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The development of protocols for the conservation of fungi requires knowledge of the factors controlling their distribution, diversity, and community composition. Here we compare patterns of variation in fungal communities across New Zealand's Nothofagus forests, reportedly the most myco-diverse in New Zealand and hence potentially key to effective conservation of fungi in New Zealand. Diversity of leaf endophytic fungi, as assessed by culturing on agar plates, is assessed for three Nothofagus sp. growing in mixed stands from four sites. Host species was found to have a greater influence on fungal community assemblage than site. The leaf endophyte communities associated with Nothofagus solandri and Nothofagus fusca (both Nothofagus subgenus Fuscopora), were more similar to each other than either were to the community associated with Nothofagus menziesii (Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia). The broad taxonomic groups isolated, identified on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, were similar to those found in similar studies from other parts of the world, and from an earlier study on the endophyte diversity in four podocarp species from New Zealand, but there were few matches at species level. Average levels of endophyte species diversity associated with single Nothofagus species and single podocarp species were similar, despite historical literature and collection data recording more than twice as many fungal species on average from the Nothofagus species. The significance of these findings to fungal conservation is discussed.  相似文献   


Biodiversity is unevenly distributed worldwide in terms of both species diversity and species endemism. Although centres of endemism are a conservation priority, both patterns and drivers of endemism are poorly understood in New Zealand. Here we explore whether invertebrate species distribution records in New Zealand represent the complete geographic range of species. We use distribution records of 2,322 invertebrate species to survey variation in range size and regional-endemism among 28 New Zealand regions, and explore the correlates of diversity and regional-endemism. Our data suggest patterns of regional-endemism in New Zealand invertebrates are not artefacts of sampling effort and the majority of species are not widespread. We found that endemism-score (which is a measure that corrects for species diversity) correlates positively with the relative size of the region three million years ago. Five variables (and their interactions) contributed to the relative level of invertebrate species endemism within a region (in a generalised linear model). Level of endemism tends to be lower in regions with greater geographic connectivity. This suggests that high levels of regional-endemism are not simply the product of the accumulation of species over time, but depends on the ability of a region to retain local species.  相似文献   

Fishes of the tropical Indo-Pacific family Siganidae comprise 28 species, characterized by their body proportions and their colour patterns. A mitochondrial phylogeny of 20 Siganidae species was produced to infer their evolutionary history. Three distinct, major clades were found, that also correspond to the early radiation of the family into three major ecological types: fusiform species that also live in schools on the inshore reef flats (S. canaliculatus, S. fuscescens, S. luridus, S. rivulatus, S. spinus, S. sutor); deep-bodied species including brightly coloured ones whose adults live in pairs on the reef front (S. corallinus, S. doliatus, S. puellus, S. punctatus, S. unimaculatus, S. virgatus, S. vulpinus), and species that live in small schools in mangroves, estuaries and estuarine lakes (S. guttatus, S. javus, S. lineatus, S. randalli, S. vermiculatus); and a third clade including a cosmopolitan species, S. argenteus, the only species of the family known to possess a pelagic, prejuvenile stage and S. woodlandi, a recently described species from New Caledonia and morphologically close to S. argenteus. The partition of the genus into two sub-genera, Lo (erected for S. unimaculatus, S. vulpinus and three related species possessing a tubular snout) and Siganus (all the other species), had no phylogenetic rationale. The present results indicate that the tubular snout, which apparently results from ecological specialization, is a recent acquisition within the deep-body clade. The Western Indian Ocean endemic S. sutor appeared as the sister-species of the Red Sea endemic S. rivulatus within a well-supported subclade that also included S. canaliculatus and S. fuscescens. S. spinus did not appear as sister-species to S. luridus. S. lineatus haplotypes formed a paraphyletic group with S. guttatus, and an early isolation of Maldives S. lineatus was suggested. Unexpectedly, S. randalli did not appear as the sister-species of S. vermiculatus, but its haplotypes instead were embedded within the West Pacific S. lineatus haplogroup, suggesting recent introgression. Among currently-recognized sister-species with parapatric distribution, S. doliatus and S. virgatus haplotypes formed a single, unresolved haplogroup, as did S. unimaculatus and S. vulpinus. The occurrence of two distinct clades within S. fuscescens was confirmed.  相似文献   

Here we explore the spatial, temporal and phylogenetic patterns of ecological diversification for the entire clade of thelodonts, one of the earliest groups of vertebrates and longest lasting of the Palaeozoic agnathans in the fossil record. Parsimony and maximum‐likelihood methods are used to reconstruct ancestral states of their geographical distributions, habitats and lifestyles. Our results support the concept that thelodonts originated during the Middle?–Late Ordovician probably in marine open waters of Laurasia, with a demersal lifestyle on hard substrates being the ancestral condition for the whole clade. Later, thelodonts underwent a complex ecological diversification and palaeobiogeographical history, comparable in many aspects to those of some major groups of living fishes. Different modes of life evolved repeatedly and a wide range of habitats were colonized by distinct groups, including deep waters and brackish marine and/or freshwater environments. Diadromous strategies presumably appeared on nine different occasions. The palaeobiogeographical history of thelodonts reveals significant differences in the dispersal potential of some major groups. Dispersal of thelodontiforms entailed displacements over long distances and the crossing of deep‐water biogeographical barriers, whereas those of furcacaudiforms were always limited to areas interconnected by shallow platforms. We propose that the evolution of pelagic larval stages in thelodontiforms might explain this biogeographical pattern and could satisfactorily account for the greater evolutionary success of this group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The New Zealand (NZ) cicada fauna contains two co-distributed lineages that independently colonized the isolated continental fragment in the Miocene. One extensively studied lineage includes 90% of the extant species (Kikihia + Maoricicada + Rhodopsalta; ca 51 spp.), while the other contains just four extant species (Amphipsalta -- 3 spp. + Notopsalta -- 1 sp.) and has been little studied. We examined mitochondrial and nuclear-gene phylogenies and phylogeography, Bayesian relaxed-clock divergence timing (incorporating literature-based uncertainty of molecular clock estimates) and ecological niche models of the species from the smaller radiation. RESULTS: Mitochondrial and nuclear-gene trees supported the monophyly of Amphipsalta. Most interspecific diversification within Amphipsalta-Notopsalta occurred from the mid-Miocene to the Pliocene. However, interspecific divergence time estimates had large confidence intervals and were highly dependent on the assumed tree prior, and comparisons of uncorrected and patristic distances suggested difficulty in estimation of branch lengths. In contrast, intraspecific divergence times varied little across analyses, and all appear to have occurred during the Pleistocene. Two large-bodied forest taxa (A. cingulata, A. zelandica) showed minimal phylogeographic structure, with intraspecific diversification dating to ca. 0.16 and 0.37 Ma, respectively. Mid-Pleistocene-age phylogeographic structure was found within two smaller-bodied species (A. strepitans -- 1.16 Ma, N. sericea -- 1.36 Ma] inhabiting dry open habitats. Branches separating independently evolving species were long compared to intraspecific branches. Ecological niche models hindcast to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) matched expectations from the genetic datasets for A. zelandica and A. strepitans, suggesting that the range of A. zelandica was greatly reduced while A. strepitans refugia were more extensive. However, no LGM habitat could be reconstructed for A. cingulata and N. sericea, suggesting survival in microhabitats not detectable with our downscaled climate data. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike the large and continuous diversification exhibited by the Kikihia-Maoricicada-Rhodopsalta clade, the contemporaneous Amphipsalta-Notopsalta lineage contains four comparatively old (early branching) species that show only recent diversification. This indicates either a long period of stasis with no speciation, or one or more bouts of extinction that have pruned the radiation. Within Amphipsalta-Notopsalta, greater population structure is found in dry-open-habitat species versus forest specialists. We attribute this difference to the fact that NZ lowland forests were repeatedly reduced in extent during glacial periods, while steep, open habitats likely became more available during late Pleistocene uplift.  相似文献   

Mechanical harvesting is used to control submerged aquatic weeds in parts of the hydro-lakes in New Zealand's North Island. Problem species are Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major (Hydrocharitaceae), and Ceratophyllum demersum. Experiments were conducted in two contrasting hydro-lakes. Lake Aratiatia; clear water (K o 0.2 m–1) and a low residence time (< 8 h), and Lake Ohakuri; turbid water (K o = 0.6) and a longer residence time (> 5 days). Growth rates were measured underwater in harvested and control (unharvested) plots. Regrowth of C. demersum was dependent on the prior establishment of the rooted Hydrocharitaceae. Regrowth of the Hydrocharitaceae was inhibited where significant water movement occurred. Regrowth declined after 3 six-monthly harvests allowing the establishment of low growing native Nitella spp. beds in the smaller clear water lake. In Lake Ohakuri there was a change in species dominance from Ceratophyllum to Elodea canadensis in shallow (1–2 m) water. No change in species dominance was observed in deeper (>2 m) water and native species were not able to re-establish. The recommended cutting frequency for management of surface weed growths was only once per year in Lake Aratiatia, but twice per year in Lake Ohakuri.  相似文献   

Estimation of diversification rates in evolutionary radiations requires a complete accounting of cryptic species diversity. The rapidly evolving songs of acoustically signaling insects make them good model organisms for such studies. This paper examines the timing of diversification of a large (30 taxon) group of New Zealand cicadas (genus Kikihia Dugdale). We use Bayesian relaxed-clock methods and phylogenetic trees based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data, and we apply alternative combinations of evolutionary rate priors and geological calibrations. The extant Kikihia taxa began to diversify near the Miocene/Pliocene boundary around the time of increased mountain-building, and both the mitochondrial and nuclear-gene trees confirm early splits of lineages currently represented by lowland forest-dwelling taxa. Most lineages originated in the Pleistocene, and sustained diversification occurred rapidly at over 0.5 lineages/my, a rate comparable to that of the Hawaiian silverswords. Diversification rate tests suggest an increase in the early to mid-Pliocene, followed by constant diversification from the Late Pliocene onward. No descendants of the many Pleistocene-age splits have evolved the ability to coexist in sympatry, and, where they do come into contact, hybrid zones have been documented based on acoustic and DNA evidence. In contrast, lineages separated in time by approximately 2Myr often overlap in distribution with no evidence of hybridization. This suggests that at least 2Myr has been required to achieve the level of divergence required for reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Grout  Leah  Marshall  Jonathan  Hales  Simon  Baker  Michael G.  French  Nigel 《EcoHealth》2022,19(2):273-289
EcoHealth - Public health risks associated with the intensification of dairy farming are an emerging concern. Dairy cattle are a reservoir for a number of pathogens that can cause human illness....  相似文献   

Abstract Plants that rely on other plants for support (i.e. epiphytes and vines) are common in many forest ecosystems. However, they are poorly understood relative to terrestrial plants, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. To help bridge this gap, we evaluated the diversity and distribution of vascular epiphytes and vines on seven common tree species in a conifer‐broadleaf forest on New Zealand's North Island. Ground‐based surveys of 274 host trees were used to test whether epiphyte and vine diversity increased with tree diameter, and whether diversity‐diameter relationships differed among host tree species. Occurrence patterns of individual epiphyte and vine species were also assessed. We first evaluated the accuracy of ground‐based inventories by comparing surveys of trees made from the ground to those made from a canopy walkway. On average, 1 in 10 species of epiphytes and vines were unseen from the ground. However, sampling accuracy did not differ among the three host tree species growing along the walkway, suggesting unbiased comparisons could be made between hosts. Results from ground‐based surveys showed that species diversity of epiphytes and vines increased with host tree diameter. However, epiphytes showed stronger diversity‐diameter relationships than vines. Epiphyte diversity increased markedly in four host species and less strongly in the remaining three host species. Conversely, vines showed weak diversity‐diameter relationships in all host species. Occurrence patterns of individual species helped to explain diversity‐diameter relationships. All common epiphyte species occurred more frequently on large trees, regardless of host species, but occurrence patterns in most vine species were unrelated to tree size. Rather, the vines often showed strong host ‘preferences’. Overall results illustrate a rich diversity of distributional patterns in New Zealand's epiphytes and vines, and suggest that a similarly diverse set of ecological and evolutionary processes are responsible for them.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the reef fish genus Naso (F. Acanthuridae) was examined using a complete species-level molecular phylogeny of all recognized (19) species based on three loci (one nuclear ETS2 and two mitochondrial 16S, cyt b). This study demonstrates that distinct foraging modes and specialized body shapes arose independently at different times in the evolutionary history of the genus. Members of the subgenus Axinurus, characterized by a scombriform morphology, caudal fin structure and pelagic foraging mode, were consistently placed basal to the remaining Naso species, suggesting that pelagic foraging is plesiomorphic and benthic foraging derived in this genus. We used a genus-level phylogeny (nuclear marker, ETS2), which included several taxa from all other acanthurid genera, to obtain a range of age estimates for the most recent common ancestor of the genus Naso. These age estimates (range of 52-43.3 MY) were then used to estimate divergence times (by nonparametric rate smoothing method) of the node giving rise to extant Naso species using the combined sequence data (from all loci). The reconstruction of the pattern of divergence of extant species indicates two sequences of events. The basal species characterized by pelagic foraging modes arose during the Eocene and Oligocene. Most of the remaining Naso species, including those characterized by benthic foraging, arose over a period of 20 MY during the Miocene. Diversification during this period was associated with major plate tectonic and glaciation events, resulting in changes in sea level, ocean temperature and productivity regimes. Regardless of the foraging mode exhibited, all species of Naso have a caudal propulsive unit similar to that observed in pelagic scombriform fishes, a legacy of the basal position of the subgenus Axinurus in the phylogeny of the genus.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of autoimmune NZB and (NZB X NZW)F1 mice to the induction of tolerance by monomeric BSA was compared with several normal mouse strains. Unresponsiveness in T and B lymphocyte compartments was probed by challenging with DNP8BSA and measuring anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies separately. Tolerance induced by monomeric BSA was carrier specific, and there was no evidence of epitope-specific suppression. Normal NZW, NFS, and B10.D2 mice were easily rendered tolerant with monomeric BSA and did not produce anti-DNP or anti-BSA antibodies after challenge with DNP8BSA. By contrast, the lack of anti-DNP antibody response in similarly treated NZB mice was dependent on the dose of monomeric BSA, indicating that the helper T cells were partially resistant to tolerance induction. NZB mice treated with a high dose of monomeric BSA produced anti-BSA, but not anti-DNP, antibodies after immunization. Thus, the anti-carrier B cells in NZB mice may have been primed by monomeric BSA. The presence of the xid gene on the NZB background rendered the mice susceptible to induction of tolerance, suggesting that the tolerance defect in NZB mice involves the B cell compartment. This abnormal antibody response was a dominant trait: (NZB X NFS)F1 and (NZB X B10.D2)F1 mice had the same characteristics as NZB mice. These F1 hybrids do not develop autoimmune disease, indicating that resistance to experimental tolerance induction expressed at a B cell level may not be sufficient for disease development. In contrast to NZB and other NZB F1 hybrids, (NZB X NZW)F1 hybrids treated with monomeric BSA and challenged with DNP8BSA responded to both DNP and BSA. The contribution of a B cell defect to the tolerance abnormality of (NZB X NZW)F1 mice was examined by analyzing the effect of the xid gene on the progeny of (NZB.xid X NZW)F1 mice. Unlike the effect of the xid gene on NZB mice, both phenotypically normal heterozygous female and phenotypically xid hemizygous male mice produced anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies after tolerance induction and immunization, demonstrating that a major helper T cell abnormality was present in (NZB X NZW)F1 mice. The (NZW X B10.D2)F1 hybrid was rendered tolerant by this procedure, indicating that the helper T cell defect (NZB X NZW)F1 mice may have resulted from gene complementation with the NZB mice contributing partial resistance of T helper cells to tolerance induction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1930,1(3624):1147-1148

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1927,1(3460):812-813

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1908,1(2469):1018-1019

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1910,1(2559):170-171

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1912,1(2687):1511-1512

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1909,2(2538):495-496

New Zealand     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1936,2(3962):1221-1222

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