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Organized bacterial communities, or biofilms, provide an important reservoir for persistent cells that are inaccessible or tolerant to antibiotics. Curli pili are cell-surface structures produced by certain bacteria and have been implicated in biofilm formation in these species. In order to determine whether these structures, which were suggested to be encoded by the Rv3312A (mtp) gene, have a similar role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we generated a Δmtp mutant and a mtp-complemented strain of a clinical isolate of M. tuberculosis and analyzed these strains for their ability to produce pili in comparison to the wild-type strain. Phenotypic analysis by transmission electron microscopy proved the essentiality of mtp for piliation in M. tuberculosis. We then compared biofilm formation of the derived strains in detergent-free Sauton’s media. Biofilm mass was quantified spectrophotometrically using crystal violet. Furthermore, we examined mtp gene expression by quantitative real-time PCR in wild-type cells grown under biofilm versus planktonic growth conditions. We found a 68.4 % reduction in biofilm mass in the mutant compared to the wild-type strain (P = 0.002). Complementation of the mutant resulted in a restoration of the wild-type biofilm phenotype (P = 0.022). We, however, found no significant difference between mtp expression in cells of the biofilm to those growing planktonically. Our findings highlight a crucial, but non-specific, role of pili in the biofilm lifestyle of M. tuberculosis and indicate that they may represent an important target for the development of therapeutics to attenuate biofilm formation, thereby potentially reducing persistence.  相似文献   

The last steps of the biosynthesis of mycolic acids, essential and specific lipids of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related bacteria, are catalyzed by proteins encoded by the fadD32-pks13-accD4 cluster. Here, we produced and purified an active form of the Pks13 polyketide synthase, with a phosphopantetheinyl (P-pant) arm at both positions Ser-55 and Ser-1266 of its two acyl carrier protein (ACP) domains. Combination of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry of protein tryptic digests and radiolabeling experiments showed that, in vitro, the enzyme specifically loads long-chain 2-carboxyacyl-CoA substrates onto the P-pant arm of its C-terminal ACP domain via the acyltransferase domain. The acyl-AMPs produced by the FadD32 enzyme are specifically transferred onto the ketosynthase domain after binding to the P-pant moiety of the N-terminal ACP domain of Pks13 (N-ACPPks13). Unexpectedly, however, the latter step requires the presence of active FadD32. Thus, the couple FadD32-(N-ACPPks13) composes the initiation module of the mycolic condensation system. Pks13 ultimately condenses the two loaded fatty acyl chains to produce α-alkyl β-ketoacids, the precursors of mycolic acids. The developed in vitro assay will constitute a strategic tool for antimycobacterial drug screening.Mycolic acids, α-branched and β-hydroxylated fatty acids of unusual chain length (C30-C90), are the hallmark of the Corynebacterineae suborder that includes the causative agents of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and leprosy (Mycobacterium leprae). Members of each genus biosynthesize mycolic acids of specific chain lengths, a feature used in taxonomy. For example, Corynebacterium holds the simplest prototypes (C32-C36), called “corynomycolic acids,” which result from an enzymatic condensation between two regular size fatty acids (C16–C18). In contrast, the longest mycolates (C60-C90) are the products of condensation between a very long meromycolic chain (C40-C60) and a shorter α-chain (C22-C26) (1). These so-called “eumycolic acids” are found in mycobacteria and display various structural features present on the meromycolic chain. Eumycolic acids are major and essential components of the mycobacterial envelope where they contribute to the formation of the outer membrane (2, 3) that plays a crucial role in the permeability of the envelope. They also impact on the pathogenicity of some mycobacterial species (4).The first in vitro mycolate biosynthesis assays have been developed using Corynebacterium cell-wall extracts in the presence of a radioactive precursor (5, 6) and have brought key information about this pathway. Yet, any attempt to fractionate these extracts to identify the proteins involved has ended in failure. Later, enzymes catalyzing the formation of the meromycolic chain and the introduction of functions have been discovered with the help of novel molecular biology tools (for review, see Ref. 1), culminating with the identification of the putative operon fadD32-pks13-accD4 that encodes enzymes implicated in the mycolic condensation step in both corynebacteria and mycobacteria (see Fig. 1) (79). AccD4, a putative carboxyltransferase, associates at least with the AccA3 subunit to form an acyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)3 complex that most likely activates, through a C2-carboxylation step, the extender unit to be condensed with the meromycolic chain (see Fig. 1). In Corynebacterium glutamicum, the carboxylase would metabolize a C16 substrate (8, 10), whereas in M. tuberculosis the purified complex AccA3-AccD4 was shown to carboxylate C24-C26 acyl-CoAs (11). Furthermore, FadD32, predicted to belong to a new class of long-chain acyl-AMP ligases (FAAL) (12), is most likely required for the activation of the meromycolic chain prior to the condensation reaction. At last, the cmrA gene controls the reduction of the β-keto function to yield the final mycolic motif (13) (see Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Proposed scheme for the biosynthesis of mycolic acids. The asymmetrical carbons of the mycolic motif have a R,R configuration. R1-CO, meromycolic chain; R2, branch chain. In mycobacteria, R1-CO = C40-C60 and R2 = C20-C24; in corynebacteria, R1-CO = C16-C18 and R2 = C14-C16; X1, unknown acceptor of the mycolic α-alkyl β-ketoacyl chains; X2, unknown acceptor of the mycolic acyl chains.Although the enzymatic properties of the ACC complex have been well characterized (9, 11), those of Pks13 and FadD32 are poorly or not described. Pks13 is a type I polyketide synthase (PKS) made of a minimal module holding ketosynthase (KS), acyltransferase (AT), and acyl carrier protein (ACP) domains, and additional N-terminal ACP and C-terminal thioesterase domains (Fig. 1). Its ACP domains are naturally activated by the 4′-phosphopantetheinyl (P-pant) transferase PptT (14). The P-pant arm has the general function of carrying the substrate acyl chain via a thioester bond involving its terminal thiol group. In the present article we report the purification of a soluble activated form of the large Pks13 protein. For the first time, the loading mechanisms of both types of substrates on specific domains of the PKS were investigated. We describe a unique catalytic mechanism of the Pks13-FadD32 enzymatic couple and the development of an in vitro condensation assay that generates the formation of α-alkyl β-ketoacids, the precursors of mycolic acids.  相似文献   

目的研究结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mtb)脂蛋白Rv1016c在Mtb感染和结核病发病中的作用和机制。方法将Mtb脂蛋白Rv1016c基因导入野生耻垢分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium smegmatis, MS)构建重组菌株MS-Rv1016c,比较脂蛋白Rv1016c对菌体生长、成膜能力、细菌聚集、毒力等方面的影响,评估重组菌株MS-Rv1016c对自噬的影响。结果 Rv1016c基因的导入,因过表达脂蛋白使得MS的菌落变大、褶皱增加,使菌体聚集度降低,使细菌成膜速度加快、生物被膜产量增加;Rv1016c显著抑制巨噬细胞自噬,促进细菌在细胞内持留。结论 Rv1016c能够促进MS生物被膜形成,抑制细胞自噬,增强细菌毒力。为研究脂蛋白在Mtb致病机理中的作用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

To investigate the pre-vacuolar secretory pathway in Candida albicans, we cloned and analyzed the C. albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS1. C. albicans VPS1 encodes a predicted 694-aa dynamin-like GTPase that is 73.3% similar to S. cerevisiae Vps1p. Plasmids bearing C. albicans VPS1 complemented the temperature-sensitive growth, abnormal class F vacuolar morphology, and carboxypeptidase missorting of a S. cerevisiae vps1 null mutant. To study VPS1 function in C. albicans, a conditional mutant strain (tetR-VPS1) was generated by deleting the first allele of VPS1 and placing the second allele under control of a tetracycline-regulatable promoter. With doxycycline, the tetR-VPS1 mutant was hyper-susceptible to sub-inhibitory concentrations of fluconazole, but not amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, or non-specific osmotic stresses. The repressed tetR-VPS1 mutant was defective in filamentation and secreted less extracellular protease activity. Biofilm production and filamentation within the biofilm were markedly reduced. These results suggest that C. albicans VPS1 has a key role in several important virulence-related phenotypes.  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)是引起结核病的病原菌。其处于持续生存的休眠状态时,可导致长期无症状感染,称为结核潜伏感染。研究显示,结核分枝杆菌染色体中存在大量 “毒素-抗毒素系统”(toxin-antitoxin system,TAS),某些TAS在潜伏感染中发挥作用,可调节细菌生长和诱导细菌进入休眠状态;某些TAS参与生物膜形成和应激反应,但其影响生物膜形成的机制尚未阐明。生物膜中的结核分枝杆菌对多种抗结核药物耐药,且能抵抗宿主免疫系统防御;休眠状态的结核分枝杆菌对抗结核药物通常也是耐受的,给结核病治疗带来了巨大挑战。本文就近年来结核分枝杆菌TAS与生物膜的研究及抗结核药物对生物膜形成的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome has revealed a remarkable array of polyketide synthases (PKSs); however, no polyketide product has been isolated thus far. Most of the PKS genes have been implicated in the biosynthesis of complex lipids. We report here the characterization of two novel type III PKSs from M. tuberculosis that are involved in the biosynthesis of long-chain alpha-pyrones. Measurement of steady-state kinetic parameters demonstrated that the catalytic efficiency of PKS18 protein was severalfold higher for long-chain acyl-coenzyme A substrates as compared with the small-chain precursors. The specificity of PKS18 and PKS11 proteins toward long-chain aliphatic acyl-coenzyme A (C12 to C20) substrates is unprecedented in the chalcone synthase (CHS) family of condensing enzymes. Based on comparative modeling studies, we propose that these proteins might have evolved by fusing the catalytic machinery of CHS and beta-ketoacyl synthases, the two evolutionarily related members with conserved thiolase fold. The mechanistic and structural importance of several active site residues, as predicted by our structural model, was investigated by performing site-directed mutagenesis. The functional identification of diverse catalytic activity in mycobacterial type III PKSs provide a fascinating example of metabolite divergence in CHS-like proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract The emergence of the nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) as clinically relevant pathogens has warranted the study of these ubiquitous organisms in the context of their likely environmental niche, the biofilm. We assayed the NTM bacterium Mycobacterium marinum strain 1218R, a fish outbreak isolate, for biofilm formation on different surfaces over time using three different methods. Using the MBEC system, biofilm development occurred continually over the 14-day culture period reaching a mature or stable biofilm state after 7 days postinoculation. Quantification of M. marinum biofilm formation on high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polycarbonate (PC) and silicon (Si) coupons over a 14-day period was evaluated using a continuous flow reactor system. M. marinum developed biofilms on all of the surfaces tested. However, substantially more biofilm accumulated on the silicon than on the other substrates (Si>HDPE>PC) under the same growth conditions indicating that silicon was the most effective substratum studied for the generation of M. marinum biofilms and suggesting a correlation between surface hydrophobicity and attachment. Finally, confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to visualize M. marinum biofilm development in situ over time and revealed an unusual biofilm ultrastructure. Large cell clusters attached to the surface grew in parallel sinuous arrays of cells that formed large cords.  相似文献   

Lim YJ  Choi JA  Choi HH  Cho SN  Kim HJ  Jo EK  Park JK  Song CH 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28531


Apoptosis is thought to play a role in host defenses against intracellular pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), by preventing the release of intracellular components and the spread of mycobacterial infection. This study aims to investigate the role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress mediated apoptosis in mycobacteria infected macrophages.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we demonstrate that ER stress-induced apoptosis is associated with Mtb H37Rv-induced cell death of Raw264.7 murine macrophages. We have shown that Mtb H37Rv induced apoptosis are involved in activation of caspase-12, which resides on the cytoplasmic district of the ER. Mtb infection increase levels of other ER stress indicators in a time-dependent manner. Phosphorylation of eIF2α was decreased gradually after Mtb H37Rv infection signifying that Mtb H37Rv infection may affect eIF2α phosphorylation in an attempt to survive within macrophages. Interestingly, the survival of mycobacteria in macrophages was enhanced by silencing CHOP expression. In contrast, survival rate of mycobacteria was reduced by phosphorylation of the eIF2α. Futhermore, the levels of ROS, NO or CHOP expression were significantly increased by live Mtb H37Rv compared to heat-killed Mtb H37Rv indicating that live Mtb H37Rv could induce ER stress response.


These findings indicate that eIF2α/CHOP pathway may influence intracellular survival of Mtb H37Rv in macrophages and only live Mtb H37Rv can induce ER stress response. The data support the ER stress pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis and persistence of mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the main causative agent of human tuberculosis, is transmitted from person to person via small droplets containing very few bacteria. Optimizing the chance to seed in the lungs is therefore a major adaptation to favor survival and dissemination in the human population. Here we used TnSeq to identify genes important for the early events leading to bacterial seeding in the lungs. Beside several genes encoding known virulence factors, we found three new candidates not previously described: rv0180c, rv1779c and rv1592c. We focused on the gene, rv0180c, of unknown function. First, we found that deletion of rv0180c in M. tuberculosis substantially reduced the initiation of infection in the lungs of mice. Next, we established that Rv0180c enhances entry into macrophages through the use of complement-receptor 3 (CR3), a major phagocytic receptor for M. tuberculosis. Silencing CR3 or blocking the CR3 lectin site abolished the difference in entry between the wild-type parental strain and the Δrv0180c::km mutant. However, we detected no difference in the production of both CR3-known carbohydrate ligands (glucan, arabinomannan, mannan), CR3-modulating lipids (phthiocerol dimycocerosate), or proteins in the capsule of the Δrv0180c::km mutant in comparison to the wild-type or complemented strains. By contrast, we established that Rv0180c contributes to the functionality of the bacterial cell envelope regarding resistance to toxic molecule attack and cell shape. This alteration of bacterial shape could impair the engagement of membrane receptors that M. tuberculosis uses to invade host cells, and open a new perspective on the modulation of bacterial infectivity.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are broadly disbursed in the environment. They have been recovered from freshwater, seawater, wastewater and even potable water samples and are increasingly associated with non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease. There is scant evidence that non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and RGM form biofilms. Therefore, an experimental system was designed to assess the ability of RGM to form biofilms under controlled laboratory conditions. A flat plate reactor flow cell was attached to either a high or low nutrient reservoir and monitored by image analysis over time. Two surfaces were chosen for assessment of biofilm growth: silastic which is commonly used in medical settings and high density polyethylene (HDPE) which is prevalent in water distribution systems. The results show that Mycobacterium fortuitum and M. chelonae formed biofilms under both high and low nutrient conditions on both surfaces studied. These results suggest that RGM may form biofilms under a variety of conditions in industrial and medical environments.  相似文献   

We describe a Mycobacterium smegmatis mutant with impaired biofilm and smegma formation. A gene homologous to Escherichia coli bacA, which has been proposed to play a role as undecaprenyl phosphokinase (Upk) was unmarked in-frame deleted from M. smegmatis. Though Upk is involved in cell wall synthesis, the surface of the mutant strain appeared virtually comparable to that of the wild type by electron microscopy. The absence of Upk influenced colony morphology and bacitracin resistance. The M. smegmatis Deltaupk mutant developed a biofilm characterized by scattered islands of bacteria distinct from the completely covered biofilm surface observed for wild-type bacteria. We further demonstrate biological consequences of upk deletion for smegma development in an in vivo model. These results suggest the upk gene to be essential in biofilm and smegma development.  相似文献   

Sequencing of serial isolates of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis highlights how drug resistance develops within a single patient and reveals unexpected levels of pathogen diversity.Tuberculosis (TB) remains a crucial public health problem, with increasing drug resistance posing a challenge to current control efforts. Treatment regimens for drug-susceptible TB are onerous, requiring a minimum of six months of treatment with four antitubercular drugs. There are patients who develop multi-drug-resistant (MDR), extensively drug-resistant (XDR) and totally drug-resistant (TDR) forms, which are successively more difficult to treat. In these circumstances, treatment regimens involve the use of a larger number of less-effective drugs, which have a narrower therapeutic margin.In many bacteria, drug-resistance determinants are carried on mobile genetic elements. However, in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), drug resistance is exclusively associated with point mutations and chromosomal rearrangements. Poor or intermittent therapy has long been thought to be the major explanation for drug resistance, and it is believed that drug-resistant strains develop through the sequential fixation of a small set of mutations, such that the pathogen samples only a small proportion of possible evolutionary paths [1].The application of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has revealed previously underappreciated levels of genetic diversity within circulating Mtb populations, and the implications of this diversity for transmission and disease outcomes are increasingly being acknowledged. By contrast, mycobacterial heterogeneity within a single host, and any concomitant biological or clinical significance, has been explored but seldom documented.In a study published in this issue of Genome Biology, Eldholm and colleagues apply WGS to investigate the evolution from drug-sensitive to XDR-TB within a single patient [2]. This adds to an emerging body of evidence that suggests that intra-host microbial diversity is substantial and might have significant consequences when inferring transmission. There are few instances, if any, in the literature where this has been investigated in such detail.  相似文献   

The interaction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with surfaces has been described as a two-stage process requiring distinct signaling events and the reciprocal modulation of small RNAs (sRNAs). However, little is known regarding the relationship between sRNA-modulating pathways active under planktonic or surface-associated growth conditions. Here, we demonstrate that SagS (PA2824), the cognate sensor of HptB, links sRNA-modulating activities via the Gac/HptB/Rsm system postattachment to the signal transduction network BfiSR, previously demonstrated to be required for the development of P. aeruginosa. Consistent with the role of SagS in the GacA-dependent HtpB signaling pathway, inactivation of sagS resulted in hyperattachment, an HptB-dependent increase in rsmYZ, increased Psl polysaccharide production, and increased virulence. Moreover, sagS inactivation rescued attachment but abrogated biofilm formation by the ΔgacA and ΔhptB mutant strains. The ΔsagS strain was impaired in biofilm formation at a stage similar to that of the previously described two-component system BfiSR. Expression of bfiR but not bfiS restored ΔsagS biofilm formation independently of rsmYZ. We demonstrate that SagS interacts directly with BfiS and only indirectly with BfiR, with the direct and specific interaction between these two membrane-bound sensors resulting in the modulation of the phosphorylation state of BfiS in a growth-mode-dependent manner. SagS plays an important role in P. aeruginosa virulence in a manner opposite to that of BfiS. Our findings indicate that SagS acts as a switch by linking the GacA-dependent sensory system under planktonic conditions to the suppression of sRNAs postattachment and to BfiSR, required for the development of P. aeruginosa biofilms, in a sequential and stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

Boshoff HI  Reed MB  Barry CE  Mizrahi V 《Cell》2003,113(2):183-193
The presence of multiple copies of the major replicative DNA polymerase (DnaE) in some organisms, including important pathogens and symbionts, has remained an unresolved enigma. We postulated that one copy might participate in error-prone DNA repair synthesis. We found that UV irradiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis results in increased mutation frequency in the surviving fraction. We identified dnaE2 as a gene that is upregulated in vitro by several DNA damaging agents, as well as during infection of mice. Loss of this protein reduces both survival of the bacillus after UV irradiation and the virulence of the organism in mice. Our data suggest that DnaE2, and not a member of the Y family of error-prone DNA polymerases, is the primary mediator of survival through inducible mutagenesis and can contribute directly to the emergence of drug resistance in vivo. These results may indicate a potential new target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

LecA (PA-IL) is a cytotoxic lectin and adhesin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa which binds hydrophobic galactosides with high specificity and affinity. By using a lecA-egfp translation fusion and immunoblot analysis of the biofilm extracellular matrix, we show that lecA is expressed in biofilm-grown cells. In static biofilm assays on both polystyrene and stainless steel, biofilm depth and surface coverage was reduced by mutation of lecA and enhanced in the LecA-overproducing strain PAO-P47. Biofilm surface coverage by the parent strain, PAO-P47 but not the lecA mutant on steel coupons was also inhibited by growth in the presence of either isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) or p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-galactoside (NPG). Furthermore, mature wild-type biofilms formed in the absence of these hydrophobic galactosides could be dispersed by the addition of IPTG. In contrast, addition of p-nitrophenyl-alpha-L-fucose (NPF) which has a high affinity for the P. aeruginosa LecB (PA-IIL) lectin had no effect on biofilm formation or dispersal. Planktonic growth of P. aeruginosa PAO1 was unaffected by the presence of IPTG, NPG or NPF, nor was the strain able to utilize these sugars as carbon sources, suggesting that the observed effects on biofilm formation were due to the competitive inhibition of LecA-ligand binding. Similar results were also obtained for biofilms grown under dynamic flow conditions on steel coupons, suggesting that LecA contributes to P. aeruginosa biofilm architecture under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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