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Total regeneration of experimentally excised lens from the dorsal part of the iris-pigmented epithelium of newts has been a key model of tissue regeneration via cells originating from a foreign tissue. Due to the strict spatial restriction of the lens origin in the newt iris, it has often been assumed that only the dorsal iris cells are endowed with an intrinsic potential to give rise to lens tissues. However, our reinvestigation of the process revealed completely different mechanisms underlying lens regeneration and its spatial restriction, comprising the following two steps: (i) Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2-dependent proliferation of iris-pigmented epithelium and activation of early lens genes ( Pax6, Sox2, MafB ) over the entire circumference of the iris; and (ii) dorsal iris-restricted activation of the canonical Wnt signals (involving Wnt2b and Frizzeld4) that leads to localized expression of late lens genes ( Prox1, Sox1, β-crystallin ). Injection of FGF2 into normal eyes specifically elicited the second lens development from the dorsal iris, and the administration of recombinant Wnt3a to the cultured iris-pigmented epithelium caused even ventral iris-derived lens development. Thus, it is concluded that the regulation of FGF2 and Wnt signals is a determinative of the iris-derived lens regeneration in the newt eye.  相似文献   

Normal newt limb regeneration requires matrix metalloproteinase function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Newts regenerate lost limbs through a complex process involving dedifferentiation, migration, proliferation, and redifferentiation of cells proximal to the amputation plane. To identify the genes controlling these cellular events, we performed a differential display analysis between regenerating and nonregenerating limbs from the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. This analysis, coupled with a direct cloning approach, identified a previously unknown Notophthalmus collagenase gene (nCol) and three known matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes, MMP3/10a, MMP3/10b, and MMP9, all of which are upregulated within hours of limb amputation. MMP3/10b exhibits the highest and most ubiquitous expression and appears to account for the majority of the proteolytic activity in the limb as measured by gel zymography. By testing purified recombinant MMP proteins against potential substrates, we show that nCol is a true collagenase, MMP9 is a gelatinase, MMP3/10a is a stromelysin, and MMP3/10b has an unusually broad substrate profile, acting both as a stromelysin and noncanonical collagenase. Exposure of regenerating limbs to the synthetic MMP inhibitor GM6001 produces either dwarfed, malformed limb regenerates or limb stumps with distal scars. These data suggest that MMPs are required for normal newt limb regeneration and that MMPs function, in part, to prevent scar formation during the regenerative process.  相似文献   

We examined whether lymphangiogenesis is essential for the process of lens destruction and subsequent remodeling in the newt eye. Lens regeneration was induced by pricking the lens once with a needle through the cornea. The results showed that the formation of the vacuoles which was mediated by lysosomes occurred in the original lens on 8 days after pricking, and histolysis of the lens was induced 24 h later. At that time, new lymphatic vessels appeared in the normally avascular cornea. Immunofluorescence studies revealed the expression of VEGF receptor not only on the cells in the central cornea but also on those in the dorsal iris. Moreover, dendritic cells (DCs) migrated from the peripheral to the central regions in the cornea to engulf the remains of the lens. Next, to determine the extent to which the DCs are important for lens regeneration, we transplanted the DCs that had engulfed the remains of the lens into the eyeball of the normal animals. Interestingly, lens regeneration began in the dorsal iris of eyeballs into which the DCs were transplanted and also in those in which no DCs were transplanted. However, surgical removal of the spleen of the recipient animals prior to transplantation resulted in both a failure of both the VEGFR expression in the dorsal iris and a failure of the novel regeneration.  相似文献   

Anuran (frog) tadpoles and urodeles (newts and salamanders) are the only vertebrates capable of fully regenerating amputated limbs. During the early stages of regeneration these amphibians form a "blastema", a group of mesenchymal progenitor cells that specifically directs the regrowth of the limb. We report that wnt-3a is expressed in the apical epithelium of regenerating Xenopus laevis limb buds, at the appropriate time and place to play a role during blastema formation. To test whether Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is required for limb regeneration, we created transgenic X. laevis tadpoles that express Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), a specific inhibitor of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, under the control of a heat-shock promoter. Heat-shock immediately before limb amputation or during early blastema formation blocked limb regeneration but did not affect the development of contralateral, un-amputated limb buds. When the transgenic tadpoles were heat-shocked following the formation of a blastema, however, they retained the ability to regenerate partial hindlimb structures. Furthermore, heat-shock induced Dkk1 blocked fgf-8 but not fgf-10 expression in the blastema. We conclude that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling has an essential role during the early stages of limb regeneration, but is not absolutely required after blastema formation.  相似文献   

When a lens is removed from the newt eye, a new lens is regenerated from the pigmented epithelial cells of the dorsal iris, whereas the ventral iris never shows such an ability. It is important to clarify the nature of signaling molecules which act directly on the iris cells to accomplish lens regeneration from the iris and also to gain insight into the mechanism of dorso-ventral difference of the regeneration potential. To examine the effects of exogenous factors, we established an in vitro culture of reaggregates made from dissociated pigmented epithelial cells of dorsal or ventral halves of newt iris. Foci of depigmented cells appeared within the cell reaggregates, regardless of their origins, when the cell reaggregates were cultured with FGF2 or FGF4. In contrast, only the depigmented cells in the dorsal iris cell reaggregates underwent extensive proliferation and developed a lens with the synthesis of lens-specific crystallins, recapitulating the normal lens regeneration. On the other hand, neither FGF8, FGF10, EGF, VEGF, nor IGF promoted lens development from iris cell reaggregates. Consistent with the FGF-specific action, FGFR-specific inhibitor SU5402 suppressed the lens development from the cultured cell reaggregates. These results demonstrated that FGF2 or FGF4 is essential for the in vitro lens regeneration from the pigmented cells of the dorsal iris. In addition, these findings indicated that unequal competence in the dorsal and ventral iris to FGF2/4 contributes to the difference in lens forming ability between them.  相似文献   

Wnt5a participates in distal lung morphogenesis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Operational parallels in overall mechanisms of three-dimensional patterning of vertebrate organs are becoming increasingly apparent. Many key mediators, such as FGFs, BMPs, and sonic hedgehog, participate in organization of a number of organs, including the lungs, which exhibit a defined proximodistal (P-D) polarity. Recently, Wnt5a a member of the wingless family of signaling molecules involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and organogenesis, was shown to underlie the outgrowth and P-D morphogenesis of the vertebrate limb. In the current study, we show that Wnt5a is expressed in the mouse lung and plays an important role in lung distal morphogenesis. Analysis of the mutant phenotype in mice carrying a targeted disruption of the Wnt5a locus shows distinct abnormalities in distal lung morphogenesis as manifested by distinct truncation of the trachea and overexpansion of the distal respiratory airways. In the face of deleted WNT5a activity, both epithelial and mesenchymal cell compartments of the Wnt5a(-/-) lungs exhibit increased cell proliferation. The overall architecture of the mutant lungs is characterized by overexpansion of the distal airways and inhibition of lung maturation as reflected by persistence of thickened intersaccular interstitium. Absence of WNT5a activity in the mutant lungs leads to increased expression of Fgf-10, Bmp4, Shh, and its receptor Ptc, raising the possibility that WNT5a, FGF-10, BMP4, and SHH signaling pathways are functionally interactive.  相似文献   

Expression of five frizzleds during zebrafish craniofacial development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) signaling is critical for proper animal development. While initially identified in Drosophila, this pathway is also essential for the proper development of vertebrates. Zebrafish mutants, defective in the Wnt/PCP pathway, frequently display defects in convergence and extension gastrulation movements and additional later abnormalities including problems with craniofacial cartilage morphogenesis. Although multiple Frizzled (Fzd) homologues, Wnt receptors, were identified in zebrafish, it is unknown which Fzd plays a role in shaping the early larvae head skeleton. In an effort to determine which Frizzleds are involved in this process, we analyzed the expression of five zebrafish frizzled homologues fzd2, 6, 7a, 7b, and 8a from 2–4 days post-fertilization (dpf). During the analyzed developmental time points fzd2 and fzd6 are broadly expressed throughout the head, while the expression of fzd7a, 7b and 8a is much more restricted. Closer examination revealed that fzd7b is expressed in the neural crest and the mesodermal core of the pharyngeal arches and in the chondrocytes of newly stacked craniofacial cartilage elements. However, fzd7a is only expressed in the neural crest of the pharyngeal arches and fzd8a is expressed in the pharyngeal endoderm.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis during eye development requires retinoic acid (RA) receptors plus RA-synthesizing enzymes, and loss of RA signaling leads to ocular disorders associated with loss of Pitx2 expression in perioptic mesenchyme. Several Wnt signaling components are expressed in ocular tissues during eye development including Dkk2, encoding an inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, which was previously shown to be induced by Pitx2 in the perioptic mesenchyme. Here, we investigated potential cross-talk between RA and Wnt signaling during ocular development. Genetic studies using Raldh1/Raldh3 double null mice deficient for ocular RA synthesis demonstrated that Pitx2 and Dkk2 were both down-regulated in perioptic mesenchyme. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and gel mobility shift studies demonstrated the existence of a DR5 RA response element upstream of Pitx2 that binds all three RA receptors in embryonic eye. Axin2, an endogenous readout of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, was up-regulated in cornea and perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient embryos. Also, expression of Wnt5a was expanded in perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient eyes. Our findings demonstrate excessive activation of Wnt signaling in the perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient mice which may be responsible for abnormal development leading to defective optic cup, cornea, and eyelid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling plays an essential role in induction and development of the limb. Missing digits are one consequence of the reduced Wnt signaling in Wnt7a null mice, while extra digits result from excess Wnt signaling in mice null for the Wnt antagonist Dkk1. The extra digits and expanded apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of Dkk1-deficient mice closely resemble En1 null mice. To evaluate the in vivo interaction between En1 and the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, we generated double and triple mutants combining the hypomorphic doubleridge allele of Dkk1 with null alleles of En1 and Wnt7a. Reducing Dkk1 expression in Dkk1d/+Wnt7a-/- double mutants prevented digit loss, indicating that Wnt7a acts through the canonical pathway during limb development. Reducing Dkk1 levels in Dkk1d/dEn1-/- double mutants resulted in severe phenotypes not seen in either single mutant, including fused bones in the autopod, extensive defects of the zeugopod, and loss of the ischial bone. The subsequent elimination of Wnt7a in Dkk1d/dEn1-/-Wnt7a-/- triple mutants resulted in correction of most, but not all, of these defects. The failure of Wnt7a inactivation to completely correct the limb defects of Dkk1d/dEn1-/- double mutants indicates that Wnt7a is not the only gene regulated by En1 during development of the mouse limb.  相似文献   

Members of the Frizzled family of integral membrane proteins are implicated in many developmental events, including specifying cell fate, orienting cell and planar polarity, and directing cell migration. Frizzleds function as cell surface receptors for secreted Wnt proteins. We report here the isolation of a mutation in cfz-2, a Caenorhabditis elegans Frizzled gene. Mutation of cfz-2 causes defective cell migration, disorganization of head neurons, and can cause ectopic axon outgrowth. Analysis of mosaic animals shows that CFZ-2 functions cell nonautonomously, but does not rule out an autonomous role. CFZ-2 is expressed primarily in the anterior of embryos and in several cells in the head of adults. Our analysis of interactions between CFZ-2 and other Wnt pathways reveals that three Wnts, CWN-1, CWN-2 and EGL-20, and a Frizzled, MOM-5, function redundantly with one another and with CFZ-2 for specific cell migrations. In contrast, CWN-1, CWN-2, EGL-20, CFZ-2, and MOM-5 antagonize one another for other migrations. Therefore, CFZ-2 functions by collaborating with and/or antagonizing other Wnt signaling pathways to regulate specific cell migrations.  相似文献   

Frizzled7 mediates canonical Wnt signaling in neural crest induction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neural crest is a multipotent cell population that migrates from the dorsal edge of the neural tube to various parts of the embryo where it differentiates into a remarkable variety of different cell types. Initial induction of neural crest is mediated by a combination of BMP, Wnt, FGF, Retinoic acid and Notch/Delta signaling. The two-signal model for neural crest induction suggests that BMP signaling induces the competence to become neural crest. The second signal involves Wnt acting through the canonical pathway and leads to expression of neural crest markers such as slug. Wnt signals from the neural plate, non-neural ectoderm and paraxial mesoderm have all been suggested to play a role in neural crest induction. We show that Xenopus frizzled7 (Xfz7) is expressed in the dorsal ectoderm including early neural crest progenitors and is a key mediator of the Wnt inductive signal. We demonstrate that Xfz7 expression is induced in response to a BMP antagonist, noggin, and that Xfz7 can induce neural crest specific genes in noggin-treated ectodermal explants (animal caps). Morpholino-mediated or dominant negative inhibition of Xfz7 inhibits Wnt induced Xslug expression in the animal cap assay and in the whole embryo leading to a loss of neural crest derived pigment cells. Full-length Xfz7 rescues the morpholino-induced phenotype, as does activated beta-catenin, suggesting that Xfz7 is signaling through the canonical pathway. We therefore demonstrate that Xfz7 is regulated by BMP antagonism and is required for neural crest induction by Wnt in the developing vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Lee JM  Kim JY  Cho KW  Lee MJ  Cho SW  Kwak S  Cai J  Jung HS 《Developmental biology》2008,314(2):341-350
Various cellular and molecular events underlie the elevation and fusion of the developing palate that occurs during embryonic development. This includes convergent extension, where the medial edge epithelium is intercalated into the midline epithelial seam. We examined the expression patterns of Wnt11 and Fgfr1b - which are believed to be key factors in convergent extension - in mouse palate development. Wnt-11 overexpression and beads soaked in SU5402 (an Fgfr1 inhibitor) were employed in in vitro organ cultures. The results suggested that interactions between Wnt11 and Fgfr1b are important in modulating cellular events such as cell proliferation for growth and apoptosis for fusion. Moreover, the Wnt11 siRNA results showed that Wnt11-induced apoptosis was necessary for palatal fusion. In summary, Fgfr1b induces cell proliferation in the developing palate mesenchyme so that the palate grows and contacts each palatal shelf, with negative feedback of Fgfs triggered by excessive cell proliferation then inhibiting the expression of Fgfr1b and activating the expression of Wnt11 to fuse each palate by activating apoptosis.  相似文献   

Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) are actively involved during vertebrate embryogenesis. However, exogenous retinoids have also long been known as potent teratogens. The defects caused by retinoid treatment are complex. Here, we provided evidence that RAR-mediated retinoid signaling can repress Xenopus blastula Wnt signaling and impair dorsal development. Exogenous retinoic acid (RA) could antagonize the dorsalizing effects of lithium chloride-mediated Wnt activation in blastula embryos. The Wnt-responsive reporter gene transgenesis and luciferase assay showed that excess RA can repress the Wnt signaling in blastula embryos. In addition, the downstream target genes of the Wnt signaling that direct embryonic dorsal development, were also down-regulated in the RA-treated embryos. Mechanically, RA did not interfere with the stability of beta-catenin, but promoted its nuclear accumulation. The inverse agonist of retinoic acid receptors (RAR) rescued the Wnt signaling repression by RA and relieved the RA-induced nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin. Our results explain one of the reasons for the complicated teratogenic effects of retinoids and shed light on the endogenous way of interactions between two developmentally important signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In the frog embryo, a sub-population of trunk neural crest (NC) cells undergoes a dorsal route of migration to contribute to the mesenchyme in the core of the dorsal fin. Here we show that a second population of cells, originally located in the dorsomedial region of the somite, also contributes to the fin mesenchyme. We find that the frog orthologue of Wnt11 (Wnt11-R) is expressed in both the NC and somite cell populations that migrate into the fin matrix. Wnt11-R is expressed prior to migration and persists in the mesenchymal cells after they have distributed throughout the fin. Loss of function studies demonstrate that Wnt11-R activity is required for an epithelial to mesenchymal transformation (EMT) event that precedes migration of cells into the fin matrix. In Wnt11-R depleted embryos, the absence of fin core cells leads to defective dorsal fin development and to collapse of the fin structure. Experiments using small molecule inhibitors indicate that dorsal migration of fin core cells depends on calcium signaling through calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII). In Wnt11-R depleted embryos, normal migration of NC cells and dorsal somite cells into the fin and normal fin development can be rescued by stimulation of calcium release. These studies are consistent with a model in which Wnt11-R signaling, via a downstream calcium pathway, regulates fin cell migration and, more generally, indicates a role for non-canonical Wnt signaling in regulation of EMT.  相似文献   

The Wnt signaling pathway regulates multiple aspects of the development of stem cell-like epithelial seam cells in Caenorhabditis elegans, including cell fate specification and symmetric/asymmetric division. In this study, we demonstrate that lit-1, encoding the Nemo-like kinase in the Wnt/β-catenin asymmetry pathway, plays a role in specifying temporal identities of seam cells. Loss of function of lit-1 suppresses defects in retarded heterochronic mutants and enhances defects in precocious heterochronic mutants. Overexpressing lit-1 causes heterochronic defects opposite to those in lit-1(lf) mutants. LIT-1 exhibits a periodic expression pattern in seam cells within each larval stage. The kinase activity of LIT-1 is essential for its role in the heterochronic pathway. lit-1 specifies the temporal fate of seam cells likely by modulating miRNA-mediated silencing of target heterochronic genes. We further show that loss of function of other components of Wnt signaling, including mom-4, wrm-1, apr-1, and pop-1, also causes heterochronic defects in sensitized genetic backgrounds. Our study reveals a novel function of Wnt signaling in controlling the timing of seam cell development in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are required for brain, pharyngeal arch, suture and neural crest cell development and mutations in the FGF receptors have been linked to human craniofacial malformations. To study the functions of FGF during facial morphogenesis we locally perturb FGF signalling in the avian facial prominences with FGFR antagonists, foil barriers and FGF2 protein. We tested 4 positions with antagonist-soaked beads but only one of these induced a facial defect. Embryos treated in the lateral frontonasal mass, adjacent to the nasal slit developed cleft beaks. The main mechanisms were a block in proliferation and an increase in apoptosis in those areas that were most dependent on FGF signaling. We inserted foil barriers with the goal of blocking diffusion of FGF ligands out of the lateral edge of the frontonasal mass. The barriers induced an upregulation of the FGF target gene, SPRY2 compared to the control side. Moreover, these changes in expression were associated with deletions of the lateral edge of the premaxillary bone. To determine whether we could replicate the effects of the foil by increasing FGF levels, beads soaked in FGF2 were placed into the lateral edge of the frontonasal mass. There was a significant increase in proliferation and an expansion of the frontonasal mass but the skeletal defects were minor and not the same as those produced by the foil. Instead it is more likely that the foil repressed FGF signaling perhaps mediated by the increase in SPRY2 expression. In summary, we have found that the nasal slit is a source of FGF signals and the function of FGF is to stimulate proliferation in the cranial frontonasal mass. The FGF independent regions correlate with those previously determined to be dependent on BMP signaling. We propose a new model whereby, FGF-dependent microenvironments exist in the cranial frontonasal mass and caudal maxillary prominence and these flank BMP-dependent regions. Coordination of the proliferation in these regions leads ultimately to normal facial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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