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This study evaluated three Trichoderma strains (T. harzianum TR05, T. virens TR06 and T. asperellum TR08) originating from Bangladesh as potential biological control agents against collar rot of tomato under greenhouse conditions. After seed treatment with TR05, a disease incidence of collar rot (5.36%) was lower than for TR06 (34.2%) and TR08 (20.8%). Germination percentage of tomato was highest for TR05 (90.3%). In soil treatment, inoculation with TR08 resulted in the lowest disease incidence (9.78%), and the disease incidence was statistically no different from that for TR05 (16.4%). Thus, TR05 and TR08 have potential as biological control agents of collar rot in tomato.  相似文献   

Sclerotium rolfsii is one of the most destructive pathogens and thought to affect a broad range of plant hosts. In July 2014, an occurrence of sclerotium rot was observed on bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) in Jinju, South Korea. The rot symptoms were most developed on stems and fruit near the soil line, and infected bitter melon plants withered and eventually died. White mycelial mats with numerous sclerotia were produced on diseased stems and fruit near the soil surface. Based on the morphological characteristics, pathogenicity tests, and DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene region, the causal fungus was identified as S. rolfsii Saccardo. This is the first report of sclerotium rot caused by S. rolfsii on bitter melon in Korea. The recent occurrence of sclerotium rot on bitter melon poses a potential threat to its production in Korea.  相似文献   

Aims:  To evaluate the ability of the isolated actinomycetes to inhibit in vitro plant pathogenic fungi and the efficacy of promising antagonistic isolates to reduce in vivo the incidence of root rot induced by Sclerotium rolfsii on sugar beet.
Methods and Results:  Actinomycetes isolated from rhizosphere soil of sugar beet were screened for antagonistic activity against a number of plant pathogens, including S.   rolfsii . Ten actinomycetes out of 195 screened in vitro were strongly inhibitory to S. rolfsii . These isolates were subsequently tested for their ability to inhibit sclerotial germination and hyphal growth of S. roflsii . The most important inhibitions were obtained by the culture filtrate from the isolates J-2 and B-11, including 100% inhibition of sclerotial germination and 80% inhibition of hyphal growth. These two isolates (J-2 and B-11) were then screened for their ability to protect sugar beet against infection of S. rolfsii induced root rot in a pot trial. The treatment of S. rolfsii infested soil with a biomass and culture filtrate mixture of the selected antagonists reduced significantly ( P  ≤ 0·05) the incidence of root rot on sugar beet. Isolate J-2 was most effective and allowed a high fresh weight of sugar beet roots to be obtained. Both antagonists J-2 and B-11 were classified as belonging to the genus Streptomyces species through morphological and chemical characteristics as well as 16S rDNA analysis.
Conclusion:  Streptomyces isolates J-2 and B-11 showed a potential for controlling root rot on sugar beet and could be useful in integrated control against diverse soil borne plant pathogens.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This investigation showed the role, which actinomycete bacteria can play to control root rot caused by S.   rolfsii , in the objective to reduce treatments with chemical fungicides.  相似文献   

Collar rot disease of betelvine (Piper betle L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii is difficult to control by conventional means by use of chemicals; therefore, use of biocontrol agents is desirable. In the present study, 186 bacterial strains of different morphological types were screened for their biocontrol activity against S. rolfsii under in vitro conditions. Two strains, Pseudomonas fluorescens NBRI-N6 and P. fluorescens NBRI-N, were selected for further studies because of their ability to inhibit the mycelial growth of the pathogen significantly. Spontaneous rifampicin-resistant (Rif) derivatives of P. fluorescens NBRI-N6 and P. fluorescens NBRI-N showing growth rate and membrane protein composition comparable to the wild type were selected to facilitate their monitoring in the rhizosphere. Field trials demonstrated that strain P. fluorescens NBRI-N6 was better than P. fluorescens NBRI-N in increasing the yield of betelvine significantly, whereas a consortium of the two strains controlled the disease more than either of the strains. The screening method should prove useful in identifying rhizosphere bacteria with the greatest potential for controlling diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae FF5 causes stem tip dieback disease on ornamental pear (Pyrus calleryana). Its genome encodes a complete type III secretion system (T3SS) and HopAC1, HopM1, AvrE1, HopI1, HopAA1, HopJ1, HopAH2, HopAH1, HopAG1, and HopAZ1. Lacking detectable homologues of other T3SS effectors, it may encode novel, undiscovered effectors.  相似文献   

Interactions between a naturally-collected algal species and strains of bacteria with which it was closely associated were examined under controlled conditions. Three strains of bacteria, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas and Flavobacterium, were isolated from Oscillatoria. These bacteria were grown in combination with axenic cultures of the Oscillatoria culture as well as with several additional algal species. Oscillatoria growth was stimulated by all of the bacteria, but other algal species varied in their response. Some were stimulated, but others were inhibited or unaffected by exposure to the bacterial strains. There were also observations indicating that some algae may be able to develop resistance to antagonistic bacteria. These data suggest that succession and dominance of individual algal species may be influenced by interactions with bacteria.  相似文献   

Aim: Development of a PCR‐RFLP assay that could reliably distinguish strains of Pythium myriotylum that are pathogenic to cocoyam from nonpathogens, as well as in planta detection of the pathogen. Methods and Results: Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA‐ITS) containing ITS1 and ITS2 of P. myriotylum isolates from cocoyam and other hosts were aligned and a restriction map was generated. rDNA‐ITS alignment report revealed a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; thymine/cytosine) downstream to previously published SNP (guanine/adenine) between isolates of Pmyriotylum that are pathogenic to cocoyam and nonpathogenic strains. This new SNP is within the restriction site of the endonuclease AarI. Based on this SNP, a PCR‐RFLP assay was developed for specific detection of P. myriotylum. The PCR amplicons of all isolates of P. myriotylum that infect cocoyam were cleaved by AarI, resulting to two bands (600/400 bp); but those from other hosts showed a single band (1000 bp), confirming the presence and specificity of the AarI restriction site. Also, the assay was effective in in planta detection of the pathogen on infected cocoyam roots without prior isolation of a pure culture. Conclusion: A PCR‐RFLP method was developed that differentiates isolates of P. myriotylum that are pathogenic to cocoyam from nonpathogens as well as from other fungi commonly found in the cocoyam rhizosphere. Significance and Impact of the Study: Early and rapid detection of the pathogen could be of great importance in certifying planting materials as disease‐free, enhancing sustainable management practices and limiting economic losses.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of various physical factors on the assessment of disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii using field and artificially infested soils. Lentil(Lens esculenta Moench) seedlings growing in trays or pots with sand were inoculated by surrounding them with a layer of soil infested with the pathogen. The number of dead plants was maximal within a 10-day period following inoculation. Seedling mortality increased with the number of sclerotia in the soil to a maximum that depended on seedling spacing, depth of the soil layer, and soil type.  相似文献   

In this study 284 isolates were isolated of apple trees' rhizosphere from Iran and 128 isolates were obtained from the collection of Research Department of Biological Control of University of Tehran. Four strains (P60, P61, P96, and P97) of Pseudomonas fluorescens were selected for greenhouse trials. The results of greenhouse trials showed dipping the crown and root of apple seedlings (MM106) combined with soil drench was more effective than dipping the crown and root on reducing the disease. After 6 weeks, strain P60 in dipping method combined with soil drench with 70% control, exhibited greatest effect on reducing the crown and root rot and was more effective than the fungicide metalaxyl-mancozeb. After 12 weeks, strains P60 and P96 in dipping method combined with soil drench with 55.6% and 44.5% control respectively, exhibited greatest effects on reducing the diseases Study of media on growth rate populations of effective strains exhibited that the beet molasses yeast extract (1:1) had more effect than nutrient broth(NB) medium. The initial high populations of powder formulations of strains P60 and P96 decreased during the storage at 4 and 25 degrees C over a 150-day period. In addition, formulations of strains stored at 4 degrees C had longer shelf life than those stored at 25 degrees C. In glasshouse trials, after 6 weeks, formulation of strain P60 and unformulated P60, obtained from NB medium and formulated P60, obtained from molasses yeast extract medium, and metalaxyl-mancozeb had highest effect on reducing the disease on apple rootstocks. After 12 weeks, formulation of strain P60 and unformulated bacteria obtained from both media, and metalaxyl-mancozeb with 57.1% control showed greatest effect on reducing the disease.  相似文献   

Seed treatment with iprodione at 125 and 150 g a.i./kg was superior to calomel seed treatment at 500 g a.i./kg in reducing disease losses and increasing yields in field experiments with salad onions infected with white rot; iprodione at 50, 62·5 and 100 g a.i./kg and thiophanate-methyl at 150 g a.i./kg were as effective as calomel. Furrow treatment with iprodione or thiophanate-methyl at 0·05 and 0·15 g a.i./m row or calomel at 0·5 g a.i./m row gave similar control as equivalent rates of seed treatment. Neither seed nor furrow treatments gave adequate control with prolonged exposure of the crop to the disease. A single stem base spray of iprodione at 0·0625 g a.i./m row applied 5 wk after drilling, reduced losses from 46% with a standard calomel seed treatment to 20%; increasing the stem base spray concentration to 0·25 g a.i./m row did not improve the control but resulted in a doubling of yields. The most effective control was obtained with iprodione applied as a seed treatment at 62·5 g a.i./kg combined with a single stem base spray at 0·0625 g a.i./m row 5 wk after drilling and this reduced losses to 6% compared with losses of 46% with calomel treated seed and 88% with untreated seed; increasing the stem base spray concentration did not improve control but resulted in higher yields.  相似文献   

Bacterial midrib rot of greenhouse-grown butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) is an emerging disease in Flanders (Belgium) and fluorescent pseudomonads are suspected to play an important role in the disease. Isolations from infected lettuces, collected from 14 commercial greenhouses in Flanders, yielded 149 isolates that were characterized polyphasically, which included morphological characteristics, pigmentation, pathogenicity tests by both injection and spraying of lettuce, LOPAT characteristics, FAME analysis, BOX-PCR fingerprinting, 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequencing, as well as DNA–DNA hybridization. Ninety-eight isolates (66%) exhibited a fluorescent pigmentation and were associated with the genus Pseudomonas. Fifty-five of them induced an HR+ (hypersensitive reaction in tobacco leaves) response. The other 43 fluorescent isolates were most probably saprophytic bacteria and about half of them were able to cause rot on potato tuber slices. BOX-PCR genomic fingerprinting was used to assess the genetic diversity of the Pseudomonas midrib rot isolates. The delineated BOX-PCR patterns matched quite well with Pseudomonas morphotypes defined on the basis of colony appearance and variation in fluorescent pigmentation. 16S rRNA and rpoB gene sequence analyses allowed most of the fluorescent isolates to be allocated to Pseudomonas, and they belonged to either the Pseudomonas fluorescens group, Pseudomonas putida group, or the Pseudomonas cichorii/syringae group. In particular, the isolates allocated to this latter group constituted the vast majority of HR+ isolates and were identified as P. cichorii by DNA–DNA hybridization. They were demonstrated by spray-inoculation tests on greenhouse-grown lettuce to induce the midrib rot disease and could be re-isolated from lesions of inoculated plants. Four HR+ non-fluorescent isolates associated with one sample that showed an atypical midrib rot were identified as Dickeya sp.  相似文献   

Iprodione applied to seed at 250 g a.i./kg controlled white rot in autumn-sown salad onions until July the following year, and reduced losses during the winter caused by Botrytis spp. At 25–150 g a.i./kg seed, iprodione controlled autumn and spring infections but it was less effective later in the summer. Treatment of autumn-sown onions at 50 g a.i./kg seed followed in March by a single stem base spray at 0.031 g a.i./m row (total rate c. 2.4 kg a.i./ha) gave complete control; seed treatment at 25 g a.i./kg followed by a stem base spray at 0.125 g a.i./m row (c. 4.5 kg a.i./ha) was equally effective. Four stem base sprays of iprodione at 0.075 g a.i./m row/spray (9 kg a.i./ha) applied in spring to plants raised from untreated seed, controlled spring and summer infections but yields were low because of losses caused by infection in the previous autumn. A single stem base spray of iprodione at 0.125 g a.i./m row applied in spring to plants raised from thiophanate-methyl treated seed at 125 g a.i./kg gave complete control and high yields.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is an important pathogen on canola. Due to the public concern over pesticide use, alternative methods of disease control, such as biological control, should be considered. Several bacterial strains were isolated from canola and soja plants. Inhibition of S. sclerotiorum by bacterial strains in vitro was assayed on PDA medium in dual culture test. Eight Pseudomonas sp. strains (PB-3, PB-4, PB-5, PB-6, PB-7, PB-8, PB-10 and PB-11) caused inhibition zone against 5. sclerotiorum hyphal growth. The biocontrol potential of the bacteria was tested in a plant assay. Disease suppression was investigated using a petal inoculation technique. Canola petals were pretreated with bacteria, and then inoculated with 5. sclerotiorum ascospores 24 h later. Greenhouse experiment showed that application of Pseudomonas sp. strains (1 x 10(8) cfu ml(-1)) effectively suppressed S. sclerotiorum (1 x 10(5) ascospores ml(-1)) on petals and all of them achieved significant (P<0.01) disease suppression. Fourteen days after inoculation, strain PB-3 had 88/7% disease control and strain PB-4 had 69/9% disease control. Result from all studies indicates PB-3 to be effective biocontrol against S. sclerotiorum of canola. PB-3, PB-4, PB-7, PB-8, PB-10 and PB-11 were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar III. PB-5 and PB-6 was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar II. Strains PB-3, PB-4, PB-6, PB-10 and PB-11 produced protease and HCN. Strain PB-5 produce protease; no HCN.  相似文献   

The virulence of 20 isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin to larvae of the leafminer, Aproaerema modicella, was tested in the laboratory. Leafminer larvae were sprayed with a standard concentration of 1×108 condia/mL of each B. bassiana isolate. All the B. bassiana isolates tested were pathogenic to A. modicella and the mortality varied between 16.7 and 68.9%. Beauveria bassiana isolate B2 was found to be the most virulent followed by isolate B4 which resulted in 59% mortality. Beauveria isolate B2 was selected for dose–response mortality studies with four different doses (1×102, 1×104, 1×106 and 1×108 conidia/mL). Among the various doses tested, 1×108 conidia/mL produced the highest mortality (70.7%). In addition, morphogenesis of the insect pest in all stages, larval, pupal and adult was greatly affected due to fungal infection. Further, B. bassiana isolate B2 and two Pseudomonas fluorescens strains, TDK1 and Pf1 were tested alone and in combination for suppression of groundnut leafminer and collar rot disease and promotion of plant growth and yield both under glasshouse and field conditions. The mixture of B. bassiana and P. fluorescens strains significantly reduced the leafminer and collar rot disease incidences when applied as talc-based formulation through seed, soil and foliar application under glasshouse and field conditions.  相似文献   

Ecologically significant symbiotic associations are frequently studied in isolation, but such studies of two-way interactions cannot always predict the responses of organisms in a community setting. To explore this issue, we adopt a community approach to examine the role of plant–microbial and insect–microbial symbioses in modulating a plant–herbivore interaction. Potato plants were grown under glass in controlled conditions and subjected to feeding from the potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae. By comparing plant growth in sterile, uncultivated and cultivated soils and the performance of M. euphorbiae clones with and without the facultative endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa, we provide evidence for complex indirect interactions between insect– and plant–microbial systems. Plant biomass responded positively to the live soil treatments, on average increasing by 15% relative to sterile soil, while aphid feeding produced shifts (increases in stem biomass and reductions in stolon biomass) in plant resource allocation irrespective of soil treatment. Aphid fecundity also responded to soil treatment with aphids on sterile soil exhibiting higher fecundities than those in the uncultivated treatment. The relative allocation of biomass to roots was reduced in the presence of aphids harbouring H. defensa compared with plants inoculated with H. defensa-free aphids and aphid-free control plants. This study provides evidence for the potential of plant and insect symbionts to shift the dynamics of plant–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of ammonium, calcium, potassium and sodium salts as possible alternatives to synthetic fungicides in the control of Geotrichum candidum, the causal agent of sour rot on carrots. In vitro mycelial growth of Gcandidum was completely halted by ammonium bicarbonate and carbonate; calcium oxide; potassium benzoate, carbonate and sorbate; sodium benzoate, carbonate and fluoride (2% w/v). Potassium and sodium bicarbonate also reduced mycelial growth by 77.78% and 90.60%, respectively, and the difference between the effects of sodium bicarbonate and the first group of salts was not statistically significant (p < 0.05). With the exception of potassium and sodium bicarbonate, the above‐mentioned salts also halted or strongly reduced arthrospore germination. Potassium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate, acetate and propionate significantly increased conidiation (p < 0.05). Of all the salts tested in vitro, only ammonium bicarbonate and carbonate, calcium oxide and sodium fluoride were toxic to Gcandidum. In in vivo studies, all the calcium salts tested (acetate, chloride, citrate, formate, lactate, oxide, propionate and silicate), several of the sodium salts (acetate, bicarbonate, chloride and fluoride) and potassium bicarbonate exhibited both protective and curative activity against Gcandidum, significantly reducing the severity of sour rot in comparison to pathogen‐inoculated controls (p < 0.05). Although no curative was observed with ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate, potassium carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium carbonate or sodium citrate, these salts also demonstrated significant protective activity against sour rot when compared to controls (p < 0.05). In sum, the study findings show that all of the selected salts may be used to control carrot sour rot, except for sodium fluoride, which exhibited phytotoxicity to carrots.  相似文献   

From comparison of the alignments of the internally transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA from Ganoderma associated with oil palm basal stem rot (BSR) and other Ganoderma species, two specific primer pairs were selected to provide a specific DNA amplification of pathogenic Ganoderma in oil palm. Each primer pair produced a single PCR product of about 450 bp (for primer pair IT1–IT2) and 334 bp (for primer pair IT1–IT3) when oil palm Ganoderma DNA was used. No PCR amplification product was observed when other Ganoderma species DNA was used in PCR amplification with these primer pairs. Three specific restriction enzyme sites were identified in the ITS and intergenic spacer (IGS1) regions. The restriction enzymes MluI, SacI and HinfI were used to digest the ITS-PCR product and restriction enzymes TfiI, ScaI and HincII were used to digest the IGS1-PCR product. Of the three restriction enzymes used in each rDNA region, MluI specifically digested the ITS regions, and TfiI specifically digested the IGS1 region of oil palm Ganoderma. Analysis of the published ITS nucleotide sequences of 31 Ganoderma species showed that the MluI restriction site was not present in other Ganoderma species. The use of both specific primers and restriction enzyme analysis can be applied as a standard protocol to identify pathogenic Ganoderma in oil palm. In this study, the use of specific primers and PCR-RFLP analyses of the rDNA gave consistent results for the characterisation of pathogenic Ganoderma, and indicated that Ganoderma strains associated with BSR disease in oil palms belong to a single species.  相似文献   

Bean is one of the major crops in Iran. Seed rot and damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani is the most important disease of bean. In this research, infected roots and seedlings of beans were collected from different fields of Tehran Province. The samples were sterilized with 10% sodium hypochloride (5% stock) and incubated on PDA surface in petri-dishes. The purified fungi kept on filter paper and identified, pathogenicity test of R. solani was carried out on 2 cultivars of bean (red bean cv. Naz and white bean cv. Dehghan) and it determined. For identification of the anastomosis groups, the discs of cultured media with 5 mm. diameter of standard AG placed on one side of microscopic slides covered with water agar (2%) of 1 mm. thick and the isolates of the fungus on another side of slide about 2 cm away from each other. Experiment carried out in 4 replications. The cultures were incubated in 25 +/- 1 degrees C incubator for 24 hours, then the mycelial contact stained with lactophenol, cotton blue and hyphal anastomosis looked for under the light microscope with 10 x 40 and 10 x 100 magnifications. As a result, anastomosis groups: AG4, AG4HGII, AG2-2-2B and AG6 determined, frequency of these groups were 64, 18, 2, 16%, respectively. The group AG6 and subgroups AG4HGII and AG2-2-2B are introduced as new anastomosis groups on bean in Iran.  相似文献   

The ascomycete class Pezizomycetes (single order Pezizales) is known for its cup‐shaped fruit bodies and the evolution of edible truffles and morels, but little is known about the ontogeny and ecology of this large and ecologically diverse fungal group. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Healy et al. ( 2013 ) make a great leap forward by describing and identifying asexual, anamorphic structures that produce mitotic spores in many ectomycorrhiza‐forming truffle and nontruffle species on soil surfaces worldwide (Fig.  1 ). Although such anamorphic forms have been reported sporadically from certain ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic Pezizomycetes (e.g. Warcup 1990 ), Healy et al. ( 2013 ) demonstrate that these terricolous asexual forms are both taxonomically and geographically more widespread and, in fact, much more common than previously understood. We anticipate that deeper insight into other substrates, provided by molecular analyses of materials such as dead wood and seeds, is likely to reveal numerous anamorphs of saprotrophic and pathogenic Pezizomycetes as well (see Marek et al. 2009 ).  相似文献   

The current research aims to find out different effective and suitable fungicides, botanical extracts and bio-control agents against Cladosporium cladosporioides, the causal agent of Cladosporium rot in grapes. For this purpose, different fungicides including, Antracol, Alliette, Melody duo, Cabriotop and Topsin-M at the rates of 100, 200 and 300 ppm, as well as botanical extracts including, Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Eucalyptus and Neem at the rates of 5, 10 and 15% were tested using food poisoning method. Bio-control agents such as Pestalotiopsis sp., Neurospora sp., Fusarium sp., Arthrinium sp. and Hypocrea lixii were also evaluated against the pathogen. Pathogenicity test was also performed to see the disease severity in grapes. Minimum linear colony growth of C. cladosporioides was observed as 39, 30.5 and 21 mm for Melody duo, respectively followed by Antracol (38.5, 30.5 and 23), Alliette (39, 31.5 and 23.5), Topsin-m (42, 33 and 27.5) and cabriotop (43.5, 36.5 and 26), as compared with the control, which was 90 mm. Whereas Minimum linear colony growth of C. cladosporioides was observed as 50, 32.5 and 19 for Neem, respectively followed by Ginger (56.5, 36.5 and 22.5), Garlic (61, 39 and 24), euclayptus (62, 41.5 and 25) and Onion (64, 43 and 25), maximum linear colony growth (90) was observed under control. Whereas, the minimum linear colony growth of C. cladosporioides was observed for Neurospora sp. (3.7), followed by Arthrinium sp. (7.5), Pestalotiopsis sp. (9), Hypocrea Lixii (9) and Fusarium sp. (9.5), maximum linear colony growth (90) was recorded in control. This study could be helpful for researchers and farming community in future for better management of this disease.  相似文献   

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