, and pollinators were larger in higher‐elevation than in lower‐elevation sites. Pollinator visitation rates were lower at higher‐elevations than at lower elevations. Pollen limitation of seed set did not vary significantly with altitude. Our results are consistent with differences in bumble‐bee size and visitation rates as causal mechanisms for the relatively larger flowers at higher elevations, in three non‐mutually exclusive ways: 1) Larger flowers reflect selection for increased attractiveness where pollinators are rare. 2) Larger and fewer flowers represent a risk avoidance strategy where the probability of pollination is low on any given day. 3) Flower size variation reflects selection to improve the fit of pollinators with fertile structures by matching flower size to pollinator size across sites.  相似文献   

Summary We conducted a controlled crossing experiment to examine the effects of maternal and paternal parentage, the size of the pollen load, and prior fruit production on the proportion of flowers that set fruit, seed number per fruit and seed weight in a natural population of Campanula americana. Effects due to the maternal parent were large for all measures of fruit and seed production, while the paternal parent had a significant effect only upon mean seed weight. As the number of prior fruits on the maternal plant increased the probability that a flower would produce a mature fruit, the number of seeds per fruit, and total seed weight per fruit all decreased. We found no effect of the size of the pollen loads used in this study on fruit or seed production. These results are consistent with those of other studies that suggest in natural plant populations maternal effects, especially environmental maternal effects, can have an overwhelming effect on fruit and seed production and on seed characteristics.  相似文献   

The role of partial self-incompatibility in plant breeding system evolution has received little attention. Here, we examine the genetic basis of modifiers conferring self-fertility in the creeping bellflower, Campanula rapunculoides L. (Campanulaceae), a partially self-incompatible herb. A survey of 35 individuals from two natural populations indicates that 45% of them are strongly self-incompatible, 40% intermediately self-incompatible, and 15% weakly self-incompatible and that some plants show a strong breakdown in self-incompatibility over floral age. We generated 101 F1 families by random crossing among 31 parental plants and estimated the heritability of self-fertility in day 1 and day 4 female-phase flowers, the genetic correlation between day 1 and day 4 self-fertility, and the coefficient of additive genetic variance of self-fertility. We use linear regression and data from additional crosses to examine whether there are significant maternal effects in the expression of self-fertility. We use Fain's test to determine if a major gene influences self-fertility and, finding no evidence, use data from additional crosses on an F2 generation to estimate the mean number and dominance of genes conferring self-fertility. These analyses indicate that the heritability (h2) of self-fertility is 0.24 in day 1 female-phase flowers and 0.44 in day 4 flowers, self-fertility is primarily additive but shows some recessive effects, and self-fertility is estimated to be controlled by four genetic factors. In addition, we have evidence that there may be maternal effects for self-fertility, especially for weakly self-incompatible plants. The significance of these results in the context of mating system evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

新疆党参的花部综合征与次级花粉呈现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
次级花粉呈现是植物提高花粉输出和接受的效率与准确性以及促进异交的一种繁殖策略.新疆党参(Codonopsis clematidea)具有典型的次级花粉呈现特性.本文采用野外观测、授粉实验与室内显微观测等方法,对该物种的花部综合征及其次级花粉呈现过程进行了详细观测,并对这些特征的适应意义进行了探讨.结果表明:新疆党参钟状下垂的蓝色花冠及黑黄色蜜腺,不仅避免了雨水冲刷雌雄蕊、稀释花蜜以及风移出花粉等不利影响,还增加了对传粉者的吸引,延长了花粉活力及柱头可授性持续时间.次级花粉呈现属于亚顶端花柱呈现者,呈现机制为沉积机制.该特性限制了单个传粉者带走的花粉量,延长了花粉呈现时间,使更多传粉者参与传粉过程,增加了雄性适合度.其雄性先熟及雌雄蕊空间位置变化,避免了雌雄功能干扰,为传粉者取食花蜜、输出花粉以及柱头接受异源花粉提供了通道和机会.其泛化传粉系统的主要传粉昆虫为林野熊蜂(Bombus silvarum)、草地熊蜂(B.paradoxus)和树长黄胡蜂(Dolichovespula sylvestris),其较长的单花花期(6 d左右),昆虫访花高峰期与花粉活力最高时期及柱头最佳授粉期相吻合,以及较大的泌蜜量、较高的花蜜糖浓度和较长的泌蜜时间等特征,可提高传粉者的访花频率,增加成功传粉的机会和传粉效率.在气候多变的天山山区,该物种特殊的花部综合征和次级花粉呈现机制对提高其传粉效率并促进异交繁殖成功具有重要意义.  相似文献   

We employ a full reciprocal diallel design between 10 parental plants that differed in their strength of self-incompatibility (SI; strong, intermediate, and weak) to examine parental effects on seed set and 10 components of fitness of progeny performance in Campanula rapunculoides. We perform ANOVAs to separate the influence of the strength of SI and the identity of the maternal and paternal parent on family performance. We calculate the phenotypic and genetic correlations between traits to determine potentially evolutionary constraints. Finally, we employ maximum likelihood methods to estimate the components of quantitative genetic variance, as defined by Cockerham and Weir in their BioModel c. Our most significant finding is that weak SI plants have high outcrossed seed set as maternal parents. We argue that direct or pleiotropic effects of modifiers of SI probably cause this. Second, we find that extranuclear interactions, as defined by the BioModel, have strong effects on seed set and several vegetative and flowering traits. These findings indicate that some maternal plants selectively provision seeds sired by specific paternal donors and that some of this variation appears to be associated with modifiers of the strength of SI. We find other sources of significant quantitative genetic variation for all of the traits we examine and discuss the possible role these play in the evolution of the reproductive system. Taken together, our findings show that variation in the strength of SI may influence levels of quantitative genetic variation that, in turn, can influence the reproductive success of individuals in C. rapunculoides  相似文献   

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