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The localization and the order of triggering of the equivalent dipole sources of the auditory evoked potential (AEP) P300 component were analyzed in healthy subjects performing tasks that required different degrees of concentration. The AEP P300 was isolated and analyzed in 12 subjects aged 18–23 years. The P300 was recorded via 19 channels in mono- and bimodal tasks using two- and three-stimulus methods of the oddball paradigm. Analysis of the equivalent dipole sources of the P300 component upon hearing sounds showed simultaneous activity of dipole sources located in the temporal areas of both hemispheres and in the right frontal area, as well as in the brainstem, irrespective of the task’s complexity. The counting of sounds in the monomodal task was accompanied by consecutive involvement of the left temporal, right temporal, and left frontal sources in the P300 generation; in the bimodal task, these were, respectively, the left parietal, right temporal and hippocampal, and left frontal sources.  相似文献   

In 12 healthy subjects and 9 schizophrenic patients in the background conditions (with eyes closed) EEG was recorded from 16 standard derivations (10-20 system) during 3 min. The record underwent the spectral analysis detecting alpha- and theta-frequency bands. After the preliminary narrow band filtration for the main frequencies the sources of the spontaneous rhythms were localized. The data on localization for all healthy subjects and patients were summarized. The K-means clustering was used for identification of the sources clusters which were revealed in occipital and parietal lobes and limbic cortex for alpha-rhythm and also in frontal, temporal and parietal regions, limbic cortex and hippocampus for theta-rhythm. In schizophrenic patients in comparison with healthy subjects there was revealed significant increase of the numbers of dipole sources of alpha-rhythm in the clusters localized in limbic cortex and hippocampus. For theta-rhythm there was significant increase of the dipole moment of the sources in the clusters localized in the temporal and frontal cortices and hippocampus in patients in comparison with the norm.  相似文献   

Specific rearrangements of the brain bioelectric potential field and the structures where the components (waves) of the main EEG rhythms interact, as well as the stereotactic location and power of the equivalent electrical dipole sources (EEDSs), were studied at various stages of acute experimental hypoxia (breathing for 15–30 min a hypoxic gas mixture containing 8% oxygen in nitrogen). The disrupted intercentral relationships that ensure the formation of the dynamic “morphological equivalent” to support the integrative brain activity, rearrangements of this activity, and the adaptive functions of the whole brain proved to account for partial or complete disintegration of systemic brain activity during acute hypoxia. EEDS tomography showed that EEDSs responsible for the generation of the basic brain rhythmic pattern are normally located in the thalamic structures. At the initial stages of hypoxia, the distribution of the EEDS foci is changed so that the density of EEDSs is increased on the sections that include the hypothalamic region structures, basal nuclei of the forebrain, and the limbic system; the basal, frontal, and medial regions of the temporal lobes of both hemispheres are also involved. With increasing hypoxia, EEDSs appeared in the basal and medial regions of the frontal lobes. At this time, both the surface and deep regions of the frontal lobes of the brain hemispheres are the major targets of the hypoxic effect. At the stages of severe hypoxia, pronounced functional changes in the CNS are observed, including the phenomenon of movement of multiple EEDS foci primarily through the basal and mediobasal regions of the frontal and temporal lobes and in the limbic system structures. Thus, despite the generalized high-amplitude paroxysmal activity that is observed in EEG, a functional disintegration (disruption) of interactions between individual brain regions appears and leads to disturbed regulation of the brain and systemic brain activity. Spatiotemporal EEG markers have been identified that make it possible to assess the individual sensitivity and resistance to hypoxia, as well as the degree of disintegration of his systemic brain activity at different stages of hypoxia.  相似文献   

The aim of study was to track a cumulative changes of amplitude-time parametres of components N1, N2 and P300 of acoustic evoked potential in experimental situations different in complexity (at the account and listening of sounds) and to compare the received distinctions at examinees of young and mature age. ERP were recorded at 12 healthy subjects from 18 to 22 ages and 12 subjects from 32 to 59 ages. The two-stimuli oddball paradigm was used. It is revealed that components N1, N2 and P300 recorded in the situation of the listenings of sounds without any preliminary instruction do not differ at persons of young and mature age. At examinees of younger age the biger amplitude of component N1 is noted at the account of sounds in comparison with listening whereas the latency of the one do not change depending on complexity of the task. It is shown that component N2 has stability of latency in relation to age and an experimental situation. The amplitude of component N2 is above at the account of sounds in both age groups. The amplitude-time parametres of component P300 do not differ at examinees of different age in a problem of listening of sounds. The revealed features of components N1, N2 and P300 at examinees of young and mature age in experimental situations different in complexity, allow to assume that with the years at the person adaptive mechanisms which allow carrying out successfully of the task.  相似文献   

Specific features of EEG coherence of a man-operator were revealed before the erroneous actions ("false alarm" and "signal omission") in the process of training to recognize masked visual stimuli. In persons with expressed alpha-rhythm at rest the "false alarms" were associated with the highest level of beta-frequency correlation in the frontal areas. Errors of the "signal omission" type were observed against the background of increased alpha-coherence in the frontal and occipital derivations. These features were more pronounced in the right brain hemisphere. The results suggest that the erroneous actions are predetermined by a specific state of the frontal brain regions, which participate in decision making, and are probably related with inadequate information transmission from the caudal regions to the frontal ones.  相似文献   



The overall goal of the study was to identify functional and behavioral differences between individuals with higher tinnitus distress and individuals with lower tinnitus distress. Subsequent exploratory analyses were conducted to investigate the role physical activity may have on the observed results between high and low distress groups. The purpose of the experiment was to identify brain regions to be targeted in future intervention studies for tinnitus.


A total of 32 individuals with varying levels of tinnitus severity were recruited from the Urbana-Champaign area. Volunteers were divided into higher tinnitus distress (HD) and lower tinnitus distress (LD) groups. Note that these groups also significantly differed based on physical activity level and were subsequently stratified into higher and lower physical activity level subgroups for exploratory analysis. While in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner, subjects listened to affective sounds classified as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant from the International Affective Digital Sounds database.


The HD group recruited amygdala and parahippocampus to a greater extent than the LD group when listening to affective sounds. The LD group engaged frontal regions to a greater extent when listening to the affective stimuli compared to the HD group. Both higher physical activity level subgroups recruited more frontal regions, and both lower levels of physical activity subgroups recruited more limbic regions respectively.


Individuals with lower tinnitus distress may utilize frontal regions to better control their emotional response to affective sounds. Our analysis also suggests physical activity may contribute to lower tinnitus severity and greater engagement of the frontal cortices. We suggest that future intervention studies focus on changes in the function of limbic and frontal regions when evaluating the efficacy of treatment. Additionally, we recommend further investigation concerning the impact of physical activity level on tinnitus distress.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to trace the cumulative changes in the amplitude-time parameters of the AEP (acoustic evoked potential) components N1, N2, and P300 in the experimental situations of different complexities (counting and listening to sounds) and to compare the differences between young and mature subjects. The AEP was recorded in 12 healthy subjects aged 18 to 22 years and in 12 subjects aged 32 to 59 years. It was revealed that the components N1, N2, and P300 recorded in the situation of listening without any preliminary instruction did not differ in young and mature individuals. In the younger subjects, a higher N1 amplitude was revealed when they counted sounds, compared to listening, whereas the latency values of this component did not differ, irrespective of the complexity of the task. The component N2 was shown to demonstrate latency stability in relation to the age and the experimental situation. The N2 amplitude was higher in the situation of counting sounds in both age groups. The amplitude-time parameters of P300 did not differ in subjects of different ages in the listening task. The features of the components N1, N2, and P300 revealed in young and mature subjects in the experimental situations differing in complexity lead us to suggest that, with age, humans develop adaptive mechanisms contributing to successful task performance.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the amplitude of component P300 of the evoked potentials in different cortical areas were studied as an index of activity of cortical structures responsible for actualization of a computer game with aggressive content with regard for the level of initial aggression and conflict in behavior of adolescent subjects. Dynamic changes in anxiety and aggression evoked by playing an "aggressive" computer game were shown to be dependent on the initial level of aggression and conflict. An increase in P300 in the frontal and orbitofrontal areas of both hemispheres was observed in adolescents with initially high level of aggression and conflict. In adolescents with initially low aggression and conflict, P300 decreased bilaterally in the frontal areas and did not change significantly in the orbitofrontal areas. These findings testify to the bilateral frontal top-down control over negative emotions.  相似文献   

We investigated auditory perception and cognitive processing in individuals with chronic tinnitus or hearing loss using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Our participants belonged to one of three groups: bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus (TIN), bilateral hearing loss without tinnitus (HL), and normal hearing without tinnitus (NH). We employed pure tones and frequency-modulated sweeps as stimuli in two tasks: passive listening and active discrimination. All subjects had normal hearing through 2 kHz and all stimuli were low-pass filtered at 2 kHz so that all participants could hear them equally well. Performance was similar among all three groups for the discrimination task. In all participants, a distributed set of brain regions including the primary and non-primary auditory cortices showed greater response for both tasks compared to rest. Comparing the groups directly, we found decreased activation in the parietal and frontal lobes in the participants with tinnitus compared to the HL group and decreased response in the frontal lobes relative to the NH group. Additionally, the HL subjects exhibited increased response in the anterior cingulate relative to the NH group. Our results suggest that a differential engagement of a putative auditory attention and short-term memory network, comprising regions in the frontal, parietal and temporal cortices and the anterior cingulate, may represent a key difference in the neural bases of chronic tinnitus accompanied by hearing loss relative to hearing loss alone.  相似文献   

Acoustic imaging of the respiratory system demonstrates regional changes of lung sounds that correspond to pulmonary ventilation. We investigated volume-dependent variations of lung sound phase and amplitude between two closely spaced sensors in five adults. Lung sounds were recorded at the posterior right upper, right lower, and left lower lobes during targeted breathing (1.2 +/- 0.2 l/s; volume = 20-50 and 50-80% of vital capacity) and passive sound transmission (< or =0.2 l/s; volumes as above). Average sound amplitudes were obtained after band-pass filtering to 75-150, 150-300, and 300-600 Hz. Cross correlation established the phase relation of sound between sensors. Volume-dependent variations in phase (< or =1.5 ms) and amplitude (< or =11 dB) were observed at the lower lobes in the 150- to 300-Hz band. During inspiration, increasing delay and amplitude of sound at the caudal relative to the cranial sensor were also observed during passive transmission in several subjects. This previously unrecognized behavior of lung sounds over short distances might reflect spatial variations of airways and diaphragms during breathing.  相似文献   

The frequency-amplitude characteristics of the brain electrical activity were studied in two groups of subjects: (1) with high and (2) with low indexes of "emotional ear" (the ability to successfully recognize emotions in speech). Comparison of EEG power characteristics between the two groups of subjects permitted the authors to make a conclusion that the persons with lower indexes of "emotional ear" had a much higher EEG activation level as compared to the persons with higher "emotional ear" indexes. A different dynamics of the cortical activation was also observed in the process of recognition of emotions by alpha-rhythm amplitude. It was shown that the persons with higher indexes of recognition had higher alpha-rhythm amplitude, whereas the persons who were less successful in recognition of speech emotions had a contrary tendency: the amplitude on the alpha band decreased in the process of the experiment.  相似文献   

By means of mapping method a study of spatial distribution of biopotentials was conducted (by alpha-rhythm power and by asymmetry of its energy). It is shown that in patients with depressive syndrome within maniac-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia main neurophysiological properties are paradoxical alpha-rhythm reaction in the frontal cortical regions in response to eyes opening, hyperactivation of the posterior areas of the left hemisphere and also dissociation between activation level of the anterior and posterior regions of the hemisphere, creating the picture of "transversal functional block". After the séance of electrostimulation the "block" disappeared both by alpha-rhythm power parameter and by the parameter of its energy asymmetry; and the activation of the left hemisphere sharply decreased being accompanied by improvement of clinic state of patients.  相似文献   

An attempt to localize brain mechanisms of the rhythmic activity in the alpha-rhythm range was made using the equivalent dipole model. It is known that light flickering stimuli with the frequency close to that of the individual alpha rhythm induce an increase in its spectral power ("photic-driving" phenomenon). It was shown that the activity of the neuronal structures generating the alpha rhythm can be identified by specific frequency of the light stimulation and localized by means of construction of dipole models. Two sources of the alpha rhythm in the narrow-frequency bands with the maximal resonance responses in the frequencies of 10.1 and 10.5 Hz were localized in the thalamic structures.  相似文献   

Li Y  Hu Y  Liu T  Wu D 《Cognitive neurodynamics》2011,5(2):221-229
This paper is to study auditory event-related potential P300 in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders using dipole source analysis. Auditory P300 using 2-stimulus oddball paradigm was collected from 35 patients with anxiety disorder, 32 patients with depressive disorder, and 30 healthy controls. P300 dipole sources and peak amplitude of dipole activities were analyzed. The source analysis resulted in a 4-dipole configuration, where temporal dipoles displayed greater P300 amplitude than that of frontal dipoles. In addition, a right-greater-than-left hemispheric asymmetry of dipole magnitude was found in patients with anxiety disorder, whereas a left-greater-than-right hemispheric asymmetry of dipole magnitude was observed in depressed patients. Results indicated that the asymmetry was more prominent over the temporal dipole than that of frontal dipoles in patients. Patients with anxiety disorder may increase their efforts to enhance temporal dipole activity to compensate for a deficit in frontal cortex processing, while depressed patients show dominating reduction of right temporal activity. The opposite nature of results observed with hemispheric asymmetry in depressive and anxiety disorders could serve to be valuable information for psychiatric studies.  相似文献   

CO2 laser evoked potentials to hand stimulation recorded using a scalp 19-channel montage in 11 normal subjects consistently showed early N1/P1 dipolar field distribution peaking at a mean latency of 159 ms. The N1 negativity was distributed in the temporoparietal region contralateral to stimulation and the P1 positivity in the frontal region. The N1/P1 response was followed by 3 distinct components: (1) N2a reaching its maximal amplitude at the vertex and ipsilaterally to the stimulated hand, (2) N2b mostly distributed in the frontal region, and (3) P2 with a mid-central topography. Brain electrical source analysis showed that this sequence was explained, with a residual variance below 5%, by a model including two dipoles in the upper bank of the Sylvian fissure of each hemisphere, a frontal dipole close to the midline, and two anterior medial temporal dipoles, thus suggesting a sequential activation of the two second somatosensory areas, anterior cingulate gyrus and the amygdalar nuclei or the hippocampal formations, respectively. This model fitted well with the scalp field topography of grand average responses to stimulation of left and right hand obtained across all subjects as well as when applied to individual data. Our findings suggest that the second somatosensory area contralateral to the stimulation is the first involved in the building of pain-related responses, followed by ipsilateral second somatosensory area and limbic areas receiving noxious inputs from the periphery.  相似文献   

Changes in frequency and space parameters of the EEG coherence evoked by cognitive performance were analyzed in 13 healthy subjects and participants of the Chemobyl clean-up. In healthy subjects, the EEG coherences in the alpha and beta frequency bands were significantly increased during arithmetic count and during visuospatial performance. Each test was characterized by regionally-specific features. Chemobyl patients demonstrated a global decrease in the EEG coherence predominantly in the alpha and beta frequency bands, especially in the frontal cortical areas. Patients with various pathological EEG patterns demonstrated specific impairment of EEG parameters. In patients with a "flat" EEG pattern, the EEG coherence predominantly decreased in the frontal associative areas, especially during arithmetic calculation. In patients with a "hypersynchronous" EEG pattern, the decrease in the EEG coherence was most pronounced in the parietal associative areas, especially during the visuospatial performance. The revealed impairments of the EEG coherence reactivity may be a reflection of disorders of the intracortical and corticosubcortical interaction and can result from the remote postradiation brain atrophy, especially, of cortical structures.  相似文献   

Formation of conditioned "passive" avoidance reaction was studied in rats with a single pain reinforcement after electrolythic destruction of mesencephalic part of the central gray substance (CGS). The ablation of CGS ventral nuclei at the level of the midbrain rostral part led to a decrease in emotional reaction of "fears" and to disturbance of avoidance conditioning. The participation of midbrain limbic structures in learning and memory is discussed.  相似文献   



The neural mechanisms of panic disorder (PD) are only incompletely understood. Higher sensitivity of patients to unspecific fear cues and similarities to conditioned fear suggest involvement of lower limbic and brainstem structures. We investigated if emotion perception is altered in remitted PD as a trait feature.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study neural and behavioural responses of 18 remitted PD patients and 18 healthy subjects to the emotional conflict paradigm that is based on the presentation of emotionally congruent and incongruent face/word pairs. We observed that patients showed stronger behavioural interference and lower adaptation to interference conflict. Overall performance in patients was slower but not less accurate. In the context of preceding congruence, stronger dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) activation during conflict detection was found in patients. In the context of preceding incongruence, controls expanded dACC activity and succeeded in reducing behavioural interference. In contrast, patients demonstrated a dropout of dACC and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) recruitment but activation of the lower limbic areas (including right amygdala) and brainstem.


This study provides evidence that stimulus order in the presentation of emotional stimuli has a markedly larger influence on the brain''s response in remitted PD than in controls, leading to abnormal responses of the dACC/dmPFC and lower limbic structures (including the amygdala) and brainstem. Processing of non-panic related emotional stimuli is disturbed in PD patients despite clinical remission.  相似文献   

Complex analysis of EEG and thermographic parameters carried out in 10 healthy subjects and 34 patients, Chernobyl clean-up participants revealed a correlation between EEG and brain temperature changes in the baseline state and during mental arithmetic. During cognitive activity the maximal increase in the average EEG coherence and temperature shifts in healthy subjects were observed in the left frontotemporal and right parietotemporal areas. In patients changes in both parameters under study were most pronounced, the interhemispheric relations were impaired. The visual analysis revealed "flat" and "hypersynchronous" EEG types in patients. The dominant pathologic activity in the betal range indicative of mediobasal and oral brainstem lesions was characteristic of the flat EEG. This type of activity was observed in 60% of patients. In these cases, a general decrease in EEG coherence and temperature was most pronounced in the left hemisphere. The hypersynchronou EEG type (40% patients) was characterized by paroxysmal activity in the theta and alpha ranges suggesting diencephalic brain lesions. In these cases, EEG coherence and temperature were more variable; changes in the right hemisphere were significant, be it increase or decrease. Our complex approach to investigation of brain activity in different aspects seems to be promising in estimation of the brain functional state both in healthy persons and patients in remote terms after exposure to radiation. The specific hemispheric temperature changes revealed in Chernobyl patients especially during cognitive activity can be the sequels of postradiation disorders of vascular neuro-circulation. The EEG findings suggest subcortical disorders at different levels (diencephalic or brainstem) and functional failure of the right or left hemispheres in remote terms after exposure to radiation.  相似文献   

Correlation of the two characteristics of the "individual minute" test with age and sex of the subjects was examined in 151 persons. Close correlation was observed between the first (counting in the course of 60 s) and the second (counting time up to 60 s) modes of testing, but not between the two modes of testing and age and sex. Results are discussed from the viewpoint of the existence of the common system of time interval estimation the method of their quantum organization being used in different investigation modes.  相似文献   

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