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The interaction of measles virus with its receptor signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) controls cell entry and governs tropism. We predicted potential interface areas of the measles virus attachment protein hemagglutinin to begin the investigation. We then assessed the relevance of individual amino acids located in these areas for SLAM-binding and SLAM-dependent membrane fusion, as measured by surface plasmon resonance and receptor-specific fusion assays, respectively. These studies identified one hemagglutinin protein residue, isoleucine 194, which is essential for primary binding. The crystal structure of the hemagglutinin-protein localizes Ile-194 at the interface of propeller blades 5 and 6, and our data indicate that a small aliphatic side chain of residue 194 stabilizes a protein conformation conducive to binding. In contrast, a quartet of residues previously shown to sustain SLAM-dependent fusion is not involved in binding. Instead, our data prove that after binding, this quartet of residues on propeller blade 5 conducts conformational changes that are receptor-specific. Our study sets a structure-based stage for understanding how the SLAM-elicited conformational changes travel through the H-protein ectodomain before triggering fusion protein unfolding and membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Signaling lymphocytic activating molecule ((SLAM) CDw150) is a glycoprotein that belongs to the CD2 subset of the immunoglobulin superfamily and is expressed on the surface of activated T- and B-cells. It has been proposed that SLAM is homophilic and required for bidirectional signaling during T- and B-cell activation. Previous work has suggested that the affinity of SLAM self-association might be unusually high, undermining the concept that protein interactions mediating transient cell-cell contacts, such as those involving leukocytes, have to be weak in order that such contacts are readily reversible. Using surface plasmon resonance-based methods and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), we confirm that SLAM is homophilic. However, we also establish a new theoretical treatment of surface plasmon resonance-derived homophilic binding data, which indicates that SLAM-SLAM interactions (solution K(d) approximately 200 micrometer) are in fact considerably weaker than most other well characterized protein-protein interactions at the cell surface (solution K(d) approximately 0.4-20 micrometer), a conclusion that is supported by the AUC analysis. Whereas further analysis of the AUC data imply that SLAM could form "head to head" dimers spanning adjacent cells, the very low affinity raises important questions regarding the physiological role and/or properties of such interactions.  相似文献   

Tatsuo H  Ono N  Yanagi Y 《Journal of virology》2001,75(13):5842-5850
Morbilliviruses comprise measles virus, canine distemper virus, rinderpest virus, and several other viruses that cause devastating human and animal diseases accompanied by severe immunosuppression and lymphopenia. Recently, we have shown that human signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) is a cellular receptor for measles virus. In this study, we examined whether canine distemper and rinderpest viruses also use canine and bovine SLAMs, respectively, as cellular receptors. The Onderstepoort vaccine strain and two B95a (marmoset B cell line)-isolated strains of canine distemper virus caused extensive cytopathic effects in normally resistant CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells after expression of canine SLAM. The Ako vaccine strain of rinderpest virus produced strong cytopathic effects in bovine SLAM-expressing CHO cells. The data on entry with vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotypes bearing measles, canine distemper, or rinderpest virus envelope proteins were consistent with development of cytopathic effects in SLAM-expressing CHO cell clones after infection with the respective viruses, confirming that SLAM acts at the virus entry step (as a cellular receptor). Furthermore, most measles, canine distemper, and rinderpest virus strains examined could any use of the human, canine, and bovine SLAMs to infect cells. Our findings suggest that the use of SLAM as a cellular receptor may be a property common to most, if not all, morbilliviruses and explain the lymphotropism and immunosuppressive nature of morbilliviruses.  相似文献   

Laboratory strains of measles viruses (MV), such as Edmonston and Halle, use the complement regulatory protein CD46 as a cell surface receptor. The receptor usage of clinical isolates of MV, however, remains unclear. Receptor usage by primary patient isolates of MV was compared to isolates that had been passaged on a variety of tissue culture cell lines. All of the isolates could infect cells in a CD46-dependent manner, but their tropism was restricted according to cell type (e.g., lymphocytes versus fibroblasts). The results indicate that patient isolates that have not been adapted to tissue culture cell lines use CD46 as a receptor. In addition, passaging primary MV patient isolates in B95-8 cells selected variants that had alternate receptor usage compared to the original isolate. Thus, changes in receptor usage by MV are dependent upon the cell type used for isolation. Furthermore, our results confirm the relevance of the CD46 receptor to natural measles infection.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MCI20.6) which inhibited measles virus (MV) binding to host cells was previously used to characterize a 57- to 67-kDa cell surface glycoprotein as a potential MV receptor. In the present work, this glycoprotein (gp57/67) was immunopurified, and N-terminal amino acid sequencing identified it as human membrane cofactor protein (CD46), a member of the regulators of complement activation gene cluster. Transfection of nonpermissive murine cells with a recombinant expression vector containing CD46 cDNA conferred three major properties expected of cells permissive to MV infection. First, expression of CD46 enabled MV to bind to murine cells. Second, the CD46-expressing murine cells were able to undergo cell-cell fusion when both MV hemagglutinin and MV fusion glycoproteins were expressed after infection with a vaccinia virus recombinant encoding both MV glycoproteins. Third, M12.CD46 murine B cells were able to support MV replication, as shown by production of infectious virus and by cell biosynthesis of viral hemagglutinin after metabolic labeling of infected cells with [35S]methionine. These results show that the human CD46 molecule serves as an MV receptor allowing virus-cell binding, fusion, and viral replication and open new perspectives in the study of MV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM; also known as CDw150) has been shown to be a cellular receptor for measles virus (MV). Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a mouse SLAM cDNA were not susceptible to MV and the vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotype bearing MV envelope proteins alone, indicating that mouse SLAM cannot act as an MV receptor. To determine the functional domain of the receptor, we tested the abilities of several chimeric SLAM proteins to function as MV receptors. The ectodomain of SLAM comprises the two immunoglobulin superfamily domains (V and C2). Various chimeric transmembrane proteins possessing the V domain of human SLAM were able to act as MV receptors, whereas a chimera consisting of human SLAM containing the mouse V domain instead of the human V domain no longer acted as a receptor. To examine the interaction between SLAM and MV envelope proteins, recombinant soluble forms of SLAM were produced. The soluble molecules possessing the V domain of human SLAM were shown to bind to cells expressing the MV hemagglutinin (H) protein but not to cells expressing the MV fusion protein or irrelevant envelope proteins. These results indicate that the V domain of human SLAM is necessary and sufficient to interact with the MV H protein and allow MV entry.  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV) interacts with cellular receptors on the surface of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) which mediate virus binding and uptake. Simultaneously, the direct contact of the viral glycoproteins with the cell surface induces a negative signal blocking progression to the S phase of the cell cycle, resulting in a pronounced proliferation inhibition. We selected a monoclonal antibody (MAb 5C6) directed to the surface of highly MV-susceptible B cells (B95a), which inhibits binding to and infection of cells with MV wild-type and vaccine strains. By screening a retroviral cDNA library from human splenocytes (ViraPort; Stratagene) with this antibody, we cloned and identified the recognized molecule as signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM; CD150), which is identical to the MV receptor recently found by H. Tatsuo et al. (Nature 406:893-897, 2000). After infection of cells, and after surface contact with MV envelope proteins, SLAM is downregulated from the cell surface of activated PBL and cell lines. Although anti-SLAM and/or anti-CD46 antibodies block virus binding, they do not interfere with the contact-mediated proliferation inhibition. In addition, the cell-type-specific expression of SLAM does not correlate with the sensitivity of cells for proliferation inhibition. The data indicate that proliferation inhibition induced by MV contact is independent of the presence or absence of the virus-binding receptors SLAM and CD46.  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV) infection in children harboring human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is often fatal, even in the presence of neutralizing antibodies; however, the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the interaction between HIV-1 and wild-type MV (MVwt) or an MV vaccine strain (MVvac) during dual infection. The results showed that the frequencies of MVwt- and MVvac-infected CD4(+) T cells within the resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were increased 3- to 4-fold after HIV-1 infection, and this was associated with a marked upregulation of signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) expression on CD4(+) T cells but not on CD8(+) T cells. SLAM upregulation was induced by infection with a replication-competent HIV-1 isolate comprising both the X4 and R5 types and to a lesser extent by a pseudotyped HIV-1 infection. Notably, SLAM upregulation was observed in HIV-infected as well as -uninfected CD4(+) T cells and was abrogated by the removal of HLA-DR(+) cells from the PBMC culture. Furthermore, SLAM upregulation did not occur in uninfected PBMCs cultured together with HIV-infected PBMCs in compartments separated by a permeable membrane, indicating that no soluble factors were involved. Rather, CD4(+) T cell activation mediated through direct contact with dendritic cells via leukocyte function-associated molecule 1 (LFA-1)/intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and LFA-3/CD2 was critical. Thus, HIV-1 infection induces a high level of SLAM expression on CD4(+) T cells, which may enhance their susceptibility to MV and exacerbate measles in coinfected individuals.  相似文献   

For measles viruses, fusion on the cell membrane is an important initial step in the entry into the infected cells. The recent research indicated that hemagglutinin firstly leads the conformational changes in the fusion protein then co-mediates the membrane fusion. In the work, we use the co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down techniques to identify the interactions among fusion protein, hemagglutinin and signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM), which reveal that the three proteins can form a functional complex to mediate the SLAM-dependent fusion. Moreover, under the confocal microscope, fusion protein and hemagglutinin protein can show the cocapping mediated by the SLAM. So fusion protein not only is involved in the fusion but also might directly interact with the SLAM to be a new fusion-trimer model, which might account for the infection mechanism of measles virus.  相似文献   

Ag recognition by the TCR determines the subsequent fate of the T cell and is regulated by the involvement of other cell surface molecules, termed coreceptors. CD229 is a lymphocyte cell surface molecule that belongs to the CD150 family of receptors. Upon tyrosine phosphorylation, CD229 recruits various signaling molecules to the membrane. One of these molecules is the signaling lymphocytic activation molecule-associated protein, of which a deficiency leads to the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome. We report that CD229 interacts in a phosphorylation-dependent manner with Grb2. We mapped this interaction showing that the Src homology 2 domain of Grb2 and the tyrosine residue Y606 in CD229 are required for CD229-Grb2 complex formation. The Grb2 motif in the cytoplasmic tail of CD229 is distinct and independent from the two tyrosines required for efficient signaling lymphocytic activation molecule-associated protein recruitment. CD229, but not other members of the CD150 family, directly bound Grb2. We also demonstrate that CD229 precipitates with Grb2 in T lymphocytes after pervanadate treatment, as well as CD229 or TCR ligation. Interestingly, the CD229 mutant lacking the Grb2 binding site is not internalized after CD229 engagement with specific Abs. Moreover, a dominant negative form of Grb2 (containing only Src homology 2 domain) impaired CD229 endocytosis. Unexpectedly, Erk phosphorylation was partially inhibited after activation of CD229 plus CD3. Consistent with this, CD229 ligation partially inhibited TCR signaling in peripheral blood cells and CD229-Jurkat cells transfected with the 3XNFAT-luciferase reporter construct. Altogether, the data suggest a model whereby CD229 ligation attenuates TCR signaling and Grb2 recruitment to CD229 controls its rate of internalization.  相似文献   

CD46, which serves as a receptor for measles virus (MV; strain Edmonston), is rapidly downregulated from the cell surface after contact with viral particles or infected cells. We show here that the same two CD46 complement control protein (CCP) domains responsible for primary MV attachment mediate its downregulation. Optimal downregulation efficiency was obtained with CD46 recombinants containing CCP domains 1 and 2, whereas CCP 1, alone and duplicated, induced a slight downregulation. Using persistently infected monocytic/promyelocytic U937 cells which release very small amounts of infectious virus, and uninfected HeLa cells as contact partners, we then showed that during contact the formation of CD46-containing patches and caps precedes CD46 internalization. Nevertheless, neither substances inhibiting capping nor the fusion-inhibiting peptide Z-D-Phe-L-Phe-Gly-OH (FIP) blocked CD46 downregulation. Thus, CD46 downregulation can be uncoupled from fusion and subsequent virus uptake. Interestingly, in that system cell-cell contacts lead to a remarkably efficient infection of the target cells which is only partially inhibited by FIP. The finding that the contact of an infected with uninfected cells results in transfer of infectious viral material without significant (complete) fusion of the donor with the recipient cell suggests that microfusion events and/or FIP-independent mechanisms may mediate the transfer of MV infectivity from cell to cell.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis RecR protein is required for DNA repair and recombination in vivo . In its N-terminal portion, RecR possesses potential zinc-ligand structures associated with the multicysteine (C4) superfamily. The number and arrangement of the cysteine residues is suggestive of RecR being a zinc-finger protein. One of the four cysteines (Cys-60) has been replaced by a Ser (C60S) or an Ala (C60A) residue to generate the recR60 and recR601 genes, respectively. B. subtilis recR60 , recR601 or Δ recR1 (a null-mutant allele) cells are 10-, 134- and 144-fold more sensitive to 10 mM methanesulphonate and 95-, 900- and 1100-fold more sensitive to the lethal effect of 100 μM 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) than the wild-type strain, respectively. The RecR zinc-ligand C4 motif does not seem to be accessible, because the protein is highly resistant to oxidation and moderately resistant to reduction. We have determined by different biochemical methods that RecR is a zinc metalloprotein whose cysteine residues have a structural and/or functional role.  相似文献   

Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; also known as CD150) is a newly identified cellular receptor for measles virus (MV). MV Hemagglutinin protein (H) mediates MV entry into host cells by specifically binding to SLAM. Amino acid 27-135 of SLAM was previously shown to be the functional domain to interact with H and used to screen a 10-mer phage display peptide library in this study. After four rounds of screening and sequence analysis, the deduced amino acid sequence of screened peptides SGFDPLITHA and SDWDPLFTHK showed to be highly homologous with amino acid 429-438 of MV H (SGFGPLITHG). Peptides SGFDPLITHA and SDWDPLFTHK specifically inhibited binding of H to SLAM and further inhibition of MV infection suggests that these peptides can be developed to MV blocking reagents and amino acid 429-438 in H protein is functionally involved in receptor binding and may constitute part of the receptor-binding determinants on H protein.  相似文献   

2B4 (CD244) is a receptor belonging to the CD2-signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family and is found on all murine NK cells and a subset of NKT and CD8+ T cells. Murine 2B4 is expressed as two isoforms (2B4 short and 2B4 long) that arise by alternative splicing. They differ only in their cytoplasmic domains and exhibit opposing function when expressed in the RNK-16 cell line. The ligand for 2B4, CD48, is expressed on all hemopoietic cells. Previous studies have shown that treatment of NK cells with a 2B4 mAb results in increased cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma production. In this report, we used CD48+/- variants of the P815 tumor cell line and 2B4 knockout mice to show that engagement of 2B4 by its counterreceptor, CD48, expressed on target cells leads to an inhibition in NK cytotoxicity. The addition of 2B4 or CD48 mAb relieves this inhibition resulting in enhanced target cell lysis. This 2B4-mediated inhibition acts independently of signaling lymphocytic activation molecule-associated protein expression. Imaging studies show that 2B4 preferentially accumulates at the interface between NK and target cells during nonlytic events also indicative of an inhibitory receptor. This predominant inhibitory function of murine 2B4 correlates with increased 2B4 long isoform level expression over 2B4 short.  相似文献   

Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) (CD46), a complement-regulatory protein, serves as a cellular receptor for measles virus. Its amino-terminal portion is composed of four short consensus repeats (SCR), three of which (SCR1, SCR2, and SCR4) carry an N-linked oligosaccharide. In order to determine the importance of the three N-glycans for the function of MCP as a measles virus receptor, we established Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines that stably express mutant MCPs lacking one of the three motifs for N glycosylation (NQ1, NQ2, and NQ4). In an additional mutant (NQ1-2), two glycosylation motifs were altered, allowing the addition of an N-linked oligosaccharide only in SCR4. The abilities of the mutant MCPs to function as measles virus receptors were analyzed with three different assays: (i) binding of measles virus hemagglutinin to MCP immobilized on nitrocellulose; (ii) binding of measles virus to CHO cells expressing wild-type or mutant MCP; and (iii) infection of the transfected CHO cells by measles virus. In all three assays, the abilities of the NQ2 and NQ1-2 mutants to serve as measles virus receptors were drastically impaired. The NQ1 and NQ4 mutants were recognized by measles virus almost as efficiently as the wild-type protein. These results indicate that the N-glycan attached to SCR2 is essential for MCP to serve as a measles virus receptor, while the oligosaccharides attached to SCR1 and SCR4 are of only minor importance.  相似文献   

Macrophage scavenger class A type I and type II receptors (SR-A) are trimeric, integral membrane glycoproteins that bind an unusually broad array of macromolecular ligands. These ligands include modified proteins and lipoproteins, nucleic acids, and a variety of plant and microbial cell wall constituents, such as fucoidan and lipoteichoic acid. Early studies of SR-A functions indicated that the receptors bound, internalized, and degraded their ligands without provoking any macrophage activating signaling events. More recent studies have provided evidence that several SR-A ligands can activate macrophage gene expression via utilization of a receptor-linked, PI3-kinase pathway. To investigate the role of SR-A in engaging signal transduction events, we employed macrophages taken from mice lacking these receptors. Using either fucoidan or lipoteichoic acid, we confirm that both ligands stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of PI3-kinase and production of modest levels of the cytokine, TNFalpha. However, macrophages taken from SR-A null mice did not differ from wild type macrophages in these responses, indicating that these signaling events arise independently of SR-A activity. Employing mice lacking CD14, a GPI anchored receptor that binds bacterial lipopolysaccharide and signals via activation of Toll-like receptors, we show that the fucoidan and lipoteichoic acid responses are largely abrogated when CD14 is absent. These data do not provide support for direct SR-A involvement in signal transduction events and suggest that the early characterization of these receptors as initiators of a non-phlogistic, pathogen clearance pathway was correct.  相似文献   

Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; also known as CD150) is a newly identified cellular receptor for measles virus (MV). The interaction between MV Haemagglutin (MVH) and SLAM is an initial step for MV entry. We have identified several novel SLAM binding sites at residues S429, T436 and H437 of MVH protein and MVH mutants in these residues dramatically decrease the ability to interaction with the cell surface SLAM and fail to coprecipitation with SLAM in vivo as well as malfunction in syncytium formation. At the same time, K58, S59 and H61 of SLAM was also identified to be critical for MVH and SLAM binding. Further, these residues may be useful targets for the development of measles therapy.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases Src and Pyk2 have been implicated in linking a variety of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) to the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascade. In this report we apply a genetic strategy using cells isolated from Src-, Pyk2-, or EGFR-deficient mice to explore the roles played by these protein tyrosine kinases in GPCR-induced activation of EGFR, Pyk2, and MAP kinase. We show that Src kinases are critical for activation of Pyk2 in response to GPCR-stimulation and that Pyk2 and Src are essential for GPCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR. By contrast, Pyk2, Src, and EGFR are dispensable for GPCR-induced activation of MAP kinase. Moreover, GPCR-induced MAP kinase activation is normal in fibroblasts deficient in both Src and Pyk2 (Src-/-Pyk2-/- cells) as well as in fibroblasts deficient in all three Src kinases expressed in these cells (Src-/-Yes-/-Fyn-/- cells). Finally, experiments are presented demonstrating that, upon stimulation of GPCR, activated Pyk2 forms a complex with Src, which in turn phosphorylates EGFR directly. These experiments reveal a role for Src kinases in Pyk2 activation and a role for Pyk2 and Src in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR following GPCR stimulation. In addition, EGFR, Src family kinases, and Pyk2 are not required for linking GPCRs with the MAP kinase signaling cascade.  相似文献   

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