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The gonadotropin-primed immature rat has become the most common model for the study of follicular development and ovulation. In this study, prepubertal female rats, 23 and 24 days old, were injected s. c. with 5 IU eCG, and ovaries were collected for topical autoradiography of FSH and hCG receptors at 48 or 24 h post-eCG, respectively (i.e., Day 25). In a baseline group, on Day 25 (before eCG), even the smallest preantral follicles with 1 layer of granulosa cells (GCs; primary follicles) possessed FSH receptors, but hCG receptors were found only on the theca of follicles with 2 or more layers of GCs. Human CG receptors were especially prominent in the interstitium that intimately surrounds preantral follicles without any distinction between theca and interstitial cells. There was a discrete theca surrounding antral follicles. Occasionally antral follicles had hCG receptors in the interstitium, but the adjacent theca was negative, suggesting that these follicles might be destined for atresia. By 24 h post-eCG, a now-discrete theca layer with hCG receptors surrounded all preantral follicles except for the primary follicles, which never responded to eCG. The interstitium was hypertrophied and epithelioid, as was the theca surrounding nonatretic preantral and antral follicles. Increased mitotic activity characterized the growing preantral follicle, and for the first time, FSH binding in GCs of antral follicles was greater than in the preantral population. By 48 h post-eCG, the primary follicles were still unresponsive to eCG. FSH receptors were even more pronounced in the GCs of large antral follicles, although hCG receptors were present in the GCs of only one third of the antral follicles, reflecting the small dose of eCG administered. By 48 h post-eCG, receptors in the interstitium were barely detectable. Using this model, the following study considers the functional in vitro changes in steroidogenesis in follicles from the smallest preantral follicles to the largest antral follicles.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) have an approximately 350-amino acid-long, N-terminal extracellular exodomain. This exodomain binds hormone with high affinity and specificity and contains eight to nine putative Leu-rich repeat (LRR) sequences. LRRs are known to assume the horseshoe structure in ribonuclease inhibitors, and the inner lining of the horseshoe consists of the beta-stranded Leu/Ile-X-Leu/Ile motif. In the case of ribonuclease inhibitors, these beta strands interact with ribonuclease. However, it is unclear whether the putative LRRs of LHR and FSHR play any role in the structure and function. In this work, the beta-stranded Leu/Ile residues in all LRRs of the human LHR and FSHR were Ala-scanned and characterized. In addition, the 23 residues around LRR2 of LHR were Ala-scanned. The results show that beta-stranded Leu and Ile residues in all LRRs are important but not equally. These Leu/Ile-X-Leu/Ile motifs appear to form the hydrophobic core of the LRR loop, crucial for the LRR structure. Interestingly, the hot spots are primarily in the upstream and downstream LRRs of the LHR exodomain, whereas important LRRs spread throughout the FSHR exodomain. This may explain the distinct hormone specificity despite the structural similarity of the two receptors.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the relative contribution of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to the regulation of estradiol secretion by the testis of the 12-day-old rat. In an in vivo model system, stimulation of the whole testis with NIH-FSH-S13 (5% LH activity) caused an 8-fold increase in testosterone secretion within 1 h followed by a 5-fold increase in estradiol secretion. Qualitatively, similar findings were obtained from whole testes incubated in tissue culture medium 199. The in vitro system was used to further examine the response of the testes to LH and FSH. Testes exposed to a variety of doses of LH or 10 ng/ml of highly purified FSH (3 X 13, 1% LH activity) showed no change in estradiol secretion. However, a synergistic effect was observed when purified FSH and LH were combined, provided the LH concentration exceeded 25 pg/ml. It is suggested that FSH secretion in infant rats maintains the aromatizing capacity of the seminiferous tubule at a level such that availability of aromatizable substrate becomes a major factor in the rate of tubular estrogen formation.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hOG) or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) was given alone or with repeated coital stimuli to study ovarian activity and ovulation in the domestic cat. Adult cats in natural estrus (NE) or treated with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH-P) to induce estrus (2.0 mg/d for 5 d; IE) were assigned to one of five treatments: I, mating (M) only (three times daily for the first 3 d of estrus); II, M + hOG (250 IU, i.m. on Days 2 and 3 of estrus); III M + GnRH (25 mug, i.m. on Days 2 and 3 of estrus); IV, hOG only (250 IU, i.m. on Days 2 and 3 of estrus); or V, GnRH only (25 mug on Day 2 and 3 of estrus). Overall, IE females produced a greater (P < 0.05) number of corpora lutea (7.6 +/- 0.9) and unovulated follicles (18.9 +/- 2.1) than NE cats (4.9 +/- 0.6 and 3.6 +/- 0.9, respectively). For both NE and IE females, the M + hOG treatment (II) produced a greater number (P < 0.05) of ovulations (9.1 and 13.9, respectively) than any other ovulatory regimen (I, 4.1, 6.6; III, 4.1, 7.8; IV, 4.0, 6.2; V, 4.1, 5.6, respectively). These results indicate that 1) the excessive follicle number resulting from FSH-P treatment cannot be reduced with any of the hOG or GnRH treatments tested and 2) the use of hOG with copulatory stimuli synergistically enhances the ovulatory response of cats experiencing a natural estrus or those treated with FSH-P.  相似文献   

Seventy one patients with ectopic testis of age between 2 and 11.5 years were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at doses recommended by the International Health Foundation. The descent of testis to the scrotum was achieved in almost half of the treated boys (49.3%). The descent was successful mainly in cases of lower inguinal position of the undescended testicle, and only rarely when the testicle was situated higher. The descent was never successful in cases when the scrotum was small and underdeveloped.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in the testicular hormonal responsiveness to in vivo administration of chorionic gonadotropin (CG) between adult male mice of eight inbred strains (A/Sn, CBA/Lac, CC57Br, C57Bl/6J, DBA/2J, GR, PT, and YT) were determined. In addition, the genetic variation of the body and testis weights was estimated as related to the responsiveness to stimulation of steroidogenesis with CG. Adult males were subcutaneously injected with 10 IU of CG or physiological saline 120 min before decapitation. It was found that the baseline testosterone level in the blood serum and its content in the testes only slightly varied in males of the strains studied. Administration of CG increased these parameters by a factor of 3–45, depending on the strain. The results of the study indicate genetic differences in the testicular reactivity to CG. In addition, it has been found that the response to administration of CG, as compared to the baseline levels, provides the most reliable information on the genetic characteristics of the hormonal potential of the testes. The given set of inbred mouse strains may be a promising genetic model for studying the physiological and hereditary variations of testicular steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was developed to assess the response of testicular HO-1 to agents known to increase the microsomal heme oxygenase activity. Treatment of rats with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased the microsomal heme oxygenase activity in rat testis. The following data suggest that the increase was specific to the HO-1 isozyme: (a) The elution profile of heme oxygenase activity from a DEAE-Sephacel column showed an increase in the HO-1 peak, but not in the HO-2 peak, (b) the Western immunoblot of the testis microsomes showed an increase in HO-1 protein, and (c) the amount of HO-1 protein that was present in the microsomes, when measured by radioimmunoassay, was doubled. Using radioimmunoassay, it was shown that other agents known to increase the testicular heme oxygenase, sodium arsenate and sodium arsenite, also increased the microsomal content of HO-1. An inhibitor of the testicular microsomal heme oxygenase activity, cadmium, also increased the microsomal HO-1 protein. The findings suggest that inducibility of HO-1 extends to tissues other than the liver, in this instance, the testis, and further support the possibility that HO-1 is the only inducible form of heme oxygenase.  相似文献   

LH/hCG receptors were disrupted by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. The disruption resulted in infertility in both sexes. The gonads contained no receptor mRNA or receptor protein. Serum LH levels were greatly elevated, and FSH levels were moderately elevated in both sexes; estradiol and progesterone levels decreased but were not totally suppressed in females; testosterone levels were dramatically decreased and estradiol levels moderately elevated in males. The external and internal genitalia were grossly underdeveloped in both sexes. Abnormalities included ambiguous vaginal opening, abdominal testes, micropenis, dramatically decreased weights of the gonads and reproductive tract, arrested follicular growth beyond antral stage, disarray of seminiferous tubules, diminished number and hypotrophy of Leydig cells, and spermatogenic arrest beyond the round spermatid stage. LH/hCG receptor gene disruption had no effect on FSH receptor mRNA levels in ovaries and testes, progesterone receptor (PR) levels in ovaries and androgen receptor (AR) levels in testes. However, it caused a dramatic decrease in StAR and estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) mRNA levels and an increase in ERbeta mRNA levels in both ovaries and testes. Estradiol and progesterone replacement therapy in females and testosterone replacement in males, to determine whether phenotype and biochemical changes were a consequence of decreased gonadal steroid levels or due to a loss of LH signaling, revealed complete restoration of some and partial restoration of others. Nevertheless, the animals remained infertile. It is anticipated that the LH receptor knockout animals will increase our current understanding of gonadal and nongonadal actions of LH and hCG.  相似文献   

Basic properties of the binding of [131I]-labeled rat FSH ([131I]rFSH) to the testicular homogenates of fetal rats were analyzed by micro-radioreceptor assay. Specific binding of FSH was detectable in the testicular preparations from 15.5-day fetuses, but it was very low. After 17.5 days of gestation, specific FSH binding was apparent in the testis and was effectively displaced by rat FSH but not by rat LH. The Scatchard plot analyses of the binding of FSH to the testicular preparations of fetuses showed straight lines similar to those of postnatal rats, suggesting the presence of a single class of binding sites. The mean dissociation constant (Kd) for FSH receptors in 17.5-day fetuses was 0.413 +/- 0.043 nM, which was significantly greater than that in postnatal rats at 50 days of age. However, the Kd in 19.5-day fetuses was not significantly different from those in 17.5-day fetuses and postnatal rats due to its considerable variance. The capacity of FSH binding sites was 0.51 +/- 0.01 fmol/testis in 17.5-day fetuses, which was significantly less than those of 19.5-day fetuses and postnatal rats.  相似文献   

Two-day-old rats were stimulated with a single dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Changes in the Leydig cell number, mitotic activity, cell size, and number of luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors were studied. The Leydig cell number of the hCG-treated animals was 1.8 times that of the control on Day 1 and remained elevated for the rest of the 5-day experiment (p less than 0.0001). On Day 1 the number of Leydig cell mitoses in the hCG group was greater (p less than 0.05) than in the controls. The Leydig cell size increased transiently to two times that of the control (p less than 0.01) within the first day after the treatment and returned to control size by Day 5. The number of LH receptors per testis decreased 81% in 1 day (p less than 0.01), but returned to control level by Day 3. Since Leydig cell numbers were constant after Day 1, the rapid receptor recovery was obviously due to restoration of the binding sites rather than increased cell number. The present results demonstrate a rapid proliferative response and rapid LH receptor replenishment in the fetal-neonatal Leydig cells after gonadotropic stimulation. These responses of fetal-type Leydig cells are in clear contrast to those observed in adult testes after a similar stimulation.  相似文献   

The effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration on the pituitary and luteal responses to acute gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration at the mid luteal phase (LP) were studied in 20 infertile women. Patients were divided into 2 groups. In 1 group (n = 8), hCG (5,000 IU i.m.) was injected in a single shot on day 5 of LP. Sixty hours later (day 8 of LP) blood samples were taken every 15 min for 180 min; then 25 micrograms GnRH were acutely administered intravenously and blood samples taken at 185, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285 and 300 min. In the other 12 patients the same experimental design with GnRH was performed on day 8 of an untreated LP. Plasma LH, FSH, beta-hCG, progesterone and estradiol (E2) were assayed. The responsiveness of different hormones to GnRH was evaluated as integrated secretory area for 120 min after injection (sISA) and as the absolute increase with respect to the area under basal conditions before a GnRH administration (bISA). hCG-treated patients showed higher basal and bISA plasma values of LH/hCG than controls (p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of the carbohydrate part of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was investigated by measuring the ability of hCG derivatives lacking various sugar residues to bind to rat Leydig cells and stimulate them to synthesize testosterone and cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). Whereas sequential removal of the sialic acid, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, and mannose residues led to a progressive increase in the effective dose of the hormone required to stimulate steroidogenesis, it resulted in a marked loss in the ability of the hormone to stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation. Low doses of the glycosidase-treated hormone derivatives were additive with hCG when their ability to stimulate testosterone synthesis was analyzed. Nevertheless, the glycosidase-treated derivatives were potent inhibitors of hCG-induced cyclic AMP accumulation, suggesting that removal of the sugars did not influence binding of the hormone to the cell as much as it reduced the ability of the bound hormone to activate adenyl cyclase. This hypothesis was further supported by our finding that the hCG derivatives were highly effective inhibitors of 125I-hGC binding to the intact cells. Removal of sialic acid and galactose enhanced the inhibition, whereas removal of all the sugar residues only decreased the inhibition slightly. The degree of these effects was comparatively small. The possibility that steroidogenesis and cyclic AMP accumulation are altered independently by hCG stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in rat and human testicular human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) binding sites induced by hCG were estimated in vivo and in vitro. After a single administration of hCG, the specific 125I-hCG bindings were significantly reduced for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, 125I-hCG bindings had recovered to pretreatment values by the 14th day after the administration. Occupied hCG bindings accounted for about half of the reduced bindings on the day after administration of hCG. After this time, however, the occupancy did not contribute so much to the reduction of the bindings. In experiments in vitro using the organ culture technique, an exposure to hCG for 24 h induced a dose-related significant loss of the specific 125I-hCG bindings for 7 and 5 days in rat and human testes, respectively. Thereafter, the loss was gradually recovered. These patterns of changes in 125I-hCG bindings in vitro were similar to those in vivo. These findings suggest that the reduction in hCG binding sites by hCG is due to not only occupancy but also downregulation of the binding sites and that the testicular organ culture method used in the present study is useful to study hormonal regulation of testicular function, especially in human testes.  相似文献   

Chemical deglycosylation of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced an antagonist (DG-hCG) that specifically bound to hCG receptors but was no longer able to stimulate adenylate cyclase in the murine Leydig tumor cell line, MLTC-1. DG-hCG was restored to an agonist by incubating cells or membranes having the bound analogue with antibodies against hCG (anti-hCG). In the presence of anti-hCG, cyclic AMP accumulation and adenylate cyclase activity were stimulated over DG-hCG alone. There was no accumulation of cyclic AMP when the cells were exposed to anti-hCG alone or DG-hCG and normal serum or anti-hCG first then DG-hCG. Several different batches of anti-hCG were effective but their activity did not correlate with their affinity for DG-hCG or hCG. The effect of anti-hCG on DG-hCG activity was dose- and time-dependent. Maximal stimulation of cyclic AMP was achieved with antisera dilutions of 1:200 or less. When DG-hCG-treated cells were exposed to anti-hCG at 37 degrees C, there was a 10-min lag. The lag was eliminated when the cells were exposed to the antibodies at 4 degrees C for 3 h and then warmed to 37 degrees C. Adenylate cyclase was also activated when Fab fragments prepared by papain digestion of anti-hCG were used, whereas Fc fragments were not effective. Thus, the divalency of the anti-hCG is not the critical factor in the mechanism of antibody action. Our results suggest that anti-hCG converts DG-hCG from an antagonist to an agonist possibly by altering the conformation of the modified hormone.  相似文献   

Opioid ligands were investigated for their effect on hCG release from trophoblast tissue obtained from term human placenta. Data obtained indicate that opiate agonists stimulate in vitro basal hCG release from trophoblast tissue. The potency of these opioid agonists correspond to their kappa receptor selectivity, i.e., the greater the selectivity the lower is the effective concentration causing maximum stimulation. Opioid antagonists inhibit the release of hCG due to their reversal of the stimulation caused by endogenous opioid peptides. Potency of the antagonists correspond also to their kappa receptor selectivity. Antagonists reverse the stimulation of hCG release caused by agonists indicating that the ligand's action is mediated by the placental kappa opioid receptors. The bell shaped response curves for agonists and antagonists suggest that opioids play a role in the regulation of hCG release from trophoblast tissue, but other mechanism(s) may also exist.  相似文献   

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