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我国新天敌资源——小蠹蒲螨形态与生物学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
小蠹蒲螨Pyemotes scolyti(Oudemans,1936)为我国新纪录种。在河北,是核果类果树毁灭性害虫果树小蠹Scolytus japonicus Chapuis和多毛小蠹S.seulensis Mu-rayamy的有效天敌。该螨胎生,1年多代(25℃,8d完成1代),雌雄性比30:1~2,每雌产后代平均60余头,有较高的利用价值。  相似文献   

中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu,Zhang&He是我国近年来发现的一种寄生性天敌,对吉丁、天牛、小蠹等林木钻蛀性害虫控制效果显著。为了解中华甲虫蒲螨对不同寄主的选择性,室内利用自制的六臂架,选取双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)和沙蒿大粒象Adosomus sp.幼虫为对象,比较其对寄主种类和龄期的选择性。结果显示,对于双条杉天牛不同龄期的幼虫,中华甲虫蒲螨对1龄幼虫有明显的趋性,8 h时选择1龄幼虫的蒲螨数量显著地高于3龄幼虫,之后(1224 h)选择2、3龄幼虫寄生的中华甲虫蒲螨才逐渐增多。中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛和沙蒿大粒象的2龄幼虫随着时间推移也表现出不同的选择性,中华甲虫蒲螨接入六臂架内824 h)选择2、3龄幼虫寄生的中华甲虫蒲螨才逐渐增多。中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛和沙蒿大粒象的2龄幼虫随着时间推移也表现出不同的选择性,中华甲虫蒲螨接入六臂架内812 h对双条杉天牛表现出明显的偏好,差异显著;2412 h对双条杉天牛表现出明显的偏好,差异显著;2436 h逐渐倾向于沙蒿大粒象,第48小时选择沙蒿大粒象的蒲螨数量显著地高于双条杉天牛。上述结果说明,中华甲虫蒲螨对不同寄主和同一寄主不同龄期的幼虫有明显选择性,并且在不同时间段选择差异会有显著变化,倾向于选择龄期较低、表皮硬度低、活动能力低的幼虫。  相似文献   

不同寄主蒲螨种群间亲缘关系的RAPD初步分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
应用RAPD技术分析了采自河北昌黎和天津蓟县等不同地点的9个不同寄主的蒲螨种群间的关系。通过对100条RAPD引物的3次重复筛选,获得32条重复性好、多态性高的引物。应用这32条引物共扩增出268条带,依据这些条带计算遗传距离,再进行聚类分析。结果 表明:9个蒲螨种群可分为3个组(A、B和C组)。其中A和B组属于小蠹蒲螨群,A组由护林神蒲螨Pyemotes dryas组成;B组由小蠹蒲螨P. scolyti和寄生于松树小蠹Scolytidae sp.的蒲螨组成;球腹蒲螨群组成C组,并分为两个分支,寄生于桃树小蠹寄生蜂Pteromalidae spp.的蒲螨为一支,寄生于柏肤小蠹Phloeosinus aubei Perris、皮蠹Dermestidae sp.、日本二齿茎长蠹Sinoxylon japonicum Lesne(黑枣树和柿树)和桑梢小蠹Cryphalus exignus等的5个蒲螨种群为一支,这5个蒲螨种群形态上未见明显差别。C组中的寄生桃树小蠹寄生蜂的蒲螨与该组其他蒲螨种群的遗传距离最远,达到0.3236~0.4111,并且存在生殖隔离,该蒲螨似已分化成为独立的新种;C组其他种群是否存在近缘种,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

【背景】小蠹虫是国际贸易中重要的钻蛀害虫,也是全国口岸主要截获害虫之一。【方法】本文对2010~2014年厦门口岸进境原木中截获的小蠹科害虫的寄主、来源国家、截获次数进行了统计分析,并编制了截获小蠹种类检索表,提出了口岸检疫要点。【结果】截获的小蠹害虫种类主要有长林小蠹、赤材小蠹、十二齿小蠹和南部松齿小蠹等,主要来源于澳大利亚,新西兰和巴西等国家,寄主主要有辐射松,樟子松,湿地松和海岸松等种类。【结论与意义】本研究可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导。  相似文献   

利用中华甲虫蒲螨防治双条杉天牛幼虫研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭鑫  许志春  熊德平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):529-532
双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)是危害柏树类树木的主要蛀干害虫之一,主要以幼虫蛀干危害树木。1~4龄幼虫主要危害韧皮部,4龄后幼虫则开始进入到木质部危害,并且用虫粪堵塞蛀道与外界的联络通道,造成小型天敌进入困难。本文通过利用中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia(YuandZhang)防治双条杉天牛1~2和3~4龄幼虫研究试验,比较了天敌中华甲虫蒲螨不同释放量对双条杉天牛的防治效果。结果表明,当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为1管/木段时,对1~2龄幼虫防治较好,达83.0%;当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为2管/木段时,对3~4龄幼虫防治也有较好的防治效果,防治效果高达87.7%;但从防治经济高效的角度出发,最合理高效的投放量为1管蒲螨/木段,防治1~2龄幼虫可行性最高。通过中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛幼虫的寄生结果比较得知,其对寄生体长为1~2cm的双条杉天牛幼虫有明显的趋向性。  相似文献   

长蠹科Bostrichidae昆虫英文俗称为Powder-post beetles,是一类常见的钻蛀性害虫,其成虫和幼虫都具有钻蛀产生粉末的习性,可依靠木材、竹材、贮粮的运输传播,多数种类被列为检疫对象,具有重要的经济意义。国内对于长蠹科的分类研究已有不少工作,但目前种类数量不清,且存在异名及部分种类名称混乱等情况。本文对长蠹科分类系统进行了整理,梳理了中国长蠹科分类学研究历史,并对长蠹科分类研究的发展方向进行了展望;通过国内馆藏标本的检视与查阅文献,对中国已知的长蠹科昆虫做了系统的名录整理,记录长蠹科8亚科37属92种,并拟定了部分种的中文名称,给出了中国已知属检索表。  相似文献   

为明确江西材小蠹族种类,通过系统调查,对江西材小蠹族昆虫进行了分类学研究。研究发现江西材小蠹族共16属21种,其中江西新记录种13种,中国新记录种3种:Ancipitis depressus(Eggers)、Debus fallax(Eichhoff)、Leptoxyleborus sordicauda(Motschulsky)。文中给出了标本信息及其在中国的分布、寄主和部分具有重要经济意义的种类的生物学特性以及新记录种的主要形态特征和成虫特征图。  相似文献   

抗昆虫蝎毒素及其转基因技术的研究与应用进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了蝎毒中抗昆虫毒素成分的种类、理化性质、分子结构与功能 ,以及利用抗昆虫蝎毒素基因构建重组微生物杀虫剂和培育抗虫植物的研究与应用的进展情况 ,并就该技术对害虫防治的意义、所存在的生态安全性等问题和应对策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛的生防潜力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华甲虫蒲螨(Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu, Zhang and He)在多种蛀干害虫中起到了较好的防治效果,但利用其对松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)进行防治的研究目前较少。为揭示中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛的寄生效果,初步探究其生防潜力,比较中华甲虫蒲螨对不同龄期松墨天牛幼虫的寄生情况与致死力,及不同温度对中华甲虫蒲螨发育及寄生效果的影响。结果显示,中华甲虫蒲螨对1龄、2龄、3龄、4龄幼虫均有致死力,致死力强弱为2龄3龄4龄1龄;不同龄期松墨天牛幼虫体上的中华甲虫蒲螨寄生数量差异显著(p0.05),其中2龄幼虫体上寄生的数量最高,达(5.800±1.448)头;2龄、3龄、4龄幼虫体上寄生的蒲螨可产生膨腹体完成世代发育,且3龄虫体上的膨腹体发育最好;蒲螨膨腹体发育的最适温度区间为24℃~28℃,低于或高于此温度区域膨腹体会发育不良或难以发育。综上,中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛幼虫有较好的防治效果,有助于日后松墨天牛的生物防治。  相似文献   

利用引诱剂监测林木主要蛀干害虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2004~2006年间对浙江省乐清市林木蛀干害虫种类进行调查,结果显示该辖区共有47种蛀干害虫,隶属于8科41属。重点对松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope、削尾材小蠹Xyleborus mutilatus Blandford等的成虫活动期林间种群数量动态进行监测。结果表明,松墨天牛林间活动期为4月下旬至11月中旬,6月上旬为高峰期,其诱获的成虫数占监测总数的41.1%,初步显示该虫在浙南地区松林内的种群数量变化规律。同时,还初步了解到削尾材小蠹成虫的活动规律。  相似文献   

Arthropod crop pests are responsible for 20% of global annual crop losses, a figure predicted to increase in a changing climate where the ranges of numerous species are projected to expand. At the same time, many insect species are beneficial, acting as pollinators and predators of pest species. For thousands of years, humans have used increasingly sophisticated chemical formulations to control insect pests but, as the scale of agriculture expanded to meet the needs of the global population, concerns about the negative impacts of agricultural practices on biodiversity have grown. While biological solutions, such as biological control agents and pheromones, have previously had relatively minor roles in pest management, biotechnology has opened the door to numerous new approaches for controlling insect pests. In this review, we look at how advances in synthetic biology and biotechnology are providing new options for pest control. We discuss emerging technologies for engineering resistant crops and insect populations and examine advances in biomanufacturing that are enabling the production of new products for pest control.  相似文献   

Efforts have been made during the past two decades to develop insecticides with selective properties that act specifically on biochemical sites present in particular insect groups, but whose properties differ from other insecticides. This approach has led to the discovery of compounds that affect the hormonal regulation of molting and developmental processes in insects; for example, ecdysone agonists, juvenile hormone mimics and chitin synthesis inhibitors. In addition, compounds that selectively interact with the insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, such as imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiamethoxam, have been introduced for the control of aphids, whiteflies and other insect species. Natural products acting selectively on insect pests, such as avermectins, spinosad and azadirachtin, have been introduced for controlling selected groups of insect pests. Compounds acting on the nervous site that controls the sucking pump of aphids and whiteflies, such as pymetrozine, or respiration, such as diafenthiuron, have been introduced for controlling sucking pests. All the above compounds are important components in pest and resistance management programs.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Yin W  Zhao J  Jin L  Yang Y  Wu S  Tabashnik BE  Wu Y 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e22874
Transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins kill some key insect pests, but evolution of resistance by pests can reduce their efficacy. The predominant strategy for delaying pest resistance to Bt crops requires refuges of non-Bt host plants to promote survival of susceptible pests. To delay pest resistance to transgenic cotton producing Bt toxin Cry1Ac, farmers in the United States and Australia planted refuges of non-Bt cotton, while farmers in China have relied on "natural" refuges of non-Bt host plants other than cotton. Here we report data from a 2010 survey showing field-evolved resistance to Cry1Ac of the major target pest, cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), in northern China. Laboratory bioassay results show that susceptibility to Cry1Ac was significantly lower in 13 field populations from northern China, where Bt cotton has been planted intensively, than in two populations from sites in northwestern China where exposure to Bt cotton has been limited. Susceptibility to Bt toxin Cry2Ab did not differ between northern and northwestern China, demonstrating that resistance to Cry1Ac did not cause cross-resistance to Cry2Ab, and implying that resistance to Cry1Ac in northern China is a specific adaptation caused by exposure to this toxin in Bt cotton. Despite the resistance detected in laboratory bioassays, control failures of Bt cotton have not been reported in China. This early warning may spur proactive countermeasures, including a switch to transgenic cotton producing two or more toxins distinct from Cry1A toxins.  相似文献   

植物-昆虫间的化学通讯及其行为控制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在植物与昆虫间的化学通讯中植物气味物质起着决定性的作用,它调控着昆虫的多种行为,诸如引诱昆虫趋向寄主植物,刺激昆虫取食,引导昆虫选择产卵场所,进行传粉和防御昆虫等。有些植物则当受到食植性昆虫危害时会释出一些引诱害虫天敌的化学信号。这些化学信号是一些挥发性萜类混合物,天敌昆虫就以此来区分受害和未受害植株。尽管目前在害虫综合治理中,昆虫信息素的应用越来越显得比天然植物气味源更受重视,但是必须指出的是,昆虫信息化合物首次成功地使用于植物保护的却是天然植物气味源。在利用植物气味源作害虫测报和防治中,近年来一种简单价廉的粘胶诱捕器己成为多种害虫的标准测报工具。在害虫综合治理中利用植物气味源的技术显然是具有不可估量的潜力。文中提出了利用基因工程技术来改造植物,使植物能释放特定的驱避剂或其它控制昆虫行为的特殊气味物质的新概念。  相似文献   

Insect resistance to Bt crops: evidence versus theory   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Evolution of insect resistance threatens the continued success of transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins that kill pests. The approach used most widely to delay insect resistance to Bt crops is the refuge strategy, which requires refuges of host plants without Bt toxins near Bt crops to promote survival of susceptible pests. However, large-scale tests of the refuge strategy have been problematic. Analysis of more than a decade of global monitoring data reveals that the frequency of resistance alleles has increased substantially in some field populations of Helicoverpa zea, but not in five other major pests in Australia, China, Spain and the United States. The resistance of H. zea to Bt toxin Cry1Ac in transgenic cotton has not caused widespread crop failures, in part because other tactics augment control of this pest. The field outcomes documented with monitoring data are consistent with the theory underlying the refuge strategy, suggesting that refuges have helped to delay resistance.  相似文献   

Transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins for insect control have been successful, but their efficacy is reduced when pests evolve resistance. To delay pest resistance to Bt crops, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has required refuges of host plants that do not produce Bt toxins to promote survival of susceptible pests. Such refuges are expected to be most effective if the Bt plants deliver a dose of toxin high enough to kill nearly all hybrid progeny produced by matings between resistant and susceptible pests. In 2003, the EPA first registered corn, Zea mays L., producing a Bt toxin (Cry3Bb1) that kills western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, one of the most economically important crop pests in the United States. The EPA requires minimum refuges of 20% for Cry3Bb1 corn and 5% for corn producing two Bt toxins active against corn rootworms. We conclude that the current refuge requirements are not adequate, because Bt corn hybrids active against corn rootworms do not meet the high-dose standard, and western corn rootworm has rapidly evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1 corn in the laboratory, greenhouse, and field. Accordingly, we recommend increasing the minimum refuge for Bt corn targeting corn rootworms to 50% for plants producing one toxin active against these pests and to 20% for plants producing two toxins active against these pests. Increasing the minimum refuge percentage can help to delay pest resistance, encourage integrated pest management, and promote more sustainable crop protection.  相似文献   

从保护生物多样性角度谈频振式杀虫灯的应用   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
张广学  郑国  李学军  卜军 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):532-535
频振式杀虫灯诱杀昆虫的效果较好 ,但是在诱杀昆虫的过程中选择性不强 ,在诱杀害虫的同时对天敌和其它无益无害昆虫也具有较强的杀伤能力。为了更好地保护自然生态平衡和生物多样性。作者建议在自然生态条件好的地区最好不要使用频振式杀虫灯 ,在适合使用的地区应该事先做好害虫监测 ,应在防治适期使用。  相似文献   

Metarhizium is a genus of entomopathogenic fungi that was initially classified into three species and varieties. More recently, DNA sequencing has improved the phylogenetic resolution of Metarhizium which now includes 30 species. The insect host ranges vary within the genus and some species such as M. robertsii have broad host ranges, while others such as M. acridum show a narrow host range and are restricted to the order Orthoptera. Metarhizium spp. are ubiquitous naturally occurring soil inhabiting fungi, and some are rhizosphere colonisers and their diversity has been attributed to various selective factors (habitat type, climatic conditions, specific associations with plants and insect hosts). Metarhizium have been used for the biological control of insect pests that affect economically important agricultural crops and have been tested under laboratory and field conditions for the control of insect vectors of human disease, showing the effectiveness of the fungus against the target pest. In Mexico, Metarhizium species have been used for the control of insect pests such as the spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and locusts (Orthoptera) that affect crops such as corn, bean and sugarcane. Biosafety studies, such as dermal and intragastric tests in mammalian models have also been carried out to ensure safety to humans and other animals. Metarhizium shows great promise as an alternative to chemical insecticides that has relatively low impact on human health and the environment. Key features of Metarhizium for biocontrol of insects are outlined with special reference to their utility in Mexico.  相似文献   

Pyemotidae mites have been reported as ectoparasites of a large number of arthropods, especially of insects. These mites are frequently found attacking insects in different habitats, including insect rearing. This paper reports the occurrence of Pyemotes sp., ventricosus group, in colonies of Tuta absoluta (Meyerick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the insect rearing laboratory of ESALQ-USP, in Piracicaba, State of S?o Paulo, provoking dematitis in those involved with the rearing. This is the first report of a Pyemotes species parasitizing T. absoluta and S. zeamais. Considering the capacity of Pyemotes to cause dermatitis in human beings, demonstrated by other authors, the direct use of the Pyemotes species found in this work for the control of the reported insect species may not be promising.  相似文献   

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